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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. So you heading off to GC tomorrow, @RawUK? So jealous- don’t forget about us, and check in to tell us about your experiences!
  2. Hey guys- does anyone know of any regular breeding parties held on a Sunday?
  3. Maybe only bottoms have read it? I know from previous posts you’ve made that you’re not looking for bottoms to second guess what’s going on inside a top’s head, so I keep stumm when you ask these sorts of questions.
  4. Most days. I started because I thought it might make me more fuckable, but now I just do it for me.
  5. I don’t live close, so can’t claim To be an expert, but if you do manage to get to Darlaston, I think Wednesdays (naked/small towel) and Sundays are best. Have you been to or heard of Roast? It’s a new-ish party in London, which apparently is as close to XXL as you will get in the capital these days…
  6. Only been to their Dare2Bare events on a Sunday- and those are good! Not sure what a regular weekday evening would be like… If you’re going to Birmingham and have transport, you might want to check out the Greenhouse Sauna in Darlaston- it’s certainly one of the best (if not the best) saunas in the country.
  7. The ‘vibe’ at these places varies very much day to day, night to night- depending largely on the dress code. Certainly at the Vault, naked nights are always the busiest and best in terms of full-on bb sex. I generally don’t do the other nights, but from what I remember, guys are much more cautious, even on underwear nights, and often only looking for oral or ‘safe’. Afternoons (always clothed) are different again, and attract a very mixed crowd of men, many of whom I suspect do not even identify as gay, but are just looking for m4m sex. They run the full gamut from super-cautious to super-wild, so you never really know what you’re going to get. I’ve only been to Bunker a few times and not at all recently. It’s a fun play space, and has some interesting-looking themed nights, but I don’t know how well-attended these are. Again, it’s should imagine the vibe varies very much from night to night, depending on the theme. The only real way for you to find out is to go and see for yourself. You’ll be your own expert on the matter in no time…
  8. I nearly had a disaster on Thursday, but Breeding Zone saved the day. I turned up at the Vault in London ready for naked night, only to realize that I’d left my portable black bulb douche in the car, which I’d parked miles away in the outskirts of the city. Although I’d already cleaned out at home, I always take my bulb douche with me so that I can ‘touch up’ before I play- it’s often a 2-hour trip door-to-door, and things have a habit of moving in that time. Anyway, I was seriously considering just giving up and leaving rather than risking an ‘accident’- but then I remember reading a post on Breeding Zone where someone said that in an emergency, they just use a regular water bottle (and reading through this thread, I reckon it might well have been @tallslenderguy!) So I bought one from the bar for £3.00, grabbed some lube and went into the bathroom to give it a go. And fucking hell, you know what? It really did work! No special nozzle or anything, I just pressed the open neck against my hole, squeezed the bottle, and voilà! I’m sure there’s no way this would have worked when I first started bottoming- my hole would have been far too tight. But now, that’s not such a problem 🤣 So anyway, thank you for the tip, Breeding Zone- or more specifically, @tallslenderguy!
  9. I love the way that motel actually advertises room rates by the hour! I thought that was a myth- we have nothing like that here in the UK (or not that I’ve ever come across). I’ll actually be staying with friends in Yonkers, not that far from the Bronx- so maybe that’s a possibility for a pump and dump session…
  10. Do bottoms have power? Absolutely, and in equal measure to tops! I’ve never been one to buy into the “I’m just a worthless hole” mindset- sure, I know some guys do and fair play to them- but for me, when I adopt that role, it’s just part of the game. Deep down, I know I’m every bit as worthy as any of the tops that fuck me, and that when it come to the power stakes, we’re an equal match. Sometimes, when a top cums and collapses on top of me, weak, drained, and ready to go home, I feel very much like I’m the one who has the power, as I mentally plan my next conquest while he catches his breath… I’m a firm believer that tops need bottoms just as much as bottoms need tops… and therein lies the beauty of all that we do on this site!
  11. Have you been to Rosebay campsite in the East Midlands? I haven’t tried it yet, but am interested in checking it out one weekend this summer, at least as a ‘day’ visitor… Also, I wouldn’t write London off. I should imagine there are reasonable airbnbs outside the centre where you could base yourself. I’ve always considered the Victoria line the best transport link for connecting all the gay dots (Vauxhall, Soho, Warren Street/Kings Cross), so you could look at staying somewhere fairly cheap at either end (Walthamstow or Brixton), and use it to get around.
  12. Thanks for this, @SomewhereonNeptune. All those places that you mention sound vaguely familiar- I used to live in Hoboken and work in Secaucus- but it’s amazing how 30 years dull the memory. It would be fun to reacquaint myself with the area while trying to set up a cumdump session, something I wish I’d done back then in my early 20’s… it’s so true what they say, youth really is wasted on the young!
  13. I couldn’t agree more- believe it or not, April and May can be lovely in the UK, and often are; but weather-wise, you can almost guarantee that the first week in June will be one of the worst of the year (think D-Day landings…). I’ve no idea why the late Queen decided that this would be the ideal week to celebrate all things royal, but from coronation to jubilee, these events were plagued with miserable weather throughout her reign. Perhaps that’s why King Charles has decided to get crowned in early May instead- let’s hope he can break this jinx!
  14. This is why I generally prefer to get gangbanged in a cruise bar or a sauna, rather than in a private setting. As a bottom, there is a lot less pressure: if something goes wrong or you’ve simply had enough, you can stop for a break at any time, and the tops won’t be disappointed: there are always plenty of other holes around to fuck. Of course, the trade-off is that a younger, fitter, hotter cumdump might set up shop right next to you and end up stealing all the loads… at least in a private setting, you can pretty much guarantee that every drop of sperm is going to end up inside you one way or another.
  15. This is a timely thread for me. I’ll be over in New York in April, but will only have one night free (ie: without pesky friends) to indulge my cumdump desires. I was thinking of booking a night at the Paul, as it always seems to come up in convos about NYC cumdump sessions, but looking at the price, I’m not sure I want to risk spending $300-$400 on what might turn out to be a disappointing evening. Even if I got 6 loads, that would work out at over $50 per load, which strikes me as rather poor value. Any other suggestions would be very helpful. I have to say I have a soft spot for New Jersey and its men: I lived/worked there for a spell back in the 90’s. However, as @NastyRawBottompoints out, getting to a suitable motel there without private transport would be difficult- but if anyone knows one accessible by public transport, let me know!
  16. Having just spent a month there, @RawUK, I’m not sure I’d really want to spend my whole time there, in retirement or otherwise. Don’t get me wrong- I loved it and had a great time, and could have stayed somewhat longer. But when all is said and done, it is relatively small island in the middle of the ocean, without a great deal to offer apart from the obvious. I think for me, at least, the 3-month winter break there is a better plan, and that’s what I’ll be working towards. After all, England may have its faults, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else when spring shows up!
  17. Blimey- how things on Hampstead Heath must have changed since then! It’s now a designated PSE (‘Public Sex Environment’), and the police have very specific guidance on how to manage such areas. The general rule is that sexual acts are tolerated and not considered criminal, as long as the participants make an effort to cause no offence to others. In practice, this means finding somewhere to do it out of sight and preferably after dark: Hampstead Heath is a much loved park and popular with families during the day, but at night it’s ours. It seems a sensible way to manage a shared public space on a crowded island like ours, and I’m quite happy to keep my pants on until after dark. But it amazes me and annoys me how many guys continue to fuck there during daylight hours, which is bound to cause complaints and upset the delicate status quo that has finally been achieved.
  18. We get so many posts on here talking about an intention to go to such-and-such a place, or a plan to attend this-or-that event… but very few subsequent posts describing what it was actually like. Are guys too shy to share their experiences? Are is it just a question of can’t-be-bothered? It’s a shame- coz shared info benefits us all.
  19. Half-way through my month-long trip to GC, and can safely say have refamiliarized myself with the cruise bar scene out here. Although it’s quite busy here during the winter season with guys seeking to escape the north European winter, it’s nothing like it is during peak season events like Pride or Fetish Week, apparently. Fri/Sat nights are unsurprisingly the busiest, mid-week is steady, Sunday is dead. Note to self: on future trips, fly home on a Sunday- you ain’t missing anything here. Safe to say, Strong Construction (€10 entry: 1 free drink) continues to reign supreme: always busy, and especially so on Friday/Saturday nights when a lot of Spanish guys from Las Palmas show up for the weekend. Still my favourite, simply for the sheer sleaze of the place. No dress code, so men in all states of dress and undress… chatting, drinking, smoking, and of course having sex- all over the place. It’s manic. The back areas can get very crowded: the fuck benches are very popular with head down arse up cumdumps such as myself. Multiple fucks are guaranteed, getting loads is more haphazard- seems to be more about being in the right place at the right time (ie: when a top finally needs to unload) more than anything else. I’ve had some very good times at Reds, and some less so. They open earlier than all the others, at 8:00pm rather than the usual 10:00pm (Construction is 9:00). This is useful if you’re English like me, and used to getting things started early in the evening, rather than hanging around endlessly waiting for things to get going. Happy hour from 8:00-9:00, which means you get 2 free drinks for your €10 entry instead of the standard 1, which is handy when you’re watching your pennies. On a good night you can expect perhaps 40-60 guys, less mid-week. Zoo is similar to Reds- similar style, similar number of guys. They don’t open till 10:00, but always offer 2 long drinks for the €10 entry. What marks Zoo out is the staff- very funny, very chatty, very friendly- and they set the tone for the general atmosphere of the place. Both Zoo and Reds offer the opportunity to circulate with relative ease, make eye contact, and follow up with a connection. Strong Construction doesn’t: it’s just too busy. It’s more grab a cock or arse as it passes and see if you can find fuck space. Factory (the new kid on the block) seems underused and underrated. Shame, because it’s a nice-looking bar. Somewhat cheaper than the rest at €8 entry. Still, there’s a good fuck bed where most of the action seems to take place. Noxon talks a good talk, but I’ve yet to really enjoy myself there. Perhaps because I’ve only been on ‘off’ nights (eg: Sunday) there have only been a handful of guys there. I understand that Tuesday is very popular with guys who are into piss. Often offers all-you-can-drink beer with your entry fee, presumably to aid the piss scene it’s famous for. Haven’t bothered with Bunker yet this time, after a couple of miserable evenings there last year. I have seen guys queueing outside a couple of times (weekends), so will aim to try it out again at least once before I leave. I just hope they’ve finally managed to get rid of the overriding stink of sewage in the basement area… I don’t really count Box and Tom’s as cruise bars- they are Berlin-style bars with back room cruising areas, that no-one seems to use. Still, they don’t charge entry fees, so are good places to hang out for a drink and to be sociable. Cruise is the only one I have never been to: I’ll endeavour to correct that oversight soon!
  20. By accident, I happened to be out in GC last year for bears’ week too, or at least for the start of it. My (perhaps controversial) observation was that as a group, bears are much more interested in socializing than in having sex. There was a distinct change in the atmosphere of the bars when the bears arrived: much more standing around chatting and drinking in the bar area, and a lot less diving into the flesh pits at the back. Same in the hotel (Axel Beach)- less cruising, more eating, drinking and socializing with friends. I’ve also noticed as a general rule that applies to all tribes of gay men that guys are a lot less inclined to play as hard and dirty in front of their friends as they might do when they are solo. I suppose it might be the fear of being judged. So many times I see guys laughing and chatting with their friends by the bar, while occasionally making furtive glances sideways into the dark room, but not daring to enter and reveal their inner slut to their friends. I’m guessing that a combination of the above might have put a bit of a dampener on the usual depravity of the GC back rooms when you were there last year, @rawfuckr. Of course, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with putting sex on the back burner while you have fun with your friends, but as I’ve often said, a good social life plays havoc with your sex life.
  21. From personal experience, I can tell you that doxycycline PEP really isn’t very effective against gonorrhea, so I wouldn’t go out of your way at to procure some just for that. Although it does seem very useful at preventing syphilis and chlamydia infections, gonnorhea is always the one that gets through. Three months seems like an adequate testing interval even for a cumdump, and unless you have symptoms of course, I really can’t see the point testing more frequently. Sure, it means occasionally you might be carrying around gonno in your arse for longer than you’d like, but you probably won’t even notice. Does that make you a high risk fuck? Yes, it does. Which is why I tend to limit my play to other players who know the risks involved in our particular lifestyle, and avoid guys on hook-up apps who might be married or only have sex once in a while- I really don’t want to pass something on to someone in that kind of situation. You should take comfort from the fact that you have had so few infections overs such a long period of time- it’s a rarer occurrence than many people think. Recently I went over 18 months without anything at all, and I must have been fucked by literally hundred of guys in that time, in saunas, bars and sex clubs all over the place. Generally I just accept that picking up an infection here or there just comes with the territory: it’s annoying, but it’s no longer a big deal.
  22. Hmmm… sounds like I should learn to top 🤔
  23. Apparently, they don’t advertise “private parties” on their website. I’m guessing the breed and seed event on the 20th is a private party too.
  24. Pre-pandemic, Zoo seemed to be the bar for a while, much like Strong Construction is today. These blackout Thursdays are new: I’ll definitely try one out when I’m in GC in a couple of weeks time. Have you had a chance to try the Factory again recently, @Aixactif? I’ve heard some good things about it, but it doesn’t seem to be that popular for some reason. Noxon also appears to be enjoying the spotlight a bit at the moment- particularly on the fetish side of things…
  25. Can’t stress this enough- I can attest from first-hand experience how both an oral bottom AND a total top can get it from bj’s alone!
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