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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. With a freezer and a bit of determination, you can make it yourself, you know...
  2. @NLbear - Most of what I would advise has been aptly said already by @ChainedBoy above, which covers the rational, factual factors. What remains rests upon a question of personal ethics, and your individual moral code. In fact, properly considered, your dilemma is at its core a moral dilemma more than anything else. It hinges on a question particular to you, and which only you can answer, to wit: Do YOU believe incestual sex between a father and his son is wrong? Do YOU find it unacceptable to be associated with it? In this case, your rational faculties may not serve; you may have to listen to your heart. For my part, even though I know that both are consenting adults, both male, and both of age, I could not do it. In my sense of the world, something has gone terribly wrong in that family, and I could not ethically contribute to it, encourage it, or even bring myself to watch it happening - to watch it would inevitably cause me to imagine myself in like circumstance, and I would feel a need to vomit. But that’s me. I don’t presume to tell you what you should believe or feel. Follow your heart on this, and act accordingly.
  3. This would make sense from a pure hydraulics perspective - a larger cock is going to require a larger quantity of blood and possibly greater pressure to maintain an equivalent state of hardness. A smaller cock is going to get harder on the same amount of blood/pressure.
  4. Perhaps the reason Predator/prey isn’t as common a metaphor is that that dichotomy usually suggests the likelihood of death or consumption of the prey. I find eroticism in the concepts of being entrapped, ensnared, bound, overpowered, conquered, and other means of being forced into submission by physically stronger men, but I can’t say I’ve ever masturbated to thoughts of being caught by cannibals...
  5. My hands-down favorite position for being bred is on my belly with the Top mounting me either full-length, or with his legs hunched animal-like for leverage. I find that Tops get the deepest penetration into me this way, and with longer thrusts. And, it lines me up so that when I clamp down with my pelvic floor I can squeeze the entire cock at once. I have to say, though, that I’m also partial to the various foms of sideways or angled entry that reach surprising, and surprisingly deep, places. Three days ago a Top flipped one of my legs over and took me sideways so deep that I gasped an locked eyes with him in astonished ecstasy. He grinned. He said, “There it is.”
  6. There is one significant difference between a service submissive bottom and a service submissive top, and that has to do with readiness/ability to perform on command. With a bottom, the hole is always present. With a top, a number of mental and physiological factors have to be aligned before he can have and sustain an erection. He may or may not be able to orgasm when desired, and after he does, the length of his refractory period may vary, but is a change in body chemistry that no amount of Dominating can alter. Plus, sexual penetration is by definition an aggressive rather than a passive act, and normally counterintuitive to a submissive unless doing so under instruction. That is why you don’t usually see many sub tops.
  7. Well. Here I am at CumUnion. I arrived hours early as usual and set up shop for taking cock, including a modest notice on one of the chalkboards near the 3rd floor bsthroom, stating simply, “Great Ass Room 301 Silver Collar” (I always wear my steel service collar). I also post a sign in my room explaining that I am hiv+/Undetectable for nearly 1-1/2 years, on ART continuously for over 3-1/2 years, and healthy. Later, when I returned to the bathroom for water, I found that someone had scrawled A I D S in large letters right beneath my chalk notice, and had also taken the initiative to wite “301 A I D S” on the smaller board in the bathroom. Yes, I have a diagnosis of AIDS. On September 12 I will be a 4-year AIDS survivor. But according to the CDC, it is for all practical purposes impossible for a patient with undetectable viral load and perfect ART aderence to transfer the virus to anyone. If that were not so, I would be celibate. So, on the off chance you ever end up on these boards, Chalk Bandito, get an education.
  8. Today, my Grindr account was suspended for s violation of their guidelines and/or terms of use. As near as I can tell, this is because I inadvertently attempted to use the word “cock” in a ptofile edit. Note that Grindr’s own system flagged the violation when I attempted to save the change and alerted me that it was not an acceptable word. I immediately substituted a non-offending word, and the system then accepted the change. My point: An application patently to make it possible for gay men to hook up has banned from its profiles one of probably the ten (perhaps even five) most common words in the gay lexicon. What are we to make of this? Doublelist has similarly sanitized its acceptable languaage using filters that they say they cannot explain because it would aid hackers. Well, evidently they want to ensure their site is only used for personals between lovelorn souls seeking a fourth for bridge. (Yes, they have declined three of my ads so far for mystical reasons.) I don’t know what the answer to this is, but I’m pretty sure the solution isn’t lists of no-no words.
  9. This is why I think this poll ends up showing an overabundance of men who are “bottom only”. I’ve put up a companion poll to differentiate between between the ‘mostly bottoms’* like @biinmsp above and those who attest to being ‘total bottoms’ like me. It would be helpful to give a clearer view of the actual makeup of the community if you would take a quick moment to weigh in there. *I would say that these are actually more properly a subset of ‘vers bottoms’ than of ‘bottoms’ for purposes of the present poll, as they are versatile, just to a lesser degree. ... Yeah, I know, what the hell difference does it actually really make, but just sayin’...
  10. Tops and Bottoms alike - The question of who is really a total bottom - or whether such a thing can actually exist (I’m looking at you, @hungry_hole) - seems to keep cropping up, so let’s try to get a little actual data. This is a simple, one-question poll. Everyone, please just take a second to click through and add your data point so we can see what’s real. NOTE: “Total bottom” is defined in the question. Please answer based on the definition in the question, not on a different definition. If there’s a quibble about the definition, we can discuss after we have a dataset to refine. Thank you!
  11. It just struck me looking again at the poll that there are no entries for “Oral only”, yet at the bathhouse I frequently come across men who decline ass, saying they don’t fuck and are just there to get some head. I wonder if the poll result is skewed because this site is by definition intended for an audience of men interested in assfucking?
  12. The effect of the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v Texas was to declare anti-sodomy laws unconstitutional and invalidating existing laws in 14 states including Virginia. You should be able to get the conviction expunged from your record. There’s no reason for you to have to keep explaining that to anyone. I would see an attorney about having your name cleared.
  13. 1998? 1998? Holy Moses and a plague of frogs. Please God tell me you’re not sitting there today with a felony record because of that. (I would say something impolite about Virginia, but here in Kentucky Kim Davis is still court clerk in Rowan County - and running for re-election.)
  14. Okay, 1) Who says you’re ugly? Whose fucking opinion is that, and why does it mean anything? Beauty is subjective. You don’t have to swallow that bilge. You’ve been rejected? Who were these idiots? 2) Even if you met some universal definition of “ugly”, it’s far more likely that you meet a universal definition of “hung” and I think we can all agree on what matters here. Of course I’d let you breed me. I’d be begging.
  15. Exactly this. It has everything to do with what we expect of the mindset that comes with age. “When I was a child I acted as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things.” When we see the physical signs of years on a man, we expect that man to also exhibit a mindset that reflects a life of experience, and a grounding in reality. We expect a man who has weathered enough of life’s storms to know what really matters. (“If you’re bleeding, look for a man with scars.”) When we see a man bearing the marks of age but not showing the signs that his mind has been shaped by his experience, something seems off. The childish things have not been put away. Personally, I yearn for the day when the sexual fire inside me goes out, and lets me age in peace, and settle down with my books - but right now I’ve got to start getting ready for CumUnion in three days, where, if the past four months are any guide, my 51-year-old ass will likely be bred around 20 times. God knows I would never pass for a twink, and I wouldn’t know “stylish” if it kissed me full on the mouth. As for dignity - well, how much dignity can one really claim with his naked ass up and pointed toward the open door to his room? And that sort of begs this whole question, doesn’t it?
  16. @BiTakenItBare - I don’t know that I would rely on hypnosis to overcome cognitive issues. Your time would be better spent working out your issues with a psychotherapist, who could help you get past the thoughts that are holding you back and causing you distress, once and for all. Then there won’t be a need to rely on anything to get you in the mood. You can just do, and be, what is natural to you without fear, indecision, stress or guilt.
  17. I’m a Kentuckian, and the DNA test says my lineage is all from the British Isles. But above all that, I’m a citizen of Planet Earth, and I will take cock from any man, anywhere, regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, socioeconomic status, or national origin. All men are created equal, and all those who choose to Top deserve the best ass we can give them. ...That probably isn’t in any United Nations document, but it ought to be. If we ever get a UN Special Envoy for Ass, I volunteer for the post.
  18. ^ This. Almost every. damn. time I go to the bathhouse some nitwit erases my room number. I’ve also had one remove a sign I had posted on my room door saying “breeders welcome” and throw it in the garbage while I was being open-door fucked by one of those very breeders. I don’t have any patience for that kind of behavior. If I attract a cock it’s because I’ve planned ahead and worked hard to make my assets worthy of a Top’s attention. If I turned his head it’s not because I’m a stunner (God knows) but because I’ve studied men’s behavior and applied the skills of attraction I’ve learned. If I manage to get noticed, it’s probably because I’ve taught myself to quit worrying about what other people are going to think about me and just let my defenses down. I do nothing that any other bottom couldn’t do if he put his mind to it, and I’ve got no special advantages. As far as the guy actually pulling apart two men in the middle of fucking so as to take the bottom’s place - that’s beyond unacceptable. Depending on the Top, a man could end up getting hurt after something like that.
  19. To my knowledge, I have now been fucked by every major race of Man except an Australian Aborigine, and possibly a Polynesian. I cannot, however, speak with certainty about the last two; so many times, I don't ever see the color of the cock that's fucking me. I'm like a blind man fucking - I've learned to gain so much information about the man simply by what my ass can tell me. It's length, its girth, its weight, its heft, the size of the cockhead, whether it's pointed or heavier on the front end, how rigid it is, whether it's straight or curved, its temperature, whether the corona flares when it passes in and out of my ring, whether I can feel the pulses when it breeds its load into me. I learn about the man by the feel of his hands on my ass and hips, my waist and back, around my neck or pulling my head back by my hair. By the speed and angle of his thrusts. By the way he mounts me. By the shortness of his breath, and the sounds he makes, even if he doesn't speak a word. Race is a meaningless metric. The color of his organ matters not at all. It is Top-colored. Its is Need-colored and Lust-colored and Sex-colored. It is Man-colored. What a ridiculous question.
  20. @Man4manplay - Hypnotism is a skill your master would have to study and learn in order to be able to perform it on you.
  21. By the time any color-based code reaches that level of complexity, it has hit a point of diminishing returns. Not everyone's eye catches the same subtleties of color. With this schema, it's only a matter of tint that separates an experience admiring a navel from an experience of finding oneself bleeding. Similarly, a guy who's taken his first fist might find himself paired with a way-too-eager double-fisting top just because one man's red is another man's dark red. Or it could even be the poor guy who's just window shopping, who finds himself hounded by foot fetishists who will not leave his toes alone. In other words, as a system of communication, it loses clear definition and thus loses usefulness. Even if internet apps hadn't made physical codes superfluous, I wonder if a code like this would have survived such heavy diversification. Mosquito netting? Really?
  22. Here’s an oddity that I wonder if others have experienced: I used to see a guy who always ejacuulated on me but would never actually fuck me. Every time his cum landed on me, I would start to get a burning sensation, and ehen I finally got it off, it left a red welt on my skin - I was allergic to his semen. I’ve encountered that with a couple of other guys since. Sometimes a Top will enter me and it will start burning right away. It makesme wonder if i’m reacting to their prevum or something like that.
  23. I just went to a fabric store and found cotton fabric with white polka dots intermixed with a few gold polka dots, and a navy silk-like fabric with white polka dots. I also found - get this - cotton navy with white hearts in place of the polka dots. I couldn’t resist buying a couple of yards of each. I’m firing up the sewing machine and making hankies.
  24. Poppers are alkyl nitrites, and can chemically burn your skin. Please take a moment to become informed about the risks and harm reduction practices if you sre going to use them. One fairly general source can be found at: http://www.drugscience.org.uk/drugs/dissociatives/alkyl-nitrates Be safe out there.
  25. Going by the chart above, I can imagine there being some confusion on St Patrick’s Day. I also wonder if there might not have been a few cowboys who ended up with something unexpected...
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