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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Sure I have. And, just got a reminder in the mail from the insurance co. It's been a number of years since the last one, so - it's 'grin-and-bear-it' time again. What I don't get though, is this little dancing asshole box on tv, with the voice-over giving all the disclaimers. It is clearly said that "false positives and negatives have occurred". So why the fuck bother with it in the first place? If it's unreliable, and the dancing box says it is, w.t.f. ??? I'll just go to the internist and get it done.
  2. Once again I mirror your position: 1. I've been in darkrooms that have been cleared out in moments because one guy was too selfish, uncaring, too lazy to prep his shitty Hole. Some fuckjoints even have the proper gear to accomplish the task. 2. Unless there's some particular fetish involved, no guy thinks the stink of shit is "hot" - particularly in public backrooms/fuckjoints. If that peculiar fetish is in play, then the participants should have at it - not in some public place - but in the privacy of some guy's home. 3. If anyone - on BZ or any place else on earth - owns a fetish of this kind, great. Do it where it won't offend the rest of the crowd. And have the decency to keep it away from other guys that do not share that particular fetish. Pardon the usage, but please: 'give a shit' about every other guy who paid his money to get in the fuckjoint too, and not just yourself.
  3. Sorry to know this, sthrnguy. Hopefully some other arrangement can find it's way to the decision-maker(s).
  4. That could be a function of inner-city gentrification, too. What used to be somewhat run-down neighborhoods - perfect locations for haunts we rawguys like to prowl in, suddenly become far more valuable when gentrified. It's happening here in Ft. L, for sure. But, if the Fed misses the mark in staving off recession, the real estate values will start falling in an eyeblink. Around here, anyway, people have been paying huge amounts for poorly-maintained properties in compromised neighborhoods. That bubble is beginning to collapse, because the buyers (often younger folks who haven't experienced a substantial economic downturn) and are in hock up to their eyeballs, assuming that they knew everything there was to know. Hopefully that will take care of the march towards gentrification for at least a few years.
  5. That may be, or - it may be that guys that have taken every precaution available against serious disease, and don't mind picking up the occasional bug in favor of living the sexual life they want and need. They're more willing to take that relatively small, non-life-threatening risk. That assumes, of course, they take advantage of all the testing, taking the meds as proscribed, etc, etc. To some, it's worth it, but, every guy has to weigh the issue, all it's ramifications for himself, and then decide what he's going to do.
  6. Agreed. And most of those are pretty enough to melt one's eyeballs .... just sayin ....
  7. Actually, I haven't seen a condom on a guy in ages - which is why I go to fuckjoints where I never see them anyway. No controversy, no questions about condoms, it's just a non-subject.
  8. There is a school of thought that implies that once we get to the point we're really good at something - oh - say sucking Cocks, we tend to feel we need to widen our talents. And we figure out that fucking asses is pretty hot too. And so is group-sex. As the years roll by, we manage to gather more and more talents, abilities, and enjoy sharing them in other settings than one-on-one in a bedroom, and where do we wind up? In the backrooms, fuckjoints, sharing our skills, what we've learned, with a lot of guys, and in the same place at the same time. It's nothing less than joyful abandon with our special brothers. If that's true, what appears to be slutty, wanton behavior is actually the process of maturing into men who love all kinds of sex with other men. It's a natural thing to find our interests widen as we become more experienced.
  9. Allow me to add my condolences as well. I consider it a "gift" when we find someone to love, and who loves us in return. I'm happy for you that you got to experience it; some never do. That doesn't make it any easier though. You've suffered a loss; give yourself time to heal, and keep your heart open to new possibilities in the future. Best wishes ....
  10. That city in question appears to be (from the OP's profile) Milwaukee - the largest metropolitan area in Wisconsin, with at least half a million residents in the city alone. While every guy wants his own vehicle, there's plenty of public transit in Wisconsin's largest metro area. I think the nephew has other fish to fry before assuming the cost of making payments, gas, insurance, etc on a vehicle, and he's damn fortunate to have our poster ready to help him out when he needs it most. Unless he decides to wing it in his current location (unknown to me), where he probably will need transportation, I still think making payments on a truck* is less productive than some utilitarian transportation the nephew can use while he gets some terra firma under his boots, regardless where he lands. *we don't know how new it is, what the displacement is and thus how thirsty, but a small high-mileage car would have to be less scratch to come up with every month.
  11. I suppose if I were fucking some guy in that kind of situation, I would pull out if he asked me to. This is why I avoid those kinds of situations.
  12. Well, yeah - to some extent. But skill and technique are surely more important that mere measurements.
  13. Well, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do any actual damage, since I always avoid that. Breeding is fun, a happy thing, right?
  14. Yikes !!! I think so too !!! The missing door-handle may be the worst "tell" of all.
  15. Thanks for sharing that lovely affirmation of what many of us instinctively sense.
  16. That makes 2 of us (but I reckon there are a lot more). So, next in line would be Fuckuary '23. There should be time to promote your excellent idea !!! In the meantime though, see'ya in the fuckjoints/backrooms !!!
  17. I realize I'm quoting myself here. How the above phrase translated into: is beyond me. Of course there's nothing remotely similar.
  18. It's NOT you. At one time, bbrt was a pretty good resource for fresh Hole, but those days are long gone. I quit it (and the other apps) some years ago, in favor of going to the fuckjoints in-the-flesh. I miss them not one bit.
  19. Maybe we should have a BZ convention, and recreate Thermopylae for ourselves !!! Now THAT would surely be an inspiration for the "costume designers" amongst us. There's a thread running currently about a Breed Bomb - absolutely enticingly inspirational 😈
  20. This is a condensation of all the silly shit I experienced using the fuck apps. It got to the point that a fairly small group (10 - 12) of guys unintentionally formed sort of a "fuck-group", and we depended on that, and the public fuckjoints. I don't have much to say to all the guys that complain about the cruise apps, other than why continue to waste time and effort on something that has proven to be disappointing time after time after time? All of us (of a certain age) managed to fuck our brains out before there were apps. Where is it written that we're entitled to satisfying sex if we can't be bothered to get up and go get it?
  21. If condoms are required, might just as well stay home and jack out a load .... I haven't even seen on in use for years now.
  22. This could be the answer mankind has been searching for since we crawled out of the caves. Armies of men that would march into battle, swinging their hard Cocks instead of swords. Breeding at the Battalion-level, whole Divisions having orgies with the "enemy" soldiers. Rivers of Sperm overflowing the banks of the trenches. The only gear soldiers would wear would be Cockrings and a belt for accoutrements-de-Breeding, Instead of war planners building bombs that can kill a Continent, they'd be creating popper-bombs to be dropped on both sides of the "conflict". A whole 'nother kind of joystick in the planes too. Now. Who's gonna re-design the uniforms ???
  23. Very sorrowful (yet interesting) post. Much of the suggestions boil down to: 1. Get him outta there. Milwaukee is the largest city in WI, and a major metro area. If nothing else, send him a bus ticket and have lunch at Mader's when he arrives. He's going to have to deal with starting over, and if you can offer him shelter in that storm, kudos !! He's also going to need a productive use of his time. 2.. Ditch the truck, no matter who's name it's in, He can't afford it, and it'll be a life-lesson in financial self-reliance. Until he gets on a firm footing, a used VW will do. 3. Your brother will no doubt cut ties with you too. If that's a tear-dropper, go ahead, and then move on. Bad, negative people aren't a positive influence, and best to be done with them. I've had to cut some extended family loose, and they're the only ones who lost out. 4. I'm not familiar with Southern tradition, but helping out a 19 year old nephew when he's in a tough spot doesn't mean "taking him to raise" to non-Southerners. That implies him being a minor, which he isn't. It's entirely reasonable that a colloquialism might mean different things in different parts of the country, but he's reached his majority now, and needs a helping hand, not a place to "grow up" in. Offer him the first, but not the second. 5. Skip the frills. A phone is completely reasonable, but an ipad? Is that necessary? The essentials are what your nephew needs right now - a place to stay, food to eat, and a non-judgemental, supportive environment. He needs a rock to lean on, as he learns to navigate in the real world. All of this said, he's an adult now, and depending on how he responds to the help offered will determine what kind of man he becomes in a short while. Unless he makes bad or silly choices, he should definitely be offered "shelter in the storm". It's wonderful that you and your other half are in a position to help, and we're all sending you our very best wishes. Good luck !!
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