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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Let me put it this way: If any of you guys run into a bottom Sasquatch, send him my way (after using his Hole, of course).
  2. What a lovely, magnificent, clear and concise explanation of how some of feel about wanton raw sex. performed, repeated, over and over and over again. You put it far better than I could; tonight when I head over to Slammer, I'll have your ethereal words echoing in my mind. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. ❤️
  3. It's Slammer 321 - which is the address: 321 W Sunrise Blvd (on the North side of the street). The only sign you'll see has only the numerals, not the name.
  4. That's a new one for me too .... I guess spunkinmyarse comes close to what I think about "passive tops" ....
  5. Of course you do, because that's the case. There are a number of events-in-common: 1. Versailles and the waning winning strategies of the R's. While the Treaty of Versailles ended WW one, it was particularly cruel (read punishment) for the Germans. The parallel: mourning the so-called "Lost Cause" - which translates in todays parlance to White Privilege. The Germans and the French have been at each other's throats for centuries, and so have the assumed Caucasian Arbiters been squatting upon a heap of the less fortunate for centuries. All that's missing these days are the thundering jackboots and the swastika. Hitler wasn't a corpulent pig of a man, but he did have Goering by his side from the earliest days, so maybe that made up for being fat. 2. Of most concern to me, and I still can hardly believe it's happening, is the Trumpanzee shouts all the stupidest lies, the nonsensical stuff that has nothing at all to do with Government, and the rabble just licks it up. There is simply no thought-process involved. Whatever the turds are, tumbling from one of his three chins, the so-called Evangelicals just gobble it up like slop in a hog pen. Orange Jesus* has absolutely no concrete proposals, and thus neither do his minions in the House. We hear in the media constantly of all the R's in Congress that secretly detest the Great Deceiver, yet mouth all the maga platitudes in public. How could a thinking man (or woman) not be terribly concerned? Down is the new Up to these folks. 3. Clearly, one error we've made in the construction of our Government, is forgetting to put term-limits on Congresspersons. All these supposed "representatives" of we, the people, have to do is parrot the official Orange line, and they're on the gravy train for life. Same with the S.C. Sure, there are still plenty of responsible members of Congress, but they're all mostly on the R side of the aisle. I don't blame the original authors of the Constitution; it never dawned on them that such a miscreant would run for, let alone become President. *of note, some say that moniker originated not with thinking persons, but with the maga crowd, some of whom actually believe that corpulent serial rapist, philanderer, con-man, circus barker, ne'er-do-well, grifter, was actually "sent" by the deity to "save" this country. These people belong to the 10th Century, not the 21st one. " i believe they will be even bolder and more outrageous if they get a second go round." 4. Of course they will. They're proclaiming it out loud, on a daily basis. For instance, how does forcing one's religious belief (pick a subject) on the entire nation? Maybe these religious zealots believe that their deity forbids murder, and extends that to the unborn. How does that translate into "we believe x, and that allows us to force our fevered imaginings upon the rest of the nation"? If they managed that, guess who's next? I find some small measure of reassurance though, in the recently reported numbers of NH voters who identify as R's, yet cannot tolerate the magoid bullshit - and either abstained, or voted for Ms. Haley. I know the President is shifting his campaign into high gear, which is a good thing. The R's have nothing but an empty-headed pig to offer. The D's have a record of substantial accomplishment, both economically and creating new jobs, infrastructure improvements, any number of accomplishments, and in only 3 years. So, there's hope.
  6. So the hell am I ... and we've got another 10 months or so of that bombastic turd blaring it in our faces ...
  7. Thanks. The way I read the OP of this thread, it was asking Tops how they liked to place/arrange their bottoms ... That said, it's always a pleasure to read input from those bottoms we haven't met yet (in-the-flesh).
  8. Yup .... just like the ads for Burger King: we get to have it our way !!! Spelling much improved !!!😘
  9. Agreed. It's the triumph of UnReason ... the truth matters not one bit ... reason no longer exists ... some actually believe(!) that this corpulent bag of shit has been sent by their deity to "rescue" the country. There just isn't any kind of reasonable conversation to be had with this crowd. One of the terrors these folks believe in is the Anti-Christ - and they're following him with no shred of resemblance to what the man really is. If I were anti-Religious before, I'm doubly so lately.
  10. As we now know (post NH primary), that is about the farthest thing from the R's minds. What's also beginning to creep into the political conversations is, the Trumpanzee* seems to be having a few cognitive issues of his own these days. Reminds me of that old saying kids use: Starts with "sticks & stones ....." *credit: Bootman (he comes up with the best insults re: HairFuror.) I'm no slouch at it, but he's got me beat !!
  11. Thanks for the kind words .... The actual "pain" has faded, it's just more crusted-over now. I've never been one to wear my sorrows on my sleeve.
  12. You do raise a good point: they should have publicized that policy clearly, and I'm sorry you had that experience. I don't see any reason you shouldn't have been able to bring those things in with you either.
  13. I don't think I made it down to boystown even that many times - maybe twice, three times? I don't remember any of that negative behavior though - maybe because I "passed"? Mans Country was only a few blocks away from where we lived in A-ville, and finding parking in boystown was a total bitch. Thanks for your input.
  14. As I recall, the term came into general use (within the gay community, obviously) once there was a treatment for hiv. I don't recall the term being used prior to that blessed event. There were still tons of guys using condoms, and it may be that those who didn't - once treatment became available - ushered in the term in "our" context, and only in the context of not using a condom.
  15. That is something that happens regularly, but certainly not every time. At some point, I chose a different term; the "connection" I sometimes go on about, and your term is even better. From the Oxford: "characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole." Thanks.
  16. Completely true: There is nothing as fulfilling as sharing one's life with a man you truly love with all your heart and soul, in all aspects of life (including the sexual aspect). Next month will be the 17th anniversary of the passing of my best friend, my lover, my life-partner, my 'everything'. Sharing sex in the fuckjoints is one thing; having it all is the most wonderful fantastic event that can happen to - well - any human being. I miss him ....
  17. Well, that's a new one for me ... maybe arising out of my disinclination to have anything to do with women? What I can say is, that notion of a raw bottom having any association whatsoever to fertility (and thus female-ness) has never entered my mind.
  18. Same thing happened in Chicago. What is now Steamworks was orginally the Unicorn tubs. For some reason Unicorn didn't last long at all, and Steamworks picked up a perfectly good fuckjoint, and made it even better. Sounds like the same business-model to me.
  19. Look at it from the management's point of view: If some guys are bringing in illegal stuff, the place could get shut down. I'd lay you 10 to 1 that's the reason ....
  20. Sure there is: anonymous fucking removes all the barriers we normally associate with interacting with others. We neither know nor care to know their names, what their issues are, what their lives are like, on and on. We only care that they're our sexual brothers-in-the-life needing what we have - and we need what they have. Other than the most basic human instincts; behaving decently, not harming others, etc, is all we need to observe. This is particularly obvious in the fuckjoints, where a T can rut in Hole after Hole - a form of "connection" or even validation for both the T and b. I wouldn't call it "dehumanizing", as Mammut does above: I see it the opposite way. It's completely "humanizing" to share our sexual depravities with each other. All the cultural bullshit gets checked in the locker, right along with our clothes. The act of celebrating our Lusts with other men - holding the same Lusts, one after the other, is an affirming, uplifting act that benefits and reinforces the 'personhood' of each guy. No names, no faces, often no talk at all - just the sexual exchange of expressing our basic sexual needs.
  21. I think you should remain open to "love". I also think that getting involved in some non-sexual activities would help too, since that would focus your mind elsewhere. For instance: a club that reflects some of your other interests; there are social clubs for every interest under the sun - from gardening to stamp-collecting to cars to politics to literature to playing card-games to dancing to anything you have some interest in. You can meet other, new people, and some you will like and enjoy. Of course, some you won't, but that's ok. It's the establishing connection to other folks that's important, and they don't have to be "gay" to work. That said, some will be though. Withdrawing, after the kind of disappointment you've suffered, will only deepen the negative feelings, and who needs to sit and stew in their own juices? No one !!! Get out there socially, be open to new friends, and when love begins to develop again, you'll be better able to accommodate it. My best wishes to you, GyroLover ... let us know how you're progressing.
  22. The original post is now just less than a month old. The war has spread, the Islamic countries (save Saudi/Kuwait) are arming groups of stand-in's for Iran, which we hear only tangentially now, given the election season here in the US. Well over half the oceangoing shipping from the Far East to the Western countries is now diverting around the Horn of Africa, to avoid risk to the ships, which is only natural. That makes everything more expensive world-wide. Mr. Netanyahoo remains even more firmly against any shred of responsible behavior in the destroyed areas, let alone the long-awaited Two State Solution, and made it clear that unless and until he's removed from office, the carnage, destruction of infrastructure will continue unabated. I know the President is concerned about his impending reelection; he needs every vote he can get, including the liberal Jewish folks in the US. The other day Bernie Sanders issued an excoriating rebuke of the Prime Minister of Israel, which reflects substantial opinions around the globe. Nettie is obviously hoping for a Trump victory in November, and thumbing his nose at our President in the meantime. This past Sunday, Zacharia (of CNN) interviewed a number of highly placed office-holders in Arab States, and there appears to be very little "wiggle-room" in their Iranian-sponsored statements. While we here in the US are embroiled in all the quadrennial political mish-mash, Israel continues it's war of annihilation, despite world-wide condemnation. I am losing hope that this can be sorted out in time to avoid a general war in the Middle East, with the US getting sucked into all the mishigas.
  23. That's still there. An "upscale" used furniture store called Decades. and the parking area directly in front is where the cruisers park, I'm up early, and usually walk a mile before getting on with the day. I know the cars by heart: The Buick convertible is always there ... the little black VW is almost always there. The ratty old Chev pickup is often there, and some guy has a Ferrari that's often there. That lot is full by 6am, and mostly empty by 6:30. I'm assuming they're mostly guys on their way to work, stopping off for a quickie first. They still go behind the building, and remnants of the fence behind Decades is still standing, but guys that don't want to walk around the corner for sex just leave RR, cross directly to that fence, "step-through" the holes in that wooden fence, and fuck. So, it's a direct route from the front door of RR, across the vacant lot, over to the back of Decades. At one time, there was a private home there, but that's long gone now. The business (on the corner) across the street became a "Zen" business for a while, and they had gates across their parking lot which they closed and locked at night. The parking lot immediately N of that is now very exposed to the street, and I haven't seen guys fuck over there for quite a while - there's simply no "cover" anymore. I'm assuming you mean the "Patio" bar, and the far end of RR, affectionately known as Pig Alley these days. The name sticks, but the action has disappeared - only very gradually beginning to resurface: a guy sucking Cock in a corner, maybe another one in a different corner, but nothing like when you couldn't even walk through for all the guys fucking/sucking back there. Up until recently, a guy simply couldn't worm his way through - now, it's an easy stroll. I used to see the Mayor over there occasionally ... Now, there's a food-truck in the parking lot of the next business N of RR (it's a framing shop) - little tables & chairs, guys eating, talking, hooting & hollering. The architect's building on the SW corner of 4th & 15th used to have a very active parking lot, but that's been shut down too. I knew a lady who worked in an adjacent business, she would always complain about guys shitting behind a clump of palm trees next to the parking lot, and the detritus left by the guys fucking in that parking lot was really nasty; no wonder the owner closed down that parking lot - really short-sighted by the guys that fucked there. Who did they think would come pick up after them, if they couldn't be bothered? That lady would arrive for work around 6:30, and more often than not there would still be guys in that parking lot. You may remember an old gas station across the street from Decades: For a while it was a garden shop, now it's a tarted up Lawn-art supply shop. High fences, locked gates, and the late-night crowd breaks in to fuck over there (lots of 'cover') anyway. So, other than inside RR, guys are fucking themselves by being so careless about their "detritus". No one wants to pick all that shit up every morning. There's one more quotient: The housing prices have gone through the roof in the immediate area. Houses that sold a few years ago for 80, 90K have been selling for 450, 500K recently. That means the newbies aren't going to put up with the noise, traffic, and particularly the mess, late night traffic, all of that. I'm not all that hopeful that RR will ever return to the old ways.
  24. This thread kinda got away .... just saw your reply, and thanks. Yes, I agree, I've read the Stannard book, and thought it well worth the read. Thanks.
  25. To me, the words Breed/Breeding mean a raw Cock pumps Sperm up a bottom's Hole. If the Top fucks a Hole, but doesn't actually Breed, it's called "rut" or rutting" - at least where I come from, and yes, I know the bottoms only want the first definition - but they don't have to cum every time they take a load either.
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