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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. That's a seminar I'd gladly take, over and over....
  2. I read the original post to imply that he has anal gono as he says "[his] hole has been very very itchy." From the CDC website ([think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/stdfact-gonorrhea.htm) -- Rectal infections may either cause no symptoms or cause symptoms in both men and women that may include: Discharge; Anal itching; Soreness; Bleeding; Painful bowel movements.
  3. give us more adventures.....
  4. And that's just the purchase price. Depending on location, you'll pay as much as $3000 a year for homeowner's insurance and up to another $5000-6000 for flood insurance (FEMA is in the process of changing its risk analysis and rate structure). But as we are reminded all the time by the legislative whizzes in Tallahassee, there's no state income tax.
  5. He's just happy to be here.
  6. that sounds as if it would be the best show that ABS has had in years....
  7. Is this the one for which the gods punished you the next day by rendering Grindr, etc. deaf?
  8. My admittedly twisted sense of humor imagines that being the response when asked at the 30 year high school reunion what you've been doing.
  9. A little clarification now that I've skimmed a few of these stories -- Btmbob2 seems to have the foresight to save stories that were posted on bugshare before bugshare closed. The software here will show Btmbob2 to be the author, but the software is actually saying he's the author of the post, not necessarily of the story. (There's probably a fancier technical way of saying that, but I leave that to a more knowledgable person.) In fact, there are a few instances in which the real author of the story happens to be a BZ member, sees the story here, and resumes writing.
  10. The author hasn't been here (at least under this particular screen name) since May 2018. He has a boat load of stories - I stopped counting at 12 - here in chem sex fiction, and he writes in several posts that he had previously posted them on bugshare (which is practically prehistoric times). Some of them are really short, less than 5 pages if one printed them. I found them by going to his profile (at the top of this page, click on his screen name which is just under the title) and then clicking on "See his activity" (it's on the right hand side of the screen).
  11. Capone was released in November 1939 after doing about 7½ years of an 11 year prison sentence. He died at his home in Florida in 1947. [think before following links] https://time.com/4639795/al-capone-obituary/ [think before following links] https://www.britannica.com/biography/Al-Capone
  12. @ErosWired beat me to it (I had to take the dog out), so I'll emphasize his words of wisdom. Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is a dumpster fire attached to a fast burning fuse. If you haven't noticed, doctors tend to chat when they're not in the OR or doing rounds or whatever else they do. Any move you make on Dr. Kildare will be the subject of conversation within a month. I'm assuming you're in the US, and the last time I looked, most anesthesiologists here are in group practices. American society is generally more tolerant of homosexuality than it was when I graduated from law school in 1982, and it's unlikely that bad things would be said in public about your infatuation with Dr. Kildare. That doesn't mean, however, that the other doctors in a group practice which you wish to join would welcome you. Some, on grounds of religion, might object to working with a gay man, and others might think it a character flaw for you to pursue a man who is, to all appearances, in a happy and stable relationship with a woman. Some might see you as an insurance or litigation risk (as if your specialty didn't attract enough litigation) because they'd see you as someone more subject to claims of sexual harassment. In addition, if you haven't noticed, folks in your specialty tend to see patients when the patient is not fully conscious. No one would say it to your face, but I will: chasing Dr. Kildare will plant a seed of suspicion in the minds of some people that you can't keep your hands to yourself and in the right circumstances, you'd make a move on a patient. (Yeah, I know you wouldn't, but the point is that some people will think you're always on the edge of giving in to temptation.) There are a couple of threads from this summer about workplace affairs and the like. You might want to avail yourself of the very good search function on this website (upper right hand corner of the web page) and find those discussion threads. My advice, perhaps unsolicited and unwelcome, is to keep Dr. Kildare at arm's length; you can certainly be friends, but unless you want to toss your professional career in the wastebasket, don't make a move on him.
  13. My time as a TA in college and in law school was nothing like this, that's for damned sure.... Maybe that's a good thing; I could be the oldest undergrad at my college otherwise.
  14. nice looking veins on the model....
  15. You might want to make a trip to your friendly neighborhood doctor. Too many guys die of prostate cancer because they didn't go to the doctor sooner. You might have prostatitis, but your doctor should be the next phone call you make. (BootmanLA types faster than I do; his reply beat mine by a minute.)
  16. I'm guessing you might have disabused the OP of any notion that you're a chatbot.
  17. The concept reminds me of Dry January. I can see there'd be health benefits from Dry January, but as @ErosWired has explained, the physical benefits from NoNutNovember aren't very obvious. The whole thing has overtones of Victorian masculinity which viewed jerking off as a drain on the masculine essence, leading to physical and moral decay.
  18. This article from the Journal of the American Medical Association discusses some of the reasons. Community-based organizations step up to confront HIV in southern states.pdf
  19. Thanks for finishing the tale of your encounter. I know I never got offers like that when I went in to the office early.
  20. You seemed to have stopped in mid-stroke so to speak. Any chance you'll continue your tale of shagging the cleaner?
  21. And just as aggravating, it's likely that they haven't seen a doctor in years except on tv.
  22. Don't get writer's block -- we're all into this story....
  23. I'm a bit out of practice so 7, 5, 1....
  24. Proving yet again that experience overcomes youth. Simply awesome....
  25. I suspect that there are plenty of us who have had experiences like Treehugger but prefer to forget it as much as possible. And sometimes, as Treehugger writes, all you can do is laugh.
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