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Everything posted by pozboy

  1. so when you stopping meds?

  2. You're a model for every guy on this site and deserve every load you get/give. Hot!

  3. Great attitude - get it done and pass it on!

    1. BBFan29


      Thanks man... I'm definitely trying to do my part. 

    2. pozboy


      I hope we all are doing all we can to make the world a worse place - more depraved and riskier

  4. Right. Apologies.

    1. drscorpio


      No worries. It's a rather recent ruling that from the admin that I know not everyone has heard. 

    2. pozboy


      Well, I have now, and am just glad they didn't ban me again. it's all a balancing act.


  5. Latest pics hot and sick  -great! deparaved and risky, that's how life should be

  6. Don't say if you're poz BearPounder? Sounds like you should be!

  7. What an inspiration to us all - thanks pigskintop. It's great to know there are guys like you all round the world converting guys and turning them into gifters. Thanks a million!

  8. This is all hot stuff - barebacking and chainsmoking is so hot . wonder how many guys are pozzed with a cig in their mouth?
  9. This guy is living life like it should be lived - should he be thinking about junking the meds?
  10. Smoking while barebacking is a great combination, wso you can surely get through more than one pack?
  11. This boy needs converting NOW!

  12. This guy is a hero, an inspiration to all gay boys, and new negs should be brought to him to be converted, as I'm sure they all want to be. I'm sure I'm not the only fan who'd contribute money to help this@

  13. That's a sensationally good conversion rate - how many do you aim to convert? Are you still taking poz loads too, or is that count high enough?
  14. The world is full of guys like us - we should all meet regularly in our areas, and see how many we can smoke - any doing below a certain level would be force fed cigs until he reaches it, and videos of us should be added online, and politicians should be made to promise to lower taxes on cigs and booze. The minimum age should be abolished, smoking permitted in bars and machines installed everywhere - it used to be the normal thing, and could be again. We could get funding from the companies. There's no excuse for any gay man not to smoke, and heavily, right?
  15. Great! You aim for higher? I love being in a room full of chaining men with no ventilation
  16. That's great - you should push up your smoking- look at Matt Smoker's Chaining Reds video, and chain along with it, you'll soon be on three packs a day.
  17. I LOVE chainsmoking sites - they are horny for the same reason as barebacking - you know it will harm, possible kill you, and that's just what gives you the hardon, the risk, the riskier the hornier. Which are your favourite sties? SeanSmokes is fun and he jerks off while chaining, but he's fat and coughs all the time. We know that's what you do, but who wants reality? It's all about fantasy, where you smoke cig after cig down to the tip, swallowing every bit of the lovely smoke tar and nicotine. I like SmokingAlphaGermany, GBMarlboroGB, RedznTrainers, Smoke Breather and tommyhay1980, but my alltime fave is Matt Smoker - instant rockhard every time! You?
  18. How far you go with scat? Smearing? Eating? Shit kissing?

  19. Tell  us about your getting fucked raw age 12

  20. Why 'giving the loads but'? How's this going to carry on if those who've had it don't go on to do it? Bareback forever!
  21. It's worth it, right? What is this minimum age crap?
  22. Welcome! Hope you're pozzed soon!

  23. Brill;iant! Who cares if these boys want it or not? The point is we're gonna poz them and we're gonna do it - whatever it takes, right? Love it!
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