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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Friday & Sat nights ...... my usual fuckjoints ...... all the usual, sweet, wanton behavior ..... So many guys seem not to have access to the kinds of fuckjoints around here, it's a bit unseemly to go on about what I do on the weekends ....
  2. I don't think the trend you're referring to is limited to guys hunting for sex. Given the advent of so-called "social media", there's far too many folks (in the general population) that have somehow translated in their minds that online communication, or merely reading posts on their telephones supplants the need for human interaction. All of us need each other, meaning not just raw guys, but everyone, and impersonal commentary over the ether simply cannot fulfill that need. To the above quote: so-called "social media" is unable to fulfill that very necessary human need. These folks that spend hours a day on social media are denying themselves of actually "meeting"- interacting others, in-the-flesh. There's no substitute for actually interacting with others, most of all over (anti) social media. It's like we (meaning everyone who overly uses the falsely-named "social" media providers) is depending on a puff of smoke to fulfill a basic human need. I wonder if some of these people could go more than an hour (I mean being awake) without fooling with their damned phone ....
  3. Did you know that the translation in English is "butter-goose-table" ??? (I think there's a presumed "and" between the edibles) Obviously, the butter is for lube, and the "goose" is for the guy who's going to take the buttered Cock ..... 😉
  4. To the OP though, whatever position that releases/enhances the bottom's Lusts the most.
  5. FWIW: "fraught" is an adjective, not a noun, and generally used in a negative context. Thus, nothing can ever be merely "fraught". Something (noun) can be "fraught" with danger, for example. I know the Woman in Black on tv has decided to alter the spoken English language, and other tv persons have followed her heavy-handed lead, but it's still literally non-sense.
  6. It never occurred to me to try counting how many. All that mattered was getting my Cock in Holes and pumping my Sperm deep inside them. At this point, it has to be many hundreds though.
  7. Beautifully said, NordicBtm ... I suppose most folks want to "feel a part of something", but the way I see it, we barebackers are special. We're already self-aware of our sexual requirements - namely barrier-free fucking each other - sharing that which is surely something that we uniquely possess. When a Top fucks a bottom, and Breeds his raw Hole, that Top has given something uniquely his - and the bottom has given the Top something that is uniquely his. Thus, this beautiful act - repeated over and over and over - countless times with countless men - connects each of us to every other rawguy ... We are surely - as you put it .... "all in this together and the sex and cum sharing just strengthens those bonds"
  8. Several guys above mentioned waiting in line to get to a particular Hole, and that's always hot. The more Cocks that have at least rutted in the Hole the better, and by far the very best is when several have pumped their loads up there already. There's really only one physical attribute that I tend to avoid: really big ass-cheeks. I'm not swinging a 9 incher - and if the cheeks are too fat, I can <polite cough> barely get inside. I tend to like 'em on the slim side - preferably a delicious hairy "properly" pre-lubed Hole that tastes as hot as it feels. A slim, non-Caucasian with a depraved mind and a hungry Hole is perfection - but we don't always get exactly what our (wet) dreams ask for either. Actually, I probably fuck more Caucasian guys than non-Caucasian guys, and that's A-OK with me too.
  9. I've been over there before, for reasons other than fucking. Haven't heard much about it, but - might as well go and tell the rest of us what's going on over there. The first of our Pride events here in Ft. L. is coming up fairly soon too.
  10. At Slammer, there are two men's rooms next to each other on one of the major aisles* (I mean rest-rooms), and the first you come to has an area I've occasionally seen guys doing piss-play. I don't know if that's sanctioned by the management or not. *at one time, it was a straight "men's club" - so one of the restrooms was originally for women.
  11. That makes complete (and terrible) sense. Never having been to Orlando (the mouse, and all that ... ) I didn't know the state of socio/economic conditions there. As a kid, the family went to Disneyland in CA, and that was enough. I went to Riverview in Chicago once (visiting relatives with kids (shudder), and that was fun more for the shady characters hanging around than anything else. Had I known it then, maybe the Huckster-in-Chief was there too, learning his craft, and maybe .... well .... 'nuff said .....
  12. Today, that's the case: grab a bucket of water and try to put out the fire. Apparently the days of debating the pros/cons of any particular piece of legislation are over; there seems to be little "debate" in Congress. The closest thing to actual, for-the-good-of -the-people, "debate" is now something called Voting the worst of them out of office. We get that chance every 2 years in one case, and every 4 years in the other, (plus local elections). Last I heard though, the "deity" is still not registered to vote in these dis-United States, so it's up to "we, the people" to clean house. So yes, I agree that things have arrived at the point that we're forced to vote "against", but in that same process, we can also vote "for", assuming all of us actually do it.
  13. You're being tremendously generous ... When I bought my tv, I had it altered so it won't even go to Fox (unless there's a good game on), and as far as I'm concerned, the Woman in Black - relentlessly self promoting - can go on a looooong fishing trip - a really long one.
  14. Let me put it this way: If any of you guys run into a bottom Sasquatch, send him my way (after using his Hole, of course).
  15. What a lovely, magnificent, clear and concise explanation of how some of feel about wanton raw sex. performed, repeated, over and over and over again. You put it far better than I could; tonight when I head over to Slammer, I'll have your ethereal words echoing in my mind. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. ❤️
  16. It's Slammer 321 - which is the address: 321 W Sunrise Blvd (on the North side of the street). The only sign you'll see has only the numerals, not the name.
  17. That's a new one for me too .... I guess spunkinmyarse comes close to what I think about "passive tops" ....
  18. Of course you do, because that's the case. There are a number of events-in-common: 1. Versailles and the waning winning strategies of the R's. While the Treaty of Versailles ended WW one, it was particularly cruel (read punishment) for the Germans. The parallel: mourning the so-called "Lost Cause" - which translates in todays parlance to White Privilege. The Germans and the French have been at each other's throats for centuries, and so have the assumed Caucasian Arbiters been squatting upon a heap of the less fortunate for centuries. All that's missing these days are the thundering jackboots and the swastika. Hitler wasn't a corpulent pig of a man, but he did have Goering by his side from the earliest days, so maybe that made up for being fat. 2. Of most concern to me, and I still can hardly believe it's happening, is the Trumpanzee shouts all the stupidest lies, the nonsensical stuff that has nothing at all to do with Government, and the rabble just licks it up. There is simply no thought-process involved. Whatever the turds are, tumbling from one of his three chins, the so-called Evangelicals just gobble it up like slop in a hog pen. Orange Jesus* has absolutely no concrete proposals, and thus neither do his minions in the House. We hear in the media constantly of all the R's in Congress that secretly detest the Great Deceiver, yet mouth all the maga platitudes in public. How could a thinking man (or woman) not be terribly concerned? Down is the new Up to these folks. 3. Clearly, one error we've made in the construction of our Government, is forgetting to put term-limits on Congresspersons. All these supposed "representatives" of we, the people, have to do is parrot the official Orange line, and they're on the gravy train for life. Same with the S.C. Sure, there are still plenty of responsible members of Congress, but they're all mostly on the R side of the aisle. I don't blame the original authors of the Constitution; it never dawned on them that such a miscreant would run for, let alone become President. *of note, some say that moniker originated not with thinking persons, but with the maga crowd, some of whom actually believe that corpulent serial rapist, philanderer, con-man, circus barker, ne'er-do-well, grifter, was actually "sent" by the deity to "save" this country. These people belong to the 10th Century, not the 21st one. " i believe they will be even bolder and more outrageous if they get a second go round." 4. Of course they will. They're proclaiming it out loud, on a daily basis. For instance, how does forcing one's religious belief (pick a subject) on the entire nation? Maybe these religious zealots believe that their deity forbids murder, and extends that to the unborn. How does that translate into "we believe x, and that allows us to force our fevered imaginings upon the rest of the nation"? If they managed that, guess who's next? I find some small measure of reassurance though, in the recently reported numbers of NH voters who identify as R's, yet cannot tolerate the magoid bullshit - and either abstained, or voted for Ms. Haley. I know the President is shifting his campaign into high gear, which is a good thing. The R's have nothing but an empty-headed pig to offer. The D's have a record of substantial accomplishment, both economically and creating new jobs, infrastructure improvements, any number of accomplishments, and in only 3 years. So, there's hope.
  19. So the hell am I ... and we've got another 10 months or so of that bombastic turd blaring it in our faces ...
  20. Thanks. The way I read the OP of this thread, it was asking Tops how they liked to place/arrange their bottoms ... That said, it's always a pleasure to read input from those bottoms we haven't met yet (in-the-flesh).
  21. Yup .... just like the ads for Burger King: we get to have it our way !!! Spelling much improved !!!😘
  22. Agreed. It's the triumph of UnReason ... the truth matters not one bit ... reason no longer exists ... some actually believe(!) that this corpulent bag of shit has been sent by their deity to "rescue" the country. There just isn't any kind of reasonable conversation to be had with this crowd. One of the terrors these folks believe in is the Anti-Christ - and they're following him with no shred of resemblance to what the man really is. If I were anti-Religious before, I'm doubly so lately.
  23. As we now know (post NH primary), that is about the farthest thing from the R's minds. What's also beginning to creep into the political conversations is, the Trumpanzee* seems to be having a few cognitive issues of his own these days. Reminds me of that old saying kids use: Starts with "sticks & stones ....." *credit: Bootman (he comes up with the best insults re: HairFuror.) I'm no slouch at it, but he's got me beat !!
  24. Thanks for the kind words .... The actual "pain" has faded, it's just more crusted-over now. I've never been one to wear my sorrows on my sleeve.
  25. You do raise a good point: they should have publicized that policy clearly, and I'm sorry you had that experience. I don't see any reason you shouldn't have been able to bring those things in with you either.
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