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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. It seems odd, but we often tend to like that which we are not. I'm with you, akula.
  2. I can understand why those restrictions are there, but really - just saying "thanks" to a guy in another country is a bit over the top. I suppose that if it were allowed, there would be threads/posts in many different languages (we are a Universal bunch) it would cause too much commotion. particularly for the moderators.
  3. Sure it's worth doing, if you have the time. Sharing your well-earned information with your brothers in the UK would be most appreciated. Post it in the UK area too !!
  4. 1. Of course it's entirely "normal" - for you. 2 If other bottoms achieve the same reaction, it's entirely normal for them too. 3. I suggest you repeat this behavior a number of times, and see if the thrill remains, or perhaps grows. The only caution would be to take steps to make sure your Hole can physically open widely "on demand", so as not to injure yourself.
  5. Actually, considering ^, I wonder if our enemies have discovered this site, and are here trying to infiltrate, or worse, collect names .... should worse come to worse in November. I would gladly cast my vote - on any level - for MR. BOOTMAN - should he run for office.
  6. Another, fresh example of raw Stupidity occurred yesterday, at the trial of Fani Willis: One of the lawyers-cum-interrogators was grilling her about keeping (apparently) a stash of cash in her home. He even spelled out what he meant, which was truly dull: The attorney actually spelled out the word: h-o-r-d-e .... which only summons forth allusions an army from the 13th Century ... namely, "Genghis Khan and the Golden Horde", meaning a force of armed men so enormous, the combatants couldn't even be counted. I doubt that "attorney" could possibly be gay, but in the event he is: The word you - stupid attorney - seemed to be searching for is "hoard" - meaning a mass of currency (whether metal or (these days) paper. This dullard actually spelled out an entirely wrong word - sounds the same, sure - but it was emphasizing a truly stupid mistake. I think even the neighbors heard me laugh ....
  7. As usual, you "get it" ..... the actual mating is fantastic, but there can be so much more involved - when we allow ourselves to experience it ....
  8. Generally, I'd always advise to do some holework ... er .... I mean HOMEwork ... first, before you try dp. Make sure you're able to open up enough before you actually try it in-the-flesh. You could be injured (meaning, a quick trip to the hospital) if you're Hole simply cannot expand enough, yet is forced to. Lust is wonderful, but things can get carried away when we're "in heat".
  9. Thanks for your input. I think every viewpoint is equally important, regardless of which side of the aisle one aligns oneself with.
  10. That may be true in the large metropolitan cities, which is why so many American gays relocated to large cities. That said, there is plenty of homophobic hatred of gay folks out in the other, more rural parts of the country.
  11. First, thanks for sharing your views on these important issues. I would be interested in knowing your sources proving your point. I could find none. He recently endorsed a bill (which, as you know, no President can initiate - that must be done by Congress) giving the Republicans in the HoR everything they wanted. Yet, at the last minute the former President quashed the deal, although he has no executive power now. The President relinquished a number of his plans to ameliorate the current mess at the southern border, and allowed virtually everything the (proposed) House bill demanded. Yet, thanks to one statement from a disgrace of a man to the contrary (apparently so he can use the issue in his campaign against the President), the House refused to accept everything they had wanted. How, pray tell, is that making it "harder and harder" for our neighbors to the South to emigrate? Your commentary relating to "the end times" would definitely apply to some members of the House (particularly Mr. Johnson), but Government Policy endorses no religion at all. Everyone is allowed to believe in the religion of their choice (or no religious belief at all), as long as they don't foist their beliefs on others. I happen to believe that the "end times" have nothing whatsoever to do with some deity - we humans are perfectly capable of bringing that to pass completely on our own. More, the President - like very other citizen - is entitled to believe in whatever religion he chooses - or none at all, for that matter. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with this statement, but it really should be supported by some evidence. Please provide the evidence to back up your statement. It seems you may be misconstruing the former President with the current one. Thanks for sharing your viewpoints.
  12. Maybe the old saying "any port in a storm" would suffice ??? Or, maybe the probation officer has a little secret of his own ....
  13. Welcome, anonCUMtainer. Sounds like you'll be making interesting additions/replies so some of the threads of conversation. We look forward to hearing more from you.
  14. The world is having a difficult time of it these days, it seems, at least the Western world. Sorry your conversation ended the way it did, but most of us would have reacted the same way. The "woke-ers" are drowning in a sea of "anti-woke-ers" sometimes. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  15. It was from an earlier one ... maybe I'm the one that needs a test or three ... 😉
  16. You're right, as I see it, and the complexity is not only the virtue, but the stumbling block as well. As different issues wax and wane in importance to the general welfare, obviously differing pathways to remedy also appear or fade. What worked in addressing x issue two generations ago may not work at all today. What didn't work back then, may work now. Addressing the complexity of identifying, then correcting national issues needing correction is tough work, and no one single person, let alone one political leader, has all the answers. But arriving at all the answers isn't the point, which is (as I see it) "building" a more (not completely, but more) perfect Union. It's this Nation's lovely, hard, tough, beautiful, amazing, yet nearly impossible Task, and I don't think it will ever be completely finished. The work, the building, the progress, always continuing, is the whole point.
  17. So would many of us. We're here at the table, nibbling on croutons, but the entree has yet to arrive, Appetizers are ok, I suppose, but where's the meat of the discussion? I doubt I'm the only one that's still waiting for some measure of an understandable, reasonable answer. But then, maybe we're still waiting because there simply is none to be had.
  18. Given that the last proper name preceding this ^ phrase is "Biden", do you mean you think Biden is a "loose cannon at best"? I definitely agree that older men running for President should submit to tests like you describe, and I'm assuming that these "signs" of impairment can begin to become apparent earlier, to a professional's eye before it becomes evident to the non-professionals.
  19. And thanks for that, 50latinos. Live and learn, huh? 😏
  20. I must have eaten the "dumb" sandwich for lunch .... thanks, BBBxCumDumpster.
  21. One particular failed US policy stands out to me: I simply cannot understand why Biden lets Netanyahu push him around, along with Blinken and all the rest. How can the US allow itself to be so closely associated with what amounts to genocide of innocent kids, families, starving for the barest of necessities. More, where are all the hundreds of thousands of these unfortunates - herded South - supposed to go when the IDF determines it's time to blow up all the refugees too? I know that the election is coming up. There are about 6.5 million Jewish folks in the US, and about half that number of Arabs, I know Biden needs the liberal Jewish vote, and maybe he can figure out a way to win MI, which is home to many of Arab descent. But really ... Clearly Nettie believes that the Trumpanzee will give him all the rope he needs to lay waste to half the Levant unless he's voted out of office in Israel first. I don't understand what appears to be Biden's "kid-glove" handling of the ongoing and expanding crises in the Middle East. The current state of affairs in that area is - to my mind anyway - simply inexcusable, and our diplomats do not seem able to wring one scintilla of cooperation out of the Israeli War Cabinet.
  22. LOL ..... merely seeing a photo of that wormish ghoul is enough to make any person aspiring to some measure of decency simply hurl, and hurl again. It's a disgrace that he wastes perfectly good food feeding himself .....
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