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Everything posted by BgChsr35

  1. Depends. Fantasy V Reality. Of course 18+. Not worth risking jail. In fantasy the age basis is from the scenario im thinking about.
  2. Isaiah Maxwell. He usually does interracial teen porn. He has a biohazard tattoo on his chest and a huge bbc. Love watching him tear up some pussy.
  3. I have a fwb i hookup with occasionally and it sounds weird but he loves for me to say racial slurs and he knows im not racist, but it makes him harder and drive deeper. He is a very hung black top and as long as it gets him going i guess im down. Anything to please the top. Not really my thing but i do it when he asks me too.
  4. Love to be filled deep by a poz top that gets dominate and makes me take their load. Verbal is big for me it sets the hole mood. Dislike: a top who is verbal online then barely talks in person. I dont hear very well on my right side so i need the communication.
  5. I agree and disagree. I dont think im picky per say, but if im into something like idk BB i dont want to be lumped in with a bunch of guys who are safe only. On the other had what grinds my gears are guys that are "open to anything and anyone" as long as it fits in this small box of criteria, then get all snooty when you message. Communication is key. Dont say "open" if your not. But for all i know it could just be Illinoisians.
  6. I can only speak for me in my area but it seems the apps are allowing ppl to be more open about what they want or are into. Mostly due to filters and hashtags and such that can help specify. It has def made it easier for me at least. Plus things that were shunned 10 years ago are becoming more acceptable. Idk.
  7. Also i get that there are some people that would blow off a message like i was talking about and not everyone would go back to read the rules. But for one took me over a month before i could even see what my mistakes were. Two i have reread the rules and saw what my mistakes were. I did that in one day.....what. Crazy!
  8. I get what your saying but it would seem to me to be more beneficial to keep up traffic. If i got a email or ANYTHING saying hey man your posting topics in the wrong place...link to said rules. Delete or have me move my post so a REAL lesson could be learned. Not banning me for ridiculous amounts of time. I doubt it takes them any longer to be a little more helpful and more adult when someone makes mistakes. Also in my opinion if it seems someone is being dickish i will call them a dick. If it hurts their feelings ilk get them a tissue. Its what i do. I was banned because i was answering some comments on a few posts i made and swapped the responses in the wrong ones. But surprise surprise. I get its the rules and i do what i can to follow them but as a human i will occasionally make a mistake. Not trying argue but simply expressing my opinion on something i find faulty. But see now a discussion is forming and who knows maybe it will help. Not to make this any longer but what really pissed me off was i missed out on a few opportunities to meet some really nice people because they thought id flaked. It put a little twist in my shorts.
  9. I have also been looking around at other info here and there. And a small chance i am immune but other factors such as diabetes and a few of my other health issues can also play a factor in how my body absorbs the virus or lack of. In no way am i from the medical field so i cant say im accurate or even reading it correctly so. Still interesting. Could be i am poz and my meds give me false readings. I dont know for sure.
  10. I dont really hookup thru this site...but it happens a lot on other sites. Gifters talk a nasty game online and when it comes down to it they are just not sure. Or the other end of "open for anything no discrimination". Then its oh well i only like this type. Your to old. I dont like guys with beards. So then dont put open to anyone. Im just bitching now.
  11. I have to admit i do love this site. Stories are great, ive talked to a lot of ppl with similar interests so i know im not alone. But i do have to say the moderator(s) are way to damn harsh. I have made a few mistakes ill be the first to admit it. Posted wrong topic wrong forum. Most the time i blame the vodka and me simply not paying attention. But a month banned and 15 days without being able to comment. Now your just being a dick. Calm down guys there has to be better ways to handle things. Hope this was right forum for this topic. Dont want to banned again.
  12. Woof

    1. bottombehr


      Did you get fuk flu And covert yet

  13. Always wanted a hot sister or aunt to sleep with.
  14. A few hrs ago in my room with a hvl top. He seeded me and left me to become poz
  15. I maybe a gifter by then
  16. Just took a load and a bloodslam from a poz guy with a HVL of 85000. Fuck im horny



    1. ronnie4u


      Extremely HOT , Beautiful and Delicious !   more - more - Please !  

    2. FetishFreak


      Wow. Nice! So hot to take hiv with tina. I think the concept of taking poz blood is intimate and hot as fuck! 

  17. Been watching a lot of vids lately about flashers and public type flashing both male and female. Does anyone else think this is hot? Its not a mainstream thing but it really does turn me on to think about being naked in public or doing things such as in the dif porns.
  18. Does anyone know what may cause hearing loss on one side? Google isnt helpful answering this question. Hopefully this is the right place to put this.
  19. Bring that aids load to STL. You would be popular.

    1. Syracuseboy


      Would love to find some videos or find this master.  

  20. I was gonna try one of these first before the doc, should i waste my money or not? Also i had syphalis about 3 years ago and was treated plus im diabetic. Will that factor?
  21. Hey man do you still know who that guy is? May i request a name if you can?
  22. Last Thurs i got out off the shower heard a pop in my right ear and now been deaf on one side.

  23. Well i did get a chance to be bred twice by a guy last night. Says he's off meds and has a HVL. So we will see if he was lying or telling the truth. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BgChsr35


      Sadly he is a very private person specially with this quarantine thing. Took me lots of convincing and in the end it was only cause we have been friends for awhile. But ill ask him. But said no meds and his hvl was very elevated. 

      I took two beautiful loads.

    3. bottombehr


      Hmmm yummy yummy slurp slurp!


    4. bottombehr


      Only Anonymous testing for me...

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