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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Actually, the Eiffel Tower wasn’t anything to look at back then when I was there - it was covered in scaffolding and closed to the public. Every flippin’ place we went in northern Europe all the major landmarks were covered in scaffolding; there was some sort of multi-national push to clean off all the soot left over from the Industrial Revolution, apparently. Money to wash the tourist spots, but none, it seemed, to clear away the mounds of garbage stinking up the Rue de Hard Luck. I just pulled out the old travel journal in which I took notes from that trip. My younger self noted that the Parisians around him were “seedy as a pomegranate.”
  2. I was decades younger on my one trip to Paris (as a teen in the ‘80s), but two things stand out in my mind from the experience: We arrived in town as the sun was setting, and the bus pulled up and let us out at the balustrade overlooking the “City of Lights” at the Sacre Coeur. I had time for one look across the vista before my gaze fell upon the Parisian couple standing four feet away from me - with both his hands buried so far down the front of her pants that there was only one place his fingers could have gone. I distinctly remember thinking to myself, “Ah. So this is Paris.” The next morning when we ventured forth from our (very shoddy and uncomfortable) hotel, the very first thing I spied was a 20-something skinhead urinating a long stream directly into the street, not far from a huge pile of uncollected bags of garbage. The place had a stench that persisted everywhere. I’m afraid I was such a late bloomer that I don’t have any stories of sexual adventure from that trip across Europe, but I can tell you that from Britain all the way to the edge of Turkey, Paris was the one place I found so unpleasant I have no desire to ever see again. Why some people seem to wax romantic about it baffles me.
  3. I get very little pleasure from using a dildo on myself, so very seldom do. But whenever I go slut myself out at the baths or a hotel, I take one particular dildo with me that’s like an 8”, thick, realistic cock, and leave it out next to the lube. At least once a session a guy will come in and fuck me with the dildo, usually as deep as they can possibly push it, and often as brutally as they can piston it in and out of me. I have one regular in Louisville, a young guy, who loves raping my cunt repeatedly with it in and out as fast as he can go. In terms of the effect this treatment has on my fuckhole, I count a thorough dildo railing as a legitimate fucking - but - I will take even a small, narrow cock over any dildo, hands down, every time. The difference is so great that it makes the phrase “realistic dildo” self-contradictory. There simply is no substitute for cock.
  4. Here’s the main reason I have difficulty with the idea of ‘whoring’ or ‘pimping’ out a Top. Like @CuriousDallas, the guys who seek out bottoms for their Tops are generally doing it for someone they are close to. By contrast, the general sense of whoring out a bottom is that the whoring is something done to the bottom, who may or may not be known to the Top. The difference lies partly in the perceived value of the sex role, and by extension its place in the masculine power structure. One cannot easily attach a term like “ten-cent whore” to a Top in the way one can a bottom; Tops are much too highly valued. Bottoms, regardless of an individual’s skill, are not, simply because of their ubiquity. And the contradiction has often been noted of the fact that a promiscuous Top is usually considered a ‘stud’ (praiseworthy) whilst a promiscuous bottom is considered a ‘slut’ (not). As often as not, the kind of Top who truly enjoys whoring out a bottom in spite of all the effort involved is not doing it for the bottom, but rather for the titillation and sense of power he gains for himself in controlling how and when and by whom another man is fucked. The same kind of gratification would be very difficult to achieve with a Top, because the pimp’s control would be limited by the subject’s ability to keep an erection, meaning he has no satisfactory control at all. There must be a better term for what these bottom guys do for their Tops than ‘whoring out’ - I just haven’t found it yet...
  5. This is the wrong crowd for this question - it would be better to ask if we ever get enough. (No.) If human Tops produced cum at a volume equivalent to equine stallions - an average of 1/3 to 1/2 cup per ejaculation - then maybe there might be some talk of getting full. As it stands, guys usually manage about a tenth of that. The only thing that ever makes me quit is check-out time at the hotel or the bathhouse.
  6. I’m always pushing for depth, trying to angle for the position where there’s nothing left of him that isn’t inside me. Paradise is when he finds that spot, puts his whole weight into it, and just locks it in for a few seconds - only surpassed by the moment he pulls back and then drives that shaft back into place and deepens his violation of me with the force of his surging seed. There’s no such thing as too deep.
  7. Another thing I forgot to mention: Hash marks. I always take an indelible marker with me in my kit when I go to the baths, like a Sharpie. I leave it out next to the lube where the Tops can get it. After I take my first load, if the Top doesn’t do it himself, I’ll make an obvious tic mark on my ass to count the fuck I just took. As I take more, the tics line up, and I cross through each group with the fifth stroke. It quickly becomes obvious what they mean, and they signal that you’re a slut that takes cock in quantity. One thing to note, though - even these “permanent” markers are no match for a steam room, and you may have to refresh your tics after you steam, or they’ll start to disappear. My count last CumUnion: ||||\ ||||\ ||||.
  8. I wouldn’t have thought it would occur to most bottoms to try to pimp a top simply because of the question of performance. A bottom properly conditioned can take cock repeatedly for hours and on demand; a Top, however, is subject to various factors that can prevent performance at any given time, so can’t be expected to put out in the way a bottom could. In that sense, it’s really not accurate to say that pimping works both ways.
  9. If you rent a room at the bathhouse, it’s easy - lie on your bed with your ass up facing the door, and leave the door open. If you’re just wandering, wear a jockstrap so they know your fun zone is in the rear. And don’t walk around draped in your towel. If they can’t see your ass, they’re not going to go for it.
  10. If you’re quite finished gathering us all together into the same porn-theater-in-your-head, allow me to inform you that you are mistaken. 1) This thread has nothing to do with equality; it’s about signalling sexual interest and availability. 2) A bottom is not just a hole? You haven’t read many threads here, have you? 3) This discussion isn’t about porn, but about customs in online connecting for hookups - an activity that is not illustrated in porn because of its primarily text-based nature. 4) Do you often walk into crowded meeting-places and announce to everyone present that “You are all very Wrong”? How is that working out for you? To the OP: Last week a Grindr boy hit me up with “dik pic”. I replied, “Why would a total bottom have a dick pick?” He answered, “bc I wanna see it” Right. I’ll remember from now on to make and keep at the ready a full collection of nude details of my entire body just to distribute to pic-collecting fappers on the internet. Not.
  11. When I was first getting experience as a male submissive, I paid a visit to a Dom in Cincinnati who was over-fond of finger-fucking. I remember it well because he had me bent over the back of a chair with my bare ass skyward and roped in place. He them proceeded to finger-fuck my hole for hours. At one point I got to where I was ready for him to stop, and said so. He ignored me completely and kept right on finger-fucking me. That day I learned what submission actually means. I also picked up a distinct dislike of finger-fucking. Yet every single time a man encounters my ass in the position of submission, he’ll stick a finger in my cunt. Okay, fine, I can accept that you want to test the waters before committing your cock, precious as it is. But every now and again a man will thrust his finger intp my ass, crook it into a hook shape inside my body, and then proceed to swirl this evil thing 360 degrees in my rectum. I presume this is to hook out cum loads, but listen and listen carefully, all of you - STOP DOING THAT. It hurts. And while you’re at it, would it kill you to trim your nails? Jeebus...
  12. The irony is that none of those three issues would matter to them in a darkroom.
  13. I haven’t experienced this one personally, but I’ve seen many an ad specifying “No fats”. I’m sure our gravity-challenged brothers face a disproportionate share of rejection, chubby-chasers notwithstanding,
  14. If you count being HIV positive as something out of a person’s control, then I have, multiple times. I was rejected over it at the baths tonight, in fact. The guy knew about Undetectable = Untransmittable but he still wanted no part of me. I’m used to it now; no matter whether a cure emerges or not, the Enemy Virus leaves a scar.
  15. Three months ago I was working with a 21-year-old Top. At one point he acted like he didn’t grasp something I had told him, and said, “I’m dumb as a box of rocks.” I replied, “No, you’re not. You’re clever, and you’re not fooling me in any way.” I realized he was trying to snare me into becoming a bead on his string of sugar daddies, and he had apparently learned that pretending to be dumb and feckless along with young and hung was a winning combo with older men. Except it didn’t work on me. There were too many inconsistencies. His vocabulary, for one thing, did not come from a box of rocks. And he was too well-informed about different topics to be a gravel-brain. When I told him he was clever, he gave me a look that was a mixture of puzzlement and irritation, but he fucked me anyway, for the last time, as it happened. The last message I had from him read: ”You’re frustrating.” Always do what you’re best at, that’s what I say. But was he right in thinking that a young guy is better off presenting to older men as young, dumb and full of cum?
  16. We’re hearing from several bottoms speculating on why Tops wreck holes, but this topic Is meant primarily for those doing the wrecking to explain why they do it. Any more Tops have insight to share?
  17. Euphemisms standing for what? What words could they be gentler expressions of? I actually think that they could be dysphemisms - harsher words intentionally chosen in place of more neutral ones - used to emphasize the context of male (penetrative) power and control. But then, I’m just as hard-pressed to come up with words less extreme meaning the same thing. All in all, ‘wrecked’ and ‘destroyed’ seem to have gained popular usage simply because they are the most accurate words. As to a sense of permanence, I believe that must be a matter of individual perception. When I hear a Top speak of wrecking a hole, I don’t get the sense that he intends to permanently injure and incapacitate the bottom. To do so would be the work of a disturbed mind, and a criminal act. I don’t think that’s what we’re talking about here, and certainly not what I was asking about. (If you do try to permanently sideline bottoms, I don’t need you to tell me why you do it, I already know - you’re dogbarking crazy.) There have been some very interesting insight in this thread so far. What I also want to know is how you signal to the kinds of Tops who wreck holes that your hole is a target for wrecking? What marks a hole as wreckable, or in need of destruction?
  18. Hookup Paradox: “How many loads do you have in you?” Sometimes this is even the Top’s first message! You only have a 50/50 chance of answering this correctly, yet I find it getting asked so frequently it’s almost universal. There’s no way of knowing whether the Top wants an unfucked hole, or wants to make sure it’s loose and sloppy. I’ve seen a preference for cummy holes occasionally mentioned in a profile here or there, but it’s not common. I’ve decided that for that cohort of nimrods I am going to have at the ready a special collection of images to send: images of ice picks, toothpicks, guitar picks, lock picks, garden picks, etc. I’ll also send them to those assholes whose first rude, demanding, entitled message is just “pics”.
  19. I’ve never used Uber myself, but two different times when I’ve hotel hosted, Uber drivers who have dropped a fare off either at the hotel or nearby have taken the time to stop in for a quick fuck. It’s worth noting that the German über (over) is related to German oberer (upper), related to German oben (top)(!). Those Über Men can oben me any time... 😃
  20. I understand what you’re trying to say here, but the way you put it necessarily implies that being gay is a choice. You could have equally said, “Why choose to be gay if you’re a top?” The answer, of course, is that Tops don’t choose to find themselves same-sex attracted, they just are. And their psychological makeup predisposes them more to dominance, aggression, and masculine roles - hence, Topping comes naturally to them. None of it is a matter of premeditated choice (at least at first) and there is no ‘point’ to be made by it. One might ask what’s the point of my having a big cock if I’m a total bottom? While I would agree that it’s a tragic waste of a good cock, and that I would probably have a lot more fun at the baths if I was vers, It’s not really a question of choice. I was born with this cock, and without one gene of sexual dominance in my body. Go figure. All I know is that it gives Tops an extra handle to grab onto when they’re fucking me sideways... 🙂
  21. I have at least one anal orgasm every single time I get fucked unless it’s a 10-second-and-done job. Sometimes more. Sometimes many more. My trainer saw to that, and now there is a certain Top who seeks me out at the baths because he relishes concentrating on my assring just to force O after O out of me until I’m begging him to stop. He’ll only quit when the intensity builds to a full-body-clenching whiteout shuddering climax - and I still won’t have shot a drop. He makes me keep my eyes open for most of them. He’s a terror. If a fuck is long and/or rough, I’d say about 60% of the time I’ll end up with a prostate orgasm as well, and lose a load of my own cum into the sheets. I love it when that happens and the Top is nowhere near finished, because I can tell he’s going to break me completely... As to an ordinary ejaculatory hands-free orgasm (HFO among the stimmers) that almost never happens with me. It’s not impossible, it’s happened before, and I was within just a stroke or three of it a few weeks ago, but I think it requires exactly the right cock to be concentrated on the right area for an extended time - a precise combination of factors very seldom met. But when it happens, that Top will know it. An orgasm like that for me is violent... and loud.
  22. I tire of this really quickly. It starts with a big set-up, exchange of pics (if I’m feeling tolerant), and discussion of how horny they are, and then in comes: ”But I’m not mobile. Can you lend me some cash for an Uber/give me a couple of bucks for gas?/Come and get me?” Now I just tell them that I don’t provide transport, just ass. (To the last guy who said “Can you call me an Uber?” I said, “You’re an Uber.”) And every. single. time. I host, without fail, I’ll get a Grindr hit from some 20-something who sends a pic of his big cock and the gettin’-down-to-bizniss message ‘got money?’ - or some other variation on ‘are you generous?’ I’m actually starting to enjoy those because I immediately follow up with a pic of my freshly bred ass - with another Man’s hand on it - and reply, “Darlin’, this ass doesn’t need to pay for sex. Ever.” It usually shuts them up at once. I figure, the day I discover that I would have to pay someone to service them is the day I hang it up for good. The OP, however, obviously should have little trouble getting pretty much any cock he wants, so I think he can confidently stand his ground in this situation.
  23. For some reason I seem to have a thing for the letter F... I’d love the honor of servicing @flacogedor and @find91, and although I’ve already been privileged to be bred multiple times by @FelchingPisser, I live in hope of another encounter. @bbbearlover1 would be an honor to go ass-up for, too. And I get a special kind of tingle, deep down inside, when I think about giving it up for @PERVERSATILE. Not that I’m worthy of so much as a slap on the ass by any of these Men or Men of their caliber - but a guy can dream... 🙂
  24. In my case, I’m not far from the notorious sex-oasis-in-the-middle-of-Nowhere ABS on I-65 in Kentucky (God help me) and right across the interstate is a great big truck stop, always super busy. And there are *always* two or three semis parked around the back of the building where the ABS is. But they don’t want people loitering around in their parking lot (for obvious reasons) and I’ve never seen anyone getting into or out of a cab there. But then, my modus operandi doesn’t seem to work very well in the ABS environment, so there could be a whirlwind of salacious come-hithering going on all around me and I would probably be oblivious to it.
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