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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Not at all. You and the the other guy made a deal, and he was the one who broke the agreement. HE's the jerk (I would have used the word "asshole", but I like them too much to denigrate them)
  2. I enjoy the aural aspect of Breeding Hole ... but I'm hardly loud about it. Much prefer bending over the bottom's back and whispering truly filthy Breedtalk in his ear ... no matter how jammed the darkroom is. When they respond in kind, it's appreciated - even if just communicated in grunts and groans of pleasure. When I'm done, sometimes I'll tell the next guy in line something like "that's really good Hole ..."
  3. I reckon it's just more of the "talk is cheap" stuff. What I don't get is, why would a guy say/post that he's into something, when he's not? And then go on to complain about how tough it is to get laid ... Why not just say what you mean, and mean what you say? I don't get it either, which is only one of the reasons I don't bother with the fuck-apps anymore.
  4. I tend to look for the "better" rather than the "non-better", but that's just my bent. When all is said and done, the actual words don't really matter; it's what the intent happens to be that matters. Language - just like a hammer or screwdriver - is our most commonly used "tool" to communicate with others. It's the intent behind the words that's either reinforcing or negative. I see these efforts at making language relating to those of us that are sexually different from the majority as efforts to make language itself less able to be interpreted as negative in connotation. I'll bet that we've all heard Black Americans use a word amongst themselves that would get non-Af/Am's asses kicked if they used the word, and justifiably so. Sure, I'm pleased to know that one of our organizations has taken this step, which can only be interpreted as a step forward, but it won't make the kettle boil over either. It's all in how the language is used that's so important.
  5. Agreed. I don't necessarily care for all the references to the latest pop star, all of that, but it's worth putting up with to watch the rest. And, I'm familiar enough with guys that don't look like me to know that his ass is covered with coarse, black hair, and would be as tasty as any. I do enjoy most of the guests though, however once his show is over, I turn on Netflix, or just turn the tv off. "Some of them have a very DISTANT (if any relation) to law ...." I'll say - lots of the stuff about the latest pop star doesn't interest me at all, but he does, which makes him flash those pearlies. I don't really care for The Woman In Black though - constant, incessant self-promotion tends to turn me off.
  6. Guilty as charged !! To the rest, I'd love to rut in his Hole while he ruts in yours ... and you may have noticed that he doesn't wear a gold ring on his finger either. There must be some reason he's divorced. I must have been doing some guy in the corner when they handed out the "gaydar" - I have almost none - but I know what I like. And, don't forget the ex-wrestler who is an occasional guest on the preceding (week days) show .... grrrrrrrrr ...
  7. Wellllll .... if he works there, and depends on his wages at all, then toeing the "party line" isn't all that surprising. That said, I hope with all my heart (and Cock) that he's 100% correct !!! How was "Sloppy Sunday" last night ???
  8. None taken, none intended. Merely an oblique reference to a regrettable misuse of the term.
  9. They're probably not all as thoughtless as their fingers imply. The state of public education has been deteriorating for years. That said, you're right: it's a bit of a task to excuse some of the poor usage these days ....
  10. Thanks for that interesting and important link. As a kid, one of my mothers cousins fits the descriptors in the article. We never knew what/why/how he was different, we just knew he was, and we were not to make fun of him, treat him any differently than any other person. I remember he held a number of low-skill jobs, dishwasher at restaurants, etc. He kept to himself, but attended family gatherings, and none of us kids (or, presumably the adults) knew quite how to interact with him. He was a gentle kind of guy, quiet, kept himself in the background, and we kids seemed to just accept that he was different in some way, and left it at that. Kids don't understand these kinds of abnormalities, but it's not tough to be kind to those folks either. At (extended) family gatherings I was always asked to play requests (piano), and he always asked for a piece called Bumble Boogie - finally I told my mom to go downtown and buy the sheet music*, so he could have his request played too. It seemed like such a simple thing to do for him, and he always appreciated it. Now, I can't even remember how that dull piece even began .... but it served it's purpose back then. *I would have gladly taken my bike and done it myself, but I was forbidden to ride my bike downtown, despite having done it any number of times on the sly. Some things we learn really early on .....
  11. Well said. Often, cloaking the 'message' in 'descriptors' is how some guys are able to excuse their mental/sexual demons. It's a shame that any guy feels the need to do that, but .... Which, at least to my mind, is the entire point. The sexual "connection" doesn't happen every time, but it is worth the effort every time.
  12. Well, neither have I. It was only something I could come up with at the moment that might possibly be helpful. Not the best tool for me either, but - at least a notion that might lead to another more useful one.
  13. And, of course, remembering to put some dough in the "offering" plate every Sunday ... When I was in high school, had my first job, my dad (who was on a couple of the church boards) had the "pledge" discussion with me. I was treated to an oration of how crucial it was to The Lord that we pledge to give X amount every Sunday, so the institution could "plan" for "expenditures" etc, blah blah blah. I countered with something like "God will provide for whatever is needed, right?". NOOOO .... was the reply: it's your responsibility to maintain the (huge 19th Century paeon to Institutionalized Lutheranism) physical plant, the pastor needs a new car, blah blah blah. The intersection of what "The Lord" said and the real world, was definitely in conflict (this was well after the beating I caught for laughing at some inanity during the service), and since I was heading off to school shortly, I turned the tables on dad, using the same phrase he'd used on me a million times: "We'll see ..." No, I didn't "pledge" any amount. As I recall, I took the pledge envelope apart, and made a paper airplane .....
  14. Please understand that unobstructed fucking with other men is the focus, not the issue of whether or not to seek/avoid illness. As most of us understand the term, "Breeding" implies a Top pumping his sperm up a willing bottom's ass, not what might or might not be included in that sperm. Thus, there is no connotation to spreading illness, only to "connecting" sexually with other men that feel the same sense of need. The issue of whether or not to willfully spread illness is an ancillary subject, with some in favor, some not, and worthy of discussion within certain threads, without any implied support or lack of it by the site. Breeding Zone is a treasured website by those of us that use it, to exchange ideas pertaining to our particular lusts, myriad ways, means, methods of expressing that lovely requirement in our lives.
  15. I'm assuming you mean whether or not they've showered recently.
  16. Of course we do. The point, however, is the balance of an effective treatment against serious illness, versus what some experience as a very limited alteration of a daily bodily function. Completely correct, of course. No Deity is going to send a burning chariot for any of us (meaning the entirety of humanity) to take us to "Heaven". Thus, every one of us has to make choices, and implicit in that requirement is that we educate ourselves on the various ramifications of x course of action or y course of action. Some argue for x course, some argue for y course, but in the end, only each individual guy has to come up with his answer. Maybe graphing it out for ourselves would be useful: X course of action = X number of points. Y course of action = Y number of points. Include all the facets we can think of, including just how important wanton sex is, compared to all the other facets of our lives. Add up all the numbers, and see where it leads. What it all boils down to is, only we can truthfully answer the questions we put to ourselves. No one else can do it for us. Not friends, not medical folks, not Deities, not Governments, only we, our own selves can make these decisions. Once that introspection has been entered into, decisions made, there are no cultural/religious obligations we feel compelled to honor (other than basic decency towards our fellow humans, of course). Honesty counts, most particularly with ourselves.
  17. Thanks, Rillion, for that interesting perspective. Given that the Electoral College was established in 1787*, when no women were allowed to vote, let alone the enslaved "property" in Southern States, or Native Americans, it may be that institutionalized slavery affected the institution of the Electoral College, I would maintain that the Amendment was aimed at those who could legally vote, namely Caucasian landowners, regardless of their level of education. A common practice at the time was for underage Caucasian boys to take up a trade (farming, animal husbandry, small business, shop keepers, etc.) and when they had achieved enough success to purchase property, they were also allowed to vote. Even Caucasians who did not own property were excluded from voting, which inequity (for Caucasians, of course) was addressed through the E.C., thus providing some small measure of "voice" only to Caucasian males within the electoral system. *with certain Constitutional Amendments to that Act at various points since. I still think it's an anachronism that should have been thrown out many years ago. Given that the E.C. was used to attempt a revolution in the US very recently, it's clearly time to advance the voting process into the current Century. Thanks for adding your perspective.
  18. Well said, and it applies across the board. We only get to decide what we'll do with our bodies, (or any other issue at hand, for that matter), and since we'd like our limits/viewpoints/decisions respected, it obviously follows that we respect others limits/viewpoints/decisions with the same respect we would appreciate towards ours. It's really simple. Respect others viewpoints, and they'll most likely respect ours.
  19. That makes (at least) two of us !!!
  20. Being a bit on the thick side, I've learned that the time invested in relaxing the Hole always pays exponential dividends. That can be anything from quiet "breed-talk" to more tongue in the Hole, and occasionally that doesn't work. On those occasions, I just tell the bottom to take a few more loads off other Cocks, and then come find me. I try never to make it a "personal" thing - more of an "engineering" thing.
  21. So did I .... he was an Af/am guy that lived fairly near, I'd seen him at the orgies any number of times, we'd fucked the same Hole several times. He had come over here a few times when I was whoring a bottom out, I'd been over there a few times, same reason. We weren't "fast friends" or anything like that - but we got through covid together. He'd come over here or I'd go over there, I'd fuck him, occasionally allow him to fuck me (not swinging anything "major" at all). We liked each other, didn't "love" each other. It was a perfect way to deal with "the lockdown" for both of us.
  22. Yep - that's correct .... and in ALL it's variations .... 🐖 There are a handful of others that would definitely pass muster too. Luke B. for one .... Just don't invite The Woman in Black ....
  23. Agreed. And, there just may be a sliver of a chance after November. If there is a decisive victory for the Dems (it's possible, given the enraged women having lost their rights to health-care), and majorities are reached in each branch (applicable to State races too), we might be able to ditch it once and for all. Now, given all the electronic doo-dads which are part of voting, the contrivance of the E.C. seems particularly antiquated. XX = fingers crossed
  24. When I was a really little kid I decided to be a garbage man when I grew up. They got to hang on to railings on the back of the garbage truck, had to jump off and grab the can, empty it, put it back in the yard, and jump on the truck again, so they were all fairly muscular. At 6,7,8 years old, it looked like a lot of FUN .....
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