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Each day was passing as a dark blur for Jason as he struggled to come to terms with what had happened that night. He couldn't remember most of it, he didn't want to. However he could still see the disgusting homeless man, naked and riding his hard cock, whenever he closed his eyes he could see the face and hands grabbing for him, and in the dark he was still so scared hands would grab at him.


His girl had popped over a few times, mainly to shout about having left her in the club, and bang on about him not returning her calls and messages. He couldn't speak to her, hell he could barely look at her. He was an empty shell, breaking apart, and that was far too much effort for her to be dealing with. He couldn't recall the words used but it was clear when the door slammed behind her, she wouldn't be coming back.


As the days crept on, he was finding it more and more painful to piss. Taking down his boxers he would often have to unstick the fabric from his cock, and he had to push his piss out causing a deep burning sensation. It was becoming agonising, that and every time he tried to take a shit it felt like he was pushing out shards of glass.


Jason couldn't go to his doctors about this. The doctor was a family friend and he had been in enough family conversations to know that doctor patient confidentiality was bullshit. So he knew he would have to find some other clinic nearby. Searching the net he found a few results for walk ins but they were all private and he couldn't afford it. His attention was then drawn to the card he had found in his trackies. It was a doctors clinic. He checked the website and it seemed pretty fancy and professional located only a few tube stops away from his place. It was a private clinic but it also offered free treatment for training students as it was used as a teaching establishment. This could work and Jason hoped it was a sign of a change of luck, hopefully he could start getting past this nightmare.



Two days later Jason managed to make his way into the clinic limping through into a reception waiting area. Wearing a white polo, black cap and loose black trackies, he was trying to avoid brushing his dick against any material as it was burning most of the time now and with a squeeze he could practically milk out a nasty discharge. He walked up to the reception and waited to be called by one of the two men sat behind the desk.


As he sat down in the chair, a very tired and bored young man began asking him basic questions; was this his first visit, first name, last name, date of birth, was he willing to be part of the teaching program. Jason mumbled his way through anxiously adjusting his cap as the questions began to get more personal and louder as the waiting room seemed to get quieter.


Gay or Straight?” asked the man sat staring into his computer screen.


Straight” replied Jason


Who did you last have sexual contact with?”


erm what?” Jason responded


Who did you last fuck? Easy enough right?”


Erm I dont know, look does that matter?” asked Jason.


Well that all depends, why are you here today?” snapped the man.


I just need a doctor to look at my... erm... my penis” Jason awkwardly said as his face started to blush.


Oh and why is that, whats wrong?”


I think its infected or something” Jason said.


Sure well everyone thinks they are some sort of doctor, self diagnosed no doubt. Ok I need to see before I carry on. Stand up and drop your trousers and pants please”. The man turned his attention to Jason in expectation. “Well come on stand up and get it out”.


What here?” Jason asked baffled. “Cant I go to a room or just let a doctor see it”

Listen mate. We are all professionals here, we see his sort of shit everyday, little chavs boy who want to get in a room and stock up on party favours. So before you go anywhere get your dick out and lets see you are telling the truth”


Jason wanted to get up and leave. But this was agony. His dick was burning all the time and he didnt know what else he could do. His face a deep shade of red he looked to the floor and slowly lowered his trackies revealing his cock and balls.


The receptionist scooted up off his chair and leaned over the desk grabbing Jasons dick between two bare fingers and gave it a squeeze. A creamy discharge began juicing out of Jason's encrusted piss slit as he breath caught in his throat. “Yeah ok I'll give you that, that looks pretty nasty” said the receptionist as he ran his finger over the slit gather up a dollop of the discharge on his finger. He sat back into his chair and took a sniff. “Yeah thats pretty nasty. Anything else bothering you or just the cock”


Erm..” Jason mumbled to the floor “my bum hurts”.


You what? Gonna have to speak a little louder, what hurts?”


My arse hole, it hurts, something's wrong and it hurts to shit alright” Jason sad crossly, as his humiliation unfolding began to become to much.


Turn round and bend over then lets see”


Jason allowed his trackies to drop further down as he turned around and bent over slowly pulling his cheeks apart and allowing his sore swollen hole to gently open. Doing so he could see faces of waiting patients all smirking at his situation. All men, all dirty pervs no doubt, in fact he could even see one or two adjusting the bulges as he realised he was basically showing off his arse in the middle of the room for all to see.


Snapping him back to attention he suddenly whinced as he felt a finger being jabbed inside him. Bolting upright he turned around and quickly grabbed at his trackies pulling them up at a rush. The receptionist was staring at him smelling the same finger he had just been rubbing over his dick and no doubt had just pushed up inside his arse. 'Wait', Jason though, 'Should't he be wearing gloves or something'.


The receptionist coldly spoke “I thought you said you were straight?”


I am” Jason muttered.


A hole that ruined, you ain't straight. Unless some chick was fucking you with a big fat strap on, but plastic doesn't give you what you've got dirty boy”


Jason stumbled not knowing what to do, where to go or where to look. It felt like the entire room was looking at him and in truth it was.


Anyway go sit down and wait for a doctor to call you in, theres seats here in front of me or you can go round the corner for some more privacy”


Jason quickly scuttled round the corner to avoid any of the eyes. As he turned the corner he saw a few empty seats and sat two seats down from two other patients. They seemed to be chatting quietly and casually together which suited Jason as he just wanted to be alone. He grabbed one of the magazines off the table and began to flick through it as a means to escape this hell he was in. Flicking through the pages he could just see more and more muscled hairy men, dressed in leather in more and more revealing poses. Jason flicked to the front cover of the magazine and realised he had grabbed some sort of dirty porn mag. He threw it back onto the table looking for another but realised it was all porn.


An odd sound drew his attention and as he looked up he saw that one of the two guys had pulled his trousers down and was getting head off the other. His head thrown back he was softly moaning and the other guy was slurping up and down getting the head wetter and wetter.


Don't draw too much attention” muttered the guy as he lifted his new friend's head off his dick, lifted him up, exposed his arse by pulling down his trousers and sitting him straight down on his hard dick.


Oh come on, no one really minds here” said the bottom as he slowly shifted his weight up and down with a carefree ease as he smiled at Jason and gave him a wink. “Enjoying the show mate?”


Jason's mouth hung open. What the fuck was going on, this was a hospital right? What was going on.


JASON” came a loud voice from around the corner. “JASON?”


There was a loud audible sigh from the owner of the voice, but Jason hadn't registered still in shock as he was watching two men fuck openly in public right in front of him.


JASON DYLAN, 21, Infected Penis and Infected Anus!” came the frustrated shout across the clinic.


Jason immediately jumped up and ducked around the corner, to the sniggering of the various other patients.


Finally thank you for wasting all of my time this morning” said the male nurse in front of him. A stunningly handsome man, Jason felt all the more awkward knowing that this man just saw him as a leaking dick. “Right follow me please, we are in teaching room 2 down the hall here”


As Jason followed the Nurse through a distinguished looking gentleman rose to shake Jason's hand. Jason caught his eye and couldn't place him. He recognised this man but for the life of him he couldn't remember where or how. He hadnt ever seen any other doctors that he knew of.


The doctors hand took a tight grip and shook Jason, his thick arms visible under the tight white shirt. “Why yes hello boy. Glad you could make it. Now before we start if you could please disrobe and Nick if you could help him onto the examination table”


Jasons mind was in overdrive as he was frantically trying to recall where he knew this face and voice. Nick pulled his polo over his head and laid him back on the examination table. His feet where placed into metal stirrups and, he was slide down so his entire crotch and arse was on display. Nick careful placed Jason's arms into two rests and began to secure each hand in place and then each ankle. Jason briefly looked at Nick in confusion but received no acknowledgement or response. The nurse was simply performing a medical task, something he had obviously done many times and who was Jason to question it.


Right then boy” said the large Daddy doctor as he got in-between Jason's spread legs. “Lets see what damage was done shall we”.


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On 8/30/2017 at 3:20 AM, Relentlesspig said:

he knew this was just going to get worse

I know the boy's idea of "worse" is becoming that feeling just after riding that most awesome roller-coaster:       DADDY PLEASE i WANNA RIDE IT AGAIN!  *** Relentlesspig: great story!


Jason was desperately trying to place the mans face as the doctor got between his legs and started to man handle his penis.


The doctor rubbed and pull the cock between his rough fingers trying to pry apart the piss slit but finding it sticky. “Hmmm well there is definitely an infection here. He squeezed Jason's dick and made some discharge apart collecting it on his finger. Bringing it up to his nose he sniffed


Hmmm this is a pretty nasty strain whatever it is. Looks and smells like Gonorrhea right Nick?” He proffered his finger across to the nurse Nick who looked at the discharge and also leaned in to sniff.


Yes I would agree Doctor. The colour, texture and smell definitely has all the same characteristics”


Take a closer look young Jason” the Doctor thrust his hand close towards Jasons face now who tried to buck his head back as the doctor moved his finger closer and closer. “Take a deep whiff, have you been noticing this smell a lot. Now Gonorrhea can infect any warm wet areas, have you had any throat pain recently?” The doctor moved his hands to Jasons mouth and squeezed his jaw open. The doctors bare fingers dived into Jasons mouth and he could feel the doctor rubbing around his gums and tongue.


Hmmm I wonder...” mused the doctor as he pushed two fingers down the back of Jasons throat. Jason could taste the disharge on the doctors finger sliding around inside his mouth and as the Doctor pushed his fingers deep down the back of Jasons throat he found no choice but to swallow. “Well there is definitely something down there too” I'll have to explore that later”.


The Doctor took his fingers out of Jasons mouth and turned around to drag over a small stool which he sat on.


Well Nick it looks like we have a perfect patient here to help with the students. I believe they are currently in examination room 6 would you like to bring them through”


Nick turned and left the room as Jason, still restrained on the examination chair, sat in slight disbelief at what was happening.


Sorry...?” Jason croaked from his man handled throat, “...students?”


Yes Jason, this is a teaching hospital and you signed a release allowing our students and staff to use you for teaching purposes. Don't worry this is a place of medicine, you are in the best hands for the care you need”


Doctor, something happened to me” Jason sighed, as tears began to gather in his eyes. “I... I think... I was raped and I don't know what to do”.


Well Jason that does sound like quite a statement. But I mean you seem like a strong capable lad to me, so I have to wonder if this sort allegation you are making is true, how did it happen? where were you? Why did you not try to stop it?”


I... I don't know? I don't know what happened, its just, theres so much I don't remember. My head is such a mess, even you look familiar to me and I don't know why”


The Doctor leaned got between Jason's legs, leaned over and down in Jason's face “Well Jason's thats a very accusatory thing to say. Do you think I raped you? Here I am helping you and youre accusing me of raping you?”


No no you got me wrong thats not what I mean” Jason said crying more as he struggled in the examination chair.


Well I am not in any habit of raping young men, rape is for the unwilling and I always make sure the men I fuck want it”


Jason's eyes bulged for a second when the door opened and in walked a large group of male students in white coat, led by the nurse Nick.


The Doctors voice changed back into a professional tone as he encouraged the group around Jason.


Gentlemen yes welcome. What we have here is a young male patient who has come in today claiming to have been raped and yet we have found a very aggressive looking strain of Gonorrhea in his penis suggesting that he must have put his dick somewhere pretty infected already”.


Jason tried to splutter some protests but The Doctor continued louder.


First we need to see if the infection has gotten into the patients bladder so we will need to insert a catheter , now his penis is quite gummed up so this may be uncomfortable. Nick would you mind?”


Behind Jasons head, Nick appeared with a large spherical object and pushed the cold metal object into Jasons mouth. He then pulled on two restraints attached to the ball pulling it back hard into Jason's mouth and restricting his ability to open his mouth or close it. He tried to shout and cry but all that came out was a loud muffled moan. Still tied to the examination chair he was vulnerable and unable to stop the medical staff as they gathered round to watch the procedure up close.


The Doctor gripped Jason's cock tightly and began to crudely shove the catheter tube into Jason's piss slit. High pitched squeals came from the gagged Jason, but fell on deaf ears.


Well this isnt working well as the urethra is too gummed and the penis too soft, so in circumstances like this it is good to get the patient aroused to help stiffen the passage and allows an easier entry” The doctor reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a syringe which he proceeded to stick into Jason's cock pushing the plunger and administering the dosage.


Now as that caverject gets to work I want us to examine the lads anus.”


The Doctor stood from his chair and began manipulating levers on the examination chair which raised it, lowered Jason's head and raised his arse up so his hole was spread and at waist height.


The Doctor pushed two fingers into the tight swollen hole and pulled apart. “Now listen to that sound. Get close and listen” he began open and closing the hole, pulling the hole apart harder and faster to the sound of Jasons sobbing below. “Now that cracking sound you can hear is another telling sign of infection in there, thats dried discharge breaking apart as I manipulate his rectum.


We need to explore this hole deeper and see how bad this is, Nick could you one of the students administer two dosages into the patient please, we need to get this boy nice and relaxed and loose.”


Nick moved to a drawer and pulled out two loaded syringes from, Jasons caught a glimpse of the liquid inside which appeared to have some red tinge floating around inside it.


Dont worry” said Nick “These were made up today with help from some of our other patients.” then as he and the male nurse took an arm each they wrapped tourniquets and then both pushed the needles into Jasons veins, pulled back mixed Jasons own blood with the concoction, and then pushed the dirty loads of crystal meth into him, pulling off the tourniquets and watching Jasons body shudder in exhilaration.


Jason's mind began to fly away as the massive chemical boost burned its way through his veins however he caught the last of the Doctors voice as he began to drift off and away


Right then gentlemen, its time to explore this cunt and see how much damage was done, its also a great opportunity to show you how deep this little rabbit's hole can go” as he began to place pressure onto Jasons hole which felt as if it was enveloping the Doctors big bare hand.

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This story is so fucking HOT!!!  Would LOVE to be part of a raunchy PIG scene like that!  Would love to play with HVL or full blown aids toxic PIGS!!!  Share seed, rigs, piss, fist holes, etc.

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I've hooked up with a party in progress, and after I got up to speed (pun intended) with a .6 slam, I noticed one of the guys there was a local homeless schizophrenic who happened to have a 11.5" uncut cock with lots of foreskin, and when I pulled back the hood, lots of cheese, dried shit, and green ooze was fucking pouring out of the piss slit.  I think I said louder than I thought 'fucking hot diseased cock dude' and the hose came over, he had been sounding his cock.  He said wait a second, came back with a large rig, and slammed the homeless dude in the cock, me  well (my third!) and then himself, same rig.  He pulled the sound out of his piss slit and put it down the homeless dudes piss slit.  He screamed a bit, so we put him on his back and I sat my ass on his umbling/screaming mouth.  I was watching the sound go all the way in, and the host pulled it out and put some lube squirted down my piss slit and shoved the sound in my piss slit.  

Yes, I got gono and a urinary tract infection, but when my cock was dripping green, I was going to the cruisy park late at night and I got my cock into as many assholes as possible.  Surprisingly, a few guys after sucking me whispered 'I know what that taste is' but still put it down their throat.  

To give you an idea just how depraved some gay men are (guilty) I was on BBRT checking messages, my cock was aching, I had an appointment with the free clinic the next day, when I got a message from a guy who wanted to hook up with me for a while.  I told him that it may not be in his interest as I had STDs on my cock and asshole.  He said 'HOT' come over, I'll G up my BF and when he takes his Xanax and Ambien, you can fuck him and give it to him.'  I asked why he wanted to do that, and he said we're in a 'monogamous' relationship, or at least he is, and if he develops goon and HIV I can tell him that he obviously had been cheating, and say let's just open up the relationship.  His plan worked, but the BF left town a few months later for a different job.  Seeing as the BF never put up much of a fight about the 'obviously cheating' it was apparent he had been cheating as well.

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As Jason's mind fell into darkness his semi unconscious body remained fixed on the examination chair surrounded by the group of student doctors and the Daddy doctor slowly pressing his fist up into his widening hole.


As you can see” said the Doctor “This patient's anus has had some significant stretching, no doubt under the influence of various party drugs. This lowers inhibitions and also loosens the muscle tension in the body somewhat which means that the anus is more able to stretch and accommodate large masses”.


As the student nurses studiously watched, the Doctor gave a hard push and worked his knuckles past Jason's swollen lips which began sucking round the wrist and gave the impression of swallowing and sucking the arm in deeper. The doctor held his hand in place and flexed his fingers inside Jason's pig cunt.


Now I want you to watch closely as this will indicate just how damaged the anal passage has become” The doctor began to work the hand deeper inside Jason working up his forearm. “Yes this is quite significant” he mused loudly. “I can now feel his second rectum in fact and it also feels inflamed and has been penetrated.”


The doctor began to pull his arm out slowly ensuring to pull Jason's pussy lips out as wide as possible, Keeping his fist clenched he yanked his hand free and quickly grabbed the swollen rosebud.


Right now quickly look here” he said to the gathering team “We can see here that there is tearing to the lining and signs of infection already. He began to squeeze and scratch at the swollen sores on the puffy lips, digging in and drawing blood. “A healthy anus shouldn't tear this easily, and this patient has definitely seen some action.” nonchalantly the doctor began wiping his hand and forearm on Jason's restrained leg, leaving dirty juices across his pearly white skin.


Now then while I examine the patients throat, I want each of you to work your hand up inside the hole here and feel the second rectum, I want you to explore the inside and feel for the damage and get a better understanding”.


As one of the students moved between Jason's legs rolling up his work coat sleeve, the doctor moved around to Jason's upturned face. “Right lets have a closer look shall we”.


Taking the head in his hands he noticed a slight moment of reaction from Jason before his eyes rolled back into his skull. He opened Jasons mouth and pushed his fingers deep inside moving right to the back of Jason's throat exploring flexing his two fingers, the doctor watched gleefully as he watched Jasons neck bulge as he scratched away, feeling for sores, lumps and bumps.


He removed his fingers from the unconscious mouth and examined them, calling the nurse Nick to attend. “Well Nick I cant really see any significant discharge here. Could you please prep a longer dip stick”.


Yes of course Doctor” replied Nick as he pushed down the front of his medical scrubs and pulled out a incredibly large and thick soft penis. Even soft it measured over 10 inches and grew a further 5 inches when erect. A beautiful thick skin draped over the head tapering to a pinch which Nick began to move back and forth slowly working himself up to a full erection. As his penis began to thicken and lengthen, the foreskin pulled back revealing a thick metal ring pierced through his cock head which was covered in a pungent cheese, slowly greasing his cock as his foreskin rubbed back and forth.


Now Nick if you can work that down our patients throat here that would be helpful to understand the extent of any infection” The doctor turned his attention back to the students briefly “and how are you doing down there?”


One of the students who was wiping himself clean on Jasons skin spoke up “Yes Doctor its fascinating and much space there is there, and may of us have been able to push up past that second rectum as well which appears to be getting looser, perhaps suggesting further damage inside?” The Doctor smiled as he watched one of the students baffled as he was up past his elbow already. “Carry on then please I will appreciate hearing your thoughts later”.


Turning back to Nick he watched as Nick expertly pushed his cock head past the patient's lips, hitched himself on his tip toes and then began to slowly work his dirty meat down the back of the throat inch by inch. Nick squeezed the nose of Jason as he pushed forward and began widening the throat with his thick head. The patient began to convulse slightly so Nick withdrew slightly giving time for the body to automatically breath before pushing back in, back and forth each time loosening the throat and causing it to relax allowing for further entry.


Permission to speak openly Doctor” said Nick as he continued to move his dick back and forth causing the patients throat to bulge obscenely back and forth.


yes of course, you know I respect your opinions Nick” replied the doctor


Well this patient stated he was straight on his medical forms, but non of our straight patients have ever been able to swallow as much as this slut.” Nick's tone was becoming more aggressive as he was picking up the pace of his thrusts, plunging his cock further and bashing his balls against Jason's upturned face. “It's clear he has lied on his form and I worry about what else he has lied about. He is wasting our time and frankly we could be helping other more deserving patients”.


Now Nick you know we help a lot of people in a lot of different circumstances and we need to respect those circumstances. Helping the unfortunate is what we do. Right that should be enough lets see the results.”


Nick pulled his hard cock out of Jason's throat without mercy smashing his thick cock ring across his teeth and chipping one of his front teeth. “Whoops” Nick said as he rolled his eyes.


The Doctor sighed at Nick's childish actions then kneeled down to examine the cock. “Right I can see a lot of blood here and there is definitely signs of mucas around the piercing and under the foreskin” The Doctor took the flared head into his mouth and sucked causing Nick to release a moan of delight. “Yes that is definitely an infection and it must be all the way down his throat too”.


Right then” said the doctor as he stood up and straightened himself. “So his anus and throat are infected, its now time to check his penis and testicles”.


The male student pulled his hand from the patients anus and stood backing away so that the Doctor could get back between Jason's legs. This hole was a distended mess, gaping wide open blooded and oozing liquid. The pearly white skin was smeared with various streaks of colours having been used to wipe clean the various arms that had been inside him.


Well now the caverject has taken hold the patients cock is sufficient enough to insert a catheter. Taking hold of the plastic tube the doctor sucked on the end to assist in lubrication and then pushed hard through the thick crust around the urethra and worked the tube deep into Jason's bladder.


Attaching a bag to the end the doctor opened the value and allowed the urine in the bladder to collect in the bag, before closing it and lifting the bag up into the light. “Right gather round here. You can see that this urine is obviously a terrible colour, there is blood there as well along with traces of discharge there as well, so yes as expected this patient appears quite riddled”. Opening the value again the doctor raised the bag and allowed the infected urine to work its way back down the catheter and into the patients bladder before closing the value again.


Dropping the bag on Jasons body the Doctor then grabbed his testicles and began squeezing them between his fingers. “Now this patient has a naturally smooth body as you can see but the problem with testicles is that because the skin of the scrotum is so gather it can be hard to examine properly. We can feel the testicles which feel relatively normal, but to get a full view we will need to stretch the scrotum to examine for any signs of tearing or concern.”


Knowing the standard procedure Nick wheeled over the saline injection and roughly pushed a thick needle into Jason's ball sack placing a one litre bag up on a metal hook ensuring the saline would slowly fill and enlarge the scrotum for further examination.


Right this will take some and the patient is likely to be out for a little longer so lets see another patient and come back later to continue the study”.


As the Doctor and the team of student left the room, Nick closed the door and doubled back. Looking at Jason with contempt he punched his hand deep into Jasons sagging hole and pulled out a sloppy mess which he proceeded to smear over Jason's unconscious face. “Fucking time waster, so obviously a whore who got more than he was asking for” muttered Nick. He grabbed a second litre bag of saline and hooked it up pushing a second needle into the expanding scrotum. He then grabbed a second injection of caverject and shoved the needle hard into the already solid cock and pushed a second large dose in. “If youre going to be a patient lets get you really fucked up you little shit”.


And with that Nick left the room turning off the lights, leaving Jason's medically tortured body in the cold and dark while he slowly regained consciousness.  

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Fuck yeah, make Jason into a lab experiment! Shave, pierce and tattoo him. Modify his diseased cock and sack, then use him to infect and ruin his friends too!

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Why on earth all the party guys in chem fictions were all depicted as evils and dirty low life creatures that aimed at spreading diseases and hurting innocent guys? Why so many audience cheer on such stories as hot? Are we the pnp community really all bad people just like the hunted witch that the society looks down upon? 

Is it true that nobody in pnp community ever experienced anything or anyone nice? 

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