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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Welcome, negboyslut & ditchguytop. Thanks for going "official" - we're looking forward to hearing more from you. And, A'Dam is fan-fukkin-tastic !!!
  2. How about central/southern Illinois? There are counties with every shade of red in that area, and Louisville (which apparently has some availability of bathhouses, etc) isn't that far away. Plus, Springfield enjoys a reputation for a lot of comings and goings on, so there'd be a steady supply of fresh meat around. It's a bit further West than your intended area, but .... might be worth a sniff-test. While there have been Republican Governors, the Statehouse has been mostly Democratic (and thus a better protection against reactionary forces) for a long time.
  3. At Inn Leather, you can fuck anywhere on the premises. By the pool, in the outside passageways between various buildings, or in your room with the blinds wide open, and the door to your room standing open, while you're taking loads, so more Cock can just walk in. Obviously, secure your belongings, if you choose the latter. If you meant public parks, I don't know anything about that action, but I'll bet my last buck there are other Ft. L. guys that do. The only public place I know of is the parking lot on the corner of NE 4th Ave & 15th St. There's a used furniture store on the NE corner, and when it closes for the day RamRod guys park there/fuck there in between the parked cars, a smallish area on the E side of the store, and sometimes in a kinda-sorta fenced area between the furniture store (named Decades) and RR. I think the owner of the furniture store had a wooden gate installed to keep guys out of that rear area of his store, which lasted about one night before it was kicked in. Ever since the change in ownership drama began at Ramrod, (no sex inside the bar while they do repairs to the building), guys just walk over to the corner and fuck by the used furniture store all night. The action only fades when the sun comes up in the morning. I would imagine that there are still some of the orgies taking place over towards the beach in those old hotels - Worthington? - comes to mind. That one was fun, since the hotel was surrounded by residential high-rises along the beaches, and the people in the high-rises could watch all the guys fucking each other around a large pool area. I would always try to catch some folks staring down at everyone, and wave to them. But other BZ guys would know more about it than I would these days. Not sure what you mean by "supplies", but if you mean lube, that kind of thing, there's a gay accoutrement supply store 2 doors N of Ramrod (that would be the 1500 block of NE 4th Ave, E side of the street) with every kind of sex-toy, lube, poppers, associated gear you can imagine. There's also a small "store" area just inside the front door of RamRod, same mdse. Hope you enjoy the fuck outta your visit to Ft. Breedingdale !!!
  4. I'll be interested to hear you guy's review. I can't imagine there will be much Full Dress, if any during this exceptionally hot summer. But, one never knows until one goes ...
  5. Thus the raison d'etre for the existence of the fuck-joints, gh joints, baths, etc. Some guys just don't like having to toss a trick to the curb when the fuck took place in their own home. Or they're married, or they're sneaking in some extra without their boyfriend knowing, or simply not inclined to allow more than a fuck at the time. In the fuckjoints, guys can Breed and go, or hang around for more, or whatever they like without the need to explain anything to anyone. Example: a couple of years ago a guy cruising around RR in the early morning, followed me home. Soldier, just out of the army. Nice looking, hot ass, all of that - but high as a kite. I told him to wait in the driveway while I went in, walked out the back door and unlocked the side-gate to the back yard. Fucked him in the back-yard sling (that butterball of a guy living next door peeked over the fence and watched). He asked for a shower, and I let him use the outside shower (I did get him a bar of soap & towel), and that was it. He turned a bit sour about not being invited into my home, but my instincts turned out to be correct: When he walked down the driveway to the street, he spotted a bicycle leaning against the house across the street from mine, stole it and rode away. To the OP though, I think most guys experience a reduction in their Lust for more sex immediately after pumping their load up a Hole or down a throat. That is particularly true of the more "experienced" guys that have left adolescence in the rear view mirror decades ago. It's merely a function of biology, in that the body needs to re-charge after a fuck. It can be half an hour, it can be an hour, but the better the fuck, the longer it might take for round two. It's not that the Top loses interest - it's more that his body needs a little time to re-charge the equipment.
  6. Haven't been to GC in years - loved it there.
  7. So last night the first Republican "debate" was held in Milwaukee, WI., and broadcast on Fox News Channel. Being politically interested, but more because the Netflix series I was watching finished about 10 minutes before the "debate" was to begin, I decided to check in on it. Disclaimer: I've never voted for a Republican, and even when I had to travel for business quite a bit, I've never missed an election. So I had to check the station-guide to even find Fox News, since I never watch it. Of course, now that Pre-Season is here, I will watch a game on Fox Sports, but that's it. This event - while billed as a debate - was hardly that. It was far more a screaming match between the candidates themselves, the candidates and the audience of constantly screaming, hollering, fools, to the extent that what Fox calls "moderators" having to attempt to quiet the audience down a few decibels. Each of the candidates sought to out-shout each other, and all at once almost constantly. The result was nothing less than televised grade-school-playground-level mayhem. The entire auditorium-full of candidates / audience disgraced themselves over and over and over. Of particular disgust was Mr. Ramaswamy, with his claim that the increasing climate-change was, in fact, a complete hoax (he actually used that word), and that the US should pump more fossil fuels, refine them, and pollute even more. Mr. Christy got quite a few zingers in on his fellow candidates, Mr. DullSantis was his usual dull self to a T. These people are collectively and individually an enormous threat to stability, fairness, attempting to right the wrongs of our social construct, and deserve nothing less than the dust-bin of history. No wonder the only apparent advertiser left on Fox News is that pillow-pimp from MN, or so the rumors go. Every one of us who can, simply must exercise our right to vote, both up and down-ballot. These people must be soundly rejected.
  8. Thanks, RawTOP I had to "move" to Berlin, but it seems to be working again.
  9. Staying at Inn Leather is a great choice - lots of locals buy day-passes and go down there to Breed during the daytime. As to the clubs, unfortunately RamRod is out of commission (sex-wise, but you can stop in for a beer if you'd like), because of the sale of the building/purchase by the owners of RR, repairs to the building, etc, etc. You simply can't go wrong at Slammer. It's closed on Mon/Tues, but open until the last load has been shot the rest of the week. When you drive North on Federal Highway (US 1), you should turn left (west) at 6th or 8th street, since Federal will merge you onto Sunrise Blvd leading you away from Slammer. Turn on 6th or 8th (stoplights/turn-lanes), and drive west a couple of blocks to 3rd Ave (stoplight), turn right (or North) a few blocks to Sunrise, and then turn left (West) again on Sunrise. Get in the right-hand lane asap, as Slammer (321 W. Sunrise) will come up shortly; there's only one sign with 321 on it. If you miss it though, U-turns are permitted in Ft. L., so it's no big deal to backtrack. There are off-duty cops guarding the fenced parking lots, and on weekends they fill up fast - sometimes by 10:30 they're full, and you'll have to park in an area not owned by Slammer, and thus not patrolled either. Other guys will be able to comment on the baths - I seldom do the terry-towel-twist thing. I'm sure you'll have a pervectly filthy time of it !!!
  10. Discussions, serious sharing of viewpoints on issues like this is the reason I come here. Thanks to every one of you guys.
  11. Never having used it (ditched the cruise apps before Grinder became a thing, maybe?), I can't comment about that particular one, except to say that around here, there are guys walking around like automatons, eyes super-glued to their phones, crossing the street never bothering to notice oncoming cars, guys driving around staring at their phones, as though there weren't any other people except the trick on their phone. Car-crashes are so commonplace people in the area don't even comment on them anymore. I agree, in that guys that are so wrapped up with cruising that this kind of inattention to anything else is possible, they certainly won't stick to any kind of crusade, let alone a moral one.
  12. One of my pledge brothers in undergrad. First real blowjob I ever got.
  13. Many years ago, at a bar in Chicago, out on Lincoln Ave, now long-gone. The AA Meat Market had a watersports area on the second floor (as well as slings, etc), and I had stepped up to a regular toilet to take a leak. This wasn't a regular "men's room" - the toilets were lined up against a wall, out in the open. There was a guy on his knees in between the one I was about to use and the next one, and as soon as I started to piss, he just clamped his mouth around my Cock and drank it all down. I was a bit surprised - but then nothing surprised me very much at that lovely pigpen.
  14. For many of us, if not most, this is true. The depth of the ability of humans to shut certain rational ideas out of their minds is truly amazing. That said, each guy has to make his own decisions, do that carefully, and live his life on his terms. The crucial thing that many miss, is that balanced, intellectual process that must be achieved to figure out what they want out of life in the first place.
  15. I ditched them all a few years ago. too much hemming and hawing, no-shows, stretching the truth, blah blah blah. That said, I moved to Ft.L. for a reason: that being the hook-up apps aren't really necessary. A funny aside: the other day I walked into a store, and standing there in front of me was a guy I recognized - he recognized me - I said "hey, bud - where do I know you from". He said he knew me too, but couldn't remember either. We both smiled wryly, and went our separate ways. It's fun to run into guys I've fucked before, in a store, restaurant, whatever, and we're both getting enough action we don't even remember when or where we fucked - or care to.
  16. I only take a brisk morning walk these days - probably around 2 miles. I suppose I should do more ...... maybe one of these days I will. Then again .......
  17. Authored by a man many theologians have come to suspect was ..... wait for it ..... one of US !!!!!!!!
  18. What a jerk .... the chutzpah !!!! I wish you'd have told him (kindly but unmistakably) that your Hole was perfectly suited for more loads, and let him go scrub his own issues - not yours.
  19. I understand. When we live in an area that's not a sexual playground for wanton sex, it can be difficult to find other guys into the kind of sex we barebackers love and need. Best of luck, bud
  20. I couldn't possibly care less. I have one sibling, a younger sister, and she and I have been close since we were little kids. I was the "big brother" that would go beat up some jerkoff kid that was bothering her, always could be counted on to take her side in a family squabble, all of that. She's completely supportive, always has been, and she knows far better than to cross me. As to extended family (cousins), they were always only too glad to be invited to come for a visit, dropping hints like a trail of pebbles of how much they loved this item or that. Their greed to be included when the time came was shamefully apparent. And they were: many years ago when my other half and I were making our arrangements, far in advance of when they'd be needed, I specified that each would get exactly one dollar, thus legally proving that they were in my mind when I was 22 years younger, at the height of my powers, and that'll be it. I would encourage everyone to at least start to make their final arrangements earlier than later. While I'm still healthy, active, all of that, my thoughts about the issue were laid down many years ago, so there's no possibility of questioning my capacities at the time. And no - if I ever saw one of them in a fuckjoint, I'd do two things promptly: puke, then laugh.
  21. HAHAHAHAHAHA ..... just don't wear anything blue ..... Seriously, this is great advice. muscmtl and I have similar life experiences in the fleshpots, and he's 100% spot-on. I can't remember an orgy I went to where some guy didn't climb into one of the slings and lie there for a decent span of time with zero interest from Tops. There would always be plenty of action mere feet away - piles of guys fucking each other with abandon - and ignore the blushing (would-be) bottom afraid to jump into the pile and get his Hole fucked full. Since the physically perfect guys are cashing in making all the porn, the rest of us just have to take advantage of the more normal, regular guys who are just as hungry as every other guy, get rid of our inhibitions and jump into the pile. Maybe one guy will turn out to be a jerk, but the rest won't. Brush it off and get down to business.
  22. Since "the wave" (of Lust, I reckon) has crashed, and it thrilled you (other than your unexpressed desire to "be taken"), of course you'll seek out more Cocks in the coming weeks/months. Maybe even sooner. I'm not sure how the initial hook-up was arranged, but if it was via some website prior to the meet-up, maybe you could drop a hint or three as to what you really feel you need/want out of the hookup. It can't hurt to run it up the flagpole, and see if his Cock salutes. Not a demand, merely a broad hint. It's to the Cock's benefit to have this information so he can work it into the hookup. If he doesn't know, well ......... it's not his fault you didn't get everything you needed. As you're recently aware, wanton raw sex is a behavior that can indeed become "addictive", so some kind of construct to deceive your wife might be in order. Something like a regular meeting of some club, or other contrivance to allow you to follow your instinctive needs without constant angst about it. I'm not condoning deceit, but it's none of my business either. Point: you're almost certain to repeat the behavior, you don't want to interfere with the other aspects of your life, so some kind of "planning" might kick that can down the road a bit. Just be prepared when your wife does figure it out - she most likely will at some point. Good luck.
  23. Shucks .... I hope that beautiful Hole got tongued out, mouth-vacuumed and feasted on by at least some of the participants ...
  24. A virgin Hole ??? Wow - that's a rare commodity these days !!! There has to be a back-story here somewhere ......
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