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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. If I’m in a bathhouse room naked with my door open and my ass displayed provocatively toward everyone who passes, I would have a damn difficult time making a case thst I wasn’t trying to get fucked. If I go to the steam room, face the wall and angle my ass just so, I would have a hard time proving that I didn’t expect hands on me or cocks in me. The term “cumdump bottom” has been used so broadly to describe men who accept multiple, often anonymous, sexual contacts that a man who describes himself as “cumdump” must reasonably expect other men to aggressively take liberties with his body. Much of the communication is unspoken, but clearly conveyed in posture and exptession, and, frankly, by the fact that we have chosen to be in such places at all. This being said, “No” still means “No”. My training taught me that I am a cunt for cock, any man’s cock, and that I must not turn away anyone who wants to use me. That has given me occasion to ask myself whether that means it is now impossible to rape me. It is not impossible. There are certain circumstances, and certain kinds of men, the pleasures of my body are not meant for, and if I tell a man to back off, he had by God better listen the first time, because even naked I am far from defenseless.
  2. Concerned1 - I’m across the Pond, so I can’t physically come with you to your test, but if you’d like to message me and talk about how you’re feeling, before or after, I would be glad to share my experience and lend you an ear.
  3. Wait - what? That happens? How can that possibly happen? I mean, look at that ass, for God’s sake...
  4. I could swear I had answered this before, but maybe it was a similar poll. Anyway, my max (so far) has been 34 in a 24-hour period. The last three CumUnions have tallied 24, 22, and 14. Hm... Doing the math, that comes out to an average of only 20 fucks/month, which doesn’t even equate to me getting fucked daily, never mind multiple times daily... I’m going to have to find a way to seriously up my game to increase volume. Living in the middle of no-man’s land sucks...
  5. @grayhoss - Excellent rebuttal on these points. Well played!
  6. The thread may have necrotized, but it still makes for a good discussion in illustrative ethics. I take a slightly different view that some others here who place the Jessiesboy character (I will treat this as a fictional account) in the clear. The ultimate result of Jessiesboy's choices is likely to be - the consensus of the thread seems to agree - nothing good. Jessiesboy may lose his original friend as well as the sexual relationship, the brother may lose his relationship with his girlfriend, and the relationship between the brothers may be strained. We cannot claim that the brother would have cheated in any case; this is supposition. There is no corroborating evidence from the narrative. Likewise, we cannot assume that the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is an open one, because there is no evidence in the narrative. We must assume it is like an average, or traditional heterosexual romantic relationship, subject to the same effects, for this ethical consideration. This leaves the case at hand, in which Jessiesboy has found himself in a compromising situation with the brother. He can do one of two things: He can escalate or de-escalate the situation. According to the narrative, Jessiesboy makes the positive choice to escalate the situation by forwardly offering sexual favors to the brother, setting the stage for what follows. Had he not done so, the incident would likely, as suggested by the nature of the conversation immediately preceding, been laughed off. The brother might not, then, have ever cheated at all, but gone on with his girlfriend. Therefore, the causality for any misery that follows must be laid equally at the door of Jessiesboy for orchestrating the whole mess, not solely at the brother's for taking advantage of the offer. One might argue, "Jessiesboy didn't hold a gun to the brother's head and force him to have sex with him," but that argument points toward a corollary - take the recent Waffle House shooting in Nashville. The perpetrator, a disturbed young man whose firearms had been taken away from him and given to his father for safekeeping, had his weapons returned to him not once, but twice by that same father, with the direct result that the perpetrator had them available to kill four people. Does the father bear any ethical responsibility for the results of his son's actions? I believe he does. We are taught that we should not knowingly place temptation in the path of our neighbor, lest by doing so we cause him to fall. It is for this reason that I am extremely careful about agreeing to threesomes with couples; I do not wish to be the wedge that causes a relationship to split.
  7. Could you explain what you mean? Most of the titles I’m seeing are very sparse. When you say “specific”, do you also mean “explicit”? Could you give an example of one that’s worked for you?
  8. I'm afraid I have to agree with @BREEDmeRAW - probably the reason that information on such camps, if they exist, is not readily available is that the Dominants who run them must be extremely selective of the bottoms/submissives they accept. They would have to be certain that the candidates are fully committed to the consequences of their decision to participate for the duration of the multi-day, multi-night, hard-use event, and that is definitely not for the average person. It's the kind of experience that changes a man. I suspect that such events are populated by word-of-mouth among those in the know rather than advertised, and you would have to ask around at places like IML to sniff out leads to the right people. On the other hand, it may be one of those things where there's no way in unless you get scouted by someone already involved who sees you in action. Hard to know. If information comes to light, however, count me among those very interested.
  9. Could you be more specific about what you mean by ‘exposed’? Are you referring to having your activities made public, or simply to having your body unclothed where others can see? It’s unclear from your post which direction you want to go with this. Either way, I’m sure men here will find something to say.
  10. No, we can't. Absence of proof does not equal proof of absence, and even if there isn't a "preponderance" of evidence - and frankly I don't know how many studies have been done to determine whether pedophiles continue to seek out older material - vernacular accounts suggest that they do. On these boards alone, you can find men talking in admiration of 70s porn, so there's no reason to believe that pedophiles would not reach back that far for material. "Specialists" no doubt form a clandestine black market of vintage photography of compromised children. Any market is going to require fresh material eventually. I have read many accounts by men here who relate that their introduction to sex came early - very early. Earlier than legal, early. Some of these men celebrate that initiation, while others are not so enthusiastic. Bear in mind, however, that this is a site that unabashedly promotes bareback male sex - this is not a unbiased forum by any stretch of the imagination, and opinions on this matter are unlikely to be balanced. Yet there is a value to innocence for children, a time for growth of personal qualities before the violent, turbulent, irrational world of sex must be dealt with. For many children deprived of that time too early, the results are traumatic and permanent. We are not hearing those stories here, because those kinds of people do not, by and large, end up the kind of people we are, and enjoy the kind of sex we do (if they enjoy it at all). You asked, "Suppose the question is, do you want me to stop?" I'm not sure from your original post what you're referring to that you are doing that you would be stopping if you stopped. If, however, you're saying that you seek out males at the threshold of legal age or below, then, yes, I would encourage you to consider the potential harm you could do to the young person's future life and weigh that against the value of your personal gratification. Only you could then determine whether it would cause you to stop.
  11. Really. It's not doing anyone any good at all? I'm a little surprised...
  12. @hungry_hole, it's unclear from this post or your post above it that you're saying that you personally seek out a bottom and Top him. If you do, then I would suggest that you are not, in fact a total bottom. You are, by definition, versatile. I don't disagree with the sense of what you're saying in general for men whose preference is to bottom; for total bottoms, however, your suggestion isn't workable because of the reasons that those men are not versatile. In my case, for whatever psychological reason, I cannot remain erect in the Top position, and even if some artificial method were used to keep me so, I would not feel the necessary sexual aggression to allow me to perform the role of a Top. I've tried. More than once. I can't do it. I don't have it in me. Not A Top. Nor have I ever been able to cum when trying to fuck another guy, so the whole "do this instead of jacking off" thing doesn't wash for people like me. Hell, half the time I don't even bother jacking off - if things have gone well, I've already had my loads fucked out of me by skillful Tops riding my prostate. Two CumUnions ago, I helped out a fellow bottom with a dildo until he came buckets, but I wasn't even convincing at that, and I certainly wasn't feeling Toppish myself (even though the guy was Hot as Holy Fuck, Amen). So, I don't think this makes your point. He deserved someone who was actually into it, not someone going through the motions.
  13. For those of you on the Cumdump Network, what has your experience been like? Has it delivered the results you were expecting/hoping for? How does your location relate to this, do you think? Are there others near you? Has it resulted in anything you didn't expect? Have you had negative effects, such as unwanted identification, legal problems, unwanted phone problems, inappropriate real-time contacts, etc.? Have you ever found yourself in danger as a result? I ask this because I am now retired, and am thinking of joining now that my time has opened up.
  14. Did you ever say or write anything in a moment when you were not in a completely cold, rational state of mind - maybe bitch-in-heat horny or waiting between fucks in a bathhouse - that you later realized might not be how you actually feel? Well, I re-read what I wrote above with a completely calm and sober head... and still believe every word of it. Every penetration is a testament. Every Top who breeds me, thank you. Thank you so much for helping me fulfill that purpose. I am for you, each and every one of you. Whether you've already had me, or are still to cum. I'm looking forward to when it's you.
  15. I wear cock rings of various types for different purposes, often all day, with no trouble. There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re looking at long-term wear: 1. One size absolutely does not fit all. If you haven’t measured your girth (you haven’t? Puh-lease. Never believe anybody who tells you he hasn’t measured his cock) take a string and wrap It around your root beneath your balls and over your cock when fully erect, mark where the end meets, and hold it straight against a ruler. That’s your girth, or circumference. Now go shopping for a cock ring. Don’t buy a rigid cock ring (metal, wood, hard plastic) with an inner circumference less than 1/4” smaller than your girth. Anything smaller will cause too much constriction, will cause chafing and discomfort, and may cause embarrassment when you have to have a paramedic remove it. You can often find rinds sold in sets of three increasing sizes, so if you’re unsure, get one of those and try the options - then give the ones that don’t fit you away to make friends. 2. Choose a ring made for long wear. My favorite ring is a thick chrome torus with smoothed, tapered ends - no edges to chafe! If you choose metal, make sure it’s high-quality and something that won’t start a skin allergy. If you choose wood, make sure its well-sanded and finished. Don’t put on a set of Kali’s Teeth and expect to walk around in it all day - you (and your Dom Top) have to use some damn common sense. 3. There are flexible choices as well. You can find good leather cockrings with adjustable snaps for variable sizing, and different types of rubber rings with cinches that slide up and down. There are jelly-like rings that stretch with you (to a point). 4. Remember what color your cock is supposed to be. Any cockring that leaves your cock looking darkish purple is too tight. If your cock is hard but feels cold, the ring is too tight. Take it off at once. I usually carry a variety of rings with me when I travel. Anyone who comes acrosd me in the wild is welcome to try them on, or ask me to model in person. Always delighted.
  16. Well - If you want to get some authors off their asses, the quickest way to do it would be to start picking up their stories where they left them and writing them yourself the way you'd like them to read. If they don't like the direction you take them, they'll pop back up quick enough. And if they don't care, then maybe you'll develop a following of your own... but of course, then the monkey will be on your back to finish the story. On the other hand - if you don't have the chops to write good stories of your own, and don't understand the skill and work required to create something that people actually want to read - and don't provide your share of what you're criticizing - then be grateful to have been given anything at all for free, and hush. You are not entitled to be entertained by their voluntary submissions, and they owe you nothing. If you don't want to risk being left hanging, don't read the stories.
  17. A small group of men entered my room at The Works bathhouse in Indianapolis last Saturday evening during CumUnion. I could tell it was a group by the sound of the shuffle of their feet, by their breathing, by the way the echoes off the walls of my small room shifted, by the play of the shadows around me. I took a light popper hit to loosen my ass, and it amplified my senses. My ass was up, facing the door (naturally) so I didn't turn to look at them. I never do. I'm a cunt. Why would I need to look at them? They were talking to one of their members: "What do you think?" "Like the look of it?" "Fuck yeah." "_____ used him earlier, said he was the shit." "OH yeah." "You gonna fuck him, fuck that white pussy?" They would be black, then. I didn't even bother with a mental note; I don't care what color a man is, I never have. Sometimes I don't even notice. Call it one of the few perks of being somewhat autistic. His color signified nothing... except... and this has nothing to do with stereotype and everything to do with my personal, intimate experience of fucking many black men... it meant greater odds on him having a big cock. Sorry, that's just the way it's been for me. "Yeah. I'm gonna do it. That looks like a nice pussy." Here again, no stereotype drawn from, just my actual experience: the black guys who have fucked me have almost always called my ass a "pussy" if they don't call it an ass. They never use "cunt". I don't know why. The man sounded young, perhaps shy. I decided I would take especially good care of him. His friends left him and he closed the door behind them. Okay, not an exhibitionist like they had been earlier, if they were the group I was thinking of. There had been eyes on me getting fucked earlier. Eyes on my face. Eyes on my face when my own eyes were rolling back in my head. Eyes on me when they left me lying like a rag doll after their rough-fucking. Good times. I could hear this man fumbling over by my shelf, amongst my lubes. "Try the coconut oil," I said over my shoulder. "Oh. Okay," he said. I positioned my ass for easy entry. When it came, I was mildly surprised. He didn't have a big cock, just average. But as is sometimes the case, I would rather have a craftsman in possession of simple tools than a novice equipped with an arsenal. This turned out to be a craftsman. I didn't need to take care of him. He took care of me. He started slow, sped up, went to ramming speed, back and forth. If he paused, I couldn't help fucking myself on him as though he were a stationary object. I was wearing my solid-steel chastity device that covers my whole cock, and he fucked three loads out of me that filled the inside of it and left my cock swimming in my own seed.I know the clock continued moving, because by the time had finished, 45 minutes of continuous fucking had elapsed, punctuated by long, long, long moments where he found that particular point where a Top's cock feels as though it has hit the absolute bottom of you and your ass involuntarily clamps down in a death-grip along the full length of his shaft, and we would stay that way for eternities at a time, welded together into one body while our minds unspun. At last he pulled out of me and ran a finger slowly, gently, over, into and out of my hole. "That is good pussy," he said. "Good pussy is hard to find." He said it in a matter-of-fact way, like a man of experience, a man who knows whereof he speaks. "That like to have worn me out," he said, sliding off the bed to gather his towel. "I would have like to have done more of that, but I'm old." I blinked. I turned over at last to look at him. Not young... but surely not old... "If you don't mind my asking, how old are you?" "Fifty-six." "Then I guess I'm old, too, since I'm 51. An old man couldn't do what you just did." He smiled shyly, opened my door, and left. Friends accuse me of trying to find meaning in everything, even where there isn't any to find. This man of 56 called himself old not because his looks convinced him that he was - I would have guessed early 40s, in fact - but I suspect because his life's experiences had the weight of an older man's. He bred my ass as a man of experience; and when a man of experience says something, his words have weight. If he tells me that good pussy is hard to find, I have to believe him. If he tells me my pussy is good pussy, it makes me want to share it all the more.
  18. One fond memory I have from a few years ago is of a Top calling his friend to come fuck me. When the friend arrived, my back was to them, and the guy came over to me and got right down to business without a word. He did a very thorough job, too, and shot a fucking flood, and then I collapsed onto my back and he onto his haunches and we both took deep, satisfied breaths. "Hi, I'm Chris," he said. It struck me as terribly funny then, and still does. Fuck the fucking fuck out of me first, introduction afterward. And I don't mind one bit. Anymore, half the time I don't get an introduction at all, if I even see a face in the first place. That's okay, too. I really am just a cunt. But lately, with those guys who either spend some time at me, or who come back for seconds or thirds, I have noticed that even if a first-name introduction does occur as a formality, hardly any of them ever remember it. Instead, when they need to use a name to address me, they just use "Handsome." First of all, I dispute this vigorously as a descriptive term applied to me, unless they simply mean "not balding" or "not hideous" or "not toothless" - all of which could be the case. I mention this because it's a term that has popped up more frequently than "Daddy" - my dislike of which I have written of elsewhere but which I have never actually expressed to anybody personally - or "Buddy" or "Dude" or even "Man". What do guys call you in those moments non-heat-of-the-fuck moments when they don't know your name? In BDSM scenes and relationships, I'm sure that the traditional conventions of Master, Sir, Boy, Slave, etc. are observed; I'm more asking about vanilla-world situations. I'm interested in knowing whether men call other men "Handsome" as a default, because it's a low-risk compliment that can be levied even if you know nothing at all about the other guy besides what his ass feels like on the inside, or because it's safe across age lines, or for other reasons. Is this common? Is it so common for the word to have lost significance in the context? I know, I think way too much. Still, if you have an answer...
  19. 1. Like @takingdeepanal, I didn't start bottoming for men until I was 37. I regret the lost time so. much. I've done my everloving best to make up for it since, and have had a wild, experimental, and orgasm-filled time of it, but I will never be able to stop wondering what might have been if I had started when I was in my 20s. 2. It took me so long to put religion into perspective. 3. I've never done any real porn. I don't count my own xTube vids - I did those years ago in my mid-20s and they're just solo. I would love to have footage of men breeding me, and not just close-cropped cock-in-ass shots - I mean full-body, facial expressions, total audio, the works, with like, decent lighting, focused camera angles, and production values. But I'm afraid I'm only porn-star material on the inside, where it feels great to a Top, not on the outside. I had a moment with a late-20-something at a bathhouse a couple of weeks ago; I was on top of him riding his cock, and he said to me, "You're a lot sexier than in your pics." I decided that was a compliment.
  20. Wow. Not that many guys can say that plural people took their virginity. What were the circumstances? Was that even a little bit traumatic at the time, however you might feel about it now? I ask because some guys might place that among their regrets.
  21. When I’m erect my Ampallang is basically only visible as the two steel balls on either side of my cockhead. They’re both pressed tight to the skin at that point, so there wouldn’t be a lot of metal moving around the way there might be with a PA. Sorry I can’t report on how the fucking feels with it - I’ve fucked so few men and none of them have mentioned it particularly. You’re right, though, Amps and Aps are relatively rare, probably because of the healing time involved. You’ve got to be committed to having the thing to make it work for you. I love mine; have had it for nearly 12 years now.
  22. I'm a trained bondage submissive. Contradictory as it sounds, I have always found being bred in bondage to be extremely liberating. It frees my spirit to accept my sexuality and allows me to respond as a purely sexual object. I have never been able to achieve the intensity of sexual experience unbound that I have when bound. There is something about my muscles having something to strain against - and fail - that pushes the moment over the top. Even when with my former Master, who perfected his control to the point that his mental restraint of me felt as real as any rope, nothing quite equalled the feeling of being owned property the way being immobilized in bondage can. The one great regret I have so far is that I have never found a Dom or Top willing to fuck me in full suspension bondage. I crave that experience. I will travel for that experience. If it involves a gang, I will do practically anything for that experience. Practically. Anything. Hint. Hint. Anybody listening? No, really. Make me an offer.
  23. @DarkroomTaker - For those of us in a different part of the world, could you explain what a “cottage” is in this context?
  24. I just beg, for emphasis: ”Please, please!” ”Please, oh please yes!” ”Please, please breed me!” ”Please, as deep as you can!” [push back hard] I also say thank you afterward. My mama taught me to be polite - she just probably didn’t have this exact scenario in mind…
  25. Censoring language does nothing but inspire the creation of new code words and symbols. The gay community has been having explicit conversations right under the noses of fine, upstanding people for generations. This will be no different. There will be a new substitute for the "e-word" before you know it. Plus, I'm quite sure this will face legal challenges.
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