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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I agree, and across the board. Unfortunately there are plenty of Congresspersons on both sides that have surrendered to personal enrichment by the lobbyists representing industries, businesses of all kinds and description. Not every one of them, of course, but enough to make a difference. Last I heard, the old canard is still in force: "you can't take it with you". I don't know how we get 'Jimmy Stewart' back in office .... or his cultural descendants.
  2. Oddly, it wasn't at my usual favorite fuckjoint. Went over to Slammer on Saturday night, it was jammed, and I had a grrrrrrrrrrreat time of it. After that, went over to Ramrod, and things are looking up, sex-wise. Some action taking place around the pool table (not like before, but at least some), and some going in Pig Alley. It's been cold (at least for Ft. L.), here lately, and Pig Alley is not part of the building. It's open to the stars in some areas, covered in some areas, and I was actually shivering after 1 beer. NY's Eve, went over to Slammer a little bit earlier than usual, hoping to get a parking place before the lots filled up. Turned in, the W lot wasn't even open - the other lots were half full. I was really surprised - there wasn't even a line of guys waiting to get in. Went in anyway, the darkroom had only two guys bent over on the fuckbench, so I wandered around, rutted in a few Holes, so I hit the bricks and went back to RR. This time I had a warm biker jacket in the car, so I wasn't cold, and rang in the New Year properly in a hot-assed Hispanic guy. He was sucking off Cocks, had obviously been taking loads prior, so I'll consider my New Years Duty accomplished.
  3. I would posit that the "Israel" issue, and it's potential to drag the US into a general war in the area may not be uppermost in the mind of most voters, since domestic concerns would naturally be uppermost in their minds. I doubt that many voters would consider it the most crucial issue to base their vote upon though. Women's healthcare rights, issues of advancing domestic justice, how to deal with the human misery in the Southern Hemisphere, thus causing mass migration, as well as perceptions of their own financial well-being would be paramount. I'm guessing that those concerns are - as always - uppermost in most voters minds, and who knows whether a general war obliquely supported by the US will actually happen. Of note, the two carrier groups have been withdrawn from the Middle East area, which could be interpreted in any number of ways. Generally, "one-issue" voters reflect a less interested - even to the point of not bothering to exercise their right to vote - segment of the population. Of course. No one ever gets every single thing they want, nor should they. So far, we're still a Democracy, which means ideally every voter gets some measure of which direction they want the country to go, and assumes a "good-faith" effort to negotiate with other citizens (via their political institutions) of different viewpoints is the best way to steer the Ship of State. Unfortunately, that's absolutely true. While Senators and Representatives are well paid (as I see it), the "special-interest" lobbies throwing a lot of money at every one of them in exchange for votes on whatever legislation affects almost every one of them. Of course, that doesn't apply to the current House, since they've accomplished nothing of consequence lately.
  4. I would question that generalization, since many folks in the North objected on moral grounds. To be fair, they didn't have any "skin in the game" either, so it wasn't all that tough to abhor that institution. I grew up in a large metro area in Northern IL, and in the older parts of town there were a number of tunnels, facilities, remnants of the "Underground Railroad" As schoolkids we were able to tour some of them. You do raise a good point though: it's easy to look down on a practice that you have no benefit from. You're correct, of course. I think that many in the North sensed that a policy of "let those slaveholders be, they'll have to answer to God - not to me" was common. There were zealous anti-slavery groups too, but they weren't numerous/strong enough to drive national policy. It's not that Northerners "didn't mind" - it's more that the disruption of ending slavery would mean war, and there weren't enough folks with that kind of backbone until Ft. Sumpter happened. I agree that Ms Haley has/had only the slimmest of chances, and her inability to admit to what happened and why will cost her ambitions dearly. We're all watching. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  5. Interesting thread ... All I can say is, thank Whatever there are folks like you guys ... just the subject matter gives me shivers, threatening light-headed-ness. It's lunchtime here, and I was hungry ... but I think I'll give it a little while before I try to eat anything ...... 🤢
  6. I always have, and always will,, prefer looser to tighter. If it's too tight, I just advise the bottom to go take more Cocks, and then come find me.
  7. Thanks for that information. It wouldn't surprise me if Israel had a nuclear arsenal, but it's not something I've researched; I guess there are only so many hours in a day I can sit in front of a computer. If a wide-ranging, serious situation develops over there, and the Trumpanzee actually had been re-elected at the time, I can only begin to imagine the chaos ...
  8. First, thanks to each of you for your thoughts; it's much appreciated. The prospect of general war (meaning wide-ranging, involving a number of nations) is hardly political theatre. It is a "clear and present danger", as the saying goes. Perhaps you noticed that I took care to focus on the current Government of Israel? That was intentional, to avoid addressing the cultural/religious situation, and focus on current U.S. policy, it's motives, and increasingly likely results. I did not address the ancient hatreds or their causes, thus avoiding that which has been chewed over for ages. That's a different discussion. As I respect yours. Thank you for your thoughts regarding the posted topic. That grave error has created the fundamental, apparently intractable and ongoing crises. It happened so long ago, I'm not really sure it can be properly corrected, since people on both sides have been living with the result for so long. Yet, it seems the "Two State Solution" is the best possible (or least odious) basis to make the attempt. My apologies, but I disagree. The original and ongoing repressions of the Palestinians originated elsewhere. The reactions of the Palestinians to those repressions may well have not occurred, had the other "partner" in negotiations done so in good faith, which has not happened to this day. That statement does nothing to address the original subject. Never the less, thanks for your input: it is much appreciated. This reflects the "fatal flaw" in placing the entirety of any group's justification on some truly ancient belief system. Presently, we - as a collective group of citizens - place our value on Intellect, Science, and Facts. Religious belief-systems are great for those who need them, but in the "real" world, we honor facts first, and legends second. Mr. Netanyahu actually quoted a truly ancient text (I'm guessing the book of Joshua, but I haven't researched it) wherein the deity actually instructed the Hebrew military commander to attack some village/whatever, and "kill every one of them". Were it not so tragic, it would be laughable. Thanks so much, tallslenderguy, for posting that magnificent speech by such an esteemed Citizen of the World. I hope every guy that views the page takes the time to listen carefully. 👍 Of course it is; thus the original post. However, if a general war breaks out and the US continues the same level of across-the-board military support (before the US election in November), the US will be drawn in, and he will surely lose his re-election bid. Today, we're immersed in our own national issues. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but at least we can consider the future, take part in the political discourse (I rather doubt that Mr. Biden will be reading my thoughts here on BZ, but this isn't the only site I use either). Perhaps Lady Graham might run across this thread though ..... That quote appears in texts/verses predicting "the end of days", wherein the "deity", wreaks such judgement upon the world that humanity ceases to exist. In ages past, that sounded like something that only a deity could manage, but in the present day, it's something we can manage perfectly well on our own; we can do it all on our own - with or without any deity's assistance. To your second point, I can't help but wonder if Israel could pull off much of an "end-of-days", let alone the current war, without arms, munitions, bombs, everything else provided by their closest ally. I haven't researched the independent arms industry of Israel (outside of the US supply, I mean), and I'll be surprised if it would be enough to carry on the current war, let alone defend against the Iranians, should a general war break out. Well, I don't know if you listen to much major media, but it's already happening via television/radio/online ads placed by differing interest-groups promoting their specific agendas. As the Presidential election draws closer, all political ads become more focused, more blunt in their messages, and often more coarse in their messages. My use of "A letter to the President" was merely a literary contrivance to elicit readership, and hopefully responses like the above, for which I am most grateful. As others have made clear above, the issue has been with us for decades. Thanks for your response as well. and now I need to eat .... but I truly love these debates, posting thoughts on issues, reading/absorbing what others viewpoints are. It's fun to go on about the sex stuff, but this kind of ability to exchange viewpoints about the serious issues with serious-minded peers is fantastic. Thanks so much to each of you that contributed so far, and I hope others will as well. ❤️
  9. Spit is ok, particularly if the bottom is just starting out for the night. Loads off previous Cocks is far more preferable though ...
  10. Mr. President, It is becoming more and more dangerous for the entire world in the Middle East. The war is spreading, expanding in all areas, and there's some measure of blame falling on many shoulders. We know that you and the Prime Minister of Israel have been friends for many years. That fact does not obviate the clear intentions of said Prime Minister, which fall into conflict with virtually every Country on Earth, save the Iranian government. The largest shipping company in the world, Maersk Lines of Denmark, has decided that the Suez Canal has become too dangerous for their ships, which carry products to and from nations over the entire globe. Presently, instead of using that canal, their ships are forced to sail around the horn of Africa to bring goods from the far East to markets in the Western world. That is increasing the cost of goods exponentially, because Iranian proxies are firing rockets at them. You will be blamed, regardless of fault. Iranian proxies are firing land-based munitions on American positions elsewhere in the area, provoking an American military response. The current state of affairs in unsustainable, and on track to a general war in the Middle East. The aforementioned Prime Minister is a small-minded, insistent, corrupt and intractable "ally" that has only his own myopic agenda in mind: you can send Blinken, Generals, every other American official available to attempt to stay his heavy hand in Palestine, and nothing seems to come of it. You can insist that he cease his wholesale destruction of an entire population, total destruction of infrastructure, the complete and utter upheaval of an entire population, and he will not respect you. You can demand that he heed the entire world's call for the looooong awaited Two State Solution, you can hem and haw until the cows come home, and he will not be moved. What more indifference to his principal ally's "advice" can he demonstrate that might become clear to you? It is American bombs that have decimated an entire region. The bombs that have wrought virtual total destruction on Palestine are American bombs. It is the steadfast support of American aid, mostly military, that he depends on. You have already ordered an American military response to Iranian-backed attacks on American military presence in Iran. While most of the Citizens of the World believe that Israel should exist, even more Citizens of the World believe that the decimation of an entire people is an outrageous violation of even the smallest measure of decency. In the event that you allow American support to further enable this unspeakable behavior on the part of the calcified, myopic Israeli Government, the deterioration of the situation with Israel permanently occupying Palestine (as said Prime Minister has declared) instead of offering some small measure of cooperation with the will of the rest of the world's Governments, the chances of general war breaking out are multiplying daily. That tragedy, if it comes, will fall in large part upon your shoulders, and you will surely lose your position as standard-bearer of the Free World. All decent-minded citizens of the World believe that Israel should exist, peacefully. While the Hamas terrorists definitely started this conflict, and while Israel definitely has the right and duty to defend itself, that "right" simply does not extend to wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians, or the wholesale destruction of infrastructure. Mr. President. I believe you are a man of character, generosity and good will. I believe that you are a good and decent man. Be warned, however, that if America gets sucked into a general war in the Middle East, it is you that will be blamed. You simply must be at least as intractable as the aforementioned P.M. in your insistence that restraint be demonstrated by your "ally". Your re-election depends on it.
  11. ... directly into a thick, rich, reeking, rotted, rancid cowpie of South Carolina's history; the state where the Civil War's first shots were fired. While it's true that the institution of slavery wasn't the direct cause of the war, that institution was the glaring and principal flaw in the cause. Ever since the Industrial Revolution began to take shape in England, in the mid-1700's, the conflict between agrarian economies and industrialized ones gradually became more and more intense everywhere that clash occurred. Given that even before the United States was formally declared, the British colonists on the East Coast had formed "colonies" (of said Empire) to engage in agrarian activities, made possible not by the labor of the colonists, but by the actions of the British Empire. The colonists were supplied with slaves, stolen from Africa (sometimes even sold to the British by their own competing tribes in that continent), which made it possible for the pale British colonists to be easily discerned from the imported, bought and paid for, more richly-hued slaves abducted from their homeland. The fledgling United States Government was initially comprised mostly by the wealthy 'Plantocracy" in the southern colonies; a substantial number of our "Founding Fathers" owned slaves, thus profiting from this hideous institution. Interestingly, many immigrants wound up in the Northern, freshly formed States, where the burgeoning industrialization offered more opportunities in employment, rather than the more weather-friendly South, resulting in greater and greater industrialization, more and more men of voting age, thus more representation in Congress, and an increasingly more anti-slavery mindset in the North. Thus, while no one but the Plantocracy in the South actually thought highly of the Institution of slavery (non-slave owners who were mere small farmers) often resented their wealthy, pale cousins, and never supported that institution. The Southern States began losing that original dominance in the Government, which set the table for the inevitable conflict. One glance at a map of the infrastructure of the South vs. the North in 1860 demonstrates clearly which side would win if war broke out, yet the false pride of the of the Planter Class drove the nation into that civil war. Back to ms Haley: When asked directly by a reporter what she thought about slavery, the suave politician was stunned into silence. She had not one word to say, turned her back on the reporter, took a few steps, turned around and muttered "what do you want me to say?". She utterly failed to even attempt a response to the reporter. She was able previously to mutter into the microphone during a "debate" that MagaSmarmy was "scum", but unable to offer one word of regret about the institutionalized hellish racism we call "slavery". It is this same moral decay that divides us still, and we haven't properly dealt with it to this day. Yes, some progress had been achieved, but there's still a substantial advancement of Justice to aspire to. The concept of White Privilege is still tearing at the fabric of our Nation, and the "war" - while not being waged militarily yet, is a very real potential. Stand for Justice. Stand for Equality. Stand for the Greater Good. Anything less, and we may well slip and fall into the aforementioned cowpie.
  12. Isn't it a waste that so many of us took all the cultural/religious bullshit so seriously? We thought we would go to hell (religious bullshit), or be social outcasts (cultural, depending on where we grew up), all that mess. I'm so glad I smelled that coffee burning when I went away to school. But the point is, whenever we not only feel the call to wanton promiscuous sex with our brothers-in-the life, but develop the courage to become the men we're born to be early on, the level of satisfaction we experience with our lives is exponentially greater than if we'd caved in to the cultural/religious pressure. Sure, I had a few rough times, I suppose we all do, but I'm a little bit on the hard-headed side, and I wouldn't go back and change one minute. Point: We get there when we get there. Don't look back, don't dwell on what was missed. Rather, exercise your Lusts now as often as you want/need to. I just adore cumdumps - where would guys like me be without them? If there's an imaginary pyramid of barebacking pigs, the cumdumps would be at the very apex of that pyramid.
  13. Might that be because you're trying to fit a round peg into a square hole? As ErosWired points out above, there is wide diversity among men regarding sexuality. I wouldn't worry too much about it - and kudos for getting on PrEP. That will preserve your ability to make choices, if you feel you need to. I don't think that who we have sex with is subject to the cultural/societal rules. We don't murder each other, for the common good. We don't purposely injure each other, steal from each other, for the same reason. Those are cultural/societal "norms", and don't apply to who we fuck/get fucked by. Try not to make fitting into some pre-conceived, cultural definition. Be you. You're special, just as each of us are. Be who you need to be, and be that guy as often as you. PrEP is not 100% always always unfailingly reliable, but it's very effective against contracting hiv. It's as safe as you can get, without becoming a hermit, and the best option we have to mitigate the possibility of contracting hiv. Thanks for taking that step. Depending on your definition of "addiction", no. Any behavior that brings immense pleasure is addictive, and for obvious reasons. Some guys wonder if they become "addicted" to other men's Sperm, when what they're actually addicted to is the behavior - wanton sexual whoring - that summons forth that special thrill of sharing sex with a lot of men. Rest easy. You're not chemically addicted, you're having the best sex of your life, so of course you only want more. Forget about trying to squeeze yourself into other people's labels. Be Free. Good luck !!
  14. Don't dwell on the past; tons of guys took a while to come to terms with who they really are. What counts is what you do with the rest of your life.
  15. Neither have I .... with a VPN, it works perfectly ....
  16. For the guys that are hiv positive: Reading through some of these pages, I notice how - well - "fulfilled" so many guys feel. Does that extend to "advertising" your status? How many of you get a biohazard tattoo somewhere on your body? If some do, does the location (on the body) matter most? Or the visibility to the general public most? Do you think that wearing biohazard ink attracts other guys or disinclines them (when in a public setting) ? It seems that so many guys that aren't in major metro areas are always bemoaning that fact, in that there aren't enough hiv-positive men willing to spread their Sperm to "service" all the wanna-be's. It's not that I endorse or dis-endorse: What I'm wondering is, would visible biohazard tats be attractive to chasers, when noticed on the streets, in the stores, whatever? Obviously, there are guys in the fuckjoints with biohazard tattoos, but I'm wondering about the results of biohazard tatts in a general public situation. While occasionally I see them on guys in a grocery/hardware/whatever store somewhere, I wonder if a biohazard tattoo draws guys to express interest in a public place or not. I'm assuming - maybe inaccurately - that only hiv-positive guys would wear that kind of tattoo. Or am I assuming too much ...
  17. Well said. Since it appears to be an issue in some locales, why not get the important stuff laid out before all the "cruise-chat" gets cranked up? Saves time, saves the energy/intensity of the pre-Breed cruise, and every guy gets what he most needs with the least amount of time wasted. No need for disparagement either way; what is, is. A mannerly little "probably not a match" gets the point made, and each guy proceeds on his quest for what he needs most.
  18. Welcome, Youownit ! We hope you enjoy BZ more and more, and look forward to hearing more from you.
  19. Well, all I can say is, somebody has a first-class understanding of meter as well as rhyming. As to the morals, that too is first-class !!! Well done, Loveitraw !!!!
  20. Every time I think to myself "well, now I've heard it all", I hear of/read something even more outlandish ...
  21. Happy Holidaze to all you guys ... Remember: the best way to guarantee a Happy New Year is to be fucking/getting fucked at the stroke of midnight on 12/31/23, thus ushering in the New Year PROPERLY !!! 😁
  22. The problem is, he doesn't merely "think" he knows what the deity wants, he "knows" what the deity wants. In the US, we enjoy what's known as freedom of religion', meaning that no one gets to tell others how (or whether) to "believe". That issue is completely, 100% personal. There are many different belief-systems in the US, and all are welcome to either participate or decline to "believe". Thus, the angle/lens/belief system someone like Johnson views issues through is applicable only to him, (and possibly others with similar beliefs). He does not get to force his beliefs - whether religious, political, cultural - upon anyone else, just as we don't force ours on him. The Speaker of the House of Representative's first and only duty is to serve the Nation, inclusive of all citizens, regardless of their cultural/spiritual beliefs.
  23. Welcome, jball45. Here on BZ, it doesn't matter if you're 100% gay, 50/50 or whatever. We look forward to hearing more from you.
  24. Well, didn't see that lovely boy last night. Doesn't mean he wasn't there though, with all the booths/nooks and crannies where guys Breed. Before I forget: Things are slowly getting back to normal over at RamRod. Presently, only in the wee hours, and occasionally as early as 10pm. Went over for a beer before heading over to Slammer, and there were two pairs of guys sucking/getting sucked back in Pig Alley. The bartenders did nothing to stop it, so it seems that after the ban was lifted for Pig Week, things are finally getting back to normal, even if little by little. Slammer was nuts - darkroom full - orgy room full - pretty much the usual celebration of raw Cocks Breeding raw Holes, guys sucking Cocks off. Last night I noticed a line on the gallery, apparently waiting for one Cocksucker on the first level. Squeezed by, and recognized the Cocksucker - he'd sucked me off before. Last time he sucked my Cock (couple of months ago?), I pulled out, squatted down (thus, face-to-face), and asked him if he loved to suck off Cocks while taking loads too. He grinned - said "of course" - but by the time I got down to that level, there were too many guys around, and I didn't see him. Last night, I got down there quick, and started fucking him while he sucked Cocks off. It's a really skinny passageway, other hungry Cocksuckers were squeezing by to get their skulls fucked, so I took him out by the fireplace, where there's plenty of room, and more men could watch/join in. The ass is a bit on the L side, but - it was fun fucking him - sharing his Hole with other guys walking by - while he sucked Cocks off too. Other than that, it was the normal, beautiful, depraved night spent with my seeeeexxxxxyyy brothers .... I just love it ....
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