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Gay Raceplay, Verbal, Humiliation, Immorality. Why So Fucking Hot?


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No sorry, as an actual black male race play is NOT a turn-on. Kinda like the bareback porn thread awhile back asking why is it that black men are always portrayed as HIV Mandingos who always have to top. 

Yes there are black men who sexualize trauma like the constant stress blacks have of being construed as different, depraved and dangerous. Such trauma is a literal punch in the gut. Imagine dealing with this multiple times a day over decades. There are plenty of non-black men who exploit this sexualization for their own benefit. (“Oh it’s just harmless play.”)

I am not some bleeding heart or a victim, but a black man who simply wants to be perceived as a human. Not a Mandingo. Not a nigger. Not merely a BBC. 

Stop it, it’s offensive. But as our recent global troubles have shown, no one gives a damn about anybody if they can make a buck or bust a nut. 

So I look forward to further race-splaining by those who say it’s mere fun or “live and let live” but don’t know what it feels like to actually be black. 

Edited by sotrue
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I've never met anyone who employed such language, and it's not something I would ever seek. But if an aggressive male started using it against me, I would feel obligated to do what I could to validate and enhance his erotic contempt. It would be my duty to maximize his desire and psychological satisfaction. My principle is that the dominant penetrator gets whatever he wants in the moment, to the best of my availability to provide it.

That's the ideal, but I wonder how far I could really go.

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4 hours ago, sotrue said:

No sorry, as an actual black male race play is NOT a turn-on. Kinda like the bareback porn thread awhile back asking why is it that black men are always portrayed as HIV Mandingos who always have to top. 

Yes there are black men who sexualize trauma like the constant stress blacks have of being construed as different, depraved and dangerous. Such trauma is a literal punch in the gut. Imagine dealing with this multiple times a day over decades. There are plenty of non-black men who exploit this sexualization for their own benefit. (“Oh it’s just harmless play.”)

I am not some bleeding heart or a victim, but a black man who simply wants to be perceived as a human. Not a Mandingo. Not a nigger. Not merely a BBC. 

Stop it, it’s offensive. But as our recent global troubles have shown, no one gives a damn about anybody if they can make a buck or bust a nut. 

So I look forward to further race-splaining by those who say it’s mere fun or “live and let live” but don’t know what it feels like to actually be black. 


Also fun fact, black men like to bottom too. So the whole fetishized role play so many white people do is a huge turn off. 


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5 hours ago, sotrue said:

No sorry, as an actual black male race play is NOT a turn-on. Kinda like the bareback porn thread awhile back asking why is it that black men are always portrayed as HIV Mandingos who always have to top. 

Yes there are black men who sexualize trauma like the constant stress blacks have of being construed as different, depraved and dangerous. Such trauma is a literal punch in the gut. Imagine dealing with this multiple times a day over decades. There are plenty of non-black men who exploit this sexualization for their own benefit. (“Oh it’s just harmless play.”)

I am not some bleeding heart or a victim, but a black man who simply wants to be perceived as a human. Not a Mandingo. Not a nigger. Not merely a BBC. 

Stop it, it’s offensive. But as our recent global troubles have shown, no one gives a damn about anybody if they can make a buck or bust a nut. 

So I look forward to further race-splaining by those who say it’s mere fun or “live and let live” but don’t know what it feels like to actually be black. 

I agree that its men of color whose points of view need to be amplified on this topic, just like this one.

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Race 'play' makes me feel ashamed that anyone in the gay culture could countenance it, let alone participate in it.  It is, at best, ignorant.  It is destructive, hating behavior, no matter the facade one puts on it.

For those who rationalize and point to black men who participate in race 'play;'  they are no different than gays who are homophobic because of internalized hate and cultural conditioning.  It isn't "play," it is perpetuation and reinforcement of racist stereotype.  It's not "race play," it's just plain racist.

Sexual race 'play' is no better than "playing" about separate drinking fountains or separate schools, or lynching.  It's 'playing' at wearing the yellow star or pink triangle. It's making a game of REAL racists, many of whom would sooner have you and me dead than a part of their white, hetero society. 

Read a book!  Get to really know and listen to a black person who hasn't internalized hate.  History is replete with examples of minority groups being the first to be targeted when there is social upheaval.  Gays are as much a minority as black people. A big difference is, unlike a black person,  we can hide in plain sight so we can be less aware the haters in society.  

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8 hours ago, sotrue said:

No sorry, as an actual black male race play is NOT a turn-on. Kinda like the bareback porn thread awhile back asking why is it that black men are always portrayed as HIV Mandingos who always have to top. 

Yes there are black men who sexualize trauma like the constant stress blacks have of being construed as different, depraved and dangerous. Such trauma is a literal punch in the gut. Imagine dealing with this multiple times a day over decades. There are plenty of non-black men who exploit this sexualization for their own benefit. (“Oh it’s just harmless play.”)

I am not some bleeding heart or a victim, but a black man who simply wants to be perceived as a human. Not a Mandingo. Not a nigger. Not merely a BBC. 

Stop it, it’s offensive. But as our recent global troubles have shown, no one gives a damn about anybody if they can make a buck or bust a nut. 

So I look forward to further race-splaining by those who say it’s mere fun or “live and let live” but don’t know what it feels like to actually be black. 

Say it. That why I block dudes who ask “how big” or of those “preference” dudes who wait til they hit the wall to like black guys. I get the whole hookup thing, but I think it’s hilarious how gays accuse blacks of being homophobic, but then we get threads like this. 

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On occasion when I’m hosting I’ll get a message from a Man of Color who says, “You like black?”

I’m autistic. My immediate thought is usually something like, It’s okay, but I’m really more partial to green, and then of course I realize what he’s asking.

I hate it when that happens. I hate it for him, because his life experience has taught him that to avoid trouble he has to ask if it’s okay to approach me In his own skin. I hate it for me because for the sake of his own well-being he has to assume I may be a racist bigot - an assumption ironically based on the fact that my skin is a different color than his.

 I also hate that I have to feel awkward because my experience has taught me to particularly look forward to sex with black men. I can’t tell why, as a general rule, they provide me with the most physically fulfilling fucks I have the privilege of taking, but it has nothing to do with the color of their skin or the size of their cocks. Not every one of course - they’re people, and individually unique, but whether because of cultural influence or some other factor, a high proportion of such men who have had me have been especially good at sex. I’m just sorry that in explaining to someone what kind of giys I enjoy fucking me, one of the words I’m expected to use is “black”.

Of course I “like black”. I like it the same way I like every other kind of man , without distinction - if a man has a functioning cock, I don’t care if he’s blue, and I’ll talk to anybody.

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I consider it an honor to be called a whore...lol. Yes it is a turn on for me. I used to have a black FB that would verbally degrade me. Man that was hot for both of us. However when I top the worst I can do is call you a pig. I just crack up if I get all alpha on someone. 

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31 minutes ago, parvenu said:

its all just fantasy fun - watching faggots get into a tizzy about consenting adults exploring fantasy topics is just sad,. Do you think this site is Oprah's book club?

It’s more sad that self hatred forces one to not just lash out at others but also to denigrate oneself with ugly, ignorant labels.

Why not just embrace the ugliness and call ourselves sodomites, degenerates along with other charged (and not in a good way) names? 

Respect and recognizing that some things are deeply harmful has nothing to do with Oprah and everything to do with being a better human. If one’s aspirations lie elsewhere from this goal, good luck but stay away from me and the rest of humanity that is trying to progress, not regress. 

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On 5/21/2020 at 10:33 AM, tallslenderguy said:

Race 'play' makes me feel ashamed that anyone in the gay culture could countenance it, let alone participate in it.  It is, at best, ignorant.  It is destructive, hating behavior, no matter the facade one puts on it.

For those who rationalize and point to black men who participate in race 'play;'  they are no different than gays who are homophobic because of internalized hate and cultural conditioning.  It isn't "play," it is perpetuation and reinforcement of racist stereotype.  It's not "race play," it's just plain racist.

Sexual race 'play' is no better than "playing" about separate drinking fountains or separate schools, or lynching.  It's 'playing' at wearing the yellow star or pink triangle. It's making a game of REAL racists, many of whom would sooner have you and me dead than a part of their white, hetero society. 

Read a book!  Get to really know and listen to a black person who hasn't internalized hate.  History is replete with examples of minority groups being the first to be targeted when there is social upheaval.  Gays are as much a minority as black people. A big difference is, unlike a black person,  we can hide in plain sight so we can be less aware the haters in society.  

no, I completely disagree with your statement that we can hide being gay. as a gay man I have the cracked bones and black eyes and anxiety disorders not from complete stranger picking me out at a distance but from my own father who terrorized me most of my childhood to the day I left for university bedistant being disgusting faggot was apparent to him.  so no I don't agree that we can just hide. it is that assumption that gets perpetuated day after day after day and I'm sick of hearing it.  every gay kid that went to school and was taunted by bullies knows that you can't pretend or hide. to have another to say that and continue that false view and try and convince everyone else of that truth is as complicit in my black eye as the nextdoor neighbor that wouldn't call the police on my father when asked.

to have people who call you their best friend one day and then because they want to be cool and part of the in crowd suddenly start bullying you is not something any child should have happen ... and this wasn't some 5 year old but a high school aged person youve known your entire childhood. hate is everywhere and it easy to incite and hard to change but needs to be called out in all its forms. do racial minorities have these challenges ... most certainly they do and that not what I'm saying - the power systems of all the political flavors are partsaying my fond of using race to point out the superiority of one race over another its the lowest hanging fruit, genders next and then it the gays ... but when I say low hanging fruit I'm not talking apples ... I'm talking the tomatoes grown in a waist high steel cage ... and there are rows and rows and rows of us being plucked.  no one is immune just because of the colour of their skin.  all people around the globe are just as likely to be the other in one area and in the position of power in another. we are all fodder for hate because we are all visible. the sooner we see the the better it will be to making the reforms we neare ultimately work for everyone regardless of who or what they ar. 

the "isms" of our character only need 3 things to take root: a power differential between the us and the thems with systems in place to exert the control, people willing to look the other way and do nothing even in the face of the inhumanity and economic/moral or social disparity/insecurity so that those in power have concrete reasons to set us others apart.  

i am disgusted by what I see and hear and it makes me fearful of our chances to set things right. each and everyone of us sees their complicity in the racial unrest gripping our lives. black do it to each other, whites do it as well to other whites and yes most certainly whites do it blacks - its easy to do because we are all others to everyone and those in power have rigged the systems to make the control ethier to achieve when the others do it to themselves and its people like trump who know exactly wha they system needs to keep us all at each other's throats... the middle class is shrinking and the rich are richesystem more than ever ... here in the West its the billionaires and trillionaires that make sure that the poor population grows, we all know who they are ... how many are frightened old men hunkered down in their bunkers or mansions, what's the racial, gender, religious  and sexual orientation breakdown of these old white str8 men? ... In Asia?  in Africa? in Latin America?  exactly the same but just different  ... its about control and keeping it and all we have to do is do nothing except point and say my pain is worse than yours ... those in power get to change rules or playing fiplaying an economic circumstance here and there and that crisis they saw coming suddenly is now crisis for all the rest of us.


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1 hour ago, twstdpigboy said:

no, I completely disagree with your statement that we can hide being gay. as a gay man I have the cracked bones and black eyes and anxiety disorders not from complete stranger picking me out at a distance but from my own father who terrorized me most of my childhood to the day I left for university bedistant being disgusting faggot was apparent to him.  so no I don't agree that we can just hide. it is that assumption that gets perpetuated day after day after day and I'm sick of hearing it.  every gay kid that went to school and was taunted by bullies knows that you can't pretend or hide. to have another to say that and continue that false view and try and convince everyone else of that truth is as complicit in my black eye as the nextdoor neighbor that wouldn't call the police on my father when asked.


 i am sorry that you were abused for being gay, that's awful, and i am sorry you suffered through that.

Please do not misunderstand me, i'm not saying one should hide being gay, but i was a kid who did it, so i know it can be done.  i had bullies in my life till i was 13 and learned how to hide those things that identified me, the proverbial closet.  For me it was a survival mechanism.  my point was to contrast how white gay people are not immediately visually obvious as "gay."  i have to come out continually at work, and i wonder that people cannot tell by looking at me because i think i am obvious. Just this week a woman at work asked me out on a date (left a note in my mail box). i said to a different employee next to me as i read the note: "hmm, she must not realize im gay."  The woman next to me looked at me in surprise and said "you're gay?"  

my point is to say (and maybe i could have said it better) not all gay people are obviously gay just by looking at them as are black people.  Gay people do not get pulled over driving their cars like black people because of profiling.  Race is different from being gay. A black person cannot visually hide their race, a gay person is not automatically visually obviously gay, thus the term  "can hide."  

i still think "race play" is destructive. i don't see myself changing on that.  The reason i don't think it should be part of the gay community is because i think most of us should know better, for many of the reasons you state. I.e., i've suffered plenty for being gay, and i know many gays who have. Just for being gay. i do not think we should be "playing' about something that has caused so much harm and destruction.  


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