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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. The year has started out slow. April in particular didn’t turn out the way it did last year. As of May 31, I’m at only 58 year-to-date. I may have to travel to a major city to reach the numbers of Tops I feel I should be servicing.
  2. My nipples seem to have built-in fuses - a little gentle flicking can rev me up, but one sharp pinch or bite, and the fuse blows - my whole libido shuts down. Getting them pierced was both a blessing and a curse because they felt great but every Top who saw them suddenly wanted to bite them...
  3. Some of us do indeed take our role as total bottoms very seriously - in every setting. It may surprise you to learn that some of us don’t get ourselves off at all after an evening of service. We just go home when the Tops are satisfied. Our role isn’t “threatened” by fucking another man - it simply isn’t a service we offer. We’re not afraid to do it; it just has zero to do with who we are or why we’re there. I think your confusion on this issue would be less if all those bottoms who do occasionally Top would stop calling themselves “total” bottoms. By definition, they’re not - they’re vers bottoms. Your comments would make more sense applied to that group. But there is a population of us true, non-vers, total bottoms about whom your assertions are simply mistaken.
  4. ErosWired’s 34-Load weekend wasn’t planned, nor was it at a major event. It was at a gay campground, but tallies like that are the exception there rather than the rule. For me, the stars just aligned to make me the centerpiece of two separate gangbangs in the space of about 12 hours. So I count myself fortunate to have had the Dawson experience. That being said, I was also fucked 24 times at my first CumUnion in Indianapolis and I didn’t really think of it as a Dawson experience at all - I only thought about the satisfaction that so many Tops were served. The difference is that the first experience happened before I was trained, and the second happened afterward. A bottom who actively seeks a Dawson experience is seeking it for his own gratification, it seems to me... or worse yet, for bragging rights. I think @LetsPOZBreed is right, that bottoms trying to accomplish this through apps over the Internet are very likely to be frustrated. But more than that, I can say from experience that for many (if not most) bottoms, even if they did succeed it would be a case of being careful what you wish for. Twenty fucks is a lot of use if you’re not accustomed to taking cock in volume, and not every ass can handle it. I’m very grateful to every Top who pushed me a little harder, stretched me a little wider, pounded me a little rougher, or even gave me a painful fuck, because they gave me the endurance to serve the way I do now. I no longer count success in loads taken, but in Tops satisfied. I think if more bottoms shared that focus - and every committed service bottom should - they would have a lot less frustration.
  5. The thought of Topping kills my arousal. Some of you guys wish every bottom would flip and fuck you, but no amount of wishing by you is going to make some of us versatile. It’s just not. Sorry. That’s a fantasy. I have penetrated another man before, but it was always a constant, and ultimately futile, struggle to stay hard. I have never had an orgasm doing so. I no longer try. It isn’t what I’m meant for. I’m a total bottom and feel no imperative to meet anyone’s expectation otherwise. There are plenty of Tops who enjoy my cunt just as it is. Some of us are not vers, and we’re not going to change, and that’s all there is to it. I’m glad for those who can enjoy flipping - you’re bound to get more action. But I’m not going to be fulfilling your fantasy.
  6. When I’m in service to Men, which is basically whenever one wants me, In every way that matters I’m just a cunt for use. Anything else that I am is just an extension of that cunthole. Often when I’m being bred, I have the sensation that the sensations running through my cunt are running through my whole body, and in that moment I realize the truth that I actually am just a cunt. It feels absolutely natural to me.
  7. Does this mean that they can get mediocre ass whenever they want it, but are dissatisfied with the quality? I suppose “quality” must be a very subjective term in this context. It’s too bad there isn’t a universal quality rating scale for cunt - we could have a row of stars tattooed on our asses. Quite a few Tops have commented on my “quality” ass. Yet last night in Louisville, five separate Tops - five - flaked on me in a row, two of them after having texted “On my way” (?!). One of these had “Ultimate Top” as his username. After that cavalier treatment, I packed up my ass an hour early and went home. One guy hit me up at the very last minute, and when I said I was all ready to check out of the hotel, he said, “But I need it”. It seems like I always get some guy wanting me to stretch my schedule to accommodate him. If a Top in Louisville had to rub one out instead of getting a great piece of ass last night, it was his fault and not mine. To everybody who does it - and you know who you are - Quit fucking flaking. Just stop. There’s no excuse for it. You’re hurting everyone’s ability to get laid every time you do it... including your own. Show a little integrity, for God’s sake.
  8. The first time I had sex with another man, he Topped me. It felt absolutely right, and completely natural for me. All my experience, and my training, since then has just reinforced this core truth about me - one of the purposes for which I was born is to take cock in my ass.
  9. We sometimes read posts by Tops who talk about how they enjoy “wrecking” or “destroying” a bottom’s hole. If you’re one of these, can you explain why you do this? Is it done simply for your own pleasure, or because you believe the bottom needs or wants it, or is it just because you can? If you’ve found a choice cunt, why leave it unable to service? I have been heavily used, but to my knowledge no Top has ever tried to destroy my hole. I’m just curious why some Tops seem to enjoy this.
  10. This question is specifically for Tops - Are you always able to tap ass on demand, or are there times when you have to go without because of locality or other reasons? If you have ready access, do you have a ready pool of bottoms from which you can select your choice of the best, or do you have to take what’s on offer even if it wouldn’t be your first choice? I believe that with as much willing ass as there is, no Top should ever have to masturbate - I’m just interested to see how well that theory works out in reality.
  11. On my last trip to Indianapolis, one of the guys who fucked me in my hotel room bred me and unloaded in me, then went to wash up. He left his phone next to me on the bed, and I noticed that the active screen was his camera, set to video mode, and set to stop filming. I have no idea how much of our fuck he shot, or whether he caught any views of my face. I remember him asking me things like, “You love taking cock, don’t you?” and “You’ll take any cock, won’t you, slut?” I answered with the truth, of course, and now I think he probably just asked that to get some dialogue on his vid. I just know there’s a young black dude out there somewhere with proof that I take cock and cum up my ass - and love it.
  12. While the idea of such a contractual arrangement may be exciting, actually entering into one would be, to say the least, unwise. Giving a stranger access and control over your finances is an excellent way to find yourself broke and homeless. If you’re going to pay the man to abuse you, what is to stop him from draining your accounts and then end the contract because you can no longer pay him? Plus, you cannot release him to commit criminal acts against you by waiver. If you had hired a man to kill you in lieu of suicide, that man would still face a murder charge no matter what kind of agreement you signed - in fact, it would be worse for him because it would be proof of premeditation. If you agree that you can’t have sex without his consent, what if he simply decides to withhold consent for the duration of the contract? Hey, he’s getting paid whether you have sex or not, and it saves him the trouble of having to get involved in your sex life. And you would have no recourse if that’s all the contract specifies. If you meet a man who wants to sign you up for something like this, don’t walk away - run.
  13. Actually, this article is a response to the absence of universally accepted ethical standards for copyeditors, although it does suggest a number of common-sense principles. I am a published writer, and have been a copy editor in several settings. I have shared a couple of stories here, though I never looked to see if they had been edited. Even if they have been edited by staff, I would not be terribly outraged. I would be far more torn up if someone claimed my writing as his own than from someone tinkering with my text. Were the writers here under contract to write, or being in some way compensated, their right to see their work published without edits would be more compromised. That is not, however, the case. Still, that does not mean that RawTOP must publish all submissions to his own site regardless of style, content or quality. It is his site, and he may maintain such standard as he chooses, just as any other publisher does. Some sites go so far as to state in their terms of service that any material posted becomes the property of the site, in whole and in part, for any use the site chooses. In such places, user content can be manipulated in any way without any consultation with the user, nor any recourse. I do not believe that this site attempts to exercise that level of control. In my view, there should be a stickied post, conspicuously marked, advising any prospective poster of original fiction to these boards that all such entries are subject to editing by staff, and explain the purposes and circumstances of such editing. That way, a writer may make an informed choice whether or not to contribute to the fiction in the forum. This is a privately run website. Publication of our individual stories is not a right, but a service extended to us by the site owner, to allow us to share stories of a type that might not find acceptance elsewhere. If we choose to take advantage of this service, we must expect to abide by any terms of this service (and there’s no free lunch, guys). As long as those terms are clear, our freedom of choice is not compromised - we may share, or not share, our individual stories as we choose. If the site owner values that content, and his policies prove so onerous that no more content is posted, then the terms may change, but it will still be our free choice whether or not to make use of the service.
  14. This is a peripheral annoyance to bathhouses, but I have no patience for guys who chat you up online about a fuck, and then not only complain that they have no money to get in to the bathhouse, but then ask if you want to pay their way! I had this happen twice today.
  15. @Cumslutbottomm - I find your question unanswerable because you don’t define “ugly”. But then, how could you? It’s a purely subjective criterion. You do, however, associate “older” with “ugly”, thereby making inference that it is age-related characteristics that render an individual “ugly”. Have you considered the possibility that other, less visible aspects of older men are what attract you to them, rather than appearanced - traits like wisdom, confidence, and know-how?
  16. For me, it’s inconsiderate people in general, which takes in a lot of what others have already posted here. I have examples, though. At the bathhouse I go to, men frequently unscrew the lightbulb around the bend in the steamroom - perfectly safe of course where you’re naked in an environment with wall-to-wall dripping water - just to get a semi-darkroom. But if some big or old guy gets back there and the heat becomes more than he can handle, nobody would ever notice his distress. Same thing with the way they insist on piling up into fellatio-clusters right at the bend so no one can pass in or out. I know this all makes me sound like a bit of a tool, but public safety was part of my job, and I care about these things. Besides, nothing can close a fun place down quicker than a visit by a Fire Marshal who judges a place unsafe. I’ve watched that happen to a BDSM playroom. The competitive bottoms thing continues to baffle me. I’ve had them take signs off my room door and put them in the garbage, erase notes written about me on the chalkboards (nice compliments like “Room 301 - Great Ass”), and cockblock me in the steam room. And while I’m at it, what’s with these guys who come upon an inviting ass, insert a finger, bend it into a hook, and twist it in a rapid circle inside? Would you all please stop doing that? And for the love of Christmas, trim your friggin’ nails before you go poking around in there. Attention Tops: If you find me at the bathhouse, You are entitled to fuck me. I will turn no one away. But the responsibility of presenting a cock erect enough to penetrate me is on you. Please stop trying to stuff me with noodles. On a related note, the frequency at which I’m seeing Tops whiffing poppers at the bathhouse is just getting ridiculous. Gentlemen - POPPERS KILL BONERS. It’s science, men, and even if you’re virile enough to withstand a snort or two, if you keep going, they will deflate you. Trust me. I’ve yet to meet a Top who could keep it rigid. (I’m not annoyed at these Tops - I love Tops. I just get frustrated when I can’t give them the best ass possible. 🙂. )
  17. Not only this, but you get bottom guys who will outright advertise that “vers guys are accepted but I will be the exclusive bottom”. Nothing screams ‘selfish asshole’ quite the way that does, to my ear.
  18. If a Top wishes to rim me, it’s not something I can refuse. I honestly believe any Man is entitled to the sexual use of my ass at any time, for whatever purpose. My tongue, however, has limitations - I try not to rim if I can avoid it, because of my compromised immune status. It doesn’t matter how much you douche, there’s no such thing as a “clean” ass in terms of microorganisms, and there are some - not classified as STDs (shigella, for instance) - that I simply can’t risk getting. Plus, my jaw doesn’t open very wide, so I find it tedious. Getting rimmed is not tedious. It flips my slut switch instantly. It’s almost like a hit of poppers to me. A Top can rim me for hours, or at least until I can’t take another anal orgasm (that’s actually happened).
  19. Because that will definitely stamp out all the smuttiness and keep those Michiganders respectable! Yep. Just like this dry county I’m in keeps all the men in church. (The local moonshiners do a brisk trade, I’m told.)
  20. Saline is absorbed by the body and your sac returns to its normal size. Silicone is not absorbed by the body - and it can do horrible things to you. Check out the ⚠️ FDA warning about silicone injections: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwjOhNaXuYniAhVKMqwKHcuxCBAQzPwBCAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.allure.com%2Fstory%2Ffda-warning-silicone-injections-dangerous&psig=AOvVaw3QCQDsT5NLwqCsgFFfp-b5&ust=1557319453203133
  21. I’ve never heard of an ABS that isn’t open 24 hours - how do they stay in business? Are they the only one in a 100-mile radius?
  22. The removal of personals from Craigslist was in response to federal legislation intended to target human trafficking, and the effect is global. There is an extensive thread on this topic here on BZ - try doing a search on “Craigslist” using the search function in the General Discussion category, and you should find it.
  23. Is it possible that it being a holiday weekend, people’s plans had already been made for travel, family, or more conventional parties? It wouldn’t surprise me if, as @bbzh says, listings are waning because people are realizing it’s mainly a way of collecting flakes. Personally, I’ve just recently made the decision to give no second chances regardless of circumstances - the damn flaking has got to come to a stop somehow, and the only way that will ever happen is if there are consequences. Myself, the few times I’ve ever tried to list a party, I’ve gotten very poor response. The definition of stupid is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result each time, so I just gave it up.
  24. Regarding the nipple piercings, by “a decent sized piercing” I assume you’re referring to the gauge of the hardware you’ll be wearing. While I believe it is possible to modify your nipples somewhat with long-term suction, the result will be an increase in length rather than in the diameter of your areolas. No matter what size nipples you have, you’re not going to be starting out with a thick gauge piercing - you’ll start out relatively small, and then work your way up to your target gauge through a series of stretchings - a process that takes months or even years depending on your body’s ability to heal and adapt. Nipple piercings are not to be taken lightly. I have an ampallang - a steel bar through my cockhead - and getting that tickled compared to having my nipples pierced. I saw stars.
  25. A: I’ve never been able to get a firm image of under-stall coitus in my head. One imagines prior experience in yoga is required. B: They have sex in Britain? I thought all that was shipped out to the colonies under Victoria. Is there a Ministry for Naughty Bits now? (Full disclosure: My ancestry is 100% British Isles, so my sluttiness had to come from somewhere...)
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