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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Cool !! So was I - went over there for a beer before heading to Slammer ... maybe we rutted in Holes next to each other and didn't even know it .... btw, the pool table has been off-limits (except for playing pool, I mean) for a long time now.
  2. Well, there are substantial numbers of both gays & hets buying properties West of Powerline, thus raising prices in that depressed area. If you're not familiar with that area, it is substantially inhabited by minorities, probably not well-paid, and not considered a "safe" area. The (formerly) more affordable areas (for instance, the 'hood West of where Cubby Hole used to be) has all been torn down, with new mid-rise condo's everywhere, and it's adjacent to Federal Highway, which runs directly into downtown. There are 4 gay households in my little 'hood that have sold, and the guys moved to Asheville. Also, there have been "investors" buying up properties around here to turn into Air B&B's, along with short-term rentals. When ownership by residents in the area diminishes, and absentee-ownership increases, the "neighborly" quotient tends to dissolve too, When long-term owners/residents begin leaving, and rentals increase, it seems that renters come and go so quickly, it's hardly worth the time it takes to cultivate new neighbors. All that said, demographics never remain static (except in rather wealthy areas); so it's either buckle up and sit it out or try to figure out something else and just start over - again.
  3. and draft-dodger .... don't forget the commonly used "bone spurs" excuse to avoid service in the military. His dad paid off some quack doctor to "diagnose' bone spurs in his stinking feet. Some of us knew guys that were called, answered the call, and never returned.
  4. My apologies. viking8x6. I too was hoping for some responses to the OP, and frustration got the better of me.
  5. re: this past weekend, on both Fri and particularly Sat nights, my favorite fuckjoint was so jammed it wasn't as much fun as usual. All the parking lots were full, and I got the last parking place in the lot of that old laundromat just E of the property. Some of the corridors were impassable, had to turn around and find another way. Some Dad was whoring his boy on one of the elevated gh platforms (by the fireplace), and the steps were impassable for all the guys waiting to get up there. As I passed by the "smoking" area, there were guys fucking in there, of all places. Usually the bar just has guys taking a breather, chatting with other guys, but there was some action there too. The orgy room was so packed it took a long time just to force my way through, and we all know how "determined" we can be while we're "on a mission". Couldn't get into the darkroom at all, despite several efforts. Now. It was also "Ft. L. Pride" weekend, so maybe that had something to do with it. Here, we have "snowbird" Pride Weekend as well as the regular National event in the summer. That, plus all the snowbirds, made it not as much fun as usual. That said, every guy that needs Hole (or loads) should be able to get some, even when there are so many visitors to OrgyTown. I'm not bitching .... just saying it wasn't as much fun as usual. Got the task fulfilled, and ditched.
  6. I don't believe that those who consider themselves "anti-woke" either know nor care what the definition is. All they understand is, "woke" means Liberal, Progressive, Democratic, (thus threatening their assumed seat of privilege). Let's face it: there is a fairly extensive population of Americans that have not benefitted from an education that encourages introspection, exercising their intellectual abilities, asking difficult questions of themselves or their leaders. Worse, they have co-opted and perverted the Universal Message, taught for millennia by spiritual teachers throughout the world. Some of these people, infused with a false notion of cultural religiosity, have been hornswoggled into behaving like a nest of newborn baby robins: The mother flies off, eats worms, flies back to the nest and pukes partially-digested worms down the wide-open beaks of her young. Those young neither know nor care what their mother has just puked down their throats - all they care is that they got some, while a couple of weaker baby robins got none. When some folks believe - honestly believe - that they are "chosen" by some deity, that means (to them) that anyone who doesn't match their perverted view is automatically condemned. Normal folks can't expect these "anti-woke" folks to answer questions that involve actual intellectual activity, let alone interest in the same. The "anti-woke" crowd only understands that the "woke" crowd is their enemy - no understanding, intellectual activity, let alone moral thought is required. Of course they can't define "woke". They don't need to. All they need is the dog-whistle, and they come a-runnin.
  7. Last night. So I had a few guys over to watch the game last night*, invited 4, and 5 showed up. I happen to like watching NFL games, and last night's game was fantastic. So, I had fixed some food, all of that, and guys started arriving around 6, so I had to wait until today to respond to some of the stuff in the political department. These are all guy's I've fucked before, with one exception - the "surprise" guest brought along by one of my neighbors, and they all knew what the "halftime entertainment" was going to be. However, I explained the "house rules" about never wasting Sperm, the pony glasses, all of that. I also explained about how I'm "sporting" one of the crotons in the back yard, and all piss had to be on that particular plant. After the first round of beers, the clothes started come off, the Cocksucking started, maybe 15, 20 minutes into the game, 2 of them drifted off to the slingroom, followed shortly by a 3rd. But, it was a really fantastic game, lead shifting back and forth, all of that, and I really wanted to watch the game too. Eventually, everyone's clothes were on the floor, and we all had a filthy time of it. The game lasted a long time (till well after 11 EST), and a couple of guys had eaten, fucked, cum and gone, and that was fine. I was tired, locked up and went into my bedroom (there's a tv in there too), and joined the 2 guys on the bed. Turned out the 5th guy (who I didn't know) had a sweet, velvety Hole, he'd already taken a couple of loads, so I ate that for dessert, and pumped my load up there too, and apparently fell asleep fairly quickly, This morning, I woke up to that cumdump in my bed, The front door was unlocked (assumedly when the last of the "invited" guests left) and I had to piss like crazy, so went outside and "serviced" that croton**. Went back inside and the bathroom door was closed ... All is to say that "breakfast" was the best first meal of the day in YEARS .... *I think it was the best game I've watched in years ... ** Crotons will throw off a "sport" - meaning a variation of the original color/pattern if they get pissed on for a few months.
  8. now THAT'S what I call a real "smorgasbord" !!! Well done !!!
  9. Allow me to offer a different perspective: The current Administration has accomplished in a mere 3 years things that the former Administration didn't. Consider the wide array of infrastructure projects, in a number of "red" states, for instance. Old bridges on the Interstates, new energy installations (i.e. solar, wind) in both red and blue states; just two examples of how evenly The President has spread the governmental infrastructure projects. Name one - merely one - infrastructure improvement that the former President accomplished of the same scale. The former President only cares about how many millions of people he can hoodwink into voting him back into office, so he can stay out of jail. He offers nothing but hatred, vitriol, consorting with despots around the world, He has demonstrated clearly and decisively that he will - at the very least - cripple the Republic, all to prop up his own inflated image of himself. His "advisors" are either indicted, or have been tried, convicted, and are awaiting being sent to jail. Which of the current President's advisors are facing jail? The current President, on the other hand, demonstrates is bent towards making things better for everyone, and employs staff that will carry out that enlightened vision. The former President has openly, bluntly stated that he intends to become a "dictator", and no one believes it would be for only one day, most particularly his own benighted supporters. "appearances" count for precious little. It's the actual work the current President has already accomplished, vs the stream of filth pouring forth on an hourly basis out of the former President's mouth, his truly sordid history, his lack of any shred of intellectual accomplishment, his previous Administration that make him wholly unqualified to lead his own life, let alone the United States. Appearances count for little. It's what they do (or don't) that counts.
  10. I know this isn't exactly what our estimable Viking asked for, but ..... To me, the term "woke" is nothing more than a clumsy-ism for "awakened", used to divide those who have 1) realized, and 2) take positive steps in their own lives to reflect an enlightened attitude towards cultural/social ills that have been foisted upon the less privileged, less fortunate, less entitled. "Woke" folks would donate books to libraries, not strip them of certain books. "Woke" folks would donate a couple of bucks to the beggar on the corner, as opposed to turning one's head and pretending the beggar isn't there. "Woke" folks donate whatever they can to organizations that help kids everywhere get enough to eat. Every little gesture to "Woke-ism" counts. When one begins to actually devote some measure of even-handed thought to how we lift up the downtrodden, allow and help each other to live richer, fuller lives, or- to put it simply - "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, comfort the sick, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves" - then that individual has arrived at a new awareness, or "awakened" to a deeper level of consciousness that creates a better human being out of the less-enlightened person prior to that enlightenment.
  11. I wonder if there's some way we barebackers can inspire the general population to reject that which divides us, and celebrate that which unites us. We're all one, with only superficial differences developed through the millennia according to what part of the world our ancestors came from. To paraphrase a kiddie Sunday-school ditty I remember from childhood: "red and yellow, black and white - all are precious in (our) sight ....."
  12. I understand the point, but I don't see any way to accomplish it. I understand that minds don't work as adroitly as they get older. That doesn't extend to the man or woman's character though. My only gripe with Biden is, he won't kick the Prime Minister of Israel in the balls. I know he needs the Liberal Jewish vote in Nov - but at the price of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians being killed, is just a bridge too far. Decent minded folks are stuck between the incumbent, and a complete asshole. What may be our "saving grace" will be if Biden wins, and assembles a First Class Cabinet that will continue to press for human rights, all the uplifting things Biden has stood for and currently stands for decades. Replace him with who? RFKjr (emphasis on junior) ? Maryann Whatsername? I don't see any alternative but to vote D - straight ticket D - and cross our fingers the rrrrrrrasshole gets tossed in the clink.
  13. Thank Whatever you didn't carve a notch into the bedstead each time ... some of us would be sleeping in a pile of wood-chips by now ...
  14. Yikes !!! I hope those bottles are cleaned really well first ... or maybe Hole-eaters aren't all that prevalent ... Hot sauce and eating Holes doesn't seem like a very palatable mix 😬
  15. .... and while they're watching the feed from the drones, I wonder what the cops are (ahem) doing ???
  16. hmmmmm .... I didn't realize that's a "fetish". For some of us, it's completely "normal" behavior .... count me IN for that one ...
  17. Well, that's a valid point. I'd rather the people keep chickens around for the alligators, and protect the babies though ....
  18. Well !!! In THAT case, by all means ask for their *help* with the computer, yard work, painting the house, and whatever else cums to mind .... I got the impression earlier that they were minors. Too bad about the baby though ....
  19. Haulover is the only one I know of around here as well. Be wary of fucking though ... fun to meet guys there, but not necessarily fun being cellmates with them too ....
  20. All of which ^ confirms - at least to me - that (in order of preference) #1: loads off previous Cocks, and #2: good old spit - are my two go-to's. I do have some commercial stuff around, in case some guy specifically asks, but .....
  21. It's also good for cleaning crudded-up battery cables ....
  22. Thanks for pointing that out clearly. For some of us, the advent of the "impersonal, online" existence just doesn't cut it. Yet, here we are, using a website that exists in exactly that space, and we enjoy it for what it is. What I wonder is, when the current generation (whatever they name it) of young kids (read teenagers) reaches middle age, I wonder how many iterations of communicating with one's peers will have already happened. Will anything actually be *real* ?
  23. Next time you see him, ask him what his diet consists of ... I'd modify mine to match his, if it meant I could come anywhere close to matching his output !!! Even if it included eating raw celery, which is the only (excuse for) food that I simply detest ....
  24. Probably best that you keep the neighbor's kids as far away from BZ as you can. Don't want to wind up in the clink, do you !!
  25. It never occurred to me to try and keep track. That said, I started fucking guys in undergrad, and only stopped "outside" Hole when hiv came along, for about 3,4 years, I guess. Once there were treatments available, guys started in with the outside sex again, and so did we. I've never been all that great with math, but by now, the figure must be in the thousands. (yes, I'm trying to blush, but I just can't remember how ....)
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