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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. If we're still talking '28 here, I'll lay you 10 to 1 that won't happen. He's highly unpopular here, even among many R's. I think his failure in this go-around will threaten his political career, even here in FL. We have a 2-term limit for the Governorship, and he's on his 2nd term. If he tried to end that term limit, I'm not so sure he'd even win that.
  2. First, thanks for the laugh !! "His Orange Hindness" is great !!! We're building up some first class placard possibilities for the political marches in the spring/summer !!! Perr the quote above: Wellllllllllllll ......... neither am I. It occurs that politically, 2028 is a light-year or three away, considering the pressing issues of today. That said, if in the fall of '27 Magasmarmy's hair turns orange, we'll know there's a really rocky road ahead. (notice the double alliteration I managed to sneak in ... probably my favorite literary device) Here's another issue to contemplate: I wonder how long Trumpanzee (credit Bootman) will live? We see how poorly he's cared for his body - corpulence is never a good sign of a long life. There's the question of knowing a bit about who runs what country in Eastern Europe, elsewhere - but that may not be "not-so-early onset", merely his lack of interest in anything but himself.
  3. It should go without saying, but .... Anytime/every time guys engage in sensory deprivation/restraints of any kind in a group setting, there should - at the very least - be a buddy watching to ensure nothing untoward happens. A rolled-up hanky used as a blindfold is one thing - anything more requires forethought, some planning, and taking measures to protect ones self.
  4. I don't know which "debate" you watched, but it couldn't have been the R's most recent one. That little (small in every way - particularly manners) man has no proposals to better the country, nor it's citizens/citizens-to-be. All he does is shout over the others, waving that bony finger in the air. His foreign policy stance is truly numb. He's toast. Perhaps no one you respect watches certain news channels, but that's nothing more than an embarrassing bloviation on your part.
  5. Neither do I. It may be some voices around here aren't worth the read, but BlindRawFucker1 is definitely not one of them.
  6. Thanks for your input, which may be true, but I doubt it. As you may (or may not) know, our mayor is gay*, a lot of the cops are gay, so that would lend credence to your theory. Plus, crowds of men for a whole week would hardly go unnoticed by the cops. They're over there a couple of times a week anyway, chasing guys fucking each other away from the used furniture store/adjacent areas, where guys go now that RR no longer allows anything more the "feelies" through the clothes. I didn't bother to go over there last night, so I'm not aware of any changes now that PW is over. If it happens at Ramrod, I think "downtown" is certainly aware. There is another issue in the 'hood; parking is almost non-existent. Even on the PW website guys were advised to use Uber or Lyft for RR events. It got to the point that neighborhood organizations/block clubs were getting pissed off about cars parking in people's yards, fucking behind everyone's bushes (including mine - (I found a RR t-shirt in my front yard a while ago, and there are often beer bottles, associated detritus in the morning - but never a found a condom 😋). There are a number of gay guys who think all the raw fucking is just terrible, and they're members of the block clubs too. Maybe I'll head over there tonight, check it out again now that PW is over. *I've seen him a number of times at RR, surrounded by the inevitable sycophants. Not lately though.
  7. I like Clubhouse II too (pardon the awkwardism), but I really think you're denying yourself the best fuckjoint in town. I see you're up in WPB, which isn't all that far. Next time, plan to stay overnight, (Inn Leather, maybe?) and hit Slammer, at 321 W Sunrise. They're open from Thurs through Sunday, usually at 7pm, and close when the last pair of balls have been wrung dry - around 2am. You can't buy drinks, but you can bring your own and the bartenders will keep it for you at the bar. In my opinion, it's the best fuckjoint in town by far.
  8. You don't mention your general location, but here in Ft. Lauderdale, the darkroom at Slammer is pitch-black. You literally have to feel your way, slide your boot on the floor instead of raising it normally. When you're rutting in a Hole, hands feel you up, and there's simply no way to tell where the guy is. Guys stuffed in there butt to belly, and no one sees a thing. The only downside is, it's not at all easy to get your mouth to the bent-over Holes, if you like eating wet ones. It's just too jammed with other guys that you simply cannot see.
  9. That's a good method, and another is to fill pony-glasses, freeze them so they're always at hand when needed. The shape of the frozen loads (in pony glasses) is ideal for popping one in your mouth, and shoving it up a Hole with your tongue (smaller end first, of course). Once frozen, you can transfer them to condoms if you like that better. Make sure to announce the "house rule" when you have several guys over: no wasted loads. If a guy has to unload, and no Hole is available at the moment, grab a glass and fill it .... then, as above.
  10. That's a really cogent explanation; thanks for offering it. I'm sorry your 'other half" isn't able/willing to fulfill your Lusts; maybe one day he will be. In the meantime, good luck to you.
  11. In a way, being blindfolded while taking loads is similar to getting fucked through gloryholes - both remove the faculty of sight, thus concentrating the other senses on perceptions gained through hearing, smell, taste, exploration via the hands, and so on. The difference is, of course, one has to know the guy he's playing with, and have some measure of respect and trust for him. There's no plywood wall between the guys - only the earned trust.
  12. First though, good riddance to the clown from NY. Interestingly, he wore his overcoat draped over his shoulders (BatQueen-like) as the vote was taken; he wanted to make his get-away as quickly as possible, I suppose. So it turns out that Israeli Intelligence had pertinent, detailed information regarding the Oct attack by Hamas on Israel for at least a year prior October '23. More, the Prime Minister of Israel has denied that he was informed of this intelligence. Does this pass the "sniff-test"? Of course not. It's emblematic of a calcified General Staff within the IDF, as well as a bloviating Prime Minister. Remember: his previous crises was the attempt to interfere with the Judiciary, for which he was forced to back off. The assumption that Hamas was simply incapable of such an attack, as well as keeping the year-long intelligence a secret from the PM (which is hardly believable), is as damning as the resumption of the destruction of Palestinian infrastructure and the resultant deaths of innocents. These people in the Israeli Government are nothing but apparatchiks, solemnly intoning that they aren't at fault - just like government apparatchiks all over the world. Yes, they happen to be Jewish, but are not emblematic of "The Jews" everywhere. There are fresh reports (up 3x in a month*) of hate attacks against Jewish folks in NY, perhaps less-so in other metro areas, perhaps not. This anti-Jews behavior makes no sense whatsoever. It's not "The Jews" that are behaving in such a caustic, destructive way in Gaza. It's the Israeli's, the nationalists, who also happen to be Jewish. What the Israeli's are doing to the remnants of Gaza is simply inexcusable. It is not supported by the majority of the Israeli general population. It is an act of the Israeli Government, based on ignorance, self-aggrandizement, and evading responsibility. Today, some drones approaching commercial ships loaded with humanitarian supplies for the surviving, displaced Palestinians were shot down by US naval forces in the area. The US has armed forces in a number of area States, generally small in number. The chances are increasing that a general war could break out, and it's thanks to President Biden (and his Administration) that hasn't happened so far. Domestically, we're engulfed in our own divisive issues. The President however, (and his Administration) has responsibility for the US involvement everywhere in the world, as well as our domestic issues. Progressive Government is good Government. Repressive Government, as promised in every word out Trumpanzee's** ignorant mouth is not good Government. *NBC News this evening **credit: Mr. Bootman
  13. Went over to RR for a beer, there were a few guys sucking Cock ... so I left, went over to Slammer. It was pretty much just like any other weekend night. Plenty of hungry Holes, plenty of Cocks rutting/Breeding them. Maybe there was some other PigWeek event going on, but had a fine night of it regardless.
  14. I think you're right ... even after re-reading it, I must have gotten the "trans's" mixed up. Thanks.
  15. News to me too. Some of those characteristics apply, I guess.
  16. This is an interesting topic. Since I have very little experience or knowledge about these specific issues, I have a question: It seems logical that a male that feels female in all the important ways, can have his Cock/balls surgically removed, and maybe a "pussy" of some kind fashioned out of where his natural-born parts used to be. It also seems logical that through medications of various kinds, the (former) guy can encourage breasts to grow when his pecs used to be. What doesn't follow - at least to me - is when a female that identifies as male transitions to becoming a male, it seems logical that the breasts can be removed, and something more "male" fashioned in some way. But how on earth can a Cock and balls be fashioned out of a vagina? The only answer I can come up with is, transwomen simply don't (and never will) have those male items, and would have to use strap-on's or dildos to fuck other guys. I know there are dildos with a Cock on both ends so two bottoms can get fucked at the same time, usually in group scenes, and in a "training" scene. Am I about the densest guy on BZ? I don't understand how this could work both ways.
  17. Not at all. Lots of "older" guys keep themselves in shape, eat sensibly, go to a gym. It takes a bit of effort to stay in shape, and Slammer is full of them. Sure, there are younger guys there too, plenty of them, for that matter. If we use a cut-off age of - oh, say 50 - I'd guess that there are more "experienced" men than younger guys though. There's enough of everything for every guy over there (except parking - just sayin ...). Retired guys from the Northern climes usually like to move to warmer areas with all the "amenities" of sexual debauchery already well in place. No more winters, and plenty of wanton sex.
  18. There's no easy answer, is there? Given the eventual hit of a serious storm, sure - I'd move to somewhere safer, but where ? The climate is worsening everywhere on Earth these days ... where would be better? I loved living in Chicago, but the winters were just frozen hell. I love living in SoFl too, for a number of reasons. Prices for houses in my neighborhood are up 8x more than I paid a few years ago. But, move to where? I don't want to have to learn a new language. I like my house, my neighborhood, the friends I've made, all of that, I like all the raw sex, I like my life here. Peddle it all and move to where ??? I'll most likely wind up taking the storm-hit when it comes, pick up the pieces, and stay put.
  19. Sweet ass there, drugsluthole ... nice Cock too ...
  20. So, per my usual routine, I went over to Ramrod for a beer before heading over to Slammer. There were guys fucking each other everywhere, just like it used to be. Apparently, the management got a "pass" on the rule re: no sex in the bar - for PigWeek. What I want to know is, if they can get a pass for PigWeek, then why not for the other 51 weeks of the year? For the sake of their patrons who bought drinks, drank them, got sloppy, and fucked each other all night long. For the sake of the "regulars" of loyal patrons who made the bar a "go-to" destination all these years? Last night, it was fan-fukkin-tastic. I suppose it will be tonight too. Are we back to normal over there? Anyone have the answer? I don't .....
  21. Would a groping hand on my Cock (inside the jeans) count as a "proposition"?
  22. I don't ask - am almost never told by the bottom. There are guys with identifying ink in the fuckjoints, which only means to me that they're licentious pigs - just my "type". I just assume the bottoms are, hence the PrEP. Knowing that I've done everything I can to avoid hiv, I just do what I've always done. Emotional health is important too. I get tested monthly for the lesser bugs, get them cleared up, and back to My Life (as I want to live it) when that's over with. I can't imaging going without raw Hole ...
  23. The only one I know about that's popular with our lot, is the Link motel, over on US 1. All the guesthouses have action going on, but the Link seems to be where a lot of locals go for either a quickie, or a longer, multi-guy event. It's not close to any other gay joints (that I know of anyway), but that doesn't mean all that much either. US 1 (aka Federal Highway) is a divided, 4-lane road, mostly retail/businesses, and plenty of traffic. I'll always recommend Inn Leather, down by the airport, but I'll bet they're full through P.W. You'd need to rent a car or take a lot of ubers to get to the hotspots. Same with the Link. Any other Ft. L. guys have more to add?
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