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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Just to qualify, the gangbang experience that I believe got me my HIV was a 34-load event. A personal best.
  2. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m in Indy right now for the Feb. 10 CumUnion party, and I expect you Tops who’ve been bragging about what you do to us cumdump bottoms to come fuck me in half, and prove you’re not just blowing smoke while you jack off in front of your monitors. My ass will be at The Works bathhouse ready for your loads all fuckin’ day, so no excuses - I’ll be wearing my silver collar. Just tap me on the shoulder and we can go to my room or you can fuck me anywhere. If I’m in my room, don’t waste time, just come on in and get started - I’ll be lubed and ready. If y’all are as real as I am, this ought to be fun…
  3. Sorry, but I have to disagree completely with what @bdbottom said above. Having a healthy immune system in no way shields a person from becoming infected with HIV. The only way you could resist the virus is if you had developed immunity through exposure, and what makes HIV so treacherous is that by the time your body develops antibodies to it, it’s already hijacked your immune system. The idea that you can avoid HIV through healthy diet and exercise alone is rubbish. Ditto with other STDs, by the way - you don’t develop immunity to gonorrhea or chlamydia from having had it. You can get it again. There is some debate about whether effective immunity can be developed to syphilis via exposure. Herpes and genital warts are both spread by shedding virus, and if you’re not already infected, you have no immunity (younger men may have been vaccinated against HPV in recent times.) Hep A and Hep B are lurking, and you can be vaccinated against those - but Hep C is as present a danger as HIV, and there is no cure, Crabs, of course, are simply pubic lice, and can leap onto anyone, no matter how clean and healthy you are. Sorry to be the square dildo at the orgy, but you asked about STDs, and them’s the facts, my friend. To answer your original question, my gangbang experiences have landed me exactly one STD: HIV. And yes, I was quite healthy at the time.
  4. Just an observation about the poll results, which at first glance could be misleading - It looks as though the “Yes” camp is in the majority, but that’s because the “No” responses are distributed across a larger number of questions. In fact, the “No” responses lead the poll. You cum-dripping sluts…
  5. Hm. I would have thought you would have very mixed results with that behavior, because using a urinal with pants down is sometimes seen in individuals with cognitive developmental delays. I have observed this before and that has always been my immediate assumption. It never occurred to me that someone might be using it as a tactic. But then, I’ve never been into the restroom scene... potty functions and sex don’t mix for me.
  6. I've had two DP experiences. Well you might say one-and-a-half My first one was a surprise - a Top was working me with a dildo and suddenly, and without a word, mounted me himself with the dildo still inside. The second was a pair of the genuine article.
  7. The reason open relationships are tricky is because science gets involved. NSA may mean 'no strings attached', but it doesn't mean 'no science associated'. The physical act of sexual intercourse, whether it's between men or between heterosexuals, automatically causes a series of physical changes in the body and the brain, perhaps the most pronounced of which is the release of oxytocin by the limbic system. Oxytocin, the king of all feel-good hormones, is responsible for forming an emotional/empathetic bond between two people having sex. No wonder we cumdump bottoms are insatiable - all that oxytocin! But there's a downside (isn't there always?) in that in the case of the open relationship, those NSA bonds get more or less immediately broken - at least, that's the theory. But your partner knows about the bonding, see, because it happens when he plays, too. He knows that the guy you shagged on the coffee table last night (he can tell by the print of your ass cheeks on the glass) didn't just fuck you, you keep going on about how he bred you - which is bad enough - but worse than that, he knows the guy bonded with you, and that's a threat to your bond with him. Even though yours is a different kind of bond. It's an animal thing. Jealously can be just as involuntary as the bonding. I was married to a woman for 17 years before she decided she needed something else. Since then, I haven't really searched for a relationship, mostly for fear of dragging someone with a heart into a bond that would be unsatisfying. I have only encountered one man whom I could have considered a partner had our ages, and our interests, been a little closer, and we bonded - dear God, we bonded. But in the end I always knew I wasn't what he either was looking for or needed, even though he cared about me, and I pushed him on to better things. Will I seek out another relationship? No - I've always known that it would take a very unusual person, man or woman, to cruise alongside me, and I haven't met that person yet. If I do, who knows - maybe we'll bond.
  8. What a bizarre statement. In my experience, straight men do not “pretend to be gay” and do not fuck men. That is, if you subscribe to the straight/gay, Kinsey-ignorant mythological dichotomy theory of human sexuality. And if you don’t, the statement makes even less sense because in that case “gay” and “straight” cease to have any real meaning, and all we’re left with is “horny”. What a Top calls my hole doesn’t matter to me (although: ‘fuckchute’? Really? That sounds like something you’d use if you’re going to fuck while tandem skydiving) because he is, after all, fucking it, and that’s what matters to me. That’s why I’m like @tallslenderguy above, who needs actual contact with another man to scratch my itch when my hole is hungry. Toys don’t do it, porn is other people, jacking off is the wrong end of the stick. It’s all about the energy. And once I let that cock in me, not only am I not climbing off, I’m going to make damn sure it feels so good it never wants to pull out… regardless of whether it thinks it’s in a pussy or a fuckchute.
  9. Definitely this. Even if in a gangbang situation, my mind is on the cock inside me and the man attached to it; he has my undivided attention. For this reason I actually don't much like getting spit-roasted or having a cock in each hand while getting reamed - I aim to use my ass as masterfully as possible to leave that Top feeling that he just had the top-shelf fuck that he deserved. That way, the question of whether I'm a slut, or a whore, or public property doesn't really matter - all he will remember is that my ass was good enough that he'll want to tap it again.
  10. If you're a bottom, has a Top ever written on your body with an indelible ink marking pen like a Sharpie? If you're a Top, have you ever done so? If so, why, what did the message say, and where on the body was the message written? For instance, if a Top took a pen and wrote "Fuck Me" above the cheeks of your ass, did he then send you into the bar with your pants hanging low so anyone could see it? Did it work as advertising? Tops, have you ever written "Cumdump" on a bottom in a bathhouse just to see whether it would make the bottom's night more lively? Curious to see how often this actually happens, and what you think when you see it.
  11. This is so well-written I had to bump it because it says so much of what I would say. The only thing it omits, that others have emphasized, is the importance of the audience factor. My awareness of all the eyes looking hungrily upon my naked body sharpens two senses in my mind. As they watch me in receptive coitus, I know that many if not most of them consider me submissive, a man to be taken, dominated and used by them, violated in intimate ways without consultation or consequence, and my humiliation is deep and rich. But so is my pride, because I know that I am the object of desire, and when each cock enters me, and its owner exclaims at the pleasure I provide him, I am exhilarated. Men enjoy watching me be fucked by other men; they have even gone so far as to light up my face so they can see my expressions in a dark campground. When I become the vessel that ChainedBoy describes, my humiliation and my pride mix together within me like the many loads churning inside me as each new cock mixes them and adds more.
  12. The OP’s questions are based on an assumption that Dominance and submission are defined by actions. In fact, they are states of mind, independent of the specific acts performed. You cannot be a Dom without a desire or drive to dominate another; you cannot be a submissive without a desire or drive to submit to another’s will. What happens within those frameworks can take myriad (and twisted) forms.
  13. As a total bottom I did not vote, but intentionally causing physical injury to a bottom to the point that he cannot perform his service is unacceptable. To do so marks a Top as a thug at best; at worst, a criminal. I don’t care how Alpha or Dom you are - and I have experienced enough at the hands of such men to speak with authority - there is no arena, including this one, in which basic human rights may be dismissed. Sorry to burst the fantasy bubble here, but some people actually do this insane shit.
  14. On a bed, I seem to get the best results face down with legs positioned wherever the Top wants them so he can mount me and concentrate on deep-fucking while keeping my pelvis pinned inder his weight. From that position he can also pin my neck or shoulders. It’s the best pose for him to get into a natural breeding position, and I can always tell when that instinct takes over. If there’s a fucking bench handy, I’ll climb aboard that in a heartbeat - I like that much better than a sling.
  15. I have thought about this issue a lot as my commitment to sexual service has deepened. The moment that I first understood the true nature of submission was at the hands of an aggressive Dom who immobilized me and refused to stop manually violating me even though I told him he was causing me pain after nearly an hour of violent finger-fucking. Since then I’ve been sexually abused as recreation by men who enjoy that, and I’ve been raped, because there’s no other word for it. CumBustion’s statement about how seriously he takes his service as a cumdump bottom resonates strongly with me, and I’ve said much the same elsewhere. For my part, however, I have no problem drawing a line between what is and is not acceptable behavior from a Top. Those of us who are serious sexual servants provide a kind of outlet for dominant men that is not commonly found. Our endurance, our tolerance, our compassion and our willingness to sacrifice our dignity and our comfort for the opportunity to serve, are valuable qualities. Indeed, the kind of sex we’re talking about here involves Power Exchange, and anyone who doesn’t understand that the one who controls the exchange is the bottom doesn’t get the psychology at all. There is no excuse for causing a bottom serious physical harm; there is no justification for intentionally rendering him unable to continue serving. A Top who does either strays over the line into criminality. I spent five years as the owned property of a sadist. A *sadist*. He exercised cruelties on me that included running a .20 gauge needle through both my testicles, and that wasn’t the worst - but he never caused me any serious harm, and took care of me because he valued the gift he had in my vulnerability. It is our delight and our duty to surrender our bodies to strong, aggressive, dominant men; it is our privilege to be bred by them and accept their seed into us; it fulfills us and answers the purpose we hear calling us from our DNA. We were made to service them - but we were not made to be torn apart by savages or spoiled by animals. There is beauty in our service, and as much as we have a duty to endure heavy use, we also have a duty to preserve ourselves.
  16. Perhaps next time you’re with him you could obtain a clearer image. I could pass it along to someone I know in the trade, but this one is too small and muddled.
  17. There are some Tops who appear to expect oral service in order to get them ready for fucking you, even if it’s just a swirl of the tongue to “tighten them up” before they dive in. Any number of times I will have assumed a position for being fucked, on hands and knees or on my belly on a bed with my ass poised like ripe fruit at the edge, only to turn my head and find the Top standing at the side of the bed nearest my head with his pants down and his cock pointed at my mouth, not saying a word, just expectant. I’m half tempted to say, “The ass is the other end, and if you were unsure that’s actually kind of insulting.”
  18. ErosWired

    Valeria Messalina

    From the First Century CE, Pliny the Elder wrote of the (truncated) life and (dubious) escapades of the wife of Claudius Caesar, by name Valeria Messalina. Messalina was a bad egg. She machinated her way ruthlessly around the court, cheated shamelessly on her husband to the point that it offended even Roman sensibilities (which is saying something), and used sex as a weapon both in work and play. Perhaps Pliny’s most famous account of Messalina concerns her reputed contest held one-on-one against Scylla, a prostitute noted for her endurance, to determine who could have intercourse with the most men in 24 hours. Messalina - the Roman equivalent, mind you, of the First Lady Of The United States - won with a final tally of 25 fuckings by 25 distinct men. What a slut. At least, even the decadent and debauched society of Rome thought she had crossed a line, and it contributed to her downfall. I think about Valeria Messalina a lot. I think about her condemnation by her society - its judgment on her promiscuity. Although that was by no means the only character trait that brought about her demise on a centurion’s blade, it was significant. I think about it because a few years ago, in a 24-hour period, I beat Messalina’s winning score by *nine* I’m almost 150% more of a slut than Valeria Messalina, perhaps history’s most reviled slattern. My score was 34. And all I can think about is someday topping that. There’s a lesson in here somewhere. When I find out what it is, I’ll tell you. At the moment, though, I’m typing this on my cell phone lying buck naked on a cheap hotel bed where I’m being whored out by another guy. I’m in between fuck number 13 and 14 and I have 10 loads of cum in my ass and two in my belly, and I think someone’s at the door.
  19. All day Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018. until 10:00 pm ET, I have to take every load that walks in my hotel room door. Yours could be one of them. Hit me up for hotel and room no.
  20. Is taking the cap off and exposing the poppers to the air what causes them to go stale? If so, would it work to pour the contents into, for instance, a perfume bottle with a vaporizer and administer them that way so that you never have to open the cap? Would that prolong their life? Or perhaps simply placing a piece of sponge or cotton or some other filter in the neck of the bottle? I assume the little ball in the bottle is because the contents stratify and need to be shaken up; is going 'stale' sometimes simply because the user hasn't shaken the bottle properly? Do you find that the larger quantity bottles go stale more quickly or more slowly than the smaller quantity bottles? That is, if you buy a bigger bottle, do you just have to use it up quicker so as not to waste your money?
  21. I did tell the guy, cheerfully, that I was game for just about anything but that. I'm actually not at all concerned about another man's age - younger, older, it's all cock to me. Aside from the incestual implications sort of squicking me, I suppose I have to be honest with myself and realize that my question also relates to an uncertainty about how I and men like me "of a certain age" are viewed by others in terms of our desirability. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, I tend to be blind to the way others view me and just strut my naked ass around as though I were still wearing my 25-year-old body and I'd just spent six months in the gym (as if). How I actually look to people, I shudder to think, so I usually don't. Confidence (or ignorance) can carry you a ways, but eventually somebody is going to comment on the fact that the emperor has no clothes... as it were. I don't want to eventually reach the point where a Top walking over to me and finding me ass-up has to take a moment to decide whether to fuck me or call a hearse. I'd hate to think I'm offering something tempting when in fact what everyone sees is a guy who should have had the good grace and better sense to know when to pull his pants up. Whenever someone calls me "Daddy" I get a little twinge that I might be headed that way and not know it. Just because I might not feel as old as I am doesn't mean my body - or anybody looking at it - agrees with me. I figure I've got a little time left - not much, but a little - before Father Time taps me on the shoulder and says, "That's enough of that, now." God knows I'm not ready to give it up. I have such a need to give up my ass, I can't give it away fast enough. And if nobody wants it, I never will.
  22. I often wonder about what underlies the craving for more, more, more. I experience a kind of deep satisfaction and contentment right after a man has bred me and cum inside me that I get from absolutely nothing else. It's weird, though, because before my training, I could be fucked and the glow would hold me for weeks - now, it fades within a short time and I crave more. That sounds an awful lot to me like a drug losing its ability to make a user high, and requiring more and more to do the trick. Scientifically, it might have something to do with something going wonky with dopamine receptors; psychologically it might relate in some way to an exponential cycle of need generating more need. Who the hell knows? All I know is, lying there with my naked ass upward, the feel of a hand on my skin is a thrill, a promise, and an answer to prayer all in one. And then the fire goes out again, and the empty cold creeps in, and I pray for the gods to send another hero. I promise them that I will do anything for him, anything at all.
  23. A picture is worth a thousand words: The man who trained me for sexual service to men took this shot of me at the exact moment that I realized I had become a cumslut, that I was going to seek out men to fuck and breed me, that I would never be able to get enough of it, and that I would never change. And I wasn't sorry at all. There's more in the image caption in my album.
  24. This poll is intended to accompany the existing "Sex For Pay" thread, which doesn't have a poll of its own. Please conduct general discussion there.
  25. I just turned 51. A guy in his 30s hit me up on Scruff a couple of days ago with a nice offer, but started it out with "Hey, Daddy". My pics are on here. They're me, they're current, and I am all about Truth In Advertising - I don't conceal my age; I don't pretend I'm a triathlete; I don't photoshop my pics even though I work with Photoshop for a living and could do it in a way that you could never tell. I have a full head of hair, a full mouth of teeth and, to use the generous words of a very satisfying lay from two weeks ago, "an ass that won't quit". So, you can call me bitch, cunt, slut, whore... just about anything, really... but not "Daddy." The reason is, I have a son. He'll be 21 in February. I'm his dad. I'm not your daddy. The thought of being fucked by my son is repellent to me. I know that for some of you, the idea of father/son sex is a fetish-y turn-on, and I'm not judging. Your fetish is not my fetish, etc. For obvious reasons, I hope it has remained in the realm of fantasy for you. If not, please don't tell me - I'm not a therapist. My question to you is, do you consider yourself a "Daddy"? Are you called a "Daddy" by others? Does it bother you, or not? Do you fly the Daddy Flag proudly? For the rest of you, is "Daddy" a net positive or net negative in terms of its connotations? What are those connotations - when you hear "Daddy" does it automatically mean something about the man's physique, his attitudes, his sexual attractiveness, desire, or abilities? Answer up, because Time catches up to us all...
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