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Everything posted by leatherpunk16

  1. You can do that? Bravo, that's an accomplishment that few can attain.
  2. Dick is a little itchy today. I washed my PA, and pulled out this white little film. Just a little piece. Almost like cum, but that's impossible. And one side under the head of my penor looks a little puffy and red. That's a new one. Wonder what horrible disease I have THIS time.

    1. Justaholeff


      Keep us posted!

    2. Willing
    3. leatherpunk16


      The itching has stopped. After my sexerise, I went into the shower and used an anti-bacterial soap to wash my PA and body. No more trouble there. And the puffiness? I later brought myself to full erection. Turns out that it was just bunched up skin. Nothing abnormal there.

      Good. I don't need to be in a clinic and getting a lecture from the doctor about bareback sex during a pandemic. It's more the hassle than the concern about another bug that I find annoying and unnecessary.

      Part of the ho life.

  3. Wow, I think "MuscledWhore" would be a better screen name for you. LOL
  4. I did it, pigs! I joined Team PA, and got my dick pierced for my 40th birthday. It hurts now, but will be nice when it's healed.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Willing


      Makes my hole pucker😵

    3. alltopswelcome


      will you fuck me with it when its healed? 

  5. Got bred today! I had to go up to Madison for auto service, so I saw a friend of my late husband. 'Martin' and I played before with Mark, but I was not into him. What I remembered about him was a nasty overbite and his MONSTER DICK. So we got together and fucked. He pumped a 4-day load into my ass. I barely noticed, which means my bottoming has improved. Last time I took this guy's pole was January 2018, and I did not have a good time. 

    Anyway, his huge dick pumped a fat wad of cum DEEP in my guts. I then had a great idea. I lay back on the bed and beat off. 'Martin' caught my cumshot with his hand, then proceeded to finger my own spunk into my hole. It was super hot. My ass feels good right now. 😃

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarif98


      Wish I could wear those cummy boxers 😈

    3. delete222


      I think it's hot that you were horny enough to give it another chance with someone you did NOT have a good time with before.  Sounds like it's mostly to do with your bottoming skills :)  I wouldn't give a fuck about the overbite if the sex is hot - sounds like you'll go back again for sure now!! 

    4. leatherpunk16


      It's doubtful I'll be going back. This was kind of a farewell, and he's in a 14-year relationship with another man. He was more Mark's friend than mine, and I have no reason to return to Madison. 

      And for those who are wondering, he is definitely neg.

  6. First, welcome to BZ. Feel free to talk to any of us about stuff like this. You are not alone. I am a lot like this. This site makes one hungry for it, and brings out desires you didn't know where there. If you want to feed that darkness, spend some time reading the bugchasing fiction. Some of it is quite good. I'd recommend stuff, but what I like isn't necessarily what YOU will like. Talk to other members of the forum. Browse and see what all is here. There's a lot! You *should* be scared. It's a big step. I think mentally you might be ready to start the journey, but perhaps not emotionally. That's where we come in. We're here to help and guide you along the way. I am no expert on the subject - I'm not poz myself - and have little authority on the subject. Some guys here will strongly encourage you to do it. Others will show you resources so you can decide for yourself and what the long-term meaning of the poz life is really about. Think about what you really want, and what your journey means to you. You don't have to get plowed by every slut in the bathhouse to live a great sex life. Personally, I don't think that would be fulfilling for the long-term. In your 20s, sure, but at middle age, not satisfactory. Stick around, and keep coming back. Ask your questions, and be open minded. We're always here.
  7. My husband and I were in love, and we fucked other guys regularly. The only rule was that we had to tell the other about our sexcapades. Love is wonderful. Even if you're the biggest whore, if someone declares themselves to you, don't just run away from it. That can be your instinct when it isn't expected, but if you stay with your suitor, you can probably expect great sex just like this for a long period. And you might not be chained to this person who insists on monogamy. They might allow play with others as long as you're home for breakfast in the morning. It's different for everyone, really. But as someone who lost their lover, allow me to say this: When love comes knocking, be open to it. Let yourself be loved. And try to be a good lover in return. You don't want to be "the shitty ex". It's not a good feeling in hindsight, and can cause emotional insecurities. Even if you don't feel it right at that moment of declaration, give yourself time. There's no set timetable for falling in love.
  8. If I have to undergo seroconversion, I want it to be from @bugRyan. He knows the reason why.
  9. How are they doing with restrictions and health? Do you know?
  10. Tell us where you got it?
  11. I seem to remember something I read in one of the fiction stories. After fucking, one guy grabbed what he thought was his water bottle, but realized it was his buddy's bottle, and switched to the other one. Buddy: Dude. You realize I just poz bred you, and you're concerned about drinking from the wrong water bottle??? It was something like that.
  12. Neg. For now. Stopped taking the PreP in March. I knew there'd be no reason to continue it, but hang on to it so I don't have to pay for it later. I wonder if this stuff has a shelf life?
  13. I used to drool over Logan McCree, but since he proudly announced being a MAGAt, I have lost interest in him. Lately I'm hungry for Silver Steele, who seems to excel in every facet of fetish porn lately. He's also a good friend of mine.
  14. The upshot - if you really try to see the positive in this (pun intended) - is that it's a good place for newcomers in porn, and you get to add it to your resume. As I said before, they know they can get guys, so they're "disposable". "Expendable". Some guys are into humiliation and being used. This is one reason I didn't follow up on my interview in 2013. I already knew it was going to be bad, and the disillusionment was a turn-off. Couldn't get hard for Truckie to take pictures.
  15. MODS: I think the website needs a "top" button to scroll back to the top of a page in the topics. (Gosh, that was a lot of more 'top' than one can find on Grindr. LOL) It's annoying to find a topic update with a new post, and find it at the bottom of a page. I want to go back to the forums when I'm done reading it, and scrolling manually is a chore. 

  16. I actually saw a video from Sounding King many months ago that is similar to what you describe. A guy had put so much silicone in his dick that he was able to take another dick inside his, and use it like a fleshlight. Got the cum out, too. HE CAME INSIDE HIS COCK. I couldn't believe that! I don't have the link, and would have to do an intense search to find it, but maybe one of the other pigs here knows exactly where to find it.
  17. Got an appointment to get my dick pierced on the 24th. Yay! I'm doing sex right before the piercing - but is that safe? Will I be too sensitive for a piercing? Should I refrain from bottoming after? Surely someone here knows these things from experience.

    1. RawSexPig


      If you're having a PA, then the healing time is between 3 to 4 weeks,.  I would strongly suggest you start no smaller than a 10 gauge, better if  the piercer can do it at 8  gauge  because it is safer when having sex as it wont tear.

      As soon as possible (i.e. every 6 months) have it stretched to  6 gauge.


    2. leatherpunk16


      Really? I was told by another that I should start with a 6 so it heals faster and I can size up to the big rings. It's good to have multiple opinions. Thanks for your input.

  18. So this is based on actual events? That adds another layer of interest.
  19. This year I've discovered that I enjoy getting fucked, but you gotta have a good piece of meat in there or I won't enjoy it. I've said in another topic that my ex has a small dick. That kind of shit hurts me and I get NO enjoyment from that. I need that feeling deep inside. But I think only a couple guys have ever been deep enough and left me a little present. When it's safe to return to shooting porn, I intend to go full bottom. Would be nice if I could rosebud, but I'm too impatient to work at that and make it happen.
  20. I'm in a mood for some SERIOUS darkness today. Can't identify exactly what, though.

  21. I've been told by a very reputable source that the studio is a big drug scene. They allow their performers to do a variety of hard drugs on set and don't do squat about it. If that isn't your scene, or you're a sober guy now, then you ought to consider other studios. Besides, I'm also told they underpay because models are expendable to them. They know guys will fall all over themselves to be in a TIM gangbang or whatever, and everyone is disposable unless they find a REALLY GOOD one. And at least 2/3 of their models are poz. If that's not your thing either, then don't apply or work for them.
  22. Discovering and exploring one's sexuality is super important for our mental health. It may be that you just have a fetish for getting pounded. If you wish to try an experiment (and your girl open to it), have her wear a strap-on and she can plow you with it. This might give you insight as to what you like. Or it might scare off the girl completely. Enjoy these early moments when you can and while they are still new. Eventually you'll climb heights beyond this, and can look back thinking it all started here.
  23. 5 inches at the very most. And it was just straight solid cock. No real flexibility and stuck straight out. Every angle hurt.
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