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How many people here have been bullied by one of the moderators?

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  On 10/1/2022 at 10:38 PM, hntnhole said:

Hear Hear.  I have respect for them putting up with as much as they do.


I used to be a moderator on a site that no longer exists. My "pay" for 30+ hours of work each week on top of my real job? A free paid membership, which amounted to $30 a year. And for that I got to deal with lots of special snowflakes who thought they were the only special snowflake and therefore the rules shouldn't apply to them. 🙄

I'm sure I got called a bully more than once. And whenever someone complained about an action I had taken, I directed them to the site owner as, more often than not, I was just enforcing the rules the site owner had set. I was never told to undo an action I had taken, but might've been told, "I would've handled that differently." I tried to apply the rules consistently. But I'm human and have no delusion that I was 100% successful.

Threads here go much further afield than would've been allowed on the forum I helped to moderate. We didn't have a points system, but all of the mods knew who the troublemakers were, and their misdeeds were tracked. When the line was crossed one time too many, that person was banned. We even had a Banned Members thread that only Global Moderators could post in because they were the only ones who could ban a member. Easily 75% of the posts were related to banning new accounts of members who had already been banned and not the banning of new people. (Another 10-15% were related to members who asked that their account be deactivated. So we really weren't banning that many people for infractions.)

I have no idea what, or even if, the mods here get paid. But I DO know it's probably nowhere near enough for what they have to put up with! Having been a moderator, I give props to anyone who takes the time out of their lives to help out. And, because I have walked many miles in their shoes, I try not to cause them any additional grief, and I try not to second guess their actions.

And one more thing before I end. On every forum I have seen, once one becomes a Moderator, there is no way to post as an individual contributor. Anything JonTheSexGod the Moderator does as JonTheSexGod the individual contributor shows as a Moderator post or action even though it may not have been intended to be that.

My suggestion to anyone who wants to complain about the mods on this, or any, forum is to grant them some grace and assume that they are acting with the best of intentions, even if you don't agree with whatever they did.

  • Upvote 3

I wouldn't say bullied, but often wonder about their decisions.  I've been banned more than my fair share.  Often for posting in a wrong area.  Rathering banning people, it seems MUCH more fair to simply move the post to an appropriate area like the backroom.

In addition, if you THINK something might be "wrong" with your post, contact a mod and ask them!  I recently had this experience, and as posts can't be modified, I asked a mod to edit for me, which they did.  

  On 10/2/2022 at 2:28 AM, tighthole64 said:

I wouldn't say bullied, but often wonder about their decisions.  I've been banned more than my fair share.  Often for posting in a wrong area.  Rathering banning people, it seems MUCH more fair to simply move the post to an appropriate area like the backroom.

In addition, if you THINK something might be "wrong" with your post, contact a mod and ask them!  I recently had this experience, and as posts can't be modified, I asked a mod to edit for me, which they did.  


For what it's worth: banning is permanent. One can't be banned multiple times because once one is banned, one is banned. That's something that only happens after a number of lesser infractions, or a major one that shows one is not going to be a well-behaved member, period.

You may have been suspended (barred from contributing for a set period) more than once. Certain types of infractions (like accidentally posting in the wrong area) don't usually generate suspensions (the moderator will move the post to the correct area), though deliberately posting in the wrong area after it's been pointed out what the correct area is probably *will* earn a suspension. Things like attacking other members (as opposed to debating their viewpoints) will also usually merit a suspension.

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  On 10/2/2022 at 8:40 AM, BootmanLA said:

For what it's worth: banning is permanent. One can't be banned multiple times because once one is banned, one is banned. That's something that only happens after a number of lesser infractions, or a major one that shows one is not going to be a well-behaved member.....


Correct!  Sorry long day at work and poor choice of words.

  On 10/2/2022 at 8:40 AM, BootmanLA said:

(like accidentally posting in the wrong area)


One more thing:  I can't remember what the subject matter was, but there was a post I wanted to make, so all I did was ask one of them before posting it.  Got the reply of where it should go, and did that.  Easy as pie, and no issues at all. 

It's not that tough to do it right.  

  • Upvote 2

We must remember that we're not in our own house, we're in a community given us for free by someone else who can decide what can, or cannot, be done. 

I remained impressed by the passion Rawtop used to explain why "AIDS fetish" is not allowed; before thinking of our own assumed pleasure only, we should respect people who live different experiences from ours. Here we have people born in the 90s or later, lucky not to have experienced the worst of AIDS pandemic. People like me, who lived it indirectly, people who lost dozens friends... 

If someone does not accept the rules they should build their own communities with their own ideas, rules, and efforts to keep it intact and alive. 

Even remembering though, that Internet is not a "free zone" with no rules even if it seems such. It's just too big to be kept under constant control, and overall, around the globe they use algorythms who can also block us. 

Once I wrote a blog post regarding a song's meaning, reporting some words having 2 but also 3 meanings... in a Blogspot page. And the author blocked me because it was not "child-ready" it contained explicit words and Google de-indexed the page, demonetizing it also from AdSense. I follow "true crime" channels on YouTube and every second day, the poor content creators announce "sorry my vid has been classified as No Under Eighteen" and so on! 

If it's frustrating for us, try to think for a video creator... But same: we're not in our very own space! 

  • Upvote 1

I don’t know about others, but I didn’t have a gun to my head when I joined BZ.


I realize I’m blind, but I don’t believe anyone is standing near me at this time with a gun pointed at me.


If I don’t like it here, I could go start my own site called “BreedingCorner” or “Cumzone.”


You aren’t held hostage and being made to stay here.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
  On 9/2/2022 at 6:21 PM, BoyStrangler said:

Some of you may have noticed some of the moderators really get off on throwing their weight around. The worst one being viking8x6.


Yes, I agree with what you've said. Viking8x6 downvoted me twice unnecessarily so I simply ignored the downvote. When you're dealing with an idiot it's a waste of time to try reasoning with "it"; it simply won't get you anywhere. Downvoting is probably the only thing that gets him off - pretty sad.

Edited by hotpussyboy
  On 10/2/2022 at 3:54 PM, hntnhole said:

One more thing:  I can't remember what the subject matter was, but there was a post I wanted to make, so all I did was ask one of them before posting it.  Got the reply of where it should go, and did that.  Easy as pie, and no issues at all. 

It's not that tough to do it right.  


One thing, though, to be fair to newbies: New members can't send private messages to anyone (I'm assuming including moderators), and as such, there's really no way to ask for them. Perhaps a workaround could be a pinned folder in the Tips Forum titled "Where should I post...." with a first post that explains the layout of the forum, and allows members to post questions like "Where can I post about looking for X" or "What's the best place to discuss Y".

  • Upvote 1

I have never once been bullied by a moderator here.  I did receive an infraction for my own goof up when I failed to take the time to make sure the topic I was replying to was in the back room.  I felt pretty stupid at that.  Glad I've gone a long time without an infraction and yet glad for the reminder.  I was getting a bit careless.

  • Moderators
  On 10/2/2022 at 9:21 PM, BootmanLA said:

Perhaps a workaround could be a pinned folder in the Tips Forum titled "Where should I post...." with a first post that explains the layout of the forum


Yes. Something like the first section of this topic (in the General forum):



Yes - my thought, though, is if the title of a thread were actually "Where should I post...." instead of the very generic "Read this before you post" (which, honestly, comes across like those software licensing agreements that we all skip and click "Agree" to), people might find that information more quickly.

The fact that it exists doesn't equate to the information being easy to find.

  • Upvote 1

I have never found the rule or intention hard to follow here on BZ.  I really don't think there is anything that needs fixing.  I like for example that there is an acknowledgement that comes with an infraction.  It assures the member (like me today) who made a mistake understands it.  

I have a difficult time believing that any mod here is bullying anyone.  

It is an unfortunate habit many have followed to treat any text as a "blah blah blah" bunch of junk.  Context helps as well.  We the consumers of BreedingZone are not under a financial contract; post or certain way or we're exposed to financial ruin.  So to the degree we choose to ignore instructions, I really don't see how we're harmed or penalized in any significant way.  Maybe I am just weird.  I actually read my insurance policies cover to cover.  It is worth understanding what I am paying for.  It saddens me how many I know who didn't read and then some event happens and they're shocked that they were not covered.  For example, most policies have limits above stated limits to account for additional costs to rebuild.  Post covid rebuilding costs have sky rocketed.  But I am one of the few clients of my insurance agent who contacted them once the actual costs of a rebuild rose above my policy limits.  

To bring this back to this topic, not reading the rules and then getting angry because one didn't isn't an excuse.  rawTOP nor any of the mods nor the modlike members like BootmanLA should feel compelled to change anything.  It's perfectly fine the way it is.  

But then, that's just my opinion...  

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