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Everything posted by AZRawPig

  1. Well. ..Well. ..how to lose that innocence with a Masterpiece of manhood. You really hit the MOTHER LOAD. Your adventure is moving in exactly the right direction for a weekend of pure animal lust for the both of you. I feel like We are right next to you on this incredible journey. Don't over rationalize this adventure. Strap yourself in for the fantasy's and depraved pleasure's you have conjured up for yourself. This is your fantasy. .really through your own energy's.
  2. Definitely interested in exactly the same types of scenes with you. You got my attention completely. No Taboos between ourselves while RIDING this RUSH. 

  3. Definitely interested in exactly the same types of scenes. Breeding action while becoming each other's fantasy's. Totally uninhibited session's together. 

  4. Take ORLANDO on with ALL your muscles and sexual energy's. 

  5. Hard question for anyone to answer. I personally have friends that have wonderful loving relationship's. They're basically VANILLA. My relationship with them is about understanding their need for ONE of the partner need's an outlet for his primal needs. Yes, its beyond their VANILLA sessions. But at least the other half knows me and I return their other half back without interfering in their stable loving household. All party's know there's no emotional interference here. You can have options;but, everyone must be completely clear up front.
  6. That's really ? music to me. It means it's ? time to lock ourselves away for the start of very intense actions over a period of time. Just don't want to get disturbed by anything. The door's for some serious Fuckn hard has just been opened for the both of us. FANTASY'S will be done. .completely uninhibited session's
  7. Battle of the CUMDUMP'S sound's very interesting to me. Especially when you have Viagra and Trimix in the mix. Whenever I have entertained this wonderful group There's something surprising that occurs. Its like being in a sexual arena for gladiators. Its beyond my wildest fantasy's.
  8. Totally interested in exactly the same types of actions with other like minded SEXUAL ADDICTS. Especially those who practices the ? ARTS as ONE BODY. 


  9. Riding the Rush together; while expressing each other's darkest,  depraved fantasy's. While becoming ONE, SEXUALLY CHARGED BEAST. Let the flood gate's of HORUS open themselves to enter ourselves to the next dimension. Taken ourselves to the 7th power. SEXUAL MAGICK is flowing. ? 

    1. ejaculaTe


      Lord knows that's what I try to do. But some of these weak-willed boys [men] here could frustrate an entire college football or basketball team. Finding someone who thinks -- and acts -- along the same lines as you or I do is like winning the state lottery. (Ten second brag -- I have recently found a couple of guys like that. The 40-something guy and I are now pretty tight [as in FWB]. The 30-something I met last week. He's totally twisted, but I managed to work some magic on him, making his hole twitch even more and his eyes get as big as saucers.)

    2. AZRawPig


      Fuck!  There's nothing better than being with some else who practices SEXUAL MAGICK!  Flip flops during the rituals. ..RIDING the RUSH completely uninhibited session's. Now that's hitting the MOTHER LOAD of SEXUAL ENERGY'S. FEEDING OFF EACH OTHER'S POWERS. Sign me up for the BROTHERHOOD. Let's expand our efforts. I also have a few trained member's. 

  10. I really like being with other like minded pig's. Who can be completely uninhibited without any taboos between themselves. 

  11. Thank you! Thank you! That's exactly what I am talking about too.That's when you can tell completely that someone's assholes are being used. Look into those eyes and they turn into SEXUAL LUST!
  12. Nice start for getting on board
  13. YOU definitely got my attention!  There's nothing better than exploring another fb who can sharing pushing each other's limits an inhibitions.  Challenging our manhood until; its sweaty, raunchy and totally...depraved.

  14. AL PARKER! Fuck'n YEAH! He's on the top of the list ...his movie's were very inspirational for an ARMY of MEN. I use to have over 3 foot lockers loaded with porno but; they became a major burden to haul them all the time to different locations. A buddy of mine, asked for them and was glad to receive them along with ALL of my LEATHER'S; TOYS, SLINGS and other equipment. Down sizing was my excuse; because, my former didn't like ALL those things in the house. I had the privileged of meeting lots of Porn Stars and CUM DUMP'S...but, NOW. Just enjoying a more peaceful type of LIFE...Ha! Ha! Had you fooled!
  15. STAND in LINE for that hungry hole....That's ONE outstanding piece of manhood that needs to be used 24/7.
  16. YES, having the right mix for GROUPS can be challenging. But, they are possible. If you have some regular fb's that can become your base of your GROUP...then add on individuals as your GROUP continues to GROW. Also, invite visitors that like GROUPS as some NEW talent who like to get totally sleazy and piggy with everyone. It's like putting together a puzzle. YOU know who you would like to share with some of your friends and they might someone they would like to share with YOU. I make it a policy never to invite couples or anyone that's looking for a hook up for a 1 on 1. I generally make sure I get rid of them immediately. Be conscious of the flow of energy within your group. If something isn't flowing with everyone; perhaps, you have a problem inside your group. Whenever, I'm creating a group or an event. I have them arrive separately on the hour. to make sure that they will mix in with the group. If everyone comes at the same time. Then no one feels special. It's an ART of put together a nasty, raunchy group of Versatile pigs. Just remember, you are the ONE that's taking control of the situation. Therefore, if someone doesn't work out...ask them to leave. That's why you are in charge. Someone has to take control...so if you want a good group make it yourself. Also, if you are going to the baths and there's a flow of sexual energy's between you and a few fellas...rent a hotel room and continue that way, too. My largest group action have been up to 28 fellas who were from different locations, cities and country's...so the mix was definitely planned to bring about the BEST of ALL talent, together. ..
  17. It's great hearing about various issues with this situation. I feel, you definitely have to watch your diet and know how your body is regulated. When I'm doing a long weekend type of scene I definitely watch what I eat and have the proper vitamins and drinks to hydrate myself throughout the scenes. Diet...liquid nourishment...something that keeps you healthy and full of energy without producing by products inside your body. I generally have a mixture to keep my focus and energy up for long sessions. Also, enough for those who are joining me, too. we don't want any health issues doing or after our sessions.
  18. I really like being with other like minded pig's. Who can be completely uninhibited without any taboos between themselves. 

  19. Great sharing your feeling's on this subject. Because it's really good being completely up front on this subject.
  20. Now that's exactly my type of friendship. Being completely free without any inhibitions.
  21. My type of action with other like minded pig's. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AZRawPig
    3. ejaculaTe


      Let me strongly recommend hungrypighole's blog. You just about think you're in the room, maze, sauna, etc. with him, and he totally captures the ambience of the baths. His description in one entry of the pillow cases is so true to life, you'll just shake your head in awe at his writing. And you can go back to the entries a month or a year later, and the writing will hit you as being just as fresh and hot as it was on your first reading. Spending a night at the baths with hungrypighole would definitely be a night to remember -- if you could move in the morning.

    4. hungrypighole


      Thanks ejaculaTe.  Appreciate your praise!

  22. Definitely into breeding your ass for a few days. Gang bang buddy. 

  23. Into the same types of actions with like minded pig's. 

  24. Great sharing fellas! But afterwards when you're BOTH dripping wet from taking cocks and load's together. That's when you're both needed to be ready for fuckn hard each other even more. Because the endorphins are really sleazy great now. This party is now ready to get started hardcore scene's.
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