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Everything posted by PhoenixGeoff

  1. Or if he puts on a condom as he's getting ready to fuck you, you could reach around and pull it off before his cock goes in your ass
  2. When it happened to me, I was on my hands and knees getting pounded. The top had a pretty huge cock, especially as far as width went. And he was fucking me very aggressively (just how I like it). I'm quite proud to say that I continued taking the full brunt of his fucking even after I shot, though it was a bit intense. He told me afterwards he'd looked down and seen the pile of cum on the floor that he'd fucked out of me and that was what had made him shoot.
  3. A lot of baths have chalkboards where you can leave messages like "Breed the pig in room 27"
  4. Check on your local laws, but in some places you can wear a jock out in public. In others, you have to have your asshole covered. If you can get away with wearing a jock, that's always a good choice for a bottom.
  5. I've only done it once or twice, but I've always been really turned on when a guy I know is a total top ends up with my cock in his ass. It's not unusual for guys who'd never consider getting fucked to enjoy playing with their asshole. I've had women confide to me that their boyfriends really get into it when they do it, and these are guys who I'd consider to be almost certainly 100% straight.
  6. Sweet...I find any vacation where I lose track of how many guys I've fucked and been bred by is a damn good one!

  7. To be fair, I've never seen that happen to anyone else. So I'd imagine I just had a particularly bad reaction to it. But still, I don't plan on ever touching it again. I also get kind of concerned when guys do it while getting fisted. Poppers may help open you up a bit but you still have a sense of what's going on with your body. Maximum Impact often seems to send you to a place where you might not be aware of some injuries being caused. Not so much of a problem if you're just getting plowed, but in a fisting scene, I really prefer my bottoms to be completely "present" as a matter of safety.
  8. Yup, you often have to tell the top what it is you want. Yelling "Shoot it in me deep!" as he's fucking you usually does the trick, I find. Depending on your position and how active of a bottom he wants you to be, thrusting your ass back onto his cock and pulling his body into yours can also work. FWIW, I personally love it when the bottom I'm pounding gets just as active and aggressive as I am. Guys like that are practically guaranteed to get my load.
  9. No problem at all for me. If you're so loose and open that I can't even get a good fuck out of you (the old proverbial tossing a hot dog down a corridor), I'll just reach my hand inside you and jack off. Either that or shove my cock and balls inside you and fuck you that way. I love sex with slutty guys, and a well-stretched out ass is a good sign I'm dealing with a pro. And I have a very great deal of respect for men who get into fisting and do it well (either top or bottom). We'd get along just fine, you and I.
  10. After I had a dissociative episode while doing the stuff (to this day I have no memory whatsoever of the few minutes I was "gone" but I'm told I was severely hallucinating and very much out of control), I've decided never to use it again. Just looking at the looks on the face of my friends staring at me after I came out convinced me that it's very bad stuff for me.
  11. May have to look into that. Would definitely be useful having an experienced local pig to show me around. And hopefully, not only would there be plenty of asses to breed but plenty of cocks for my hole too...

  12. Can watching too much BB porn turn you off to condoms? Putting the cart before the horse. I started seeking out bb porn after I started barebacking (and discovered that there were other guys who were also into it as well). What turned me off condoms was discovering just how much more I enjoyed sex without them.
  13. Another good example of this is the prison rape themed porns. I saw one a while back where a prison guard was supposedly held down and gang-raped by a bunch of inmates, who were all very careful to use proper lubricants and wear condoms out of very admirable concern for the guard's health and well-being (eyeroll). I've basically got the same attitude as shadowgames. Rubbers are mostly a dealbreaker for me, both in terms of actual sex and the porn I enjoy. Given a choice between porn with hot, hairy, animalistic men fucking each other like sex-crazed perverts (but wearing a condom) and boring videos of twinks lying back, closing their eyes and thinking of England while some other equally bored top fucks him in a desultory way bareback, I'll very reluctantly choose the latter. Hell, I'll even watch straight porn before I watch gay porn with rubbers, as long as I can turn down the volume so I don't have to listen to that obnoxiously irritating high-pitch screaming women make. At least with straight porn I'm likely to see some half decent raw cocks.
  14. I'm assuming that that would require artificial testosterone replacement. Without it, you'd begin to see all kinds of changes, both physically and in terms of temperament. Aside from the loss of secondary male characteristics you seem to appreciate (body and facial hair, muscular builds), there's also the decrease in sex drive. Basically, testosterone fuels a lot of the things that I love most about men, which is why I'd be highly unlikely to go for a eunuch. The irony here is that if a lot of the bottoms who are fantasizing about castration actually went through with it, the drives that led them to that step would have a pretty decent chance of disappearing.
  15. Lame day at the bath, but I did get an anonymous load up my ass.
  16. I guess the scientific response would be to come up with some kind of testable explanation for how astrology might work. Of the four known forces, only gravity would appear to be able to have any effect over the kinds of distances were talking about here, and the variance over a year in the gravitational effects from a particular star are so slight as to be inconceivably small. Taking an example, I'm a Scorpio. The brightest star in the constellation is Antares, which has a mass of about 3.28 x 10^31 kg and a distance from the sun of about 5.68 x 10^18 m. Because the position of the Earth from the sun is 1.49 x 10^11 m, we can estimate the difference in force exerted by Antares on me (mass 1.0 x 10^2 kg) and see how it varies over the course of a year. (Newton's Law of Gravitation F=G( (m1xm2) / r^2 ) ) Crunching through the numbers, we end up with a variance in the force exerted by Antares on me over the course of a year is 3.56x10^-22 Newtons. (In other words, 0.000000000000000000000356 Newtons; by contrast, 1 Newton is about the equivalent of the force Earth's gravity exerts on a small apple). This force is so infinitesimally tiny that there's really no possible way it could affect me. By contrast, the gravitational force exerted on me by my car when I'm standing 5 meters away from it is 3.63 x 10^-7 Newtons, which absolutely overwhelms the force exerted on me by the star. So none of the four known forces really can account for some kind of astrological effect. (The other three, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces all work over much, much smaller distances and so cannot account for any effect from distant objects like stars). The other effect you mention, quantum entanglement, does indeed operate. Physicists have used entangled particles to create some really weird effects. But the particles need to be in proximity to become entangled, and I've never been anywhere near Antares. But supposing that there is an atom or two in my body that does somehow contain particles that are entangled with particles in Antares. We still would have to account for how the time of year I was born somehow results in my getting entangled particles from Antares rather than (say) entangled particles from Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus. But there's no mechanism to explain how this might happen, or indeed to explain how having particles entangled with other particles in a particular star might have any effect whatsoever on my personality. So I'd suggest that there's no possible way that physics as we currently understand it can come up with any sort of hypothesis for how astrology could work. That's not to say that the understanding of physics won't necessarily change; there's some really exciting stuff coming out of the LHC at CERN for instance. But there's nothing right now that could possibly provide any sort of working hypothesis for how astrology might work. Which means, I think, that the onus is on believers in astrology to provide some sort of rigorous data to show that astrology does produce reproducibly correct results. As far as I'm aware, that's never been demonstrated. Now, on the other hand, you can, I think, make an argument that astrology (like tarot or other forms of divination) may be a tool that can help the astrologer focus an intuitive understanding of a person's psychology. It becomes a means to unconsciously engage other skills (like listening, observing body language, etc., but all subconsciously) to learn things about a person's behavior. In that sense, it might be a sort of indirect means to gaining some insights. But as a science, I don't think you can make the case. And now I'm done with geeking out and am ready for a little sex, dammit!
  17. Looks like you got a really hot, talented and experienced hole there...exactly the kind I love shoving my raw cock inside. Seem to be a lot of good pigs on here from Houston. Maybe I need to figure out a way to take a little trip down there.

  18. Anonymous online hookup. Dropped by the guy's house on the way home from the bar. As I arrived, another guy was just leaving. Sure enough, as soon as I slid inside my host, I felt the load in his ass from the previous top. Pounded him til I came, gave him my cock to suck clean and then left. I doubt we exchanged more than half-a-dozen words.
  19. A great load is one that goes up the bottom's ass. A good load is one that goes pretty much anywhere else. Or if you need to make a distinction, a great load is one the bottom can feel shooting inside him, although that's partly also a function of how thick the top's shaft is.
  20. Really? I always just figured a real bottom wanted cock fucking his ass. In any case, I would never want to deny any man the pleasure of feeling a guy fuck his ass and unload deep inside his guts. Meh, mostly cock size is pretty irrelevant to me when I top. After all, it's the asshole I'm interested in. Although I can understand the disappointment of seeing a really nice big cock on a total bottom. On the other hand, there is something incredibly hot about a big, masculine, manly stud with a huge cock spreading his legs and begging me to pound his ass with my raw cock. Watching my dick slamming into a guy who runs completely against the stereotypes is a big turnon for me.
  21. That does rather buy into the old truism that versatile=bottom who won't admit it. If you include the guys who identify as versatile and assume they truly do top more or less as much as they bottom, then you've got about 35-40% of guys here who top on a reasonably regular basis. Still out of balance, but not quite as bad. Then too, I'd say a fair number of the guys on this board get into chem sex. Regardless of your opinion of the merits of drugs, it's undeniable that many of them keep you from getting or keeping a hardon. T in particular not only often does that but also seems to really make a lot of guys want to bottom. That's probably also true of a lot of the places where pigs get together to hook up. Regardless, I've often thought of the top vs. bottom thing as kind of artificial, far more so than gay vs. straight (and I think that's kinda artificial too). I've known lots of men who've changed in their top-bottom orientation over the years, myself included.
  22. Barebacking actually made it possible for me to top. Whenever I tried to put on a condom, I'd almost always lose my hardon right away. So I'd initially figured I was just a bottom. Then I tried fucking without a rubber and voilà! A versatile barebacking pig was born.
  23. Brings up a good point. Very few guys seem to go to the bar and flag anymore. Probably because too much of the cruising has moved online (bars are a hell of a lot more boring than they used to be, damn internet!) Granted the hanky code got completely fucking out of hand there for a bit. But restricting it to some basic colors and bringing it back would be cool. Like bark and light blue, black, red, yellow. Just enough to cover the basics. (And yeah, I do flag when I'm out at the bar still, though I'm one of the few).
  24. I agree stud. Plus it doesn't hurt that from what I can see you're one hell of a hot fucker. I do love a woofy man who'll appreciate my raw uncut cock!

  25. Man, next time you get a scene like that, SHOOT VIDEO!
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