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  1. This morning a guy I never met stopped by after his work out from the gym. He walked in, I put my blindfold on and began sucking his dick and he then shoved it into my hole until he shot his load. He put his shorts back on, went to the bathroom and walked out.
    2 points
  2. RIDING THE DEVIL - PART 1A: Welcum to LA I was in a lousy mood. I was in LA on a big business deal that had tanked right after I arrived. I started to think about turning my loss into a gain. As soon as I got back to my hotel room, I was on the Internet looking for someone to play with. It was 9pm, and I had been going hot and heavy with a guy named Nick, who claimed to be into nasty greasy ass play. Just the type of man I was looking for. And here I was, at midnight, in this biker bar and this fucker had stood me up. So, I’m sitting at the bar nursing my beer, checking out the scenery. I’m wearing a pair of ripped 501s, a pair of leather suspenders, and engineer’s boots, which I always travel with. I also was prominently displaying my 0-gage nipple rings and flagging red in both rear pockets. So, I’m somewhat underdressed, as the bikers are wearing lots of leather. The bar smelled of stain beer, leather, and sweat, all turn ons for me. I’m getting ready do down the end of my beer and leave, thinking that I was wasting my time. And who, walks into the bar, but my ex's ex. He’s a nasty fuck, who enjoys messing with people just because he can, he’s big and fat and ugly. See me, he strolls over and sits on the stool next to me. He is a shithead who could fuckup anyone’s life on first sight. He sees me, strolls over, and sits on the stool next to me. He looks over and starts screaming at me, saying I screwed up his life. Saying that my ex, now his ex, had left him because of me. We exchanged some fighting words, and he takes a swing at me, which I ducked under. The bartender bangs a baseball bat on the bar and tells us to cool off. I tell the asshole to fuck off and headed to the can. When I got back to the bar, he’s yelling at a group of men and then turns to glower at me. He gets in my face, and I take a swing at him. The bouncer was standing near by and tells us both to leave. I was steamed about being stood up and now about the asshole of my ex. I grab my beer sitting on the bar, and drain it completely. I then head out to the car, pissed as all hell. I start getting this warm feeling in my gut, and then start getting lightheaded. I start back to the bar, but sit down on the fender of a car trying to clear my head. Feeling somewhat better, but finally understanding that the shithead had spiked my beer. I start heading back to my car, but I’m fuzzy and disoriented. I need to call someone, but who? I don’t know many people in LA, and I’m going to kill myself if I get behind the wheel. I reach my car, and lurch around the open door of my car. There on the driver’s seat with his pants around his ankles, is this hot looking man. Full beard, shaved head, shirtless with huge pierced nipples, and a semi-ridged cock. He smiles at me, and says his name is Nick and that I must be Mike. He says he was running late for our meeting, arriving just in time to see the ruckus in the bar. He also saw the fuck put something in my beer, and decided to use it to his advantage. I was raging at him, and he told me to calm down. When I didn’t, he stood up. He was huge, well over 6’4. He put both his hands on my shoulders and pushed me hard to my knees. He told me I had better calm down and pushed his cock into my gaping mouth. He had been tweaking in anticipation of our getting together. He had a large load of T-Piss that he was saving for me, and he pushed me down deep on his cock and started to piss. I was not thinking clearly, and started to choke on the piss, I pulled off and sucked on the golden piss, taking every drop. By the second, he started to get hard, and through his hardon proceeded to piss down my throat. He kept pissing for what seemed like hours, and I took every drop, finally draining him dry. I was getting that horny, really horny as I sucked on his cock. I spit on my hand and started to work my fingers into his asshole. He stepped to the side granting me full access, and my hand entered his ass without a pausing. After a few minutes, he backed away and released my hand. He stood me up and said I looked like I was ready to play and play hard. I told him as long as he had more product and he was into some no-holds barred, give/take fisting, I was up for the trip back to his place. Then he told me, he other surprises. He spoke to the bartender, letting him know that his car would be in the parking lot for a couple of days. Not thinking all that clearly, I moved over to the passenger seat and handed him my keys. We drove but I could not follow the street signs or directions. I was totally lost and not caring where we were heading. The only thoughts I had was that of being deep into Nick’s ass and he into mine. I closed my eyes for what I thought was a minute, laying back on the car seat, working my nips hard. We stopped a traffic light and he leaned over me. He sucked on my cock and worked his hand into my ass. I heard a car horn and some yelling. The hand was withdrawn and we drove off. By the time we got to his place I was ripped and ready to go. He led me to his bedroom, and told me to take off my clothes and get comfortable. I asked if I should clean out and he told me that would be a good idea. I stumbled into the bathroom and found a shower-shot and a bottle of poppers on the ledge. With the warm water running down my leg, I took a hit and pushed the hose up my ass. Nick entered the shower and proceeded to clean me out, pushing the hose deeper into my ass. Returning the favor, I did the same for him. He then told me to bend over and reach for my ankles. Pulling a squeeze bottle from a shelf, he filled my ass with a warm solution and promptly pushed a large butt plug up my ass. He stood me up, toweled me off and led me to his playroom. We entered the dark room; the only light was two red lamps in opposite corners of the room. Every wall was painted black and the ceiling was blood red with large mirrors hanging from it. Nick directed me to a bed in the corner of the room, and proceeded to straddle me, sitting on my face. He urged me to suck on his rosebud, slowly dribbling out a semi-bitter, semi-sweet liquid. I lapped up every drop, uncaring as to what it was. He hummed some sort of tune, but I could not exactly make it out, laying there between his legs and pushing my tongue up has asshole. He move to my side and reached over to a small nightstand by the bed. I opened a draw and pulled out a kit containing the points and the t. He looked at me with a faint smile and asked how much I needed to get really piggy, noting that he had just gotten an outstanding delivery … among the best he had every received. I said that .4 was my usually dose and would serve me well. He stood and left, returning a few minutes later with the loaded points. He asked if he could do me, and I said that I was in no condition to refuse, smiling a shit-eating grin. He tied off my arm and then pushed the rig into my vein. I watched the red cloud form in the chamber, and he untied the armband. Then he said quietly that he had added an additional quantity to my rig and I should relax. I was going to really enjoy the ride. I was focused on his face, he said “OINK” and depressed the plunger. A warmth spread up my arm and across my chest flowing down to my toes, and then it struck … I could not breathe and started to panic. Nick looked down at me, as if in a long tunnel and in my ear, said “Breath!” I coughed and the warmth hit my brain. I was in heaven and all I needed was something to suck on. Nick quickly did himself, and as the drug reached his brain, he too coughed loudly as he dropped to the bed besides me. He reversed and leaned over me, and started to suck my cock. Being no slouch, I put his cock in my mouth and after a while reached over and into an open can of Crisco. I started to massage his ass. He groaned and opened his legs wider, urging me to push into him. He reached over the side of the bed and lifted a squeeze bottle of poppers and another of j-jelly. He handed me the poppers and squeezed the j-jelly on my asshole. He called out that I should take a hit and hold it for a count of five, then slowly releasing it. As I got to five, he pushed the bottle of jelly into my ass and squeezed, flooding my ass. Then he handed the bottle to me, knowing that I would do the same to him. He pushed his hand in the Crisco, clamped his mouth onto my cock and started to suck hard. As he did, he worked his hand into my ass. A faint feeling of panic surfaced in the back of my mind, remembering how large Nick’s hand was, much larger than I typically take at the onset of play. However, he seemed to sense my tension and concern. He raised his head, pushed the poppers into my hand, and told me to take a hit and hold it for as long as I could. When I released my breath and was fully relaxed, he slowly entered my ass to his wrist. Then he started to twist it deeper into me. I was a pig in heaven. He was deep into me in a heartbeat. It was amazing, as he worked his arm into me, slowing and steadily working it deeper. I was so into the moment, I was floating. He played with my ass for what seemed like hours / days. Then he stopped, and withdrew his arm. I leaned over me, chewed on my ear, and then said, “My turn,” and handed me the jelly. Taking the hint, I sat up and looked at him. He had this grin on his face, I’m not sure if it was just sly or evil, but it turned me on. I flipped him over on his stomach, and started to eat his ass and working his cock and balls hard. He was getting into it, bucking and pushing back on my tongue. When he was nice and wet, I pushed the jelly bottle into his ass. Much to my surprise, there was no resistance and it just disappeared out of sight. He started to chuckle and then was in a full belly laugh in no time. I was in a panic, thinking we had a trip to the hospital in our immediate future. Knowing we both would have a lot of explaining to do in the ER. He rolled over on his back, and told me to hold out my hands. He grunted and pushed, hitting me squarely in the middle of my chest with the bottle. It dropped into my outstretched hands. Not to be taken advantage of, I pushed the bottle partway into his ass and gave a good healthy squeeze, then without releasing it pulled it out in one quick fluid movement. I told him that he was a fucked up nut case, and he looked at me and smiled. And then he said, “And what’s your story, PIG!” We laughed, and as he lifted his head back laughing, I pushed my arm into him, to just above the wrist. The exhaled and sucked me deep into his gut. I worked him relentlessly. Sometimes my strokes were deep, nearly to the elbow and sometimes I pulled completely out, not stopping as I drove into him repeatedly. At one point, he bellowed and clamped down on my arm. He screamed “FUCCCCCCK” and tried to push my arm out. I held my ground passing him the poppers. Taking a large hit and holding it, he relaxed, and my arm slid in to the elbow, and then with a moment’s hesitation he was riding on my mid-bicep. I flexed my fist while it was deep in him and slowly pulled it all the way out. As it emerged, he smiled this knowing smile. Quietly he said that I would get my just desert. I told him that was my exact thought and he should do his worst to me, because I was going to do my worst to him. This went on for nearly two days, pushing and pulling each other over and beyond the edge. Hands, arms, toys of all sizes and shapes were called into play. We rested, catnapped, and drank Gatorade and water. We used our piss or stored it for later use. At one point, we had accumulated about a half gallon of t-laidened piss. Nick rummaged in his toy chest and pulled out an enema bag with one hose attached to two nozzles. He made sure the hose was clamped off, filled the bag to its brim, and hung it high over the bed. He found two inflatable butt plugs, each with a hose running through its center. He pushed one deep into my ass and proceeded to pump it till it was filling my cavity. He looked a me, and I did the same to him. We moved our asses together, so that the hoses would reach each plug. He then pushed a nozzle into the hose of each plug, and handed me the poppers. He said I should lay back and enjoy the ride that was about to begin. Lying nearly asshole to asshole we both took hits, as Nick released the hose clamp flooded us with t-piss. The feeling was like floating on a cloud. I could feel the piss moving deep into me, with no end in sight. Nick grunted as the last of the piss entered both of us. Reaching over, he clamps off the supply hose. Then he reaches over and starts to inflate the dildo in my ass. He pumps it more and more, driving it deeper into me with each squeeze. Sometimes the bulb slips from his hands, and to make up time he leans into the dildo driving it deeper into me. Then he hands me his pump bulb and I do the same for him. Then he hooked his legs over mine, pulling me towards him. I immediately see what he was doing and hooked my legs over his, pulling him towards me. Soon the ends of each dildo were touching and we were driving them deeper into each other. I reach for Nick’s pump bulb and he cautioned me that they were most likely at their maximum inflation. Any more and we risked a blowout. I dropped the bulb, and with one swift motion, I push the dildo deep into him. I loose sight of the base and then push it deeper with my hand, rotating it as it drives forward. He followed my lead and pushed my dildo deep into me with his hand…. And there we lay. He released my legs, and slowly moved to my side, never disturbing the dildo or hose. He told me he wanted to push the piss back and forth between us with the dildos still in place. Clamping his legs together, so the plug could not be expelled. He clamped down, and I could feel the piss from his ass entering deep into me. He stopped and smiled, and I tightened my abdomen, pushing the piss out of my ass into him. His eyes rolled back into his head as he exhaled. Back and forth, we pushed the t-laidened piss. It was recycling in its most fucked up form, and we wallowed in the sensation as each wave of piss entered our bodies. We cycled the t-piss between us, all the time I worked my nips hard, as did he. When the mood hit me, I would put the heel of my foot on his puckered rosebud and press, driving the dildo deeper into Nick’s overplayed asshole. Not being a slouch for pleasure or pain, Nick tied a rope to my nip clamps and would pull without mercy, till I bucked and expelled my piss into him. After quite a while, when the action started to flag, Nick reached over and placed two clamps on the hose connecting us, one just behind each of the dildos entered our asses. Then he pulled the hoses apart at the “t” connector, allowing us to separate. He flipped me over and buried his face in my ass, licking where the butt plug disappeared up my ass. I would push the plug out and he would push it back in with his tongue. After a while, he took the plug’s hose in his mouth. He slowly reduced the pressure in the dildo while opening the hose. He sucked down the t-laidened piss, draining my ass to the very last drop … then burped. He smiled and asked me if I wanted my share, as he carefully pulled the deflated plug from my gaping butt. Then he rolled on his stomach, and I got between his legs and started to lick his exposed ass. I rimmed him and licked around the plug, never pushing or pulling on it. After a while, with Nick moaning the entire time, I started to play with the plug in his ass. First deflating it, then inflating it to the max; pulling it out then pushing it deeper into him. I discovered that I could deflate it and then push it deep into his ass, followed by a full inflation. He writhed with pain and pleasure. At once point, the plug was deflated and I could feel it on my fingertips, but my arm was in him to mid-forearm. I started to retrieve it, but he told me to inflate it to the max… and so I did. He rolled on his back, and there above his stomach sat this outline of the inflated plug. (If only I had a camera! --- LOL.) With the plug still in place and not releasing the plug pressure, I slowly released the hose clamp with the tube in my mouth. The pressure was so great that the tube blew out of my mouth. The entire load was lost in a wild waterworks display. When it stopped, I slowly released the pressure in the dildo; Nick grunted and expelled the plug, dropping it into my lap. With his ass still in the air, I reached over and smeared j-jelly into Nick’s ass. With just a moment’s hesitation, I reached over and pushed my arm deep into his gaping hole. He stiffened, but I reached around him and grabbed his nipple, working it hard. Deeper and deeper I plunged into him. He struggled but finally gave in to my demands. I was well above my elbow. He called for a break, saying that if I did not withdraw, right then and now, I was going to rip him open. Heading his warning, I told him to relax because my withdrawal was going to be very slow with lots of twists and turns. He relaxed and after a good long time, my arm finally saw the light of day. The pounding took its toll, and when I finally stopped, his ass was one gaping rosebud. He was exhausted and I was exhausted. He rolled up to me, spooning with me, and pulled a blanket over us. We were quickly asleep, me firmly Riding the Devil – Part 1B: Welcum to LA (Continued) I was awakened by a cool breeze over my body. I thought I had pushed aside the blanket, but I was wrong. I was spread-eagled on the bed, my ankles and wrists in cuffs, each arm tied to a corner of the bed. Between my legs was a pole about four feet in length holding them wide apart. The pole was tied to the footboard at the bottom of the bed. Nick had been spraying me with a spray bottle we used when the J-Jelly was getting to dry. He was wearing full leather hood, covered with metal studs. On his hands was a pair of huge leather gauntlets also studded with steel buttons. He told me that I had wrecked his hole and he was going to do the same to mine. The sneer on his lips showed that he was not playing games, and I shivered not from the cold spray, but from the apprehension. I asked what he had in mind, and he yelled at me to “shut the fuck up!” He pulled a crop from the floor and started to beat me with it. My stomach, then chest, then groin were struck repeatedly. The blow came quicker and sharper, and I was starting to get scared, really scared. I started to plead with him to release me. Instead, he roughly started pulling a tight rubber hood over my head. It was very tight and would not go on. He found a j-jelly bottle on the floor, took a healthy squeeze, and rubbed it on my head and face. The hood easily slipped on. It only had a mouth opening. I continued to plead, when he forced a ball gage into my mouth. I spit it out and he forcefully pushed it back in and tied it behind my head. It had a narrow tube running through it, and I could pull air through it if I focused on it. I started to panic when he held my nose and forced me to breathe through the tube. He told me to lie still or what he had planned next would really hurt. I felt tightness on my bicep followed by coolness on my arm. A slight pin prick caught me my surprise, and my world started to spin. Nick whispered into my ear that it was going to be just fine, and I should relax and enjoy the ride. Then he clamped my nose forcing me to suck air through the ball gage. I was breathing pure poppers. I was riding on a cloud. Nick began to beat then work my nipples hard, suddenly tightly clamping each of them. I could feel a chain connecting the clamps resting on my chest. He lifted my head up and placed it on a pillow. The chain was run around my neck and the slack removed. Every time I pushed my head back into the pillow, the chain pulled my nipples taught. It felt wonderful…. Then my legs were slowly lifted off the bed and into the air. I was laying at a 45 degree angle with my head on the pillow and my shoulders on the bed. Then I felt a warm sensation between legs or was it something cool, I could not tell, as a cream was massaged onto my ass lips. Warm, cool, cold, warmer, and hotter? I started to buck as the heat increased; my ass was on fire, and I needed to escape. With each bucking motion, I yanked on the nipple clamps and sucked in poppers. Finally, after an eternity, my ass was then flooded with a warm liquid which seemed to be slippery, maybe J-Lube? And the heat subsided. Then a hard plastic rod was laid against my flaccid cock. My cock was roughly handled as a wide band of material was wrapped tightly around both. The plastic rod came to life, startling me … with a pulse of its own. Vibrating in a random pattern, and I started to get hard. Someone grabbed my bound cock and covered the head with something slippery. My cock was pulled to its limit. There was a quick urgent push and then a short hot pain. Something was pushed down my urethra and deep into my bladder. My cock turned flaccid as a fluid entered my bladder. The fluid was warm and I responded with a raging hardon as the vibrations resumed. Then the pillow was yanked from under my neck and my head dropped against the bed, nearly pulling the tight clamps off my nipples. The pain moved from my cock to my nipples and then back again. The crop was beating my cock, check, nipples, head … I was completely at Nick’s mercy, and he was showing none. I laid there immobile, for what seemed like hours, the pain and pleasure came in wave with no order or pattern. I felt that I was not in control of my own body, as some liquid was loaded then drained from my bladder. Then a set of headphones was places over my ears, and the volume first low was steadily increased until the bass boomed in my head. Were the vibrations on my cock mirroring the bass or tenor line of the music; I was lost in a world I did not know how to control. Then the pressure was felt on my ass, a heavy weight was resting on my rosebud. The pressure was unrelenting and insistent. As I tried to push it off, and out, straining to more the immoveable object. Bearing the pressure not more, I suddenly relaxed, and it drove itself into me. I struggled, when a clamp was placed on my nose, sealing it completely. The object assaulting my ass was huge, or so it felt. The heat, then cold, then warmth on my rosebud kept me focused on nothing else. A sharp slap on my ass, and I inhaled deeply, then I lost focus. The thing finally made purchase in my ass, as my rosebud opened to accept it. The pressure ceased for just a moment, and then it backed out no more than an inch. Massive quantities of fluid were pumped into my ass, a warm slippery fluid that was very cold and uncomfortable. I shivered from the cold and fear, then the pressure began to slowly increase, unyielding pressure, unsympathetic pressure driving this thing deeper into my gut. After a long time and for a brief moment the pressure ceased and the object was withdrawn. The hood on my head was slightly lifted and I could see light for a brief moment. Hands removed the nose clamp and I took a deep breath. I relaxed, and then so did my rosebud. Without hesitation, the thing was driven deep into me, deep than it was before. It had made its way past my second sphincter and was pushing against the third. I sucked on the tube, held it till I had to breathe slowly exhaling. My head was spinning, my gut relaxed and the thing pushed beyond the sphincter. My asshole was over extended, straining / swelling / expanding to accommodate the thing pushing down into me, but for what goal? The music changed to something techno with an accentuated bass line. A driving beat, that was as unrelenting as was the thing deep in my colon. I took a deep breath of poppers, and held it. Things started to get fuzzy, and I started to loose consciousness, relaxing fully. To my horror, the thing started twist and then spin as it found purchase and descend deeper into me. As I lost consciousness, I heard some laughing and then a deep belly laugh. With each crackle of laughter, the thing was slowly exiting my sore and overworked ass. When I opened my eyes, the music had stopped, and my head was uncovered. The j-lube wiped from my face. I blinked into the strong light, and looked down at my cock. It was catheterized and bound to a vibrating dildo, which twitched and pulsed as if it had a life of its own. The catheter was plugged into a partially filled bag containing piss, lying next to me. My nipples were pulled taught by a line from the ball gage in my mouth. Inserted in the ball gage was a tube, and the tube feed into a plastic bottle containing what appeared to be poppers. Standing between my raised legs was a hoodless Nick, the studded leather gauntlet was pressed deep in my ass, nearly to his forearm. He smiled, and I took a long drag on the poppers, held it till I could no longer, and closed my eyes. I shuck my head, in a “yes” jester, and he pushed slowly down and in to me. Unrelenting, always forward, looking at me, and telling me to breath. And as I did, I sucked up poppers and relaxed, and he was deep into me…. All I could see was his elbow emerging from my ass, my wrecked asshole. In one quick and sudden movement, he pulled out of me completely. I was empty and I started to sob. He laughed and pushed back into me, assuming his former position. Then he said “More?” and I nodded. When he reached the third sphincter, , and I shot a load like I had never done before… globs and globs of white cream shot skyward, covering Nick and my chest. I was carefully lowered to the bed, and unbound. The Cath was left in my cock for a while as I rested and tried to catch my breath. Nick lay next to me and said, “See … I said I would be even!” And that he did. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, me sleeping the sleep of the dead, never once moving. When I awoke, the room had changed. It was flooded by sunlight from a partially opened curtain. It was morning? I could not tell. I got out of bed, slightly unsteady on my feet and found my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and take a piss. I walked down to the kitchen and found Nick preparing scrambled eggs, orange juice, and toast. He said, it was time for some sustenance before our next “round.” The food was wonderful and was just the perfect combination flavors. I asked what day it was, and he said we had been at it for over two days. It was now Thursday, and my flight was leaving on Sunday. We were relaxing, drinking great coffee, and talking about all sorts of inconsequential things. Then slowly he got this far off look in his eyes, and told me that he needed something very special. Actually, I remember him telling me he craved something that most men would not give him. I told him that I would do anything that he needed done, no hold barred, anything. That’s when he took me back to the play room and sat me on the bed. Then he told me he wanted to ride the Devil. I looked at him and said, “Let’s do it!” He reached under the bed and pulled out a large double-headed dildo. It was a monster, well over four feet in length and somewhere over 4.5 inches in diameter. More impressive was a large knot in the center, which was at least 7 inches in diameter. He then reached into a draw and produced a small plate with two straws. He told me that it was K and put the plate down. He wanted to do the K and then ride the Devil. Me on one side him on the other. His goal was to take his end deep in his ass and then move across the knot taking that as well, if I would “yield” it after a fight. I looked very skeptically at the monster, but he said he had done it just once before, and it was amazing. I looked at him and said, I’m in! He produced another set of points already loaded. He tied me off and inserted the point in my arm. He looked at me, and I at him. I said, “I know I can trust you and you would never do anything to harm me … RIGHT?” He kissed me and pushed down on the plunger, and I coughed and lay down on the bed beside the devil. He did himself and took me in his arms, kissing me deeply, and then said “I would never do anything to harm you or spoil what I have found.” The warm rush moved across my body, he asked if I needed more, and I said yes, based on the size of the dildo, I would need a LOT more. He produced two additional points and did me then himself. A tidal wave washed over me, and I was ready. Nick kept calling me his “FUCKIN’ BROTHER PIG!” at the top of his lungs, as his body reacted to the hit. He had arranged the well-lubed dildo between us and I bent my knees on either side of it. From this perspective, it was huge and I never thought I could even take the head. He reached over and carefully picked up the plate with the K, and told me to carefully sit up. He did the same. He took the straw and handed it to me. There where two lines on the plate. I inhaled half the line then changed nostrils. The feeling was like a hole was torn in my ass and I needed something to fill it, deeply filling it to the extreme. I saw Nick take his K, and saw the evil gleam in his eyes. He told me to lie back, and when I did, he hooked his ankles behind my knees and slowly started pulling me on the dildo. My ass was well opened from the previous play. The head stopped at my ass, and but my rosebud would not open. I struggled to take the monster, but to no avail. Nick saw my need and passed me the poppers. Taking a hit and holding it, did the trick, and I relaxed. My hole opened and Nick feed the Devil into me, first its huge head, then the slow decent into my open and willing hole. It hurt for a moment, and Nick laughed. He called out from his “fog” that I should relax and let him do the work. Before I knew it, I was down on the knot, and asshole to asshole with Nick. He was laughing and crying, lost in his own world of emotions and pleasure. I was feeling the pressure, as Nick took a hit of poppers and started to mount the knot, pulling the dildo out of my ass. That’s when I got mad, actually angry. I wanted the prize and he was not going to take it from me. I threw my legs over his and started to buck and pulling him towards me, taking possession of the center, the knot was again between us. Then suddenly he said, “You want it, you got it!” and started to push the dildo out of his ass and deep into me. He was working the knot into my ass and not letting me back off of it as he pulled me forward. He tossed me the poppers and told me I better take a good large hit, because the Devil was going to roost in my ass, no questions about it. I poured some on a towel, closed my eyes and put the towel over my mouth and nose. Breathing deeply, I relaxed as the knot made it thought my asshole. It was huge and I thought I was going to get ripped. But it did not stop there. Nick kept pushing, and then he was next to me. He told me to open my eyes and look up. On the ceiling was a mirror. I could clearly see that between my legs was just the head of the dildo protruding from my enflamed asshole. I gasped, and could not believe it. He told me I took the entire length, and he wanted it back. Just to make sure, he reached over and pushed the second head deep into me, and laughed. Getting between my legs, asshole to asshole, he told me to push. The monster emerged and started to enter his ass. At the knot, I stopped, not knowing how to expel the Devil. Nick passed the poppers, and said to relax. I did, and it easily emerged, entering his willing gaping hole. When the head was the last thing in me, I did not want to release it. He laughed and said that we could just pass it between us. And that we did for many many hours, so it seemed. We played and partied for over 4 days. When it was over, we cleaned up, I went back to my hotel to pick up my things, and went out to get something to eat. Then I dropped him e back at the bar, he followed me to the rental car return, and then drove me to the terminal. We talked at the airport for about an hour while I waited for my fight. He told me I was the best fucking pig he had ever encountered. As I sat on the plane returning to NYC, I remember quite a bit of play and this very warm feeling in my ass. When I got home and opened my checked baggage, there was a new and very large double-headed dildo covered in a towel. It was the big brother of the one we played with. The attached note said that the two of us had shared this. It should be a memento of my visit and that he wanted me to return soon. And that I will!
    1 point
  3. I hooked up at STEAMWORKS with a scruffy bottom who had a sweet, tight ass and who was hungry for fuck seed. He left the door open when he came in my room, so I knew he din't mind being watched while being fucked, which is a turn on for me. Then he suggested I take him to the fuck bench and fuck him in front of other guys. What a fucking turn on. He sucked cock while I bred him. It was hot to have guys come up and feel my balls and bare cock. Anybody else hooked on giving a bareback sex show?
    1 point
  4. Many years ago, when I was still in my late 20's, I was dating this guy (kid really) named Josh. He was several years younger than was I, and several degrees less mature. We had been dating smoothly for about a year when I finally introduced him to a couple who were friends of mine, Rob and Erik. For better or worse, prior to meeting Josh I had had three-ways with them once and a while, and I had told Josh about some of these encounters. Rob and Erik lived about two hours away and they invited us up to spend a weekend in the city, drinking and having a good time. Now, knowing Rob and Erik, I knew that their idea of a 'good time' would probably mean all having sex together, and I knew it would be hard for Josh to resist. Hell, it would be hard for me to resist! Rob was defintely the whore of the couple: he was very outgoing and very handsome and very much a bottom. All with the body of an Olympic swimmer. Erik was the smaller of the two guys. He was also more reserved, frankly he was a bit nerdy. He was also a top with a nine-inch cock. While Rob was a fun bottom who really got off on being fucked, it was Erik that I enjoyed making cum, because Erik shot like one of the fountains at the Bellagio. He always launched several spurts, usually hitting the wall and ruining sheets in the process. I always wanted feel Erik shoot in my mouth, but was not allowed to. You see, Erik was poz while Rob was not. And Erik was always very cautious. Josh and I discussed the prospects of an invitation from Rob and Erik and had agreed we were content to remain a monogamous couple and we would politely decline any sexual offers - if they were presented. On that Saturday evening, we had been out drinking and having a grand old time and we all probably had a bit too much. We got back to their place and I decided it was time to get ready for bed. When Josh finally climbed in and we were laying in the dark, he told me Rob had kissed him while he was in the bathroom, and had invited us to have sex with them. "Josh, we talked about this. We said we were not going to do anything wth Rob and Erik." "But you have, and you liked it! Why don't we? It could be fun" Josh whined. "Josh, this is precisely why we talked all this out beforehand. So that it wouldn't become an issue." "But it's still an issue!" "Let's just go to sleep. Night." I could feel Josh stewing next to me while I was trying to relax. About five minutes later he sat up and announced, "Well, I'm going to go fuck Rob and Erik." "Have fun with that," I said and rolled over. "You're being an asshole," Josh spat as he left the room. My stomach churned into knots. My boyfriend had just left me to go have sex with two of my friends, after we expressly talked about NOT doing that very thing. I was seethingly mad, and hurt and upset. I tried my best to go to sleep, although it was difficult when I could hear noises start coming from the other room. After about five minutes I heard someone walk in to my bedroom. I initially hoped it was Josh, but it was Erik. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired" I answered. "Are you sure it's okay that Josh is in with us? It feels... awkward... without you there too. This was so like Erik, always the nice one. And the one I liked best because of it. "Yeah. He's a big boy. It's his decision. Go. Have fun. I'll see you in the morning." Erik hesitated, then slowly left. Try as I might, I just couldn't fall asleep. Notwithstanding my conversation with Erik, I grew more and more upset with Josh with each passing minute. How could he be treating our relationship this way? Is this how little he thought of me? Of us? Probably ten or fifteen more minutes went by, when I heard someone enter my room again. Again it was Erik. "So, um... is Josh neg?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" "Well, because Rob is riding Josh's raw cock right now and I was just curious" he said, as he sat on my bed. "I see. Yeah, I could have predicted that. I figured Josh would be angling to fuck Rob if he got the chance. And they'll be at it for awhile. Josh takes forEVER to cum." I knew Josh had a thing for Rob. For that matter, EVERYONE had a thing for Rob. He was quite charming. And I knew Rob would like Josh, because Josh had a thick eight inch cock with a wicked left curve. Plus Josh was in his early 20's and fucked like a demon. "I guess that leaves us out," Erik sighed. And that's when I decided. Fuck Josh. Fuck all this. I was going to have Erik fuck me. "Go get your supplies. We're gonna fuck," I told him, sitting up and giving him a deep kiss. "You sure?" he asked. "Go. Now. Hurry!" Erik was back in a flash. "I don't even think they noticed me come back in the room," he told me when he got back. We started making out, and soon I was going down on Erik's enormous rod. I had always felt extremely lucky to have Josh's big cock to play with, but Erik put Josh's dick into perspective for me. Erik is massive. Easily every bit of nine inches, and the thickness of his cock was verging on ridiculous, especially the middle of it. Toward the middle his cock flattened out, and it was wider than four fingers across-- then it tapered again to normal size at the base. I could only get about half his cock in my mouth before I couldn't fit any more in without the risk of teeth. Or tearing the corners of my mouth. While I worked on Erik, I could hear Josh and Rob ramping up in the other room. They were getting loud, and Rob was starting to vocalize a bit. I wanted to get Erik in me so I could add to the fuck noises and let Josh know that a REAL cock was nailing me. But I was nervous as fuck. Before when I used to have sex with Rob and Erik, it was mostly blow jobs, and me fucking Rob. Erik had tried to fuck me twice before, but I could never get him past the midway point. It just hurt too damn much and I always had to make him stop. And Erik, being the nice guy, would lose his hard on if he felt like he was hurting me. But I needed him to fuck me tonight. All the way fuck me. To permanently wreck my ass for Josh's cock. I told Erik I was ready, so he grabbed a condom and lubed up. And I generously lubed my butthole. "Here, I brought some poppers," Erik announced, adding "They're fresh, and should help." Erik lay on his back, and I straddled his monster cock. I hit the poppers and started easing down onto him. I did pretty well at the start, but then I hit the thick part, and my ass would slide no further. Not even with poppers. I tried sliding off, lubing, and reinserting. I tried bouncing a bit, and easing my ass downward on each stroke. Still no good. Then I just tried forcing my ass downward which made me gasp and cry out a little in pain. "Damn! I'm hurting you. I knew it wouldn't work," said Erik despondently. I could feel his hard on slipping away. Fuck. I desperately wanted his horse cock inside me, but it just wasn't working. I was angry at myself for tensing up and not being able to take it, and I felt bad that I was once again going to disappoint Erik. I quickly pulled off of his cock, ripped off the condom, and started sucking him again while stroking his shaft. This got him going again, and soon he was oozing precum. Josh and Rob were really going at it now. We could hear the rapid slaps of groin against ass while Rob was desperately (and rather loudly) urging Josh to fuck him harder. I wondered how much of this verbal display was for our benefit. That's when I made the decision. I was drunk, horny, and very angry with my boyfriend, so I grabbed the lube, re-lubed Erik and my asshole, and got back on top of him. Erik's cockhead was at my hole before he came to his senses. "What are you doing? I don't have a condom on!" he whispered loudly. "I'm getting this fucker inside me NOW. At least once all the way." "We can't... we shouldn't...." "Just don't cum in me," I said as I began to work him inside my ass. In he slid, but once again, I was stopped at the midpoint of his shaft. But damn it, I was going to take him regardless of the pain. So I hit the poppers hard, waited for the wave of euphoria to hit, and then I squatted down. Hard. It hurt. Man, did it hurt me. I think I could feel my sphincter tearing a little as the thick part forced inside of me. I instantly broke out in a sweat, and tears stung my eyes. But then suddenly with a painful pop he was inside, and I slid down to the base. And now along with the pain in my ass, there was a dull pain deep inside my guts where his head was stabbing up into my colon. Erik grabbed my hips and steadied me as I sat impaled on his massive pole. "You ok?" he whispered. "Oh my god, that's a lot of cock," was all I could get out as tears ran down my cheeks. "This feels amazing," he said. "You know how long it's been since I've fucked a guy? Nine months. And I had to stop fucking that guy before I came because he was in so much pain. Rob always picks up other tops for us to mess around with, and even though some of them see my cock and want to try, they never manage it." I bent down and kissed Erik. And slowly lifted myself so I could start to ride him. I only ever pulled halfway off him, because the thick part of his cock was knotted inside me and wouldn't pull past my protesting butt hole. But I must say, the tug on my hole from the inside was an amazing feeling. Slowly we worked up a rhythm, and between that and poppers, I suddenly found myself getting fucked steadily by Erik's dick. Even though my asshole was still on fire, the pain was slowly giving way to pleasure. Incredible pleasure. The thick part of his cock was like a Mack truck driving over my prostate with every stroke, and the sheer volume of cock moving in and out of me was making every inch of my body quake and tingle. We eventually, slowly, rolled over so that I was on my back, legs spread and in the air and he was on top. We did this maneuver completely without disengaging his cock from my hole. Erik liked the leverage he could get in this position and we could also kiss more easily-- which we did. Erik set up a steady rhythm of pumping my hole while we kissed and sucked each other's tongue. If I listened, I could hear Josh and Rob really putting on a show now. Josh was shouting things like, "Take my cock, bitch!" as Rob answered with the scream "Oh God! Oh God! Ah! Ah! Ahhh!" over and over. I thought that once Erik was in me, I would give them some verbal back in return, to get some revenge on Josh. But it just didn't feel right anymore. What Erik and I were doing was far too intimate, and I was content to stay quiet. So was he. From the angle that Erik was fucking, and from the size of his cock, he was edging me closer and closer to orgasm with every thrust. I could feel it building slowly... from the inside. Deep inside. I wasn't even touching my cock, but I knew that I was minutes, perhaps seconds, away from cumming. I was trying to delay it with snorts of poppers, but to no avail. Thankfully at about that time, I hear Josh shout, "Fuuuck, I'm getting close! Your ass gonna take my load, bitch?" I whispered "Erik, you are getting me really close. You keep fucking me, and I'm gonna cum." Rob meanwhile shouted between grunts, "Ugh! Fuck me! Ugh! Give me that cum!" "I'm really close too," Erik said as he kept fucking me. I heard Josh's now-familiar, animalistic "rrrrrRRRRR-UGGGH! UGGGH! UGGGGGGHHH!" as he started cumming inside Rob's hole. "Oh God, just don't stop fucking me, Erik!" was all I managed to say grunt as the cum started spewing from my cock in streams across my belly. "Oh FUCK, I can feel you cumming! It's gonna make me shoot!" shouted Rob as he starts grunting repeatedly. I was staring up at Erik, as he looked down at me with a mixed look of sexual passion and concern. "Oh no... I can't stop. Oh God, I can't stop it. I can't..." Erik stopped pumping, his breath caught, and that's when I felt it. I felt Erik's ridiculously hard and thick cock start to throb as it was parked motionless inside my ass, stretching my hole even further with every pulse. His prodigious, positive load filling my guts. He shuddered, his breath ragged as his cock charged my insides. "Oh shit! Oh I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Erik kept repeating. I hushed him with a kiss as his cock occasionally still twitched in my rectum. As we kissed, I heard the shower start and I knew that Rob and Josh were getting cleaned up. We stopped kissing, Erik looked at me and said, "What are we gonna do?" "About what?" I said. "This never happened. They fucked, we didn't. We just talked and waited for them to finish. Sound good?" "But... I came in you. And I'm poz. What about you? What about Josh??" "You let me worry about me. I begged you not to stop fucking me. And that thick cock of yours wasn't coming out again til you went limp. Besides... you liked fucking me raw, didn't you? Tell me the truth." "It was fucking amazing," he said. "I felt so... connected... to you. I kinda want to do it again." "And I gotta admit I loved feeling you cum inside me. I think I've wanted it for a long time. How about we leave you inside me, pretend to be asleep, and make those two sleep together tonight so we can fuck again" I suggested. So that's just what we did. We rotated around so that Erik was behind me, spooning, and we covered up. Josh came in a few minutes later and we pretended to be asleep. Josh tapped me to wake me up. I groggily said Erik was passed out and that I was pissed, and I wasn't waking him up. Then I told him to go crash with Rob. Josh said "Whatever" and walked out. Erik bred me twice more-- never pulling out his cock til the very end. Once later that night after we dozed a bit, and once in the morning before Josh and Rob got up. By the last fuck, Erik was long dicking me with his whole cock - the thick part punching past my hole and driving me wild with the most intense fuck pleasure I'd ever experienced. When Erik finally did pull out of me I felt so empty inside. And I don't mean just my ass. I felt like crying. Plus, my asshole hurt like it had never hurt after a fuck session; I was totally torn up. The sheets could attest to this fact, as they were a blood and cum stained mess. And even though Erik was positive, I was bound and determined to keep as much of him inside me for as long as I could. We all had a tense, hung over breakfast and said our terse goodbyes soon after. I broke up with Josh after our drive home, citing his immature behavior, but knowing it was because I didn't want to be the one to infect him. As I knew my negative days were probably over.
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  5. A couple of weeks ago, I developed a skin rash, no doubt because I’d been cycling my ass off trying to get in the best shape of my life before the cruise and the swimwear modeling stint. So while I looked good, my skin was in need of a little care and feeding. When oral antibiotics didn’t work, I needed to check in to the hospital just for the night so they could do IV drugs. It was no big deal. They even gave me the celebrity suite all to myself with a huge walk in shower. It might as well be the Four Seasons. I didn’t even bother to get into a hospital gown. Just slipped off my clothes down to my boxers, let them plug me in, and turned on some ball games. I must have dozed off because when I woke up there was someone checking my IVs. Once the haze lifted, I noticed he was stunning. Ridiculously hot. Porn star hot. And underneath those hospital sweats, it looked like he had a body to match. When he realized I was awake, he said, “I’m your night nurse. Just checking to see how it’s going.” Then he proceeded to take my vitals. I was so glad there was a blanket over me so he couldn’t see the tent creeping up in my boxers. He smiled and left and I wished to god my right hand wasn’t stuck with an IV so I could jack off right there. But I tried to settle and get back to the TV. I was about to doze off when the door opened and he walked back in with some juice. “What’s that,” I asked? “Your doctor wanted to boost the meds with this. It’ll make you a little drowsy so don’t be surprised if you nod off.” “No worries” as I gulped it down and he took off. About ten minutes later, things started to get a little wonky. I wasn’t able to see the tv that clearly so I turned it off. I figured this was the “drowsy” part so I just laid back and let it wash over me as I went into this dream-state. Or at least I thought it was a dream. Next thing I know, my nurse is standing at the end of the bed with a big smile on his face. I look around and the curtains were drawn and the door locked. I also noticed that both my hands were tied to the bed. As I glanced back to his face, he said, “if you’re good and quiet, there won’t need to be a gag. Besides, they are used to screams on this floor all night long.” I had no idea what he meant, although I admit I wasn’t sure this was even real so I didn’t say a word. Then I saw him pull up a syringe, walk over and put it into my IV. As he depressed the plunger, he said I should take some deep breaths and just relax. I felt the warm tingle go up my arm and then up into my throat and my tongue started to tingle. I felt short of breath so I let out a cough, which worried me and I got anxious. “That’s completely normal. Here, try some more juice.” As I drank it, I felt that tingle move down my body and my pelvis start to surge up as my asshole began to throb and kagel. I went from dreamy to alert to horned out of my mind. As I lay there, strapped to the bed, I watched him pull the IV out and put a band-aid on. Then he proceeded to pull my covers down and look at my tight, ripped, lean body. He seemed to nod in approval as he muttered, “They are going to love this.” I watched as he picked up my boxer shorts and noticed I was flaccid, which made no sense since all I could think about was pulling my dick and coming. Next thing I know, he’s got another syringe and points it towards my cock. “You might want to look the other way, but I promise, it’ll be painless.” He lied. I felt a sharp prick as I watched, completely shocked and horrified, as he stuck the needle in my penis. It was over in seconds and I could feel more tingling happening there. He cradled my cock in his hand for a second and looked up at me and chuckled. My eyes must have been like saucers. Then I noticed my cock was growing in his hand and growing and growing. He treated it like a newborn pup, just before he put it in his mouth. He took it out and said “mmm, salty pre-cum, then leaned over and put his tongue in my mouth.” I tasted it as well. And my mouth and tongue went crazy for his as my pelvis began thrusting up and down begging for attention. I was about to vibrate out of the bed when there was a slight knock on the door. He turned and smiled and said, “Just wait. You’re gonna be very happy tonight.” He unlocked the door and in walked two more guys in hospital sweats, just as hot as he was. One looked older, grey haired, very masculine…the other was Latino with warm buttery skin and this wry grin on his face. They took one look at me and said to my nurse, “Damn, you hit the jackpot.” At this point, I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I admit every fantasy imaginable ran through my mind. I watched as all three guys wrapped a tourniquet around their arms and pulled out orange pointed syringes like the one that went into my IV. They were so relaxed as they each punctured the skin, drew back this swirling rush of red blood, then proceeded to count down, 3, 2, 1 push. As they each pulled out their needle and ripped off their armbands, I saw my nurse let out a little cough. He smiled and said “I gave myself a little extra…just to make sure tonight is special with this one.” The others laughed and then they turned and looked at me. I felt like carrion in the desert about to be eaten by vultures. What happened next was even harder to describe as they proceeded to take off their sweats, revealing these muscular, perfect bodies…and fully erect large penises. The latin guy’s was hooded, which I love, literally leaking pre-cum. They then walked over, took off my boxers and proceeded to start sucking my cock, fingering my hole, touching my body and kissing me. It felt like an electric current was running through my body. My nurse was the first to climb on the bed, lift my legs, and thrust his cock in me. I assume it was due to all his pre-cum because my ass was already wet. He had no problem getting inside when he moaned in pleasure before starting to build rhythm. The other two were touching each other and playing with their asses and cocks while they watched as my nurse start to build up steam. “What do you say I plant some seed for you guys?” “Hell yeah, let’s load him up.” I watched as his face began to turn flush, his rhythm increased, as he thrust it into me. Then he let out this grunt sound and practically tore my second backdoor open as I could feel him ejaculating into my cavity. I even felt the vein on his cock throbbing, as he kept ejaculating. He lay on top of me for a second, covered in sweat, waiting for his breathing to return to normal. Then he pulled his cock out, jumped off the bed, walked over and fed it to me. It was literally dripping in cum. The other two proceeded to laugh and I heard the word “flip?” I assumed it was to see who would fuck me next but instead, they untied me, put me on all fours horizontally and as one guy shoved his cock down my throat, the other guy mounted me from behind. They were laughing and moaning and I could hear the sloppy sound of cum being churned in and out of my hole. Next thing I hear is “you ready?” “Let’s do it.” They both sped up their motions and, amazingly, I felt a gush of cum down my throat and in my ass simultaneously. I was in heaven. They proceeded to put me in every position possible in the room. They even got me in the shower where I was able to feel their amazing skin and touch their bodies all over. Suddenly they pushed me down. I thought I was supposed to suck them all off but they held my head back as they each began to pee on me. I admit, I was so whacked out, I even opened my mouth and drank some of it. Sounds disgusting now but in the moment, it made me even hornier. Their tee smelled odd, making me think that I must have gotten even higher off of it. Before the sun came up, I had been used in every hole and every position by every guy and then showered off, put back in my boxers and laid back in bed. I was blissed-out with a huge grin on my face as I watched them get their scrubs back on and walk out. My nurse came over, put in a new IV and hooked me up to the machine. He pulled out another needle and put it in my IV fluid and said, “Here, this’ll help you sleep it off until mid-afternoon. Oh, I’ll let your doc know you’re going to need to stay another night to get more IV meds.” All I could do was smile and nod as I watched him walk out of the room and my eyes slowly closed. I woke up with the sun blazing through my window. In walked my day nurse, Leilani, from the day before. She took one look at me and said, “you must have had quite a night. You’ve slept all morning. Didn’t even wake up for your vitals.” Groggily I said, “Oh, I dreamt all night. Lots of tossing and turning. “ She seemed a little confused but just nodded as she walked out. All I could think of was how long before the Night Shift?
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  6. Note to all my stories: What I post in the fiction section is really and truly fiction, products of my diseased, perverted mind. This story had its start in a guy I saw at Club Z many years ago, long before I discovered bugchasing. He was a troll, looking at him disgusted me, skinny, wasted, missing teeth, much like the Troll in this story. As revolted as I was I couldn't help being fascinated by his cock, it was lovely. Long, hard, perfectly formed, my mouth almost watered watching him stroke it slowly as he looked me in the eye. I wanted to suck it, feel it slide up my ass, squirt me full of his obviously diseased cum. He smiled at me and I turned and fled. I never saw him again, but I still think, what if...? Infected By the AIDS Troll I swallowed when I looked at the Troll, he was obviously sick. I'd seen guys with full blown AIDS before and it had always disgusted me. Now it made my dick hard to look at him and imagine his diseased cock raping my neg ass. He was gaunt, obviously ill, with a big belly that was not from beer. His legs were spotted with a few small Kaposi's marks. He didn't look that bad, but he obviously had AIDS. Did I actually want to let this diseased, AIDS ridden troll fuck me and cum in me? My dick throbbed with the answer, I did. I'd taken never taken a load I knew was poz, had just tested neg after a long dry spell. Now was my chance to get what all my jerk off fantasies revolved around, taking a poz load. I'd finally had to admit to myself that it turned me on more because it would be a load of AIDS cum. We were at a meet and greet for poz men. The organizers put a line in the publicity for the meeting that reluctantly welcomed 'poz friendly neg men', an obvious euphemism for bugchasers like me. I'd recently admitted to myself that I was a bugchaser, what better place to find someone willing and eager to spread the bug than here? I'd thought I'd meet some hot, young, fit guy and go back to his place and get poz fucked. Now my asshole was wet and aching to feel the Troll's diseased cock raping it, tearing it up, making it bleed so his AIDs bug would surely infect me. Troll smiled, a big, shit-eating grin. sure enough, no teeth, just raw gums. I almost shot my load, he was disgusting, I knew I'd be his bitch in minutes. He'd zeroed in and approached me, his name was Tom. The place was packed, he pushed up against me, pressing his hard cock into my butt, then reached around and groped my equally hard cock. We spoke briefly, then he wandered away and circulated, but his eyes kept track of me. My descent into bugchasing started when I saw references to 'charged loads', 'gifting' and 'pozzing' on the net. Soon all my fantasies featured me taking poz loads. When I first stumbled across accounts of young guys taking loads from old, AIDS ridden trolls I'd been revolted, but my dick was always rigid and oozing. More and more I jerked off to more extreme bugging fantasies featuring disgusting AIDS ridden trolls. Why was my dick hard and oozing, about to cum in my pants when I looked at him? I tried desperately to hide it, but I wanted him to bend me over the table and give me the hardest buttfucking of my life, ramming his diseased cock in me hard enough to tear my ass bloody and give the virus that infected his cum a straight shot at my bloodstream. Tom snickered as looked me up and down, he knew what I needed. He wore loose sweat bottoms and his cock was swelling as he looked me, tenting the crotch of the sweats. I couldn't help but stare, it was obviously large, thick and long, I went weak in the knees with a need to suck it, to make it grow, make it hard, so he could violate my neg ass and infect me with his disease. The place had thinned out a bit, men were making out, a few were on their knees sucking, one pair were fucking urgently. Tom looked at me and leered, my time was near. He pushed his sweats down and his cock flopped out. I whimpered, it was beautiful, magnificent, long, thick, big helmet head, a long foreskin lapping over a huge PA. My ass ached as I thought of how much it would hurt when he shoved that AIDS dick in me, how he'd tear my ass open and create clear paths for his disease to find it's way into my bloodstream and infect me. He pulled his shirt up and pushed his sweats down, he was gaunt and wasted, full belly, obviously diseased, Kaposi's on his thighs. I swallowed and dropped my pants to my knees, then turned around, leaned against the drink rail and stuck my ass out. Seconds later I felt the wet head of Tom's cock nuzzle my needy asshole. I moaned and pushed back, he chuckled and slapped me. "Easy, boy! I'm the boss here, you're nothing but a sick bugchasing bitch. You'll get what you want, but you'll get it like I want to give it to you. Tom pumped nine inches of hard dick in and out of me. He popped the head out, then back in, fuck it felt good! A few more minutes of slow fucking and he chuckled. "You like my AIDS dick in you, don't you?" "Fuck yeah, fuck it's good, give it to me." "Oh, I will, you're gonna get what you want tonight, gonna pump a creamy load of my AIDS cum into your tight neg ass, just like you want. I'm full blown. Yeah, you're gonna get it tonight, gonna poz you tonight, gonna infect you tonight." My stomach lurched when he said that. His dick felt so good in me, I loved he had AIDS. He would infect me, I should ask him to stop, or pull out and cum on my ass, not in it. It was so good getting fucked, it was so hot having an AIDS infected cock in me. My ass felt really wet, like when a man had cum in me, had he? I couldn't, but I knew some guys could cum more than once per fuck. Had he already shot in me? My dick pulsed at the thought, I could have AIDS cum in me now! I almost shot my load, it was so hot thinking about getting AIDS cum in me, I wanted it. "You gonna cum in me, gonna fill me with AIDS cum?" "Already shot once, your neg ass is full of my AIDS cum, my AIDS babies are in you now, I just pozzed you, just infected you, you got my strain." I moaned and shot my load, it was too late, he'd cum in me. No point in asking him to stop. And it felt so good, I wanted another load of his poison cum. "Fuck that's hot, cum in me again, give me another load of AIDS cum!" "Oh, I am, I'm pozzing you tonight, just like you wanted." "Fuck yeah, poz me, give it to me, poz me, infect me with HIV! Give me your strain!" I wanted it, wanted to get pozzed, infected with HIV. I might already have been, would be if he fucked me enough. Yes, he was infecting me now. "Sure thing, bitch, gonna infect you tonight, just like you want, gonna infect you with HIV." "Yes, infect me, infect me with HIV. I want you to infect me with HIV, I want your strain!" I looked at him fucking me in the mirror, he was full blown, he had AIDS. I felt his swollen AIDS belly against me and knew he was for real. I wanted his strain. "Give me your load, I want your strain, infect me with HIV!" "Already have you sick fucking faggot, already infected you, take my AIDS cum, faggot!" He shoved in hard and moaned, I felt his cock swell and a warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated and filled my ass with his AIDS cum, giving me his strain.
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  7. This story is based on an actual event that only recently did I remember.* As I was drunk and high and passed out for part of the night it is no wonder I didn't remember it. I started to go to a few local gay bars when I was 19 and being a cute shy lonely twink I rapidly met many older men.* After about a year I had many older friends and while they all hit on me at first they realized I only wanted to be friends. Many nights I would go back to one of their houses for a few drinks and I'd crash on their sofa or a guest room.* A few got me in their beds but other than cuddling nothing would happen. One night I was with two friends, Tony and John, who were in their late 40s and we were joined by one of their buddies from out of town that I had never met before.* He was about their age and his name was Henry. Henry asked who the cute little boy was as he sat down to join us.* Tony introduced me as their friend, Bob and we all drank and chatted for about an hour when Henry leaned over and whispered to Tony and when Tony nodded Henry then leaned towards me and asked if I wanted to go with him to do a line (of coke.) We went out to his car and did a couple of lines as we talked.* He was very interested in how a small young think hung out with mostly older guys but wasn't having sex with them.* I mostly blushed and said I am usually a top and only go for younger smaller boys. Shortly after we rejoined our friends the bar started to get busy and noisier and Tony asked if we wanted to go to his house and we all agreed and went there. Tony always looked and acted like a gentleman.* He was so proper like the kind you only see on TV.* He was born wealthy and believed in showing it but not in a gaudy tacky way.* He stood about six foot two and even at his age had an athletes body.* I dreamed many nights about becoming his boy but never let him know it.* I made sure when we were out that I bought him nearly as many drinks as he bought me as I didn't want him to think I was looking for a sugar daddy.* He always had a tan too and basically he looked incredible.* John was the almost exact opposite.* He was shorter than me at only 5' 6 (to my 5'9, although I wished I was shorter) and he had some fat.* He wasn't really fat but instead just didn't take care of himself and he was happy as he was.** Like Tony he had lots of money but he made his in less than legal ways.* John would also love to grab my ass and more than once got his hand down the back of my pants and tried to finger me.* He was very touchy with everyone and I learned to get use to it although he made me blush whenever he touched my ass. Once we got to Tony's we sat in his parlor and he made us all drinks and then Henry poured out a huge pile of coke and we all started to get high.* After an hour Tony went to bed and that is when John turned on the TV and got out some DVDs and Henry made more drinks. John's porn was all bareback twinks fucking and cumming into their tight holes.* Henry was making lots of nasty comments about boysluts loving to be bred and stuff like that.* When the first video ended and John got the next ready Henry set up some more lines and they were huge.* He did one then handed me the straw and when I tried handing it back after doing a line he told me to do another and I did and sat back ready for the blast in my head to begin. As the video started Henry said it was hot and took off his shirt.* Wow I thought what a stud as I saw his perfectly hairy chest.* I didn't notice he was watching me stare at him and when he rubbed his flat belly and dipped his hand into his crotch I moaned and squeezed my clothing covered cock.* Later he told me that was when he knew he was getting to me. Ten minutes into the video the two big lines were starting to peak in my head as I watched a a big jockish guy plowing into a little twink and I was feeling every grunt the boy made.* I didn't even notice when John stood and took off his pants.* John started to stroke his cock and that caught my attention.* Henry seeing me watch John decided to lose his pants too.* He then walked over to the table in just his boxers and set up more lines and just as big.* He turned to me and asked if I was hot being all dressed and I said I was OK so he told me that if this coke wasn't making me hot then I needed to do three lines this time.* I was flying so high and the thought of doing three big lines made me excited.* I walked over and he handed me the straw and told me to do a line into each nostril.* I barely could get each one snorted they were so big.* Henry said just wait a minute then do the third line.* I started to sweat and knew I was about to be higher than ever and then he told me to do the line. I leaned over and did the line and as I stood up Henry said "Bobby you must be so hot let me help you.* Put your hands up" and he lifted my shirt over me head and said, that must be better, and he went and sat down as I stood still for a moment that felt like an hour but finally went back to my seat. On the TV another bigger jock boy was looking at a smaller younger twink and was rubbing his cock clearly hot for the boy.* Henry asked if I liked the guys and would I want to fuck them.* I told him the smaller boy was perfect but the jock was too big and he looked older than me.* John said he'd fuck either of them and Henry laughed that John would fuck anything.* John and Henry both were stroking their cocks and I could see them both dripping and I wanted them but was so afraid.* The jock in the porn had just walked up to the boy and reached down and lifted his shirt off him just as Henry had done to me. Henry looked over at me and told me, "Bobby take off your pants".* He was still stroking himself as he spoke.* I watched him stroke as I stood and removed my jeans.* "Bobby sit here" as he patted the space next to him.* My head was really spinning now although I finally realized that he was calling me Bobby not Bob.* As I sat next to him he wrapped his arm around me and said watch the TV. In the video the jock was removing the boy's shorts and pushing him onto a table.* Henry started to describe the scene.* "Bobby, watch how the top gets what he wants.* The boy is scared and afraid but the top doesn't force him but instead guides him.". For the rest of the video Henry explained how easy it is for a dom top to get the cherry of any boy.* He told me that almost all young boys want a man to take them but most are afraid.* As the boy was being fucked he looked so hot and Henry pointed out how the boy never touched his own cock and that for a boy to truly love being fucked he should only concentrate on the cock in his ass.* The video ended with the jock shooting inside the boy as the boy started to cum having never even touched his cock.* Henry then asked me if I wished I was the jock fucking the boy or if I wished I was the boy being fucked.* I wanted to be the boy but was afraid to say so and Henry then said that's OK Bobby, John and I won't tell anyone, go ahead tell us.* I want to be the boy I said quietly and Henry hugged me and told me he was proud of me.* I felt so good that I made him proud of me. The next video started and Henry told me to watch how the top doesn't ask the boy but instead the top does what he wants, however the boy must agree or he could tell the top no. Most tops he said aren't real Dom men so he understands why my past experiences weren't great. He then asked if I would trust him to show me how I could be a good boy and I nodded and he hugged me. Henry got up and took my hand and led me to the table and we did a couple of lines each. On the TV a twink was pushed to his knees and had a huge cock pushed into his mouth. Henry said he loved watching a boy suck a cock, then looked in my eyes and told me I should go suck John so that he could watch me on my knees. I looked at John and he let go of his cock and leaned back and spread his legs and I got down in front of him and started to suck his cock.
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  8. So I was 20 and vacationing in Provincetown for my first time. I certainly was no angel and had had plenty of sex before. In fact, I was a bottom extraordinaire. I could take big dick, I had been fisted, I was kinky – I loved dom/sub play and piss play and spanking, etc. I thought I could play with the big boys. I was pretty big myself. I mean, I was 6’, lean and muscular, thick 8” cock that I never used, and nice round bubble butt from playing soccer throughout middle school and high school. People said that I looked like Ashton Kutcher right down to my mop of hair. I was hoping for some hot guys to really work me over in Ptown. I had never expected him. It was late one night…I had already been out to whatever dance party had happened that night. After the bars closed at 1:00 A.M. (Massachusetts state law), and I had hung around outside of Spiritus Pizza. I didn’t eat any, of course. I mean, I had gone out already prepped to bottom hoping to be taken home and get my brains fucked out. I still held onto that hope and didn’t want greasy pizza fucking with my stomach. But no one that I was meeting or talking with was doing it for me. I contemplated hitting the Dick Dock –a place in Ptown where you go to have anonymous sex – but I didn’t have the courage. As much as that kind of dirty sex seemed hot, I didn’t want to catch anything. So I hung out with my friends for a little bit longer and then headed back to where I was staying. By now it was about 3:00 A.M. As I walked, I opened Scruff on my phone to take one last look around and that’s when I saw his pic. A tight torso in a leather harness giving the thumbs up with a goofy smirk on his face. A face that was rugged and cute all at the same time. His body was jock built – large pecs cut into his chest and eight lean ripped abs covered with a dusting of brown hair; thick biceps and cut triceps totally defined even just giving a thumbs up. My cock stirred in my shorts as I read his profile: P4N Age 38 Height 6’2” Weight 195 I’m the top, you’re the bottom, that’s the end of the discussion. If you say yes on here and show up, you take it the way I give it to you. It’s big and there will be no whining. If you tell me you say you’re into something, be into it cuz we will be doing it whether you chicken out or not. Be hot, be ready, and be real. Now don’t be a pussy and hit me up. I couldn’t type fast enough… Me: Hey sir, hot profile and pic. What’s going on? No response. I unlocked my pix, still no response. It had been almost 10 minutes, and I was almost home. Ugh, I wanted dick. I had almost given up, when there it was…1 message from P4N. P4N: tight hole? Me: Very tight. P4N: can it take 9? Me: Yessir, no problem. P4N: you have ff, piss, and being submissive in your profile Me: Yessir. P4N: you neg? Me: Yessir, tested right before I came here. P4N: host? Fuck, fuck, fuck!! I couldn’t host. And clearly, neither could he. I was going to lose this hot fuck to not having a place to go. Shit! Me: I can’t, sir. Nothing. No response. I was home, but I wanted to stall. I sat down on the front steps of my rental house and waited. Finally – P4N: i’ll fuck you in the parking lot of my b&b Me: What? P4N: take it or leave it. sending you the location. let me know your eta. And with that, he sent me his location. I had never done anything like this before…but isn’t that what I wanted? A guy to really challenge me and work me over. I had to do it. Me: 10 minutes. P4N: see you then. I started walking, butterflies in my stomach stirring as I approached his inn. I found the place and walked around the building to get to the parking lot. It was a small gravel parking lot and I couldn’t see anyone else there. There was only one street light about 50 feet away from the cars. That’s when he stepped out from behind a pick-up truck wearing nothing but a harness – a different one from his pic. He was stroking his cock already and it was huge. I realized I had never asked for a pic of it, but he hadn’t lied. It was a solid nine and really thick and veiny. He gestured me over to him with his head. I quickly walked over to him and said, “Hi. Glad this worked out.” He took me by the shoulders and pushed me to my knees saying, “Shut up. You’re here to take dick, not make friends.” My knees hit the gravel but I didn’t have time to think about the scrapes because he moved one of his hands to my head and lined his cock up with my mouth with his other hand. Before I knew it his fat cock was jammed into my face, skull fucking me. It all happened so quickly but he wrapped my hair into his fingers and roughly pulled and yanked my mouth on and off his cock. His cock tasted funny. I couldn’t place it and I didn’t mind, but it didn’t taste like what I was used to. My throat struggled to keep up with his assault. I gagged and sputtered, saliva flying everywhere and soaking my shirt. His big balls swung and hit my chin over and over. I looked up and saw him tweaking his own nipple with his head thrown back, eyes closed. He had no concern or regard for me. He was probably thinking about somebody else. He was really just using me. I loved it and was rock hard. “That’s right, bitch. Open that mouth cunt, you stupid whore.” He slammed harder into my face and felt my uvula bruise. It wouldn’t be until the next day when I looked in the mirror and saw it hanging there all black and blue that I would realize that that’s what happened. Finally, he threw me off his cock. I landed on my ass, my hands scraping the gravel. I didn’t realize how much he was pulling my hair until this release and my head hurt. He aggressively approached me and pulled my shirt over my head, discarding it next to the tire of the car we were in front of. “Get up, cunt,” he ordered and I scrambled to my feet. He easily lifted me up and plopped me on the trunk of the car, my loosely tied tennis shoes falling off my feet to the ground. “Is this your car?” I asked, unaware of how ridiculous that question was. The problem was that I was still under the impression that I was a person to him. I wasn’t. I was a bottom. “Fuck no,” was his only response, and with that he yanked my underwear and shorts down to my knees. So there I was on some car in a parking lot on my back with my legs up, my shorts and underwear at my knees. He spit a few times on my hole and rubbed his saliva soaked cock against it. I had never been fucked without lube before. He started pushing in and I tried to relax. I started to moan and wail as he ripped into my pucker. Most guys loved my ass and reveled in licking and playing with my young pink hole to open me up, but he was only interested in getting his dick into it. His hand clamped over my mouth and he continued to impale me with all 9 inches. “That’s right, slut. That’s what it’s for. It’s for cock. It’s for cum.” My eyes widened and I looked up at him … or rather, the part of him I could see around my shorts and underwear. I had never let a guy cum in me before. He saw my look. He chuckled, “First time getting bred, huh?” I nodded furiously under the hand over my mouth. “Tough shit, not your choice. You read my profile.” And with that he stabbed my wrecked guts with a two extremely deep thrusts. I was in shock and extreme pain, but this guy was fucking me in a way I can’t describe. I could feel my ass being pulled out of my body every time he withdrew and I could feel my insides being tossed aside when he rammed it home. He hit spots that I didn’t know I had. I was didn’t know how much I could take but I never wanted it to stop. Suddenly, he pulled his cock out of me. I squeaked with agony, but didn’t have time to think about my throbbing asshole because he threw me to my knees again and shoved his slimy cock into my mouth. I sucked and slobbered, tasting his precum and my innards all over this beautiful cock. “Fuck yeah, eat your ass off my dick, bitch. All those ass juices. Taste both of those asses on my dick. Fuck yeah.” Both of those asses? I didn’t have much time to think. He pulled my up by my arms and bent me over the trunk of the car. In one thrust, he buried his nine inches in my bubble butt and clamped a hand over my mouth, muffling my scream. He went back to fucking me and once my screaming had subsided, he moved the hand to my hair and used my shaggy mop as reins, fucking me like a whore. “Goddamn, yeah. You are tight but it’s a big ass once you get inside. You know that? You have a whore’s ass once you get past that pucker. Not like the slut I fucked before you got here, he was tight through and through.” “W-w-what?” I stuttered in between thrusts, my voice shaking. “That’s why I can’t host, he’s still in my bed sleeping. Didn’t want to wake him up. Could you taste is ass on my dick? Feel his ass juices inside your ass? His ass was all over my dick this whole time, cunt.” I couldn’t believe I had allowed this. I was just another hole…and I had no idea who this other guy was…and I had juice from deep inside of him in my mouth and in my ass. “You didn’t tell me that,” I said. He slapped my ass hard. I yelped, knowing he left a red mark. “You didn’t ask, slut. In fact, you didn’t ask much. I asked all the questions and now you’re getting what you wanted. I’m gonna’ knock you up and tag you, you stupid cunt.” I moaned and whimpered as he sawed into my ass cunt harder and harder. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…” I started to chant as I felt him balloon inside of me. “Do you know what that means, faggot?” he asked me. “Yes,” I whined. “It means you’re going to cum in me, sir.” “More than that, little boy,” he growled. “I’m going to poz you, you fucking cum catch.” I started to panic and claw the car, but he held me firmly in place, fucking into me like a dog. “But – but – but – you said you were neg!” “No, I didn’t,” he started slapping my ass repeatedly. “I asked YOU if YOU were neg. I never said I was.” He was right. I remembered the conversation now…I had assumed he was asking to make sure I wouldn’t give him anything, but he was asking to make sure that he WOULD give me something. I kept clawing the car but there was nothing I could do. His voice went to almost a whisper, “You’re not tight any more, cum dump. You’re so fucking loose now, so fucking loose. Like a loose cunt. And I’m going to impregnate you with my fucking strain. And you’re going to love it. Say it, say it.” “I’m going to love it,” I cried. “I don’t believe you,” he slapped my ass some more – I was definitely going to be bruised. “Tell me you want that toxic seed.” “Please don’t. Please.” “Doesn’t it feel good?” he asked. Slap! Slap! Slap! “Yes, I love it! It feels amazing! But I don’t want to get sick, please…” “Beg me to keep fucking you!” he barked. I just grunted and took his violent pounding. He pulled my hard and spit on my back, “Start begging or I stop fucking you and go back inside.” I couldn’t let that happen. He was giving me the fucking of my life and my ass was loving it. “Please,” I offered. “Please what, bitch?” he barked. “Please, please keep fucking me.” “Fuck you, I’m gonna’ stop. Grab your shit and go.” He started to slide out of my hole. “No, please. Please sir…I’m begging you. I love your cock in me. Please keep fucking me. I’m a worthless piece of shit faggot that wants your cock in me, please!” He slid back in, knocking through my second sphincter, “That’s better, slut.” I was still scared to death of his cum so I added, “Just please, I don’t want you to cum in me.” Slap! Slap! Slap! I yelled out as he wrecked my hole and smacked my ass. “Who fucking cares what you want, cock sleeve. Get ready for my poz nut, bitch!” And with that he punched me on the ass, making me clench and pulled me back by the hair close so that my ear was by his mouth. He let out a series of guttural grunts and I felt his cock pulse against my sensitive ass walls. I counted six, seven, eight, nine shots as his cum hit the deepest parts of my hole. And this was his second cum shot in just a few hours??? Jesus! As he continued to fuck his load into me, I felt my own dick jerk and shoot all over the trunk of the car. Another first. I had never cum hands free before. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Feel that poisonous cum drench your pussy. It’s giving you my babies, cunt. You got my sick in you now. You’re mine, all mine.” As our breathing started to even out, he said, “Now hold still…” I felt warmth rush into me. “W-what—“ “You said you were into piss. And I need to piss.” He was peeing in my ass, bloating my insides. I moaned and cooed feeling his steaming urine fill me up. “Okay,” he said. “I’m going to pull out. Clench your ass so you don’t lose a drop.” I did as I was told and squeezed my hole as he pulled out, keeping his piss in me. Once he was fully out, he gently pulled up my underwear and shorts so that they were back on me. Then he turned me around and for the first time, kissed me, pinning me against the car. I loved having his mouth on mine but something seemed off. Then I realized what it was. He had me pinned and as he kissed me, he used his hand to press against my abdomen. My eyes shot open, bulging as he continued to cram his tongue into my mouth. I tried to fight him off, but he was too powerful. All the strength from his huge bicep and tricep was focused on my bloated insides. I moaned and whined trying to make him stop but his eyes just locked on mine viciously. He smiled as he continued to kiss me and push on my stomach. I was clenching my ass and trying to keep from letting all of the body fluids in my cunt from pouring out, but he wasn’t having it. He just kept pressing and then suddenly he drew his hand back and stabbed it forward catching me off guard. All of his piss and his cum shot out of my wrecked ass, drenching my underwear and my shorts. He stopped kissing me and stepped back to watch my shorts turn darker from the explosion and see his piss and cum drip down my bare legs. I let out a mortified moan and looked at him with teary eyes. I looked up at him and he was just smiling smugly, laughing at me. “So pathetic…” he laughed under his breath. I thought he was done humiliating me, but he wasn’t. He took aim at my shirt on the ground and started to piss all over it. “That’s my shirt, man!” I squeaked out. “I know what the fuck it is,” he grabbed me by the arm to prevent me from getting it out of his line of fire. “You said you liked piss, I’m giving you piss.” And with that he stopped his stream and then fired his urine into both of my shoes that had landed on the ground when he first lifted me onto the trunk of the car. Finally, he stopped peeing and he said, “Get into your shoes.” I just stood there so he repeated with more force, “Get into your fucking shoes, bitch.” I stepped into my piss-soaked shoes. They were drenched, squishing with his piss every time I changed my weight from one foot to the other. “Now get your shirt, cum dump,” he ordered. I picked up my shirt, completely wet and dripping with his stinking urine. “Wait, before you put it on…wring it out over your head.” “No sir, please…” He scoffed, “You bitches are all the same. You say you’re submissive and that you’re into shit, but you just chicken out in the end. So fucked up.” And he started to walk away. I felt like a failure. “Wait sir,” I said. He turned back and I lifted my shirt above my head and twisted it until cascades of his rank urine fell over me drenching my hair, stinging my eyes, and running in rivulets down my torso. I wanted to cry. This was the most used I had ever felt. “Stick your tongue out, cunt,” he said, dissatisfied. As I continued to ring the shirt out over my head, I stuck my tongue out and tried to catch some of his piss in my mouth. I turned my head up and let it fall directly into my swollen lips and drank him. When the waterfall of urine finally stopped, I looked back at him for approval. He nodded and said, “Put your shirt on, fuck hole.” I did as he said and slid the shirt on which much difficulty. There I stood, covered head to toe in piss and cum, my ass walls covered in poz seed, and without having cum myself. “Now you can go home,” he told me. “Can I clean up first…just a little?” I had always assumed he would let me use his bathroom after all of this. “Fuck no. I don’t want to wake my buddy.” “But what if I run into people. Or my housemates when I get home or—“ “I could give a shit, you stupid cunt. So what if they know what you are. You shouldn’t do it unless you’re willing to own it. Now go walk through the streets covered in my cum and piss and take whatever humiliation comes with it. Pretty good cunt by the way.” And with that, he turned and walked back to the house. I never saw him again. On my walk home – which thankfully, it was almost 5:00 A.M. so I only had to deal with two or three guys passing me and laughing when they thought I was out of ear shot. I tried to find him on Scruff to say that I had a good time and would love to do it again, but I couldn’t find him in my messages or in my views…which only meant one thing. He walked back to his house and immediately blocked me. I had been treated like a whore before but this was extreme. I immediately opened Grindr to see if he was there, and sure enough he was. I messaged him: Hey sir, I had a great time. Would love to do it again. Within a minute, his profile disappeared from my screen. He had blocked me there too. He was done with me. As I would find out a month later, he had pozzed me, and he was done with me. And I haven’t stopped thinking about him since. The end.
    1 point
  9. My name is Alan and this is a story of how I became the pig bottom I was meant to be. The beginning of the story is just some back ground information for you. When I was 18 years old, my cousin Amy and her husband moved in to the house down the street from us. From the time I had met him I had always wanted him to use me. He was 6’2” 230 pounds, very hairy and very muscular, athletic and always working out. His name was Michael but because of his strength his nickname was Bull. Later I found another reason to call him that. As I had the slim build of a swimmer, was somewhat shorter at 5’9”, and as he was seven years older than I, we were very much in contrast to each other. I was always the quiet one in the family and shy. I knew I was gay and like most 18 year olds, I was always horny, but I couldn’t act on my impulses and hid that I was gay from my family. The fantasies I had every time I jerked off were always of him or of a man like him using me as a fuck toy little did I know I would get my wish and then some. Because Bull's wife, my true cousin, was family, we would always be at each other’s houses for dinner, family parties and so forth. That June after I graduated from high school we all went to our family reunion together and I had to sit next to HIM. I was wedged in the front seat between my father and Bull and the heat that radiated off of him was amazing. As Bull and my father talked I would steal glances of him including the bulge in his pants. As he shifted in his seat to get more comfortable I swear he rubbed against me on purpose but then again we were crammed in the front seat. When we got to the reunion I helped everyone unload the car and then I went off exploring to see what other family members were doing. I hung around some of my other cousins who were of my age, we went down to the creek to drink beer we took from our family coolers and to smoke some weed. About two hours later I had to pee real bad and went to use the bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom Bull was in there changing, he was getting ready to go jet skiing on the creek. His shirt was off and he said Hi as I walked in. I said Hi in reply, and walked over to the urinals to pee. I kept watching him out of the corner of my eye and tried to pee but couldn’t, my dick was hard just seeing him without his shirt on. I flushed and zipped up hoping he wouldn’t notice the tenting in my shorts. As I tried to get out of there ASAP I realized he was talking to me and I asked him what he said. He laughed and said I must have my mind on other things. He repeated to ask me if I liked to go jet skiing with him or did I have other plans. I stammered that I had other plans and left the bathroom. The rest of the day all I could think of was him and that body. I jerked off three times that night. After the family reunion I didn’t see him again until August. My mom asked if I could go over to their house and mow the lawn since they were away on vacation. I said sure and headed over. I started mowing the front lawn and then moved to the back. With my ear buds in and the music turned up loud I did not hear Bull walk up behind me in the yard. He tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped. He said he was sorry and that he did not mean to startle me. I told him I had my music turned up and hadn't seen him. I told him I didn’t think anyone was around and that he and Amy were on vacation. He told me that Amy decided to go visit friends since he could not get off from work. He asked if I wanted a drink of water and I told him that would be great. We walked into the house and he got me a bottle of water from the fridge. He handed it to me and I didn’t even notice that it had no cap on it. I drank it down in two gulps. We walked into the great room and sat down. He sat right next to me even though there was plenty of room on the couch. I couldn’t help but stare at his body, I wanted to lick his pits and suck on his nipples. I started to feel funny and felt like I was going into a daze. Bull started talking to me and asked me why I left the bathroom so early at the reunion. I asked what he ment and he told me he knew I was checking him out and he thought that I would let him fuck me or at least suck his cock. "Wow that is blunt" I said, and he replied he knew I was a fag and that I was always checking him out, and asked if I had ever been with a guy. My reply was "No." "Good," he said, "I like breaking in virgin hole and wrecking it." With that he stood and dropped his shorts, his cock was massive: it was about ten inches long, uncut, and thick as a beer can. Grinning, he snapped his fingers and asked me if I liked what I saw. All I could do was nod. He was alternating between rubbing his hand up and down his body and pulling on his left nipple, remarking in the process "You look like you are a great cock sucker." I don’t know what it was but I knew I needed to be used by him. He asked if I would like another bottle of water or something stronger and I asked for something stronger. He fixed me a rum and coke that was almost all rum and very strong. I drank it down and put the glass down. He put his hand on my head and guided me toward his cock. At first I could only get the cock head into my mouth but as he encouraged me and pushed my head on to him I gaged at first getting spit all over his cock, I then realized I had him partially down my throat. He was telling me what a good boi I was and that he knew I could do this. It was then I felt his hand work into the back of my shorts and his finger found my hole. With no lube he pushed his finger into my hole and it hurt slightly. I told him that it hurt and burned and he said good your ass will get used to it in time. He then used his other hand to push my mouth back on his cock. He told me that I was a slut and that he would teach me how to take all cocks, no questions asked and he will make me into the pig I was ment to be. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and told me to undress. I was very drunk at this point and realized that he must of spiked my drink because I was also very hot and very horny. I quickly stripped down and he told me to turn around and he started licking my ass. I never felt this before and I was in heaven. I felt my hole loosening up ever so slightly. He told me I was ready and had me lay on the sofa my legs spread out and my hole was exposed. The next thing I know his cock head was at my hole and he was trying to push it in. It hurt and I asked him to stop, but he just laughed and said "A pig bottom learns to take the pain and with my fuckin' cock I am sure to tear you a bit." He thrust into me a little more and I screamed in pain. I did not know what lube was at that time but I know he didn’t use anything other than spit and his precum. After what seemed like an eternity he started moving his cock in and out of my hole. The pain was starting to go away and I started to enjoy his pulling out and pushing back in, and he remarked "I've never seen a bottom open up so fast - you must be a natural born fuck." Then he started to grunt I realized that he was cumming in my hole and that he was not wearing a condom. I asked him if he should be wearing a condom and he replied "Fuck no. A pig boy should always take the seed of any man." He then pulled out, remarking "A pig also knows that he should clean any cock that uses his hole" so I took his cock into my mouth. It was then that I tasted my blood on his cock. To this day I love when a top fills me with his seed. This is my first attempt at writing my story. It is a mix of truth and fiction. The story does start off slow but I have much more to tell if you want
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  10. A TOP TURNED INTO A PIG BOTTOM FOR THE NIGHT Like a lot of people at the time, when 9/11 happened, I went to a dark place and made some questionable choices. I have no regrets. I am who I am today because of myself then. And I had a TON of fun and memories...WHEW! I was living in NYC at this time. I had good looks, a hot body, and a thick dick that I loved to open and fuck hole with. I would sometimes fantasize about being a bareback top prostitute. Eventually, at the same time as holding down 2 regular jobs, I started hustling on Rentboy.com and did well. I treated myself to leather chaps, a leather codpiece thong, a harness, and some biker boots at the Leatherman. I'm actually wearing the harness and codpiece in my profile pic if you want to see. And I had a great time with the guy fitting me in the store, too. But that's another story. I also planned on hitting the Black Party that following March in my new gear. A few days before the party, an out-of-town client from San Francisco emailed me and asked for a session the same night as the party. I decided it could be fun to get the juices flowing before the party, so I agreed. The night arrived and after a good gym session and cleaning myself up, I changed into my leather, smoked a few hits of tina out of the glass pipe(also a new thing for me at the time), put a long coat on over my party clothes and grabbed a cab to meet him in his room at the W Hotel. At the time, I was almost all top and didn't enjoy getting fucked very much. When I got there, we traded amazing kisses and spit, and then Bob started eating my ass and opening up my hole. He was set on fucking me. The conquest game. I caught on pretty fast. But I wasn't in the mood to put up a fight. The tina was hitting and I was ready to enjoy the ride. The way he ate ass and spread me open made me think he'd be a good top. Bob would rim my hole with a steady pressure, then pull away and flick his tongue on my ass as my hole got hungrier. He got me on the bed and threw a great fuck into me, using the mirrors to watch himself pump his dick in my hole still in my leather chaps. He knew how to open me up. Bob fucked me all over the hotel room and shot his cum deep when he reached the point of no return. We both had a great time and after a quick shower, he sent me to the party with a hole still full of his DNA. Bob had "conquered" me and I was happy about it. And horned to get more raw dick in me. I met friends at the party and spent a while dancing before deciding to leave them and heading to the dark hallway on the second floor that was being used as the back room. I went down the hall slowly looking for a piece of thick dick. I was on the prowl. About halfway, I had a hot man with tribal tats go down on his knees in front of me. I opened up the codpiece and let him suck my dick while other guys started feeling up my ass and trying to get their fingers around the leather strap covering my hole. I was getting into the hot, wet mouth sliding on my bone when a pnp fuckbud of mine tapped me on the shoulder and told me to follow him and two really hot guys that were with him. Steve was a young stud with a smooth body and a big bulge in his leather chaps, and Al was a tall, beautiful bald man with a sexy clipped goatee and thick, full lips. Dave led us to the end of the hall and out a door onto a wide staircase landing. We all started to kiss and suck each other's dicks. Dave was sucking on Steve's uncut dick while Al got my strap unsnapped and starting licking my hole. When he realized I was loaded with Bob's jizz, I heard and felt him hum on my hole and he went to town. Al's moans were vibrating his tongue buried deep inside me and it felt awesome. Then Al stood up, turned me around and snowballed some of the cum back to me. Dave turned to me and asked if I had ever slammed tina. I told him that I'd seen it done and I was willing to try. Dave told me they had slammed earlier, but he had an extra rig he could shoot into me and send me flying. As Dave's friend Al continued to trade spit and cum with me, Dave pulled a loaded syringe out of an inside pocket of his leather vest. He unsnapped one of the leather arm bands he was wearing and put it on my left arm, snapping it on tightly. He took the needle and pushed it into one of my veins that was popping out. He pulled back on the plunger and got my blood to register in the needle before he slammed the plunger down and filled my body with a warm rush. My mind exploded with lust and my hole felt wet and hungrier than ever before. Dave said he wanted to fuck me. Something Dave had never done before. In the past, we had always tag-teamed bottoms and sucked each other's dicks. I gave him a wink, a deep kiss and told him to bury his bone. He bent me over the railing and sank his warm, thick cock inside me. I was a happy camper. He grabbed hold of my chaps and started long-dicking me into heaven. We were having a hot orgy using the stairs and railings before Dave began to really pound my ass and he dumped his load in me. Dave set off a chain reaction and Al came in Steve's smooth hole right after, fucking his jizz deep while Steve was on his back with his legs spread wide. After we finished and were talking, Dave said he knew a few of the porn guys putting on the live sex show downstairs and he could get us into the backstage area to fuck around with them. We all started back through the door we came in from and down the dark, crowded hallway. We got about halfway down the hall when I ran into a man that stopped me in my tracks. He had this intensity about him that was a total turn-on. He looked kind of dangerous. He had great blue eyes, was topless with a great body, and was wearing jeans and a bowler hat. He looked like a handsome, but sketchy, carnival worker. After we stared at each other for a moment, He reached out, grabbed the back of my neck and brought me to him for a hot kiss. My friends had continued walking by now and I decided to stay and see where this might lead. He kissed me with his eyes locked on mine and everything started to fall away around us. The focus was very passionate. I hadn't seen his cock yet, but I knew I wanted him fucking me RIGHT THEN AND THERE. I unsnapped the the codpiece again and turned around. He opened up his jeans fast and within seconds my ass was getting fed his 8" thick, hard dick. The nearby crowd was watching us bareback and were sharing in this hot moment of pure lust. The heat was spreading to the men around us and they began to fuck around with more intensity, too. The man in the bowler was pounding my hole and I was bent over in my chaps with my hands on my knees to brace against his dick and hips slamming into my ass. Every now and then I raised up to look at this man opening my fuckhole even wider. I would get a wet kiss, then bend down again to let him fuck me deep. He started to grunt above the loud music and I could feel him start to shoot his warm cum inside my hole. My ass was glowing and open like it had never been before. The guys around us started to cheer. I raised up, smiled and kissed him again. We left the hallway and stayed upstairs above the dance floor talking for a while before exchanging numbers. I had just been bred by my new boyfriend from Baltimore named John. I ended up moving to Baltimore and tapping John's gorgeous ass every chance I got. The man was built for getting fucked. And he would throw a fuck into me again sometimes when we partied and my hole got hungry for his thick dick and baby batter. But that's another story, too.
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  11. I can't take credit for this, found it on nifty.org and I wanted to share. From: john bottom <slamme76@hotmail.com> Subject: Breaking and Entering His Ass (Part1) So this is one scene I had in mind. I wrote it out like a short story. You're the homeowner and I'm the intruder. It was night and some guy broke into another guy's house. It was a nice house. New. The intruder was very proud of his breaking and entering abilities. He was walking around like he owned the place. After strolling through the house he was shocked to hear a voice: "Don't move an inch." It was the homeowner and he had the intruder cornered with a baseball bat. He held the bat ready to swing and the intruder knew that the homeowner could at least knock him out if he wanted to. But the homeowner was in control and he could sense the intruder's fear. "What the fuck are you doing in my house? Who the fuck are you?" The intruder was scared, apologetic and begging. "Please, just let me go. I'm begging you. Don't hit me, please, just let me go." The homeowner could tell the intruder was really scared. The homeowner knew, dressed like he was -- black leather pants, cut off t-shirt, boots -- that he looked intimidating. The homeowner took a long look at the intruder and finally told him to take his clothes off. "Hey, I'm not into that..." the intruder said, at which time the homeowner raised the bat up. "It's take your clothes, take a beating or I call the cops. Which is it?" The intruder was cornered. He didn't want to end up in jail because he would become some black man's prison bitch and he didn't want to take a beating, so he figured, "I'll take my clothes off, this guy will jack himself off and then I'll be on my way." So the intruder took his clothes off. He was tall, slender, blond, muscular and smooth. It looked like he shaved his legs. He stood there naked while the homeowner admired his body. The intruder could feel the homeowner's eyes caressing his smooth skin. He could feel a draft between his legs, around his balls and his ass cheeks. He was very aware of being naked. The homeowner told him to turn around at which time he handcuffed the intruder's hands behind his back. This surprised the intruder and he wanted to turn around and say something but the act of taking his clothes off and having his hands handcuffed began to make him hard and he didn't want to call attention to himself -- have the homeowner spin him around and see his hardening shaved-like-a-boy cock pointing out. So he didn't say a thing. The homeowner pushed the intruder face first against the wall and spread his legs and started feeling the intruder up -- chest, legs, ass... but when he reached around to feel the intruder's cock he couldn't help but notice the intruder was totally hard. "I thought you said you weren't into this?" the homeowner said, to which the intruder had no reply, he just looked down embarrassed. The homeowner got close to the intruder and pulled his head back by the hair and whispered in his ear, "You're going to be my little prison bitch tonight. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." He told the intruder to lay spread eagle on his stomach on the floor and not to move. The homeowner stomped out in his boots to the kitchen and the intruder thought about how everything had gone wrong and now he's going to be a prison bitch and how he wanted to avoid that to begin with... but he was turned on. His cock was hard and it felt good. He could feel it rubbing on the floor and pre-cum smearing onto the smooth wood surface. The idea of letting some strange man take ownership of his ass and mouth... he would never admit it to anyone, but it made his cock hard. His shaved asshole was sweating and he began to wonder if the homeowner noticed that it was shaved when he was feeling him up. He hoped not. Meanwhile, out in the kitchen, the homeowner found a barstool and began looking for a hypo he had left in a drawer there the night before. He had been partying and was still feeling the effects when he caught the intruder. He was thinking to himself, "Jackpot. This guy is pretty hot, he shaves his hole so you know regardless of what he says, he likes his boy pussy played with. I might have to teach him how to deep throat and loosen his hole up so I can go balls deep on his ass, but what a find! I can keep him for as long as I want. Maybe even take some pictures and threaten to post them on the Internet if he doesn't come back for regular sessions. Hey, that reminds me..." The homeowner found what he was looking for in the kitchen and returned to where he left the intruder with barstool in hand. He put something on the table in the room, tinkered with it and then moved over to where the intruder was. When he saw the intruder still spread eagle on the floor, he knew he had an obedient fuck boy. He told the slender naked handcuffed intruder to stand up and he did. He made him face the wall again and pulled the barstool under his ass and told him to step back and sit. He un-handcuffed one hand and cuffed the other to the lowest rung on the barstool. He told the intruder to raise his ass up and when he did the homeowner reached between the intruder's legs from behind and pulled his shaved plump cock and balls out so it was now hanging over the edge of the barstool backwards pointing straight down. When the intruder sat back down he was feeling very vulnerable. The position of his cock was forcing him to lean over and expose his shaved hole. He was worried that the angry homeowner would see his shaved pussy, figure out his secret and start pounding him right then and that was something his tight hole wasn't ready for. But the homeowner was one step ahead. With the hypo between his teeth, the homeowner grabbed the wrist of the intruder and held it up to the front. He wrapped a piece of surgical tubing around the top of the intruder's arm and located a vein. The intruder looked up and said, "No!" The homeowner looked at him angrily and told the intruder, "What's it going to be? The cops, the baseball bat or this? You decide." The intruder lowered his head. "You're going to love this," the homeowner said laughing. "You should be thanking me. This is good shit." The homeowner slipped the hypo into the intruder's vein, pulled back the plunger and in the dim light saw a little drop of blood in the hypo at which time he pushed the plunger all the way down continuing to hold the intruders arm up. The intruder felt a clicking sensation in his throat and then the meth hit. It went straight to his pussy and cock. He let out a pouty moan and slumped with his head between his legs and his ass hanging off the end of the barstool. He felt the blood pumping into his cock and his shaved hole begin to sweat. When the homeowner put a bandaid on his arm and let it go, the intruder couldn't help reaching behind with his now free hand and feeling his hardening cock, his ripe juicy balls and his sweaty shaved pussy hole. He didn't care anymore if the homeowner saw his hard shaved cock or his tight shaved hole. All he was thinking was having his ass and mouth filled. In just a few seconds he went from a tough-guy-burglar to a total pussy boy thinking only about cock and how to please it. The homeowner stood back and admired his handy work. He could see the intruder panting, stroking his now hard cock and occasionally fingering his tight shaved asshole. Now the homeowner's cock began to swell. He knew that for the next couple of hours the only thoughts going through the intruder's head would be primitive thoughts about craving and pleasing cock. He was the homeowner's sloppy fuck pig. The homeowner knew he could un-handcuff the intruder if he wanted and the intruder would go no where. He knew this was true. The intruder would just sit there bent over the barstool waiting for his master, wanting only to please the master's cock with his warm tight holes. The homeowner walked out of the room, confident that he could sit down, watch a ball game, drink a couple beers if he wanted and come back and find the intruder still waiting, bent over the barstool playing with his cock and his pussy hole. The homeowner walked back to the kitchen. There found a tub of Crisco and headed back to the room where he left the intruder. He re-handcuffed the intruder's wrist back to his other wrist and around the bottom rung of the barstool. The homeowner stuck his fingers into the tub of Crisco and slathered the intruder's smooth cock, balls and tight pussy. He stroked the intruder's cock downward and poked his index finger into the intruder's amazingly tight, clean ass. The intruder let out a pouty moan. The homeowner slipped two fingers in and began sliding them in and out of the hot slick boy pussy. The intruder moaned and the homeowner imagined how this tight boy hole would feel wrapped around the shaft of his beautiful cock and how it would feel when his balls began to slap the intruders balls when he decided the boy could handle his entire tool. "Yeah, you want something in there, don't you?" the homeowner said, referring to the intruder's ass. "What would feel good inside that tight little boy hole of yours? More fingers? Some cock? Yeah, boy. You're a natural at this. Look at you bent over. Look, you're hard. This is your calling boy. You were meant to be owned." The homeowner went on at length telling the intruder what he needed and the intruder was amazed at how right the homeowner was. Everything he said was true and he could only respond with a moaning "yessss." It was true and both the homeowner and the intruder knew it: some men were meant to service the needs of other men. Sometimes that meant fetching a beer and sometimes that meant massaging the master's cock with your hands, mouth or ass to make the master feel good. And sometimes that meant letting the master take over and own you and do whatever he wanted. The homeowner recognized it and the intruder understood it. The homeowner was taking ownership. The intruder was becoming his bitch. Completely hard, the homeowner got undressed next to the intruder. Mostly he kept his fingers in the intruder's hole while undressing, removing them only to unsnapped buttons and untie his boots. He got all his clothes off and put his boots back on and towered over the panting, sweating intruder. The homeowner's beautiful cock was hot and hard and his balls were full. The thought of essentially raping the intruder had made him that way. The homeowner liked the way the intruder's slick tight hole felt and occasionally he reached down and admired the intruder's plump balls and hard cock. He was even nice enough to stroke them for the intruder since the intruder couldn't do that handcuffed to the barstool. The homeowner stroked his own tool too, his hands still slick with Crisco. He walked around the front of the intruder, reached under his chin and raised his head up. He liked what he saw. "Such a nice face," he thought, and then opened the intruder's mouth with his thumb and slid his hot cock inside. The intruder tasted the salty pre-cum mixed with Crisco. He didn't mind the Crisco but he absolutely craved the pre-cum. It was the taste of cock and at that moment that was what he was all about. The homeowner pushed his cock halfway in and the intruder choked and gagged but the homeowner kept his cock in the intruder's hot wet mouth. "Deal with it! You can do this. I know you want to be a good cocksucker for your daddy because daddy likes his cock suck. Come on boy, make daddy's cock feel good. Don't fight it!" The intruder resisted the gagging reflex and found that he could do this. Soon the homeowners cock was sliding in and out of the intruder's open mouth, right down to the balls. "Look up here," the homeowner said to the intruder. With the intruder's eyes gazing up, the homeowner pumped his tool in and out of the open mouth while he pinched his own nipples. When he pulled his cock out after about 20 minutes of none-stop pumping a strand of slobber hung from the end of his cock to the intruder's mouth. The homeowner stuck his cock back in and began to pump. He reached back with his hand and patted the intruder's slick shaved hole. The hole was tight and strong. Standing off to the side, he could see the intruder squeezing and releasing the sphincter muscle each time the homeowner pumped the intruder's mouth. "I'm going to warm that ass up a little bit," the homeowner said to the intruder, at which time he slapped the intruder's hole hard letting out a loud crack. The intruder moaned as loud as he could considering the homeowner's balls were bouncing off his chin. The homeowner slapped the hole again and again and again. Then he slipped two fingers in all the way and then pulled them back out. They were clean. He rubbed the intruder's hole in a circular motion, occasionally dipping his fingers in the boy's pussy. The intruder was trying to say something but he made no sense in his intoxicated state and with the homeowner's cock deep in his mouth. It didn't matter. The homeowner was fixated on the intruder's hole and didn't care what he had to say. The homeowner walked away from the front of the intruder. His cock pulled out of the intruder's wet sloppy mouth and the intruder began to pant. He had grown very use to the sensation of having a cock in his mouth and he quickly wanted it back. But the homeowner had other plans. He walked around the back of the intruder and admired his beautiful boy pussy. "Jackpot!" he thought again. The homeowner put his hands on the intruder's hips and lined the head of his throbbing cock up on the intruder's slick shaved boy pussy. The intruder arched his back. He craved the cock so much now. The homeowner was going to slide it in slowly, take a couple minutes to open the intruder's pussy up before really giving it a workout, but then he thought about why the intruder was there and how he broke into his house and that made him angry. And so he pushed the head of his cock into the intruder's slick tight ass and felt the beautiful warmth that only a man's ass can give a man's cock and decided not to stop. He was angry but in control and penetrated with one massive even stroke right down to his balls and held it there. At first the intruder thought the homeowner's hot cock felt very good inside his ass, but about halfway in, the intruder was feeling uncomfortable and by the time he homeowner finish his first deep stroke, the intruder was mixed with feelings of ecstasy and pain and the mix felt very good. He squirmed looking for more ecstasy but the homeowner was in control and held him still, his cock planted deep in the intruder's ass and he was holding the intruder in a place if felt good to him. "Don't tighten up on me! Relax! Relax. Take that man cock. That's a man's cock in you boy! You know what to do. Take it because that's what I want. Take it. This is what your good at. Not robbing houses." And the intruder began to relax and take all of his master's cock. The homeowner put his right foot on the bottom rung of the barstool and reach down to where his cock was entering the intruder's ass. He found the intruder's cock still hard now dripping cum and pointing straight down. He gave it a couple strokes. Then he grabbed the intruder's balls and placed them in his hand next to his own balls. Both men's balls were shaved and they rubbed up against each other. "Feel that, boy? Those are my man balls. That's you taking all my cock." He pushed deeper in the intruder's hole and then pulled back out, then slid it back in, then pulled it all out except the head. He could feel the intruder's still-tight hole squeezing the head of his cock. The homeowner knew they were in the final stretch. "See if you can feel my balls slapping yours." He slid his cock deep inside the intruder's ass and gave a little flick with his hips at the end of the stroke to make his balls go forward. "Feel that?" The homeowner pulled out to his head again and pushed it back in, this time a little harder. "Feel that? Feel my balls slapping against yours? Huh? Not yet? Okay." The homeowner pulled out to his head again and really hammered the intruder's ass. "Feel that?" He pulled out to his head again and slammed it home, each time asking the intruder if he could feel their balls slapping together. The homeowner was growing angry and was pumping the intruder hard and from all angles asking the intruder over and over if he could feel their balls slapping. The intruder only moaned. The homeowner's words made beautiful sense but he could not answer. He was too focused and giving his ass up for ownership, giving it to the master. "Break into my house, bitch! I dare you!" the homeowner yelled as he pumped the intruder's ass with all his might. The noise of the homeowner's hips and the intruder's ass slapping together was ringing in the intruder's ears. "Take my fucking cock, bitch! All of it!" One last pump and the homeowner stepped around to the front of the intruder with a controlled purposeful stride. This was the last step in total ownership. "Open your mouth!" The intruder instinctively opened and the homeowner stuck the head of his cock in and began to stroke, pumping hot salty seaman in, filling the intruder's mouth. "Swallow!" the homeowner yelled as he cranked on his tool and squirted more hot cum into the boy's mouth. "Swallow it all you bitch!" When he was done the homeowner un-handcuffed the intruder and walked away to the kitchen. The intruder was still dizzily intoxicated from the injection and having his ass and mouth pumped like a whore. He stood up and laid on his back on the wood floor. He reached down and felt his sloppy boy pussy. It was wide open, loose from his masters tool and very slick. He pulled his knees to his chest and began exploring his stretched pussy. It was hot, wet and loose. He squeezed it tight again and was happy that he could still easily make it tight and keep it tight for his master, but he liked playing with it loose. He could hear the homeowner in the kitchen microwaving something but he didn't' care what was going on in the kitchen. His world was about his cock and boy pussy and he panted as he stroked both with both hands. The homeowner walked back into the room drinking a beer and carrying a warm cucumber. He took a knee between the intruder's legs. He poured beer into the intruder's mouth and the intruder gulped it down. He poured more in the intruder's mouth and some on his chest. The intruder never stopped stroking his hard cock and playing with his balls and pussy. "You ready to cum for your daddy, boy?" the homeowner asked the intruder. He lined the warm cucumber up on the intruder's hole and began pushing it in. The intruder opened his hole, giving it to his man. The homeowner went deep with the cucumber and then pulled it out. It was a little bigger than the homeowner's cock and the intruder took it eagerly. The homeowner pushed it in deep and pulled it out. "You ready to cum, boy?" The homeowner began stroking the cucumber in and out and asking the intruder if he was ready to cum for his daddy and that some daddies weren't nice enough to do this for their boys, but he was a nice daddy and he'd gladly watch, even help, as a boy shot his load. "You should feel lucky, now come on boy! Cum for daddy!" The intruder was moaning, almost crying like a little boy and jack wildly, fondling his balls and feeling with the tips of his fingers the cucumber going in and out of his ass. "Come on boy, cum!" the homeowner yelled. "Cum, boy! You can do it! Show your daddy how you can cum!" And all at once the intruder let out a moan that almost sounded like a cry for help and shot three big loads into the air, the first landing in his face and the rest going on his chest and the floor. When the homeowner saw the cum on the floor, he became mad grabbed the intruder by the back of the neck and made him lick the cum off the floor. He walked over to a table and picked something up about the size of a coffee mug. He was looking into it in the dark and the intruder could see whatever it was was reflecting light back into the homeowner's face. The homeowner just stared into the light. "Look, boy. You nearly took that whole cucumber," the homeowner said. He held what turned out to be a video camera up to the intruder's face and the intruder could see that he was taking almost all of the cucumber. He laid back on the floor, took a deep breath, pulled his knees into his chest and began stroking his cock, balls and hole again.
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  12. Part 1 I never found that perfect guy that night. I realised, a long time after, that he probably didn't exist. But I was young back then, that night when I agreed to meet him in a sauna. We 'had' to meet there as I lived with my parents and his flatmates didn't allow that sort of thing. I'd only just turned 18, but we'd spent so long talking online before then – months and months, at least. And he was the hottest guy I'd ever seen. He was a few years older than me, and had been a twink in school, but a few years of working in a physical job had given him compact muscles, his face was sharp and angular, and he had a great warming smile. He was perfect, and I'd made myself cum thinking of my skinny frame against his muscles many times. Usually on webcam, while he'd watch, but I'd never get to see him. So when I went down into the changing rooms of the sauna, I was just as excited as I was nervous. I'd always imagined saunas to be places filled with gross old perverts, but when I told my friend as much, he said he wouldn't let them near me, and that he'd take my virginity in front of all of them and make them jealous. Just the thought of it made me hard. The guys in the changing room weren't as gross as I thought they'd be, and in fact, some of them were actually quite muscular. I guessed they must use the gym upstairs before coming down. I was definitely the youngest person there by at least 10 years though, and I imagined they were all still perverts. I thought he'd be here by the time I got there, but one quick look around confirmed that he wasn't. I felt uncomfortable stripping in such an open space, and I wanted to see him first. I sent him a text asking where he was and sat on a bench away from the lockers, trying to ignore the stares I got from the occasional passerby. After a few minutes, my phone buzzed with a message from him "Traffic is hell – will be there as soon as I can. Try the hot tub or something ;-)." I felt a little chill as I didn't want to go into the place on my own, but I was worried that if I hung about in the changing room any longer, security might throw me out. A second text came through a few minutes later, asking "Did you take that pill I sent you? I'm so hard for you right now." A picture of his dick, his perfect dick, was attached to the text. His cock was eight inches long, blooming head, and he big heavy looking balls. He'd pulled down his jogging bottoms and taken a picture while at the wheel of his car. I knew I was going to struggle with it, which was why he had sent me a little blue pill, saying it would help keep me hard. He also sent a bottle of poppers for my use. Thanks to the picture, the excitement (at least temporarily) won out over my fears. I went to my locker, stripped, and, pretending to cough, slipped the pill into my mouth. Then, feeling a bit daring, (and perhaps because there was nobody in the changing room for the briefest of moments), I stripped down completely, turned-on my cell phone camera, held my semi-hard cock in one hand, and snapped a photograph of my cock. Just then the door opened, which quickly killed my nerve. I wrapped myself in the towel I'd been given, which wasn't nearly as big as I would have liked, and checked out the picture before I sent it to him. I thought I looked pretty good. My dick certainly wasn't as big as his, but it was still a decent six inches. My skinny, pale frame might have been a bit gangly, but he said he liked it like that, and he had also sais he loved my curly dark brown hair and 'pouty lips', to use his description. As I was pretty sure he'd like the photo, I texted it to him with the caption "Took it. Waiting for you." Gathering my nerves, I stood by my locker a few minutes more, and I noticed the guys who passed through the locker room in the next few minutes seemed more comfortable that I was wearing a towel, as opposed to when I was in my street clothing, but for the most part I was mostly left alone. I also noticed that while my towel went barely half-way down my thighs, other guys had longer towels, but I wasn't willing to make a fuss with the door guy, as somehow he seemed to annoyed about something. A few minutes later, another text came through saying "Fucking hot! I can't wait to have that. I'm gonna be awhile – take the poppers and go find somewhere to relax." A smarter, less horny kid than I might have worked out what was going on at that point, but I was too naïve. I felt scared, but the thought of him 'having that' was enough to push me forward. I took the poppers from my jeans pocket and, since I couldn't take it any further into the sauna, put my phone in my shoe, I locked my stuff away, put the banded key around my wrist, and, in a not-so-confident stride, passed-through the the door that led into the sauna.
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  13. (This is actually a true story. It was 1983, and I was an introverted, sky, skinny kid from the East End of Louisville, the 'burbs back then. I was deeply closeted and naive, and ready to be taken advantage of. This incident began a 10 month journey into sex and hard drugs that ended with me, a gay kid from the burbs, learning how to take cock, deep throat and yes, fuck pussy to the point where I got a black junkie pregnant. It was the best summer of my life, and brought me a wonderful daughter that I never thou a guy like me could ever have.) --------------------------------------------- I was barely nineteen and had been fucked only once, by a white guy who was 30. I met him in at Blue Movies in downtown Louisville, and we went back to his place, smoked a J and he topped me. He was so small i didn't even know he had cum until he went soft. So this is what I had fantasized about ever since I saw Freddie Mercury eating grapes on the back cover of the first Queen album? It wasn't anything like I had read in "First Hand" or "Inches," my favorite wack-mags. I was sorely disappointed and wondered if I was straight after all. A few weeks later I was back in the bookstore looking to do it again, and hopefully have a better experience. I had tried dating girls over the past few weeks, which made my dad very,very happy. He loaned me his sports car, gave me a wad of cash and beamed as I drove off, conflicted. A few dates, and I could not bring myself to even kiss one of them. Was I just shy, or really a fag? I didn't know. But I knew I was horny and that is what took me to the bookstore that night. In the arcade section, I saw a big black daddy, maybe 6-2 and in good shape. He must have been pushing fifty, and I was instantly attracted to this dangerous-looking giant man. I grew up in a typical upper-middle class family, went to St. X high school, and hid the fact that I was a fag from everyone except the guys who sucked me off at the bookstores. Looking back, i know my parents knew. But what made them think that talking about how "sick" it was to be gay would somehow turn me straight, instead of just make me feel unworthy and unloved and alone? He was standing outside a booth rubbing his cock through his checked polyester pants. I could just stare. He kept rubbing, and I could see his cock grow even bigger. I was mesmerized and walked toward him. I planned to go into the booth, leave the door unlocked, and wait for him to come in. Then I was going to suck my first dick. I had it all panned, but as I went to open the door, he grabbed my hand and looked down at me and said, "You think you can handle this, boy?" I said,"I don't know. I've only been fucked once." His eyes bugged a little and he said, "I live down the street, let's go." I followed him outside and walked about 12 blocks without either of us saying a word. I was getting scared. "I thought you said you lived down the street." He stopped and put his hand on my ass. "We're walking down the street, aint we?" He said, rubbing my ass and turning me on. Here I was a skinny 19 year old white kid from a good home, getting felt up at 10PM on a public street in downtown Louisville. He nodded toward the projects. "Just over there," he said. I followed him to the entrance to his place, and walked up three steps to his front door. He opened the door and we went inside. He closed the door and locked it. Now I was really scared, and my dick shrunk quickly. I looked around. The inside was one room, with a small kitchen, and a door to what was probably a bathroom. I looked at everything, planning a way to escape. It was remarkably clean, and empty except for a tv, a mattress, a lamp, and some boxes in the corner. At this point, i was scared shitless and started to try to talk my way out of it. He came over and grabbed my ass, hard. "You're not going anywhere, baby. And you're going to love this. Get them clothes off." He released my ass and I just stood there, panicked. He walked a few steps, stopped, and with his back to me, slowly, sexily, pulled his t-shirt over his head. Oh. My. God. The sexiest, darkest back I had ever seen. My cock started hardening again. He twirled his t-shirt slowly, almost like a stripper and turned around and revealed a nice, but not chiseled chest, with a few tattoos and long, dark nipples. I stared at those long nipples, and as I was standing there in a daze, he unbuttoned his pants, unzipped, and they dropped to the floor. No underwear, just a huge cock, hanging there half hard. He turned back toward the boxes again, but stopped and turned to look at me, and as he was staring at me, his cock started getting harder and harder until it was huge and standing straight out, "See how hard you got me?" He said. "So are you gonna get naked now?" It wasn't a question. I pulled my Polo t-shirt off and kicked off my topsiders. He smiled, turned and started rummaging through a shoebox. I took off the rest of my clothes and stood there, cock hard as a rock. He turned around and had a syringe, a little foil, a lighter, a spoon, and a little baggie. "You're gonna love this shit," he said. I had only smoked weed, and just that one time. But my dick was thinking for me, and I stood there and held out my arm as he tied a shoelace around my arm. He said, "Sit down or you are gonna fall down." I sat on the mattress and he busied himself with his spoon. He after a few minutes, he put the syringe into the spoon and pulled the plunger. There was a cloudy liquid in the chamber. I held out my arm, and watched him inject me. I felt a little woozy at first, but when he took the shoelace off, the entire room suddenly started spinning and I felt the most beautiful, peaceful feeling was over me. Every muscle in my body relaxed, and I swore that I could feel my soul moving around inside my body. I even felt the space between my ribs, felt them expand and contract as I breathed. "Wow," was all I could say. "wow." "You gonna learn to love my speedballs, boy, and come back for them all the time." "Whaaa," I slurred. Why can't I talk, I thought. "Yeah," he said as he moved even closer to me. "You're fucked now." I felt him pushing me backwards on the bed and pulling my legs apart. I had no muscle control. i felt completely asleep - heavy muscles, no feeling at all, anywhere, but also feeling everything at a deeper level than ever before. I saw his cock pointing at my hole, and I just moaned,"Fuuuuuck meeeee" as his face inched closer and closer to mine until it completely filled my entire line of vision.....
    1 point
  14. 1. Cum dripped out of my swollen, gaping hole as I pulled my briefs up and stood to crack my back. It’s funny, I thought as I felt the backside of my briefs become damp with sperm, three weeks ago I never would have thought to let a man cum inside me, and now, I couldn’t get enough. That was before I had met Simon; however, before Simon had told me how hot I was, how much he liked me; before he had eaten out my hole till he could slide three fingers inside of me without resistance; and before he had charmed me to let him slip, just the tip of his fat cock into my hole raw. I slid my hand down the backside of my briefs and felt my wet hole. The sounds of the others came through the closed door clearly; there were still plenty of me out there. I can go just a few more rounds, I thought, and kicked off my slightly damp underwear. My name is Justin, I’m twenty five and just finished my last year of grad school. At five foot ten I’m not the tallest of men, but I’m what my ex-girlfriend called “Nerd hot.” The short of guy you see with unkempt hair, dark rimmed slightly unfashionable glasses, and a tweed jacket with elbow patches and you think he’s sort of cute but nothing special until they take their clothes off and you realize that tweed jacket and button down shirt were hiding a tight six pack, broad chest and a sizable amount of chest hair. I had one girl actually laugh in surprise when I took my pants of the first time and she saw my seven-inch soft cock. For the past twenty-five years I have identified as 97% straight, every once in a while I’ve come across a guy that does it for my but that’s pretty rare and rarer still would be the circumstances under which anything would happen. I am, however, a liberal man of the modern era and so when I was in London visiting my Stepbrother and he invited me to go to the gay bar with his friends, I was more then happy to attend. Ryan, who had always been the more athletic masculine of the two of us, had come out to his mother and my father when he was fifteen; I was sixteen at the time. Most of my friends thought that I should be weirded out by this (“What if he’s checking you out after you get out of the shower?”) but I never was. Ryan was not one of the 3% of guys that I’m attracted too although I did find out after catching him in bed with one of his boyfriends over a summer break in college that he had a massive cock. After college Ryan had started working for a publishing company and soon after was transferred to their offices in London. At twenty-four he already had a massive flat near to the city center and a damn nice office in their high-rise office. When I graduated for grad school I decided to fly to England for the summer before looking for work and visit Ryan for a while. Two nights after I got there Ryan invited me to join him and his friends at a gay bar downtown. Having just finished a long semester of school I was down for drinking where ever. So we got dressed, Ryan in a pair of tight jeans and a black wife beater that showed off his broad football player chest and his massive arms, he honestly looked like Rugby Ken; and I in a slim fit button down shirt and loose fitting jeans. It was at the bar that I met Simon. He came in late, a little bit after all of the others, and took the only available seat in the little booth (next to me) that six of us now occupied in the corner of this bar. The six-foot three, black haired, blue eyed, pail skinned god smiled as he slid in next to me. “Ayope, ‘o’s this then,” he ask in a gruff south London accent. “My step brother Justin, he’s straight so put your cock back in your pants,” answered Ryan, a slight twinge of a British accent had started to color the edges of his words in the years sense he’d moved here. “Eh, he’s aright. Ain’t yeh Justin?” Simon asked me. I laughed a little and nodded trying to remain calm, I had never been so attracted to a guy in my entire life. He wore no shirt, claiming it had had gotten soaked in the rain just a little bit ago. His small pink nipples stood erect out of a thick coat of dark hair all across is massive pecks. Tight blue jeans hugged his muscular legs, and the outline of his cock running down his left pant leg was obvious. He was stunningly masculine in his appearance and domineer. The rest of the party continued to talk and Simon quickly jumped into the conversation. I didn’t know what I wanted from him but I wanted something. I wanted him somehow. As he chatted with his friends his hand slid from the table and slowly made it’s way to rest on my leg just above the knee.
    1 point
  15. AS soon as I wake up I start looking for dick. I have to say that there are slim pickings on an early Saturday morning. If they're partying chances up they can't get a hard on and if they can, they almost never drop a load. But..luckily this morning I found a guy or two to scratch that itch that never seems to go away. A construction worker dude come over at about 7am. He's a burly guy working on a site a couple of blocks away. As soon as he walked in he had his fly unzipped and i was down on my knees sucking his cock hard. This guy was a grower, not a shower.. I don't care as long as it gets hard! He loved my mouth and held my ears as he fucked my throat. He pushed my head away a couple of times; he didn't want to waist his nut in my mouth! After a good 10-15 minutes of his enjoying my mouth he told me to get up and show him my ass. Guys love my ass :-) And he couldn't wait to stick it in. He fucked me fist from behind and then on my back as I played with his nipples and he deep tongue kissed me! It wasn't long before he let juice loose and I had my first load of the day! Next load was from a latin guy who came right from the gym. HIs gym shorts came off quickly and I was down my knees worshiping his cock in no time! He really got into it.. pushing the back of my head to get his dick down to the base in my throat. He fucked my mouth for a while before he started fingering my hole.. I know it was just a matter of minutes before he pulled me up, swung me around and planted that beautiful uncut dick up my willing ass. He thrust it in to the halt, and began pumping my ass for all it was worth, slapping my ass and telling me how good it felt. After fucking me for a while and making be beg for his load, he told me to turn around and get on my knees again and thank his dick for making my ass feel good. He loved it how I looked up into his eyes as I was sucking his dick.. he told me he as about to cum and pulled out.. "oh no!" I thought, I'm going to loos his load. But he told me to open wide and jerked up in and around my open mouth, his eyes sparkling with delight as I swallowed his load and licked my lips to get ever drop. I took him back in my mouth, sucking and licking under the foreskin. Kissed his dick thank you... and that was load number two. Third load was from and Indian guy. Short but with a huge dick! Go figure :-) He liked to fuck a lot. First from behind, then on my knees and finally me on my back, ass propped upon a pillow and him shooting his load deep in my ass. He stayed in until he went limp and a scrambled to my knees to to clean his dick of his cum and my ass juices. Load 3 by 11 am. The Fourth and Fifth load today were from the same guy. A nice looking black guy with a nice long dick. He fucked me like there was no tomorrow! I mean, this dude fucked me like 30 minutes straight. No break. Just me on my knees getting pounded like the hole that I am. It was all about his pleasure and he let me know it by telling me what a good hole I was, how I was there to please him and make his cock feel right. It got so I could only concentrate on his in and out strokes and nothing else. I was just an ass for him to unload in.. and he was taking his time.When his thrust became faster and harder, I knew was about to cum and load four of the day was released up my battered ass. I thanked him for a great fuck and went home to eat and take a well-deserved nap. When I woke up from my nap I was still hungry for cock! I was sure I couldn't take any more ass pounding so got on line looking for some dick to suck. The back guy who fucked my brains out contacted me and asked if I was ready for more dick. I definitely wanted to be with this guy again but wasn't sure I'd be able to take another pounding like he'd given me before. So, I told him I'd come over but he'd have to start with my mouth this time and we'd have to see how much fucking I could take. He agreed and I hopped on my bike salivating with anticipation. When he opened the door I could tell he hadn't showered from out earlier tryst. He had me sit on a chair and walked over to stand in front of me cock at mouth level.. I took a sniff at his balls and when to work on this cock that had just pounded me a few hours earlier. I should have guessed, but he started fucking my throat with the same intensity he did my ass! But he was an ass man and after he let me take a face fucking for a while had me go the bed, bend over and submit to a fucking just as intense as before. And submit I did, knowing my place as a hole for this Top's pleasure. And load number five came after about 20 minutes of being fucked like a war-time slut :-)
    1 point
  16. Recruiting in shape bottom sluts that I can whore out at my hotel during Folsom. Please be in shape and able to take multiple loads from tops. U can back to me on here or bbrt....topforass is my profile on there. Or A4A.... Assbandit profile on there.
    1 point
  17. So my first lunch time breeding had gone well. 18 loads up my ass and 4 down my throat (https://www.breedingzone.com/entries/1180-Lunch-hour-breeding). It seems I was a hit with the tops. My handler hit me up asking when I was going to be able to provide my services again. I was pretty busy with school and work but I was desperate for cock and more importantly loads. I asked him if we could do another lunch hour cuz it worked with my schedule. He said that would work best for him too. Shortly after our communication I got a mass text that was sent to about 30 guys including me. It had two pictures, one of my cummy ass hole from my last breeding and one of me being spit roasted between two black tops. Since I was blindfolded the first time around, this was the first time I actually saw me being used. I liked it, it was hot! Somehow not knowing who was breeding my hole made me horny, I instantly sprang a boner. The text read: “Young Latin cumpdump looking to take all loads during his lunch hour on Wed, 1 hour only starts 1pm. Text me back for details if interested” Now this was set up on Sunday, and I wanted to be sure I was desperately craving cock by Wednesday so I put myself on lock down, no hook ups, no masturbating; I wanted to make sure I was super horny and craving cock. Waiting till Wednesday was torture! By Tuesday night I had a hard time sleeping just thinking of the pounding I was going to take the next day, my ass was craving some cum and the next day could not come fast enough. That Wednesday I woke up, went to the gym, got nice and sweaty, came back home and changed into my jockstrap. My handler specifically requested I wear a jock and told me to make him proud, I had every intention to! I headed to work…I had a hard time concentrating, no pun intended. I sat at my work desk with a rock hard cock just staring at the clock on my computer painfully going by. When lunch time rolled around I practically ran out my work, I texted my handler and told him I was on my way. He said it was cool and to not be late, some tops had already let him know they were on their way and he needed my ass there to service their cocks. I smoked a joint on my way there, makes me hornier, and since I hadn’t jerked off since Sunday I was craving cum like no tomorrow. I was 10 min away when my handler texted me, told me that one top was there…he said: “one guy is here, the other is parking, when you get here come straight to my apt, the code is #356, I will buzz you in, come up the walk way to the left, apartment 5. Step in and fully undresses.” I hurried over and found a parking spot on the street, I practically ran over I was so excited, my hand was shaking when I punched in the gate code, it buzzed and I pushed it in, as I stepped in I saw a guy walking towards the building about half a block down and wondered if he too was on his way to give me his load. I walked up the walk way and turned left, my handler didn’t even wait for me to knock, the door swung open, he told me that 4 tops were already in the bedroom, he told me to strip down to my jock. I quickly took off my clothes and made sure to grab my poppers from my slacks. I could smell the marker as my handler wrote “CUMDUMP” in big letters on my back and then an arrow to my hole. It’s true, it’s what I was, what I craved, and what I was excited for. My handler then put on a blindfold on me and led me by the hand across the living room and into the bedroom. As soon as I walked in to the bedroom I could hear voices, I wasn’t sure how many tops were there but my handler had said 4 with more on their way. I was pushed into the room and all of a sudden I felt surrounded. I felt hands all over me, one was twisting my nipples, others were groping my ass, I felt fingers being inserted. I could hear them talk amongst themselves as if I was not there, it was so hot to be talked about like you are not a person…”mmmm…It has a nice ass, tight too”…”I can’t wait to drop my load in it”….”it has some nice cock sucking lips too” Someone smacked my ass hard, my cock got even harder if that’s possible, a voice told me to get on the bed. I was lead over to the side of the bed and I was roughly pushed down on it, ass up face down, I was told to get on all 4s. I quickly did what I was told. A cock quickly found its way to my mouth and started throat fucking me. There was no slow or ramping up, these tops knew they were there to breed a hole and were not taking it slow. I could smell the musk from the guy fucking my face, his pubes brushing on my nose. I gagged a bit, but for the most part I was able to hold my own as he rammed his cock down my throat. At the same time, I felt another cock at the base of my hole. I pulled off the cock I was sucking, I took 4 big hits of poppers and just let the high wash over me, the guy started to push his cock into me, I took two more hits from my poppers and went back to sucking cock. The guy going into my ass just pushed it in, didn’t take it slow (later my handler told me he was a bit scared for me because this guy was the biggest there and had a thing for making his bottoms feel some pain) I was so horny from not jerking off for days though, and flying high from the poppers that my ass opened up and he slid in with no issues. I even started backing my ass up on it, trying to get him to bottom out in my ass. I was in heaven, one cock was stretching my ass hole, slamming into me, which in turn would push be forward onto a cock that was going in and out of my throat. For the next 45 mins there was always a cock in my ass and one down my throat. I could hear the door bell ring from time to time and then footsteps. I could hear people getting dressed or undressed and people talking about me as if I was not there. “thanks man, that was some sweet ass”…”how many loads so far?”…”let me know about next time.” I had lost track of how many loads I had taken, at this point I knew I had a good 10 in me at least. Every time a guy pulled out my handler would ask him if he shot his load and then would make a hash mark on my back. It was getting close to the end and my ass was full of cum…I could feel it leaking down my ass and legs, when the top pulled out I farted and a big gob of cum came out, he simply scooped it up and put it in my mouth, I licked that hand cleaned and thanked him. That got me going, pretty soon, I was being fed loads from my ass, I was told to squeeze out, then I felt a pair of hands cupped at my mouth, I could smell the puddle of cum and I licked it up. I was in pig heaven; I thanked him and begged for more. I felt someone eating my ass, it was so tender from the pounding I was enjoying it, I was told to push out, and I could feel loads squeezing out, I then felt one hand on my chin, it lifted my face and I was told to open, then the top just spat all the loads he had feltched out into my mouth. I almost came! I took about 2 more loads after that and finally it died down, the last top was escorted out by my handler, I was told to stay put. He left the guy out and came back to where I was face down ass up on the bed. He got down and started to eat my ass, then he got up and lined up his cock to my hole and just slammed it in. my hole made a squishy sound and he started fucking me telling me how I did a good job, I had made him proud, that my ass felt nice and wet. It didn’t take him long to shoot his load into the mix. He pumped in his load one last time with one good thrust and pulled out. I was then allowed to take the blindfold off. I looked in the mirror, I had a lot of marks on my back, I couldn’t count them in the mirror…my handler counted them for me and I had 21 hash marks, one for each load. I felt like such a slut and loved it, I got dressed and left. I drove back to work, I had a major hard on going, I had never even nutted, but it was cool. I was there to take loads up my ass. If I nutted didn’t matter, and I preferred it this way.
    1 point
  18. This is loosely based on real events. It's my first attempt at writing about them, so I hope you enjoy. --- “Does it make you gay if you let another dude suck your cock?” he asked, jokingly. “Let’s go found out.” That's not what I actually said, but it's definitely what I wanted to reply. The thought of giving him a blowjob was something I had fantasized about many times. I replied “Only if you enjoy the fact that it’s a guy doing it.” The conversation continued on to other topics and I didn’t think much of it. A day later, Alex texted me and asked “I’m thinking about putting a profile on a dating site. You’re really well spoken, could you help me come up with what to say?” “Sure. I’d be glad to.” I ached to tell him that I had feelings for him, that I would date him in a hearbeat. Sadly, he was only interested in pretty girls. Alex was in his mid 20’s and was just a bit taller than me, with a nice slim build. He had a very handsome very and short brown hair. I longed to kiss his lips, but I had long since given up on the idea, saving it instead for when I was alone in my bed with my hands in my pants. I don't think I am as good looking as Alex, but I'm not hard on the eyes either. With light brown hair, blue eyes, and the slender hairless body of a horny 19 year old, I've certainly had my share of attention. A few days later, I went over Alex’s place. When I let him know I was coming, he told me he would leave the door unlocked and to just let myself in. When I arrived, the door was unlocked as expected and I entered his apartment. Right away, I noticed how warm the apartment was. It was hot outside, his air conditioning must not have been working. “I’m here!” “I’m in the office playing a game, c’mon in.” When I went into his office, he was sitting at the computer playing a strategy game. His shirt was off and I felt a tingling sense of lust inside of myself. He closed out the game and turned his chair towards me. It was the first time I had a chance to see him with his shirt off. He was nearly completely smooth, with just a few hairs on his upper chest. I tried to contain my excitement but feared he may have noticed. If he did, he sure didn’t say anything. “Pull up a chair.” He switched over to his web browser where he had started his profile. “I don’t know which pictures of myself to use. I don’t like any of the way these look. Help me pick some.” I browsed through the pictures he had and noticed a few ones. He had a really great smile, so I suggested a few pictures where he was smiling and suggested I thought the women would like those. “What if they don’t? What if they don’t find me attractive.” “You’re a really good looking guy. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. If you were gay, guys would be all over you.” “What about you?” "Probably, but you're not gay and you're my friend, so I don't think of you that way.", I lied. As we worked on his profile, we passed the keyboard back and forth. I noticed he seemed to make a lot of contact with his arm against mine. I wanted it to mean something so badly, but I knew it was just incidental, that it meant nothing to him and that he was just comfortable enough around me so as not to behave like touching my arm would be a big deal. After we finished his profile, we sat on his sofa and put on the TV. He sat a little closer to me than I expected, but I tried not to read into it. Not until he moved his leg against mine. “So, it’s not gay if a gay guy sucks a straight guy’s dick?” “I don’t think so.” “Umm...so...It’s kinda been a long time since I had a girlfriend, and I’m not really into sleeping around. I was wondering...maybe...if you would suck me off?” I nearly jumped out of my seat, but tried to play it cool. “Haha, cute Alex. Very funny.” “No, I’m serious man.” “I don’t want it to get weird between us. I really value you as a friend.” “It won’t, I promise. I just need relief so damned bad.” I got off the couch and gently pushed his legs apart. I kneeled between them and leaned inward, giving his belly a small kiss while I unbuttoned his shorts. He lifted up and I slid the shorts down, really a pair of plaid boxer shorts. I unbuttoned the shorts and pulled his hardening cock through the fly. I had wondered if he was going to have difficulty getting hard with a guy, but he didn’t seem to at all. He seemed pretty excited in fact. I inhaled and took a moment to enjoy his musk. It was masculine with a hint of sweetness to it. I kissed the head of his cock and then took it into my mouth. A soft moan escaped his lips and I could tell he wasn’t lying when he said it had been a long time. As I gently sucked him, he grew harder until he was at full mast. He was about 7.5” long and cut. His cock matched his body nicely. “Hold up one sec.” he said to me. He lifted up once again and slid his boxers off. I paused a moment to take in his entire body, fully naked in front of me. I was enjoying what we were doing, but I wanted so much more. I wanted to love him, to be loved by him, and to be able to do things to please him all the time. I mentally sighed and went back to giving him a blowjob. As I bobbed up and down, he continued to moan. When I sensed he was starting to get close, I slowed down. I didn’t want this to end, I wanted it to go on forever. “What does it feel like to get fucked?” he asked. I stopped what was doing so I could answer. “It feels really amazing. I love the feeling of a cock inside of me. The prostate stimulation is incredible, I cum harder than anything else. I love knowing that my body is giving another person pleasure. It feels really great when they cum too, it gets really slippery and it makes me feel cared for. I feel whole.” “But if it’s about the prostate, how does it feel good for women?” “I don’t know. My female friends don’t really like it.” “Every girl I’ve asked has refused.” My ears perked up. I was hope and praying he was about to ask what I thought he would. “Would, um.. Would you maybe let me try fucking you?” My heart just about jumped out of my chest. I climbed onto the couch, kneeling over his lap, his cock inches from my hole. “Are you sure about this?” “Well, it’s not like it’s gay. I just want to know what anal feels like and it’s not like I want to date a dude. Plus, you’re really thin and kinda have a feminine body, so.. it’ll be kinda close to fucking a chick.” “Ok.” I didn’t really care how he wanted to rationalize it, I just wanted to get his cock in me before he changed his mind. I spin into my right hand and then reached around and grabbed his cock. I lowered myself down and felt the head of his cock press against my hole. I used more of my weight and felt it spread me apart, inching into me slowly. “Mmmm. Oh my god, it’s so nice and tight.” “Mmmhmm. You like it?” “Yes.” When he finally bottomed out, he started to pump. “Hang on a sec, let me get used to you. I haven’t been fucked in awhile.” “Oh, sorry.” I took a moment to enjoy the fullness and the discomfort subsided. I lifted up slightly to give him more room to work with. “Ok, go ahead now.” He grabbed me just above the hips on each side. I let a moan out. I have a weakness for that. He thrusted up into my awkwardly, not quite used to this position.” “Let’s go to my bedroom, I don’t really like this on the couch.” he blurted out. We went into his bedroom and I laid down on my back. He kneeled between me and I put my legs over his shoulders and then guided his cock back into my hole. He leaned over me and started sliding in and out. Slowly at first, and then gradually increasing his speed. His eyes were closed. I imagine he was busy thinking of a some hot girl he wanted to bang instead of recognizing the fact that he was balls deep in a slim, hairless twink. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I’ve never been fucked without the top kissing me. I was torn about trying it. If I tried it and it upset him, he might freak out and stop. On the other hand, he might be lost enough in his thoughts that he’d let me. I rested my hand on the back of his head and pulled him towards me. He didn’t resist. I leaned up and pressed my lips against his. Softly at first, and when he didn’t object, I parted them kissing him a little more deeply. Our tongues met and then he abruptly pulled away and stopped fucking me. “Sorry, I’m not gay, I don’t want to kiss.” “Ok. I apologize, I got caught up in the moment.” I felt a bit of sadness inside me, but at least I knew what it felt like to kiss him. I’m honestly not sure if that helped me or just made it that much harder not to long for him. He resumed pumping into me, and really started to pick up the pace. “I’m getting close.” “You can cum in me if you want to.” The words escaped my lips before I had a chance to think about it. Alex and I hadn’t even discussed HIV status or anything before this started. I panicked for a moment, and then just relaxed. He wasn’t very promiscuous, it was probably fine. I didn’t want to stop him and I really wanted to feel his cum deep inside me. “Mmm… you ready?” “Yeah, give it to me!” “Take my load, you fucking slut. Take my hot cum, you worthless little bitch. I’m filling you up right now!” I could feel my insides being flooded by his warm seed. The combination of the cum and his words sent me over the edge and I shot a huge load all over my stomach. Alex collapsed on top of me and my cum got all over his chest. I could feel the heat emanating off his body, and his sweat dripped onto me. “Fuck, I’ve got your cum on me. I need to shower.” He pulled out of me and quickly went to the bathroom, closing the door and saying nothing more. I laid down, confused by everything that just happened and unsure of whether I should leave or stay. I grabbed a shirt from his dirty laundry and wiped myself clean. I smiled, knowing his seed was deep inside of me. I felt jealous of the girl that was going to be lucky enough to call Alex hers in the future, but at least for one time, I got to know what it would feel like. On my way out, I grabbed his plaid boxers, a token to remember it by. Alex texted me the next day. “I’m sorry I got so cold when I finished. I just got overwhelmed by what happened. I really value you as a friend and I hope I didn’t hurt you.” “It’s cool. Don’t worry about it.” I had assumed that it would be a one time thing, but that didn’t turn out to be the case. I guess that’s a story for another time though.
    1 point
  19. Risk free, no. Low risk, extremely so. In fact, you are most likely a greater risk to him than he could possibly be to you. The nature of HIV healthcare is such that he is getting a constant stream of hard data about all aspects of his health. Compared to the average "healthy person" (who doesn't even manage a yearly physical, sees a doctor every few years for a cold, and otherwise only has an occasional HIV test) the likelihood of you giving him something (assuming that you are not a sexually monogamous couple) is far more likely.
    1 point
  20. A few things I noticed so far - Yesterday I saw a Chat button on the top of the page (with the number of users in Chat). I tried it but even though it listed the guys in Chat, the pop-up kept "loading" up until the point I gave up and closed it. Now the Chat button seems to have disappeared alltogether? - It may be worthwile to point out the "new content" button on the top left. I was looking for that button because you mentioned it in your replies but I did not notice it until I accidentally hovered my pointer over it. - In posting a message or replying to one I could not copy/past a URL from a different screen I had open. Simply did not work. Neither copy/past nor Ctrl+V worked. I then tried to use the "link" button in the toolbar but that didn't work either. The OK button to post the link was greyed out.I then used the "back" button to go back to the thread but then I got trown out of the thread alltogether nad was returned to the topic listings. Just a few small things but I thought these may be useful to know. Other stuff is just a matter of navigation really. I did find things I thought were missing by just going through the site. If I can remember how I got to those in the end is a different matter :-) Will just take some time. Oh.....and one more thing. The "down Arrow" which says "preview this topic" doesn't work. When I click on it it doesn't show a preview. The Arrow just changes to an "x", which you have to click on again to change it back to the Arrow.
    1 point
  21. I don't think gay guys have a higher sex drive than gay guys. I think that, depending on where you live of course (big city or rural area) it is just easier for gay guys to have sex. No wining and dining needed, just hook up online and fuck, or meet in a bar or cruising area and fuck. A simple "see ya" or not even that afterwards. I think that is more difficult for straight guys (unless they pay for sex). They need to invest more (time and/or money, patience?) before they reach the point they can have sex with a woman. And there may be expectations from the woman after the first sex (except from the real sluts). I may be wrong as I have no experience in that area but that is how I see it.
    1 point
  22. He didn't really stick in my porn star memory from his previous scenes but this one sure got me to google him to see what else he has done. The pre release is pretty hot and 36 minutes long so hopefully that means the rest of the video will be good the trailer looks good but then again thats what trailers are made for to get people interested. One fucker called all the guys in this scene ugly on the TIM comments section for this scene I was like get your eyes checked or maybe you should be visiting Falcon where they guys are not REAL men but rather roided out gym queens.
    1 point
  23. There are NO str8 men....only men who haven't been with me!!!!!
    1 point
  24. 2. We spent a good long while in the club, my stepbrother and some of his friends eventually going off to dance somewhere, and I staying behind in the booth drinking what would turn out to be a few too many beers. Simon was with me almost all night and the more I drank the more I found my gaze drifting to his pale blue eyes. Sometime later Ryan returned and suggested that we all go back to his place for a few more beers. As the little party gathered their things and headed towards the door I felt Simon’s hand gently graze my ass as he past, my cock leapt. Back at Ryan’s place the drinks continued to flow and the guys stated to drop off steadily, and eventually I excused myself to the guest room I was staying in to turn in for the night. I stripped off my clothes and ran my hand down my tight furry abs to my semi stiff cock thinking about Simon. Never before had a guy effected me the way that he did, I fell onto the bed my cock now completely hard and started to jerk myself off my free hand roaming all over my body. I didn’t hear the door open, in fact I didn’t hear anything till in his thick South London accent Simon said, “Well that’s a much bigger cock then I would have guessed.” I scrambled to cover myself but as I was laying on top of the sheets there was nothing much I could do but try and his by rock hard eight and a half inched behind my hands. “Dunny try and hide it,” said Simon, “looks like you could use a hand in fact.” He clambered up onto the bed a wide wicked smile spreading across his face. I froze not knowing what to expect as Simon crawled up between my legs, pulled his shirt off over his head to expose his muscular dark haired torso, and swallowed my cock. No girl had ever sucked my cock like that, it was as if Simon had unhinged his jaw and swallowed my cock whole. I groaned and tried to mutter, “No, I’m straight,” but the words died in my mouth, instead I put my hands on the back of his head pulling him down onto my cock. My breathing had quickened and I was seconds away from cuming when Simon let my cock spring from his mouth. “You ever had a bloke suck your cock before?” “No, I’m… well… I’m straight,” I said lamely. “Doesn’t matter to me, what matters is if it felt good.” “It certainly did, I almost came just then.” “That’s why I stopped.” He shifted his weight slightly and shucked his jeans, now wearing only a pair of tiny brightly colored briefs. “You have an amazing cock,” he continued kissing my cock head, “and balls.” He drew first one nut and then the other into his mouth before sucking the both in. I rocked my hips forward giving him better access to my balls, my ass lifting slightly off the bed as I did so. In one swift motion before I really knew what was happening Ryan had my knees pressed into my chest and his slightly stubbly face buried in my hole, his tongue swirling around my virgin home. No one had ever eaten me out before and I moaned loudly. It had never occurred to me how amazing this could feel and Simon was certainly an expert at these things. His tongue flicked and darted of my hole sending bolts of electricity through my whole body as I relaxed into him. He pressed his tongue into me, lapping at my hole and slowly my hole began to open for him allowing his probing tongue inside. I gasped as my ass was penetrated for the first time by his tongue. Simon shifted around a bit, his mouth never leaving my hole and I could tell he was taking off his tight pants. Something new touched my ass; his hands spread my cheeks wide as he slid one finger next to his tongue and carefully slipped it inside of me. It was like nothing I had never felt before, and nothing like I had imagined it would feel like. He slowly penetrated my hole with his finger still lapping about the invading digit with his talented tongue. My cock was throbbing, and I felt hornier then I had in my entire life, loud lust filled moans escaped my mouth without me being conscious of doing it. “You’ll have all the lads in here you keep moaning like that,” Simon said taking his mouth off my hole for the first time in almost ten minutes. I was panting, sweat glistened on my chest, and precum dripped from my cock like a leaking faucet. “You ever sucked a cock before,” he asked, his finger still knuckle deep inside me. I shook my head no. “Why don’t you get mine down your throat then, least way it’ll keep you quiet.” He shifted so that his body was now over mine, his cock dangling over my mouth, my knees still bent into my chest and his finger still deep in my ass. I had never been this close to man’s cock before, although I had thought about it. His uncut, thick, veiny, still swelling cock hung before me a little glint of precum slipping from the slowly retracting foreskin. My mouth watered. Slowly I lifted my head and opened my mouth taking just the tip in. He tasted salty and sweet and I loved it. I opened wider and took more of his cock into my mouth. Simon slowly lowered his hips so that my head once again rested on the pillows but his cock was firmly lodged down my throat. I moaned around his cock as Simon’s mouth returned to my hole and he quickly prepped me for another thick finger. Only about half his cock would fit down my throat as it grew and Simon slowly fucked it in and out of my mouth occasionally making me gag. As he throat fucked me he worked two, then three, and then four fingers inside me hole. I was so horny I was practically fucking myself back onto his stretching fingers. After the fourth finger was in for a few moments he pulled them all out, pulled his cock from my mouth and spun around. He now lay on top of me, or noses almost touching, his body keeping my legs pinned to my chest, and his cock resting between my spit slicked cheeks. He rocked his hips to and fro a little rubbing his cock up and down my crack as he stared at me with those brilliant blue eyes. “You have the most amazing ass, and your hole is so fucking hairy,” he said, and then after a long time he looked right into my eyes and said, “I want to fuck you.” I had been so over whelmed by what had been happening I hadn’t even thought that this might be coming, but as soon as I heard the question I knew my answer. “I want you to fuck my virgin hole.” Simon needed no more permission then that; he lined up his cock head with my well fingered hole and pushed slightly. He kept a tight grip on my ankles as he did so. It hurt a little at first but then it changed and it was like the fingers. I felt him stretching me out, forcing my hole even wider as he slid deeper and deeper into me. Precum was poring from my cock, and lighting bolts of pleasure wrapped through me. “I’m half way in, how do you feel,” he asked. “Give me all of it.” There was none of the pain I had expected and now I longed to feel him fuck me. It took several more minutes before Simon’s considerable length was all pressed into my gut, and then several more minutes before we moved again. Once Simon was sure I was used to it he pulled back out again and pressed in faster, he did this several more times each time getting a little faster until there was no doubting that he was fucking me. I grunted with each stroke trying to keep quiet say Simon wrecked my hole. He shifted so that he was sitting up more, holding onto my hips for leverage he pounded his big fat cock into my virgin hole. “Fuck you’re tight, I’m not going to last long,” he said. I didn’t care though so long as he would make me feel like this again. “I’m gonna blow my load inside of you. Do you want that? You want my load?” “Yes cum inside me,” I said without thinking. The rhythmic thumping of flesh on flesh had replaced my heartbeat as the rhythm of my driving force and sweat pored off of each of us. “I’m so close,” he whispered, his face contorted with the effort to stave off orgasm for a few moments more, but it was too much. He slammed as deep into me as he could and fired off his load. I groaned much to loudly as I felt his hot seed spill into my guts, knowing in the back of my mind that I should be scared, that I shouldn’t be doing this, but I wanted it so badly. Simon shook a little as he came and then held still, his cock still inside of me for a long moment. Then he kissed me hard on the lips and pulled out of me. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, Simon's cock nestled between my ass cheeks as if ready to leap back inside as soon as possible.
    1 point
  25. Am on PEP. Hope it goes well!
    1 point
  26. I was scared but did it. I am glad I ditched condoms and went bareback and taking loads. The sex was more satisfying and a better turn on for me. It was a bit scary but I had to do what I wanted and made me feel good.
    1 point
  27. Seems like lately when it rains, it pours. I'll go 2-3 weeks without sex, then on one night I'll take 2-3 loads before sunrise. Odd timing. Tonight, for example, a black top hit me up on A4A around midnight and lured me to his place after i'd had a few drinks with friends. Turns out he has a nipple fetish, and even though he's drunk and can't maintain a hard-on, i work his nipples (perfect, by the way) until they're almost raw, then he's rock-hard and ready to fuck. He lifts my legs over my head and within about 10 seconds blasts a load inside me. it was my first raw load in at least 2 weeks. I get home in about 20 minutes, and I'm back online and find another top who's ready to play. Turns out that this is one that I've wanted for a long time -- absolutely beautiful body, amazing 9-inch cock, perfectly gym-toned body, late 20s and gorgeous. And, for better or worse, I know that he's had a long history with Falcon Studios as a versatile porn star who, to the best of my knowledge, always used condoms. Very intimidating, yes, but the drinks earlier in the night have helped significantly by now, so I'm ready. And he said he was willing to top or bottom, so that sounded like a home run to me. After small talk and the usual online flirting, he ends up in my bedroom and doesn't hesitate to drop his clothes and start making out. He's truly as beautiful in person as he ever was in the Falcon videos. We make out like a couple of teenagers for a few minutes until we're both throbbing and about to bust. Before I even knew what was happening, he has me on my back, lifts my legs over my head and slowly begins to shove his dick in me. Keep in mind that we never discussed status, protection or the whole top/bottom situation. Instead, i had a porn star who decided he wanted to shove his raw dick in my ass, no questions asked, and at this point I was too hypnotized to stop it. Oddly, even though I'd had a raw load in me earlier, the porn star either didn't sense it or didn't mention it. Long story short: He gently and slowly tops me for about 10 minutes, then asks "Where do you want it?" Of course at that point, I can't say much, so I mumble "Wherever you want," and about 15 seconds later he's shooting his porn star load into my ass. Even now i don't know his status or whether I should be concerned, but for now I'm enjoying the afterglow of being fucked by a Falcon Studio star.
    1 point
  28. I have a pretty freaky story about getting bred by a homeless guy... My first time using T I was out of town in a city in Florida. I'd been cruising online to get laid and I finally got hit up by a dude in a complex near where I was staying. He was cool looking and looking to suck me off. Not usually my thing, but this guy advertised himself as straight and his story about wanting to suck a dude off while his gf was at work was hot enough for me to drive over and let the guy slobber on my pole. When I got there he asked if I partied. I was used to g and mdma, so I said yes. He asked if I wanted a bump and I did. Never really wondered what the white line he handed me was. Then it hit the back of my nose and felt like fucking drano. That's when he told me it was T. I thought nothing of it... figured I'd ride it and enjoy. He put on some shit porn and we sat to watch it. Damn if the bad porn wasn't getting me boned up. "Great shit, it can even get me going for an amateur suck job while watching shit I wouldn't even stream online for free". The dude started to give my cock his attention and I got into the idea of giving him a good time eating me. I let him explore my (surprisingly) really hard cock and get used to the smell and bulk before reaching around his head and taking control of his mouth. Pretty good head for a "straight dude" I was amazed at how much he got off when I started to get rougher and feeding him my dick. Took me a while to get off, but I enjoyed the feeling of him trying to please me and the apparent shame on his face... he didn't look at me once while I fucked his face... and only complained a little when he gagged, which perversely, I really liked watching. After blowing my load in him I started getting my shit together and ready to head off. Before leaving, I thought to ask, "Where could I get some of that stuff? I'm going out later and it would be fun." I still had no idea what I was on or where it was going to take me. The dude sold me a little bag. I was a happy camper. I was off to the beach for the day and I would be able to relax with a nice little buzz and then go out for the evening. The beach I like to go to is this deserted stretch north of the public beach. Miles of perfect sand and not a soul in sight. I always head out there in the hopes of getting lucky, but it rarely happens. So I'm out there enjoying the day and doing little bumps off and on. You see, I figured this was pretty much like coke... after so long you take another to keep it going. Yeah. Newb. By the time the sun started to fall out of the sky, I'd consumed the entire bag... in 3 or 4 hours. I was wound up so tight and didn't really realize I was quite so fucking blasted. Suddenly the desire to score in the dunes was out of all proportion... I got naked and started roaming the dunes where it was fairly secluded. I could have been arested, but I eventually found a man who was shocked at seeing a young well built hairy guy so obviously cruising for cock. He was older, but in decent shape, and as soon as I registered his interest I zoomed in on him like a cruise missile. He wanted to take me back to his place, but I was already on my knees swallowing his cock like it would be the last one I'd see. When I turned and indicated I wanted him to fuck me, he asked about condoms and despite a long history of safe play, I told him I wanted to feel him seed deep in my hole. He fucked me right there and I was so turned on. After he came, he left... and I was left raging for cock. The place I was in was a small Florida town, I wasn't in one of the big meccas... there were no baths or real bars I could hit. The best I could come up with was the larger town just a little north that had an ABS in the industrial part of town. I had NO idea where I was going, what I'd find and I was WAY too fucked to drive.... But I went anyways. I spent all evening there looking to score some dick... but I didn't really know too much about the rules in these places and I look like a lumberjack.... not a lot of guys were spotting me as an easy fuck. I managed to suck some dudes off, but it was all disappointing, and my fuck hole was at this point screaming... I hit a bar for some drinks, because on T, you figure maybe some straight dude will decide you're doable.... that of course never really happens. Again, the lumberjack thing probably not working in my favor... So I get out of the bar. It's dark and I'm in this skeevy part of town. Semi's motels and industrial shit.... I'm driving around and stop to get gas. While I'm paying I notice about three dudes hanging out in the parking lot. Obviously sketchy characters... So I decide to hit one of them up to see if he knew where I could get more T (logical, right?). This guy was SKETCHY, obviously between highs. about 30 and the least scary looking of the bunch. He looks me over in my gear and my quarter sized pupils and sizes up what I'm after. Dude in the wrong part of town, looking for crystal at 2am, open shirt and no underwear.... "Yeah, I know where I can get you that. But I'll need a ride." So I unlock my car and in he gets. We drive off to a sketchier part of town. "So, like dude... you're high eh?" "Yeah, I'm pretty wreked" and I proceed to tell him about my whole day.... "So you're gay? No, that's cool dude." I felt a chill when he said that. At least a sliver of my sane mind was still working, announcing to me that I had some homeless drug addict in my car in a strange city, cruising the bad part of town to score drugs. I had completely lost my fucking mind and my ass was starting to explain to me how fucking hot it would be to eat this dude's cock... Assuming he didn't kill me for being gay. "So, a couple of buds of mine have a hotel room near here. If you need a place to crash while you get high I could invite you in. I just gotta get some crack first." So we get to this house with all these cars parked on the grass. It looked like a gang club house, and as far as I know it probably was. "give me some money and stay low in the car. I'll be right back" Yeah. I took out my wallet and handed him a pile of cash. Fer Real. Gotta love T. So after what feels like an hour, he comes back. He's scored my T and his crack. I don't know how bad I was ripped off... besides, it was besides the point. We drove off and I started to convince myself that doing drugs with unknown street users in a motel would be ok. The place looked like it ought to have been condemned. It was one of those places that back in the 40'sand 50's had been built to appeal to budget travelers who couldn't afford beachfront. Sixty years later it relied on weekly rentals and truckers. I drove us in and decided getting high with strangers was better than alone, at least there'd be company. So I follow my friend in. By the light of the fluorescents I can see he's not bad looking in that faded way high school loosers fade after life happens. Tall, lean verging on skinny, but apart from grimy, not too banged up. His clothes are the predictable mix of homeless dudes everywhere, loose and full of pockets. We get to the door where his friends are and he knocks, announcing himself. The door opens and he explains my story to the lanky guy who answers. The room is depressingly ancient, with a haze of smoke in the room and a pair or camel-backed beds that probably hosted more DNA that all of us put together. We get invited in. There's four of us in all and except for me all the guys look interchangable. They have a tired look of too many sleepless nights and drugs. They are however relaxed in this place off the street and less prickly. The leader asks me if I'm a cop, which I assure them I'm not... and he asks me to smoke some crack as proof. I explain that I'm using crystal and if he doesn't mind I'd do that. A look traded between the guys and my contact assured his friends that he'd bought it and knew it was legit.... My high was fading enough at this point that I laid out a monster of a bump for myself... I was still thinking in terms of coke. I probably snorted a night's worth right then. That did the trick. I was in and the room relaxed as the guys got high. We were spread out across the two beds as my high was lighting up my libido again. The guys were talking amongst themselves and I was listening to stories of there's. Suddenly one of the stories made a glancing reference to one of the guys getting head. I'm guessing they were feeling out the stranger who was tanked out on crystal and an admitted queer. If they didn't know what they were doing, they were hitting me right square where my life was at that moment, sex. My cock was swelling in my shorts and without underwear, there wasn't anywhere to really conceal it. Crystal being such a great councilor, I quickly felt my embarrassment changing gears and become sexual as these grimy dudes started trash talking about their cocks and getting laid. My eyes had to be black as night and my shorts had a visible wet spot where my cock was drooling with need. One of the guys readjusted his dick through his grimy fatigues and suddenly all I could think about was the cock he was fondling. The whole room knew what I was transfixed by. Dude stared at me, to see if I'd finally break, but I sat paralyzed on the bed unable to comprehend the signal I was being given. He rubbed his cock more plainly and without saying anything to me, looked questioning at the cock pig across from him. "I haven't gotten off in a fuckin' week. Man my cock could use a good spit polish" "If you don't mind a dude sucking you off, man... I'd be happy to help." I threw all my inhibitions out the window... I figured if I was going to get the shit kicked out of me, at least there might be some sperm in it for me. "I thought you'd never offer fag. Get your ass on the floor and suck me dry." As I stood I pulled off my top and shorts so I could be completely naked and exposed while I worshiped the uncut homeless cock in front of me. Crystal's ability to open up the side of me that needs to feel worthless and grateful for abuse was impossible for me to see at that point. I was in her grip and she was making sure I was the most abject needy cock slave available. I got on my knees in front of the smirking dude, who couldn't quite believe the luck they'd run into... Not only had this queer paid for their crack for the night, but he was about to spend the night providing any sexual need they could ask for, willingly. To me the smirk was the derisive hate filled grin of the high school dudes who used to make my life hell. As he fished his cock and balls out of his pants, I could smell the smell of maleness and sweat. The hooded prick he pulled out was impressive and obviously primed for some attention... it was swelling as he pulled his balls free, thick pubic hair radiating the smell of cum, sweat and urine.... As he held his tool in his hand, I lay my head on the filthy bedspread and traced the rim of his foreskin with my tongue. "Awww, FUCK..." as I wrapped my lips around the skin covered head and slowly drew his cock into my mouth. I slipped my tongue under his hood and could feel the slick wet of a randy uncut cock. His cock was reacting fast to my sucking, and its owner gripped the back of my head to start deriving some real pleasure from my wet sucking hole. I've always loved sucking a man's cock, it's always been the first impulse I've had from the moment I first saw a cock as a child.... But T drove me onto that dick like it was a physical need to live. "Fuck me, dude! This fag sucks like a fuckin hoover. This is fucking awesome. You getting off choking on my cock faggot?" "Hey man, give me a chance to get some of that..." With that, the guy I picked up at the gas station stands up and pulls down his jeans to reveal a beautiful cut piece of meat which he quickly offers up to be sucked on. "let's go dude, I got you your shit, now you're gonna fuckin eat my cock till my balls fall off." I turned my head to face this new cock to eat and dove in like a starving man hits a buffet. I placed my tongue under this dudes pungent cock head and slip my head forward, all the while looking up at his face as he watched his dick disappear first into my mouth and then quickly opening my throat until my nose was buried in his thick mound of pubic hair. "Yeah, nice... that's a good grateful faggot. Now suck me off slow, cock hound. I have lots of dirty cum in my balls for your to drain out and eat like a good fuckin pervert." The real party was finally underway. I had no idea the day earlier when I'd had my cock serviced by the closet cock sucker, that I would find myself 24 hours later naked on the floor of a filthy motel room choking down the cock of a homeless dude and his two buddies, who obviously had enjoyed the services of a tweaked out faggot before. "I can't believe what this freak is doing to my cock, man... he's like not fuckin breathing or something, he's got my dong in like a fuckin vise grip at the base and chewing it off with his throat!" Hearing them talk about my sucking as though I was just a piece of furniture, turned me on even more deeply. As a tweaked out fag, I wasn't even at the level of a prostitute, not worth worrying about how I liked it or even checking on my arousal. I was a wet hole that would greedily suck on command, beg even... why worry about that. No need to do anything to keep the sucking going, a tweaked out cock sucker could be depended on to thank you for giving him the pleasure of your sperm squirting into his mouth. And he'd even swallow without encouragement. "Right Steeve. before you blow your load... I'm gonna cut in and get some of that freaky head dude. The last guy of the three was the youngest of them. He looked like a skateboarder... he was maybe 20. Scruffy beard that grew in patches and a body that was not quite as worn down by life... He was lean in a way girls find hot these days, his flat stomach was tattooed and hairless save for a trail of black fur that lead to a thick bush he was quickly exposing as he shucked his board shorts. His cock lay impressively in the thick black pubic hair, nestled on top of the biggest sperm filled balls I'd ever seen. He was obviously used to this and had no issues with using a man's holes for pleasure. Unimpressed with my own more muscular body, this young dude had the security and conviction that his cock out ranked me as the alpha. I usually intimidate young guys like this in baths... now I was about to have a kid use me as his draining station without a second of hesitation. He understood that his hard cock, in fact, all the hard cocks in a five mile radius, owned the faggot on the floor. "OK bitch, why don't you let go of my cock for a few minutes and gobble down on Brian. Let's see if you can handle what he's got for you. Hope you don't bruise easy." Steeve started to pull his long fat worm from my gullet as I continued to milk it, begging for a taste of his bitter fuck juice. "Fuck, man... I fuckin love this cock sucker". He gripped my jaw and forcibly removed his cock from my mouth and shoved my head towards his buddy Brian who was stroking the hood on and off his wet shinny knob. "Here's a fresh one for you, crack whore. Watch yer teeth, Brian's got a tool that'll fuckin rip your tonsils out. Doesn't get head real often 'cause most bitches can't take him, even when they're as fucking ripped as you are. But I'm pretty sure you could suck off a fuckin semi and come up askin fer more...." Spit was running over my lips as I leaned forward to suckle on the young boarder's growing tool. I wanted to make love to that thing and wrap my fuckin soul around his cock. I felt the shudder you always get out of young men who are filled with sperm, hormones and too little experience with head to be jaded. "Ohhhhhh yeah, faggot. Oh fuckin, oh yeah" He sighed as I worked my way down his white shaft even as it swole with every heartbeat. I could see the fine blue veins running under the silky skin of his pole and the huge engorges vein running across the top, pumping hard as his cock filled with blood. "Take it all in you mouth, like you did Steeve's, man... I wanna see my dick slide down your throat and feel you chocking on it" His hands were shaky, vibrating as I worked more and more of his endless tool into my greedy mouth. I loved his excitement, his appreciation of my mouth on his manhood as I knelt in-front of him and worshiped his maleness completely."Hmmmmmmph! Oh, FUCK!" I could feel his grip on my head tighten like a vise as his cock bottomed out in my throat. I was impaled on his cock to the balls with no where to go. All I could feel was the throb of his pulse running through his tool as it took its final leaps and swells to full erection, literally stretching the muscle of my throat to accommodate the kind of hard on only given to young men. Steel hard, unyielding, scorching hot with blood and lust and almost beyond his conscious control. I could see where he could have seriously frightened a bitch trying to gobble down his shaft. he was like a fist lodged in my gullet, and from the feel of his hands, I'm pretty certain the first girl to feel what I was feeling also had the throat savagely raped by this buck. the two other crackheads watched in amazement as Brian and I were locked in a tense sexual stand off. Brian's cock stuffed impossibly deep inside my gullet, him holding my head against his groin like a prison fight, while I struggled with my need to breathe, the painful fullness in my throat and the inescapable lust for his cock raping me. "So, faggots have two holes to dick, don't they?" I heard our host asking as I felt a rough dirty hands scrabble roughly between my ass cheeks. "Oh, yeah.... here we go." And he shoved in a grimy finger to check for resistance. "Oh, fuck dude... this feels like the slickest best pussy around. It's even fuckin wet. Like it's fuckin lubricating for us." A couple more fingers went in and started digging around, when he pulled them out he made sure to pull hard against my anus, and checked his fingers. "Fuck. not only is his chute clean, there's already sperm in here from another dude. This cunt's been busy. At least we won't have to waste time pretending to stretch his hole out before fucking him. Goddamn, where did you find this faggot?" He reached back into my hole with three fingers and pulled my roughly onto my feet, tears were forming in my eyes as Brian continued to test the limits of my breath control and our host seemed intent on seeing how much abuse he could heap on me. "there you go you fucking bitch. Don't you understand we can't fuck you right unless you present your hole? A tweaked out whore like you gets bored easy... even while suffocating on Brian's big pussy wrecker, so we're gonna put you up for double duty to make sure you stay entertained. Finally, Brian relented in his grip on my skull and I was allowed to back up enough to be able to drag in some air and savor the salty ooze of the precum his cock was spitting into my mouth. As I hauled in that second gasp of air, it lept right back out of me as the drooling hooded cock of our host planted itself at my anus and drove itself home like a Buick. The stranger who'd bred my neg ass on the dunes had seeded me copiously, but this was hours ago.... I might be wet, but this cock was basically going in dry, and it's owner was enjoying the view. "TAKE it. TAKE my fuckin tool, whore. I'm gonna tear you apart if you don't let me in and I'm gonna fuckin love hearing you scream." "Aaaaaaarrrgh!! Uuummmmph!" I was moaning and wailing as hard as I could muster with a mouth full of cock. My ass felt like it was being pried open by a baseball bat. I loved getting fucked, but pre Tina days, I had enough when I'd been fucked once or twice. But that was with condoms, and lube, and no crystal making me crazy for bare homeless cock to spurt load after load into my ass. I felt a warm glob of spit hit my ass crack. "Don't rip his ass in the first fuck, dude" Steeve had taken some pity on me and spared me a gob of spit to ease my ass rape. Our hosts dick soon picked up the wet in my cunt and the spit Steeve horked up and slid all the way home with his plum sized cockhead skinned back and resting hard on my swollen prostate. "Besides man, I have a couple of solid loads to drop and I hate fighting to bust my nut in a hole." "That all you're worried about Steeve?" As Brian continues slapping my jaw with his massive balls, he says "this whore is going nowhere until my balls fall off, and I can blow plenty. Besides, you got him how much t from the Mexicans? This bitch will be taking cock until next week and drooling all over himself for more long after his holes have blown out. Mark, dig some of that shit out of the bag and drill it into his chute. You think snorting it fucked him up, wait until his fuckhole is reaching out to gobble your fuckin cock like its alive." TBC
    1 point
  29. How big he needs to be depends on your body size and internal geography. I got fucked last year by a guy with at least ten inches (even soft taking his entire dick in my mouth set off my gag reflex). From previously playing with an anal probe and having a colonoscopy a couple of years ago, I'd guess my second sphincter is about eight or nine inches in. What? You thought I was going to sit on a ruler?!
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  30. ...and always,always,always swallow his load!!!!
    1 point
  31. lol...ok so i'll try and reply to everyone... 1. I am HIV negative as of JUne 30, 2014 2. I was never forced to have sex or do anything by anyone... 3. and I don't regret any of my experiences with any of those guys I got with .... I will admit tho...a couple of 'em weren't exactly the best lookin guys in the world lol...but their cocks were mmmmm
    1 point
  32. Part 8 The basement of the sauna was a maze of dark rooms, filled with men in towels all cruising each other. I felt like an idiot for not realizing that there must be something like this in the building. The skinhead led me through the corridor - the people down here were a lot less descrete about their staring, and one or two phantom hands reached out to stroke my ass or try to get my attention, but I ignored the men and pushed through after the skinhead. There were lots of little side rooms that were just big enough for two or three people to fit in. Some had padded platforms, while others just had a padded floor. A few doors were closed, while others had one person in them, assumedly trying to lure someone in to join them. The skinhead showed me all around the basement. There were lots of different rooms: a little cinema to watch porn, sling rooms, mirrored rooms, a chill out room with a bar, and one room that was pitch black. He ended the tour in the sling room. There was a row of them, all in cubicles that didn't really serve to add any privacy. One of the slings was in use by a couple. "So, what d'ya think?" the skinhead asked at the end of his tour. "Pretty good, eh?" I nodded in agreement, while I continued to watch the couple in the sling, realizing the guy getting fucked in the sling was the same guy I'd met in the hot tub earlier, but the man fucking him wasn't the older, tattooed guy with whom he had paired off. The skinhead must have noticed me staring, as without staying a word, he put a hand on my back and guided me over towards them. We stood by the sling, and the couple didn't seem bothered my our presence, even after the skinhead took his towel off and got me to start pumping his cock. He kissed me deep while we watched the show, covering my neck in little bite marks that made me gasp. The top was a very non-discript looking person; tall, brown hair, no noticeable marks on his body. The only memorable thing about him was the borderline-roaring noise he made when he came. When he pulled out, I saw a glistening little drop of his cum drip off the tip of his dick. They hadn't been using a condom either. The top didn't wait around after he finished, disappearing without a word. The bottom stayed in the sling, playing with his cock. The skinhead leaned and whispered in my ear "What do you want to do?" I bit my lip. There was a thought in my head, but it was something that felt gross. "Whatever it is," he said, slightly louder, "I doubt he'll object. Will you?" he asked of the guy in the sling, who, not surprisingly, shook his head with a greedy smile on his face. I thought about it a few seconds more. My cock was rock hard at the thought, as was the pierced cock I held in my hand. 'Why the fuck not?' was the last thing I thought before stepping forwards and dropping to my knees.
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  33. Part 7 "I am 'saving myself'!" I said after he finished kissing me. He licked his lips - he must have liked the taste of cum in my mouth. "Doesn't mean I can't do anything while I wait." To demonstrate my point, as he sat down next to me, I slipped my hand into his towel and took hold of his cock and pumped it. It wasn't hard when I started, but it didn't take long. "And how long have you been waiting now?" he asked, adding "Shouldn't you have been deflowered by now? I'll wait all night for your ass, but it's rude of him to keep me waiting." The comment made me blush, and he was right. I'd been at the sauna longer than I realized already, and he should have been through the traffic by now. "He'll be here," was all I could really say as a response. He rustled his hand in my hair and leaned in, kissing me on my temple. For a stranger who just wanted to fuck me in a sauna, he was surprisingly sweet. "I'm sure he will be, mate, but just in case, why don't I give you the grand tour?" With that, he stood up and, without actually waiting for me to agree, yanked me up by my arm. I stood-up so quickly that my towel slipped from my waist. He chuckled as I scrambled to get it back on, suggesting I should leave it off. I ignored his suggestion, secured my towel, and followed him out of the steam room. The cool air hit like a bucket of ice water, yet, at the same time, it felt pleasant. He led me through a few doors, in the opposite direction to the far end of the building where we came-upon a staircase I hadn't even realized existed. "I didn't know this place had a basement," I said, standing at the top of the staircase. The skinhead looked back at me and grinned, replying with a laugh "You really don't know what it is you've walked into, do you?" I'm sure my face was beet red, but I shook my head. Even so, I couldn't help but smile when he reached out his hand to me. I took it, and he led me down into the depths of the sauna.
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  34. Part 6 The steam made my skin tingle. I was sat on one of the upper ledges of the steam room, enjoying the sensation of it. When I entered, I thought I was alone. It took me a few minutes to notice that there was at least one other person in the room – it was difficult to see anything through all the steam, but eventually I saw him move. I realized, after a few more minutes of only seeing small movements in the steam, that he was playing with his dick. Clearly, he had better eyesight than me, because finally he spoke, saying “You jus' gonna sit there staring all night?” I jumped up. I'm pretty sure that, when I stood, it was with the intention of running out the door, yet my body once again acted of its own accord. I crossed the steam room, over to where the other man sat. Even when so much closer to him, it was still difficult to actually see anything of the man. He sat on the higher of the two shelves, and when I came close, he stopped wanking and held his dick at the base, waving it at me, inviting me by saying “C'mon then.” I dropped to my knees on the lower ledge in front of him, and leaning forward, I took hold of his cock in my hands. It was a decent size: not as big as that of the skinhead or the black guy from the changing room, but still big enough for me to wrap both hands around. I started tugging on it slowly, for which he let out a little grunt of approval. I could just about see him –he was probably his 40's, with a chunky body covered in black hair. All the moisture of the steam room made him look like a damp bear. Normally, such a guy wouldn't interest me at all. He had the scent of sweat on him and was breathing heavily, but all I could seem to focus on was his cock. I lowered my head down and took the tip of his dick in my mouth, sucking on it. I might have been a virgin, but I had given a few blow jobs before, so I wasn't completely inexperienced with it. I took the whole head in and sucked gently while I pumped the shaft. He moaned, and I felt a hand curl up in my hair, pushing me downwards. I complied, and took more of his dick in my mouth. I tried to keep it slow, but it was obvious that he didn't want to wait around. Every time I stopped or slowed down, he'd push my head down or hold it still while he thrust into it. Using my mouth and one of my hands to pump his cock, and my other hand to play with his balls, I went to work. I heard the plastic flaps that led into the steam room move, indicating the entrance of another person, but I paid it no mind. My body was getting hot and light headed in the heat of the room, and breathing was coming more difficult as I worked the cock in my mouth. It was difficult to tell how much I was sweating and how much was from the steam, but I kept on sucking. I remembered that my tongue existed, and started using that as I went down, to tease the head, much to the pleasure of the bear I was blowing. Then I felt a hand on my ass – the same cheek that had been spanked earlier. This was just a gentle rub though, from the person standing behind me. I realized then that, in my kneeling position, I had pushed my ass out, sticking it in the air for anyone to see, if they could through the steam. I still wore my towel around my waist, but that was it. The hand kept squeezing and rubbing while I continued sucking, and to my surprise, I found myself pushing my ass out even further towards the guy playing with it. I could tell the bear was getting close to blowing his load. His breathing was getting heavier, his grip on my head was harder and he was making more and more grunts of approval. Behind me, the other guy spoke, urging “Go on, suck that cock!” The guy's voice sounded familiar. Then the guy's hand slipped from my ass to my hip, and another one joined it on my other hip. Whoever was behind me pressed up against my ass, and I felt his cock right up against me. I moaned, and so did the guy I was sucking. He let go of my head and uttered something that wasn't really words, but I got the gist of it – he was going to cum. I pulled my head up off and started pumping his cock hard to finish him off. The guy behind me, however, had other plans for me. Just as the bear moaned, signaling his orgasm, a hand moved from my hip to the back of my head, and shoving my mouth back onto the cock in front of me, with the command “Take his load!” Not that I had a choice. The bear came and came, filling my mouth up with the salty taste of his cum. It tasted amazing. I had never swallowed a guy's load before, always having wacked them to orgasm, and letting the cum spill on the floor or on the guy's stomach. I never realized what I had been missing. “Yeah, that's it!" the voice continued, adding “Swallow it all.” I did so, taking every drop of it, and sucking the head clean of all traces. All the while, the cock at my ass had been grinding away. When his dick was clean, the bear immediately stood up, pushing me away as he made for the exit, mumbling as he left something that might have been a thank you. I slumped down onto the ledge, suddenly feeling exhausted from the heat. Looking up at the guy who had been behind me, I knew who it was immediately. The glint of the piercing in the tip of his dick, and the tattoo on his stomach gave it away. The skinhead knelt down next to me and leaned over and asked with a grin, “So, what happened to saving yourself?” Then he kissed me.
    1 point
  35. Part 5 My rock hard cock bounced freely between my legs as I rushed away from the hot tub towards the changing rooms. I struggled to get my towel back round my waist. It was hard enough to cover myself when I wasn't so hard. I had to make due with walking around with a very noticeable bulge. I could feel the heat on my face, and could only imagine that I was as red as a strawberry. I got my phone from my locker and sat back on the bench away from the lockers. I was still dripping, and cursed as I got my phone wet. My friend hadn't sent any further texts, so I text him asking where he was. I thought more about what had happened while I waited for a response. I tried to remember, but the details had already gone blurry in my head. How did I manage to get there, with them? It felt like I blinked, and suddenly I was inside the guy, fucking him. There were scenes missing in my memory,where my instincts had taken over. I remembered fucking him though –I could remember very vividly the sensation of my cockhead slipping into the guy's hole. The way his ass ate my entire cock without any problem. I thought of thrusting in and out of his warm hole, while the older guy egged me on, calling the guy a whore and telling me to'fuck that hole'. I looked down at the bulge in my towel.Not going anywhere. I sighed, and checked my phone again. Still nothing. I saw a few people looking my way as they changed into and out of their clothes, but no one seemed to bother me while I was in there. I saw one person who apparently just arrived as he was stripping off. He was impressive! Dark brown skin, and must have been 6'6”. Even before he dropped his tight boxers, I could see the massive bulge, but when it flopped out as he pulled it down, my mouth fell open. It was huge, despite being only semi-hard. And I saw a shiny string of what I guessed was precum drip down from it, before he quickly wiped it off. I looked up and realized that he'd saw me staring. He smirked at me. Quick as a light, I shot up and rushed out of the changing room, as if I had somewhere to be. Only at the last second did I realize that I still had my phone in my hand. I sheepishly turned around and headed to my locker, realizing it was right near the the locker that the black guy was now loading his clothes into. He smirked again as I came up close to him and opened my locker. I tried to smile back as I opened up my locker, though I imagine it just looked like I had wobbly lips. He seemed to take it for an invitation though, as he reached out and took one of my ass cheeks in his hand, cupping it and squeezing it through the towel. I froze. His hand slipped down my leg then back up underneath my towel, and squeezed even harder. He was still naked, and as I looked, I saw that his cock was getting a bit harder. Some of the other people in the changing room had also stopped to watch. “You're not leaving, are you?” he asked. I swallowed hard, and managed to stammer out "No." Suddenly, there was a sharp pain. It took me a few seconds to work out what it was – he'd drawn his hand back and spanked my ass cheek, knocking my towel off as he did. It piled at my feet as I yelped. He gripped my cheek so tight in his hand that it hurt, especially right after being hit like that. He leaned over asking “Good. Then you're gonna come give me this later, aren't you?” “Yes!” I said, without even thinking. I didn't want to respond that way, but I knew it was the response he wanted. He relaxed his grip on my cheek and began softly stroking it instead. “Good boy,” he replied softly, as he leaned over, which caused me to flinch, but all he did was kiss me on the cheek, just shy of my ear. “Then I'll see you later, and you'd better bring those," nodding at the bottle of poppers I had placed on the bench by my locker. With that, he let go of me, wrapped himself in his towel – which I noted was definitely bigger than mine – locked his stuff away and headed towards the entrance of the steam room. Once he had gone, I quickly picked up my towel, and tried to wrap it around my waist. The people in the changing room started going about their business now that the show was over. My dick was obviously unbothered by the stinging pain in my ass, and still stood rock hard out from me, which made getting my towel back on difficult. I checked my phone – still absolutely nothing from my friend. I felt like I should leave, thinking I'd already made enough mistakes, and my friend would certainly understand. But my cock was still throbbing, and the memory of how had felt when it slipped into that guy's ass kept popping into my head. My ass was tingling, my mouthwatering. I took the poppers out of the locker and locked my stuff away again. That was the last time I checked for messages from the perfect guy.
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  36. Part 4 I stayed in the hot tub for a while afterwards, waiting for my friend to arrive and for my erection to go down. The hallway that led to the hot tub from the showers went further on into the other features of the sauna, though I didn't know what specifically was back there, so I watched guys go past, generally cruising each other. Two separate couples congregated briefly in the hallway, and ran off to... somewhere. I also saw several failed attempts, where one guy shrugged off the other, or quickly fled. The guys in the sauna definitely didn't behave or look like the image I had had in my mind when I entered the place. Yeah, there were a few elderly men, breathing heavily and trying to grab anyone who came within arm's reach, but most of the guys seemed to be between 30 and 50 and in reasonably good shape. I even saw a few guys who looked close to my age, though in reality, probably none were as young as was I. More than once I mistook the younger guys for my friend, but with each failure, I still kept my hopes up. The water jets cycles off and on again before anyone else entered the pool. The older guy with the moustache guy on the other side of the hot tub turned the pumps back on, as if it were his sacred duty to keep the bubbles going. A few minutes after he turned them back on, someone began climbing up the steps that led into the tub. It was a younger guy, I would guess he was about 25, he had black hair that was slicked-back, and he was almost as skinny as I was, but with clear muscle definition. His cock bounced between his legs before disappearing under the water. He looked at me for a brief moment, before nodding and moving towards the older man. They didn't waste time, and imagine they must have known each other as they just smiled at each other, and without a word, the younger guy seemed to straddle the older man's lap. They locked their mouths together in what must have been a very deep kiss, and the younger man started moaning into the older man's mouth. They seemed to be shifting around in the water a bit for a moment, before finally the younger man let out a long moan. With that, they broke their kiss, and I heard him whisper "Yeah, that's it." After that, they started moving in time with each other. It took me a while, arguably longer than it should have, to realize that the younger guy was getting fucked by the older guy. It took me longer still to realize I was staring at them, with my mouth hanging open. They didn't seem to mind, or even notice, but still, I quickly looked elsewhere, but even so, my attention was drawn back to them. I couldn't help it. They were fucking, right there, right in front of me. They hadn't rushed off to... well, wherever the other couples I saw had rushed off to. Almost subconsciously, my hand drifted to my cock, which was, of course, rock hard, and I began to slowly play with myself, as I licked my lips as the pace of their mating increased. The older guy with the tattoos had closed his eyes for a while, but when he opened them, he looked over and fixed his gaze on me. I felt embarrassed, but he smiled, obviously not embarrassed that I had a front row seat. The guy turned to the younger guy, and whispered a couple of words, and stopped fucking. With that, the younger guy looked around, and followed the older guy's gesture, to look at me. The younger guy looked me over, which made me feel even more embarrassed, but then he smiled and gestured for me to join them. I certainly didn't know exactly what to do, yet they seemed to have me in a trance, as my body moved on it's own in grabbing my poppers from the ledge and moving through the water to join them. Hands appeared on me as soon as I was within reach. The older man had one hand wrapped around his fuck-toy, and the other wrapped around my waist, going straight to my butt, where he started groping one cheek. The younger guy was slightly less forward, and brought his hand up behind my neck and pulling me in closer. The fucking began again as their hands explored me, with the older guy slowly bucking his hips. The younger guy moaned and leaned over towards me, giving me a much softly kiss than had the skinhead, gently brushing his lips against mine. Meanwhile the hand on my ass kept groping and squeezing, but didn't move anywhere. After he'd finished kissing me, he moved his face away, and pressed mine towards the other guy. Before I had time to protest, the older guys moustache was brushing up against my face as his lipped connected with mine. His hand tightened on my ass, squeezing it hard as his tongued forced its way into my mouth, all the while the younger guy held me still. It felt good, even though I didn't know why. The older guy made me feel gross when I first saw him, but the taste of his tongue, the scratching of his moustache, and his tight grip on my ass felt so hot that I almost forgot where I was. I heard the voice of the younger guy murmur in my ear, saying “His cock feels so good in me, he's such a good fucker. You want to feel it?” And with that, the younger guys hand slid down from my neck, all the way down my back and to my ass. This time, he was the less polite one – a finger slipped right down the middle to my hole and pressed against it. I gasped, and pulled away from him, shaking my head. I tried to say something, but no words came out of my mouth. Fortunately, the older guy had been listening in on my earlier conversation. “He's saving himself,” the man said in a gruff voice that hinted he was a foreigner. Amusement was evident in his tone. The younger guy nodded his head in realisation, also smirking at the concept. The older guy resumed, asking “But only your hole, right?" and then suggested to me “I won't fuck you, but you could help me fuck him, yeah?” as he nodded to the young guy. The older guy moved his hand from my ass to my hip, pushing me hard, so I found myself standing behind the younger guy, who promptly stood-up somewhat, presumably to slide off the other guy's cock. Then their hands were back upon me, and one hand guided my cock until it was pressed up against the young guy's hole. Instinct seemed to kick in, as I took hold of his hips, and he moaned as he teased his hole with my cock. “Go on, fuck him,” The older guy urged, adding “You don't need to be gentle. I wasn't the first guy this little whore had tonight.” I looked at the younger guy to see if the comment bothered him, but he just smiled in agreement. Once we made eye contact, he pushed his hips back, and, just like that, the tip of my dick slipped into his ass. I gasped. It was a great feeling, but I'd never fucked anyone before, so honestly I didn't know what I was doing. Fortunately my instincts took over again. As he took my dick, the guy twisted his body to turn so he could wrap one arm over me, he pulled me in to kiss me. The moment meant that my dick was also pulled fully into him ass. It was a slick feeling, and I slid right down to the base without any trouble at all. “That's it,” the older guy said as the younger guy kissed me, adding “Fuck that hole.” I began moving my hips a bit and he moaned into my mouth. 'No condom'. the thought flashed into my head and suddenly I was aware of myself again. I broke off the kiss and pulled out of him in a second. Then, before they had time to protest, I already turned and headed for the steps, muttering unintelligible words of apology as I rushed out. I grabbed my towel and slipped through the small crowd that I hadn't notice forming, and headed back to the changing rooms.
    1 point
  37. Part 3 He didn't wait for a response before he reached out to me with his spare hand, saying “Here, give me your hand,” taking hold of my wrist and pulling it over to his crotch where his massive cock floated in the bubbling water. I tried to pull my hand away, but he held onto it, putting it on his dick and closing my fingers around it. He never broke eye contact with me, and encouraged me saying softly “Go on," as the hand around my waist came up out of the water. His fingers tangled themselves into my hair and began stroking softly. I wanted to run away, out of the tub and back to the locker room where people seemed to leave me alone, but the heavy weight in my hand did feel pretty good. I relented, and began to very slowly pump his dick. A big smile spread across his face when I did. “Good boy.” He practically purred into my ear as his hand left my wrist and moved to my thigh. I gasped when I felt his tight squeeze, but I continued working his dick. Whenever I brought my hand up near the tip of his dick, I'd feel the piercing brush against me. I'd never seen a pierced dick outside of porn before, and I didn't know what to do with it. I wondered if touching it too much would hurt him, so I kept my hand away from it. My heart was pulsing pretty hard, and my vision had gone strange. The lights – what few there were –had gone all pale and a bit blurry. My friend had told me about this though, it was a side effect of the pill he'd given me. The main effect was also starting to work as well. The movement of the water,along with the admittedly nice feeling of the skinheads cock were making me begin to get hard, even despite my nerves. His hand traveled further up my thigh to my hip and my hardening cock. He didn't take the shaft itself, but slipped one of his thumbs under my balls and pressed down on the skin there, rubbing the hardness and making me gasp. I tightened my grip on his dick and pumped a bit harder. “So, you gonna let me fuck you later?” he asked. That snapped me back to reality a bit. “I-I-I'm saving myself for my friend,” I stuttered, getting increasingly red faced. I let go of his cock, but he kept a firm grip of me. “I know, I know! You don't need to keep reminding me. He'll be your first tonight, but I'm happy to let him loosen you up. I doubt you'll be able to take me straightaway, but it's not like you're here just for him, are you?” I didn't respond to that, just stared at the skinhead, swallowing as I realized my mouth had suddenly got dry. “Unless... Unless you mean you're literally saving yourself.. You mean, tonight is your first time?” I nodded weakly. At that point, he did move his hand away from my cock. His other hand left my hair, but stayed around my shoulders, as he laughed softly saying “Well then, that does change things a bit, doesn't it! Then he said in a voice a bit louder than he had been using, “That's quite the gift, and I guess I should let your friend unwrap his own presents, shouldn't I? Don't worry – I'll make sure everyone knows that there's a cute, twinky little virgin running around the halls, and that they definitely shouldn't touch him. At least, not for a while.” With that, he stood up and moved in front of me. This time, I got a quick look at the tattoo on his stomach. It was some sort of symbol – something I'd seen before,but at the same time, I couldn't quite place it. I only got a quick look though, before he leaned down and brought his face close to mine. “But how about you come find me later, yeah?” He forced his lips roughly against mine, taking me in one quick but heavy kiss that pushed my whole head back. Once he pulled away again, he grinned,before turning and heading out of the pool. I didn't know what to make of the encounter, but my heart was racing, and my cock was rock hard. At the very least, I didn't want to get out of the hot tub until it had gone down.
    1 point
  38. Part 2 I thought the changing rooms were warm, but the heat that hit me when I entered the sauna itself was like a wall. The smell of water and the cleaning agents filled my nose, but they weren't strong enough to cover up the smells of men in the air. A few guys sat on benches positioned against the wall. Most of the guys had closed their eyes, presumably listening to the background music, which was some sort of repetitive house beat that sounded like the background music in a porn film. One guy, who looked like he was Turkish, checked me out as I came in. He looked me up and down and smirked. His skin shined with sweat and water, and he looked like he'd been there a while. I smiled weakly back before sliding through the first door I passed, not really paying attention to where I was going. My heart thumped in my chest – just that one interaction was enough to get my pulse racing. I wondered if I'd even last till my friend joined me before chickening out, but I pressed on. After a bit of searching, I managed to stumble to the place that my friend had told me to go, the hot tub, which was at the far end of a corridor off of which were showers that bubbling away. Two guys were in the hot tub, one, an older guy with greasy black hair and tattoos, who sat in one corner, his eyes closed, and the other was a white guy with a completely shaved head. He looked to be fairly young, by no means as young as I, but probably in his early 30s. He smiled at me when I approached, which again, was enough to make me worry, but as my friend told me to try out the hot tub, I knew that when he finally arrived, that was where he'd look to find me. As casually as I was able, I removed my towel, and hung it on one of the hooks that lined the wall by the hot tub, and, covering my cock and balls with my hand, the mark of a newbie, and which made the skinhead laugh, I climbed up the steps into the hot tub. The water wasn't as hot as I was expecting, but it was still warm enough. The bubbles splashed over me as I moved through the water. At its deepest, it came up to my bellybutton, but the seats around the side submerged me right up to my shoulders. Placing the poppers on the ledge nearest me, I sat well away from the other two guys. The older guy didn't seem to notice me at all, or, for that matter, even open his eyes, but the skinhead stood-up pretty much the second I sat down and moved closer to me. I felt myself flinch as he sat down next to me, but I didn't move away, reasoning that he might get angry. “Hey,” he asked, “I'd ask if you came here often, but I think I'd remember if I'd seen you here before.” With that, he leaned in, I think with the intention of kissing my neck, but at that point, I did pull away, and moved further along the bench until I was backed into the corner. He responded with a quick laugh, asking “Oh, it's actually your very first time, isn't it?” I nodded, explaining “I'mmm, I'm waiting for my fffr, my friend. He should be here soon.” The skinhead chucked at my explanation, and again closed the gap between us, put his arm on the ledge around me, though only slightly touching me, he stroked my shoulder with his thumb. “Err, I'm err-” I tried to stutter some sort of response. "Waiting for your friend, I know. But he won't mind if I wait with you, will he? Keep you safe from some of the creeps who want to suck you off right here and now." He smiled as his arm slipped from the ledge, went around my waist, and pulled me closer to himself, so our bodies were touching slightly. I swallowed. At that point, the pump that circulated the water in the hot tub switched-off, undoubtedly on some sort of timer, with the result that bubbles cleared after a few seconds. I was stunned: the skinhead's cock was huge, and fully erect, and he had some sort of piercing in the head of his cock. I gasped and jumped, intending to to leave the tub, but the skinhead held me down with his surprisingly tight grip, and nodded towards the older guy across the tub. “It's alright, he'll get it.” And even as he spoke, the older man reached-over, and pressed a button on the wall. There was a quiet rumble, and after a few seconds, the bubbles began again. I couldn't help but take one last quick glance downwards before everything disappeared beneath the moving water again. I guessed his cock was about nine inches, and was as thick as all hell. Round the base, I saw that there was a thick black cock ring, and further up his stomach, I saw something black, a tattoo on his stomach I assumed, but I couldn't make it out before it was obscured by the bubbles. I looked back up at him to see him smirking, and quietly he asked “Like what you see?”
    1 point
  39. I understand when you just cannot cum anymore. I prefer the top to just say so and not try
    1 point
  40. I started freaking out when I saw his cock. What did you do to me? He smiled and told me to relax. Do you feel any pain? No I don’t . That’s the rum I gave you along with some other things he said. What did you give me? Just some stuff to help you out of your shell, now clean my cock. He forced his cock into my mouth and I started to clean him. I tasted cum for the first time and blood it was not something I was used to tasting. Bull told me that this was just the beginning and he would help to transform me but first he had to make sure I was ready. I didn’t know what to think but I know I wanted more. He pulled his cock from my lips and went to fix me another drink. When he came back I couldn’t help but stare at the man I had jacked off thinking about so many times. I wanted him to use me again but he said for me to wait. I asked why and he said I looked like I needed to be more relaxed. While I downed the drink, he placed a DVD in to the player and turned on the TV. A hardcore porn started up and although I had seen some stuff on the internet I had never seen anything like this. I was hard again just watching the video and so was he. My inhabitation seemed to go away and with that I reached over and started licking his body. His cock was rock hard and poking me in the stomach as I lay between his legs. I was numb and needed him to use me again. I worked my way down to his cock and started licking and sucking on it. I wanted to get him fully in my mouth and was gagging on him as I tried. Spit was running from my mouth and snot from my nose. While I was sucking on him I felt him fingering my tender hole only barely noticing any pain but I did notice that he had about three fingers in me and that my hole was opening up more to them. I needed him to fuck me my ass felt like it needed a cock in it no it had to have a cock in it. When my hands were grabbed and handcuffed behind me was the first time I realized we were not alone and there was no way Bull’s fingers had been playing with my boi hole. I got startled and Bull got up off the floor. This naked guy walked over and kissed him then looked at me and said that bull was right I was a pig in the making. Bull introduced Jeff to me and told me that it was all good. He was here to help with my conversion into a pig. I didn’t want him to touch me, he was nothing like Bull. He was 5’9” and very skinny. You could see his ribs, he looked dirty, and had a lot of tattoos even around his cock. The only thing I liked was his cock which was very long, even longer than Bulls but it was nowhere near as thick and it had what I learned to be a heavy gage PA in the tip. Jeff bent down, lifted my head and kissed me on the lips. He slid his tongue in my mouth and all I could smell was his stench. It disgusted me but turned me on at the same time. Jeff broke the kiss and asked Bull to move me into the bedroom. I was picked up like a sack and taken to the basement where an old sofa bed was opened and waiting. Jeff had a bag down here and from that bag he pulled all sorts of toys that he worked in and out of my ass. It felt like my cunt was on fire but I also felt like I was out of my body watching this all happen. What had I gotten myself into and why did I want these men to use me. Bull told Jeff he wanted to fuck my hole one last time before Jeff planted his seed in me. Bull was rock hard as he entered but the dildos had opened me up quite a bit. I could not believe how much of his cock I took. As he was thrusting into me I found myself begging for him to fuck me. Please use me. I was almost crying for him to put more of that big cock into me. After a bit he shot his load in me, told Jeff I was lubed and ready and then turned to me and said enjoy what Jeff is about to give you………………..
    1 point
  41. Being a multi-shooter is a fairly new experience for me, starting about the time I turned 40. Prior to that I could fuck for hours and get close to cumming, then my orgasmic urge would drop off before reaching climax. I would ultimately have to pull out and stroke then push my load into the hole. I even had my doc look over my list of meds to see if any of them could be the cause. I was also doing some intense work to deal with sexual abuse that happened when I was 4 and figured this was one more way the abuse had impacted my life. I decided to stop thinking about cumming and enjoy the fuck. I love fucking ass and a cummy ass is even better. Once I let go of that "goal" I started having orgasms after just a few minutes of fucking. Since I love fucking a wet hole I get more turned on feeling cum around my cock and stay hard and horned up. For me things go best if I keep up some degree of motion post-orgasm. The usual count for me is anywhere from 3-6 times in a couple of hours. During one intense weekend I shot 23 loads in 4 bottoms. I was exhausted the Monday. Best with one guy was 8 times in 3 hours. He took the 7th in his mouth and confirmed that I was indeed still ejaculating.
    1 point
  42. Ok, this might sound strange, but ... I'm cut, altho not very tightly. When I'm soft the skin tends to bunch up around the base of my head a bit. A couple years ago I was sick in bed for almost a week. No showering or even washing up, except for brushing my teeth. After a few days I noticed a funky smell coming from my crotch. After close examination, I discovered it wasn't coming from my sack, my pubes or my ass ... it was emanating directly from my cock, just below the head. The embarrassing part is that I loved the fucking smell. Couldn't get enough of that sweet & sour stink. I've never smelled another dude's dick--cut or uncut--but if this is the smell u guys are on about, I can def understand why u are into it. Sadly I don't get a chance to go unwashed for days at a time very often, but do it whenever I can. It's usually around the 3rd day that the awesome stink gets going.
    1 point
  43. While sucking dick, look up at him from time to time, but don't overdo it that it gets in the way of the blowjob. Enthusiasm is also key if you don't have the cocksucking skills yet. Revel in the act of cocksucking, think of it as a privilege and act like getting him off is the most important thing in the world to you at that moment. Again though, don't overdo it. Whatever you do, when he finally shoots, DON'T WASTE A DROP. Get it all in our mouth and swallow proudly. Some guys get off on that, and even if he doesn't, I don't think he'll be disgusted, it's his cum after all. Whether he's pleased or just neutral about you swallowing, you still scored a load, so it's a win-win.
    1 point
  44. Back Stories: Mike You can't get to the point (pun intended) of riding the Devil without some help from some amazing men. Here is the first of a series of "back stories" regarding the people who got me to this level of FFun and Piggyness. Mike. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I remember the very first time, the moment exact moment when it all began. Before that, I never liked having my ass played with. I was 1975 and I was 28 and considered myself a 100-percent top. I would never let anyone touch my ass. Then, I saw this man in the Rawhide. He wore full leather, had massive shoulders, a wicked smile, and was flagging red / orange on both sides. Over the following weeks, we bantered and verbally spared. I later found out that he was 46. This guy was such a fucking stud. Over 6ft 4 inches, black hair streaked with gray, dense beard, hard razor-sized nipples with massive nip rings, and amazing piercing green eyes. Then the bantering was over, I bedded this “older” man. Well, actually, I relented and he bedded me. When I finally got the chance, I fucked him long and hard, working his nips in the process, getting us both off multiple times in that first night. But he had conditions, he would only let me fuck him when he was fingering my ass. And, I let him. The affair lasted about six months, but by then my hole had gotten use to being played with. In that last month, before he left for San Francisco, he changed the rules." Each time I fucked him, he fuck me in return. As hard as I fucked him, he fucked me harder and more brutally. Then one day he packed up and departed of the Coast. That’s when I started getting fucked by other men. It was a rare event at first, but eventually it became my thing. I got off on having a big dick opening up my ass. I was getting off by having some big man climb on top of me, and I’d make him fuck me the way I liked it, working my nips hard and: • Pulling his dick all the way out and then plunging it back in • Fucking me with just the head and then suddenly driving it deep into my ass • Deep hard penetrations • Battering my guts with his cock I love long deep hard punishing fucks! I started to think with my ass and not my dick. On a trip to London, I even hooked up with some biker-trash trick. He turned me on to the joys of PnP. In that first riding of the dragon, he slipped a hand inside of me. I came instantly. After I returned to New York and over the next months, fists became easier and easier to take. First one fist, then two was my need, actually my demand. Eventually, I got into punch fucking, and pushed my over stretched envelope. In those dark days of grease and Tina, I would find some horny fucker and let him push his fist up my ass followed by his cock and balls. I could feel his fist deep in me and wrapped around his stiff cock deep in my ass as he spewed his load, draining his embedded balls. I left my "date" on more than one occasion with Crisco and ass-snot running down my legs, staining my 501s. At a party in an abandoned warehouse, I found this one major twisted ffister, Mack. He found me well tweaked and in a sling in a dark corner of the room, and he just knew how to get me torqued, pushing all the right buttons. After some extensive twisted elbow deep fisting, he put me out of the sling and onto the floor on my back. Then he pulled an aluminum baseball bat from a bag and waved it in my face. He handed me the poppers, and told me that I had better “steel” myself. Taking the huge popper hit and holding it for a 10 count, I exhaled, and he slowly pushed the bat deep into me. He rolled it around for a good long time. Pulling it out to the head and pushing it in deep and hard. over and over again and raking my prostrate till I came. He worked my hole till all I could do was "dry" cum. When I was fully expended, Mack tossed the poppers to me, and then told me that I had better get ready for “ROUND TWO!” From the bag he retrieved a second bat and pushed it into my gaping mouth. I sucked on and felt its coldness. Taking a hit, he then twisted the first bat and skillfully worked the second in next to the first. Man, I don't know how I took the second aluminum bat. My ass ached and stretched and then I started to moan with pleasure. I could feel my sphincter stretching and staining to let the two bats take purchase. He abused my over stretched rosebud well into the night and as the sun rose the following morning he finally relented as I finally passed out. It took me over a week to just walk normally again. But, I was ready and wanted more! Two weeks later, I met Mack again back at the warehouse. This time he brought a “friend” with him. This friend, “Stick,” was some nasty piece of street trash, with a shaved head, and a twisted demented look in his deep-set black eyes. Stick was thin and wiry, and an acid freak. Over and over Mack kept saying that this man was “remarkable”. Mack did the “honors” and got us all well tweaked. Stick needed a double hit (and Mack came prepared) to reach our level of piggyness. Over the next hours, it was a nonstop pigfest, major amounts of fisting, fucking, sucking, and rimming. The three of us were on autopilot. I don’t know how long we were out it, but at some point, Mack turned me over on my back and climbed onto my chest. He started kissing me and working my nips, while he used his legs to push mine apart. Between our legs, Frank greased up both arms, and slowly started to push a clenched fist into each of our asses. Over the next hour or so, with steady pressure, he advanced until he was above his elbows. Then he quickly pulled out of us simultaneously. Our asses each emitted a loud sloppy “pop.” Wiping his hands off, he reached behind him and retrieved two spikes, each containing “K.” Stick took an alcohol swab and wiped off a spot on my ass. Then he hit me squarely in that spot with the spike. I took a deep hit of poppers, and he grunted, "GET READY FOR THE K HOLE,” and the floor seemed to drop from below me as the k hit my blood stream. Stick pushed and pushed hard as my ass opened wider and wider. I was riding his bicep before I knew it. Mack clamped down on my nips and kissed me as the K hit his blood stream. He started to buck hard as Stick pushed into him and within moments, he was on Stick's other bicep. From that moment on, I was addicted to fisting. Back Story – Mack My twisted biker fist buddy, Mac, was inventive to say the least. A week after our greasy workout with Stick, he started to leave me nasty phone messages and slipping random notes under my apartment door. They contained sly hints about our next encounter, a week long vacation the following week, with his bike club. Arriving home that Friday, I showered, did a deep clean out, changed into my leathers, threw some closes, toys, some spikes and favs into a pair of saddlebags. Throwing the bags over my shoulder, I headed to the garage to retrieve my ’52 K Harley. The bike had been pulled from its storage bin and sat in the middle of the garage. Mac was sitting on it when I arrived. Next to the bike was his fully restored ’33 “R” Harley. The night was warm and clear, perfect riding weather. Following his lead, we got on the FDR Drive, and then took the Taconic Parkway towards Albany. About 10 miles south of Albany, we exited the Parkway, riding on quiet country road, ending on an old farm road heading into the forest. Mac pulled over at a small clearing and we dismounted. I pulled a water bottle out of a saddlebag, and Mac retrieved his bottle of Jimmy Beam. He leaned over, grabbed my bottle, and threw it into the woods. Shoving the Beam in my hand, he said something about “starting to get ready.” I took a large swallow and handed back the bottle. We mounted up and about 15 minutes up the road, an old hunting cabin stood in a clearing surrounded by outbuildings and pens. Mac announced that, “We have arrived!” Pulling our bikes into a large shed (already containing over a dozen bikes), he grabbed my saddlebags and his, and we headed to the cabin. Smoke was rising from a stone chimney at the end of the building, and there were leather-clad bikers milling around on an expansive wrap-around porch. Mac introduced me around, referring to me as “fresh meat.” This was a crew of burley bearded men sporting lots of flannel and steel. Mac led me into the cabin, up a central staircase, and to a very small room at the end of a hall. The room contained just two cots and a small table with lamp. I quickly shed my leathers and boot, pulling on a well worn pair of 501s with the ass ripped open, and a T-shirt emblazoned on the front was “FIST ME and and on the back in bigger letters was " AND I'M YOURS.” Mac laughed and said that shirt was going to get me a lot of attention and a lot of "trouble," and that I better be careful about what I asked for …. I told him that I always ask for what I wanted / needed, and this was my way to get my message out loud and clear. If all else failed, since he brought me “up north” it would be his responsibility to do the deed. He started to say something, but some yelled up the stairs that dinner was ready. We all gathered in a large room with a blazing fireplace, a large well-worn table and over 20 chairs stood in the center, and abused overstuffed chairs lined one end of the room. A large man, with massive arms and belly, (I later learned it was the owner of the property, Pete), stood at the head of the table leaning over a large caldron. He bellowed that he had several announcements, as he ladled out bowls of a hardy hunter’s stew, which were passed to the seated men around the table. The first announcement was a welcome to the new and first time members of the Crew. Looking around he found me, asked me and this angry looking man to stand up. He introduced James and I and and thanked us for coming. He said that the crew had been informed earlier in the month that two new members would be joining them. He asked that a small jar be brought forward. He told James and I that we had to pull a number from the jar. The largest number would entitle the man to the "SEAT OF HONOR," next to him a the head of the table. He also told the assembled men that both James and I would be requiring their utmost attention during the wee, Then he commented on my shirt, and said that everyone should give me all the “special” attention they could muster, and hoped that I won the place of honor! James reached into the jar and it was handed to me. I pulled out a piece of paper and found a large "6" on it. When Pete called for the numbers, I yelled out "6" and James called out "2." The room erupted in applause, “oinks,” wolf-calls, and whistles. Someone behind me placed a lanyard over my head. Attached to it was a can of large can of Crisco and two bottles of poppers. Pete told me that I should keep the lanyard handy at all times, and then told me that there was a lot more, "should you run out!” He then asked me to sit at the place to his right at the head of the table. The room grew quite, as I moved to my assigned place. When I pulled the chair from under the table, embedded in the seat was a huge dildo. I looked from Pete to Mac, then at the chair seat. I pulled the Crisco’s lid off, dropped it on the table, reached into the can and grabbed a handful of the grease, slathered it on the head of the dildo and then on my ass. I grabbed the towel from the nearby wine bucket, wiped my hands as good as I could, and stood up on my chair. I opened the poppers, took a large hit, held it, and lowered myself slowly down on the dildo. The men in the room went wild, the noise filling the room. I took a second hit, and forced the entire dildo into my ass, and sitting firmly down on the seat of the chair. The volume of the noise increased as someone yelled out, “FUCK … HE TOOK THE ENTIRE THING!!!!” Pete looked at me and then raised his hands to quiet the crowd. He said, when the room was quiet, “Well Mac, you certainly know how to pick your fisting buddies” and then he turned to me and said, “If this is any indication of how this week is going to turn out, we are going to have an outstanding time!” “Someone give Mike a glass of “home brew” to keep him in the mood while I finish up a few other announcements.” Pete then continued. Number ONE was that this was the last meal he was preparing for rest of the week. We were on our own as far as food was concerned. The kitchen was well stocked, kegs of beer were out the back door, and a couple of gallons of “home brew” could be found in the “Larder.” Mac leaned over and told me that the Pete made the “brew” from an old moonshine recipe that came from the Ozarks. He also said that the Larder contained enough favs to satisfy all of the participants’ needs. Number TWO: He was not our “FUCKING MAID” and that he expected us all to hang around at the end of the week for “cleanup duty.” He went on to explain that the last time they met, he had a lot of explaining to do when he delivered a truckload of party remnants to the Town’s dump. The woman running the place when inspecting the load, wanted to know how many pies were baked, considering the large number of empty Crisco cans that could be seen in the refuse. The men around the table hooted and stomped their feet, calling him a “Fucking House Frau and a Fucking Baker.” Number THREE: The two cabin toilets were on a old septic system. There was no way in hell that it would manage the piss and shit of 20 men. If we wanted to play with piss and shit, the green shed at the end of the pasture was the place to go. Otherwise, we should use the four outhouses in the back of the house. Then he called out for Frank to stand up. He said sternly, “And Frank, I made sure the pit below the last outhouse was cleaned out, before my workers left on their vacations.” Frank said, “Thank you, you think of everything.” Mac muttered under his breath, “and the pit is a perfect place if you are into piss and shit play.” I assume that it was said for my benefit. Number FOUR: He said that he was “Not in charge!” If anyone had a problem or issue, they should go talk to the clubs president, Bull Dog. At the mention of his name, a big bald headed bear-chested man, covered with tats and steel, stood up from a chair in the corner. He bellowed, “AND IT BETTER BE DAMN IMPORTANT BEFORE YOU COME CALLING ON ME! IF I GOT MY ARM IN AN ASS, OR THERE IS AN ARM IN MINE, YOU BETTER BE FUCKING SURE THE WORLDS ON FIRE, CAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME!” Someone in the crowd yelled out, “FUUUUUCK, you ripped me a new asshole when you pulled out of me. Luckily, I was higher than a fucked over kite, and it felt DAMMMMMMN GOOD! You just didn’t push it back in when I needed it!” The crowd roared its approval! Then he sat down. The talk around the table was loud and boisterous. Sitting on the dildo I was feeling no pain, as I drained my glass, an old mason jar. When it was empty, someone filled it again to the brim with a rich honey colored liquid. Mac leaned over and said that I should go slow, cause the “brew is laced with GBH, “T”, and ”X.” One “jar” later, I was more than two sheets to the wind. When I tried to stand, Mac helped me, pulling me free from the dildo, as ass juices, greasy and slim leaked from my ass. As Mac and I moved down the table towards the bathroom, arms reached out to grab me while others were shoved up my willing ass. As I passed the bottom of the table, Bull Dog stood up and blocked my path. He pulled his huge steel studded cock out of his pants, grabbed and turned me turned me around, then pulled me up on his lap as he sat down. His cock slid into me with a loud “slurping” sound and the crowded cheered. I could feel each and every ring and barb and piercing in his cock rake my prostrate over and over again. He worked my nips and ass with a vengeance. With a loud grunt, he came and gobs of cum were pushed up my receptive ass. The crowd called for more as I was led into a large room next to the fireplace. It was a bathroom. Against one wall was a 10-ft piss trough, along another stood 7 toilets, no privacy partitions, along the third was a 15-ft stall shower with all sorts of showerheads and shower shots. On the fourth wall stood 6 basin sinks. I turned to Mac and said, “a perfect play room?” As we stood in the middle of the room, me trying to unbutton my pants, Mac told me that the building was originally an electric utilities “line cabin”, built to handle a crew of about 30 men. Pete’s great grandfather “acquired” it in a nightlong game of cards. He used it as a hunting cabin, and Pete had inherited it about 15 years ago. It became the de facto headquarters for his bike club, and a place where there were “no rules.” Mac gave me this really evil looking smile, and said that I might want to hold on to the piss I was thinking about wasting. There would be a use for it shortly. Unfortunately, I could not “save” it. Seeing my discomfort, Mac got down on his knees, unbuttoned my 501s, and freed my cock. He sniffed it and then licked the head all the way down to its base and then my balls. He then backed away slightly and opened his mouth. I took the not so subtle cue and started to piss into his waiting mouth. As the stream slowed, he moved up, took my cock in his mouth, and proceeded to suck down my entire load while making grunting pig noises. When I was drained, he continued to suck getting me hard. He looked up and said, “Is that all there is? Next time I do this there better be much more piss and it better be loaded with lots of “T”!” The bathroom door was pushed roughly open, banged against the wall behind it. Two burley men entered. Seeing Mac on his knees, the larger one said something to his friend about “the Floor Show” and an early start.” Moving behind me, he pulled my shirt over my head, exposing my chest and pierced nipples. He pushed his jean to the floor and then pushed his semi-ridged cock deep into my ass. He then started to work my nips hard, as Mac continued to suck on my cock. He whispered in my ear, “Fuck I love sloppy seconds and thirds and fourths!” The second man pulled off his clothes, walked over to Mac, then reached down ripping Mac’s shirt open and pulling it free. He reached into the Crisco can, smeared some on his ass, and then stepped between me and Mac, pulling my cock from Mac’s mouth. He leaned turned and back against me, forcing my cock up his ass, and then yanked on Mac’s head, plunging his cock down Mac’s willing throat. The man behind me reached around and pulled his buddy closer, trapping Mac and me between these two men who were definitely on a mission. We rocked back and forth for a long time, when I felt that familiar stirring in my balls and shot loads of cum into the ass in front of me. The tensing of my ass, set off a chain reaction, as the man behind me started bucking and jerking, and with a roar that shook the room, he came in my ass. Not to be outdone, the man in Mac’s mouth shot a huge load of jizz that trickled out of the corners of Mac’s mouth. Feeling that warm sticky mass deep in my ass, got me fired up for a second jizz explosion, which again fired deep into my buddy’s ass. As we all fell to the floor, I thought, “This was going to be a fucking week to remember.” Inserted from <http://www.gayfisters.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-966.html>
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