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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. 1. Dick Pics 2.Saying your a bottom but “your only looking for oral right now” 3. Not having a pic of your ass
  2. Thanks for clarifying, Because it sounded like you were just looking for breeding jocks, and more than likely a lot of guys don’t fit into that criteria.. However, I’m not knocking your preferences, we a have them. I don’t even think they are unreasonable. But There is a huge gap between A little extra padding and obesity. Also, I think all guys are kink, I agree, but most are going to be vanilla unless you are in their “10%”’.
  3. You just names of three requirements thought. And two of them prob eliminate about one third of the guys.
  4. I’m not even going to respond to those bad faith arguments. Though I will say that’s the kind of stuff you hear from Latin men who identify as white. Just saying…
  5. I’m a sucker for a husky, hair man especially with back hair. I use to have this fuck buddy who I swore had to shave twice a day. He was prob 250 plus but solid. Man id get boned just looking at him. Id pound that furry bear all night as hard as I could. He was a big sweaty boy. I still don’t think he could believe someone was actually into a guy like him. Sad Hard to find another where I’m at cause everyone is into twinks and jocks.
  6. I’m not mad at you. I’ve seen a couple homeless dudes I’d bang. But that’s after three douches and an active bath…
  7. California is done, especially San Francisco. Older gays I talk to say the pigginess of the 90s is gone, and you can really blame Gen X and the Millennialls. As far as being “gentrified,” San Fransisco has always been a somewhat segregated city. Except now, it is the techies pushing out the middle-class gays. These middle class gays are being forced to surrounding cities like Oakland, Sacramento and San Jose. What’s left is a city of high earners or homeless. You can’t walk along Market Street without some homeless guy blocking an ATM smelling of urine. How did gays start loosing their grip on SF? Just my opinion, this is the result of the gay community trying to be accepted by straight society. Instead of banning together trying to protect their neighborhoods, customs etc. (similar to Chinatown), they allowed clubs to be “inclusive” (infiltrated by straights) shunned bath house culture and spent less and less time networking and building communities and organizations with their gay brethren. And let’s not even discuss how they alienated instead of Allied with the black LGBT community with racist, elitist attitudes.
  8. I hate my city with a passion. It’s like living in an old Midwest town. We get a lot of “transplants” from LA and the SF Area (ie. Guys who weren’t hot or smart enough to make it in the big city) and they bring that attitude here, with none of the looks or success to go with it. Not me gripping, we we actually voted the second most unattractive city in the US a few years ago. We have no saunas, one “sex club” that’s more than likely illegal and one cruising spot where guys wait in their cars. All the bars, including the leather bar, have been taken over by women. I’ve seen post on here calling this the hardest city ever to hook in. I have to get out of here one day. I have a blast when I travel other places.
  9. 1,2 and 3-Never, EVER dumb yourself diem for anyone. You will regret it for the rest of your life, wondering what could have been. And the people who you’re trying to impress will resent you even more for not succeeding more when you had all the tools they didn’t. 4. Don’t waste time with teases-Most guys who pretend not to fuck, really are, they just aren’t fucking you. If by chance you do get them in bed, it’s such a mindfuck for them, they’ll spend all their time telling you what they don’t don’t do. If they aren’t fucking, waive them goodbye! 5. Move to another city or travel frequently- Explore other place that don’t have a negative, repressive memory and energy attached to them. 6. It’s okay to be uncomfortable
  10. I always thought it was dumb content creators could block comments of videos you paid for. They had this guy on there who would show one thing in the thumbnail and description and it would be totally different stuff in the video if you bought it. If you called it out in the comments, he’d block you.
  11. So liking black men is a fetish? Ridiculous.
  12. I like my men half man half rug. For some reason, when I’m fucking, back hair is hot and makes me cum faster. No such thing as too much hair. Plus all that fur holds those masculine smells so well.
  13. Let these guys be on their eternal search for the straight/bi/married jock who can hook up twice a year. I’ll take the free ass from the whose gonna appreciate good dick. BTW, I think your too hard on yourself. I actually think your kinda cute…
  14. Thank you. Although your grasp on history is much more scientific and exact than mine, the conclusion is the same. How sad it must be for Vincente Guerrero, those soldiers at the Battle of Pueblo and other Afro-Latin freedom fighters to have their contributions excluded from history by people who just flat out want to be white, history or genetics be damned. And honestly it doesn’t matter. You can claim to be apart of a group, but it really does not matter if that group does not except you as one of their own.
  15. No, Ted Cruz and Geraldo identify as white. Geraldo identifies as white, even though his father is Puerto Rican. If people want to pretend that there was just boatloads of Spanish people (including dark skinned Moors from Spain who were not white) coming over from Europe to inhabit the unpopulated Americas that’s fine. But I’m not going to argue history with you. And “white society” is not going to argue with you either, because they have already determined for you that you are not white, no matter how many historical artifacts and facts you hide, or darker And indigenous people you take out of the family album. You can only hope to achieve honorary white status.
  16. With all the worship and constant searching for “married, bi, straight” guy, it always brings me back to this experience I had fucking this hot open Cumdump. It was so fucking liberating. He would visit from out of town, leave him room door cracked for all to fuck and breed. You could hear people and families outside sometimes, and he wouldn’t care. No secret knocks, games, nothing. He loved dick and was proud. When he told me “cum in this faggot” I shot the biggest load ever. He later moved to town and got his own apartment. Again, he was open to all if he was online. Many times I’d go over, and there would be another guy or two leaving or coming in. I’m sure neighbors heard. He didn’t care, saying “why should the straight neighbors get to make noise fucking, but I can’t?” He love dick, had a hot, fuzzy ass and we was unashamed. I use to love when he’s bed for that load, or demand me or anyone else “ better not pull out.” He didn’t care what his neighbors saw or heard. And yes, he was all man. He ended up moving across country. But I can’t help remember liberating and fun he was. None endless texts. No creeping around a wife or GF. No dipping in and out of the shadows to fuck. He wanted dick and didn’t care what anyone thought. I know a lot of guys are spending years online looking for a “straight” guy, but theirs nothing wrong with hooking up with a guy who is an unashamed fag, who wants his hole bred. Try it, it might be fun! I hope whatever his new adventures are, he’s having a blast.
  17. Antonio Banderas is from Spain. No one considers him a “person of color” although I could argue that there are many people from Spain and Portugal who are due to the Moors who once inhabited the area. The problem is many people from Spanish speaking countries in the Americas think they are white/European. You have dark skinned folks from former slave colonies and slave holding areas that were first inhabited by Indians thinking they are white and extensions of the Spanish monarchy. I don’t get why people are so offended by their own lineage. You can erase the history, but it still remains!
  18. If I wanted to be monogamous, I’d be with a woman.
  19. Geraldo Rivera, Ted Cruz, Devin Nunes, AOC (I’m not spelling it out) come to mind. Just to add, this is not merely a political stance, this is a social stance that has been going on for hundreds of years. Many of these people come from anti-black cultures, And will just flat out deny history. Look up a story on YouTube regarding “racism in the bear community.” This man of Puerto Rican decent and African features is literally (pretending) to be shocked that he was not accepted as white, and even more shocked that he was he was called the N-word. Pure denial. When it comes to Angeli, for many gays, it’s about instinct. It’s in history, it’s how they were raised, it’s in their DNA: their number one priority is to protect and maintain social and sexual access to white man at all cost. Everything else be damned.
  20. Not surprising. I live and work with a lot of latins and unfortunately, I’d say about half identify as white or at least aspire to be a buffer class under white society. Most of the people I observed who fall in this category are second generation born in the United States. I have confirmed this with friends. They still consider themselves “European” people with an distant indian relative. They know they can never truly be white, but I have made the devils bargain that says if I go along with it at least I won’t be treated as bad. I have Latin friends who confirm this. These will be the first ones in line to sign up for Jake a Angeli’s OnlyFans.
  21. Never been to PS, but I have been to the SF CumUnion and it is hit or miss. More miss since they have moved the venue closer to the downtown/shopping area and away from the clubs. Not saying their isn’t good action to to be had, it’s just not an all out fuckfest like before. I would love to hit up Palm Springs sometimes.
  22. Make sure u keep all the bottoms happy. If one isn’t getting the attention or as much as the others, it could lead to some bad/u comfortable vibes.
  23. So my old roommate/friend moved out. He was an older gay gentleman, but a Peter Pan type and let’s just say miserable people always blame you for their misery, even if they were miserable before. I digress, but taking from that experience, I would like next roommate to be someone attractive and vibrant. I can afford my place without a roomate, but the extra money would be good obviously. However, I’m willing to live by myself unless the right guy comes along. Not a houseboy per say (since I’ll be charging) but someone who doesn’t mind walking around in a towel or their underwear and looking good doing it. I usually charge below market, but definitely not looking for a drifter, someone irresponsible or another Peter Pan. Any tips? Or am I just hoping for a fantasy?
  24. This is from a 50+ guy who sent me a naked pic after I stated I wanted ass. And you guys are talking about these younger adults…. Then the guy proceeded to go off me. Hahaha
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