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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. It seems like 'stealthing a Top' is an odd notion. Most Tops already know what they're going to do, if not with one guy, then with the next guy, and they guy after that. I wouldn't bag it, just because a bottom said he wanted me to. I'd just say something politely innocuous like "oh - well, good luck, bud", and move on to the next one that needs a real fuck.
  2. Thanks for clearing that up. Makes sense, if it happened over here. And, I'm not commenting on the ethical issues involved, but .... "Looks like the state is asking for the death penalty" .... given the state of affairs in Tallahasslee, with Death-Santis squatting in the Governor's chair, it's hardly a surprise. They'd probably want to kill him, bring him back to life just so they could kill him twice.
  3. Of course not. However, this is what we have, so we fight to make it better, more inclusive, less hate-filled. It's a process, nothing happens as fast as we wish it would, so take part in the process of improving our country. Only by engaging in activism do we gain ground. When we don't bother to fight for our rights, the hatemonger will gradually strip them away. If you have any doubts, ask any woman of clear mind and heart how she'll vote in a few weeks. These were hard-won battles over the years, and they will have to be fought for over and over again.
  4. You're 100% correct, of course. I don't know all that much about the cultural situation in your country (but I loved visiting there). Surely there is some governmental entity that can be engaged with a complaint against this hate-mongering woman. Do it all by the book, you clearly did nothing wrong, and she clearly did. Contact the gay service agencies there, to publicize the nasty behavior. Letter writing campaigns against her can work too. Get her ratty ass disciplined !!! Good luck, and let us know how things turn out.
  5. Sad posting. But, if he was arrested over to Tampa, why is he here in the Broward clink? Was the Tampa jail damaged by Ian, or was it already full?
  6. I second the motion !! This site has proven to be a great resource for most of us rawmen, and we all hope to be hearing from you frequently. Welcome to the newbies and the "been here a while's" too.
  7. I just found out that there's a name for us: Immigrant technological vs Native technological affinities. It has to do with our age (natch), with boomers being the Immigrant (i.e. not natively comfortable with technology) and Native's being guys that were still in a "learning" phase of their lives when communications turned into an electronic crazyhouse. In other words, what we used to call "chicken". So, BadBob, you and I actually do have a name in this wired world: we're technological Immigrants !!! Doesn't help me figure electrical compushit out, but at least we have a descriptive moniker, thanks to a particularly gifted 'twin' brother 😉!
  8. Thanks to each of your for your responses. Ran out of responses again, but what is, just is. The world won't end because of it.
  9. I will admit that almost every other guy on here is more compu-literate than I am. When I first joined and started sniffing around, it seemed like one click would send me to another place, and it was intimidating. There are still conversations I lose, and I'll be damned if I know where they went. It's true I don't have time to sit and pick for hours on end, and all of that said I still find Breeding Zone a great resource despite the fact that I'm a compu-cripple. At first, I even took notes on how to get where. The way I see it, that's my problem for not giving a rats ass about how all of this stuff works; there were other people to do that for me; and now I'm behind the 8-ball. Maybe a "kindergarten" for some of us, but that's hardly a productive way to run a business either. Perseverance is the only option for guys that enjoy the site immensely. Even I'm getting better at it !!!
  10. There are a number of "telll's" that indicate how much is up there. If it's leaking out on it's own, the guy has been celebrating his Lusts for quite a while. That said, here are a couple: 1. I get on my knees if he's on his, pull his cheeks apart, and if everything passes the olfactory test, I look for leakage when the cheeks are pulled apart a bit. It's the sense of connection that I particularly love, so the volume isn't the key, it's the fact that I'm not the first. I do particularly love "volume", but it's the pleasure the bottom takes in acting on his impulses, and doing so proudly, with confidence that turns my crank the most. 2. After shoving my tongue in there, if there's a lot of Sperm, it becomes evident right away. If there isn't that also becomes evident. When there's a lot, I don't need to consume it all, I just get off knowing that there's a lot, and rutting in loads off other Cocks is fantastic to me. All I want is the confirmation that he's a cumdump - which, to me, means he's dealt with the cultural bullshit, done his intellectual/emotional work involved in becoming the man he needs to be, coming out of that process happy with who he is. 3. Not that I've ever measured, but if, for instance, there's a tablespoon right at the lips, there'll be more farther up inside. If there's almost none right at the back door, there won't be much farther up-stream either. When there isn't, I just enjoy what I've already rutted my tongue in, and proceed. Thus, there's however much the previous Cocks have shot, plus mine when I'm done, and I feel confident I haven't been selfish. 4. Frankly, I don't ask how many loads, and if the bottom tells me anyway, I pay little attention. I know what counts, and I can find that out without being told. Thanks for the question; hope this helps answer it.
  12. THIS FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, 12:43 pm this afternoon: The Supreme Court opens its new term Monday, hearing arguments for the first time after a summer break and with new Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. Already the court has said it will decide cases on a range of major issues including affirmative action, voting rights and the rights of LGBTQ people. The justices will add more cases to their docket in coming months. A look at some of the cases the court has already agreed to hear. The justices are expected to decide each of the cases before taking a summer break at the end of June: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION In cases from Harvard University and the University of North Carolina, the court could end any consideration of race in college admissions. If this seems familiar, it's because the high court has been asked repeatedly over the past 20 years to end affirmative action in higher education. In previous cases from Michigan and Texas, the court reaffirmed the validity of considering college applicants' race among many factors. But this court is more conservative than those were. ___ VOTING RIGHTS The court could further reduce protections for minority voters in its third major consideration in 10 years of the landmark Voting Rights Act, which was enacted to combat enduring racial discrimination in voting. The case the justices are hearing involves Alabama, where just one of the state's seven congressional districts has a Black majority. That's even though 27% of the state's residents are Black. A three-judge panel that included two appointees of President Donald Trump agreed that the state should have to create a second district with a Black majority, but the Supreme Court stopped any changes and said it would hear the case. A ruling for the state could wipe away all but the most obvious cases of intentional discrimination on the basis of race. ___ ELECTIONS Republicans are asking the justices to embrace a novel legal concept that would limit state courts' oversight of elections for Congress. North Carolina's top court threw out the state's congressional map that gave Republicans a lopsided advantage in a closely divided state and eventually came up with a map that basically evenly divided the state's 14 congressional districts between Democrats and Republicans. The state GOP argues that state courts have no role to play in congressional elections, including redistricting, because the U.S. Constitution gives that power to state legislatures alone. Four conservative justices have expressed varying levels of openness to the “independent state legislature” theory. ___ CLEAN WATER This is yet another case in which the court is being asked to discard an earlier ruling and loosen the regulation of property under the nation's chief law to combat water pollution. The case involves an Idaho couple who won an earlier high court round in their bid to build a house on property near a lake without getting a permit under the Clean Water Act. The outcome could change the rules for millions of acres of property that contain wetlands. ___ IMMIGRATION The Biden administration is back at the Supreme Court to argue for a change in immigration policy from the Trump administration. It's is appealing a ruling against a Biden policy prioritizing deportation of people in the country illegally who pose the greatest public safety risk. Last term, the justices by a 5-4 vote paved the way for the administration to end the Trump policy that required asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico for their court hearing. In July, also by a 5-4 vote, the high court refused to allow the administration to implement policy guidance for deportations. A Trump-era policy favored deporting people in the country illegally regardless of criminal history or community ties. ___ LGBTQ RIGHTS A new clash involving religion, free speech and the rights of LGBTQ people will also be before the justices. The case involves Colorado graphic and website designer Lorie Smith who wants to expand her business and offer wedding website services. She says her Christian beliefs would lead her to decline any request from a same-sex couple to design a wedding website, however, and that puts her in conflict with a Colorado anti-discrimination law. The case is a new chance for the justices to confront issues the court skirted five years ago in a case about a baker objected to making cakes for same-sex weddings. The court has grown more conservative since that time. ___ NATIVE AMERICAN ADOPTION In November, the court will review a federal law that gives Native Americans preference in adoptions of Native children. The case presents the most significant legal challenges to the Indian Child Welfare Act since its 1978 passage. The law has long been championed by Native American leaders as a means of preserving their families and culture. A federal appeals court in April upheld the law and Congress’ authority to enact it. But the judges also found some of the law’s provisions unconstitutional, including preferences for placing Native American children with Native adoptive families and in Native foster homes. ___ BACON LAW BACKLASH Also on the menu for the justices: a California animal rights law. The case stems from a 2018 ballot measure where California voters barred the sale of pork in the state if the pig it came from or the pig's mother was raised in confined conditions preventing them from laying down or turning around. Two agricultural associations challenging the law say almost no farms satisfy those conditions. They say the “massive costs of complying” with the law will “fall almost exclusively on out-of-state farmers” and that the costs will be passed on to consumers nationwide. ___ ART WORLD The court's resolution of a dispute involving pieces by artist Andy Warhol could have big consequences in the art world and beyond. If the Warhol side loses a copyright dispute involving an image Warhol made of the musician Prince, other artworks could be in peril, lawyers say. But the other side says if Warhol wins, it would be a license for other artists to blatantly copy. ___ Follow AP’s coverage of the Supreme Court at [think before following links] https://apnews.com/hub/us-supreme-court
  13. One more thing: I can't remember what the subject matter was, but there was a post I wanted to make, so all I did was ask one of them before posting it. Got the reply of where it should go, and did that. Easy as pie, and no issues at all. It's not that tough to do it right.
  14. ^ This. I almost always do the "sniff-test" in the fuckjoints, since there are a few guys that actually don't care enough to do the prep work before going out. If all I smell is Sperm, then I slobber on that Hole and feast for a little while. No, I don't have to take all of it - I'll leave some for the next guy too - that's only fair. A Hole full of loads off previous Cocks means (to me) that he's in love with raw Cocks, has dealt with any/all the issues of becoming a cumdump, and that's exactly my kind of bottom. A while back, there was a guy getting fucked between some parked cars near a cruisebar close to my house. When I unbuttoned my jeans and shoved it to him, well-churned Sperm literally splashed out onto my balls, my jeans, and I shot almost immediately.
  15. I agree with you, because it is 100% real. It could be you or me being recorded - it could be any one of us, or a million other guys. Yes, the polished, professional porn actors know how to play to the camera, how to keep their arms out of the camera's sight-lines, all of that. And they know enough to announce that they're about to pump their loads up a Hole, so the cameraman can get close, and that's ok. What I don't like about pro-porn is, they always have to pull out and shoot on the Hole (at best - often shooting the whole load onto the Hole, his back his balls, everywhere but where it belongs. That said, it's much better to go to the fuckjoints and DO it !!!
  16. I had to do that too. It seems like forever - but, it's not all that bad. Cleaning out the garage, other odious domestic tasks can help soak up the time, but it's worth it. Do watch out for your right hand (assuming you're right-handed) though - towards the end of the third week, it may reach up and slap your face instead of jack your Cock. Raw Cocks can get very pushy when they've had to go without for a while ......
  17. 501's, t-shirt, old engineers,* maybe a ballcap. Very seldom see anyone naked there .... *never ever wear good Boots to the backrooms/fuckjoints. They'll get stomped on, scratched, messed up. I learned that lesson the hard way, dammitt. On the other hand, a fine pair of Boots worn with some gear to a Leatherbar will always be respected, particularly by the bootblacks.
  18. Between two pickups parked on the street near my house; anyone walking down the sidewalk (on either side of the street) could have seen it.
  19. Hear Hear. I have respect for them putting up with as much as they do. I used to own businesses in the publishing industry, and I wouldn't want their job, no matter how much they're paid. The notion that there are "bullies" moderating this resource is nothing short of myopic.
  20. Ok. I take your point. Let me re-phrase: The "love" shared between partners is the monogamous part, to get down into the weeds. The outside-the-loving-relationship sex is, I suppose, merely an ancillary facet to the foundational bedrock. Thanks, as always, for the interesting addition.
  21. This is pretty much the situation with the homeless in this area. There are shelters, but many homeless persons avoid them for certain reasons. This means they live on the streets, without access to any hint of cleanliness facilities. There's one guy in particular that hangs out in my 'hood; I see him almost every day when walking the dog - and he's actually offered himself to me. I've made it a habit to carry a couple of bucks loose in my pocket for him, whenever I see him, and I think he had the impression I might have put out for him. There's a language barrier, but that's hardly why I wouldn't fuck him for all the tea in China. I've actually seen him shit on the sidewalk, on a busy street. He literally shit a cow-pie - a liquid, puddling cow-pie - hiked up his rags - and wandered away. There may well be better-mannered homeless guys wandering around, but I haven't noticed any. Sure, I've been followed home occasionally, and sometimes I fuck them. Usually, they've driven over to RR to cruise, and hardly homeless. Around here though, the term "homeless" is synonymous for bodily filth, and I'll give them a few bucks, but I wouldn't fuck them with ANYONE'S dick.
  22. As I understand it (and I'm no medical professional), once the second mpx shot is received, and two weeks waiting period have passed, even if a guy has mpx, it is sufficiently weakened within his system to be virtually un-passable. That is not a guarantee, but it is thought by the medico's to be very difficult to pass on to an uninfected guy. Anyone know differently?
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