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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. Ah- so glad I’ve joined the club… I’ve been downvoted by @dmvnewbietoo! @dmvnewbie, would you mind explaining your reasoning behind all these downvotes? Many contributors in this thread have gone to the effort of setting out their opinions thoughtfully and at length, including myself. Your own contribution amounts to 6 words. It’s obviously a subject you feel very strongly about, but you need to justify all those downvotes with more than just that. We wait with bated breath, so that we too may be given the right to reply to your own arguments on the matter.
  2. As a seasoned bare backer, I get wary as soon as someone asks me anything about my sexual health. I do everything I can to mitigate the risks to my own well-being, and in general I only want to play with others who do the same. It took me a long time to come to terms with the risks of being a cumdump, and I’m not really comfortable having sex with guys who haven’t reached that place yet. Not because I view them as inferior in any way, but because at any given point in time, I absolutely cannot guarantee they won’t catch something from me. If they’re asking me the question “Clean?” or “Are you STD free?”, it simply shows that they don’t really have a proper understanding of how STD’s work, and that basically no-one who has bareback sex more than once every 6 months or so can possibly answer that question with 100 percent accuracy. The only truthful answer is “I don’t know”, which is not what they want to hear… and to them, it just sounds like you don’t bother to take proper care of yourself. I don’t want them to think that of me, but neither do I feel like I have a responsibility to educate them further in the matter- so generally I just cease to engage. Also, I just don’t want it on my back if they do catch something from me, because I was in that place once and for most people their first STD is traumatic. Whereas if I give something to another player, it’s just a question of “Hey-ho, occupational hazard, etc” and we both just get on with our lives.
  3. Yes, I would recommend Northwich sauna. I’ve only been a couple of times, and not to a Cumunion there, but it’s a good sauna. It’s vast, biggest sauna by far in the UK- so it has all kinds of facilities. But the downside of that is that even if there are a lot of guys in there, it can feel kind of empty as everyone is so spread out. Wandering the endless corridors sometimes feels a bit like being stuck in the Poseidon Adventure to me. As far as I understand, Cumunion is generally well-attended there, better than other UK saunas, at least (it’s generally not a big thing in the UK, since the London edition closed). Are you going for Manchester Pride? If so, it will certainly be busy. It is stuck in the middle of nowhere, though. Most guys drive, but you can take a train to Northwich station and a taxi (or longish walk) from there. If you’re considering hiring a car, Birmingham is quite close to Manchester (at least by Australian standards), and there is another good sauna there called the Greenhouse at Darlaston. Also, check out what parties are going on in Brum at the time: Boltz hosts great nights like XXL from time to time, and Birmingham Pride at the end of Eptwmber is also good.
  4. I can tell you for sure there is nowhere in the UK with a set up like this. Sadly, Manchester has no real cruise bars at all. London has a couple, but not with this kind of thing. I’m currently in Berlin, and have spent the last two nights at the Lab.Oratory, which has 3 fuck boxes similar to this, though not set up in a row. However, they seem rather underused, and don’t appear to be a big ‘thing’ there- though that might be different during Folsom. I think Amsterdam is probably your best bet- high speed trains link Berlin and Amsterdam, so you might want to consider that instead of booking additional flights. You could even take the Eurostar from London direct to Amsterdam, and carry on to Berlin from there.
  5. First time visit to Berlin next week, and planning to attend Fickstutenmarkt on the Saturday (as a mare). Anyone else on here going?
  6. Sometimes in a good group fuck, it just isn’t feasible to keep count, even with the marker pen system you are suggesting, @apollobchbttm. There’s just too much going on: one top pulls out, and another goes straight in… then another, and then another… or is that the first guy coming back for a repeat visit, and did the second guy actually cum? I’ve got my head down, so I can’t actually see anything… I suppose I could turn round and ask, but I don’t want to pause the action, and oh- now I can’t, as there’s a cock in my mouth… I used to get frustrated by it, but I’ve learned how to just enjoy the ride, and not get too caught up on exactly how many cocks/loads I’ve scored by the end of the session.
  7. In a sex club situation with multiple fucks in one session, it’s just about impossible to know for sure which tops have loaded you and which ones haven’t- I certainly don’t ask (often it’s just not an option), and I gave up trying to keep an accurate count long ago. These days I just guestimate on the conservative side, like @NWUSHorny. I’m always a bit suspicious of bottoms who boast exact load counts in such situations, eg: “I took 27 loads at xxxx fuck joint last night”. How the fuck do you know?! I think some bottoms just overestimate their hotness, and assume that where they are concerned, every fuck ends in a load. It’s much easier to keep a proper count in a controlled cumdump session at home or in a hotel, and those are the only numbers I take seriously when this topic crops up.
  8. Where it gets difficult for me is when I’m away on a sexcation for any length of time, aiming for multiple fucks and multiple loads one day after another. It’s impossible to stop eating completely (and neither do I want to), and neither is it a good idea to take Imodium every day. Generally I’ll have a good breakfast, and then pretty much nothing till after I’m done bottoming for the day, at which point hunger (and sometimes alcohol) will drive me right into the nearest fast food joint. Fortunately I’m fairly regular in my bowel habits and eat healthily most of the time, but there is an element of just winging it and hoping for the best.
  9. I can’t speak for the US, @NWUSHorny- but as far as the UK is concerned, I don’t think much has changed at all, except that we left the EU and the Queen died. We’re still just muddling through in our own somewhat messy manner… plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
  10. True darkrooms don’t seem to exist in London anymore, and gloryholes have become something of a rarity too. Even where they do exist, guys don’t seem to use them: we don’t have the ABS culture over here, and gloryholes seem to have slipped from the public consciousness. Your best bets for sleazy fun are Vault139 (not too far from Covent Garden), and perhaps the Bunker Bar further east. Both do have gloryhole cubicles, but whether you’ll get much action in them is another matter. Check their websites first: they both have different themes/dress codes depending on the night. Naked nights are always the most fun, at the Vault at least. Sweatbox sauna is probably your best option if that’s your thing- that’s also quite close to Covent Garden.
  11. Ha- my sources only amount to staff who work there, and I wouldn’t take too much comfort from that. As @bbrawblnstates in his earlier reply, that doesn’t count for much. Staff are often kept in the dark about these matters till the last minute, or at the very least told to keep stumm about it!
  12. This subject has lead to some heated discussions elsewhere in this forum- I’ve been made to feel very naughty and even downvoted for admitting that informal DoxyPEP is something I’ve occasionally indulged in on the sly, usually after particularly slutty sessions with multiple partners. Nice to see that there are clearly some medical professionals/authorities who are now endorsing this approach- I feel somewhat vindicated, though I’m sure I’m still gonna get a slap on the wrist from somebody on here for self-medicating and not waiting for official approval.
  13. I should add that the results usually come back within hours, if that helps.
  14. Hi @rawfuckr- If I go for my usual 3-monthly check-up and do an anal swab, what sort of testing is generally involved (UK-based here)? PCR or some other type?
  15. Just a quick correction for those looking for this show. There are two separate TV stations in the UK: “BBC Four” and “Channel 4”. Confusing- I know! This show was aired on Channel 4, which is entirely independent of the BBC- yes, that’s right, we do have TV stations in the UK that operate outside Auntie’s control!
  16. Unless you get symptoms, I wouldn’t bother going to get tested for at least a couple of weeks. That’s often how long it takes for chlamydia and gonno to show up in a test, and they’re the first ones out the gate. HIV and syphilis takes weeks, even months, to show- Hep C even longer. It always perplexes me when I hear someone say something like, “I had a really filthy weekend in Berlin. First thing I did when I got back was get myself checked out at the clinic.” Pointless! Or even worse, it gives a false sense of security.
  17. I don’t have a set time, it’ll vary depending on my mood and the situation. Sometimes (if I’m very lucky) it’ll be because I literally cannot take any more cock- even though my brain wants to stay, my sore arse is telling me it’s time to go home and get some rest. More often than not, though, it’s because I just seem to hit a wall, and want to get out of there as fast as possible. It’s like a switch, usually triggered by something quite trivial, like the ‘hot’ guy walking past and not giving me a second glance. Or someone promising suddenly pulling a condom out of nowhere. But once that switch is flicked, there’s no going back, and God’s gift himself could offer me his dick on a plate and I still wouldn’t be interested. At that point, literally anything seems preferable- and anything usually comes in the form of the first fast food joint I come across once I’m on the outside- hopefully a McDonald’s.
  18. I’m hoping to spend a month or so over there in the winter too- perhaps we can review the bars together, one from a top’s perspective and one from a bottom’s- and then write the definitive guide! id also quite like to explore the gay scene in Tenerife- anyone know anything about it?
  19. Please try to convey to us what it was like- it was before my time as an active slut, and I’d love to know what I missed!
  20. Gran Canaria? Barcelona? Madrid? Don’t think there’s anything special going on in Gran Canaria at that time (winter pride is earlier in November), but it’s always fun and the weather should still be nice. Unless you’re looking for something further afield, like Ft Lauderdale or Palm Springs…
  21. Couldn’t agree with you more , @TallHungNYC I don’t like this thread and all the other similar ones: it smells too much like ‘bottom shaming’ to me. I’m a proud bottom slut, and yes, I do everything I can to make sure my hole provides a pleasant experience for both my top and myself. But I’m not one of those bottoms who is going to spend his entire life jumping through hoops and putting my own intestinal health at risk, just so some cocky top can have any-time access to my hole. As far as I’m concerned, tops and bottoms are equal partners in this great game we call sex, and when an accident happens, any top worth that monicker should be able to man up and deal with it like a decent human being. And as far as being ‘well groomed’ is concerned, that goes well beyond being properly cleaned out, and is a matter of personal taste. I find just as many tops are attracted to the “I’m a man- take me as I am” look as are attracted to the “I haven’t got a hair out of place” look.
  22. That’s reassuring to hear… I would hate my first visit to Berlin to end up being my last!
  23. Yes- do let us know how you get on… I’m going to Berlin for the first time in November, and am planning to do Horsefair and the Laboratory- but share your concerns that a fifty-something won’t be welcome 😩
  24. Useful info, @Aixactif Strong Construction seems to have been the top spot for quite a while now. I never liked Bunker- last time I was there, it stank (and not in a good way) and is crying out for a major refurb. Haven’t been to GC since Factory opened- looking forward to trying it out next time I’m there.
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