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anoncumdumpsub last won the day on March 20 2019

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About anoncumdumpsub

  • Birthday 11/11/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York City
  • Interests
    Anon sex, choking, strangling, throatfucking, puking, you name it. Anything that involves me being used in a degrading way by a dom.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    I'm a bottom boy recently having discovered the joys of being a bareback anon cumdump! Very submissive and love being used like a filthy whore. If I'm not being fucked anon, I love being throatfucked hard and choking on cock, being slapped, spit on, etc. Also a fetish for being strangled/choked while being pumped full of cum!
  • Looking For
    Nasty dominant doms who want an easy cumdump to use to get off. Need someone selfish who doesn't care about my pleasure/pain but is just here to use me however he sees fit.

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  1. If you need any beta testers, @rawTOP definitely happy to be on the future cumdump network or public urinals and help reach some critical mass as well as report any bugs. Also if you're ever in need of contributors I'd be happy to contribute whatever I can on the technical side (not so much a UI dev but backend I can do) And as always thanks for your hard work and please do not work yourself too hard, mental health and physical health comes first!
  2. It really depends. There are times when I'm in the mood constantly and will take loads daily for weeks. Others when I can go months without feeling the need to hook up (except of course when a regular hits me up requesting service) Really weird, feels like there are periods where I am in heat and will take literally any cock, and others when hooking up is just not a priority.
  3. Young asian guy who goes to uni near to my place. He hit me up once on sniffies looking for an anon bj and I was happy to oblige, his uni being literally across the street from me, didn't even ask for pictures. I was blindfolded when he came in, hear him unbuckle and he surprised me with a very very thick cock in my mouth before he started throatfucking me. I did not expect it because, truth be told, most asians I ever hooked up with were on the smaller size down there. Been blowing him and swallowing his cum regularly the past few months and he's always a delight.
  4. It just feels so much better. Did some bareback early into my teens with one man, then became a condom queen for years, and only recently started going bareback. First was only very occasional bareback, then bareback or condom, and now leaning more towards raw only. Getting fucked with a condom is much less pleasurable both physically and mentally, it is worth the risk IMO, especially with PrEP now being a sort of chemical condom.
  5. I love when a top takes the initiative to spit in my mouth or all over my face. Feels very humiliating and reminds me of my role.
  6. I don't like the sensation of pain itself, but having a painful fuck all while knowing this turns the top on is a huge turn on for me. It's all in the head. A few years ago as I was starting my cumdump journey I met a guy for an anon pump n dump session. I didn't get fucked much at the time and my ass was pretty tight and I had told him to go slow. He came in, found me ass up, put a bit of lube and rammed his cock balls deep in 1 stroke. I yelped in pain and wanted to get away, but he held his cock there and held me down and said something along the lines of not being a big baby about it and that my hole twitching in pain felt great for him. I don't know why it turned me on but it did. I had a very uncomfortable fuck until he sprayed my guts with his seed, and we met again a few times and he always wanted to make it hurt.
  7. Not quite with a cock in my ass, but I did get caught with a cock in my mouth as a teen by an older cousin. My grandmother was living at my parents at the time, and I had my best friend spend all summer with me. We had been sexual for a while and he was horny for a blowjob. Started blowing him on my knees while parents gone, but little did I know my much older cousin was coming in to see my grandmother. Heard a knock on the big glass door while my friend had his hands behind my head. We both jumped and cleared up. We never even mentioned it with my cousin, it's like it never happened, but he knows.
  8. I remember hearing a while back that there were plans to create a full-fledged cumdump network, some kind of interactive site where cumdumps could be marked on a map with their availability so that tops could always find a place to unload. I haven't seen it mentioned lately, and looking at [think before following links] https://cumdump.network/ it seems to still be up there but nothing really new. Does anyone know if this is still an ongoing project, or if the idea has been abandoned? Alternatively if this is still ongoing and the devs are just missing people I'd also be happy to pitch in what I can since I am a professional developer as well.
  9. Just took a load from my black buddy who had fucked me 10 days ago. Same setup - he wanted me ass up head down blindfolded lubed, he was quicker this time, I could feel the aggressive behavior and rammed it in right away and pounded me hard, nutted in about 5 mins and left without a word. Always that feeling of accomplishing for helping a real man relieving his stress.
  10. I rarely reply to people who desribe themselves as versatile. If I get fucked I like to know the top is really into fucking and that he won't try to suck me or flip or do some weird stuff. I'm a total bottom and only crave total tops.
  11. I've done it several times. I hate the taste, but the thought of being used as a urinal is very hot to me, so I have never turned down when asked if they could use me as a urinal.
  12. Love to be shared. My first time being shared was an older asian guy I had been blowing a few times, one day he said he wanted me to meet me at such address so he could share me with a friend of his. Very upscale building I was intimidated going there. But blew them both and swallowed their cum and loved it! For sharing I think I prefer being shared by tops who will fuck, nothing better than having a cock in both holes and having the tops rotate around me.
  13. I've had a few times where the guy filmed for personal use, but never done on public platforms like OF. I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but would definitely want to make sure my face doesn't show. Which for someone like me who is an anon cumdump shouldn't be an issue 😜 The idea of having random guys on the internet jerk off to me being fucked is hot.
  14. Stealthing is a hot idea, but not something that is appropriate in most situations. To illustrate, I've been stealthed myself. I was a condom nazi at the time but still was looking for an anon ass up head down blindfolded scene. Had my hands in the back to touch the top's cock to make sure it was wrapped, then as he started getting faster I went to touch again and he pushed my hands away, pinned me down, and grunted and left almost immediately. When I went to clean up I pushed a huge load out and no condom was found anywhere, I still wonder what happened to it. I was pissed at the time but in retrospect I find it hot and I clearly deserved it. If you put yourself for an anon ass up head down scene it will definitely attract tops who want to breed regardless of your desires, and that's fair game. But if you meet someone face to face and fuck on agreed upon terms I also think stealthing would be morally reprehensible.
  15. I have this buddy I see usually 3+ times a week. The setup is always the same - he want me door unlocked on knees blindfolded, I suck him for a bit, he fucks my face and cums in my mouth and leaves. 5 minutes tops, oral only deal. It's become sort of a routine for me since I live alone, I know roughly what time he usually comes, he just texts me when down and asks if I want some cum, I just stop what I'm doing for a few mins, get ready, take his cum, then resume my activity before. Routinely stop in the middle of a movie just to service him then resume. Not the most satisfying sex but kinda like junk food and hits the spot before bed.
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