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Everything posted by Menbendovr

  1. I’ll have to wait for one in the Bay Area of California.
  2. I’d definitely be going if I were anywhere near LA that weekend. I’m going to the first one I can held near me or that I have the opportunity to travel to.
  3. I agree with your description.
  4. Wow! That’s a fucking hot true story then. Damn! So did you poz convert from this encounter?
  5. I think you may have missed the point. The idea for this one was which cock size and type would you prefer and do. Not which mold of a cock on that wall would you use as a dildo. At least, that is how I interpreted this posting.
  6. Honestly, I’d do each and every one of these and if it was a multiple fuck night I’d save 4 for last. I must say I have a strong affinity for number 5.
  7. I’m definitely 1, 2, 5, and 6.
  8. As much as I would want to believe this story and a hot one it is too, I think this posting belonged in the fiction section. Am I right, or can the original poster verify this is a true story? Moderator's Note: This comment was made before this post was moved to a fiction section. Thank you to everyone who reported the comment, but it was our error not Menbendovr's.
  9. That is exactly how I feel about it too.
  10. I am in no way a reluctant bottom. In fact, it’s what I live for. Although I do like to top too from time to time. I got to thinking on something as I was at Steamworks in Berkeley twice last weekend and had a great time in both instances. I’m almost always ass up in a room there and I love getting my ass eaten out before getting fucked although it’s not a requirement. Each time I get licked and rimmed, I go into ecstasy and I go to a place where I just need to get fucked. I demand it in fact. I already started out prepared to get fucked but after a dude eats me out it’s like my need goes up several hundred more notches. So I was thinking if that’s what happens to me does it happen to other dudes too. Specifically, I was wondering about the guys who are reluctant or hesitant bottoms. When a guy eats out your ass do you go to a place where all your hesitancy goes out the window and you suddenly have that overwhelming need to take a cock deep inside your hole? Let me know what your guys thoughts are on this.
  11. Between your latest comment and the one followed up by hntnhole were taking me to my ultimate point which I did not get to in my earlier post. Screen names are simply to subjective to satisfy any one common understanding. You like SN "MethodicMadness" and hntnhole does not. You each have your reasons but will never come to agreement on what makes a good SN or not. Kind of no point in judging SNs to that degree.
  12. I understand your point ErosWired. A good user name is a way to hook someone or at least make them pause and think who this person is. It gets the interest level piqued. It is a marketing strategy. I never thought of it that way before, but you are on to something there. I will say that for me that is not the only thing important here nor the most important thing. I tend to still click on many user names to see what other info has been provided by their profile such as likes and interests and photos. Photos are huge of course since we are primarily cued into others visually. But what ends up making or breaking a hookup is the dialogue you eventually have with someone. Nothing like a turnoff for me than one word answers to a question or a pause that seems an eternity before a response is given. Anyway, I'm interested in hearing from you what you think are examples of good user names or why they are by being specific. You listed several why you thought they were bad or ineffectual.
  13. These three studs exemplify why a man absolutely should keep his pit hairs. Fucking beautiful!
  14. Absolutely keep the pit hair! It is one of the essential defining characteristics of what makes up a man. His musk and natural scent gets caught up in the hair and makes you that much desirous and attractive.
  15. If this poll is anywhere near accurate, and I have no reason to doubt it, this makes it very difficult for neg guys to poz convert. For the chasers out there or the ones who don't care about status, chances are very slim for a poz encounter that will leave a gift behind that will take root. Roughly 30% of the guys polled are poz, but about half (15%) of them are not on meds. That means roughly 1.5 encounters out of 10 will be the one a lot of us neg guys want to have. Looks like the task is daunting and a bit of a challenge unless more of you poz studs want to get off meds. I know our individual health is important to each of us and to ask others to go off meds is bold. I certainly don't want to offend or ruffle feathers here. It is just a strong desire by me for this to happen, but of course I could have a different opinion if I were poz now and on meds. Sorry if that sounded confusing. Ultimately, I'm trying to say I wish more poz dudes out there were not on meds to help out us other guys who wish to join the brotherhood.
  16. I totally agree with all of what you said here. I also agree with BigVers about the money shot and porn studios.
  17. Absolutely couldn't agree more! It's exhilarating and no way can be faked.
  18. I wanted to throw out a question on a certain tattoo you see on many guys of a bird usually a swallow and usually in pairs as well. Does anyone know the meaning of this tattoo? I thought I once heard that it represented something to do with HIV and POZ status. Can someone clarify for me and anyone else interested if that tattoo means a guy is poz or does it mean something else entirely?
  19. Hey stud!  What's your recharging video called on Xtube?

    1. MayorQuimby


      Xtube deleted all my vids. 

    2. fuzzybttm


      Gonna repost ‘em somewhere? 😏

  20. Now this one was totally hot despite the use of a condom, which I hate, because it was totally believable and totally real. These dudes were caught. Totally hot and exciting. Plus these guys were hot too!
  21. Although the dudes are totally hot in this one, I'm turned off by the condom for one. Secondarily, I love fantasy as probably do we all, but one of the things about fantasy that makes it so hot is the believability of the situation. This one is completely unbelievable because no way in hell the dude in bed is not waking up to hear any of that unless he was drugged.
  22. I get the same exact pleasure you describe about the top's seed in me and all that surrounds it but from the reverse perspective. I love being the receptacle to his seed. I love taking it and letting it absorb into me. I never push it out. I love the feel of his raw cock in me. And yes! I can definitely tell the difference between a condom covered cock and one without it. It is very obvious to me. Plus there is the pure pleasure of feeling his raw cock pushing at my gut walls and pushing past my sphincter. It provides so much intense sensation. I'm surprised you have not experienced that as a bottom. Sometimes you can even feel the top blowing his seed. I'll admit that not every time do I feel that, but there have been clearly times where I felt every pulse of his seed blowing in me. That just made the whole experience that much better. I never want the top to pull out either. Once in, he stays in and gets to use my fertile hole as his seeding ground.
  23. It's clearly both for me. First, it feels beyond amazing. Wearing a condom completely ruins the intimacy and the intensity. They feel all wrong and once you compare the two experiences you never go back to condoms. Second, the idea of a condom creating a barrier between you and the man fucking you is repulsive and all wrong. Intimacy needs to be skin on skin contact where his body is in you and also in direct contact with your body. The connection then allows for his seed to enter you and for your body to absorb his DNA. What better connection is there than that? A condom prevents all that. So why use one...EVER?
  24. Interesting take on this. I see where you are coming from and it is a bit more like how I was fantasizing about it.
  25. For me, there is no fantasy about becoming pregnant like a woman at all with all that goes with it such as a swelling belly and breasts growing with milk, etc. It is a bit perplexing for me to do so or have those thoughts as I'm a man and am attracted to men and all that a man's body is and provides. Why would I want to have any female element involved when I'm 100% homosexual? My fantasy or take on pregnancy is different. I love the idea of getting "pregnant" by taking a man's seed and his DNA which I like to think is absorbed into me forever. He owns me. His seed can transform me as well. That goes one step further should his seed be poz. It is a bonding of men through seed that is at issue here that is fantasy grounded in reality via semen transfer. It get's me beyond hot thinking about this.
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