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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. @drscorpio - I have noticed that in copying/cutting and pasting from within the same dialog here on site, the result after save appears to be one or two font sizes larger than the original, though that isn’t obvious during composition. Like this. Selecting the Plain Text option does resolve the issue, but one would think working from within a single post on the system editor would not produce the problem. Perhaps a style setting somewhere is off by a couple of numbers?
  2. Taking a fist is an acquired skill that requires conditioning over time if you want to do it successfully and avoid injury. Remember that the human anus is not designed to easily pass objects of large diameter like a fist or foream. It requires time and patience - from both the Top and the bottom - to arrive at a level of successful physical tolerance. Impatience and force will result in pain and possible damage that may require surgery to repair. I can attest to this - a Top once was a bit too eager to shove a large metal plug up my ass, and I had an anal fissure - and later the surgery - to show for it. I have myself fisted only one man (at his insistence), with great caution, and only because he had been working his ring for months to prepare for it, and my hands aren’t huge. I still haven’t personally taken a fist. The closest I’ve ever come was at November CumUnion when a Top and his partner worked my ass slowly and methodically for nearly an hour. Then he said, “If I had another hour, we’d be in.” He gave me his card and told me to contact him the next time I’m in Indy and we’ll take all the time we need. He was the first Top to ever demonstrate the patience I would have to see to let someone put his hand inside me. I’ll probably take him up on it, because I was on Cloud Fucking Nine while he was doing it, and only with a few whiffs of poppers. Which brings me to the second part: Doing it whilst high as a kite on T and your blood pressure in the basement from “plenty” of poppers is a Terrible idea (see what I did there? ? ) You need to be alert enough and attuned enough to your body to know when to pause and when to stop. Your Top can’t feel what you’ve feeling, and may try to push on through before your body’s ready. Some poppers may be useful in relaxing your soft muscle tissue, but use only what you need. Is he going to be able to insert up to his elbow on your first fisting? That depends - are you going to be unconscious? Are you impervious to pain? Will you mind wearing a colostomy bag, and does your health insurance cover stupidity? If you can’t answer all of these questions affirmatively, then No. Go easy.
  3. That would never work for me - I would immediately think of Veruca Salt throwing a tantrum, or Violet Beauregard swelling up like a blueberry, and the mood would be lost. I probably also would not be able to keep from giggling at the Top, and that never ends well. Whoever said that must have had a fetish for dwarfs. Orange ones. With green hair.
  4. As I think about it, I cannot remember a single time that a man has gone to the trouble of starting up “mood music” prior to using me. Maybe I just don’t attract romantic - or for that matter musical - Tops. Music doesn’t do a thing for me during sex. I can say, though, that a choice of music can be dicey - earlier this year at the bathhouse I was being very ably penetrated when the house speakers began playing “Muskrat Love” by The Captain & Tenniel. The combination did not conjure a sense of “fucking like weasels”.
  5. The behaviors demonstrated in the video segment are clear (and egregious) violations of the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), which covers health care providers who work with patients’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII), including pharmacies. Violations may result in civil fines from $100 for a single violation to up to a total of $1.5 million for identical violations in a calendar year. Employers are required to have a policy regarding discipline for employees who violate HIPAA. Disciplinary measures may range from a verbal warning to dismissal. A pharmacy with an employee like the one on the video would be exposed to civil suit for violating HIPAA, and could theoretically rack up fines increasing in severity every time the employee said something in violation. The employer would also be in violation of the Act if it did not have a HIPAA discipline policy, or failed to follow or enforce that policy. In short, that pharmacist would be a potentially serious financial and legal liability to the pharmacy, and it is unlikely that she would keep her job if she continued to behave in that way. The best course of action in such a situation would be to demand to speak to the manager and complain that the behavior is illegal under HIPAA and that you expect it to stop immediately. If it happens again, report it. If it causes you financial harm, have an attorney get their attention. Of course, this is a U.S. law and only applies in the United States - I don’t know about laws in other countries.
  6. @concerned1 - No one can diagnose you from a description on the internet. If your condition persists or worsens, you should have yourself checked by a medical professional without delay, even if it may feel embarrassing to discuss how you came to have the condition. You would not be the first person the doctor has treated for a “personal problem”.
  7. Good for you! That is a useful skill. I can sometimes do that too - one of my meds seems to trigger a release of cum right before the point of no return. I have been in situations where a Dom Top demanded that I jack off for him (so he could feed it to me, lube me with it, they get creative), but I knew that if I had a full climax, what was coming next would be unpleasant during a refractory period. I only wish I could do it reliably every time.
  8. To me, a hung cock is one that seems to have its own center of gravity. The actual dimensions aren’t as important as whether lt looks like it has its own weight and heft. If a choice cock is “hung”, what’s the corresponding superlative for a cunt?
  9. There is a reason a man’s cock is often called his “endowment”. It’s what is given to you in your genes when you are born. When some geneticist tracks down the set of genes that govern cock size (and someday one will) it may become possible to grow a cock as big as you want. God help us. But in the meantime, others here have given very good advice about making the most of what you have, and discovering that what lacks in inches can be made up for with skill.
  10. You can tell my brain hasn’t been washed - it’s too smutty. Never going to happen. Nope.
  11. The language limitations on what can be in a posting make Doublelist very tricky to use. By the time you sanitize the content enough to pass their censors, you’re not saying much to attract action. And even if you do post something clean enough, your posting may or may not get approved in a timely manner. I’ve got a posting that I know is clean enough to be approved because it has been before, but last time I used it, my ad sat in limbo for hours - so long that it ended up being pointless.
  12. No, I’m not incapable of ejaculating. The only time I masturbate to ejaculation is perhaps maybe once or twice a month when I have been isolated from sexual contact with other men for a couple of weeks or more. Then, when I do, I feel a sense of self-loathing immediately afterward, every single time. I do not jack off after a night of anal service. But even if I did, it would not make me any more able to Top another man. I simply cannot get into that headspace, and if I try, I lose my erection without fail. Do I disagree that it would be considerate if vers bottoms always did a little Topping? No. But I am convinced that there are too many variables influencing human sexuality to expect such a broad imperative as yours to apply. Ability to masturbate does not automatically translate into ability to Top.
  13. I never rim if I can help it. There have been a couple of times when a Top was very dominant and I felt as though I had no choice, but I usually let Tops know that although my ass is theirs to use as they wish, I cannot reciprocate rimming. (Which feels unfair to me, since being rimmed flips my slu switch immediately...) My reluctance has something to do with my scat aversion - sticking my tongue there is a bridge too far - and something to do with knowing how many microorganisms could vector that way into my immune compromised system. The thing is, I know I’m being at least a little irrational about it because I have no problem when a Top wants to pull his cock out of my ass and stick it in my mouth, or even do ATM when he pulls out of another bottom. But I can’t help it - I just repelled by tonguing an anus.
  14. @hungry_hole - your argument (which you have made repeatedly and has little to do with this thread) assumes that all bottoms are vers bottoms - patently untrue - and that every bottom at some point needs or desires to ejaculate. Read the responses in this thread. There are dedicated bottoms who have neither the need nor the desire, and no, this does not make them “greedy” (for God’s sake) or “self-absorbed”. There is no universal imperative dictating reciprocal fucking. When I offer myself up at the bathhouse or hotel room, I do so with the express intent of serving men who wish to Top. That is my purpose. That is what I am for. I am not psychologically equipped to serve all men in all positions. (In this I must disagree with @tallslenderguy; I may have a cock and balls, but they don’t work fot Topping. We are not all the same.) I don’t need to ejaculate - I don’t even enjoy it - I can’t stay hard if I try to Top, and neither I nor any of the committed bottoms like me are ever going to subscribe to your time-share view of male-male sexuality.
  15. Pumping while wearing a metal ring is probably NOT a good idea, because the pumping would swell your cock beyond the normal girth accommodated by your ring and you could end up trapped in it as described. Normally, when a pump is used for ED, once the pumping is complete, the mump is removed and a tight, flexible ring is quickly placed around the base to capture the blood in the cock long enough for intercourse. You might also find pumping with a metal ring on a problem in any case, as it would interfere with getting a good vacuum seal for the pump to work. As to pumping with piercings, I have pumped with my ampallang with no problem, but you must be absolutely certain that your piercing has completely healed before making any such attempt. Seriously.
  16. No worries - I wasn’t insulted, I was just hoping to lend context to my suggestion that exchanging names could contribute to the problem you’re asking about. If concern that you might be percieved that way after an anonymous hookup causes you to offer up your name, it could be one reason the problem keeps occurring. But of course, I’m only speculating.
  17. I have experience with all of the above. Are there specific questions you have? I can tell you that cock pumping does not actually lengthen or thicken your cock - it causes more blood to be drawn in due to the vacuum, but to get longer ot thicker you would have to add more cells, and pumping doesn’t do that. Over-pumping can cause problems as well. While a penis pump does have practical uses both therapeutically for certain conditions and as a stopgap measure for dealing with erectile dysfunction, it’s mostly just a visual aid for fapping. Sounds are medical instruments intended for use in widening the urethra to allow the passage of kidney stones, and for other issues related to obstruction of the urethra. Sounding does not cause any other change in anatomy. It can, however, cause the granddaddy of all urethral infections if not performed with sterile sounds and an antiseptic play environment. You also need to know what you’re doing before you start jabbing yourself on the inside with long pieces of metal. Sounding can feel great, but it shouldn’t be done by amateurs. Metal cock rings - main rule of thumb is be the one you choose isn’t too small. When you’re fully erect, you should not feel an uncomfortable tightness, and your cock should not darken in color. If the ring is too tight, you run the risk of getting an erection so constricted that your cock begins to feel cold, turn purple, and you may not be able to remove the ring. In terms of genital piercings, 1) Be very sure you’ve chosen the right one for you; 2) Be aware of any changes the piercing may require in your habits (i.e., you might have to sit down to pee); 3) Follow the healing care instructions religiously until the piercing is fully healed; 4) Do not fuck, pump, or otherwise manhandle, mangle or mistreat your cock during healing - be patient; and 5) One it’s healed, Do Not Do Stupid Shit with your piercing like hanging weights from it, suspending yourself from the ceiling thereby, or using it in a log-pulling competition. And don’t let other guys go too far in playing with it, because they will if you let them. Any other questions, please ask.
  18. I do not generally have this problem, but the way I go about finding cock doesn’t tend to leave the impression that I’m there for anything but fucking. I tend to couch my offering in terms of “service” and express plainly that I am prepared to service more than one Top. As you may only be looking for a single encounter within specific parameters, however, such an approach may not be applicable to you. Every time two humans fuck, some degree of bonding occurs at a biological level - chemicals are naturally released into the body that affect mental states to promote closer connection of the two individuals. This is believed to be an adaptation to ensure a more stable parental environment for the survival of offspring. The fact that no offspring are possible in this case is immaterial; you’re still going through the sexy motions and your bodies don’t know the difference. So, some degree of post-coital interest is not unusual, especially if your style of sex is more akin to lovemaking than plain buggery. Trashy? That’s a value judgment. It’s entirely possible that you consider me and men like me “trashy” because we do not discriminate in our couplings, and accept them both anonymously and numerously - in short, because you might consider us promiscuous. I am not a “professional” in any sense that might be applied here, but I do take my service seriously. I am scrupulously clean, rigorously tested, provide trained, skilled service, and in the course of my efforts, educate individuals on a number of topics related to sexual health. That said, more often than not, I do not learn the name of a man I serve before or after he enjoys my body, if indeed I ever see him at all. It isn’t necessary for the service I provide, and if I were to give my name and contact info, it could be misconstrued as an invitation to a relationship I do not desire, nor am prepared to pursue. You might reflect on each of your encounters that has resulted in unwanted attention, and try to identify any common factors in your approach that might have tended to give a false impression that you were open to a relationship. Try to modify or eliminate that behavior next time you just want a fuck, and see if the problem resolves. It could, for instance, be as simple as not asking him his name before he leaves. After all, if he’s just a fuck, why would you need to know his name - unless you were signalling that you wanted to get to know him better. And if that’s the same as suggesting that you let yourself be a little more “trashy”, so be it.
  19. As @badubydo says, breeding involves a Top ejaculating inside a bottom during bareback anal sex. It might be considered, however, that there is a nuanced difference between breeding and simply fucking. Breeding incorporates a special state of mind between Top and bottom that contemplates the transfer of some quality or essence from the Top that will become a part of the bottom, in a sense akin to an act of fertilization or even reproduction. Breeding is an act that magnifies the gender-roles represented in male-male sex - the bottom becomes more of a receptive vessel, and the Top’s masculinity, virility, and to some degree, aggression, are emphasized. In my experience, a marked shift in the tone of the encounter occurs when the action moves to a breeding stage. Actions become more instinctual, and intensity ramps up as both men work to bring the Top to climax. Personally, I always feel a little extra bump of satisfaction when a Top goes away with the feeling that he has bred me.
  20. @PhoenixGeoff - I’m not quite sure what your reply here means in terms of whether you do or do not believe a bottom who claims that Tops have a right to his ass, but it does highlight a kind of double standard that bottoms often confront. There are plenty of Tops out there who make judgments about indiscriminate bottoms and want to be courted by men that fit their criteria of preference, yet have no problem fucking a nameless bottom who happens to be available when they’re really horny. You seem to suggest that bottoms err if they approach Tops as “a cock and balls” - do you imagine that most Tops looking for Right Now think of bottoms in a broader sense than as an ass and two holes? I assure you, precious little effort is made to seduce me by Tops looking to breed me. By frequency of asking, they want to know 1) How many loads are already in me, 2) Am I ass-up and lubed, and 3) Do I also give head? The thing is, for a bottom like me whose goal is to use my ass and the skills that come with it to give pleasure to as many men as I can, I’m not trying to form relationships (aside from repeat contact). In fact, generating personal attachments with individual Tops would lead to confusion, jealousy, envy, and drama. I don’t do drama; I do ass. Plus, my telepathy is on the fritz at the moment. Trying to tailor my approach to every individual Top, whose profile has only an iffy chance of reflecting his actual tastes and may be completely pointless if he’s really horny, is too labor- and time-consuming to be practical, especially as he’s probably given me no more to work with than “Sup?” (Please, please stop.) So, the best thing I’ve found to do is, in complete honesty, post that I’m available, give good, warm, wet ass, and don’t turn anyone away. I don’t think it’s lazy or arrogant - just truth in advertising.
  21. ErosWired


    As a coda to this entry, I was fucked five times that evening, and the fifth breeding was performed by a large, muscular black man with the thickest cock I have ever seen in real life. As though fate read my entry, he did in fact fuck me brutally, without mercy, and for a long time. I took his cock as deep as he wanted throughout the entire painful experience, and his assault eventually loosened my insides so that he could grind against me as I watched his face express his joy at cumming inside me. Almost 48 hours later, my ass is still sore. If he were in the room with me right now asking for my cunt, I would hesitate to open for him. But I would. God help me.
  22. ...But the thing that really makes that fuck special is that I had to hurry back home for my annual checkup with the urologist this morning. When the nurse practitioner put on her latex glove and said, “You’re due for your prostate examination - we may as well get that out of the way. Drop your trousers,” I realized I still had an ass full of cum.
  23. I had to be in Louisville on an errand this Morning, so I figured, what the hell - another night of taking cock so soon after CumUnion couldn’t be a bad thing, right? I mean, just because four separate Tops on Saturday night had independently speed-raped me with my 9”/thick dildo didn’t mean I was cursed or anything. After all, I only had a sore ass from all that brutality. And then, last night’s final fuck. It was the thickest reproductive organ I have ever seen on a man in real life, and may have been the thickest I’ve ever taken. A caption in my current favorite porn advises cumslut bottoms: “Don’t stop - They won’t.” And I knew immediately that it was true with this man. As he entered me, there was no pulling back, no readjustment, just forceful, steady insertion until the complete column rested firmly in my center. He wanted to know, “Have you had Black yet tonight?” When I said no, he adjusted the set of his hips and then said, “I’m gonna cum inside you then.” And the long, deep, slow and brutal fuck commenced. It went on until he finally bunched his muscles and drove into me with one final excruciating push that lasted through what felt like a dozen surges of cum flooding into me. I have an uneasy feeling that he enjoyed my body enough to want it again sometime...
  24. ErosWired


    I’m lying belly down, ass up, on a queen bed in a hotel room in Louisville on a Monday night. A 30-year-old guy just left after fucking my ass in very competent style for a man calling himself a Versatile Bottom. I said as much to him before he left. He came hard inside me; I can tell by the way their bodies move and by the sounds they make when their climax is strong. His load had volume, too, because some of it spilled out onto the bed cover even though he shot buried deep inside my cunt. I never actually saw his cock, as he wanted anonymity, but I felt its size. I knew it was above average at least because he tried to double-penetrate me with my large dildo, and I couldn’t quite accommodate him. When he fucked me himself, I felt every plunge, every thrust, all attempting to meet his natural mandate to fill the vessel of my flesh with his own. There was a time, it seems like years ago now, when such a coupling as he just gave me would have filled me with a lasting sense of completion that would have lingered for weeks, if not months. Now, however, that man’s excellent fuck has not only failed to fill the void within me, it seems to have made me even more hollow. Clearly, this is not the way sex is supposed to be. This has all the characteristics of an addiction - needing more and more of the thing to get the same effect, until at last it no longer has any effect at all. Worse, the thing may begin paradoxically to generate the very need it was intended to meet. I cannot seem to get enough cock anymore; my sense of self-value, at least from a sexual perspective, is now bound to my ability to provide satisfaction to other men in transitory and, of themselves, hollow encounters, and as the physical imprint of each one becomes less and less lasting, so much moreso does the psychological imprint become more and more ephemeral. In a sense, it’s as though all those cocks are indeed reaming me out on the inside. I don’t know how to reverse this. I only know that I need more cock, and soon I will need it in quantities I cannot reasonably expect to obtain. I already harbor thoughts of placing myself in situations where I could fall prey to cruel, evil men, simply out of the hope that their chosen form of abuse would coincide with my need. My rational mind recognizes that I must find a way to quell the hollow hunger of my flesh before it consumes me completely, but right now, the hunger is very, very strong. A man is coming to fuck me. I hope he fucks me brutally, without mercy, for a long time - perhaps that will fill the hollow just a bit... at least, until he’s finished, and I’m hollow again.
  25. I’m surprised that you seem surprised at this. It would never occur to me to jack myself off whilst being fucked. The only reason I ever have to touch my own genitalia is to better position them for access if a Top wishes to play with them. As a trained sexual submissive, I have things I do that I consider part of an earned skil set, but refraining from touching my boy parts while a Man is fucking me is not something I would ever think to list among them... in my mind, why would I ever do it anyway?
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