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Everything posted by BlackDude

  1. Speaking of voices, I just seen Jason Statham is coming out with a new movie. Now that’s a sexy ass voice. Just hearing him makes me feel some kinda way.
  2. Or so they would like us to think….
  3. Funny I just went through Utah, an I couldn’t access this site at all
  4. Alot of these other cultures are the antithesis of masculinity. Allowing yourself to be colonized, gentrified and genocided at the mere presence of whiteness is beta at best, and suicidal at worst. There has been studies which have show how many Latin, Arab and Asian men identify as white. Not to mention the anecdotal stories of these other men in the gay community genuflecting at the mere sight of a white man. Yes, the image of masculinity may be disappearing slowly western culture, but submission of one’s culture is no more masculine.
  5. What Is Critical Race Theory? And DeSantis has no original ideas or thoughts that resonate with anyone outside of a small echo chamber. Hell, he Barley beat Andrew Gillum. He’s now put himself in a trick bag, because when/if Trump runs again, he going to whatever base he has. Real recognize real. And when the platinum plated WS credentials on Donald Trump are presented, DeSantis is going to look like the silver plated, attention who’re that he is.
  6. You are 100% correct on this and it goes back to placing value in non-black validation. Alot of black men feel value being the only accepted black in the social group. Having someone else black in their mind decreases their value. This is why oftentimes if you see a black guy with a white boyfriend, he will guard him like a pit Bull when other black are around. But has no problem with other white men in the sexual or social circle. Real insecurities. Again, speaking in generalities and based off experience.
  7. I don’t take it personal, and I honestly blame a lot of black men for this. Many gay white men are so used to being worshiped, and having black gay men that lie to them and the rest of the world, they expect you be happy being treated as second class citizen. Any many of them know alot of gay black men have so much hatered toward black society, they know these gay black men will say, tolerate and defend the most obvious, ridiculous racism. As if they are getting some sort of twisted revenge. The truth is not a priority. Only maintaining the favor and access of non-black communities.
  8. Anti-white racism? What business, wealth or positions of power do black LGBT people have to practice discriminate against white LGBT people?
  9. No, me and my friends experiences aren’t feelings. They are factual events. Nor did I say all gays are racist. What I did say is that most of this “preference” talk is just racism. And the racism in the LGBT community is well documented.
  10. My data is based on decades of being black and comparing my experiences with other gay black men. I don’t need numbers to tell me how me what I know. And it makes no difference if the “majority” of gays are racist or not, because a lot of the ones who aren’t stand by may not like what they see, but are fine with the status quo.
  11. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with dating and ducking interracially. Except when it comes to the point you have to degrade yourself or your self worth is determined by your proximity to non-black men.
  12. I’ve never preferred guys my age. I grew up in that era where gay guys where clutching their pearls trying to emulate straights. When I wax younger, older men seemed more upfront and to the point. They seemed to just enjoy the moment more. They could host as well. Plus I’m into body hair, and more older men seemed to have what I liked.
  13. 1. I find Russian or Australian accents hot. 2. I meant no disrespect to the late Gilbert Godfrey. I loved his work and his voice was hilarious. Just not what I want to hear in the bedroom.
  14. The gay community, both black, non-black and white, do a lot of lying. It’s better guys are truthful in my opinion. Alot of white guys use the preference argument and limit it to sex. When truth is, they just don’t like black people period. And they don’t want anyone around them to like blacks either. They won’t hire black people, support their businesses or agenda, follow them in stores, and do all the other stuff any other racists would do. And their lying only hurts black gay men more. And alot of gay black men are so desperate for interracial sexual and social access, they will act like this racist stuff doesn’t exist among gays. Their main objective is to be the sole black mascot (or mangido) to a group of non black friends. They will defend racism in the gay community at any cost. At times, they may be the bit of the joke. And they accept because to them being a second class citizen in a group of non-black friends is better than being treated as equal in a group of black friends. Comments like “no blacks” Pierces their very soul, because it calls into question their purpose for being. I find it very sad when I see older black gay men struggling. Because, unfortunately, alot of them wasted too much time, money, and resources chasing the dream of interracial sexual and social access. Signing away homes, going on trips they can’t afford, staying in dead end jobs, refusing to network with other blacks. All so they could prove they somehow escaped or graduated blackness. If more racist white guys were more honest about their feelings, maybe it would save alot of black men time and effort. Alot of this isn’t about sex. It’s an ingrained white supremacist belief system the encompasses all areas of life.
  15. The Republicans openly say they aren’t doing anything for black people. The Democrats practice a benign neglect policy against black people. The republicans are hostile toward black voters. The democrats bring in groups from other places to neutralize black voters The Republicans want to erase blacks history The Democrats want to minimize black history The Republicans tell blacks people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps The Democrats give non-black minority groups boot straps The Republican LGBT community only cares for white gay men The Democratic LGBT community uses blacks to get benefits for white gay men I personally advocate for neither party. When I see the agenda, then make my decisions.
  16. So I went to this Cumdump I was excited to go to, especially after all this C19, MP, flu etc…. So as I got there and started to get undress, the guys friend who was the host I guess started talking. No lie, his voice sounded like the late Gilbert Godfrey. If he did drag. Completely killed my vibe. Can a guys voice actually be a turn-off? Or maybe I was just psychologically looking for a reason to tap out. Thoughts?
  17. I’m actually ashamed of both but that’s just me!
  18. That’s a blast from the past. Rent free?
  19. I’m not just talking about ABS or public know pigs sitting in Sniffies talking about “let me service” you.
  20. I’m not going to say it only ABS. Sniffies is notorious for the “oral” crowd. Guys on there, who you know are fucking, offering no reciprocation head. As if (pretending to) not fucking gives you some kind of moral high ground.
  21. I mostly agree with you about ABS. But, I’ll give an example. I was at the local ABS this week. This super sexy middle aged blue collar man walked in the main theater, pulled his pants down, and immediately started taking dick. He was offering both ends. I get guys not wanting to BB. But half the guys (yes they are gay for a fact) started clutching their pearls, and ran out the theater. You’re that horrified/offended of a guy getting fucked? In a gay space? Now in the Bay Area, Totally different.
  22. West Coast. The black/Latino decide is real in some places out here.
  23. Interesting. I don’t have alot if issues with guys from Central America and Mexico. We get along just fine for the most part. But most of the Latino guys I meet for the Carribean or South America are just as racist as the white guys. In fact, they go further. Almost like they have something to prove. And they have no problem with American culture, as long as it’s packaged in whiteness.
  24. My body doesn’t agree with poppers for whatever reason. Even the scent of someone else using them make my heart race, and I feel like I just ran a marathon. I’ve never used them.
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