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Everything posted by AZRawPig

  1. You deserve more cocks like that so it becomes easier for you each time.
  2. Sounds like a great time for everyone. Let's see how deep you can get.
  3. Don't rush this process; because, you will find someone that will take you to this place and you will OPEN yourself UP like a flower to be plucked. ONCE that happens...you are on the road to be a SEXUAL being. There's nothing wrong with being able to express yourself SEXUALLY in all areas as long as you and whoever; you are with are feeling good about the exchange. Why prevent yourself from enjoying...cocks, loads...and also giving them back too. It's all part of the flow of nature.
  4. NOW that's what I've been saying for a long time. Most fellas when they are caught in the passion of fuck'n...it doesn't matter who's depositing their cocks or loads into you. YOU ONLY want MORE...and who care's who's doing it. As long as it feels good so you can get MORE. The BEST session's I've encounter in a darkroom was with a bunch of fellas who didn't know who was fuck'n...who...the ONLY think I was hearing, feeling and experiencing was MORE, loads being given, moans, grunts...sloppy...cum drip'n...all over the place...sweaty...body's...flip flop'n...with their Viagra or Trimix cocks loaded to find a sloppy willing hole to deposit their cocks and loads. Keep the labels outside and just FUCK until; everyone has sloppy, cum dripping holes.... That's why I like long weekend fuck parTy's...by that time...all holes looks alike and all cocks need to find a place to deposit their loads.
  5. Keep you wet sloppy holes filled for an entire weekend...NO COCKS refused or loads ...just be a piece of MEAT to be used an abused.

    1. AZRawPig


      Got to get back to my fuck'n...NOW!  Been fuck'n all weekend...breaking in new pigs...and pushing their limits...great talent around here...for parTy's...to become major CUM DUMP'S in the future with the proper training...and guidance. 

  6. Great party. ..that's exactly what we do regularly around here too. 

  7. Now, that's the real question I've been asking too. If there's some sloppy buddy's with wet dripping holes. Wouldn't it be better to deposit your loads into his opening That could turn out to be the best FUCK scenes ever. Especially when the juice's are flowing HOT and HEAVY for everyone. Now all inhibitions have been dropped and something sleazy and raunchy can be the best release for everyone.
  8. Steve Great expose on this subject. Too bad that illusions have replaced reality. Most realistically are only dreaming about size. When confronted with the real thing..it's too big or too rough or too whatever. Take a pill and ride whatever comes your way. When twenty questions start. ..now we're going to be charging by the inch, okay. That's the real world.
  9. ParTy'n with enhancements. ..with FB's that's just as sleazy as myself. 

  10. ? love fuckn together in DALLAS 

    1. AZRawPig


      That's exactly what I want for a weekend. 

    2. mancunthole


      My pussy is yours.

    3. workmyhole


      We could have lots of fun in Dallas

  11. My pre cum is dripping now fucker
  12. Practice. ..practice until you're both completely nasty together. I have a regular friendship with a couple that visits from Brazil. One is white the other black ; before they arrive I prepare myself with large dildo action. They're into SM/ BD scenes together with me. So, their visits are very intense over days. I'm always prepared for their intense, rough and hardcore service.
  13. How about spending a whole weekend taking cocks and load's from a group of friends. You would be the guest of honor. Bend over ...
  14. Let's put you over the type with promoting a GANG BANG for YOU, soon.
  15. Just had a couple of buddy's returning home from the Folsom Berlin...they also had a great time, there.  I miss accompanying them; because, they are fuck'n pigs that look like something from those video's...DARKALLEY.COM  crowd.

    Their private party's are totally unbelievable...with a strong guest list for the totally depraved and hardcore types.  


    1. AZRawPig


      Here's a buddy that proves being a CUM DUMP is the ONLY way to enjoy lots of cocks and loads.


    2. RawLeather


      OINK.  Would love to attend one of their gatherings.  Fuckin love being a cum dump!!!!

  16. http://store.treasureislandmedia.com/CUMJUNKIE.html becoming CUM JUNKIE'S together without any taboos ...is the ONLY way to push our limits
  17. http://store.treasureislandmedia.com/CUMJUNKIE.html

    This is an example of a long weekend fuckfeast:  CUM JUNKIE

    It can ONLY get better with time.

  18. http://store.treasureislandmedia.com/CUMJUNKIE.html

    CUM JUNKIE is an example of the type of weekend fuckfeast that brings out the BEAST in everyone.   NO TABOOS...the nastiest fucker with the MOST cocks and loads gets RAPED by everyone there.




  19. http://store.treasureislandmedia.com/CUMJUNKIE.html CUM JUNKIE is the example of my type of action with other like minded pigs over a long weekend together. The nastiest fucker gets RAPED by everyone as his reward to getting the most cocks and loads.
  20. CUM JUNKIE is the type of action that drives me to do long weekend fuckfeast with other pigs. Then the nastiest fucker gets RAPED by everyone! http://store.treasureislandmedia.com/CUMJUNKIE.html
  21. http://sketchysex.com/episode.php?id=131
    CAN'T GET ENOUGH action for US...always...begging for MORE...

    1. ronnie4u


      FUCKING  HOT  !  

  22. The rougher together without any inhibitions brings out the BEAST.
  23. My type of scenes!  Pushing each other's limits until we're completely nasty, wet, riding the rush together without any inhibitions between ourselves. 

    1. AZRawPig


      Great photos. ..especially when looking for talent. 

    2. AZRawPig



      This is the type of action I would be sharing with YOU and other like minded pigs. Flip flop'n...until; We are BOTH drip'n with each other's juices.

  24. I became a sleazy fuckn ? when my ex had me entertaining himself and his friends regularly for business deals. Never enough of anything your perverted mind can imagine. Escorts and hookers was available alot. Fantasy's were the norm...but; after all types of scenes. The best was available for me as a reward. So, the next step was to enjoy being a cumdump for my pleasure. When your day's and night's ran together it was easy.
  25. That's exactly my attitude too. Get more cocks and loads gets your hunger more interesting. NEXT!
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