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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. In my opinion, Island House in KW is the "go-to" guesthouse. They're all expensive, but that roof-top "sunning" area can be a lot of fun. It's been a while since I was there - hope that rooftop is still as active as it was. I don't think it's any harder to get to than the others, and it's quiet enough you can actually sleep at night.
  2. re: guesthouses .... This is just my personal opinion, but I think a lot of the guesthouses are overpriced for what you get. The way I see it, I don't care if all the furnishings at the guesthouses are chi-chi enough, all I care is that the furnishing are clean, comfortable, all of that. That, plus there are only X amount of other guests to fuck in any single guest house, which limits your pool of spur-of-the-moment tricks. It's been years since I've been to Palm Springs, so my comparison might be a bit dated. That said, I don't much care how pretty, how muscular, how this or how that the other guys are, I only care that they need to get fucked. So, (trying to be completely fair) I'd choose Ft. L. over P.S. We can't shove our Cocks up the latest, most fashionable shirt, we can't fuck the fanciest haircut, all that matters to me are the Cocks Breeding the Holes. Just one more point: the tubs here will be swinging during the days too. Sure, go there to get/give some loads, but plan on the real action for the nights. Check out the websites for both the tubs, there may be plans for something that appeals to you. Have a pervectly filthy time of it - !!!! 😁
  3. As I recall, the Ft.L fuck-apps are full of listings for raw guys; pages and pages of them, any time of day or night. I prefer the in-the-flesh fuckjoints, and there's a bathhouse on Broward (0 hundred N/S) called "Club Fort Lauderdale" that's probably the nicest tubs I've experienced in the US - on par with the nicest ones in Europe. It's quite active, and while I don't go there often, I've never even seen a rubber there. When I do go to a bathhouse, I like "Clubhouse II" over on Oakland Park Blvd. It's more like many of the domestic bathhouses, in that it's a bit "seedy" over there, not as many "posers", not as many young guys preening, showing off, waiting for the 'perfect' trick to show up, just guys that need to fuck. Google each of them; most guys will find what makes their blood boil. As to the plain old fuckjoints, some of the bars have backrooms, but my favorite is Slammer, at 321 W Sunrise. Every guy should at least go there one night, just to experience it. Now that Pig Week is upon us, it'll be even more crowded on Fri/Sat nights. It's closed on Mon, Tues, Wed, unless there's some special event, so check the website. Unfortunately, our best sleaze-bar - Ramrod - is still out of commission, as far as I know. Fucking is no longer allowed anywhere on the premises, the area around the adjacent used furniture store (called Decades) is still being raided by the cops occasionally. That said, guys cruise/fuck over there all night long anyway, and some guys get off on that risk, but I wouldn't recommend chancing it. By all means, stop in for a beer, just to steep in the atmosphere - but keep your pants up. There are many gay guesthouses that allow guys to ditch their clothes, swim suits, and fuck each other, but some are a bit on the chi-chi side, so each guy should check out some of these guesthouses to make sure he's getting what he likes. Some are almost palatial, and the rates reflect that. Some guesthouses offer "day-passes", so local guys can go for a day to rub shoulders (and more) with the visitors. My own favorite is Inn Leather, down near the airport. The name is not indicative of what kind of sex takes place there, merely that the Leather Ethic is observed. There are slings in every room, placed right in front of windows, so guys cruising around outside can easily watch, and step into the room (assuming the door is left cracked open) and join in. There's very little "pretense", guys go there fuck, and I've never so much as seen a rubber there. I'm sure that any guy needing more information can ask any BZ'er that lives here for tips/advice. Fort Lauderdale can accommodate almost any kind of action a guy can dream up.
  4. Well said, brnbk. When some folks criticize issues they don't fully understand, going on in meandering thought-fragments, they only demean themselves. Far better to ask for more information politely, and learn more about something rather than becoming a pedant. Most of those born into/raised in the Western religions know rather little about Islam, or other Eastern faith traditions. It's only those who actually are curious, and make it a point to learn about traditions other than our own. It's "baked in" to the deficit of intellectual understanding, curiosity about other faith-traditions, other cultures, other ways-of-life. While it's a pleasure to poke at insincere public figures, they have entered the public sphere to spew their lies, so they shouldn't be surprised when others point out the "financial flatulence", etcetera, and criticize the liars. That said, manners always count, regardless of the issue at hand. Thanks for the post.
  5. That's the definition I assume too. If the Hole can't become more tight, more loose, at the will of the owner, I call that type "sloppy"; not a pejorative, just as a descriptor.
  6. and a verrrrrry good morning, Philip I have a stand of Arecas against the back wall of my yard, and I hope that container yours are planted in is of foot-thick concrete !!! As far as I know, they're the only type of palm that will send out new growth off the sides of more mature growth. But, they're reflective of the property-owner, in that they shower their seed everywhere they can, and they don't use rubbers either. In the meantime, I wish you all the best as you and Kevin deal with the finer points of the relationship. Sounds like "a keeper" to me .... 😉
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ..... delicious (not him, obviously) visuals leap to my imagination. Well done. My friend ErosWired: No one with an ounce of sense would assume that the President personally dealt with every single detail of the situation in the Middle East, and I know you're not proposing that notion. The Qatari's are hardly a World Power, let alone a regional one. What they are is, a Nation that the US can do business with, and the only actor in the area available. If you read my post as saying that the President did every single thing by himself, then I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. Think of it as any corporate (or military, for that matter) structure. The guy in command issues orders, policy goals, and his subordinates either carry them out or they're out. That's how any large construct - Government, private sector, industry, you name it - works. Only the "top guys" actually speak with each other, then each formulates/adjusts/readjusts the policy of the entity they control. Some folks only like blaring, loud-mouthed boorish leaders, and that's ok. Some folks like polite, mannerly, gentlemen that accomplish their goals quietly at the top of their government/institution/whatever, and that's ok too. One of the actors in this current crises has already said he intends to occupy the destroyed areas "indefinitely". The other actor has re-re-indorsed the long, long awaited "Two State Solution". I wonder which situation will eventually come to pass, the one being nothing more than carrying on the hate, bloodshed - the other being some measure of Justice. Neither "from the river to the sea" nor perpetual occupation / oppression of a People is acceptable. Chances are we won't know the finer points of who acted how for some years, when the crises is long over, the principals dead and gone, and the historians begin to sift through the facts. I'm betting, as the years go by, future generations of Americans will look back on the Biden Administrations as something they can aspire to replicate. Peace
  8. Today we see a third group of Hostages released from Palestine (or, more precisely, from Palestine to Egypt to safe-zones elsewhere). Anyone who believes that the Israeli Government did this all on it's own is simply unaware of the facts. It is due entirely by pressure from President Biden, working with the Qatari's, to accomplish the addressing of this humanitarian issue. Anyone who believes this humanitarian exchange of hostages is something the Israeli Government dreamed up, all on it's own, is simply not cogent or worse. It is solely our President, Joe Biden, whose sense of compassion for the thousands upon thousands of Palestinian civilians under the most serious conditions, without food, potable water, medical care, the barest of necessities to maintain life, that - along with the Qatari's assistance - is solely responsible. Imagine if Mr. Trumpanzee* were President when this series of tragedies began to unfold. That insipid fool may have simply cut Israel loose, with even worse consequences. Or, allowed the US to be dragged into a general war in the Middle East. Mr. Trump was, is, and will continue to be solely concerned with his own filth catching up with him, and winding up in the clink. This series of events is a perfect example of President Biden's patience, exerting continuing pressure on the myopic Prime Minister of Israel to allow some measure of humanitarian relief for the thousands and thousands of civilians in the area. If there is one single act by our President, demonstrating beyond question his competency, his thoughtful-yet-insistent patience when dealing with a foreign head of state with far less humanity, markedly less intellect, then I wonder what it will take to shine a light into the darkness of those who believe Mr. Biden is somehow enfeebled. It may be true that Mr. Biden isn't as spry as he used to be; what octogenarian is? It may be that his speaking voice is softer than some would like. The indisputable fact is though, he is eminently capable to lead the Free World through crises, demonstrate clearly the compassion the world is feeling for the downtrodden, and steer the ship-of-state through difficult, churning waters. Let's put aside our domestic divisions, and give the man the credit he's due. *credit: Mr. Bootman
  9. Agreed. Almost like flaunting our natural, inborn needs in the face of those who judge us (which pinheads will never know the extent of our rejection, dammittall).
  10. Well then, listen to your body. It's thanking you for all the sex, but even your body needs a break now and then. When we fuck (or any other activity) all the time, or anytime the notion surfaces, any activity can produce "burn-out". For instance, I only head out to the fuckjoints on Fri/Sat nights, staying until I'm really done. I'll allow myself occasional "extra" sex during the week, when I need to, but I think the old adage "everything in moderation" is apt here, at least in my case. Plus, it'll make your return to the pigpen all the sweeter.
  11. Again, thank YOU for sharing this with us. I'm not sure if it will sink into any of the R's heads, but maybe there's a scintilla of a chance !!!
  12. re: One: Often things like who gets to pay, all of that is culturally based. I think it's based on a sense of wanting to do things for the other guy that aren't part of the relationship. Maybe Kevin fits that bill? Maybe generosity is just in his nature? Maybe he gets a kick out of "taking care" of you? If you two can sort of "split-the-bill", with you allowing him to do what he apparently loves to do occasionally, and you doing stuff for him in the same vein, it would at least mean an agreement (if not complete acceptance) of the roles has been achieved? I hope you two work this out - might not be as tough as it seems. I had no idea A.I. could be used as you describe, but the operative word is "artificial", right? I suppose it can be a useful arbitration tool, but nothing is more effective than sitting down and having a heart-to-heart conversation about whatever the issue is. I'm sure you're well-able to be the gracious "winner" in the A.I. wars too. re: Two: Obviously, I'm not familiar with the vegetation in your area, but do watch out for the ferns. Turn your back for an eyeblink or two, and they'll spread like crazy. If you planted Areca's, get the seed-pods cut out as soon as you see them. Those damn seeds will sprout and you'll wind up with 100x more palm trees than you want. That applies to any type of palm, but Areca's are the worst. Just like we rawfuckers - they're determined to spread their seed everywhere they can. re: Three: Sounds like an interesting pass-time. Much more productive than the news around the world these days ...
  13. Interesting question. There's precious little I haven't done that I want to. That said ..... I think it would be a second go-around on keeping a cumdump. Did that several years ago, lasted for a few years, and it was nothing but fun. Took him to the orgies, loved fucking a guy next to him while he took loads, converted one room to a slingroom, whored his Hole out at home often. If I had to go somewhere, I'd tell him I needed a full Hole when I got home ... and when I did, he'd call out as soon as he heard the door open "I'm taking loads in the sling, Daddy ... just like you told me" and there would be 2,34, guys in there taking turns on his Hole. I just loved that .... I still see him occasionally ... we're still good friends.
  14. On behalf of all the thousands of raw Cocks that you're going to take from now on, thank you !!!
  15. “Paul Pressler’s position as a teacher was eliminated immediately. His role as a deacon was lowered to the lowest stature possible as a deacon. And he was eliminated from any committees of the church.” It's nothing new. There have been clergy of every kind and description in the same boat since forever. Once a gay cleric gets caught being true to his nature, and celebrating his human-ness with other similarly-inclined guys, it's crickets from the Institution, until some final adjudication as quoted above. Apparently, the Ancient Enemy (O.R.) doesn't mind until the gay cleric is exposed, the dough starts to dry up, and then there's hell to pay. From the strictest, most Liturgical to the most free-form, non-liturgical churches - it's always the same old story. Thanks, MeatSword95, for posting that interesting link.
  16. Don't apologize - it's your ass - it should be used just how you like it used. Just because some guys like hairy better doesn't mean we won't fuck a smooth one. Preferences are nothing more than that. EVERY raw Hole in the backrooms deserves to be fucked full, whether natural, shaved, or whatever else that might divide us.
  17. I'm not too sure that a lot of guys are just starting to appreciate loose wet Holes - I think we've always been around. The "looseness" implies that other Cocks have been at least rutting in a Hole before me, and some have Bred it. For a guy that loves rimming, the combination of "loose" and "sloppy" (inferring pre-Bred) is just perfect. I know some bottoms use dildos to prepare their Holes, and that's much appreciated, particularly by thicker guys. The "foreplay" issue is relevant mostly to 2 guys hooking up at home, some specified john/cruising area, right? There's precious little foreplay (at least in the traditional sense) happening at the fuckjoints.
  18. Assuming you're alluding to critical thinking regarding Organized Religion, we're in agreement. Also assuming you're alluding to politicians with positive agendas, ideas on how to alleviate the problems of the day through actual legislative proposals, again we're in agreement. That said, if you're alluding to one particular man offering nothing in the way of proposals to better the nation, offering only "retribution", repression, lies and deceit, we'll have to shake hands and part ways. That would apply across the board, since without any shred of "thinking" - critical or not - the nation advances not one inch, and only regresses. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  19. To the O.P.'s question, no. I'm the guy they're prowling for ....
  20. That makes sense, as well as the underlying issue of control. We can fuck, we can make "love," we can have anonymous pigsex with tons of guys, but no one can simply manufacture *real* love. Sounds like there's more afoot here than mere jealousy.
  21. Other than the usual, run-of-the-mill replies in previous pages, can you describe why you "love cheating"? I don't mean the "surface", common reasons, i.e. 'getting away with x or y', I mean the deeper reasons it's so appealing.
  22. I can, and will be, the very definition of discretion. I know, difficult to believe, since I seldom hold my 10 "tongues" on the keyboard here on BZ. That said, Hair Fuhrer is great, but Trumpanzee "trumps" even that allusion to the ridiculous Pompadour. I'm still laughing ....
  23. LOL .... yet again, may I have permission to use that one? Of course, I'll give proper credit .... 🤣
  24. Hmmmm .... maybe "pony glasses" ... "saran wrap" ... "freezing cum" / "frozen cum"? Some guys call them D.D's .....
  25. btw - what kind of site is that? I tried to google it when this whole brou-ha-ha blew up, but all I saw were some women, in not-at-all "sexy" photos.
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