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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. There should be something on your computer in connection with your keyboard settings called Character Viewer or something like that.
  2. I just wanted to say that is one smokin' hot picture. If you find yourself in Florida, give a shout and I'll be very hospitable.

    1. partying.hard


      Thanks!  Always ready to accepT hospiTaliTy!  😈

  3. It can be difficult to discern, but it's a rightwards double arrow with a slash through it (according to Character Viewer in macOS). "Not equal to" wouldn't include an arrow (at least when I had math classes and used a slide rule). I read @fskn to mean that control doesn't lead to love. ( @fskn, are you listening?)
  4. WTF...? Jeezus H. Crisco, what has the world come to (no pun intended)? Those are the guys who deserve a rope of cum shot right up their nose.
  5. In my junior and senior years in high school (mid-70s), I hung out at a used book and record store. On Wednesday evenings, the lesbian who owned the store with her gay husband ran a D&D game. There was a regular group of 5 of us who played, and there'd be the occasional newcomer, often a customer who had perhaps watched us one week and decided to return the next week to play. Around 6:30 or 7, she'd pull out the box in which she stored the dice and the game booklets. The regulars would reach into one of the display cabinets and pull out the miniature lead figures that we had each selected on joining the game to represent us. (My character was a thief, and my very hazy recollection is that I reached a level in the mid-20s.) I went off to college, but whenever I came home, I made sure to be at the weekly session. In addition, there were some pretty hot guys in the group so there was another reason to play D&D.
  6. Jeezus H. Crisco.... I stopped breathing as I read this last chapter.
  7. When discrete instead of discreet began to appear in profiles, I figured the end of civilization was nigh on upon us. The guys who don't remember that last week they asked you to unlock your pictures and are again asking (after the pictures were unlocked and seen) really grind my gears.
  8. A new police commissioner and a new district attorney in Suffolk County are moving the case forward now. [think before following links] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/17/long-island-serial-killer-gilgo-beach Will there be any results? Or has time and investigative bungling covered the killer's trail? (That sounds like a commercial for a made-for-television movie.)
  9. Yahoo Groups was shut down in December 2020 by whoever owns Yahoo nowadays. The title graphics are similar on all 3 clips, but the guys in Bareback Party III are very different than the guys in the other 2 clips. And like viking8x6, my scrabbling around the internet didn't uncover anything useful.
  10. I've used Cloudflare for over a year with no apparent difficulty... the DNS servers are and
  11. It's now 8 downvotes according to the magic tabulator.
  12. @fskn expresses my thoughts far better than I can at the moment, @hntnhole. Lives like yours prove the cynics wrong.
  13. The towels at any bathhouse would be the same as the one you had at Wet.
  14. Memories of Garrison Keillor and Prairie Home Companion... I managed to escape lutefisk all those years, but glogg was something I definitely appreciated.
  15. Str8ginger is looking for a plausible cover story. Reading his posts on this thread, one could think that he had stuck himself with a possibly dirty needle, went to the hospital, received PEP [post-exposure treatment], was told to get tested in 6 months, and didn't do anything further. But on December 18, he writes in the HIV Risk & Risk Reduction forum here, "Isn't there some way to help us fake it? Left a drug needle lying around.... Shame we can't get pozzed and have some excuse for it." As far as I can see, the premise of this particular thread is simple bullshit; if Str8ginger was stuck with a needle, I'm the King of Denmark. I'll leave it at that because the idea that someone can be so dumb and gutless is elevating my blood pressure.
  16. I'm hooked....
  17. ejaculaTe


    It's the surveillance society. If the government isn't watching you, umpteen corporations are tracking you. But if there was a notetaker at the various establishments, the notes would make for one hell of a guide to gay sex (assuming the notetaker wasn't totally distracted by the patrons).
  18. "grifters. . . into roll play" gave me visions of officials in state government here taking a cut of the gubernatorial food budget. And for those who missed the Cusack reference, this link should explain it: [think before following links] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099703/.
  19. Santa dropped off an early present for all the good boys…. Having a new entry in the journal of debauchery is always a cause for celebration. (Where’s that pipe?) Thanks for writing…..
  20. When you get home, take your shoes off in the garage, turn the shoes upside down, and shake them.
  21. keep writing -- I feel as if I'm at the door to the laundry room, breathing in the tendrils of vapor that escape you two.
  22. The consensus is that Tampa Men's Club, though the facility is nice, is pretty dead. (The cars in the parking lot? Overflow from one of the auto mechanics in that block, if I recall correctly.) It also suffers from being cash-only and pricey and having staff who must have failed the Dale Carnegie course. When I frequented the baths, Rainbow Cabaret was my preferred destination. Even back then (2012-13), the place was pretty rundown, but the action could be pretty hot (especially on weekends). After reading various posts here and scattered reviews on various gay travel websites (and on Yelp of all places), it appears that the word "repair" and the phrase "capital improvement" are not in the vocabulary of Rainbow's owner. Two themes recurred in the reviews of Rainbow -- don't run around in your bare feet and bring your own towel and soap. You might be better off going to Club Orlando....
  23. A very clever - and different - spin at the end. Thanks for writing this one....
  24. An explanation for those Yankees who contemplate a move to the Sunshine State: the exemption reduces the assessed value of the house by up to $50,000. The real advantage of the homestead exemption is that it limits the increase in assessed valuation to 3% a year. Without that 3% limit, a lot of us would be priced out of our homes. Potential buyers should know that the assessed value resets to full market value (determined by a formula the assessor uses) the year after you buy the house. It's not uncommon anymore for someone's property taxes to triple the year after they bought the house.
  25. For what it's worth, I couldn't agree more. In the late '70s, when I was coming out, I met several guys who were into leather. (We lived close enough to Chicago for them to be habitués at the Gold Coast when it was at 501 N. Clark.) I thought it was pretty hot (as were the guys), but I knew plenty of people who saw leather as evidence, at a minimum, of hooliganism. Nowadays, it seems that leather is just a fashion accessory, the sexual overtones I knew in my youth washed away in the process of assimilation.
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