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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. What a lovely description of the ecstasy and eventual agony of a truly loving, caring relationship - for the survivor. My other half has been gone for 14 years now, and at first it was really tough - to the point I felt I had to sell our home and relocate. Sure, friends did everything they could to help, and I was grateful, but he/his presence was everywhere, and I felt as though I was rotting like an old potato. But, eventually the hurt sort of crusts over, and all the wonderful memories take over. It's not like we forget - that's impossible - but the sense of loss can diminish somewhat as the years pass. Thanks, JimInWisc.
  2. That'd be letting her off really cheap - but then, that's probably appropriate in her case.
  3. If you're tempted enough to try it, the subject of how to make them, store them, use them, etc was discussed at length a while ago in previous a thread. Fin som snuss !!
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA .......... I should'da known ..... 🤩
  5. I would have bought tix to THAT .... payable in marks, dollars, or whatever currency you'd care to mention !!!
  6. Well, maybe I'll just accept the pleasure of wearing the shirt and giving her a Dehner right where it surely doesn't belong. It's almost always too hot in SoFl for Full Dress anyway.
  7. Aren't you able to change locations? I can choose from a number of (larger) cities, and all around the world.
  8. I've been reading these replies for several days now - and I think that bottoms with really tight Holes should at least loosen up a bit before heading out to the backrooms/fuckjoints. Some of us are on the thick side, and it's not all that much fun trying to open up a Hole when it hasn't already had some Cocks up there. I'll take loose and sloppy anytime, over so tight I have to "work" it to even get my Cock in there. Besides - loose and sloppy implies the Hole is pre-loaded, which makes any Hole taste all the better. Every once-in-a-while I have to tell some guy to go take some other Cocks, and then come find me. They aren't put off - they understand.
  9. Most likely. That happened to me a while ago, but even I was able to figure it out quickly. I just "moved" to Berlin for a while !!! I still set different cities occasionally though; it seems a smidge safer.
  10. I still have my "Boot-Edge-Edge" shirt. If I were about to get outta here, I'd put it on, and go kick her homely ass. Let's get the Dems to introduce a bill to reduce her check to a nickel. She could stand to lose some weight off that overtaxed excuse for a brain.
  11. Last Friday (I think?), that tall, splendid, slim boy out West somewhere explained it well - on the previous page (4). Somehow, these folks have come to the conclusion that they not only believe X is true, they know X is true. It's the assumption that they, and only they, simply know absolute Truth, and therefore anyone who thinks even slightly different is completely wrong. The part about the adopted "son" is heart-rending. The part about the porn-patrol is puke-able. Since women are already apparently relegated to a subservient role within this religious construct (there is no Mrs. God, to my knowledge), I doubt it would matter much to Johnson. The wife would either follow her husband's errors, or go - as in the boardgame monopoly - directly to jail (or worse). I suppose it's convenient for these people to simply jettison their own ability ability to process ideas, and embrace what makes sense to them. But when these people proceed to force their perceptions on others, it becomes a dangerous, anti-human construct. While many of us were raised with restrictive religious notions, most of us smelled the poison pill at some point and simply stepped away when we could. But folks who weren't merely brain-washed, but brain-scrubbed apparently have no capacity for generosity left; it's all or nothing with that crowd. Thus, it's up to the rest of us to ensure that the latter - nothing - is their fare.
  12. Thanks, BlackDude, for your reply. I appreciate it. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree; hashing out different points of view is how we progress, right?
  13. Shucks .... If I could still blush, I would ... but it's waaaay too late for that .... 😇
  14. I've used one for several years, mostly because I don't want the Ashamed Boys turning up in my driveway with their machine guns. I'm not only a potential target for my "pig-quotient", I'm politically active around here too - and it's definitely not what those clowns would care for. I use one from NordVPN - seems to work well.
  15. Just an update: my response above is still reflective of the current situation. At least there aren't cars roaring up and down the streets around here all night long ... it's finally cool enough at night to keep the windows open.
  16. That's hardly the case. Slammer is always jammed during P.W., and the tubs are full of fresh meat. That, plus all the other P.W. guys should keep you as busy as you care to be.
  17. In the event you're still around, Breeding Zone is far more than merely a hook-up website. Sorry you're so disappointed; many of us find it productive for all kinds of reasons. Good luck.
  18. I used to host smallish groups when I lived in Chicago, and one of the bottoms would set up little cameras and broadcast the events. I don't think the broadcasts went everywhere though - only to the area where I lived. Don't know how any of it worked, but guys would contact him and want to come over to join in. None of them lived very far away though. I thought it was a lot of fun ....
  19. Actually, the root word would be "seamy" - as in wearing a shirt inside-out, thus exposing the seams. Apparently, at one time that was considered poor-form, or careless, I'm not really certain how the expression began, but I like it 😋
  20. Wellllllllllll ..... those were the days when guys wore their hair long .... so the horns didn't show 😁
  21. I've been thinking this one over, and I suppose it started in undergrad. One of my pledge brothers needed some help with pedaling a Vierne piece (the infamous Finale) and I agreed to help him. Went over to the concert hall where a tubby old Moller lived in the wind chests, and we started working out the best toe/heel arrangements, when my buddy started smiling, looking at me. He wasn't particularly good-looking, more sexy than anything, I guess. The pedaling practice stopped, and the world of sucking Cock opened up. We sucked each other off, and I liked how his Sperm tasted. It's not my very favorite sexual act, but I'm not against it either; I've sucked off plenty of Cocks, and I like the experience of a hot load being pumped into my mouth. Later on though, I came to realize that eating a well-fucked Hole was even better by far. And that was the first time I'd actually done such a fan-fukkin-tastic thing !!!
  22. "Seamier" is a colloquialism that means less accepted, more filthy, looked-down-on, corruptions. For instance, pumping loads up other men's raw Holes. Or sucking their Cocks off. For some of us, the "seamier" the better, right? From the Oxford, "sordid and disreputable".
  23. Sunday night. The NFL was disappointing, and I decided to hit Slammer on a Sunday night - for the first time. The West parking lot was closed. Bad sign. The primary lot was half empty - worse sign. Went in, and the place was 3/4 empty, if not more. Not one guy in the orgy room. A grand total of 1 guy on the Cocksuckers catwalk. A handful meandering around the hallways. Only the darkroom had guys at close-quarters in there, as usual. Got the job done and left in half an hour, when I usually spend 4,5 times that amount of time there. Sadly, I don't recommend Sunday nights at Slammer.
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