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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. I recall one night at camp when four guys had me over a picnic table, taking turns rough-fucking both holes while the other two held me down. They were having a lot of fun because the two fucking at any particular time would switch out so I would constantly be doing ass-to-mouth. They kept at it for a very long time, so long that I did something I never do - in a rare moment when one of them pulled out of my mouth, I said, "I'm sorry, but I need a break." It happened to be the guy who was sort of 'in charge' of the four. He shot back, "You don't get a break." Now, I get the rape fantasy when fifty guys use you with no choice. I have it too. But this was real, and I hadn't signed up for it. I slowly, purposefully turned my head upward and fixed him in the eye, and said, "When I say I need a break, I need a break." Maybe it was something in my expression, or something in my tone, or both, but he backed right off and said, "Ok, sorry. No problem." He waved the other three off. None of them had even cum yet. I got up, shook myself, and left those fuckers horny. There is a point at which the dividing line between fantasy and reality becomes very, very sharp, and you do NOT want to be on the wrong side of it. The story has an ending, though... The next night when I was being gangbanged, a guy fucked my ass like an absolute demon before he came, and then afterward came around and shoved his cock in my mouth for me to clean. As I did, he said, "You like ass-to-mouth, don't you?" It was the same guy. He got me after all.
  2. I think you're onto something there. A few years ago at the Kentucky State Fair, they were big on jams and jellies, and they had two tents where you could see what was on offer and buy them. In one tent, they had jams and jellies from all over the Commonwealth, dozens of different kinds (we have 120 counties after all), but in the other they had only a few selections. As it turned out, sales in the tent with dozens of choices were lackluster, but sales in the tent with limited choices were very good. Why? Because if people are given too many variables, it becomes too difficult to make a decision. Guys who stare at porn and apps constantly, flicking from image to image and profile to profile are deluged with options, and can't possibly reflect on what they really find attractive, let alone what they really want in a partner. A guy who doesn't drown himself in options is more likely to go to a place like a bathhouse or an ABS and take what's on offer without being too damn picky. When Henry Ford developed the Model T to sell as the car of the world, he announced in 1909, "Any customer can have a car painted any colour he wants so long as it is black."
  3. Wait - during sex? As in, multitasking? Frustrating to me is when I’m hosting at a hotel, a 51-year-old total bottom, and some young, hung guy - usually black so far but not always - hits me up on Grindr with “u generous?” After that, the conversation usually goes something like this: ”Dude, I’m hosting. I’m only generous with my ass, but you can have all of that you want.” ”u got cash?” ”Man, I never have to pay to get fucked. Tops come to me and I service them. Some weekends I get fucked 15-20 times. You’re talking to the wrong guy.” At this point, after a pause, the response usually goes one of two ways. The guy either says, “Who’d wanna fuck your flabby ol ass” or he says, “You got HIV?” If I were to answer the latter question, I would get hit with a stream of abuse about how I’m a cesspool of filth spreading disease and contagion out of my “fag AIDS hole”. In both cases the young fuck then blocks me and disappears. I suppose I could just start blocking them from the moment they say “u generous?” but he obviously hasn’t bothered to read my profile, I do take a tiny little bit of satisfaction in telling the little prostiyouknowhatimean that he’s irrelevant.
  4. @FelchingPisser - Okay, That's it - Next time you're at CumUnion I'm bringing my chain.
  5. @btchbyl - It felt very weighty and full, because it all settled in and filled up in my rectum, not much passing through the second ring. It didn't hurt at all. I didn't do it on all fours, but lying on the floor on my shoulders with my ass in the air and my back supported against the side of my bed. You want gravity to help you for best effect. I tried it because 1) I watched a video in which a Dom upside down in bondage and filed his ass with chain (hot) and 2) I had watched a Dom Top perform a demonstration with his sub female where he filled her cunt with the same kind of chain, then yanked it all out in one strong yank, and she orgasmed. (They did it as a party demo.) I didn't exactly orgasm when I pulled mine out, but it came out with kind of a slick shluuuurp that made me shiver all over, and yes, I felt every single link across my prostate. If you want to see it, I've put an image of it in my ass in my profile gallery ErosWired. Disclaimer: There are potential risks. If the chain were to become deeply intertwined in your bowel and you tried to yank it all out, you could end up pulling your bowel out through your anus. Don't try this at home. If you insist on it, ensure that you use a very heavy weight of chain with very smooth steel links. Don't choose one with links that have rough welds. If you have a chain with a big hook on the end, for God's sake, Man, don't insert the hook.
  6. I am so damn jealous of you and your roommate situation. I'm just saying... I have inserted about four feet of heavy steel chain into my ass, then pulled it all out in one swift tug - unusual sensation. It would have been more fun if someone had been doing it to me, though. I have a picture of it in my ass somewhere...
  7. When experimenting with inserting foreign objects into your nether regions, please always keep in mind that your colon is actually a complex organ for digestion, is designed for movement of matter only in the opposite direction than you are trying to make it go, and is relatively susceptible to being perforated with rough jabs by hard objects. A perforated bowel is going to spoil your day in a big way, because surgery will be a must in order to save your life. Not only that, but if you damage your colorectal system too badly, you could end up having to wear a bag to catch your waste. Nobody wants that. Play sensibly and safely. And for God’s sake leave the lizards where you found them.
  8. ErosWired

    Keeping Score

    I joined BreedingZone a year ago this month. A year ago I considered myself a committed sexual submissive, because that's what I've been trained for, but I didn't think of myself as a cumdump, nor did I think about barebacking as a choice - it was just something Men did or didn't do when they fucked me. Once I became HIV+, I didn't have any sex at all until I became undetectable, and then I let Men know I understood if they wanted to use a condom. At that point, I was glad they were still willing to fuck me at all. Finding this site showed me that I could still thrive sexually given my status and my age, even as a total bottom. The input from the members here gave me the inspiration to go out and actually live a life that so many Men post about in fantasy but never have the courage to act upon. Looking back over this year, I realize how much more conscious I've become of my sexuality and sexual habits, and how much more open I've become in talking about it. Yesterday my bisexual son was telling me about the possibility that another boy interested in him might come to his party, and I was attempting to advise him how to manage the situation. After a minute he looked at me and said, "Is my dad trying to be my wingman?" I was not. There are some things I do not. want. to. know. About my own sex life, on the other hand, I've begun keeping closer track than I ever have. There have been several topics on these boards concerning load tallies and load counts and who has taken the most loads in a year, or in their lifetime. I don't count loads because 1) Sometimes you can't tell whether you got it or not, 2) If the Top mostly cums on your ass crack and then sorta pushes some of it in, does it count? Yes? No? There are too many variables, and in any case I wholeheartedly agree with @PERVERSATILE when he points out that "The load is the prize". What I count, instead of loads, are fucks. I keep track of them on my cell phone, in a simple ongoing page in the Notes app. Since Tops sometimes seem to enjoy keeping score by making hash marks on my ass with a pen when they finish with me, I adopted that as my sort-of standard. (In the not-so-good image accompanying this post, you can just make out a faint set of hashes on my right ass cheek; even "permanent" ink markers are no match for a good steam room.) The score I've kept looks like this: March (F-S) ||||\ ||||\ ||||\ ||||\ |||| April (F-S) ||||\ ||||\ ||||\ ||||\ ||| May (Th-F) ||||\ || (S) ||||\ ||||\ ||| June (F) 0. (S) ||||\ ||~|\ ||| July (F) 0. (S) ||||\ ||||\ ||~|\ | August (F) ||{++} (S) |||{++} ~~~ Sept 13-14 (Th) |||| (F) ||||\ (S) || October (F) ||| ff (S) |{+}||\ |~||\ |||| f Oct 19-20 (F) ||||\ \ = a crosshash, or fifth mark that crosses four |{+..} = the Top returned to fuck me again for the number of times indicated by the plus marks ~ = I gave credit for the fuck even though the guy was a little too soft or a little to wasted to penetrate me very well. As long as he thought he was fucking me he got credit. It's the Top's pleasure that counts. 0 = zero fucks. What the fuck was up on Fridays in June and July? f = recently I've started keeping track of the number of times guys flake on me. Obviously, I didn't start keeping this record until March, when I started attending CumUnion in Indianapolis and hotel hosting regularly in Louisville, so it doesn't include fucks from October 2017 - February 2018, and obviously, I don't count the flakes. But the tally above right now stands at 142 fucks for the year - a dismal reckoning that reflects the fact that I'm stuck in the back of beyond in rural Kentucky and have to drive over an hour just to get to somewhere I can be a slut. If I lived in a metro area, that count would be much higher. That count, however, isn't the only count I keep in my Notes app. I have another one on another page, and it's been going on longer, since August 2014. It looks like this: 8/29/2014 CD4: 49 VL: 85,000 11/11/2014 CD4: 160 VL: 840 2/11/2015 CD4: 188 VL: 50 (Damn. So close.) 6/1/2015 CD4: 250 (Dr. not pleased) VL: 65 (me not pleased) Quitting Atripla, starting Triumeq 9/2015 CD4: 285 VL: Undetectable 3/2016 CD4: 315 (I had hoped for better, but Dr. is pleased, so I suppose I should be satisfied) VL: Undetectable 2/1/2017 CD4: 218 VL: 65 (Dr. says this is a normal blip, not a concern) Quitting Triumeq, starting Genvoya 3/28/2017 CD4: 293 VL: Undetectable 2/27/2018 CD4: 249 VL: Undetectable 8/26/2018 CD4: [not checked] VL: Undetectable 10/23/2018 CD4: 300 VL: Undetectable I have a new HIV doctor now I suppose you could say I'm keeping score against the Enemy Virus as well. I take a sort of pride in both of these lists, in ways that are different, but also in one way that's the same. I take pride in my fuck count not as an accumulation, but as proof of the number of Men to whom I have been able to give an ecstatic moment of pleasure. I know little or nothing about their lives - I may never even see some of them - but for the short time they are with me, they are safe, and warm, and made to feel incredibly good, and I have accomplished that, by my certain count, 142 times in a year. If I could have made it a thousand, I would have. I take pride in my CD4 and Viral Load count as wayposts along the road of my fight against AIDS, and my struggle back from the edge of death. The marks denote a long, narrow, rocky road, but I have kept on it without missing a step, and I'm proud of my determination. I take a pride in both of the lists because they're both, in their way, celebrations of life continuing in spite of age, in spite of disease, in spite of doubt, and in spite of fear. They are proof that I am very much alive.
  9. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has taken a formal public position, based on a long term study-of-studies, that an HIV-seropositive individual whose viral load is Undetectable on antiretroviral therapy is essentially unable to transmit HIV to another person. "Undetectable = Untransmittable" is a phrase beginning to gain currency. Thus the importance of HIV+ guys to adhere religiously to their AVR regimen, reach Undetectable status, and stay there. Do not give the Enemy Virus any quarter.
  10. @FelchingPisser - There's such a thing as "too much of a good thing". I had a moment of fear in that bathhouse that you and your "slightly larger" friend were going to try to double-penetrate me, and there aren't enough poppers in the world...
  11. This pic does not do that intimidating cock justice. Here’s a trick - if you’re reading this and viewing the image, enlarge the image on your computer or cell phone screen until the guy’s hand at bottom left is actual real-life size. Then look at the cock. o.0 (Bonus fun: Then with your newfound sense of dimension, reread the blog post about what that cock did to my ass.)
  12. Tops seem to really get into it if I say something like, “Oh my God, you’re so deep inside me...” Half the time I don’t even think I realize I’ve said it out loud, but I can’t help being vocal. I think they like it, though, because they always try to dig in even deeper...
  13. For me it doesn’t matter if it’s the first fuck or the fifteenth fuck In 24 hours - when I know a Top is on his way my mind is filled with charged thoughts: He’s coming. He’s almost here and he’s going to fuck me. He’s going to penetrate me and fuck and cum inside me, and there’s nothing I can do but let him. I’m going to be a cunt for another man again - he’s going to use me as his fuckhole... and I want it. And then the door opens, and it all comes true. In the bathhouse, I feel the same thing, just more constantly. I’ll get fucked, the Top will leave, after a minute I’ll get up, shake my body loose, re-assume the position, and think, He’s coming. He’s almost here...
  14. Yesterday I was contacted on Grindr (naturally) by a profile of a young guy with a lot of tattoos who wanted to hook up, but only if I was registered with an “LGBTSCID” - what he described as a voluntary registration service so people who want to hook up can check to make sure each other are for real and not sex offenders. He explained that he now only met with ID holders because not long ago he had been beaten up by six guys at a meetup. He directed me to a website where I could sign up in “just 2-3 minutes” and offered to walk me through the registration. So eager to help! SCAM-O-RAMA The Redditverse has already identified this as a complete scam that requires credit card info and results in recurring charges. Do not be fooled by this fearmongering phishery. Apparently the scammer profiles come under different names, and alternate genders as well. No, I didn’t bite. The first clue (well, aside from the fact that a dude was pushing something on Grindr)? The face of the guy in the profile was m-u-u-uch to pretty to have been beaten up by half a dozen guys... ever. Stay safe out there.
  15. A couple of times Tops have made video of themselves fucking me from behind, but only short clips, nothing involved or elaborate. If bystanders have filmed me getting fucked in a bathhouse, I’m not aware of it, but the door’s left open half the time, so who knows? I do know that I always leave a camera out available whenever I’m slutting in a hotel, but although Tops sometimes ask me if I’m filming, none of them has ever taken advantage of the opportunity to use it. It makes me wonder how common the desire to do so actually is. Kind of disappointing, actually...
  16. It mightn’t hurt to give coconut oil a try. It’s inexpensive, odorless and tasteless varieties are available, it remains solid at room temperature but liquefies at body temperature, and is as slick as any water-based. Plus, it’s organic. It does need reapplication, but at $5 for a 14oz tub, it’s affordable.
  17. ...aaaaand next I had a 22-year-old who wanted to open me up with my anal speculum, try out my solid-steel removable-core buttplug on me reamed my ass balls-deep with my thick dildo at the high-speed-mixer setting, double dicked me with said dildo and his own cock, and then savagely fucked me interchangeably with both nonstop for 45 minutes until he was raining sweat. He finally came inside me five seconds after I switched on some porn(!). None of that is the weird part. The weird part is that, at 22, he showed up.
  18. I don’t usually contribute to this thread, because, basically, it would just be a continuous narrative. But in this case I have to mention - I was just bred by a giant. The man was 6’5”, 350 lbs of solid, and his cock, while not all that long, stretched my ring. And when he filled me, I felt it. I mean, it’s not every day, right? Fee, fi, fo, fuck...
  19. Wait - actual baseball bats?
  20. Hm... There may be something to that. When a Top’s excitement builds, I find mine building too, and when he cums, I feel a crescendo of sorts. Not an orgasm as such, but I do experience a “climax” that I can get absolutely no ther way than another man cumming inside me. And the deeper and more primal he is about it, the stronger the feeling is...
  21. You’re kidding - where in Lexington is there a venue to get bred?
  22. I’m confused. I would act the same, and fuck the same, if I was on tap for fifty greenbacks or fifty pennies, but men take me for free anyway. Maybe it’s because I suck at math? I know that I lost count of how many loads I’ve taken a lo-o-o-ng time ago.
  23. Wouldn’t the same three things apply to a fifty-cent hooker?
  24. I have the sense that we don't have enough information to answer your question well. The etiquette appropriate to the party depends on the nature of the party. How a bottom should go about seeking attention is different if the party is a private, invitational affair with people known to each other as opposed to an anon hook-up party at a neutral venue like a hotel room or an established sex venue. In the former instance, social rules would apply as they might in any social setting, except with the strange complications that accrue when you get involved with a group of familiars who fuck each other. Perhaps you could give us some more detail about the circumstances of the loft party and the nature of your participation, so we can better advise you.
  25. This question is for my fellow cumdumps - When you came to the realization that you were a cumdump, did it have an effect on your need to ejaculate? I have found that now that I understand my role as a vessel for semen, for some reason I just don't have as great a desire to shoot myself. But my case is odd - my former Master went to great lengths to train me to orgasm without ejaculating, and I do that a lot, so I get my O without the white stuff. I don't know if my lack of a need to shoot is related to accepting that my purpose is to take cum rather than release it, or just my particular relationship with orgasm. It's not that I never shoot - sometimes I do when I'm home alone and can't get cock, and sometimes when I'm being prostate-fucked, the tap turns on and the faucet runs like crazy. Sometimes a Top with intentionally take the time to milk me (doesn't happen often). But most times when I'm taking cock, there's no need for me to produce, and I don't feel a need. Anyone have any insight?
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