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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Agreed. I love a cummy ass but it’s a fine line. Too sloppy, and I lose my boner too. I need some friction.
  2. Ok, well I’m not going to make a lot of friends on this, but oh well. My intent just to help others and bring some context from my perspective. I’m going to speak in generalizations (I.e. my experience an the experiences of those around me plus my opinions). 1. Too often with interracial sex, white guys look at is as just that: sex. Too many black men are in an eternal quest for sexual and social proximity to ANY white man, they look at interracial sex as validation. I have seen several black men sign away houses, purchase cars, change insurance, and squander away resources in hopes of ingratiating themselves with some white guy who could clearly give a damn about them. 2. Alot of gay black men have a deep vitriol for other blacks. They hold on to a few names guys called them in high school or a few hypocritical family members, and will use this to justify “I only like white men.” The mere presence of other black men makes them unhappy, especially in a sexual environment But they will completely ignore the racism of the white gays. 3. When white men say they want a “diverse experience” they often refer to religion, custom, socially, or some other group (which aspires to be white). When many black people say “diverse experience ” many mean non-black experience. I have not heard a white guy yet say they ever wanted a “non-white” experience, unless it wad strictly in the bedroom. 4. A lot of older/middle aged black men where raised on some Queer Eye shit and they aspire to be the only “black friend.” And they can be extremely cut throat of another black guy starts hanging around the circle, especially younger. 5. A lot of these older black men are broke as hell and mad. They’re not going to tell you the real because they are ashamed they wasted their lives and resources on some Megan Markle fantasy. They are still hoping for that rich white jock to come play captain save a hoe, and introduce them to their hoards of hot gym Buddy friends so they can live a life filled with orgies where they are the only black guy. 7. I’ve fucked plenty of white guys. I also been BS’d a lot too. No bitterness here. My overall point is if your a younger black guy, be level headed and enjoy interracial sex for what it is: sex. If it becomes more than that, cool. But let it flow naturally. But don’t be so desperate for a white you end up getting hurt or even worse, broke. Read these posts, learn, Keep your expectations realistic.
  3. I’m not seeing how Dread Scott and Thurgood Marshall tie into this.
  4. Both of these drive me nuts too. I also forgot guys who don’t realize they aren’t the star. You got some bottom taking loads, or guys are into something hot, and along comes some dude who should be a bit player or dump and go, laying on the bed trying to bottom and do the most.
  5. No one can have it all…..
  6. 1. Pulling out 2. Moaning like a bitch 3. Same angle forever 4. Guys fucking forever during a Cumdump scene, only to not cum after like 20 minutes 5. Guys telling you the pretended to cum 6. Women/cunts 7. Bottoms asking for a break 8. Not breeding
  7. I was with you until this. We have to keep it real. 90% of the no (insert race here) is from non-blacks, including Asians and “Anglo-Latinos.” You may have a few blacks being race exclusive, but that is the exception not the norm. Hell, a lot of black men don’t want other black men either. They can’t wait too line up to be in an environment without black people (see some of posts above). A lot of this black men who hate other black men are trying to “graduate” and find a place outside of black society and it’s a fools errand, but I digress. If you have a six lane street going one way, and every once in awhile they open one lane to go in the opposite direction, that’s not a two way street.
  8. If a beautiful may from Jordan, Turkey or one of the neighboring areas wanted a green card I’d consider it! Kidding!!! Maybe…..
  9. Not replying to the OP cause I don’t know him personally, but I’m going g to throw in my two cents and speak generally. When I hear non black peoples use the term “People of color,” that usually means white people aren’t giving me what I want socially, sexually, etc. and I want black people to co-sign. Then as soon as you get what you, you’re no longer a person of color, you’re Italian, Latino, Asian, etc (BTW it’s disingenuous to use POC but classify yourself as white on your ID but I digress). No different in this case. There are plenty of guys who want to fuck non-black bottoms. Problem is, a lot of you only want white tops. Yeah you take a black guy if he has and 11 inch dick, but he has to wear a doo-rag and have a blunt hanging out of his mouth. But for the most part, you’re blocking or ignoring and guy who isn’t “white.” Then turn around and say no one will fuck me or Rascim. If you like white guys fine, but there’s two sides to this story.
  10. True. But I already know if your in Turkey, we’re not fucking so there’s no expectations. Prob just killing time til the next fuck.
  11. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with giving a compliment, or having a brief convo about how’s thing are in there side of the world.
  12. You can’t have everything. Sooner or later, we all get up in age, our options diminish, and we are forced to choose.
  13. Or guys pretending they are looking for a relationship.
  14. 1. Online everyday with an add or message saying your looking for loads. This is big in sniffies, and usually means ur constantly looking because your constantly saying no 2. Paragraphs full of rules. Just say you only want white, jock, young or whatever and save folks some time. 3. Excessive filter/blurry pics 4. Terrible attempts at comedy or being clever (grindr) 5. Delayed responses at night (no, you’re not busy)
  15. I prefer hairy. Like half man half rug. Even better if bald then hairy.
  16. A bone dry, unlubricated. If you’re a Cumdump, at least have a wet hole when I come in or some lube Guys asking if I’m close before I even get my shoes off
  17. Maybe he had a foot fetish?!?
  18. For some reason, some of the post in this thread make me laugh
  19. There is no such thing as “progressive” racism. Either there is or there isn’t. And their racism isn’t toward “non-Caucasian” it’s toward black people. Ukraine is openly enabling anti-black neo nazi’s from around the world to come and train. This has been reported for years. That is not a condition of the heart, that’s a national ideology. Black people should not have to suffer or be mistreated in silence for the betterment of everyone else. Telling us “we should just ignore the blatant white supremecy in the Ukraine for now, and we will get to you guys later” is not acceptable for most black people. Some would call that a form of slavery.
  20. Given the history of the Ukraine harboring, even enabling, white supremacist groups, to the point it’s world renowned, my thoughts will be other places. They can figuratively “hold their own nuts.”
  21. If you would let it go for a guy who was 20 and hot, I would let it go for this guy too. Unless your real problem was with the guys age. Guys will always be “grabby” at a bathhouse. You can’t prevent it. After two polite no’s, usually a solid shove, guys will get the message.
  22. Exactly. We had one Queen at work who was asking around about me. Total drama, gossipy type. Like saving and showing online profiles types shit. I stayed away from him as much as possible. I’ll get my ass from somewhere else. Alot of these guys w live boring lives and think the drama is exciting. Also you have alot of straight men who enjoy the attention and/or benefits a gay man can provide at work. They know they’re not fucking, but they’ll keep that carrot dangling out there for ego gratification, extra customer service (or whatever) or to clown you for your obvious desperation behind you’re back. Or worse he could really be gay, and give you the “sorry I’m straight” or some other “I’m not fucking you specifically” line to let you down easy. That would be smears.
  23. I found most attractive to be pretty cool actually. If we are using a scale, I’m talking about guys 8-10 (good looks, stable financially, socially, etc.) I’ve had good luck with those guys. They are totally secure. For example, we have a guy in my town who’s been in some major label gay porn. When he’s online, no hassle, I can go over and breed him. Total stud and a sweetheart. We had a super hot guy show up in our cruising spot a few months ago in a $100k car. We fucked him six ways to Sunday behind the restrooms. He was hella cool It’s the average guys that have a chip. Their constant need for validation is exhausting. They always believe they are one step away, one job away, one friend/FB away from being THAT guy. Not so attractive or “less desirable” guys are usually know who they are and have accepted it. So called nerds, sketch guys, losers or they guy with a little bit of a gut often turns out to be the better fucks. They get right down to business, almost as if to hurry before you change your mind. Im speaking in generalities of course, but that’s just my observation!
  24. I love about 100 miles or a 2 1/2 hour drive from San Francisco. You would think it would be a dream come true. But between age, work, parking, increasing traffic, and the decreasing gay pigginess of the city I find it not worth it most times. The worst part of it is that due to gentrification, and the loss of sexual, social and/or financial viability, a lot of the gays from San Francisco/LA are moving to other towns outside of the city. They are mad, bitter as hell and coming with attitudes as if the fact they once lived in San Francisco gives them extra points. Thats why I say go with the law of large numbers, or young, hornier freaks. But I digress. If You can find somewhere near a big city where you can hop on a train and be back home in the middle of the night without having to stress about driving home or staying overnight that would be great. I see guys have good luck in college towns as well. You only live once! Although I’m not “old” if I could do it all again I would’ve taken my chances, and moved to a bigger city. Money comes and goes, but youth just goes. The worst you can do is fail, get back up and try again.
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