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Everything posted by AZRawPig

  1. Had attended some great blackout party's in LA with friends in the industry. Never enough time when you get into these session's. 

  2. Anyway as long as it can last over very long periods on time. ..days. .weekend. ..with friends.
  3. Thanks for your story and the scorpion tats. I am addicted to tattoo body's and can't get enough. I don't have any for personal reasons. But Liv them as much as SEX.
  4. Now that's really the way scene's take place bringing in an unknown factor. ..then day's later everything falls in place.
  5. Great place to entertain a few friends for a few days. 

  6. Great attitude! There's nothing better than being a total pig.
  7. Congratulations for your reply! I was in Paris with a former from Holland. We always share the best times together. We meet a hustler from SENEGAL with the biggest cock on a human being. He was so large that even the FRENCH WHORES wouldn't let him fuck them. So, he could only get fuckd. I put this cock on my shoulder and pet it like a baby. Yes, there's monsters out there. However, I've seen some eastern European cocks that would drive a size queen insane too. Big cocks are everywhere, if you like getting ripped up.
  8. Thank you for your very powerful input on this subject. I personally feel that there's a physical, mental as well as a spiritual bonus in being a good cumdump. Lately I've notice that no matter how many types you are able to satisfy. What's in it for you? And how can I assimilate these session's into a prolong surge of power an energy for my personal need's. I like knowing myself!
  9. Thank you for your input on this subject. I've been asking that same question to other like minded pig's. Mainly because is being a cumdump a physical or an emotional addiction. And after you've got all the attention. How do you feel about being sexual aggressive to a fuck buddy to satisfy your cock's need?
  10. My favorite video: TONY AND BOYHOUS These two shows exactly what having raunchy. rough and hardcore bareback, rimn and fisting is about. Look in the eyes for the connection they have together. Its almost addictive.
  11. Great attitude!  It's refreshing about other's with the same appetite. 

  12. Now, that's a service more couple's need to have for themselves. You are very talented.
  13. Definitely! It's ? great being with kindred partners that can enjoy as well encourage you to express yourself. Help sharing a BOND of manhood. You are also a mentor for those who ask for opinions, too.
  14. Anytime!  Thanks for following me. 

    1. PigOut


      Very welcome dude!

  15. Always up for a challenge with other's like myself. 

    1. PigOut


      You would certainly be fun to make challenges with!

  16. ? I prefer invitation ONLY GANG BANG'S myself to weed out the uncontrollable player's who don't understand very basic rules. Its not brain surgery fellas. You know why you are there grease yourself up and enjoy it.
  17. You are a extremely knowledgeable individual that continues to amaze me. Refreshing!
  18. Sound's like a pig's fantasy lifestyle. More chapter's soon I hope. It was getting really good.
  19. Very interested in exploring lots of scenes with others who likes to give and receive. Challenge each other's limits. 

  20. GREAT storytelling!  It's obvious you do a lot of cycling yourself and know how to get athletically; built partners in the process.  MORE!  MORE!

  21. Practice and lots of playing around really help's with hitting the right spot perfectly on each try. I had a fuck buddy with the same problem. The ONLY way he was able to get around that issue came from us playing around more frequently and his ability in positioning everything in the right entry perfectly on each try. Yes...practice does it.
  22. Definitely interested in exploring the same scenes with you and other like minded pig's. ALL limits are left outside the door's of pure depravity and animal lusts together.
  23. Fuckn outstanding!  Always interested in knowing other sleazy pig's. 

  24. You'll be ONE OUTSTANDING challenge to pushing each other's limits beyond the norm. NO TABOOS BETWEEN US. 

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