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About bbasslover79

  • Birthday 09/20/1979

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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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    filthy pig that settled down, but still likes to pig out every now and then with the right guy(s).

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  1. Years ago at a birthday party I got too drunk, passed out and was out in bed in a guest room. Hours later I woke up being fucked by a Brazilian dude I didn’t know. Still drunk, and now horny I went along with it and had a great fuck, eventually fucked him too. We kept it going for a few weeks after that until he left to go back to Brazil. I never really thought about it but he might not have been the only one that day.
  2. Yeah more info please!
  3. I don’t find either degrading. Love both active and passive as just another element of pig play.
  4. Yes, it’s the only one now as far as I know. There’s a men’s health club called Adonis, but I’ve never visited. And reviews seem bad.
  5. Well another bathhouse gone here in Vegas. [think before following links] https://www.instagram.com/kumaclublv/p/DAEZqzMyCRT/?img_index=1
  6. When I was in my late 20s early 30s I used to cruise a lot in the Vondelpark in Amsterdam. At that point in life I just wanted to fuck and get fucked l, did not care at all with whom I did it. My day job was boring, my life was boring, was hooking up now and then, but cruising was so easy for sex I went almost every night, and during the weekend I went other places like a bathhouse or a large park further out of town. Some nights on the bike ride home I really wondered what the fuck I was thinking having sex with some real trolls. But in the moment it didn’t really matter, I got off, I got what I needed out of it. And the thrill of the hunt was exciting. And being used by some guy who was not your type was also kind of hot in a way. Since then I’ve mostly let go of types or looks, it’s attitude that turns me on the most now.
  7. Giving and receiving, love both. Makes for some real piggy sex with someone who’s also into both.
  8. If I’m just bottoming I like to keep it in. Either it absorbs or seeps out. But sometimes when I get home after being fucked I finger some out, taste it.
  9. This is the way! Had some great times there when I still lived in Amsterdam.
  10. Yeah I think it's been deleted or taken down. you can still search for the group but when opening it you get a message you are banned...
  11. I love rimming. Clean holes, sweaty holes, I’ll take them all. I’ll fuck you after, and rim you again.
  12. NTA. He had his chance.
  13. Middle to last, I like the feeling more. And the more cum in him, the better. Sloppy seconds, thirds, and on and on.
  14. I’m surprised this needs to be spelled out.
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