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Everything posted by slowfuck

  1. I would ignore and move on.
  2. One more vote for Miguel Temon. Daydreams....
  3. Welcome. Sensible lad. Take your time - make sure you understand what you're getting into first. You say you're young so you have plenty of time even if your cock thinks differently! My take on things is as follows. I hope it helps. There's always a risk but there are risk reduction strategies. Some get pozzed first time, others can take loads for years and still be neg. Where you are, who you partner with, how selective you are, and what you do can affect your risk. If you are thinking of being an all loads cum dump in the local sauna darkroom in a big city, your risk is going to be high. If you get to know your sexual partners and choose wisely, you can reduce your risk considerably. Never to zero because of the lag between infection and it showing up in testing, so even if your buddies don't lie, they may not know their status. HIV is transferred from the virus getting into your blood stream. It can do this through microscopic abrasions in your skin or the lining of your arse. So for example if you are tight and someone fucks you without lube then you have a high risk of getting a tear in your arse which is quite delicate - but with plenty of lube and if you are able to relax your hole easily to take the cock without strain, and the top has a sensible size dick and doesn't fuck roughly, then your risk of a tear is lower. There can be virus in precum as well as in your cum (which is precum mixed with sperm). Having an STD in your cock or arse will provide an easy route for infection with HIV. As to STDs, my understanding is that herpes is incurable - it's a virus too - but hepatitis C is very difficult to treat. Others may know better. With HIV, I understand that with current treatments, life expectancy for recent infections caught early can often be not far short of normal, but that's not certain with everyone. People react to HIV differently. Equally, you can't tell from appearances, generally. Most of my poz friends have no worries about catching different strains. The main worry is about getting other STDs which can be more difficult to treat. There's resistant strains of gonorrhea but they can be blitzed with combinations of antibiotics. Others may highlight other issues. Treatment is free in the UK, and is discreet. The difficulty family wise would be on the hospital appointments and the daily pill(s) once you are put on meds, when that become necessary. Your docs would advise you to be fuck safe but the docs tend to be realistic as to behaviors and treating infections. They wouldn't be likely to refuse treatment. Hopefully that helps you - along with others' responses in time. I suggest you keep it as a fantasy until you are clear on all your questions and you are sure that you want to take the risk.
  4. Wow, superb writing and a superb passionate fuck. A very talented man! Thank you.
  5. Oh dear. Yet again illustrates the reason people need to communicate and negotiate on both sides, assuming the top started bare and didn't have an un-noticed condom failure mid-fuck. I don't think this guy is a victim except of his own failure to check. While the ideal of us all looking after each other is something many of us feel we owe each other, to some degree at least, we are all adults and solely responsible for our actions or inaction and what we allow to happen to ourselves - where choice is possible. Making assumptions is not sensible if you are keen to stay safe. Personally I would have used the condom in this situation of being handed one by the bottom. I suspect he assumed everyone fucked with condoms and hadn't considered the possibility that anyone wouldn't use them. Rude awakening time.
  6. Just seen a well balanced article on Mark S. King's website on this topic and around Dawson's 20 Load Weekend film's influence. http://marksking.com/my-fabulous-disease/is-dawsons-20-load-weekend-the-most-important-gay-porn-film-ever-made/
  7. Sounds like you got off lightly, especially since it was Manhunt forums... comments on bareback-related postings on Manhunt Daily can get very opinionated and not in an open-minded way.
  8. Happy for you being so happy yourself. I imagine you would feel a special bond with him - you've taken his sperm deep in your well fucked hole. Good luck for more - and welcome to Breeding Zone!
  9. Your cumming so fast is, If my experience is anything to go by, down to how excited you were mentally - doing something so "naughty" is going to make you very excited indeed, akin to teens having their first time. Using a condom you don't feel so 'naughty'. Taking a more matter of fact approach instead - forget that you don't have a condom on, it's just fucking as ever - will probably give you lots more control. Just switch on the 'i am so naughty' thoughts when you want to cum. Hopefully that will work for you.
  10. Hello Vicarious. Welcome and well done for posting this post and being so open about it. Fear of disapproval is something I battled with myself and I think quite common for people who have been bullied or made to feel insecure in other ways. Fear of doing something wrong, of not being liked, of being ridiculed. This may be where the excess worry about inner cleanliness comes from. They can all stop you going through with a meet, and when you do you're so worried you can't perform that, surprise, surprise, you can't until you stop the voices in your head and let yourself relax. Not wanting to pursue a second session with anyone avoids the risk of finding out they don't want to do it again with you I guess. Realising that it's a fear not a fact and only as true as you think it is, you can learn that it doesn't have to be true. It's a state of mind. Having a fear like this makes us act a certain way that reinforces it. So you fear disapproval. You don't make a move and act hesitantly which others read as disinterest and the moment passes. So you think they don't like you. And they think you don't like them. Lose - Lose. Despite the classic gay model type with muscles and a six-pack being held on a pedestal by many, may people are intimidated by or disinterested in them and prefer regular guys like you. It's a matter of looking in the right places with the right attitude. If you make a move on a guy online or in a club and they respond negatively, don't take it personally. They weren't right for you. Move on. I'm guessing your interest in biking is probably as big or bigger than your interest in sex from what you say. I wonder if there are gay biker clubs around near you? There are in the UK. Google 'gay bikers association' or 'gay bikers clubs' and see. Enjoy being with gay guys. Don't have to be sexual but who knows? Sex can only be enjoyed when you're relaxed. When you're watching porn alone, notice how your body is totally relaxed, all the thoughts and feelings are in your head until you get light-headed and your groin convulses and you cum. You're also not judging yourself on performance. You're just enjoying the experience. When you're with someone and you start to worry about performance and being judged it will all go wrong again. He says from frequent experience! The start position has to be getting to be comfortable with yourself. Once you have self-confidence, you'll be on a roll. Good luck
  11. I agree. He's so frustrated that people aren't playing by the rules despite everything they do to promote safe sex. Probably worried that it will become so widespread that there will be a backlash against all gay men. Enforcing condom use? Are they going to have cute condom boys rolling condoms on your cock for you?!
  12. Similar to German Fucker and Mattias47, I would suggest to be in charge but be aware. Find out what type of bottom you have there, communicate, pay attention to his responses and drive the bottom slightly on the edge of his comfort zone but not too far outside it - you should pick up clues. Give him (and yourself) a thrilling ride, without your bottom calling a halt. My thoughts anyway.
  13. OP = original post or poster, the one that started the thread.
  14. I am with you on that Uncut Brit, kissing gets me revved up and fired up. Two things get me hard - kissing a nice mouth, and rimming a nice arse. So kissing both ends then, hahaha! I have seen guys say they only kiss with their partners, as if it's not meaningful if they don't kiss, or it's not really cheating as there's no risk of passion. So I guess it is seen as more indicative of lovers as opposed to shags. Or perhaps it is seen by guys in denial as "too gay"? WTF indeed.
  15. You do indeed have a good 'son'. That sounded so hot and delicious. I am not jealous, that's not my style, but I would love to have a 'son' like that. Meanwhile I will imagine...
  16. slowfuck


    I got fucked in the darkroom, briefly, by a guy with a smallish PA in his cock. I didn't really notice any difference personally except when he presented it for being sucked off after and it takes some skill to do that I think. I guess I would have felt it more in my arse if it was bigger but I assume it's mainly to enhance the feeling for the top is it? Is that right?
  17. I was in the darkroom in a sauna in East London today - mainly bottoms there though so not much action. One guy was an east asian guy who had a fat cock and fucked me - with condom sadly - for a little while but mainly got off on choking me and getting me to gag almost puking a couple of times. He loved it and kept coming back for more. Finally pulled his cock out, held it, squirted on my tongue and rammed his cock back in. Cum tasted so good. During this last part, a guy fingered my hole which was lubed and rubbed his cock over my hole. I reached back between my legs and felt a lot of metal rings in his ball sack and the PA in his cock. Thankfully a small one. He pressed it in, fucked for a bit and pulled out to come round the side for me to suck his cock which I did then he lay down in front so I could wank and suck him finally pulling my head down to receive his load in my mouth. It's a pity there wasn't steam in the darkroom. The thought of the slickness of the steam dampened skin is sooooo appealing! I agreen with Uncut Brit, my inhibitions evaporate in the dark room. I love it.
  18. I had a guy hitting on me online numerous times via Squirt. I have my pics there including face pic, and up front about the sex "as safe as you want it". Eventually I had the opportunity and said I could go over. He gave me the address and phone number. I gave him my number and said I was on my way. Takes 45 mins to get there. Eventually found the place but was on time. Windows open, lights on. Rang door bell. No reply, tried again no response. Checked the address. Fine. Tried to call him but the phone was switched off. Rang the bell agin, no reply. Went back on Squirt, sent him a message saying I was outside the address. He responds "what? i don't live there". I replied "well where are you then?" He just says "go away" then "leave me alone" then "pls". Guess you call that a reverse flake!
  19. That's annoying for you but we have to respect each others' decisions. Does he not want to fuck, or just not bare? Either way, hope you enjoy finding a new one Have you looked at barebackrt.com?
  20. I have condoms for use when requested. I buy the large size so they go on looser so get some movement stimulation. I use Skyn condoms that aren't made of latex but better feel than the polyurethane used in earlier non-latex ones. I prefer bare but if it's condom he has to be cute as I need to be extra horny to use them.
  21. Thanks for loading your avatar pic. We can now understand why he can't leave your sweet ass alone
  22. Good that you are contributing after lurking for a while. Great to hear you have such a great life together. Really happy for you. You have a good attitude and great that you enjoy the fantasy elements as well as a healthy bareback sex life. You're welcome here boys.
  23. What am amazing Top you have there looking out for you respecting your wishes yet giving you the mental excitement of the anticipation. I am sure the trust is strengthened all the more. And thanks for keeping us informed too. It is hot to read and think about and helps others make up their minds one way or the other.
  24. Google ' scally porn ' and plenty of sites come up.
  25. A bit of rough trade or maybe some might say 'trailer trash' but a UK version. Tends to apply to the stereotype of youths hanging round on council housing estates getting up to all sorts of mischief I think.
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