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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Shooting the load all over the Hole is a waste of Sperm, unless there are cumjunkies at-the-ready to at least lap it up and snowball it to each other. Then, at least it's not wasted. But - in the absence of that scenario, loads belong deep in the Hole, where the Cock put them. Spraying our essence all over the place is only for porn, thus proving to the viewer that the Cock actually did shoot it's load.
  2. I like em completely natural. Love body hair, particularly Holehair. I guess we often like what we don't have much of ourselves.
  3. Was about to, but thought the better of it, and I just shouldn't ........
  4. As some of you guys may know, I don't use the hookup apps at all, mostly because they've been disappointing more than they've proved productive. What I can't figure out though, is why some guy would want to carry around the knowledge that he's lied to other guys, mislead other guys, misrepresented himself, all of that negative bs, and it sticks to us. There's no way to do some shit, and then it simply disappears. We carry the shit we've done with us, however ephemerally, and it piles up after a while, whether through the ether or in the flesh. When it starts to outweigh the kind things we've done, we're only fucking ourselves up. It doesn't cost one thin dime to be decent to our brothers-in-the-life, and it accrues negatively when we don't. I had to learn that lesson the hard way, but I did learn it. For that matter, the principle applies to every aspect of our lives. It's so much easier to just be upfront, respectful with each other. And then, get down to the tasks at - well, for some guys, at 'hand", but for most of us probably more generically queer.
  5. Clearly more than I have, and in greater depth. BZ is the only website I use at all, and it's well-regulated, so I don't experience a lot of the problems other guys do. Hopefully someone will figure it out.
  6. In a nutshell, the above quote from BRF applies across the board. Why any guy would be so lazy as to ask tricks about their sero-status, actually trust that the guy standing in front of him with a hard Cock waiting to fuck, and actually believe what comes out of his mouth, is way beyond me. Take care of your health first, and then hit the fleshpots with all the Lust you possess.
  7. I can't find the 'applause' doo-dad, so ..... clap clap clap !!!!!
  8. To the original question though, I have to admit that I would find it a bit cheeky. I well understand the reason for asking for proof, which is the fact that a certain percentage of us haven't figured out yet that it's always best to be honest, or at least parry and then move on. On the other hand, I have never carried the requisite "proof" in my back pocket, and I rather doubt I ever will. When asked, I answer honestly, and I know there are are guys that lie. But, if my answer isn't enough, there are plenty of other guys that don't ask, and only want to take loads. Those are the guy's I go to the backrooms/fuckjoints for in the first place.
  9. I think what you're describing is endemic across the country since the "secret veil" was ripped off a certain segment of our population in a different context. Once dishonesty became the coinage of a large chunk of the population, the coarsening of our society has deepened quickly. The fact is, where would men like me be without cumdumps? Up a damn creek, that's where. Once the binding elements of any social structure are gnawed at enough, the binds loosen, and the behavior worsens. I think you can and should call out these self-encrusted men that steal your stuff, make appointments and not keep them, all of that negative stuff. The internet may enable them to behave selfishly, but it can also enable them to be shamed for their own selfishness.
  10. Be careful about the Swedish. I got a "warning" from one of the moderators for saying exactly what you said to a guy in Sweden - just for saying "thanks" in the language of my birth to a fellow Swede.
  11. Obviously true. It's pitiful, but it's all too commonplace. OK. I'll buy that. It's how the acts are conducted that's important, not the verbalizing (or would that be writingizing?). Well, how about communicating then .....
  12. So do I. We can't control the actions of others, but we can control our own. Take every precaution available, and then decide if you're comfortable with doing what you want to do. In other words, take the responsibility away from the trick, and shoulder it yourself.
  13. When I started having sex, the only guys that used condoms (they were called "rubbers" back then) were the straight guys, not wanting to get roped into marrying some girl at 16, 18 years old just because she pulled her pants down and said fuck me. Aside from a small handful of gay guys who "fetishized" condoms, no one used them - it was virtually unheard of - and fucking was almost as casual as saying hi to some guy.
  14. I know what 'degradation' means, but I looked up a number of definitions anyway. "the process in which the beauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoiled" This was one of the least violent definitions I found in several dictionaries. Are you able to substitute this word (destroyed) with something less destructive? Degradation has a flavor of violence, force, Power for Power's sake to it. It seems to leave little room for the magnificence that can happen between a Dominant and a submissive. I know how to Dominate men - I've been doing it for many years. But I never 'destroy or spoil' them. Rather, I uphold and honor their sexual requirements/lusts, fulfill them, enable them, complete them, revel in them. There are myriad ways/sexually perverse acts that men so inclined can, should and must indulge in, sharing the Connection through acts like you describe, and make possible. Virtually any agreed-upon sexual act between men can be uplifting, mind-blowing for both men. Even over the ether, I know you, I uphold you, honor you, and every single quality that makes you who you are. Even if we actually met one day, I could never allow you to be harmed, injured, let alone degraded or spoiled (in the actual definition). "Used", definitely, and in the most respectful ways. Destroyed or spoiled? Never.
  15. Just two experienced Pigs wallowing in the same damn trough, I reckon .... 😇 I wonder what the chances are we both fucked the same Hole in the Eagle's backroom .....
  16. If he enjoys it so much I do hope it lasts longer than 10-15 minutes! Well, I don't see the point in going to a backroom or fuckjoint and not sampling the assets of any number of bottoms. Usually I rut in any number, and then go back and Breed in whichever was my favorite - and take my time about it. There are a lot of bottoms that need experienced Cock up their Holes, and it's up to guys like me to satisfy that need. We probably won't Breed every single one, but we can share our talents / techniques, and that's usually well-appreciated. Thanks for your response.
  17. Oat milk? Never heard of it before ... 🤮 But, thanks for the suggestion.
  18. Of course, but most bottoms need at least something to lube them up for the first Cock, especially if we're on the thick side of things. I've never experienced a bottom that didn't love the frozen Sperm instead of some commercial stuff. They often did suck in their breath when the ice-cube-cum was tongued up their Hole, but it melts quickly. Plus, it makes for much tastier eating too. Another plus is, they know they're in for a hottttt fuck before it even begins .... somewhat of a mindfuck too.
  19. Well, thanks for the recommendation, but I did try almond milk. I like nuts (yeeeessss, both kinds), but almond just seemed to be lacking in taste - more like white water. Thanks for the suggestion, but I'll stick with the soybeans.
  20. Come to think of it, no - but it's really dark in there. You have to feel your way around; there could be a guy standing right next to you, and you hear him breathing, but can't see anything. So last night they weren't there, that I saw anyway. Previously, it's been Sat nights - so maybe I'll see them tonight. That hot Hole is probaby lost to me though, since I'm disinclined to entertain their (apparent) fetish. I reckon I won't go hungry though !! Plenty for every guy.
  21. LOL .... two peas in a pod: Once when I was in grade school, I remember the pastor of our church quietly asking my dad if we needed any "help" - he thought I wasn't getting enough to eat !!!!!! My dad was offended of course, but way too awed by the majesty of the ministerial concern to say anything but "we're fine", or something blandly inoffensive. I ate like God's First Horse back then (well, still do, I suppose), but nothing seemed to stick around longer than a day.
  22. The Top should correct his bad aim, swoop down, suck it up, and snowball it to the bottom. Waste not, want not.
  23. This reminded me of Junior High: we had swimming class naked, the locker room was separated from the showers by the swimming teacher's office/private locker room. He always always undressed and changed from whatever into his swimming trunks right in front of the open door to his office/locker room. And always was watching us going back and forth between the showers and lockers. I recall him being good-looking, muscular, hairy, all of that - but it never occurred to me until reading the post that he might have been gay. What I do remember of him, is that brilliantly red Olds'98 convertible w/glass-packs he drove. I think it was a 396, largest displacement Olds offered that year.
  24. Well, as I mentioned earlier, the cholesterol did start to catch up with me, and now I only eat 3 fairly small chocolate chip cookies with a glass of phoney milk* every night. One of our local grocery chain-stores has a very good bakery dept, and that's how I deal with maintaining my chocolate addiction. So, I never walk down the cookie-aisle in the grocery store, and have altered (for the worse, obviously) my eating habits for at least 20 years. I do like healthy food too - it's just that I liked unhealthy food more. I didn't know about the alteration of Lorna Doones though, but I forewent (past tense of forgo?) that lovely ladies cookies long ago. As in raw fucking, it's a good thing to get tested - even for food consumption habits - so we can take the appropriate (if regrettable) steps in time. I've alway been slim, and thought that unless I started to gain weight I'd be ok. Not the case - at the time, apparently the blood was turning into Karo's syrup. But, testing / treating the cholesterol kept me in good shape. At this point, I don't even miss all the fat I used to eat anymore. *soy milk .... yeech .... but, one can get used to it .....
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