J-raw Posted April 2, 2023 Report Posted April 2, 2023 So glad you continued this story and Austin's transformation.
infinite290 Posted April 2, 2023 Report Posted April 2, 2023 brilliantly, seductively erotic, edged a chunk of time to it.
Beastboy42 Posted April 3, 2023 Report Posted April 3, 2023 On 1/11/2023 at 9:25 PM, Heir2012 said: New story. I'll be releasing 2 parts. I might write more if enough men like it. Hope it isn't going too dark. Maybe you'll want it to go darker. Let me know. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 1 Some may say that what I do is wrong. Some may say it’s unethical. Some may say it twists the laws of nature unnaturally. They’d be right. That doesn’t mean I’ll stop. I stood at the bar of Club Baridos, drinking a beer, watching as a hoard of college students danced. It was spring break, and every year there was an influx of uninhibited kids looking for a good time. Busses shuttled them here from all over the country, sometimes all over the globe. We had alcohol, drugs, sex. There wasn’t anything else they could want, meaning we attracted thousands at a time. This was good for me because I liked having a selection. I originally stopped at the club to pass along some “contraband” to the owner, a friend who often tipped me off to suggestible young men looking for a “daddy” to take control for a few hours. I wasn’t for hire. I just had an insatiable need to fuck. At this time in my life, money meant little. The contraband was just for fun. The only need I had was to have my bare cock buried deep in a man’s ass. I’d already fucked a student that morning, a young man from UCLA, a Junior studying business. I think his name was Keith. I didn’t ask what he studied or where he went. I also didn’t want to know his name. He told me all of this because he had gotten nervous once I got him back to my place. Clearly, he had been new to the whole “bottom” thing. He wasn’t new anymore. I broke him in like a pro. I also made sure he left with a parting gift. He had been a good fuck, even if his talents hadn’t developed yet. Still, there’s nothing like slamming your dick so far up into a man’s body that their eyes roll back, their heads contort backwards, every muscle and vein in their neck straining as they try to breathe. Their hands grasp at either the sheets or my arms which hold them down. For most, their dicks, which I make sure are left untouched, are rock hard and shooting cum along their stomachs. If I’ve done a very good job, they’re shooting up to their chins, sometimes shooting into their mouths which are open in silent screams of ecstasy. Even with that morning fuck, I was ready for more. I turned away from the crowd in the club and looked into a mirror mounted on the wall. I lifted the tight sleeve of my left arm and could see the faint markings of my biohazard tattoo. In dim lighting, it was almost unnoticeable. When I’m fucking a chaser, I don’t mind if it’s seen. Most of the time, that’s when the tattoo is at its darkest. For now, it was fairly faded, proving my dick had been doing its job well. One more fuck and it would be absent for nearly a year, their time now mine. These “innocent” lives used to give me more time, my tattoo fading for years at a time, their expected years left lasting only a fraction of what they used to now. Times had changed. My days were lessening, even when I passed them off to someone else momentarily. I never got the same amount of time for each guy. Every fuck was a gamble. Good thing I'm addicted to both fucking and gambling. Sound fucked up? It is, but that’s the kind of man I am. All I had to do now was find the guy. Whose time would be running out, becoming my own? I scanned the room, watching the dancing students, and immediately spotted a young man who was standing at the outer edge of the dancefloor, his eyes focused on the movement at the center of the club. The lights gleamed in his eyes, the neon strobes revealing a bright smile. There was stubble across his face, just enough to allude to the fact that he could grow a full beard if he wanted. His black hair was cut short on the sides and styled on top. My mind instantly imagined what it would be like to have my hands running through his hair, grabbing tight, and forcing my dick down his throat. He wore a button-down shirt with the top three buttons undone, revealing what looked to be a defined chest covered in hair. I had nothing against men who shaved, but I preferred men to look natural, rugged. These college students were at their prime, their bodies proving them to be adults while their minds were still wired to act on impulses. They were the perfect choice for me, and this young man was my selection. I made my way through the crowd, my eyes focused on him. I caught the eyes of several lusting individuals. Standing at six foot four, I’m usually the tallest in the room. My wide, strong shoulders and muscular arms take up space and attract attention. I know my greatest asset is my body, so I keep myself in shape. Having once been in the military, I found I looked good with shorter hair, and it gave me a look of dominance. I was the picture of the perfect alpha, even turning other alphas around and fucking the dominance out of them. To put it plainly, I was the definition of sexy. I was the definition of a predator. I moved myself until I was standing next to the young man, my presence unnoticed by him so far. He was distracted by those dancing, his foot tapping along with the music. “Don’t you like to dance?” I asked, making sure my voice could be heard without having to yell. He turned to me, curious to why a stranger was making conversation with him, and then smiled once he saw who was trying to gain his attention. “Not really,” he said, his voice cracking for a moment. He looked embarrassed, something which I found adorable. I also knew he would be easy to convince. “I’m surprised your girlfriend isn’t dragging you out there against your will,” I said. “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he said. “Oh, sorry.” “Actually,” he said, looking me over, as if noticing me for the first time. “I’m gay.” “I see,” I said, having already known this. It was easy to tell, at least for me. I could always tell if a man was straight, gay, bi, or whatever. Even if he were straight, it would only add a few extra minutes of convincing to get him on his back, legs up, hole open, his dick ignored. Him being gay and seeing how he kept glancing up at me, his six foot frame the perfect height to admire my chiseled features, I knew it would take little convincing to get him where I wanted him. It was where he wanted to be too, he just didn’t know it yet. “I’m amazed none of the drunk twinks have thrown themselves at your feet just to suck your dick.” His eyes grew wide at the thought, a slight smile turning his mouth. “I’m not… uhm… I’m not very good with… all that.” “All what?” I asked. I knew how I looked to this young man. I looked concerned, caring, genuinely interested in what he was saying and why. Practice makes perfect. He opened his mouth to answer, but I could tell his shyness was getting the best of him. Even though he oozed sex appeal, clearly his confidence was lacking. This was perfect for me. “What?” I asked. “Sex?” A wide grin filled his face as his cheeks grew red. “Uh, yeah. Basically.” I scoffed. “Yeah right,” I told him. “I’m sure men are throwing themselves at you all the time.” “Not really,” he said. “Well, that can’t be true,” I said. “I mean, look at you.” With my words, he started to look himself over, as if my recognition of him was presenting himself to him for the first time. “I’d take my chance asking you out if I was younger,” I said. “You know, more your type.” His smile faded a bit. “What’s my type?” “Like I said, twinks. Those thin men, youthful, hairless. The type who look as if they haven’t hit puberty yet, but are actually legal.” As I painted him a picture, I saw his face turn in disgust. It was almost too easy. “I don’t like those type of guys,” he said, making sure he made his point. “Oh really? And what kind of men do you like?” “I like,” he said, looking me over, eyes taking in every inch of my body, “you.” “Really?” I said, grinning. “Like you,” he quickly corrected, embarrassed again. “Men like you. That’s what I meant. I like men like you.” “What? Old?” “No,” he said, a bit of his confidence returning. “Older. Older than me. Thirties. Forties. How old are you?” “Older than you,” I said, winking. Though I doubt he noticed, I watched as his tongue stuck out for a brief moment, wetting his lips. “I don’t like hairless guys or scrawny guys.” “So, someone with your body type?” I asked, reaching out a hand and opening the top of his shirt a bit, looking at his strong, hairy chest. “Yeah,” he said, eyes looking down at my hand, nearly touching him but painfully apart. “But stronger. Bigger. You know, like I said. Someone like you.” I moved my hand back to my side, noticing how his body leaned toward me, trying to get closer to reclaim the space I’d taken away. “Well, I don’t know if you’ll find many men like that here,” I said, looking through the club. “But, you’re here,” he said. I looked down at him, watching as the lights gleamed in his lusting eyes. I smiled. “I am,” I said. I had him. ** My apartment wasn’t far, and the walk there was quick as I felt the anticipation of the young man growing, his pace moving us along. “What’s your name?” he asked me as we climbed the stairs to my apartment. “Hunter,” I said, smiling. If he only knew, he’d understand the irony in my name. “What’s yours?” “Austin,” he said. “Sexy name,” I told him, leading him down the hall. I opened the door and motioned him inside, watching as he crossed the point of no return. I had a nice apartment. It wasn’t too flashy, but it wasn’t a mess. I routinely had men over, so I had to make sure everything looked nice. He looked around, taking everything in. “Do you want a drink?” I asked him. “Whiskey,” he said, the word sounding almost foreign coming out of his mouth. I would have guessed that he’d only been twenty-one for a short period, and I had the feeling that he hadn’t been one to drink anything harder than beer while in high school. The excitement of being here along with the drink would send him into overdrive, delivering him into my hands easily. I made him his drink, making sure there was a considerable amount of whiskey, my own drink having less. I wanted a clear head. He drank his drink quickly, whatever nerves he was feeling quickly silenced. “Another?” I asked, sipping mine. “I’m fine,” he said, handing me the glass, eyes wide as the alcohol still burned through his system. I put our glasses down and reached out to him, grabbing his sides, pulling him closer to me. “You are fucking gorgeous,” I told him, looking down into his face, my eyes moving down to his chest. “I’m glad I got to you first before anyone else did. I probably wouldn’t have stood a chance otherwise.” His hands moved up along my chest, feeling my heartbeat beneath. He looked in my eyes and leaned forward, pushing his lips against mine. His mouth opened up for me without protest, his need for me to accept him breaking down whatever barriers he’d normally have in place. He desperately needed me to want him, unable to recognize that I had wanted him even before he’d seen me. I wrapped my arms around his body, pulling him against me, our chests pressed together, strained gasps for air adding extra force. His crotch pressed against mine, and I could feel his dick already fully hard and rubbing against my own erection. Our need to explore each other grew in intensity, his hands moving down my body and grabbing at my shirt. “Wait,” I said, breaking our kiss. I took his hand and led him down the hallway to my bedroom where I turned on the dim lights I knew would be able to hide the faded remnants of my tattoo. “That’s better.” He tried kissing me again, but I lifted a hand and rested a finger against his lips, giving him a wink. I unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my strong, muscled, hairy chest beneath, but I kept it on, my tattoo still a secret. His eyes drifted down my chest, following the thick trail of hair which continued down below my jeans. Once again, his tongue darted out, licking his lips. “Disappointed?” I asked. He looked into my eyes and shook his head. “No,” he said. “Actually, I’m worried you’ll be disappointed in me.” “That can’t be farther from the truth,” I said, stepping toward him and taking his shirt in hand, my fingers unbuttoning until his chest and abs were revealed. He too sported a trail of hair down to his pants, and I was sure with age it would thicken (would have thickened), rivaling even mine. I moved my hands beneath the shirt and over his shoulders, causing the shirt to slip off. His body was even hotter than I imagined. He clearly went to the gym, but he wasn’t overly muscular. I imagined in his future, once college was done, he’d probably add on a few pounds around his gut and become a bear-to-be. Again, this would not happen now, not once I was done with him. Instead, he was a cub, and I was ready for more. This is actually very close to a story Idea I came up with ages ago, of a person "cursed" with the need to fuck others to stay alive, each person they infect, they basically leach away their life force, Their victim going from healthy, to AIDS wasted in a matter of moments, and then left to passion the seed to others. I LOVE how you have brought this to life and only wish I had the time to have wrote my own 1
Mysteryman10 Posted August 13, 2023 Report Posted August 13, 2023 Fuck dude! Its Dorian grey taking gay youth-fabulous story!! Chapter three can't come quick enough....
aguyinthedesert Posted August 13, 2023 Report Posted August 13, 2023 Such a great story! Need more of Hunter and his victims
PozTalkAuthor Posted August 13, 2023 Report Posted August 13, 2023 20 minutes ago, aguyinthedesert said: Such a great story! Need more of Hunter and his victims Next generation of virus needed, right? 🦠☣️ 1
Heir2012 Posted August 15, 2023 Author Report Posted August 15, 2023 I am planning on continuing this series, I'm just struggling with part 4. As soon as I can, I'll get it up. Any scenarios you'd like to see? 1
billy88666 Posted August 15, 2023 Report Posted August 15, 2023 I'd like to see Austin a few years later. He's bulked up in all the right places and his toned body is shown off to the max with the beautiful tattoos that have enveloped his body. He's got into the fetish scene and is a regular at venues where the dress code is leather, rubber and PVC. He draws lustful looks from the patrons . Young skinheads, punks in leather and chains are drawn like to his incredible body like moths to a flame. He carefully scans the club for younger, shy guys like his former self. He'll go outside to have a smoke and these naive young men will follow, not knowing why they need him to notice them. Austin will pull out his pack of smokes and then fumble through his pockets looking for his lighter for a few moments before his unsuspecting victim will produce a Zippo that has sparked to life. In the flicker of the flame they make eye contact and Austin will reveal his dazzling smile and the young guy will be primed to be his next victim.... 3
Heir2012 Posted September 10, 2023 Author Report Posted September 10, 2023 Part 4 “Austen?” Mr. Fey said, backing up into the booth, clearly fearful of the position in which he found himself. “What… what are you…” “What am I doing here?” I finished for him. “I think you know.” I reached out a hand and cupped his crotch, feeling the inferior cock and balls beneath. There were small splatterings of cum around the zipper, and I hated having to touch cum that was, at that point, unchanged. “I was doing you.” “Stop,” he pressed, pushing my hand away. “You can’t do that.” “Why not?” I asked. “I just took your cock down my throat.” “Austen, no.” “And I swallowed your cum. I can still taste your DNA.” And it made me sick. “Stop talking like that,” he growled, grabbing my shoulders. Though his cock was lacking, his body made up for it. He was tall and broad-shouldered. His hands were large and strong. If Hunter had not already claimed me, this man could have taken me as his own without much of a fight. “I think you like it when I talk to you like that,” I said. I never would have talked to someone like this before Hunter. It was as if his words were filtering through me, his mind poisoning what was once pure in me. “Isn’t that why you’re here?” My hand returned to his crotch, feeling a bulge forming again. “I think it gets you hard when you hear me talk like that.” He pressed himself up against the wall, trying to look everywhere but at me. I leaned in and kissed his neck, feeling his warmth and tasting his sweat as his nerves fired off. I’d had a thing for Mr. Fey in high school. He was the perfect specimen… or he had been before Hunter. Now, he was insignificant… though he would surely make the perfect bait once he was converted, his balls churning out the toxic cum Hunter bestowed upon us. “You’re such a big man,” I said, my warm breath brushing over his neck. “Did you play football in college?” “I, uhm…” he cleared his throat, his Adam’s apple brushing against my cheek. “Yes. I did.” “And did you ever stay behind in the locker room after practice or a game?” I pressed my crotch against his, feeling his cock throb against mine. “Your body all sweaty. Your muscles heated. Your testosterone flooding every cell.” “Please,” he sighed, his voice strained as he tried to control himself. It was a losing battle. “Did you get a teammate to pull out your cock and suck you dry?” My hand ran down his chest, feeling his pounding heartbeat. “Or, was it your coach who took you?” “I… I never…” “There’s something hot about an older man overstepping and taking a younger man as his own, isn’t there?” I stared into his eyes, seeing the fear mixed with his urge to strip himself naked and fulfill every one of his fantasies. “Knowing him as someone else, as a player or a student, and then knowing him as a lover.” “I… can’t…” “But you can,” I said, our bodies pressed together. His cock had grown to its pathetic length, mine eclipsing his easily. Our hearts were beating quickly, though we were not yet syncing. “No one will ever have to know,” I told him. “I’ll never tell. I’ll go back to school after summer ends. You’ll go back to teaching young minds like mine. Who would know?” I could see in his eyes he was thinking it over. He knew me, and from the bulge in his pants, he wanted me. He also knew that he’d never have to see me again once the summer ended. I was his perfect option, his perfect fantasy. He looked deeper into my eyes, and in that moment, I wasn’t myself. I could feel Hunter looking at Mr. Fey through me, his lust for this man creating a fire inside me. “Alright,” Mr. Fey said. I had him. We left the booth and made our way through the store, the guy behind the counter winking at me as I left. Maybe I would bring him to Hunter’s side… one day. “Where should we go?” I asked him, following him to his car. “Your place?” “I can’t,” he said, his right hand moving to touch the wedding ring on his left hand. Fuck, married men are so easily broken and so easily scared. He had no idea how scared he should have been, unaware that his choice to give in to me was ruining forever the promise on his ring finger. “I know a place,” I said. “I don’t know.” “Don’t worry,” I told him. “No one will find out.” I got into his car and directed him to a small motel I knew was on the outside of town. A friend of mine used to buy weed from a guy here years ago, and, from what he told me, hardly anyone spent time here unless they were dealing or fucking. “I can’t pay for a room,” Mr. Fey said, pulling into the abandoned parking lot. “All I have is my card, and it’ll show up for my wife to see.” “Don’t worry,” I told him, reaching over and rubbing my hand along his crotch, feeling how hard his cock was over the fear of being discovered by his wife. “I’ve got it.” I got out of the car and walked to the main office, turning back once to stare into the worried eyes of my old teacher. Sure, I knew he could have changed his mind and driven away, leaving me stranded, but I knew his lust for me was killing the anxiety which was screaming for him to run. For a second I remembered my own moment when I had felt the same. I remembered standing in that club, looking up into the gorgeous face of Hunter, and knowing that I could turn and run instead of pursuing someone who I could sense was dangerous. I should have known something more had been at play, but my desire for Hunter to fuck me worked hard to rewrite the fear in my brain, silencing all voices screaming for me to save myself. I knew the same thing would be overtaking Mr. Fey, his desire to fuck a former student and to cheat on his wife silencing the voice telling him to drive off. I’d have him in the end, and Hunter would have his body and life, just as he had mine. “One room,” I told the man at the front desk. He looked at me and then out the window to where Mr. Fey was still sitting in the car. “Fifty dollars,” he said. “Less if you give me a chance at your ass.” I pulled out my wallet and handed him fifty. “Let’s see how long he and I go. I might just be coming back for some of my cash back and for some of whatever you’ve got hard for me.” I took the keycard and left, knowing that I had seduced the man just as easily as Hunter had done me. Even easier, I thought. Maybe I’ll be serving my Master even more tonight than I had originally planned. The thought got me hard. “Are you ready?” I asked, tapping the card against the car’s window. Mr. Fey stared up at me, his strong hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. This was the moment, the moment of truth. Unfortunately for Mr. Fey, the choice had already been made, and it wasn’t in his favor. The car’s engine turned off and Mr. Fey exited his car, following me to the room. “Make yourself comfortable,” I said, taking my pants off. Mr. Fey closed the door and quickly locked it, slowly turning to look at me. I could tell that his eyes were searching me, examining my body. Normally, I would remove my shirt and show him my hairy chest, proving how masculine I was and how much testosterone coursed through my body, but I couldn’t. Not yet. He’d see my tattoo, the tattoo Hunter had given me, the tattoo my mind was trained to ignore. He couldn’t see it or the entire night would be ruined. Instead, I allowed my growing bulge to stick out and tempt the man who had once seen me as nothing more than a student in need of his teaching. Maybe… “Well,” I said, walking to him, a hand on my bulge, massaging my cock to its full size. “Aren’t you going to come inside?” “I am inside,” he said. “Not yet you’re not,” I told him. I reached out and grabbed his arms, pulling him toward the bed. “Come on, Mr. Fey. I told you, your wife won’t ever find out about any of this. Once you leave tonight, you won’t ever have to see or hear from me ever again.” I sat him down on the bed’s edge, my hand reaching up to caress his face. He tried to look anywhere but into my face, but a strong magnetism coursed through me, ensnaring him. His eyes looked into mine, and the fear which still haunted him started to fade, revealing the buried sexual beast hiding inside him, trying to escape. There you are, I thought, smiling. I leaned forward and kissed him, tasting him, wishing it was Hunter instead of this worthless excuse for a man. I could feel him fighting, but soon I felt his hands reaching up to my face, holding me steady as he kissed me deeper, his tongue filling my mouth. The floodgates had opened. He was mine. 8 2 4
Heir2012 Posted September 10, 2023 Author Report Posted September 10, 2023 Part 5 coming tonight too.
Heir2012 Posted September 10, 2023 Author Report Posted September 10, 2023 Part 5 I broke the kiss and grabbed his shirt, undoing the buttons. Overcome by his lust, he stood up and started to undo his pants, kicking his shoes off. It took little time for his clothing to join my pants on the floor, his naked body exposed to me. I felt a shift in my mind, a presence that filled me with a surge of orgasmic power. Somehow, I knew Hunter was with me, seeing Mr. Fey through my eyes, examining the prey I had caught. My cock ached as it tried to spring free, blood pumping out of anticipation, and I knew Hunter was pleased. Mr. Fey took care of himself. He was muscular, clearly working out when he could, but I could tell his regime was far from what it had been when he had played football in college. With the muscle there was also a thin layer of fat, creating a strong body. A thin layer of hair covered his chest, though it was far less than my own. His married cock was fully hard, wishing to be impressive, but it looked pathetic compared to my own and the cock which had blessed me. “Impressive,” I lied, kneeling down and gripping his balls. I moved them in my palm, knowing what was about to happen to them. “Does your wife blow you?” “No,” he moaned, looking down at me with anticipation. “Not anymore.” “Too bad,” I said. “Could she ever do this?” I opened my mouth and swallowed his cock down in one go. “Oh, fuck,” he cried, grabbing my shoulder to balance himself, my tongue running along the underside. Twice that night I had been forced to taste the cock of this inferior man, but I knew it would all be worth it once he was claimed. I pulled myself off him, leaving his cock slicked up with my spit. I pulled off my jockstrap, allowing my own cock to break free. Mr. Fey looked down, his eyes wide as he took me in. “Fuck,” he said, falling to his knees, his eyes still glued to my cock. “You’re huge.” “Guess I’m just lucky,” I said. I grabbed the base and squeezed, a drop of my poz pre-cum leaking out and hanging from the head. “Wanna taste?” “Uhm,” he said, our eyes meeting again, the lust for me still present, though still mixed with his fear. “I’ve never… I’ve never sucked a cock before.” “Don’t worry,” I told him, my hand moving to his face again, at first caressing his cheek before moving to the back of his head to guide him closer. “Just try it once. Just try to even take the tip.” That’s all it’ll take. He opened his mouth, his tongue moving out, reaching for the drop of toxic pre-cum that would start his journey into depravity. I felt a warmth envelop my cockhead as Mr. Fey suckled at the tip, tasting the very pre-cum he would soon be producing in his balls. As if a switch went off in his head, he moved forward, taking more of my cock into his mouth. “Do you like that?” I asked, knowing perfectly well that the taste of the pre-cum was ensnaring him, acting like a drug, making him an addict instantly. Though he’d never sucked a cock before, his brain was rewiring itself, his ability to suck a cock of any size now second nature. Scratch that, first nature. I looked down at Mr. Fey who worked my cock, his mouth skilled in extracting more of Hunter’s pre-gift. His eyes looked up at me, and I could see the fear diminishing, dying away as we started to take over his body. “Since I already got you off,” I told him, relishing the pleasure he was bringing me, “it seems only fair that it’s my turn. Don’t you think?” My cock slipped from his mouth as he said, “Yes. Whatever you want.” His mouth reached for my cock again, but I stopped him, tilting his chin up. “I blew you,” I told him, my bare foot tapping the head of the cock I had sucked off not even an hour ago. “But I think it would be better if I was to fuck you instead.” “Fu… fuck me?” Mr. Fey managed, some of the fear returning to his eyes. “I… I haven’t been—” “You haven’t been fucked,” I finished, already knowing this about the closeted man. “But you want to get fucked, don’t you?” He nodded. “Then why not now?” I asked. “Why not get fucked the very same night you sucked your first cock?” I watched as he thought this over, his mind working out what to do. “You’ve already come so far,” I said. “Why not go just a bit farther?” The potency of the pre-cum was already working its way through his body, breaking down his defenses. What this man would normally have refused to do in the past, like be fucked by a student and cheat on his wife, would become a desire he couldn’t refuse. “You don’t have to worry,” I told him, turning on the compassion, helping him believe that I was someone who truly cared. “I won’t ever tell your wife or anyone. It’ll be our little secret. No strings attached. I’ll be gentle, and if you don’t like it, we can stop. You can even fuck me instead. What do you say?” He stared up at me, the fear in his eyes growing stronger for a moment before fading to the background again, replaced now by the same lust which had brought him here, closer to breaking free. “Alright,” he said. “Fuck me.” “With pleasure.” I pulled him to his feet, kissed him again, charging his lust for me, for what he knew was dangerous and wrong, and pushed him back onto the bed, noticing my reflection in the mirror hanging over the bed. I smiled, seeing myself for the first time for what I was: a predator. I pulled off my shirt, revealing my strong, hairy chest, knowing that my tattoo was out of sight, keeping Mr. Fey unaware. I started to flex, showing him my muscles, proving he wasn’t the only strong man in the room. “Fuck me,” he said, his hands reaching out to my chest, his fingers running through the hair and feeling strength beneath. His fingers found my nipples and squeezed them, extracting a moan from me. “You like what you see?” I asked. “Yes,” he said, a genuine smile filling his face. “I’m not the same kid you used to teach, am I?” I said, climbing onto the bed and grabbing his legs, running my hands along his warm skin, pulling them up and over my shoulders. “Most definitely not,” he said, smiling. “You’re a fucking gorgeous man.” “So are you,” I lied again. Lifting his legs up, I grasped his ass and pulled his cheeks apart, revealing the hole about to be claimed. I lunged forward and started to eat his hole, opening him up to what would surely bring about considerable pain and pleasure. “What are… what are you…” Mr. Fey tried to speak, but his breath was heavy, pleasure filling his body as my tongue entered him, tasting his virgin hole. “I’ve got to get you ready for me,” I told him, spitting into my hand and rubbing it over this hole. I slid one of my fingers into my mouth, wetting it, and slowly inserted it into his ass. “Fuck,” he choked, grabbing his legs and pulling them back, welcoming me into his body. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I lied, massaging his hole, opening him up to what would transform his body into a servant to my Master. “I’ve got to get you opened up for my cock.” Mr. Fey looked down through his legs, spotting my hard cock. His eyes grew wide, as if he hadn’t just had the same cock inside his mouth, dumping toxic pre-cum into his body, already starting to rewire his brain. “Will it fit?” “Only if I open you up first. That’s why I’m getting your hole ready,” I said, a second and a third finger already inside his body. The pre-cum was doing its work, changing his body to accept his fate. His mind didn’t know, but his body was already accepting its new allegiance, knowing Mr. Fey was no longer in command. I played with his hole as I played with his mind, bringing the trapped perverted monster inside him closer to the surface. “Please,” he moaned, his hole squeezing my four fingers, “just fuck me. Fuck my virgin hole.” “You’ve got it,” I said. 6 2 3 1
Heir2012 Posted September 10, 2023 Author Report Posted September 10, 2023 Part 6 I pulled my fingers out of his hole and aligned my dick to where his puckered opening appeared to be reaching out toward me. I pushed my cock into his hole, his spit from sucking my dick giving just enough lubrication to help me inside but not enough to make it a smooth process. “Oh, fuck,” he cried, his hands grasping his legs tighter. “It fucking hurts. It hurts.” “It will,” I told him, pushing more of my cock into his body. I could feel his hole welcoming my cock, sucking me in, begging for me to change this man’s body from the worthless piece of shit that it was into the poz predator that it needed to be, owned by a new will. “It won’t last long. Just breathe through it. Let me in.” Mr. Fey closed his eyes and breathed, his chest heaving with every inch that entered. The body he once considered strong and powerful was proving itself weak against the invasion of a younger man’s cock. “Please,” he begged, looking up at me, his eyes tearful, his face flushed. “Please, stop. I can’t. I can’t take it.” “You can,” I told him, pushing harder, forcing my cock into his body, giving him what he didn’t know he wanted. What he needed. “Let me in.” “Please.” “Let me in.” “I can’t.” “You can,” I told him, leaning forward over his body, staring deep into his eyes, seeing both the fear and the lust battling for dominance. “Do you want this?” He waited a moment, a single tear falling down the side of his face. “Yes,” he whispered. “Then take it all,” I said, ramming my entire cock into his ass. “FUCK!” he cried, his body shaking, back lifting off the bed, eyes closed tight as his face registered the incredible pain I inflicted. Air caught in his chest, his body frozen for a moment as the initial connection was made. I could feel his heartbeat, the rhythm pulsing against my cock, playing out of sync to my own. I waited a moment, knowing this was crucial, allowing his body to feel me, to know me, to understand that I was in charge of what was about to happen. His body relaxed, his hole opening more to my girth. I watched as his eyes slowly opened, revealing what I already knew to be Mr. Fey’s destiny: the perverted monster had overcome his fear, leaving him as open prey. “That’s it,” I said, pulling out until only the head of my cock remained. “Accept my cock. Accept the pleasure.” I pushed back inside, taking extra care to press against his prostate, causing his body to shudder. “Yes,” he moaned, looking up at me with a new desire. “Please, fuck me. Fuck me hard.” “As you wish,” I said. I started slow, but my pace quickened. Soon, I was fucking his ass as if he had taken a hundred dicks up his hole every day. He was made to take cock, and his body was learning this truth. With each thrust, I could feel his heartbeat’s rhythm growing closer to mine, closer to Hunter’s. I knew Hunter could feel what I felt, could see what I saw as I stared down at this man whom I had once looked up to as a mentor but was now a whore to fuck and claim. “Fuck,” he said, looking down at his hard cock which leaked incredible amounts of cum, covering his stomach. “What’s happening?” “I’m fucking the cum right out of you,” I said, for once, telling him the truth. I was fucking the cum right out of him. Any negative cum stored up in his balls was being forced out of his body, making room for the poz cum which would change— and claim— his life. “Don’t stop,” he moaned, his hand grabbing his cock, helping squeeze out the cum which carried his DNA. He smeared it over his body, mixing it into his chest hair. The sight disgusted me, seeing this man revel in unworthy cum. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Keep going. Keep going.” “What do you want?” I asked, fucking his ass harder, watching the cum shooting out over his heaving body. I looked at his balls, knowing that they were almost ready to transform, to become what they had always been destined to be. “I want you to fuck me,” he said. “No,” I said, moving my attention back to his eyes where the wild beast was writhing in the pleasure. “What is it that you want from me?” He stared at me, eyes fixed. I could feel our heartbeats pounding, growing closer to the pounding of my cock into his virgin ass. His hand moved over his cum-covered body, his palm held up for him to see for the last time the cum which would have carried on his family line, the cum which had defined his identity. In that instant, I saw a change, and I knew he understood. “Your cum,” he said. I pounded hard into his ass and felt his heartbeat sync with my own, locking him into the transformation as the last drop of his neg cum left his body, leaving him an empty vessel to claim. He belonged to Hunter. Through me, Mr. Fey’s life would be claimed, all the years he would have lived stolen and given to our Master. I looked up into the mirror and saw Hunter staring back at me, his own body reflected and fucking Mr. Fey into a life of poz fucking. “Who do you belong to?” I shouted, our heartbeat almost audible in the room. “Our Master,” Mr. Fey gasped, the name a sound of praise from his lips. Everything he knew, everything he had lived for, his job, his wife, his hopes and dreams, all disappeared, replaced forever by his new objective in life. “Who does your dick belong to?” “Our Master.” “And whose toxic cum is churning now inside your balls?” “Our Master’s cum.” “And whose life am I extracting in place of gifting you with our Master’s cum?” Mr. Fey’s eyes, filled with the monster of lust and perversion, stared into my own, into the eyes of our Master. “My life,” he said. “Then give it to him,” I said, forcing my dick inside his body and injecting him with the poz cum of our Master. Mr. Fey’s eyes widened for a brief moment, the man he had been, the loving husband and dutiful teacher, shining through for a single moment before disappearing forever. His body shuddered, his hole gripping my cock, milking me of the cum we both craved. I looked into the mirror and saw Hunter’s face, his eyes meeting mine and pulling me into his mind. I could see Mr. Fey and the life he had lived. I could see all the choices which had brought him to me that night. I could see the life he could have lived should he had resisted me and returned home to his loving wife. I could see him loving his wife, fucking his wife, being the husband he had promised. I could see his wife telling him that he was going to be a father. I could see him holding his son for the first time. I could see the three sons which would have come after, all growing up to be strong men like him. I could see him growing old, retiring from his job, and living out his remaining days knowing that he had been a good man, a good husband, and a good father. I stared into the eyes of that older man and watched as they went cold, filling instead with regret and pain. All the things he had ever wanted in his life were taken from him, leaving him instead in a bed in a motel room, far from his wife, his ass filled with the poz cock of a former student. His hopes of a family were wasted on his stomach and chest, drying and dying, mixing with the sweat of a night of careless, cheating sex. I watched as black ink appeared on his chest, his own biohazard symbol appearing beneath the smeared remains of his DNA. I understood. Mr. Fey had made a choice, giving up his wife and the chance to father sons for a single chance of fucking, proving what was truly important to him. Now, if he was ever in doubt, all he had to do was look at what was tattooed over his heart to know what he desired the most. “Well done,” I heard Hunter say, and I could, for a moment, feel his cock inside me, once again filling me with his gift. “You have brought me a worthy tool.” The motel room vanished, only Mr. Fey remaining. I watched as his body was covered with tattoos, every inch of skin inked, creating a map of his descent into sinful lust. He would spend his life moving from town to town, searching out leather bars and anywhere he could squeeze his large frame into a suit of rubber. The once clean-cut man would take on a new identity, that of a skinhead forever seeking out young men like Austen, like the students he once taught. He would fill his lungs with smoke, tempting men with his lighter and the promise of a cigarette. They were moths to the flame, and he would ensure that they would get burned. The image blurred, and I found myself back in the motel room, staring at myself in the mirror. It was done. I pulled out of Mr. Fey’s body, watching as his balls moved within his scrotum, changing before my eyes, transforming into the mirror images of the balls which had given him a new, toxic life. Now, if he fucked his wife, she would give him sons he could not claim as his own, Hunter’s blood running through their veins and carrying on his legacy. Not that he’d want to fuck her, I thought. Not now. Hunter had plans for Mr. Fey, though the possibility of using this man as a way to breed offspring was something not to be dismissed. I collected my things, leaving Mr. Fey to transform into the man Hunter desired, stripping away the good man he had once been. I walked to the front desk and found the same man still inside. “What can I help you with?” he asked. I put my hand out. “Give me back thirty and I’ll give you thirty minutes that’ll change your life forever.” The man smiled. Got him. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Not sure if I'll continue with Austen, return to Hunter, go with Mr. Fey, or bring in some other man sucking the lives of innocent men away. We'll see. 8 4 2
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