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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. This thread kinda got away .... just saw your reply, and thanks. Yes, I agree, I've read the Stannard book, and thought it well worth the read. Thanks.
  2. To me, the words Breed/Breeding mean a raw Cock pumps Sperm up a bottom's Hole. If the Top fucks a Hole, but doesn't actually Breed, it's called "rut" or rutting" - at least where I come from, and yes, I know the bottoms only want the first definition - but they don't have to cum every time they take a load either.
  3. Good choice for accommodations ... If you're going to be driving from Inn Leather up to - well - anything else, as you drive N on Federal, be sure to turn left (West) on either 6th St or 8th St. If you miss those, you'll be shunted over closer to the beaches, which is the opposite direction you'll want to go. Turning left on either 6th or 8th will lead you to NE 3rd in (I think 3) blocks, when you should turn right (or N) and as soon as you cross the rr tracks you'll come to Sunrise Blvd, where you should turn left (W). It so happens that after the tracks, the street turns East for one block and you'll wind up on NE 4th, which will turn into Wilton Manors Drive a few blocks North (just over the bridge, near Ft. L. High School), in case you're headed up to Crisco Heights and all the gay nightlife. Slammer is at 321 W Sunrise, and you'll only be about 5 or 6 blocks from it. At night, Sunrise can turn into a race track, so get in the far right lane fairly quickly. After Andrews Ave (zero-hundred E/W) a fairly small sign saying 321 will appear, and you turn right, into their parking lots then. There are off-duty cops that guard the fenced lots, and they always appreciate a couple of bucks. When you're done at Slammer, make a U turn at the first available after exiting the parking lots. Be sure to wait for enough space - the West-siders can be really heavy on the gas pedal. Stay in the right-hand lane, which will lead you a bit past 4th ave, to an entry lane southbound onto US 1 Southbound, and just after the tracks you previously crossed: there's a large overhead sign directing you South. Good luck !!!
  4. Placing the New Testament in an understandable place would be enhanced by comparing it's contents with the contemporaneous writings that were culled out of the N.T. at the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE. One is altered materially, one still exists largely as a recorded collection of the sayings of one man. In one, there is plenty of magic added in. In the other, the Gospel of Mary contains some hilarious magic*. *one "fer-instance": As a little kid, Jesus was playing in a mud puddle with his friends, and they were making little mud animals (birds, 4-footed animals, etc). When Mary called him to come in for lunch or whatever, all the little mud critters Jesus made came to life - but the other kid's animals didn't. The mud birds flew away, and the mud dogs/cats/mules/whatever ran away. It's a fun read.
  5. Thanks for that update, AlwaysOpen ... Can't depend on me to stay up all damn night though ... those days are in the rear-view mirror.
  6. Agreed. It's disappointing not to know what's going on over there. Not very long ago at all, you could stop in for a beer and a fuck almost as soon as they opened. Even the bartenders (when asked) give different versions of why it is. One bartender in the "patio' bar said "I don't give a shit what guys do back here". One in the front bar parried my same question entirely. Lately, I've seen some Cocksucking (like 2 or 3 pairs of guys) going on by the pool table (which used to be covered with a sheet of plywood and what appeared to be a vinyl covering, and you couldn't walk around it for all the guys bent over the table, taking loads. I've stopped by after hitting Slammer, just to sniff the wind. Again, a couple of guys sucking Cock back in Pig Alley (soon to be re-named Chicken Alley) as late as 20 minutes to closing time (2am). Yes, it's Florida's version of "winter" here, but the temps seldom all that cold. Occasionally the nights dip into the high 40's, but that's rather seldom. I will mention that the crowds have definitely diminished since Pig Week ... when it was jammed with guys fucking each other. There are groups of guys that know each other - buddies - all having a good time blabbing away. Maybe somebody made a "business decision" that will prove an error ... I just don't know either. I'd like to hear what's going on over there too. It used to be so much fun - but it's not anymore - just another run-down gay bar.
  7. I agree with much of your post. Interestingly though, a Roman-era ruin in Palestine was excavated a few years ago, dating from that period. Most of Pilate's (full) name was found inscribed on one of the column's bases. If not for Pilate's presence in the New Testament, he would be completely forgotten - but there actually is a non-Christian bit proof that Pilate was indeed present in the area, and at that time. I saw a photo of it in Architectural Review a few years ago; it was quite clearly him. Actually though, it was a common sign of respect to wash someone's feet. They all wore sandals, the roads were all dirt or sand, so feet got really grungy back then. Thus, if/when Jesus performed that act - it proves only that his humanity, his humbleness, was completely intact. To the rest, it is somewhat interesting that whoever he particularly "loved" got washed away too ... which would be John, author of the 4th Gospel. Less certainly the other two attributed to him. They're the fortunate ones, who sensed the presence of bullshit in the religion, but also sensed the intrinsic value of the original Message. The question though, is faith in what ? Faith in the basic goodness of humanity? Faith in a basic wickedness? Faith in magic? Faith in reason? Faith in one's intellectual ability to reason? Faith, in and of itself, is an abstract noun, which means nothing with out the noun associated with faith. We can have faith in this, faith in that, faith that the sun will come up in the morning. Thus, it's the subject of that faith - whatever it may be - that earns either respect or dismissal in our minds. I have faith that the sun will come up, and my car will start in the morning. I believe that being as faithful to the original Message of Jesus, as well as other magnificently moral teachers throughout history is an important part of living my life. However, I have no faith in magic. Thus, "faith" compounded with required belief in magic, makes no sense to me at all.
  8. I wonder how many thought-leaders we have lost (or never even heard from), due to the repressions of Organized Religion - the Ancient Enemy. In school, I had to take jobs as musician in a number of churches (a night of beers with the guys wasn't cheap), and the pastor of one of them was a totally repressed gay man. It's hard to describe what a shadow of a man he'd become when he gave in to the repressions. His wife was a corpulent unhappy shadow of a woman, His kids were washed-out looking timid little bundles of nerves. It was a truly tragic sight. And he would just rail against gays from the pulpit. For what, I wonder. To be part of that which ruined his life? One Sunday it just got to be more than I cared to listen to, and I just walked out - and I never did find out who played the closing hymn, because it sure as hell wasn't me.
  9. Thank you for the response, ErosWired. What did Jesus almost certainly say, and more than once? 1. Feed the hungry. 2. House the homeless. 3. Clothe the naked. 4. Visit the sick. 5. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. There are more attributions, of course, but these 5 are direct quotes retold in several of the Gospels. None of that requires belief in magic. None of that requires suspension of reason. None of that requires anything more than basic, human decency - that still, small, voice within each of us.
  10. It sounds to me like you worry about things you don't need to concern yourself with. Some guys are taller than me, some guys are shorter than me, which is why my sling is easily/instantly adaptable to any body-length. It's up to me to insure the sling is adjusted perfectly for the alignment, etc. I think one of the big plusses about a sling is, the bottom can either watch, or close his eyes and fantasize - whatever he wants to do. They usually like to watch though, and I like them to watch me too. Until I'm sure he's ok, I watch them closely for signs of distress (eye dilation, pulse, uncontrolled bodily reactions, for instance). I consider those to be my duty to the bottom (as well as the fuck, of course), and the better job I do with alignment of the gear, the better the fuck for both of us. Really? Of course he wants to look at you, and more. Of course you're attractive. Who gives a hoot about the lighting? If you kiss him, do it in French. If he actually didn't want any of those, he'd either hood you, or wouldn't be there. It's the Top's responsibility to make it as pleasurable as possible for you, which is how the Top also receives the most pleasure. Unless he gets down on one knee and offers you a ring, it's a bit too much concern about ancillary stuff. I think too many bottoms worry too much about stuff they don't need to worry about. You do know you're a fantastic fuck, don'tcha ?
  11. I guess it depends. At home, I like them in the sling, tip of the backbone juuuuust over the edge of the sling so their Hole is completely available. If it's comfortable enough for the bottom, I clip the ankle loops to the chains adjacent to his head, thus offering his Hole in the most exposed, appealing way. It doesn't work very well for really tall guys though. I have a small round metal stool with the post going into threaded receptacle, so I can adjust my height relative to the Hole easily. Thus after the "getting to know you a little bit" part: If we're fucking on a plane surface - like a bed or fuckbench - I like a bottom on his hands and knees to: 1. turn his head to either side (whichever is most comfortable for him) - 2. lay his shoulders down on the bed/fuckbench/flat surface, keeping his head turned - 3. arch his back in a concave fashion, so as much of his belly is also on the plane-surface, which places his Hole in the highest possible position relative to his body - 4. spread his knees as wide as possible (and still comfortable). Thus, I wind up with an elevated Hole, higher than the rest of his body, staring me in the face, and not much else. The rest of the bottom's body somewhat "recedes" into the background, with his Hole elevated, thrust outward towards my mouth (and eventually my Cock), enhancing the focus totally on the Hole. In the fuckjoints, I don't have that kind of control, so I come as close to I can without bothering the guys Breeding on either side of me. That wouldn't be fair to the other Breeders.
  12. I haven't yet ... haven't heard from any guy who has, either. For me, nothing beats Slammer ... Clubhouse II can be fun too though, and graaaaaaadually Ramrod is beginning to recover from the Breeding Ban ... seems to be taking too long though. A day-pass at Inn Leather is always fun ... but the tunnel is closed this week, through Saturday. At least the cranes putting up that high-rise won't fall down on people stuck in their cars, like last time ....
  13. It doesn't really matter, does it? What really matters is, it's Sperm from a hard raw Cock - that (for whatever reason) didn't get pumped up a Hole or down an eager throat. Sometimes, particularly in a group setting, a guy gets so turned on waiting his turn, he can't help but shoot his first load, I keep several pony glasses around, just in case - and tell every guy that the "house-rule" is no Sperm ever gets wasted, and if they are past the point of no return, simply going to shoot, to grab one of the glasses and cum in that. Sometimes a bottom would ask who's loads are frozen in the glass - and I simply answer with something like "who cares ... they're loads off hard raw Cocks that got frozen/saved for your Hole. You're welcome."
  14. Well, at least his hard .... I mean heart - yeah, that's it - heart was in the right place ....
  15. 'Ever lied about the number of loads you have?" To the OP ^ ... Breeze through some of the claims right here on BZ from some guys claiming gallons of Sperm fucked up their guts in one night .... that'll give you the answer.
  16. Thanks for making that point. Yet one more example of how destructive the European presence was upon the Indigenous Americans. I reckon I need to read more re: the Native American belief-system(s).
  17. Well, some of us are on the thick side - and I don't want to hurt a Hole. I only want to Breed it. I generally get my mouth on it first, so I have an idea how easily it opens, if it's been Bred by other Cocks already, all of that. If you don't think you're loose enough, I guess there's something you should get more of !!! For instance, hard raw Cocks up your gut 😉
  18. Welcome, new guys !! This is a great site for all kinds of reasons, as you will discover as you explore it more. We hope to hear more from each of you again soon.
  19. Interesting .... did you freeze them initially in that shape? If so, what did you use to freeze them in? Something pre-formed?
  20. Never. I can't imagine what I'd do, but it would entail the most violent behavior on my part that I could summon forth. It's not that I never have "given it up" - during covid a buddy and I got through it together, and for some unfathomable reason he wanted to fuck me. I'd run into him a number of times at the orgies and we became somewhat friendly, so I knew his Cock was - well - modestly proportioned, so I knew it wouldn't tear me up. Eventually we started inviting the other to come over and Breed Holes, so it seemed appropriate at the time. It was more in the framework of two buddies getting through a pandemic crises together, so I just gritted my teeth and allowed it.
  21. I agree. The phrase "should be allowed" implies at least a previously discussed "scene", in which issues like this would be addressed, agreed upon, etc. In the case of a fuckjoint, where guys just go to fuck each other, it would be most inappropriate for a Top to simply assume - with no prior conversation communication - let alone a proper negotiation, that the bottom "know" intuitively what the Top expects. That would apply to online hookups too; when denial of some aspect of the scene is desired by one or the other, that needs to be mentioned (or better, discussed) prior to the hookup. We should never simply assume that the potential scene pre-ordains knowledge of any particular bent. That needs to be expressed prior to the event - even if only a few minutes before the fuck begins, such as in a fuckjoint full of horny men.
  22. To the OP though, I think it's a stretch to say one is only interested in Holes that are already full of loads from previous Cocks. Sure, that's the preference - the ideal - for some of us, but limiting one's Breeding to only pre-loaded Holes seems a bit untoward, even haughty. Some guy has to be the first of the night to Breed a Hole. Say your favorite fuckjoint opens at 7pm. Tops that like pre-loaded Holes shouldn't show up at 7 - they should show up at 11 pm, thus giving the bottoms some time to take more loads, before the picky Top shows up. For my money, it's not all about the Top, or all about the bottom. Rather, it's all about the union of hard raw Cock with willing, hungry Holes. It's a conjoining - even if only for a few minutes - between two men who need what the other possesses, (unless there are three or more, of course .... 😁)
  23. Far better than I could have. Thanks for the explanation; it's a most interesting subject - particularly that the brain can still perform that function in middle-age and beyond.
  24. The answer would depend more on where you expect to be taking loads. If it's in some fuckjoint - with many other guys, all unknown to you, I would suggest leaving the gear at home. Wearing a ball-stretcher like the one pictured could invite some guys to assume that it's an invitation to even more distress. I see in your photos that you're accustomed to wearing gear that could easily be interpreted as an invitation be abused. You don't mention what level of pain you can tolerate (particularly from strangers). I'd call it a risky proposition. If, on the other hand, you rely on the apps to find sex, you can always state the qualifiers in advance, whatever they may be. Bd / Sm play can be fantastically fulfilling, but it can also be quite dangerous. I'd advise keeping to two separate sexual tracks: 1) For public sex in the fuckjoints, where any guy can rightfully assume that you're game for anything, leave the heavy-duty gear at home. You might meet some guy that knows his craft, and set up more action in the future. At least, you'll get home without a visit to a hospital first. 2). For using the cruise apps, make sure the other guy knows in advance what your pain-limits are, and agrees to honor them. It's hardly fool-proof, but at least gives the other guy some guidelines as to what you need. Also, arrange for a friend to call you at a certain time, and tell the prospective fuck (before you meet up) that you'll be getting that call at X time, and if you don't answer, the cops will. That's always a good step to take when serious harm might come to pass. To the OP, I have nothing against a cumdump jacking his Cock or whatever. That issue though, is something to be ironed out during the "negotiation" that is always, always, always required prior to a private Bd/Sm scene. Good luck !!
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