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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. Oh dear. I’m going to stick my head above the parapet here. I don’t shave. Never have. Hairy all the way- just as nature intended. Actually, I’m just lazy. It seems to me that for every top out there that likes ‘em smooth, there’s one that likes ‘em hairy. So I don’t bother: I don’t think shaving would land me any more cock. But it seems to me from some of the other responses to this topic that a lot of bottoms shave simply because they prefer the look/feel of it themselves. And I’m all for that- it’s as good a reason as any to go to all that effort. But for me- well, I guess it’s just not my thing.
  2. “Something spiritual”. Love it. It’s not called Cumunion for nothing... I think a lot of us cumdumps may feel there is something spiritual about taking anon cock and multiple loads. It’s hard to put into words because I guess it comes from somewhere deep in our DNA that predates language. But when I’m being fucked by a random stranger, I feel on one level that I’m not communing with just the one individual, but that I’m in some kind of communion with every male on the planet: half of humanity. The individual represents the universal. And so on that basis, it doesn’t really matter what he looks like, because in some way he represents every man that has ever existed. It’s powerful stuff. Not sure if the top feels the same- maybe he’s just getting off. But that’s just fine lol.
  3. When I first started going to clubs and sex bars, I would find myself wandering round finding all kinds of reasons not to have sex with any of the guys there. I found I was incredibly picky, writing off great looking guys just because they had a slight paunch, or were ‘outside my age range’. But I wouldn’t approach the really attractive guys either, because I didn’t want to get rejected, and if anyone approached me I would refuse them for being too forward (I am English, after all). In the end, I worked out that the only way I would get fucked was if I knelt/lay down on a bench, arse up, face down- and just took whatever came along. I came to the conclusion that as a sub bottom, I’m not made to choose, I’m made to be chosen, and I’m much happier for that. Now I take loads off all cummers- the good, the bad and the ugly- and generally prefer not even to see who’s loading me. And I tell you, it’s fucking marvellous!!!
  4. Been visiting my parents for a week in the North, and always get horny after a few days’ enforced celibacy. So decided to break my fast on the way home by stopping off in the Midlands at my favourite sauna: the Greenhouse in Darlaston. My god, I’m glad I did. It was Sunday afternoon, so I knew it would be busy. After reading another post on here from cumslut74 about the best place to position oneself, I headed straight for the darkroom downstairs, and got straight down to business. The first guy made a play for my cock, but as soon as I told him I was ‘bottom only’ he told me to turn round and bend over. A nanosecond later he was inside me. His was just the first cock of many. I finally settled on a fuck bench just outside the dark room, head down, arse up, and took whatever came along. Impossible to say precisely how many, as is always the case in these situations. But I’m guessing something like 25-30 cocks, and about 12-15 loads. I reckon about two out of three were bare: suffice to say, it wasn’t long before I was ‘flooded’. Stayed till about 6, at which point the crowds started to thin, and it was time for me to continue on with my journey home. Love that sauna- wish there was one like it in London, but with rents and property prices so high, I just don’t think a sauna of that size is financially feasible in the capital anymore...
  5. Sadly it’s true. The loads don’t all stay in there, and in a gangbang situation, guys fuck it out of you as fast as they fuck it in. That’s one of the reasons I dislike condoms so much: he’s gonna pull all that cum out of you, and not replace it with anything! Same with guys who just use your hole and don’t cum- grrrrr. But otherwise I agree with most of the other posters on here: there’s just no such thing as too much cum. After a few hours of being fuck in a bar or a club, I might finally get the urge to leave, but that’s never because I’ve had too much cum. It’s just because I’m getting tired and/or hungry. Suddenly the idea of a burger on my way home becomes really appealing, and eventually overwhelms my ongoing desire for cock and cum. After all, there will always be more cock to be had tomorrow or the day after...
  6. I’ll be sure to bring this up for discussion next time I find myself talking about Brexit lol
  7. Just go for it! A two hour drive isn’t that long, and definitely worth it if you get loaded! And everything Eros says is right: it’s confidence and attitude that gets the cock, rather than age and looks. I’m always envious of the guys who aren’t afraid to make the first move and go after what they’re looking for. I tend to be rather timid, and wait to be approached... and sometimes that results in a long wait! A lot of younger, better-looking guys than me also fall into that category: you often see them standing there, largely ignored, looking rather lonely. It’s those older, more average guys who walk round the place like they own it that get the best results! Anyway, have fun and tell us all about it when you get back!
  8. This thread was started in 2012, before the Prep ‘revolution’. I wasn’t doing this back then, and am surprised to hear just how available bb was at that time! Nowadays when I cruise the bars and clubs of London, it’s quite hatd to find a guy who wants to use a condom, but they’re still around. Sometimes I feel a bit sorry for them, as these days it seems perfectly acceptable to refuse a guy who puts on a condom, and they always seems a rather crestfallen when this happens. Whereas when I was young, quite the reverse was true, and there would be general moral outrage if you didn’t use a condom.
  9. Are you perhaps searching for the ideal cock, which is preventing you from connecting with those you actually come across? It doesn’t sound as though you are shy or find it awkward initiating contact, which would be another reason why you’re finding it hard to get fucked. Sometimes at a club or sauna I can be a bit picky or feel a bit awkward at the beginning: I need that first fuck to get me started, and there’s no stopping me. It sounds like you might be similar. You either need a dominant top to take control and force the issue, or failing that just put yourself in a position (eg: arse up on all fours in a dark corner) where you have no choice but to take that first cock! Anyway, I live in Essex, so am not too far from you. If you’d like to hit the London sex clubs and/or saunas with a ‘wing man’ to look out for you, let me know
  10. I’m afraid I’m with the OP on this one. I hate being felched! As far as I’m concerned, once a top has dropped a load in my backside, that load is MINE! I’ve worked for it. I want to keep it, savour it, and attract other tops with it so they can use it as lube. Nothing worse than a greedy bottom diving in there the moment the top pulls out and stealing all that creamy goodness. I’m like, “Fuck off and get your own cum!” If that makes me selfish, I don’t care: I’m not there to satisfy other bottoms’ needs. The only exception is a felching top. I still don’t like it, but if he’s going to put a load back in, I can’t really complain about him sucking a load out first.
  11. I’m a total bottom slut. I’m good at it and I’m proud of it. I don’t feel any less of a ‘real man’ because I take cock up the arse. It takes guts, strength and stamina to take cock after cock, and allowing men to use your body so they can experience the ultimate in physical pleasure is something you should definitely be proud of. Let go of the cultural baggage that tells you you’re not a real man because you bottom. Own it and be proud of it. You may be wired differently from the dominant men who fuck your, but you have equal value in the world.
  12. One of the reasons I hardly ever cum, is so that I can stay in some degree of ‘heat’. Normally this is simply a pleasant and manageable degree of horniness, enough to make me visit sites like this and plan my next cock hunt. As most people here have already said, this horniness gradually builds up over time if it’s not satisfied, and occasionally reaches raging levels if circumstances have conspired to deny me access to cock for any length of time (family holidays, etc). But once I’ve cum, it’s a different story. Total disinterest in all things sexual, sometimes for several days. Suddenly the rest of life seems to open up again, with endless opportunities for doing different things. It can be quite refreshing! Doesn’t last for ever, though- and that horniness soon starts to build again...
  13. Question for the tops on here: when you are fucking a guy, can you always tell if he’s been loaded? As a cumdump, I love taking multiple loads in my arse. I’ve always imagined it must be fairly obvious if a bottom has already taken cum, but don’t know for certain (I’m a total bottom, and have never experienced a fuck ‘from the other side’). For me, sperm is the ideal lubricant, but I’m curious whether tops feel the same way...
  14. Love poppers, always have- even in the days when I only sucked cock and never took cock anally. It’s the buzz, and the sex-crazed ‘zone’ that taking a hit puts you in: as some of the other posters have already pointed out, the rest of the world briefly seems to melt away, and it’s just you, him and his cock (mostly just you and his cock tbh), and an overwhelming desire to get him and his load as deep inside you as possible. I have to say that I must have got used to them to some extent, because in recent times, I don’t seem to get the same level of buzz I once did. Although maybe that’s down to a new formula or something: recently someone gave me a hit of a brand called ‘Wings’... and that really did take me back to the good old days. It doesn’t seem to be available in the UK. Anyone know where it might have come from?
  15. Love it when a top shoots hard and deep but then stays inside for a while, gently pushing his load around with his cock, massaging it into the walls of my arse, forcing it in deeper. Even better if there’s already another load or two in there. So disappointing when a top pulls out he moment he’s cum, unless of course there’s another cock poised to take his place...
  16. Name: faggot, cunt, cumdump Number: 07946-069105 (Whatsapp best) Location: Braintree, Essex, UK Times available: evenings, weekends Times NOT available: normal working hours Age: 47 Height: 5’9” Weight: 75kg Ethnicity: White Fit, muscular cumdump with hot hole ready for filling. Pump and dump welcome. Arrive balls full, leave ball empty.
  17. Last night at Hard On in London. Not sure how many loads I got, but reckon about one in fucks ended with a load, so maybe 6 or 7. Currently my favourite strategy at sex clubs is just to find a suitable bench (preferably one with lots of passing traffic, rather than one stuck in a dead-end corner) and kneel on it, arse up for anyone to use: that’s how I got most of my loads last night. But occasionally I’ll ‘mingle’ and join the throng, which is harder work but sometimes results in a better quality fuck. And that’s how I got my last load of the evening. Fit, otter-type guy, lovely big cock, rock hard. It was getting late and he clearly wanted to cum so he could get out of there, and I just happened to offer the right hole at the right time. He turned me round, pushed me up against the wall and was straight in there, stirring up all the other loads I’d taken. Fucked me good and hard before delivering his load deep, deep inside with two or three punishing thrusts and a long, tell-tale groan. Great way to end the night, for both of us!
  18. I find this one difficult. When I get fucked in bars/clubs, it’s almost impossible to be certain if a guy has cum in me or not, particularly when there is a lot of background noise/activity, and especially in a ‘feeding frenzy’ situation, when it’s one cock out, one cock in. Sure, I can tell that at least one guy has cum in me coz the evidence is there afterwards, but after that first load, it’s impossible to say, and therefore hard to give an accurate load count. Anyone else have this conundrum?
  19. Funnily enough, it was catching an STD from so-called ‘safer’ sex (performing oral) that started me on my journey to becoming a full-blown bb cumdump. It was like I faced a choice: either avoid STDs by giving up sex altogether, or embrace sex completely (ie: go bb) and just sort out any ensuing problems as they come along. Needless to say I chose the latter. Since then, I’ve had to deal with a couple more infections over the course of 2 or 3 years, and yes, they are a real nuisance. But as long as they remain treatable, and as long as they only come along with that sort of frequency, I view them as a not-to-burdensome price to pay for the pleasure I get from my bb activities. If they start to become more frequent or harder to treat, then I can see myself modifying my behaviour to some extent, but I can’t see myself going back to condoms.
  20. Hi guys, I’m visiting NYC from London. Is the Cock evenings only, or is there daytime action there too?
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