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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. After reading your reply, and having to look up the meaning of 'himbo' - I rather doubt that's the case. Thanks for your interesting reply !!
  2. Thanks for your thoughts. So maybe it's the behavior that offputs me more than the actual gender. A "tomboy" who likes football (and thus not displaying the usual "girly" behavior) is more tolerable. After reading your reply, I do recall a little girl (grade school years) who fit that bill, and I didn't issue her the blanket rejection - we would have races on our bikes, and occasionally she would win, which didn't offend me at all. I can't even remember her name (they moved away), but maybe she's as gay as a goose now too !!! Thanks for the reply.
  3. Ditto. I wouldn't let my dog fuck DeathSantis - and my dog would fuck anything. I have no idea how he learned to be such a canine Pig 😇
  4. Well, thanks again to whoever on the Moderator staff who cleared up my poorly-constructed intent. Obviously, there is absolutely no excuse to take the phrasing I mistakenly used literally. Children should never be (in my opinion) sexually molested, and certainly not human babies. I see it's over half a year ago, and I forgot about this reply - so again, thanks to whoever corrected me.
  5. Sadly, yes. Maybe we can offer a "two for the price of one" and get rid of both. Maybe the Sovereign State of Rikers Island would be interested? Or, there's that old, now-abandoned island off San Fran that might be suitable too. At least that would fatten up the sharks in the bay, in case they tried to make a run for it.
  6. Did you know that the original meaning is "butter & goose table"? Smor (with umlaut, 2 dots over the vowel, changes pronunciation to something like "air") means 'butter' - gas (with umlaut, small circle above the vowel, changes the pronunciation to a long "o") means 'goose', and bord means table.
  7. That hadn't occurred to me. Maybe there really is something to all this99 business; it would all depend on how far down that path (i.e. leading to the Anti you-know-who) one was willing to go.
  8. I'd like your input on the following: I never cared much for girls, since my earliest memory. I always liked playing with boys better as a little kid. Not at all in a sexual way - that issue was deeply and thoroughly repressed until I went away to school. Since I have no formal education in sexology (is that even a proper term?), once I did discover sex, I didn't fantasize about girls, I started having sex with boys. I have never been "patient" or "entertained" or "excited" by feminine wiles; they irritate me. I get along well with women who seem to instinctively know I am not susceptible to that kind of manipulation, and I do not deal patiently with women who think the possess gold between their legs. I even came up with an excuse (what it was I don't recall) to not rent a property to a woman, recently divorced, with gigantic breasts tightly covered by a thin skimpy tank-top shirt. The minute she sauntered up the driveway to view the property, I knew she thought she shit crushed pineapple just because of those flabby, unsightly tits packed into that little shirt. It seems to me that I simply have an in-born distaste for women, and their flirty, giggly, silly, useless behavior. By contrast, even before I had any notions of what sexual drives are, I enjoyed spending time with boys, and what must be an in-born affinity for my own gender.
  9. From your fingers to Whatever's ears ..... we'd be thrilled to ditch the guy, one way or another.
  10. I think it's time for a real, down to the nitty-gritty conversation between the two. And it's past time for him to go on Prep. We should never suppress our natural needs. More, we shouldn't be sexually dangerous when there's an intimate "other" involved, until we're completely protected from bugs to the extent possible. The wife gave him a lot more rope than most wives would, and it's starting to sound like he's not focusing enough on protecting someone he professes to love. Bihusband, get on PReP. Get all the inoculations against the various std's that exist. Do it soon. Once the waiting period (for efficacy to develop) has been fulfilled, put on your fuckshirt, and get your hungry ass fucked full. And by all means, fulfill your promises to your wife. Good luck !!
  11. Thanks for helping out with the election. For the primaries, I did too - but they sent me to Lighthouse Point - populated almost entirely by R's - which I am not. Still, everyone who's registered gets to vote, and I went and did what I said I'd do. So when they called about today's election, I said "ok, but I'm NOT going back to that area". Had to be there by 5:00 am, and stay past 7:00 pm, until everyone in line had the chance to vote, the polling place closed, everything put in it's proper place, and all the ballots on their way to HQ. That's over 15 hours of biting my tongue, and I said I wouldn't go there again. Apparently, they had enough workers, since they didn't call me for today's election. I can deal with the hours. It's the endless lines of entitled "Do you know who I am"'s. The longer it went on, the more curt my replies. I heard every ridiculous excuse for them not doing what they should have done prior that was ever invented. Eventually, I just ignored them, wordlessly did my job, and silently pointed to where they should go next. Some people seem to think they shit crushed pineapple. Worse, some of the men were hot !!!!!
  12. Ahhhhhh .... so YOU'RE the owner of all those shirts hanging from the rafters !!! We've all been wondering .... <grinnnnn>
  13. Well, I don't go on all that much about it, since so many guys don't live in areas where the opportunities are so plentiful. That said, I'm somewhat perplexed these past weeks. One night, 5 weeks ago I went to my favorite fuckjoint as per usual, and hit the darkroom. After some rutting in Holes, I was at the end of the lineup, near one of the doors (which means, there was some light getting through from the corridor), and a guy about my height came into the darkroom, felt up my Cock while I was rutting in some Hole, and just kept his hand on it. Of course, I felt up his ass - very nicely haired - nicely shaped - and felt his Hole. It was right there. Not buried way back inside the cheeks, it was right out in the open and visible, without any spreading of his cheeks. Gorgeous. That happens to be something I really need to get my mouth on, and I pulled out of the Hole I was in, knelt down and ate that sweet Hole on the spot - and yes, there was plenty. So a little later I stood up, he grabbed my Cock again and guided it to right where it belongs. Really a very sexy guy - lightly hairy all over - and I very much enjoy that. But all of a sudden he pulled off, looked at me, and ran out of the darkroom. That surprised me, but - nothing I could do about it, right? Not a word had passed between us, so I just moved farther back into that sweet blackness of Breeding men and did more of what I love to do. When I was ready, pumped it up another nice Hole, left, and went home. The next weekend, there he was again. Pretty much the same series of events as the week before. A few minutes of rutting, and all of a sudden he ran. Third weekend, I never saw him, but (bear with me on this) there was some other guy in the darkroom that was rubbing his Cock on my ass. Now I don't take a lot of Cock up my Hole, I don't particularly like it, but I will when there's some measure of connection with the guy I'm fucking. The guy behind me I couldn't see at all, and I brushed his Cock away with my hand - not aggressively, just brushed it gently away. He persisted. Then I actually felt it, and it was way more Cock than I could possibly take. Eventually he apparently moved on, I wrapped it up, and went home. Fourth weekend: The same bottom was there in the darkroom taking loads, and as I maneuvered towards him to get some more of that furry Hole, I realized by feeling around there was some guy fucking the guys that were rutting in that same furry Hole I was trying to get to again. There may have been some whispers between the furry-Holed guy and the Top rutting in the guys fucking furry Hole - couldn't be sure - but when the bottom grabbed my Cock and bent over the fuckbench again, I did my usual, and started to enjoy that sweet Hole again. Presto. Same horse-Cocked guy as the previous weekend started to rub his Cock against my ass. As before, I gently pushed that monster away, and this time said something like thanks, but that's way too big for me. And that's when I figured it out: They're partners, and their big fetish is, Dad Breeds the guy who's Breeding his boy. I said to the Dad that I was really sorry, his boy is fantastic, but there's no way I can help out with the "scene". They left together, I lingered a while longer, and went home. This past weekend, presto - there they were again. This time, knowing the lay of the land, and knowing that the Dad's Cock would send me to the hospital to get sewn up, I started the usual routine, but the Dad worked his way over to where I was, and said he wanted to talk to me outside the darkroom. I replied, ok - I'll be out there in a little bit. At this point, I hadn't even heard the bottom's voice, just a few words with (what turned out to be) the Dad. So, I rutted for a little while, and then left the darkroom. There they were in the corridor, waiting. Turns out that they have what I'd call a fetish: boy takes loads, and Dad fucks whoever's Breeding the boy. Boy enjoys how much I love eating his Hole, Dad enjoys that too, and would I come over to their place for a threesome, me Breeding the boy, Dad Breeding me (with that impossibly big thick Cock). So, I said let's go to the bar and have a drink and figure this out. The whole scene was hot, except that there was no way I could / would attempt to take that guy's Cock. I asked a bit more, turns out they've arrived at this formula so each guy can get what he wants, and they can do it together. That's great - I'm all for a pair of Pigs working things out like that. Problem: Dad is sure he can get me to do what he wants, and I'm just as sure he can't. The idea of being a third for a pair of Pigs is appealing, but the price is too high. I haven't had a Cock up my gut since Covid, when a buddy and I got through that mess together, I know and like him, we've been Breedbuddies for years, and he really wanted to fuck me too. And, he's got a very reasonably-sized Cock, so it wasn't too much to ask. Plus, we were already very familiar with group sex together. Anyway, I didn't go to their place, and they said they'll be there next weekend, same time, same sandbox, and they're hoping I'll change my mind. I hate to be a prick, but I kinda resent being expected to do something I don't want to do, particularly since it's physically impossible. Plus, even if we find out we like each other, I don't know them well enough to walk into something I didn't know was coming. I don't really know them at all. So, maybe I'll invite them to go out for supper somewhere, and see if anything comes of that. I don't know. Helping the Dad whore out his boy would be fantastic. But the price - at least at present - is just too high. Anyway .... we'll see, I guess.
  14. Someone just earned the Gold Star for intellectual enlightenment. I would only add that the old, mainline Liturgical outfits are at least as guilty as the fundies. They may be a bit more skilled at disguising the blunt hatreds, but that's only because they're more experienced in throwing road apples at others .... or was that cow pies .... ahhh, who gives a shit anyway .....
  15. I'm no scientist, but the story I've consistently heard is that the mother passes the "gay gene" to her offspring, be it boy or girl. I've never heard that the father has anything at all to do with the sexuality of the offspring. If that's true, then if we have male cousins, there's most likely a few in the extended family. In my case, yuk.
  16. Is that all ??? That's barely a solar system, let alone a whole Universe !!! And he paid billions for it ??? hmmmm .... I have some old stuff in the garage. I'm sure I have some of the old MoPar parts lying around ... maybe I'll ask Mr. Musty for an offer .... he could send one of his airplanes to pick them up !!! Hell, I'll even deliver to the airport .....
  17. I still can't remember - wasn't Gladys Kravits the nosy neighbor on that tv show where the long-haired blonde lady could wiggle her nose and do magic? I know - I know - there are guys on BZ who weren't even a glimmer in their parents eyes at the time, which is probably why I can't quite remember what show it was.
  18. We're an inclusive group of perverts, PxdoToiletTaboo. There are threads for almost any kind of sexual thrill, and guys not interested in X subject can just not read a particular thread. Of course there's room for you !!
  19. I'm wondering what the building codes are regarding putting up as tall a fence as possible, thus blocking Gladys Kravits view. What are the fastest-growing shrubs/trees in your area? Of particular interest would be ugly ones. Another alternative would be an automatic, brilliant strobe-light flashing into Glady's windows, the moment she peeks out of her hate-curtains. If she complains to you, then just tell her that it's your yard, your business, and - just like who comes (or cums) and goes from your house is none of hers. There are other means to deal with a problem like this, but I probably shouldn't go into them on this thread.
  20. This is the crux of the issue, as far as I'm concerned. If there is a deity (and I rather think not), there are weak minded people who have decided there absolutely definitely is, they are "in touch" with the deity, what the deity wants, the deity has blessed them and those like the problem in the OP, that's enough for some misguided folks to decide to tell other's what to do, what not to do, blah blah blah. Institutions have risen and fallen in service to this notion of an all-powerful "something" off in the clouds, handing down tired, worn out old antiquated strictures, and those folks can just go fuck themselves. They're already living in a hell of their own making, and I refuse to be dragged down into it with them. The husband of one of my friends is so Roman Catholic it would make the Pope himself blush. It didn't stop him from fucking every living, breathing guy he possibly could for all these years, but it does get to be a bit much listening to him go on and on about all the magical confections the RC's have dreamed up through the millennia. I almost hope there really is a hell with 30 or 40 rings of fire or whatever, so all his energy wasted on this silly business wouldn't be in vain. He even said to me once, that when he gets to Heaven, he's "going to look up" my life partner, and get acquainted. Of all the gall ... if that ever comes to pass, my partner will kick his ass and then some. Lately, he's trying to atone for all his wayward behavior all these years by shoveling dough to the guys in Long Dresses and Ruby Slippers - hoping he can buy an indulgence, I suppose. Sometimes, I can barely keep from laughing out loud.
  21. This is one of those acts that I reserve for very special occasions. It doesn't do much for me, but when it turns a sub crazy, I will. I love strong, black coffee, and I drink it all day long - hot or cold. I'd have to lay off the coffee for a while, and have a few beers first, but I'd want a real pay-off in the "connection" if I'm going to do that.
  22. First, MoonDreamer, I'm so very sorry you went through all of this. It's truly inhumane. The fact is, that some folks are too weak in their own self esteem to accept that there are other perfectly normal folks that are innately drawn to want sex with their own gender. We can debate the root causes, but the effect - regardless of the source - is the same. It's a terrible event to be rejected by someone we care for because of our inborn nature, but it happens over and over and over again. The fact that he lashed out at you upon discovering your true, inborn nature would indicate a low level of self confidence or self esteem in your friend, yet that is often the case. No matter how difficult it is to accept, there's still a lesson we can learn when this kind of thing happens, that being our own power to forgive the perpetrator of the abuse. Once that's accomplished, you can gradually allow this poisonous memory to fade, and learn from the experience. We can grow into better men ourselves, after something like this happens. Since it seems that an in-person conversation might be avoidable, maybe you can write him a carefully crafted letter, explaining that you're unwilling to carry his learned hatreds anymore, and you hope that some day, some how, he can overcome his hateful, unfounded fears. And then, simply forgive him. He may not read it, but that's not the real point: the healing point is that you wrote it, mailed or delivered it, and he cannot harm you anymore. You don't need to go into all the details of the injuries; he knows what he's done. Maybe one day he'll even ask you for your forgiveness. But don't let that anticipation prevent you from moving on with your life. Put his hatreds in a drawer you hardly ever open, and let them sit in that dark drawer all by themselves - be done with them. There's a huge, wide, wonderful world out there, waiting of you to experience it. There are many, many caring guys on this site, and when one of us is harmed, we're all harmed too - so please let us know how you are progressing. Best of luck, and we're all rooting for you.
  23. Can't say I've experienced that very often, but then they don't allow phones at Slammer. I know some guys sneak one in sometimes, but if they get caught they're banned - and who would cut off that resource for some damn phone call ??? Usually it happens in the backrooms - one guy contacts another also in the bar somewhere - to come over to X spot for some hot action ....
  24. Many of us in the US received a fairly unbalanced public-school education, which infamously elided over numerous uncomfortable historical facts of US history. I ran across a short series on Netflix a while ago, and finally found it again. It's an informative-yet-entertaining bit of scholarship about how this amendment came to be, what it intended, how it became useful in later generations, and as we know, it is the basis for the Privacy Rights that are becoming more and more important to our peculiar interests every day. The title is: Amend: the fight for America, and lays bare in an honest way why we have a number of problems here in the US, why we still have them, and does so in a clear, non-judgemental way. For our friends elsewhere in the world who are wondering what those crazy Americans are doing to themselves lately, this would provide an understanding. This series is follows the history of it's intent, how it's been used, and how tenuous the lynchpin we all depend on actually is. At the least, it's better than listening to all the yammering by the correspondents and talking heads on tv, going over the latest poll, the latest insults of which candidates, blah blah blah. However: if anyone decides to watch it, you tv won't bring it up until after you VOTE.
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