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  2. Im not very familiar with the scene in NYC and ill be there June 26-July 1st. Ive heard the bathhouses have all closed. Where is a good place to take loads?
  3. I started jacking reading your profile! Must be the mutual chemwhore fascibation thing! Makes my nipples tingle!

  4. Sorry to trigger you 50latinos. Diversity of thought will exist regardless of your preparedness for it. After trying to argue people to my position during COVID, I have had to make peace with the fact that truth is fractured and god has made room for us to co-exist if we are smart enough. I wish you the same peace. I leave it to the partisans to either make peace or leave room for the next apex species to figure it out.
  5. indeed. i love the feel of a man's jiz dumping in my gut. esp. if it is golden.
  6. No, I feel very emasculated when I am at the mercy of a top. And I enjoy the feeling!
  7. Today
  8. I don't know about Ivana, but Melania came with a EB-1 visa, a.k.a "Einstein Visa", reserved for people who are highly acclaimed in their field, like Pulitzer, Oscar, and Olympic winners., world renowned scientists and such. I may be wrong, but an unknown two-bit nudie model from Slovenia hired by the Trump Model Agency is probably not among the type of people that can legally obtain that kind of visa. Unless gold digging is among the fields included. Rigging your visa application is illegal.
  9. I’ve been to quite a few holes in LDN. This wasn’t my first rodeo or indeed my first time riding! It was, however, an eye opening experience - in more than one way. BY JOVE, was this one of the best holes I have experienced, second only to my daddy Richard! Oh Richard, you were my first and I think about you every day, who knows, maybe you are on the other side of the wall after all! Yours forever
  10. I find the idea of being blindfolded / hooded while being fucked by men exhilarating. I think it is the idea of me just being a body to be used, and my identity does not matter. On the other hand, I can‘t say I feel the same about hooded tops. What are your thoughts on this?
  11. Yeah, no. We really didn't need that visualization. Putin perhaps.
  12. If you think that the Clinton emails and the Hunter Biden laptop stories were suppressed, then we live in different planets. At this point no one can argue that the media explosion that occurred when in October 2016 James Comey announced the reopening of the Clinton emails investigation made Trump president. Hunter Biden is in a world of hurt, prosecuted by his father's DOJ. The president hasn't lifted a finger to help him, as he shouldn't. These false equivalencies you are putting out there are as dangerous as the misinformation emanating from the bowels of the MAGA movement. Whether you are a republican or not is irrelevant and inconsequential.
  13. You are right that I don’t think Melania is going to be an enthusiastic supporter of her husband…. But I do not feel sorry for at all she knew exactly what she was getting into… she is after all the THIRD wife… and he had cheated on the first two she just wanted to live in Trump Tower and go shopping - - and get her citizenship (and then use “chain migration” laws to get citizenship for her parents. I have never seen her display any kind of sympathy or caring for the less fortunate (she of the “I really don’t care do you” coat) although she does seem to be doing a very good job of keeping Barron away from the cameras and out of the news - so I will give her points for that.
  14. You're conflating legal immigration with illegal immigration.
  15. I do feel masculine when I bottom, but especially so when we are both actively participating in the fucking - the top gets on top of me with intent to destroy, and wraps his arm around my body or throat while I back into his cock with each thrust and clench down so he is getting maximum grip on his cock. The feel and sound of our bodies is like a sweaty and forceful but coordinated dance, and nothing is more masculine than that.
  16. I appreciate that you think the difference is that the mechanisms that tried to get to the underlying truth had integrity and operated in an equivalent manner, and thus that the things that pass as truths have been subjected to the same quality of analysis and introspection. I happen NOT to agree that the underlying facts were investigated with equivalent diligence and that the resulting "truths" are underpinned by the same rigor. I don't think this is unique to partisan Democrats btw, think there are many examples of partisan Republicans giving their own a lighter touch. Not trying to play "GOTCHA" 50latinos and think you are doing a great job of channeling the way a lot of people in the country think about these issues. No wrong answer here, but can you tell me how you interpret two major sources of data here: 1) the Hilary Clinton e-mails of 2016; and 2) the Hunter Biden laptop story suppression of 2020? I have a guess, but I hate to treat people like stereotypes. If you're willing to try a 3rd, how do you interpret Biden's efforts to fire the Attorney-General-equivalent of Ukraine at a time when his son Hunter was on Burisma's board without any experience in the gas/oil industry but with easy access to AF2? (BTW, if I were asking a Republican, I might focus on Obama's decision to bail out the banks, or Trump's decision to bomb Soleimani.) I do not object to Democratic partisanship anymore than I object to Republican partisanship; I object to PARTISANSHIP itself. It corrodes trust in institutions when people see the opposite party misusing the instruments of government to accumulate power, and I think this has happened on both sides. I wonder how we could reverse trend toward tribal partisanship and rebuild some trust. I really do, just not sure it is in our cards, but still hopeful.
  17. i don't touch my cock till I'm full of cum and no more chance of more cock then usually wank and cum quickly thinking about just getting loaded
  18. I had a guy who like toy play to come over. He never stick his dick in my hole but he worked me over with his fingers, my beads and dildos. I swear I had multiple anal orgasms before he coax my load out of me and I was a fucking goner. I can onyl fit 3 out of 4 beads, but I am asking him to try again.
  19. Never was asked for a safeword, altough i did undergo some hardscènes. You know when you date hardguys they want to go hard, so what is the point fit a safeword
  20. I do hate when one, or more, of 'actors' pulls out their cell phone to record what is already being recorded, or for some crappy, shaky point of shot that I could care less about. Just do your jobs and leave the filming to the real cameraman and stop ruining the scenes.
  21. I don't understand why Americans care about politicians so much. There are some politicians I approve of. But I don't take half the crap coming out of their mouths seriously. It's just posturing for the job. But so many MAGA Republicans would work Trump's dick and balls if they had the opportunity. I can't be bothered to care that much about some random politician.
  22. @barefucker44 where is the evidence of Democrats putting in alternate electors? (aside; and why?)
  23. Its en vogue. Just like game of thrones
  24. No. I can't believe it! I'm writing a dirty poz story where a 18 y o boy named Elias is hungry for poz cum. And I find you with very similar name, very similar age, and same hunger ☣️😘

  25. As stated before, the doctors can interpret this better than us. It’s important to check out since you don’t need this to get any worse if it’s syphilis rearing its ugly head again. Trust me on this one, I don’t want you going through anything close to what I have to. It’s also important to know other conditions can raise the titer, especially autoimmune issues. Go get checked out thoroughly. Best of luck to you.
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