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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I voted for a darkroom, because a bottom that may still be wrestling with devoting himself to cumdumpery may find it easier to jettison his fears in the dark, without the ephemera of onlookers, visual distractions allowing his mind to wander. In the darkness of a room dedicated to men Breeding men, with only the sounds of groans of pleasure, piston-like Cocks about to shoot, whispers of men about to Breed each other, the bottom's focus can be better aimed at becoming one part of the whole - a cog in the wheel of relentlessly Breeding men. I think that well-seasoned barebackers like to Breed where other men can watch, appreciate, get into the Lust being acted out in front of their eyes. There doesn't need to be bright light, dimly lit areas are fine, and the more men that watch other men fucking each other, the harder their Cocks will get to join in. The whispers of the darkroom become the more blunt statements of cumdumpery - from both the T and the b - when other like-minded men have gathered to share raw sex. There's nothing at all wrong with Breeding each other in bright daylight, of course - but I can understand how some guys might think that a bridge too far ..... at least for the time being. Each - the darkrooms, and the somewhat illuminated backrooms - have their usefulness.
  2. What a beautiful bar that is ..... I remember it well .......
  3. As usual, I think BootmanLA is giving good advice. The following thoughts assume you and the bf are well-protected with all the shots, pills, precautions: 1. The venue is a public one, and thus there is no implication of commitment for either party. Within the confines of the LeatherLife, it's called a "negotiation", but in your case it would be simply a 'hey - wanna go have a drink or bite of supper with us sometime?" kind of presentation to the intended. 2. If he's got any anti-gay issues, he'll politely demur, and you'll have your answer. No harm done, no one gets hurt, and you two move on. If he says sure, I'll meet you at X place, X time, that's a hint of potential good will on his part. 3. If he agrees, you and your bf can come up with some conversation which would be steered (by you two) towards alluding to gay sex, without getting down into the weeds about it. Gauge his reaction. Sniff the wind. Unless he's a total dunce, he'll get the drift, and you'll have your answer. 4. When he hollers "hell yeah, rawfuck me senseless", tell us allllll about it.
  4. Thanks, EW. I have a better solution that obviates all the shipping nonsense: You want the Sperm, you come get it.
  5. Thanks for the info, EuroMusk76. It used to be in the Easter season, but that was some years ago. The Pig and Pervert parties were magnificent !!! Everything about it was magnificent !!!!!
  6. I'd always mention Berlin first. Folsom-in-Berlin isn't too far off (if it's still happening; haven't been in a while now), but this time of year, maybe GC ???
  7. My life-partner got shingles years ago, and while I never did get shingles (despite the chickenshit as a kid), I suffered through the entire thing right along with him, doing what the internist told me to do to help alleviate as much as possible. Later, at a certain age, I got the shingles vax, as a preventative, since I knew first-hand how debilitating it is. If I recall (and I may well not), we're supposed to get a shingles booster every 10 years or so, and I'll do that. When there are existing preventative medical steps to take to avoid illnesses, why on earth wouldn't we take advantage of them? I just don't understand why some folks wouldn't.
  8. Sharp-edge, you're probably a rather empathetic guy, and other folks can sense that. That's a wonderful quality to possess, and the above responses are good ones. Not everyone can project empathy, don't feel odd that your friend knew where he could turn in a time of trouble. Unless he asks you to comment on whatever the issue is, all you really need to do is "be there" for him - and you've already done that. If he needs more, you'll know it. If he doesn't, you were there when he needed someone to lean on, so either way you don't need to press. Just be there if he needs more, as you initially were. Let that ball stay in his court until he tosses it into yours again.
  9. Welcome, KingB028. There are rawguys all over the world that share ideas, perceptions, pose questions, issues of concern to all of us. We look forward to hearing more from you.
  10. Of course. When I first started fucking guys, I was 18, and just escaping from an insufferably suffocating religio-cultural upbringing. Once I got out of that miserable town, I realized there's a whole wide world out there to be experienced (I mean in every sense, not just sexual). Gradually, I became less and less interested in guys who looked just like me, trained to act just like me, carried the same straitjacketed world-view I was struggling to escape, and found that those that I had been mind-fucked into thinking were "less-than" became the object of my Lusts more and more. It didn't take all that long, once the shit had been shrugged off, to move the focus to men who looked nothing at all like me, and ever since I almost deliberately shun guys that look just like me. It's almost like wanting to avoid any connection at all to the shell I left behind all those years ago. There are so many beautiful men with thick, rich heads of black hair - and lovely curls of black hair on their bodies, shining black eyes, with some melanin in their skin-tone, none of which I knew before I went away to school. To this day, I don't really want to fuck guys that look just like me. I managed to escape that mental/emotional prison, and I'm pleased with that. I can only hope that so many of my childhood peers managed to escape too. Maybe that's not fair - but, what is, is.
  11. I'm sure it's true that Total Tops (i.e., guys that have never had a Cock up their ass, and never will) are quite rare. I think guys that almost always Top will, given certain met-criteria, will allow it though. That criteria can be limited only to the Top's imagination, sense of connection, his particular ways of increasing/magnifying his Lusts, where he places himself on the ladder of sexual depravity, all kinds of things. Men who have become "free" of cultural baggage can manage to find all kinds of sexual acts empowering. I think it's all in the mind. The variable that goes unanswered is probably not answerable, since virtually all guys focus on what's important to them first, and only secondarily what may be important to the guy he's mating with at the moment.
  12. Thanks, RealCute, for posting that diagram; lots of guys will benefit from seeing it. This is why I get tested monthly, rather than every 6 months. Better to catch bugs at the earliest possible time, get them treated, and keep doing what I need to do.
  13. After the sweaty flurry of getting the shots here in Ft.L. (I must say, the Pride Center got it's act together re: mpx very quickly and there were a number of other service-providers who did as well), within days thousands of guys had their first shot. Two weeks, then the second. Two more weeks, protection against mpx. All of that happened, and now most guys have put it all behind them. Every guy is fucking / getting fucked by every other guy, and it's back to normal.
  14. Thanks, 120DaysofSodom ... I'll try it !!!
  15. What's a snippet tool, and where do I find it on the computer? Or, I could use a thumb-drive too. Sorry, I'm probably the most compu-illiterate guy on BZ ....Have tried to upload vids/photo's, but they're always too large. Would very much appreciate any guidance. Thanks.
  16. HAHAHAHAHA .......... Somehow, I don't recall any of these verses taught to us kids - at ALL !!!!! Reminds me of some plump, painted scion of society on tv, defending her hatreds with that old Leviticus snippet: "Whealll ... it's in th Bih-bul;, an thayt's good enuff fur mye" I wonder if she ever read much more that that though.
  17. Are you implying that one guy, one pick-up at a bar, could impact your self-identification so heavily? If you think of yourself as a Topman, then that's what you are. More, the skills you learn and share as a Top are what make you a hot fuck - not just the measurements of your Cock. If, on the other hand, you have arrived at the inner realization that you actually are a bottom, then more power to you. The key is the self-realization, not what some trick in a bar might think ... maybe. You can be whoever you decide to be - Top, bottom, switch, whatever. It's all good. There are, for that matter, plenty of guys that will only consider bending over for a modestly-sized Cock. Good luck !!
  18. Thanks, Selfsucker9382, for the post. While there have been similar threads here on BZ, it's worth reading and reflecting on older ones, and then asking again. I agree with tallslenderguy and similar preceding replies. The will surely be a price to be paid for realizing your dreams, but that price can be mitigated by getting all the inoculations, taking the pills, and being aware of what probably will, and what probably won't happen. I see you're 25 - and it may seem like your life will extend beyond the horizon. I'm not trying to guide your decision - that's entirely yours to make. If you do follow your Lusts, you will surely pick up std's occasionally. If you take all the precautions, they will probably be the treatable kind of bug, and your internist can give you stuff to clear them up. Unless you've inherited a lot of dough, it can be expensive, as tsg noted above. Some guys have a chunk of change, some don't. Be aware of the financial considerations as well as the health-related considerations. Do the intellectual work before you make your decision. It's your life, and you get to choose; no one else. Of course there is. There are different facets of life for every guy, and it's up to you to decide which part outweighs the other parts. Understand that there's a lot of imaginary jo stuff that gets posted here on BZ, so be sure to consider only your own hopes, dreams, life-goals. There's a reason for the various sections - some for actual discussion, some for fantasy, something for every guy. I'm not encouraging or discouraging you to jump one way or the other. I am encouraging you to do the intellectual work before you actually do jump one way or the other. When you do the work, you'll be confident in your choices, and find fulfillment in whatever you decide to do with your life. Good luck, and be sure to share more with us.
  19. Thanks for the good news, Pigboychi ... That place was great, before that re-model some years ago, and after it. I really hope it re-earns it's status as a First Class Fuckjoint !!!
  20. There's another aspect that might be addressed: Some guys seldom get fucked, don't particularly care for it, but will allow a Cock up their gut when the connection is right, and the other guy really wants to. These guys wouldn't want a "PornCock" ripping their guts apart - that would be counterproductive to the whole exchange. They'd only allow a modestly-proportioned Cock, and only in certain circumstances. The pleasure would not be in getting fucked - it would be in accommodating the Lusts of another man that is respected, and has respected and accommodated your own.
  21. Has anyone noticed that a cumdumps Hole is also an excellent source of this particular delight? Sure, felching /snowballing is fun, all of it's fun, for that matter - but if a guy likes to "git to it", sucking a cumdumps Hole is like a gold mine .....
  22. As you know, there are numerous ways to use language to convey something subliminal. The word 'penis' does have a somewhat percussive consonant at the beginning of the pronunciation, but not at the end - making it's pronunciation less - oh - Powerful? Both "Cock" and "Dick" have percussive consonants at the beginning and end of the one-syllable word, and each end with "K" - not voiced - only percussive - and one of the most expressive of the voiced consonants. Advanced vocal musicians, for example, well-know how to handle these in a performance, and bend them to their expressive intentions. What a lot of non-advanced vocalists don't know though, is the Power that can be bought to bear merely through intentional use of things like language, pronunciation, etc. The phrase "suck my penis" is almost never heard in the fuckjoints - at least I never have. But "suck my CocK", said in a determined, (even if quietly) way can convey what it's intended to convey, and somewhat forcefully. Advanced use of letter-placement is the reason a listener can understand every word clearly in - for instance - the opening chorus of Handel's Messiah*. It's also the reason anyone can understand clearly the text of anything conducted by Robert Shaw. Precise placement within the phrase, slight emphasis on one thing instead of the other can work wonders, and they don't even consciously know you're doing it. The message however, is received subliminally, loud and clear. and thus expressing it's Dominance, however subtly. which is lamentable, and entirely avoidable. I don't know of a way to bring a sub to a sweaty, writhing, fantastic conclusion if I haven't bothered to figure out how to make it happen in the first place. Every guy has to learn to use his innate gifts to best advantage for both the T and the b, if he aspires to become the best man he can be. Perfectly said. Splendid boy !!! *example chosen for it's almost universal familiarity
  23. Well, looks like you're right, JamesL100. In that case my single best would be at IML some years ago.
  24. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ........... FROM YOUR LIPS ....ER .....FINGERS TO GOD'S EARS !!!!!!!!!! 😁 Hopefully, Orange-Jesus Cheeto-Head will be rotting in the clink by then, so no chance of something truly regrettable !!!
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