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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I can't say I care whose load it is - only that it's already been pumped up the Hole I'm eating out. Hopefully, along with several other previously shot loads. I don't care which Top it was, I only care that at least one has preceded me. A dry Hole isn't a deal-breaker - I'll still fuck it - I know that some guy has to be the first of the night for the bottoms - I just hope that it's not me .... if that sounds selfish, well .... (shrugs) ..... it is what it is.
  2. If "public" is defined as including backrooms or fuck clubs, then last night. And I will again tonight.
  3. First, and most importantly, get all the inoculations that are available against std's. Get on PReP or whatever hiv-preventative your internist recommends. If you don't trust that he/she is competent in this area, find one that is. Once protected as fully as possible, realize that there are std's that you will pick up occasionally - we all do - so plan on a very regular testing regimen. The sooner they're caught, the sooner they'll be treated, the sooner you'll be back in the pigpen with the rest of us. Since you (perhaps?) envy what some of us do, once you're as fully as protected as possible, let your Lusts be your guide, and join in. Fear is a terribly debilitating thing to live with, and there's no reason to allow your inborn nature to suffer because of fear. It doesn't sound like you're dealing with too much cultural baggage retarding your progress in your sexual life, and that's a good thing. Be the man you need to be, and do it with Pride and Confidence. Love yourself, in your wholeness. Then, we'll seeya in the fuckjoints! Only take all the preventative steps first.
  4. If that's true - and I'm not saying it is or isn't - I'm guessing that these married (to women) men; 1. Wish they had made different choices, and subconsciously "take it out" on men that made the correct choices. 2. Attempt to make the Hole they're fucking pay for the mistakes they themselves have made. 3. Build up a "reserve" of sexual satisfaction they can't get with their wives, since the next opportunity for *real* sex may not come around again for a while. Finally, they don't even realize that a hard, rough Breeding is just what a ton of men who know themselves love most.
  5. YES !!! And the next one (Jan 4th) is at SLAMMER - not that tubs over in Oakland Park !!!
  6. <filthy grin> Sounds more like you went to the city take some loads, and managed to pick up a Christmas present or two as well ..... 😈 Well done !!!
  7. Well, just don't fuck until the roast is OUT of the oven ...... and good luck !!!
  8. Geez .... that reminds me of the Lawson YMCA on Chicago Ave, near north side. That place was a total PigPen back in the day, but parking around there was a nightmare, and I seldom went. There were a couple of sleazy bars in the area too, but the one I remember best was Kitty Sheon's, and you had to be dressed in a shirt/tie/dress jacket to get buzzed in. Every guy in there was in at least a tie and jacket, usually a suit. More, there was no touching allowed, other than shaking hands when you met some guy. How our world has changed !!!
  9. What are you afraid of? Where's this whiff of danger coming from? The way I see it, you helped him a helluva lot when he really needed help, and he's making a gesture of thanks. Maybe he's sniffin you out, maybe not. Maybe he's just thankful for your help when he couldn't help himself. Accept the invitation, and pick up a good bottle of wine to bring. Go to his place for dinner, and don't go with presuppositions in your mind. Be responsive to whatever he's got to say. He made your Cock hard, maybe you make his just as hard. Be receptive to whatever he has to say, unless and until he makes things more clear. Ya never know until ya know, right? Even if he's not sexually available, a friend is always worth having.
  10. As we all celebrate the Winter Solstice - as our forebears have for countless millennia - long before the artifices of religiosity surfaced in humankind - let's remember that each of us is important, each of us is necessary, each of us has an equal voice, and we need to keep fucking each other. That's the paramount issue. That's the necessity that binds us together, even over the ether. Fucking is what really counts.
  11. "sucking my fathers cock was just the ultimate accomplishment for me" I'm glad you found that to be the case, T-Girl-Cumdumpster. Everyone's their own man/girl/whatever, everyone's different in varying ways, and there's room for every single one of us right along with all our various proclivities. Actually, the variety of Lusts within our corner of the Universe is really amazing - and we're all in this life together. Happy Solstice to you and yours !!!
  12. I think that we all get to choose how to structure our sex-lives. That said, I can attest to the fact that both love and wanton sex can - and do - exist in our little corner of the sexual universe. I've described it elsewhere here, so I won't go into it again, but there's over 30 years of proof in my pocket that men can love each other very deeply and unconditionally, and also have pigsex with others together, in group scenes, and on their own very successfully.
  13. The thing is, it's not "just sucking a cock", like in a backroom or fuckjoint. In those places, it's nothing but a Cock. You don't have any connection to the other guy other than shared Lust. With a family member, t would be sucking a cock whose owner is closely connected to you. Every bit of emotional baggage would come right along with the load. Faced with being forced to make that choice, I'd stop having sex altogether. For me, it's abjectly inconceivable. There is, however, one possible exception: Imagine two biological brothers, a couple of years apart in age, both of which are born gay. As they grow up, they form a bond, they defend each other, they support each other, they take care of each other emotionally. They can form a bond that grows into something so special, becomes so close they confirm that specialness sexually. That I can comprehend, having known 2 sets of gay brothers through the years. Obviously, the brotherly connection is paramount - the sexual connection merely reinforces the primacy of the emotional ties. In that case, it's everything but "just a cock".
  14. ^This. I couldn't have said it better ..... yuuuuck ........
  15. and for good reason, apparently !!! Per the Pope/nuns, I remember the tour guide pointing out some of the little peepholes at the Vatican ... for what it's worth ... one more example of how the rules are for the benefit of the powerful, not the powerless. Per the Romney reference, I'm not a Republican, but I don't think he would have been so bad as President. He never had a chance, of course, with the old "multiple wives" thing, The currently Powerful mumbled about the gold dishes, but accept their own ridiculous histrionics as perfectly normal and true and respectable. Thanks for the reply.
  16. I think there's a fine point to be made here. The act of making a personal choice in what a person honors, what they don't, is indeed something we all do. We need to make all kinds of choices about how we're going to live our lives. As it happens, I detest one particular "food", and I choose not to eat it - ever. That, however, does not give me the right to forbid others to eat that disgustment. Thus, the harm only presents itself when the man you describe decides it's appropriate for him to tell others how to make personal decisions. You're almost certainly correct that a man who decides that: Almost inevitably that man will commit a seriously inappropriate act, and harm others with his bias. Thus, acting in a supposedly superior way, judging others for not recognizing the "supremacy" of his judgement is where the problem starts - not with one single person reflecting on what it right and good and proper for themselves in their interpersonal connections. That man could keep his hatreds to himself, and not project his corruptions onto others, and be ok. But, as you point out, his presumed supremacy will almost certainly become apparent at some point, and that's when he crosses the line.
  17. I don't necessarily need every scrap of information, since if I had reservations I'd decline in the first place. Certain details are important to some guys, and that's fine. The basic parameters should be shared - address, time, how to contact you, that sort of thing. Sounds like you've got that sorted, so when some Top disappears when you set the parameters, I'd put that down to inexperience or laziness on the Top's part. It's YOUR event - not his. Thus, YOU get to set the parameters. I think that's only fair.
  18. These replies are great ... these guys have not only accepted themselves, but they're damn Proud of who and what they are. Taking pride in being the man you were born to be is totally sexy.
  19. Only 90 ???? I doubt there are 90 individuals in the entire Government that don't have porn of some type on their computers and/or phones ..... and those that rail the loudest against porn probably have two computers/phones full !!!
  20. This phrase is the crux of the issue. I think we get to make our own choices about everything when that choice affects no one else but the one making that choice. No one gets to make choices (other than the obvious, like murder, etc) that will impact others negatively. Anyone can choose to believe that a dandelion is actually a manifestation of Gawd Almighty, and as long as that dullard keeps his/her belief in the dandelion private, it's ok with me. It's when that person tries to expand that belief into forcing it upon others that the problems start.
  21. I agree. The only fair way to deal with that is, each guy chips in at least something. Altruism is great, but not when it's taken for granted. Fair is fair.
  22. You're an 😇 !!!
  23. Same here, when I kept that cumdump a few years ago - he could get online and find guys that had fucked him any number of times, and in 15, 20 minutes have half a dozen guys on the way over. All I had to do was run the show .... it was great !!!
  24. They do often wear robes, but at least they don't wear long fancy dresses and bottom it off with ruby slippers too !!! I don't think they ever peddled indulgences either ..... I couldn't agree more. We have to live with ourselves, what we do, how we treat others, all of that. As long as we're doing our best to set some standards for ourselves, and then try to live up to them, we're doing all that can be expected.
  25. tighthole64's right. There will be plenty of private events too, if you use the cruise apps I'm sure you'll find plenty. If you're renting a car, be sure to try to get to Slammer around 10pm, since the parking lots can fill up by then. They have high fences w/off-duty cops (mostly gay) securing the area (the neighborhood isn't all that, but then our kinds of joints usually aren't). And check their website - they may have extended hours for Pride (I mean, nights they're open - usually it's Thurs through Sunday)
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