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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Ahhhhhh .... you know everything, don'tcha ..... Thanks !!! Is your middle name Encyclopedia ???
  2. by the way ........ how did you change the color of the text ?????????
  3. Fish. Any kind of seafood. Went down to my favorite oyster bar (not far from Inn Leather, for you guys that will be staying there), called Southport Raw Bar. Put away a dozen oysters, then another dozen. A little dash of malt vinegar, a smidge of horseradish, maybe a little lemon juice = perfection. Fish should never be overcooked - juuuuuust enough, and not one calorie of heat more !!! And you can have my share of the tartar sauce too ...
  4. I ask again: Why are we limited to only one "upvote"? tallslenderguy's comments deserve at least a dozen (per respondent).
  5. If we (meaning the U.S. taxpayer) are required to support all the Government functions - some of which we may not approve of - but must pay our share regardless, then of course we should be required to support health-care costs for all as well. In fiscal 2023, The US Government spent over 6 Trillion dollars on all kinds of things. If we, the taxpayers, are unwilling to provide Health Care for our citizens (and everyone else who is in process of becoming a citizen) via our taxes, then how on Earth can we consider ourselves to have "good Government"? Just because the Health Care industry isn't kicking back mountains of dough to the Government (and it's elected representatives) like the armaments industry, for instance, wouldn't caring for the health of it's citizens fall into a "must-do" category? I say the Government should absolutely provide health-care to all it's citizens, and if that industry gets too greedy, enact legislation that will obviate that greed. I notice that one political party in the US is trying to deny children a food-assistance program this coming summer. Comprehensive health-care, regardless of whether some folks dislike the causes, is a foundational requirement of enlightened Governments. Unless and until the citizens get to vote on these issues (and that will never happen), subsidizing Health Care for it's citizens is as crucially foundational as it gets, and far more than subsidizing the hand-gun/arm-cannon/machine-gun industry - and that's just one example.
  6. However old we are in Junior High. And mine took their own damn time appearing. I think almost half of the other guys had some before I did ☹️
  7. Welcome, new members. We look forward to hearing more from each of you !!
  8. One of the factors is the "feedback" a Top gets from the bottom. If the bottom offers "gimme more - I love it" kind of feedback, he'll almost surely get it. If he just lies there, making no sounds of pleasure, offering nothing to feed the Top's Lusts, well ..... chances are the Top will either finish the Breeding and move on, or move on without finishing. Breeding is a two-man act, no matter how many other T's are waiting in line, and each bottom should feel able to offer some kind of feedback to the Top that's in his Hole. Same goes for the Top; he can and should offer praise for the cumdump - thereby endorsing and celebrating the bottom's Lust for loads.
  9. It's similar to reading a book by an author one isn't familiar with: Sure, it's a "book", but the chapters, and what's within those chapters that makes the difference between a ho-hum author and a "wow' author ....
  10. Well, my former Health Care Company just up and left the marketplace, and they paid for the PrEP 100%. Maybe too many raw guys were on that plan, and we just ran them out of dough !!! Fortunately, there are others that will cover the (bloated) costs; there's another medication* I (and tons of others) people) have to take, and it's far less expensive. Also, there are other providers that find ways to pay for PrEP from foundations, etc. One example is the Mistr program. I'm sure there are others too. *not associated with any sexual orientation or activities
  11. Well, sometimes I just play a little with words ...
  12. As I see it, there is absolutely nothing wrong at all with your scenario. I experienced both for over 30 years, so I know it can and does happen.
  13. Around here, Trojan and the other condom companies must have left the marketing area. Maybe the hets use condoms to prevent more babies, but I haven't seen a condom in the backrooms/fuckjoints I go to ... ever.
  14. Yes, but by a prior mutual agreement. If both guys agree to something - wash the dishes twice a week, whatever - and one of them subsequently avoids that, it's obvious, and becomes a matter for either discussion re-aligning assignments. What I didn't make clear, would be when the "cheater" has agreed to not cheat, or get outside sex only x number of times a day - a week - a month - whatever, then he's the one that feels restricted from doing what he wants to do, despite promising not to. That sense - feeling - of being forced by his sexual Lusts to keep his wandering Cock or Hole away from other men is where the dishonesty begins to rot the relationship. I think that gay guys in general, and raw gay guys in particular need to be up front about what they expect out of a relationship. Relationships are living, breathing things - they need to be cared for honestly. I have nothing at all against sexual wanton behavior being an important - maybe even crucial - part of any relationship. My point is, getting off on whoring is a lot different than getting off on lying.
  15. When each guy in a close, loving relationship knows how much the other loves "outside" sex, I see no reason at all they should commit to a "hetero-normative" relationship. "Cheating" is something that poorly-built relationships result in. Attempting to emulate cultural contrivances that we don't identify with in the first place is like sailing a ship directly into a reef of rocks. Sure, there will be survivors of the wreck, but at what cost, when the ship could have been steered away from the reef. They should accept themselves - and each other - as they are - not as some other's think they should be. Whatever it is that they "are" - interested in monogamy, interested in outside sex together, outside sex singly, whatever they need to do - should be done, and as often as the need arises. Clearly, it's easiest if both guys are interested in the same thing sexually - be it a sexually "closed" relationship, a sexually "open" format, or any other kind of structure. But then, "love" can be a difficult thing to define, too. It can be many things, I suppose. If they actually do love each other - at least as I understand the term - they'd want their partner/lover to have whatever they need. Love, food, clothing, shelter, as much wanton sex - singly or together - monogamous or the last thing from it - as they need, and whatever else too. To me, one guy restricting what the other "loved" guy needs, simply does not compute. But then, "love" can be a difficult thing to define, too. It can be many things, I suppose.
  16. I like that type of bottom too ... not a lot of hemming & hawing, not a lot of chit-chat. Just guys who need what I have, as much as I need what they have. In the fuckjoints, "silence" (other than the lovely groans of satisfaction) really is golden.
  17. and it seems you're listening .........
  18. hmmmmm .... Maryland ...... how about when it's a bit warmer ...
  19. Unless one is "in love" with another guy, and thus enjoys plain old kissing him. I can't think of any other reason to kiss a guy that doesn't have a mouth-full of Sperm .... "snowballing" is hottttttt .....
  20. By contrast, and before indoor plumbing was common, people dug large holes in their back yard and build a small, wooden structure over the Hole, Inside was a bench, with a hole cut into it to shit through. BUT: A new hole had to be dug every once in a while, usually right next to the old one: all the dirt from the new hole in the ground was simply shoveled into the old hole several feet away. Thus, the "outhouses", as they were called, could simply be picked up and moved a few feet to cover the new, freshly-dug hole. The "brick-shit-house" saying would be commenting on some guy's extraordinary build (heavily muscled) as opposed to a regular physique. So, given the need for mobility, no outhouses were built of bricks - they were always built of wood, for the sake of mobility. I actually had to experience this first hand - when, as a little kid - the family went to visit relatives in MN. One old great-aunt of somebody in the family lived in the tiniest burg I'd ever seen - nothing but a handful of houses - and certainly not enough of a tax-base to support municipal plumbing. I had to "pinch a loaf", as the saying went, my mom told me to go to that little house in the back yard, so I did. I was absolutely stunned ........ there were a million flies inside that stinking structure, and that's about all I remember. I don't know if I used it or just suffered until we left and found a gas station somewhere .....
  21. I agree completely: every single one of us falls short of perfection in some ways. That's just a part of being human - no one, first and foremost ourselves - is perfect. That said, your comment about needing inspiration strikes a chord with me as well. Thanks.
  22. To the OP though, it's not an easy thing to describe. A raw Hole can evoke such varied mental imagery - and each would be correct. Add the other senses - sight, taste, smell, tightness / looseness; all most attractive in different ways. Explaining this would be like trying to write a thesis .....
  23. What more can any Cock want or need ??????? Where does the line form .....
  24. She's the kind of "lightening rod" we need more of in Congress. I know that the Progressive Caucus can be like a burr under the saddle sometimes, but there are times when we really need that burr, calling out the bullshit. I think there may be more Establishment Dems that wish they could be more like her, but are afraid to get too far out of line. Becoming an elected member of Congress may be a noble experience for some, but for far too many it's a meal-ticket gig.
  25. We're all sending you our filthiest good wishes on your trip to SoCal. Have a grrrrrrrrrrreat time !!!
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