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  1. I turned my attention to my playkit, extracting everything I would need to complete Tanner's conversion from negboy to cumdump: pipe, Tina, points. I also took the opportunity of turning the thermostat way up - no point leaving anything to chance. I was only out of the living room for a few minutes but, on my return, Tanner had definitely 'changed'. He seemed totally calm, greeting me like I was long-lost friend and happy to see I'd grabbed more of the alco-pop which he was contently sipping on now that the taste of G had gone. I stood, shirtless, before Jake, pouring him another glass of drink and flexing my back at Tanner, bending over slightly so he got a good view of my thick, muscled daddy-butt. Jake smiled at me, licking his lips. Jake looked about ready to suck me off himself, forgetting our main goal entirely. "Not yet boy" I murmured authoritatively. I stepped back over to Tanner, filling his glass with more pink liquid and mussing his hair. This time he didn't even seem to mind the gesture and I gently pushed my luck, running my hand down the small of his neck and shoulder. His eyes fluttered shut and Jake winked at me. "Hey dude" Jake said, "you don't mind if I toke a bit of weed right?" he said, pipe and cannabis in hand? "No way man" Tanner smiled back, a little dazed, "It's totally cool dude - you got enough for all of us?" He asked, hopefully, licking his stoner-surfer lips. He suddenly turned to me: "Ah, sorry man...you don't mind do you? I mean, it's cool if you do, I just..." "Of course not boys...I was thinking the same myself" I said, removing my pipe and packing it with Tina. Tanner watched, entranced as Jake took a good, long toke of weed and blew the thick, acrid smoke into the room. As the smoke descended around Tanner and I, I met his eyes - full of innocence and naivety with more than a hint of growing darkness. "Join in bro" Jake said, as I offered Tanner my pipe "What is it?" He asked, licking his lips, and taking the pipe in his hands. "Real fucking good is what it is" Jake laughed, another stream of smoke emanating from his mouth. Tanner seemed reassured that Jake was smoking too and lifted the pipe to his lips...we watched in anticipation of his transformation. A seasoned stoner for sure, Tanner got the pipe going with hardly any effort or instruction: "Careful" I said as smoke escaped the pipe, wrap your boy-mouth about it like your sucking it and breathe" I said "good, that's it...in and out, in and out". Jake couldn't help but laugh under his breath as the final hurdle to Tanner's corruption vanished in the heat of that pipe. He nearly coughed but, managed to catch himself as I rubbed his back: he kept the smoke in him for a good while before exhaling a thick, white cloud of smoke through his mouth and nostrils like a proper whore. "whoah" he said "Again" I said, pushing the pipe back to his lips and lighting it for him. He sucked again, taking that life-changing smoke deep into his tight body, forcing out all remnants of fear or nervousness. "That's good" he said, exhaling again. "Again!" I ordered, once more forcing him to take another hit before letting him sink back into the couch in a cloud of thick smoke. I re-packed the pipe as Jake peeled off his top; all the while watched by Tanner. A bead of sweat rolled down Jake's neck and over the taught flesh of his tan pecs. I took a hit of the pipe and, as Tanner watched his friend stretch, covered his mouth with mine and blew the contents of my lungs into him.. "shotgun" he whimpered as I withdrew, whisps of smoke curling out the side of his lips. "Shotgun" I responded, taking one more hit and, this time full-on kissing Tanner. We rolled the smoke back and forth for a bit as my tongue conquered him, forced him to accept his role for the night, hot little bottom-bitch desperate for cock and cum - breaking whatever remained of his negboy will. The thermostat was doing it's job, the room was a warm, heady mix of cannabis, Tina and sexual heat. I'd laid Tanner out on the couch as I continued to kiss him - across from us, Jake stroked his growing meat through the khaki of his shorts as beads of sweat rolled down his body. Tanner was as good as mine and I needed to reinforce his role for the night - test his new-found, chemical confidence. I pulled him to my chest and peeled off his top revealing that perfect jock-body, ripples of muscle, tight, sun-kissed skin and perfect nipples. A light trail of fur leading to his warm crotch. I unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor, leaving only the white briefs he wore constraining his growing dick. Jake had read my mind and was already naked, stroking his long shaft on the seat opposite, totally relaxed and in pig-heaven. "Wanna suck some cock baby boy?" I whispered to Tanner, kissing him swiftly, forcing my tool against his abs. He moaned, breathing into our kiss "Good boy" I said. With that, I thrust him towards Jake. His jeans caused him to fall, head first in front of Jake's beautiful, 10 inch cock. He looked excitedly at his friend, at his round cock-head with a droplet of pre-cum on the tip and wasted no-time going down on him, taking his friend's cock into his boy-mouth. I finished undressing the boy as he sucked Jake, pulling off those helpful jeans and freeing the boy's nice, veiny cock from his pants, throwing them to a corner of the room - he wouldn't be needing those for a long, long time. Tanner was now, completely undressed, and Jake and I got different views of that perfect mass of atheltic muscle underneath that tan skin, pulsing with each slurp of Jake's dick, smothered in a thin layer of boy-sweat, Tanner tried to take more than few inches of Jake into his mouth but, couldn't. Taking a sip of his drink, Jake grabbed Tanner's head and pushed a good four inches of his cock down his friend's throat, pinning him to his crotch with a strong grip. "Nice" I thought: the clean-cut Jake I once knew was totally gone, replaced by a burgeoning dom-top with a lethal prize brewing in his balls. Tanner's body bucked against Jake's assault, forcing his ass into the air as he struggled to breathe - as he bucked, he pushed his hole out to me and, I couldn't resist - I dove straight in, licking his perfect boy-cunt Tanner's perfect hole, preparing another dose of T for the boys aching hole. Tanner moaned as Jake pushed more cock into his throat. His hole pulsed again and I removed my tongue, immediately ramming my T'd up finger into that boy-cunt roughly pushing past his outer ring and into that velvet chute of his. He tried to pull off my finger but Jake's grip was tightvand Tanner stayed put as I massaged the cystal into his blood stream. As the crystal melted in the warmth of his hole, I felt him relax and the familiar wave of electric heat vibrate through him as I continued to explore his bowels. "Good boy" I said, pushing down on the small of his back to give my finger more leverage. "Good fucking boy" "Just sit on my finger...that's it, good boy, really suck it in"
    4 points
  2. First post guys, I've been inspired by some really hot content on here and thought I'd stop being a spectator. Let me know what you think and if you want more. Tanner was destined to be an amazing athlete - that's what his coaches had always said, the boy had commitment, drive, energy and, above all else the raw physical stamina and speed needed to be a really great little athlete. He could pretty much get a scholarship for anywhere at the rate he was going and, two-weeks after his 18th birthday had colleges across the country begging him to attend. He was a 6ft tall, blond adonis: soft blue eyes, tan skin, gorgeous jawline with a dusting of dark blonde stubble - if athletics didn't want him, he could have made a fortune as a model: every girl who saw him wanted him and every boy was desperate to be him or, be in him. However, as far as Jake had got out of him, he'd only had two girlfriends in the past and never fucked - just some oral. So a tight little virgin too. I'm something of a sportsman myself well.... more of a hunter to be fair I'm 42 years old and probably in the best shape of my life. I'd packed on the muscle and my hairy chest expanded with even the slightest breath. I was built like a bear but with a body carved from stone after spending hours at the gym and on the field. I was a burly guy and, so I'd been told, a hot, daddy type. That suited me fine as I liked nothing more than dicking hot young twinks and jocks, letting them feel safe in my company before chemming up their innoncent cunts with G and Tina and fucking them full of my poz-babymakers. I'd played sports when I was young and there was something about the smell of a jock that got my juices going and, by far, my greatest conquest, was a local swimmer boy - Jake. A few years' ago I'd been at a swim-meat, scouring for talent when he was competing in his first adult competition: by farm the hottest boy in the entire place, fresh-faced 18 year old perfection.Tight, lean muscle, black hair, green eyes, big package - I had to have him. He ended up winning his competition and, that night, having chatted to him previously and asserted myself as a trust-worthy older jock type, invited him back to my room, smoked him out and fucked his tight, gold-medalled cunt into the chem stratosphere. Jake was a favourite bottom of mine from there on in and, right up until he left for college - we'd fucked a few of his school friends and swimming buddies into the poz brotherhood but, our dual hunts came to an end when he left: or that's what I thought. Tanner had applied to Jake's college and was thinking about joining their athletics programme. Jake had been 'buddied' up with the boy to try and convince him - Jake took that responsibility very seriously as soon as he saw Tanner's gorgeous body. I got a phone call from Jake that night, desperate for me to help him 'convince' Tanner to attend. Having heard Jake's description of the little 18 year old stud, I was intrigued and, when Jake mentioned Tanner was going to stay with him at his frat-house for the Easter weekend - couldn't turn down the invitation of pozzing another little jock boy. All of Jake's frat would be home for easter and we'd have his place to ourselves. More to come... Tanner would arrive on Friday and I would arrive on Saturday. Tanner and Jake would spend Saturday morning getting 'sports enemas' at Jake's local health centre ("you know" he'd told Tanner "it's super good for athletes") and then he'd drop Tanner off at the house where I'd be waiting before heading out on an 'errand' leaving me with the hot little, cleaned-out stud. I'd make him feel comfortable, get him used to my presence, spend the rest of the day getting in the boy's head before Jake returned with enough Tina to turn the boy from neg innocent to poz pig in three easy steps. I'd send Jake out to a dealer I knew in the area, a real 'good-guy' with a sweet supply of everything you'd need for a night of long-jock-dicking. He'd have everything I need for a four-day weekend of hole-wrecking. I'd phoned ahead - boys like Tanner don't come around so often; his initiation had to be special, dedicated and long. You don't just fuck a boy like Tanner, you have to ruin a boy like Tanner. "Mention my name to Steve" I said to Jake, "He'll have a kit ready for me - it'll have everything I need" "What about money?" Jake said I laughed, "Don't worry, Steve is going to get paid in other currency" I said, grinning. "Hahaha...sweet" Jake said and disappeared out the door leaving me in my web - waiting for my prey. Saturday came around, I'd flown cross-state rather than drive and got a taxi to the frat house from the airport. The boys were already out so, using the key Jake had sent me, I made myself comfortable, surveying the house for the perfect 'pozzing space'. Around mid-morning the door opened and the boys tumbled in, laughing like regular 'bros'. "Hey there" I shouted from the living room. "Ah, hey man!" Jake said warmly, coming into the room and giving me a bear-hug - fuck I'd missed how that tight torso felt against my own abs. "Hey, Tanner, this is Simon...Si this is Tanner...a hot new recruit" I caught Jake's eyes as he said the last words and smirked. "Hey dude" Tanner said, shaking my hand firmly. He was even better than Jake described - tall, muscular, ripped stud with short, cropped blond hair and piercing baby-blue eyes, thick calves and the roundest, most perfect little ass. The boy was gorgeous, hours in the gym, hours on the track...I couldn't wait for him to spend hours on all-fours. We all talked for a bit, laughed about the enemas (got our little friend talking about sex as quickly as we could) before Jake made his excuses and promptly left leaving me to relax and prep our gorgeous boy-toy. Tanner was awkward at first but, I soon got him talking, confiding in me - it was a gift really, I guess the age differential made boys think I was trustworthy. He told me about the girls back home and how they gave the worst head... "You ever let a boy suck you" I said nonchalantly, he visibly jumped "No!" He said, agitated I laught "jeez dude, fuck! It's just a dick and a mouth - do you honestly think it fucking matters?" He relaxed and, we went back and forth like that for a bit till I made an excuse to look at a picture hanging behind him. I stood directly in front of him, my cock visibly pulling at the fabric of my jeans, pretending to admire the painting. "Dude...you've got a monster..." Tanner said almost without thinking. "Oh, this" I said, forcing a bit more blood into my already firm dick. He looked up at me and, as he did, I saw a tiny window of opportunity. As we locked eyes, I grabbed his chin and softly kissed his beautiful lips. He pulled away for a moment, his chin still in my hand before once again joining my lips against his and kissing. For a boy without experience he wasn't a bad kisser - a bit hesitant but, that would change. I leaned in, lowering myself onto him, straddling him as he sat on the chair. "I've... I mean, I'm not..." he said, braking the kiss. "shhh" i said, pushing my tongue back into him as he moaned. "Don't worry" I whispered back, "we're just fooling around" "Yeah" he laughed, nervously, shifting his weight around on the chair so as not to let his erect cock touch me. "Listen dude, Jake isn't back for ages - let's just enjoy ourselves, yeah?" "Ok" Tanner said, as we kissed again and I slipped my hand up his polo to feel those stong, taught ab muscles. "Jesus" I thought "this boy is going to get so fucked" We made out for a long time, building his trust, elevating the boy's hormones - getting that consuming, teenage testosterone pumping through his veins. We'd moved to the floor and I'd managed to pull his pants and briefs down to expose that round little jock-butt. As we moaned into each other I began pushing the boy's boundaries - literally, maneuvering myself behind him as he squatted on all fours. "Time to show you what your anus can really do" I thought as I spat on my index finger and, finding his virgin tight boy hole, began pushing in. He started to squirm away from me but, I held his legs fast under mine and kept my finger pressing against his sphincter. A bit more saliva and my finger pushed past the tight walls of his outer ring, feeling it pulse and contract around my knuckle. The boy was going to be a tight ride, that was for sure (at least, at first anyway) and, as I massaged the lining of his cunt I couldn't help but loose myself in the silk lining of that glorious little boy-pussy, probing it with my finger like I was making love to that tight hole. It was almost too good; whole minutes passed before I realised I still had work to do - this boy wasn't nearly ready to become the cumdump he was made to be; in one move I whipped my finger out of his puckering hole. "That good baby boy?" I said, as his ass closed tight behind me. "Fuck yeah" he responded, "never knew it could feel that good" "It's going to get so much better" I whispered in his ear, resting my cockhead against his perfect butt as I bit his neck and ear. I felt him tense up as my cock rested against his hole: I loved the electricity that seemed to dance over his skin with the thrill of doing something 'forbidden', his breathing deep, shallow, masculine. "You thinking about getting fucked there boy?" He bit his lip and, I could tell he was still conflicted. "We totally don't have too" I said, teasing his hole with the tip of my finger. "Don't even worry, we can just fool around" I assured, picturing that perfect pink hole stretched about my hairy arm as I massaged some random, anonymous cum into the walls of his teenage, partied-out, boy-hole. "Yeah, maybe..Do you mind? Maybe we could just fool around a bit" he said, as I gently pushed my digit back into him. "...Besides" he moaned as I finger fucked him. "Jake will be home soon" My eyes darted to the clock on the wall above the chair... "8:45pm...15 minutes...Jake better be here then" I thought, as I worked that boy's hole over. There was going to come a point when I'd simply end up raping Tanner without some good ol'fashioned chemical lovin. I pulled my finger out of him and replaced it with my tongue: feeling him contract even more against the new experience: his clothed jock-body shivering in front of me as his outer ring quivered and expanded as my tongue probed deeper.
    3 points
  3. As the clock reached 9pm, I pulled my tongue out of him - kneeling behind him to admire my work. Tanner's little boy-pussy was begging to get filled as it glistened with spit, radiating jock-boy warmth. Tanner's cock had snaked out of his briefs and was oozing a stream of clean, teen-boy pre-cum; a whole silver thread of it connected his cock to a pool below. As I looked at the boy before me I couldn't help but marvel at his genes. Surfer God body with the face of a chiseled jock model - their wasn't an angle, pants around his knees, t-shirt pushed up his back, from which he couldn't be admired; his sparkling, innocent eyes fluttering against the pleasures emanating from his anus. "I'll get you there" I thought to myself as I dove under him, looping my tongue about the string of pre-cum oozing from his cock. Swirling it around my mouth: savouring the sweet, salty taste of his negboy juice - like 18 year-old, fine fucking wine: this boy literally tasted as good as he looked and I licked up every last drop of his perfect pre-spunk from the floor under him - running my tongue across the slick floor till it was clean and gone. As I finished, I quickly tossed Tanner around, pulling his tight, tan frame under my naked, muscled body, joining him in a deep, penetrative cum-kiss - pushing my slick, pre-cum covered tongue into his surprised mouth, forcing him to taste it, enjoy it: his own, pure, sweet teen-boy pre-jizz, swirling it round his hot mouth as I held him in place. He barely resisted; his senses in overload. He made a vain attempt to try and kick me off him but couldn't - or didn't. Either way, he eventually let out a deep sigh and reciprocated the kiss, swapping his sweet nectar back and forth with me, eventually swallowing it as we broke the kiss. "Such a fucking slut" I thought, running my hands through his blonde hair. The door-bell rang as I wiped my mouth along my forearm, smelling remnants of his precious pre-jizz in the fur of my forearm. Tanner suddenly seemed to wake-up as soon as he heard the door-bell. "Fuck!" he almost yelled, fumbling to get out of me like a caged animal. "Come on Dude" he whispered, nervously struggling to pull his jeans up from around his knees. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" he chided as I got up, pulled on some sweats and strode to the door.
    3 points
  4. Chapter II. Adam proposed that the five of us go back to his studio and get some photos taken. Danny and Sam were all up for it, especially since it seemed likely that they’d get to play with Adam. Three POZ cocks and the two of us seemed risky, but I knew and trusted Danny and Sam. After all, they could have stealthed us the last time we had all played together, and they knew Adam; I wondered how well they really knew him, since they didn’t seem to know that he was also POZ. My boy looked at me as if to say, ‘let’s do this now! I’m horny!’ I nodded assent, and we got the check. Adam had had less to drink, so he volunteered to drive Danny’s car. I sat in the front, with my boy tightly sandwiched between Danny and Sam. Of course, the three of them were making out as soon as Adam pulled out of the parking lot. By the time we had reached Adam’s studio, Danny and Sam were taking turns swallowing my boy’s cock. My boy didn’t even bother to pull his pants all the way up as they stumbled into the studio. Adam led us to a velvet couch in the middle of a big room. The four of us sat there as he switched on lights and got his equipment and camera together. ‘You four want to play as a group or as two couples?’ Sam suggested we do both. My boy and I made out as Adam snapped away. The sound of the camera’s shutter clicking was totally turning me on as I helped my boy slip out of his clothes. Danny and Sam stood over by Adam suggesting poses and camera angles. By the time my boy and I were naked, hard, and dripping, Danny and Sam were ready to switch places. My boy and I got off the sofa and the other guys took our place. They made out as they tore each others clothes off. They were 69ing on the cushions when Adam suggested we join in. My boy and I knelt in front of the sofa as Danny guided my mouth to his cock, and Sam guided my boy to his. We blew them for a few minutes and then Danny and Sam went down on us. God, those POZ fuckers both gave great head. Just then, Sam’s phone started ringing. I was shocked when he popped up off my cock and walked across to his pile of clothes and answered. From the look and sound of things, it was a work call. He needed to go help his boss out of a sticky situation at some country club. Danny looked annoyed, but agreed to head over there with him as Sam was still pretty drunk. They got dressed and headed out. I walked them to the car thanking them for a good time, and for agreeing to still play with me and my boy on safer terms. They both gave me a big hug then hopped in the car, planning to come back and pick us up to drive us back to our car as soon as they were finished. When I got back inside, Adam was standing next to the couch, his shirt now untucked, more or less hiding his crotch. I had noticed before that he must have been getting hard as he photographed the four of us fooling around. My boy was grinning as he posed leaned over the couch, fingering his ass, which was already shiny with lube or something. Adam had me take my clothes off again and stand beside the couch so my boy could blow me. After a few minutes, I really had to piss so I backed away and left the studio, heading down the hall as Adam directed. When I came back a few minutes later, Adam was sitting on the sofa next to my boy’s upturned ass, which seemed totally wet. My boy was pulling his cheeks apart exposing his hole as Adam took some closeups of his winking pucker. It dawned on me that his ass would have only gotten that wet if Adam had been eating him out. I figured that was fine with me. We both knew he was POZ, which meant that if it came to fucking, he’d have to bag up. Adam smiled at me and excused himself to go to the bathroom too. He shirt was still untucked, but I could see a dark spot that must have been precum. I figured he must have been turned on to soak through his pants and his shirt! Alone with my boy, I asked if Adam had been playing with his ass. He confessed, kind of guilty. I told him it was totally fine, and reminded him how much it turned me on to watch him give himself to other guys. ‘Adam doesn’t play safe,’ was all he said. I figured, whatever, then I’ll be the only guy fucking my boy today, but it dawned on me that they must have talked about fucking when I was out of the room. I wondered how much farther my boy would let things go if I found an excuse to leave the room. Adam came back but this time had lost his shirt. Fuck, he had a hot body. Spreading across his massive right pec was a biohazard tattoo. My boy and I both knew what that meant, and I could see my boy drool. Adam picked up his camera again and had me get on my knees. My boy spun around, ass upturned. Adam got on the sofa behind him as he shot my boy deep throating me. Adam nudged himself closer and closer to my boy’s prone ass. I could see he was hard as he pressed against my boy’s ass. My boy clearly liked it as he pushed back. Adam kept dry-humping him as my boy slobbered all over my dick. I looked up to see the tip of Adam’s glistening cock peeking out over the waist of his jeans. A nice uncut helmet oozing POZ precum. I thought that might be the moment to excuse myself, wanting to see how badly my boy wanted this POZ hunk to fuck him. I so desperately wanted to see his hole leaking cum again that it was starting to not bother me if it was POZ cum or not! To be continued…
    3 points
  5. What a weekend! Love International Bear Convergence in Palm Springs. as good, if not more fun than TBRU. In 2 days i bred 10 hungry bottoms. Fucked a triad couple lined up on their knees and dipped on hole to another. Filled all three holes. They invited me back again tonight to team up with another triad couple. Fucked one hot bear on the dance floor as we were slow dancing while no one was paying attention. Fucked a guy in the pool. Used one of the partneres cum that to use as lube to fuck his hubby while their roomie watched and jacked off. Heading out tonight again for 2 triad orgy and hoping to breed all 6 guys by the end of the night. I am making out for all the dry spell i had for a month. More story of fucking in details will be posted soon.
    2 points
  6. The afternoon today was boring. So I went to the public restrooms at central station and looked for interested guys. I made a few eye contacts before I entered a cabin as usual an let the door a bit open, presenting my prelubed asscunt. I didn´t had to wait too long. After a few moments somebody went in and I felt a cock pushing inside my cunt. He fucked me hard and deep without saying any word and unloaded in me. After he was gone, I got two more. I like it very much that way: completely anonymous, just being used as a vessel for cum. May be I go to a bath house this night to get more...
    2 points
  7. He walked out again instead of staying over. My ex, my first, my fucking everything. We had broken up almost three months ago, and he still would drop by the apartment to hang out with me almost every day. But he would never sleep over and never entertain the thought of getting back together even tho we spent all our time together. I don't know why we ended up breaking up it was a shock, he just did it one day, but now nights were the loneliest they'd ever been. So when the nights get lonely I did what every lonely gay man does: I logged onto A4A. Some time earlier I had put up a few discreet shirtless pics and one where I arched backwards, just to get boys talking, but I didn't really having any intention of connecting with anyone who responded to my profile. I'm 23 5'5", 145 pounds, a 28 inch waist, fairly muscular smooth Hispanic. Yeah, I got a lot of offers. More than one guy at my gym would recognize and approach me, and afterwards spend countless small talk emails begging for me to 'Test drive' his cock, or 'bitch bounce' for them. I must admit, I got a nice rubbery one reading the comments. I would talk to them for a bit then jack off, but tonight, I had actually been allowed to cuddle with my ex and I was so horny when he left I did the pathetic thing and asked him to fuck me. But he just smiled, kissed my head, ear and neck, and left. The sexual tension was so intense my thick, seven inch cock was rock hard and dripping before I even logged onto A4A. I scrolled through the emails and then profiles till one made me stop. FUKYNGBREDEEP 39 years old. 6'6 220lbs. I couldn't help but click to get a better look. There was only a torso pic of a light skinned man with a beautiful body, hairy chest, pecs that looked bigger than my head and arms that could crush Grandma Smith apples into apple juice. Then there was the profile itself LOOKING TO FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOUNG BOYS. YOU DOWN, HIT ME UP. LOOKING FOR YOUNG BOYS WITH A TIGHT ASS. MUST BE WILLING TO PLEASE ME IN EVERY WAY I WANT. MUST BE UNDER 25. NO EXCEPTIONS. I WILL ASK FOR ID IF YOU LOOK OLDER THAN 25. I"M ONLY INTO YOUTHFUL BOYS. NO SHAME IN MY GAME. I KNOW WHAT I WANT AND I GET IT. POPPING CHERRIES ALL OVER THE WORLD, MAKING SMALL DICKED MEN HATE ME. LOL Profession: EAT FUCK BREED. Top. 10 Inches Uncut Anything Goes POZ My mouth was wide open reading the description of ten inches, and then closed when I read poz. I closed the profile, and got a drink and went on with my browsing. Before I finished my drink, I clicked his profile again, I read it and go turned on. I closed it and shook my head. But before 20 minutes passed I opened it again, and that's when he messaged me. "You want it" Was all the message said. I read it four times just trying to think of the possible responses, "Yeah it nice but..." "No way!" "Confident are we?" But before I could send any of it he messaged me again. "I'm logging off, call me." And left his number and logged off. I shook my head while still staring at his profile. I walked away from my computer preparing to jack off, when I got a text message from my ex saying he was sorry etc etc. I looked at the number on the screen of the computer and slowly typed it into my phone. I hit call, and the voice on the side of the receiver made my throat go dry. A gruff manly baritone answered. "Yo." "H-hey" I responded "I'm the...." "I know," he cut in, asking simply "Where are you?" I answered before I could stop myself. "You're close by," he responded. "Come over." "I don't hook up" I replied. "We don't have to hook up. I can't rape you, I'd go to prison. Come over. Two hot guys chilling out. If you want I'll show you my dick and you can leave whenever you want. Just come over. You know you want to see me." I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah...ok." He gave me the address and I got in my car and drove over. It was close, maybe a 15 minute drive and I was in a neighborhood of decent houses. At the end of the street was a house that looked to be a duplex. I texted my arrival. In about a minute a shirtless, pajama bottom wearing sex god was standing in front of his home. His hairy chest and abs were even more defined in real life and he looked so enormous my mouth dropped before I exited my car. He smiled and shook my hand firmly. He had green eyes and a thick 5 o'clock shadow. I followed him inside and he grabbed a beer as I followed him down a hall up a flight of stairs and into a messy bedroom. The king sized bed was tossed and had a distinct smell, but while I was noticing the room and the big screen which was playing a silent porno, my host had taken off his pj bottoms revealing a hairy thick muscle ass, and as he turned around hanging between his legs was an huge soft cock that seemed as long as half his thigh. I inhaled suddenly and coughed as though I was choking just from looking at it. He smiled. "It's eight inches soft," he announced grinning with obvious pride. For several seconds I stood there silent, completely stunned. Other than porn, I'd only seen my ex's cock up close, and he was fairly sized, but this guy's cock was insane. "You're HIV positive" was the only thing that spurted from my mouth. He laughed and turned to look at the TV, his monster dick swinging as he did. "Yup" he replied, taking a swing of beer. "I'm sorry I...I should go. I don't know what I'm doing." I turned to leave the house, but before I could reach the door and he strode across the room and stood in front of the door. "Touch it" he invited me. I stuttered meaninglessly. "Touch it," he repeated, "You know you wanna, feel it." And with that he guided my hand to his hairy bull sized balls. I felt them in each hand and looked up as he shut his eyes and breathed deeply. The cock was already the size of my forearm and so heavy when I took the shaft in my hand I stroked slightly down I heard him chuckle. He put his arm around my neck and guided me too the bed. He laid down there while I sat between his legs, his cock pointing at me, and I found myself stroking his hardening growing cock. He watched the porn on the TV screen behind me, every so often looking at me and smiling while I stroked up and down his giant shaft until it reached it's full length and girth. I was in awe. It was a beast of a dick, heavy and full. And then I noticed that as I stroked upwards, a large bead of precum appeared at the tip and began to drip down the shaft. When I did it again even more precum began to slip out. "Fuck," I breathed softly. I heard his chuckle and found him gazing at me somewhat amusedly. "You like cum?" he asked. I shrugged, truth was, i loved it the taste the feeling when my ex's cock would erupt inside me. We were each others first, so we barebacked all the time, but this was completely different. It was like I'd turned on a faucet, more and more precum began to pour from the tip with each stroke and now my hand was sticky and slimy covered with this dangerous spread. "Get comfortable," he suggested as he leaned toward me and began to help me pull of my shirt. I kicked off my jeans and now he was smiling but differently. Something hungry was in his eyes. "You're a hot lil fucker, aren't you?" I smiled continue to stroke his increasingly slick dick. "You like getting rimmed?" I looked at him and nodded. I knew I had a nice ass, even straight guys would say so, besides a lil rimming would be fine, My ass was begging for something. Anything. So I slipped off my underwear and turned around showing him my butt. "Damn boy!" he remarked. I smiled as he put his hands on my hips and guided my butt to his mouth. "Ohhhhhhhh......fuuuuuuuuck" finally erupted from my mouth when his tongue met my hole. I could feel his warm tongue opening me up and shoving itself deeper into me. "Ohhhhh.....fuuuuuuuuck!!" I said again as i felt his teeth abraded against my hole. "You're tight boy!" he remarked. Almost automatically I began to gyrate and grind my hips back toward his face."Fuck yeah!" he said and began eating again vigorously. I was holding onto his monster cock like a pole for support as he ate and ate and chewed and licked and tongue fucked me. I was losing my mind it felt so good. The whole while I stared at his giant daddy dick looking at me dripping salivating begging for me take it in my mouth. And the dick's owner was wildly tongue-fucking me like I had never been rimmed before. His hands worked all over my ass and body and his tongue moved with aggression and force that i could feel his tongue being inserted and withdrawn as he sucked and ate me out. My eyes rolled back with my head and before I could stop myself I took the head of his cock into my mouth. My mouth felt so full with just the head and I felt him moaning "Yeaaah!" into my ass I moved my head up n down and side to side sucking up his poz precum. It tasted so thick and good I moaned loudly on it while I tried to work my mouth down his shaft, but I could barely take it half way. The volume of our moaning increased as we pleasured each other, until finally he lifted me off his cock and, as I got on all fours, he knelt in front of me, presenting me with more cock to suck. Groaning in pleasure, I took it into my mouth as he gently pushed his dick into my throat. "That's it, boy." He spoke gently remarking "Your mouth is like an ass. It can take it. It can swallow my whole dick." I grunted with approval at his suggestion. Taking my head into his big hands, he slowly began to fuck my throat. I choked and gagged. "Nah nah nah, boy, relax," he remarked, adding "It's just like taking it up your ass. Relax and let it get wet. Let it all drool down. It will help you take it. Yeah, yeah, there you go, there you go. Yeah, let it pour down your chin make it wet." I was coughing up on my chin and a puddle was forming on the sheets as my drool and snot was falling from my mouth and deeper and deeper his cock pushed into my mouth it was heaven. He took one hand and wiped some off the drool cough up from my chin and began rubbing it on my hole. I gasped and moaned as he worked a large we digit into my wet ass and opened it up. He pulled me off his cock and laid me on my back and continued working his finger in my hole. "Oh yeah you like that don't you boy?" I nodded as he worked his finger in and out of me making me gasp and moan with each intrusion. "Yeah, you want some more?" I nodded as he pushed a second finger into my hole. twisting and turning them I moaned and gyrated under him. "Fuck yeah" I moaned "Oh god fuck yes." "Yeah taste these fingers, boy, they taste good." I took his two fingers in my mouth and sucked, tasting my ass juices. I grunted in approval and sucked away as i felt his cock pushing against my hole, teasing it. "Wanna feel how this dick feels in that boy pussy?" I looked deep at him as he pushed his dick against my hole lining it up. "Tell me you wanna feel this dick, boy." My breath quickened as he applied pressure but I said nothing. He pressed harder, I could feel the head slipping in slowly as he pumped again and again until finally,"You want this cock, boy?" "Fuck yes sir!" POP! My hole swallowed the head. "Oh GOD! FUCKKKKK!" I felt his cock split my ass he pumped slowly . My ass was tight but he knew what he was doing. He pushed in an inch, stopped to let me adjust, just pumping back and forth till he felt me moaning then pushed further. He entered me slowly, his death stick opening me deeper and deeper. My head rocked from side to side and I spread my legs apart. He held my ankles I could see his muscles and veins pumping with the same controlled ferocity of his cock. After about 15 minutes of this entry I reached down between my ass and felt still another three inches of rock hard thick cock against my hole begging to slide home. I left my hand there and felt as slowly they too entered into me watching him watch me till i was holding his balls resting on my hole. "YEEAAAAH!!!" he growled and I could feel the growl resonating in my ass vibrating inside me. Then it began. He pulled back and fucked. I screamed as he did again And again. Again and again. "OH MY GOD!!!!" I yelled and held on to his shoulders where my ankles rested as he fucked again and again. I could feel his cock pounding in my head and in the head of my dick it felt like i would cum with every thrust. I yelled again and again as he fucked deeper and deeper pulling out more and more fucking me. I could barely breath as he drove me into his headboard again and again. "FUUUUUUCKKKK!!!" I again yelled as he grabbed my ankles forced them above my head to touch the headboard and began to let gravity drop his monster into me. Then he suddenly he pulled out of me and pulled me down the bed. I tried to catch my breath, and he flipped me over and pulled my ass up. Then in a fluid motion he sank his dick back into my ass, balls deep, doggy style, and holding my hips as he pistoned fucked me. WIth a free hand he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back as he fucked relentlessly into me. I was lost feeling so open and taken control of that when he flattened me out on my stomach I couldn't help but push my ass back on him as his muscle body fucked me from above n behind. He rolled over and now I rode him bouncing as hard as I could. He turned me around dick still inside me and forced me on my back ankles wide as he continued to climb on me and fuck me again on my back. "You ready baby." he finally growled "I'm gonna fucking poz this hole. You will never be the same and you will belong to me." I looked back at him terrified. "Tell me you want this poz load, baby!" I bite my lip as he picked up speed. "SAY YOU WANT MY LOAD, BOY." "FUCK YES. GIVE ME YOUR LOAD. FUCK I WANT YOUR POZ CUM!" I felt him erupt inside my hole. Cum was filing me up fast as string after string blew into my body. I moaned and touched myself, but he held my hands above me. "I said I would poz you, baby. I'm not done." He kept fucking me. I could feel the poz load running in and out of my ass as he flipped me me into various positions, fucking continuously. I passed out in the middle of it, and woke up he was fucking me face down on the pillow unloading another load into my ass. He fucked me three times that night. When he finally pulled his cock out of my ass, both my ass and his cock were coated with cum and blood. My hole gaped wide, and we both reeked of sweat and sex. I crawled off the bed, dressed, and he ushered me out the door. I stumbled to my car and somehow drove home where I stripped, climbed into bed, and touched my hole, feeling load after load of his poz cum beginning to drip out of my body. My phone buzzed. It was another text from my ex asking if I could hangout. I licked some of the cum from my hole off my finger. Sure, I thought. Why the fuck not?
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  8. Chapter I. My boy and I had fooled around with other guys, sometimes together, sometimes separately. I totally got off watching our buddies fuck him bareback and fill him with cum. Nothing was more fun that sliding into his loosened ass and using our buddies’ seed as lube! I’m mostly a top, but it was equally as fun letting our friends cum in me and having my boy top me when my hole was good and sloppy. All of that changed after we had an STD scare a few months ago. We had invited Danny and his boyfriend Sam over to our place. They are both versatile, so we knew we’d all end up getting to fuck and get fucked as much as we wanted to. My boy took both of their loads before I seeded him, and I took Danny’s load before my boy came in me. After they left, me and my boy laid on our bed, tangled in cummy sheets, fingering our holes and kissing. Hot, right? Well, about three weeks later, Danny called to ask if they could come over and talk. It didn’t sound like they wanted to play. Danny told us the big news. He and Sam had both just tested POZ. They thought it had happened when they hired an ‘escort’ a few weeks earlier and he had fucked both of them raw. If that was indeed how they’d both gotten the bug, there was a really good chance that they had pumped both of us full of POZ seed. Of course, we immediately got tested and the results came back NEG for both of us. Our doctor advised us to get tested again in three months just to be sure. The three month mark came and went, and we were tested again, both NEG. After that, we decided to fool around less with fuck buddies, and play safe with them. We both hated using condoms with our friends, but they were pretty respectful. We had some guys over and had them bag up before fucking us. That seemed to be safe enough, so when my boy asked if we could invite Danny and Sam over to fuck us again, I agreed, but adding only if they agreed to play safe. They came over, and both dutifully wore condoms. I wasn’t planning on letting them fuck me, even safe, but after seeing them each sink his cock into my boy’s hole, I needed their cocks too. Sam even joked that wearing a condom sucked, but it made him so much less sensitive that he could fuck longer without cumming. Secretly, as Sam was fucking me and Danny was fucking my boy, I couldn’t help but fantasize about that condom bursting as my gut was filled with POZ cum. But, that’s not how we wound up taking POZ seed. After Danny came in the condom and pulled out of my boy, I fucked him raw. Danny and Sam egged me on to breed him. It felt so strange to be fucking him after two cocks had loosened him up, but with only lube in him; it felt so different. Danny asked if he could take pics of my load dripping out of my boy’s ass, and we were game. My boy told him how much it turned him on to be photographed like a common slut. Sam piped up that we should meet his friend Adam, who was a photographer. A few days later at a boozy brunch, Danny and Sam introduced us to Adam. After a few mimosas and Bloody Marys, Adam pitched something to us, explaining that in his work as a photographer, he did work for a gay website, soft core mostly, but sometimes featured boyfriends. My boy was feeling his drinks, and asked Adam if he ever joined in the action. He winked at my boy, then smiled at me saying, "Only if both guys are into it." Then he clarified his remarks, by shaking his head and commenting he joined in a lot less lately. "Why?" Danny asked. "'Cause I'm POZ," replied Adam. "So are we," Sam responded. Adam chuckled, saying "This just got a lot more interesting." To be continued….
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  9. What do you think? Should we start an XTube link collection here with URLs linking to XTube videos featuring internal breeding? Whenever we come across a good video on XTube that fulfills these criteria we could post the link here. What do you think?
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  10. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 1) Kyle was only a senior at suburban Chicago high school. He had just turned 18 and at 5’10” he had a solid, runner’s build. With his good looks he could get any girl (or guy) he wanted, but he hadn’t begun to explore his sexuality, he was a nerd (a very cute nerd, including the glasses) and was more into school and grades. Kyle was fortunate to have a loving mother, but since his father died when he was barley 13. He was without a male influence in his life at the most important stage in his young life, puberty. Even after his father’s death, Kyle was always able to come and go as he pleased. This became easier for Kyle when his mother gave him a car for his 16th birthday. It was common for Kyle to be out all night…that is as long as he let his mom know that he wouldn’t be home. On this particular Friday, Kyle was going to check out one of the major university in the city of Chicago. He drove into the city and parked his car in a lot a few blocks from the campus. He met with an admission counselor and took a tour of the campus. The tour was conducted by a current student at the school. After the tour Kyle was hungry and decided to grab a late lunch. He headed to the student union and grabbed a sandwich and, since he didn’t know anyone at the school, sat at a table by himself. There were student’s coming and going as he relaxed and ate his lunch. Soon a couple of older students, he guessed that they must be seniors, sat down with him. They introduced themselves. “Hey there, I’m Rickey and that’s my roommate Tyler.” As they shook hands Kyle introduced himself, “I’m Kyle.” Tyler commented, “We’ve never seen you here before, where’s a good looking guy like you been hiding?” “I’m not a student here, at least not yet…..I am going to start in the fall.” Rickey then said, “Right on! We’re having a few of our friends over for a party tonight, you should come over. Where are you spending the night?” “Well, I was just going to drive back home after I finished eating. I live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.” The two college men invited Kyle to come over and spend the night. The way the two were talking to the high school senior he felt like he couldn’t refuse. He had been to his share of high school parties with beer and pot. He knew he could control himself as to not make a fool of himself in front of a group of college students. “Sure, that sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I figure I will get to make some good friends here before I classes start this fall.” “Right on!” exclaimed Rickey. Kyle finished eating and the 3 left. As Kyle followed behind the two older college men he called and left a message for his mom that he was hanging with a few college guys and wouldn’t be home till the morning. He always felt a little sheepish, but maybe at this party he could break out and be more of a leader. After a good walk the 3 came to an old apartment building. Kyle followed the 2 as they climbed up to the top floor and he wondered to himself why the building looked to have 4 floors but they lived on the third floor. His curiosity would be answered cause as he was led into the only apartment on the top floor he discovered that they lived in a unit intended for the building’s owner. The main floor had a decent kitchen, a large living room with a den and a full bath with there were 4 bedrooms up stairs. “Just you two live here?” “It will be just us two this summer, in the fall we usually look for a few guys to occupy the other bedrooms” Tyler told him. Rickey offered Kyle a beer and the 3 settled in the living room to watch the Cub’s game. The three sat on the large sectional couch across from the 60” plasma with Kyle between the 2 roommates. The sectional was big enough so they had adequate space between each as to not make Kyle uncomfortable. Kyle drank his beer slowly and as he did he began to feel warm. He noticed that Rickey and Tyler had slipped their shirts off and were now just sitting in their cargo shorts. These two had great bodies with well defined pecs, arms and flat abs….Kyle felt a little self conscious about removing his shirt. Tyler made the suggestion, “Make yourself at home, get comfortable.” They could tell that Kyle was not comfortable about taking his shirt off and made the suggestion, “Kyle, it get’s warm in the apartment, why don’t you slip your shirt off…I’m sure you’ll feel cooler with it off.” It seemed like Kyle took that as a command as he removed his shirt to reveal his lean, thin build. Rickey helped boost Kyle’s self esteem, “Kyle you got a nice body for a young dude. I can see a lot of potential for you. You work out at all?” “A little….I’m more into my studies then working out. I run a lot though.” “What do you think Rickey, with a little work and our guidance we could make something out of that body of his.” “Right on!” Rickey agreed. “You really think I could be built like you?” Tyler told the shy teen, “Sure we do.” This brought a smile to Kyle’s face. He drank more of his beer and began to feel warmer and a little horny. Here he was with 2 good looking guys watching the Cub’s and he was getting hard. He did his best to hide his growing erection, but it was not able to and soon both Rickey and Tyler noticed and knew it was time to launch their plan. Hey slid in closer to Kyle and Rickey put his hand on Kyle’s thigh as Tyler put his arm around the teen. Kyle was not quick enough to protest….he actually felt comfortable with what the 2 were doing. Before Kyle knew it Tyler removed his glasses and was pulling him in for a kiss while Rickey moved his hand up his leg into his shorts. This was all new to Kyle; he had never been with anyone sexually except himself. He figured he’d go with it, and if he didn’t like it then he’d know he wasn’t gay. But he was discovering that he did like the way these 2 hot studs were making him feel. He felt his senses going into over load as Rickey played with his 7” cut cock and Tyler’s tongue probed into his mouth. It didn’t take long before Kyle’s shorts and boxers were on the ground. Rickey began to lick and suck Kyle’s cock as Tyler pulled Kyle down to his crotch. As Tyler held his head down he moved his cargo shorts down revealing a nice 8” cut cock. Tyler urged…no commanded that Kyle lick his cock, “Lick my cock, lick it from the base to the tip.” Kyle was in virgin territory and did was he felt was right, just follow their directions. The last thing he wanted the roommates to know was that he was a virgin. Kyle’s lack of experience showed when Rickey told him to suck Tyler’s cock. He wasn’t sure what to do and did the best he could just getting the tip in his mouth. “Watch the teeth Kyle!” Kyle pulled off for a second to say “Sorry.” Rickey could tell that Kyle was about to cum and the 2 didn’t want that just yet. He pulled off Kyle’s cock and came up to kiss he lover, Tyler. The 2 roommates whispered to each other ss Kyle continued to try and do his best to suck Tyler. Tyler asked, “Is this the first time you’ve ever sucked a guy’s cock?” Kyle kept stroking Tyler’s cock as he lifted his head and attempted to deny this fact. Rickey let him know, “It’s ok if you’ve never done this before. We can teach you, we can teach you a lot.” Kyle felt more at ease and admitted the truth, “Yeah, I’ve never done this before….I’m a virgin.” Tyler asked, “So, you think you’re gay?” “I don’t really know….I’ve never been with a girl or guy.” “It’s ok”, Rickey reassured him, “Let’s head up stairs and get comfortable and we can teach you everything.” They headed up the stairs, stark naked, and went into the master bedroom. There Kyle sat down as Tyler stepped into the bathroom for a second. When he returned he had a bottle of poppers, a few white and blue pills and something else that Kyle couldn’t see. Kyle asked, “What are the pills for?” Tyler told him, “The blue ones will keep you hard and horny,” Rickey said, “The white one will relax you.” Kyle naivety showed, he figured that these guys knew what they were doing, they wouldn’t hurt him. He swallowed the pills. “What’s the little brown bottle for?” Tyler said “Those are poppers, they also help relax you when you sniff them” as he opened the bottle and took a couple deep hits in each nostril. He then handed the bottle to Rickey and he did the same. They then handed the bottle to Kyle and he didn’t even hesitate when he took his hits. Kyle’s head was spinning. The ecstasy was beginning to kick in as the poppers hit him hard. The roommates knew that they had him right where they wanted him. Before Kyle knew what was happening Rickey grabbed his left arm and Tyler stuck him with a needle. The next thing Kyle felt was a warmth rush up his arm and felt it difficult to breath. He coughed out a couple times. He heard a ringing in his ears and felt as if he was floating. When he started to gain a comprehension as to what was happening….he was on his back with his legs on Rickey’s shoulders. He looked up at Rickey as he began to realize that he was being fucked. Kyle didn’t say a word, he simply moaned out in pleasure to what was happening. Tyler was over his head and as Kyle came around, Tyler began to feed Kyle his cock. Kyle eagerly sucked it down and, with the position he was in, took it down his throat. With a free hand he reached down to feel Ricks cock sliding in and out of his ass when he made a startling discovery….Rickey was not wearing a rubber. For a brief moment Kyle panicked, he remembered all the lectures and videos he watched in health class on STD’s and safe sex, but after Tyler shoved the poppers back under his nose forcing him to take some deep hits. His head was spinning as he heard the 2 college stud’s talking. “Rickey, this fag can make us some good cash over the next 4 years.” “Right on! With some good training and the proper encouragement he’ll be a perfect addition to our crew. Hey Ty, how much did you give him?” “Close to 2 quarters.” “That’s a good start, we got to get him hooked so he will be depended on us.” Kyle barely heard yet understood what the 2 studs were talking about. “I’m getting close Ty….he’s got one hot ass here.” “Breed him bro, breed his virgin ass.” Rickey looked down at Kyle and told him, “Look at me, keep those baby blues on mine.” Tyler pulled his cock from Kyle’s mouth, “There’ll be plenty of time to teach you to suck cock and swallow cum.” Kyle looked up at Tyler as he spoke and was reminded, “LOOK AT ME BITCH!” as he felt a hand slap him across his face. He looked up at Rickey. “I want you to remember this, always look at the John’s eyes when he fucks you, ESPECIALLY WHEN HE IS ABOUT TO CUM IN YOUR ASS!” Kyle had his eyes locked on Rickey as he heard him start to moan and grunt. He punctuated each thrust with a grunt. Then it happened, “FUCK I’M CUMMING!!!! I’M BEEDING YOUR ASS, YOUR VIRGIN NEG HOLE. IT BELONGS TO ME NOW!!!” As Rickey’s orgasm concluded he ground his cock inside Kyle’s formerly virgin hole making sure that every ounce of his seed was massaged into his gut. Rickey pulled his still hard cock out of Kyle and he was quickly replaced by Tyler’s. “MY TURN TO CLAIM YOUR ASS AS MY OWN!” Tyler exclaimed as he rammed the entire length of his 8” cock inside the teen. With the change in position he was able to get a good look at the cock that had taken his virginity and probably his health. Rickey’s cock was the same length as Tyler’s, but uncut. Since Tyler had his cock down Kyle’s throat he had already worked his balls to near boiling point. He began to breath heavier as Kyle could feel his cock thicken. Kyle had his eyes locked on Tyler as the stud reached the point of no return. “UH, UH, UH, TAKE MY CHARGED CUM YOU FUCKING WHORE!” And Kyle was filled with his second load of poz cum.
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  11. All of my bottoms like it when I go to town in them, whisper when I am cumming in their ear, and just let them have it deep, hard, and fast.
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  12. I had been horny all week not able to get out and play with any of my regular fuck buddies my hole was hungry. I was idly cruising squirt waiting to see if one of my regular fuck buds showed up, no luck. I was about to give up and log off when a chat request popped up. I didn't recognise the user name, but the pic looked intriguing, and older daddy type in reasonable shape. "Hey you looking to play?" Indeed I was, the horniness was driving at this point, "Yeah mate, you can host?". A few seconds passed before the response "Yeah, here's my address be here in half an hour" And with that I quickly put on my come fuck me out fit, a tight jock strap, tight little white footy shorts and a dark singlet. I jumped in the car and drove over, with that nervous mix of anticipation and excitement, my hole twitching at the thought of some hot cock. I arrived at a fairly average house on a quiet street, no activity nearby, I realised all of sudden how late it had gotten, had to be close to midnight. Not that i cared, there was a slight chill in the air and I could hear some music coming from inside the house as I approached the door. I knocked, and heard some activity inside. The door opened to the guy from the pics he looked even better in person, he was wearing nothing but a towel and a smile "Hey mate come on in", I slipped passed and felt him admiring my tight arse in my shorts. I was in the living room, a big screen TV was playing a bareback porno, a guy on screen was getting it good and deep. This made my cock start to stir and strain against my jock, in the middle of the room between the lounge and the tv was a massage table. As I was taking this in my host had closed the door and dropped his towel. "I thought you might like a massage to help you relax". I was admiring his cock, had to be 8 inches and was only half hard at best. "That would be awesome mate", I replied and started to shed my clothes, I didn't need much encouragement at this point, and my cock was becoming uncomfortable in my jock. As I bent over to drop my shorts, he came up behind me cupping one of my cheeks in his hand, a finger ever so slightly working towards my hole. "Very nice mate" "Thanks" I don't get too many complaints I cheekily replied, "Bet you don't, if you don't mind I'm gonna give that some special attention when you're on the table, I have a special oil that will get you nice and slippery". As I got onto the table and positioned my head on the cut out, I said "Sounds good mate, been a while so I'll be a little tight". As I positioned my self I heard him getting his equipment together, then at the massage table head opening a cup with a straw appeared, "Gotta keep your fluids up mate" I took a big sip without even asking what it was, it was water but there was something else I didn't recognise. As I finished the contents of the cup I started to feel very relaxed and warm, I'd never done anything stronger than vodka and at first thought maybe there had been some in the drink. Then I felt his hands spreading warm oil all over my back, and as promised extra attention on my arse. He was kneading and spreading my meaty cheeks and I felt extra oil dripping on my hole. I was really enjoying the attention, and my cock was harder than it had ever been, a pool of pre cum between my stomach and the table. Then I felt something I will always remember, a sharp pain in my arse "Hey whats that", "Don't worry mate, just the special oil it burns at first but soon you won't notice it". He kept working a finger in and out of my hole running it all around the rim, and he was right the burning started to subside and it was replaced with a warm feeling and then a hunger, my hole started to open up and I then I heard this low guttural moaning, I thought it was the porn movie, but no it was me I was moaning for more. I felt him press more of his "special oil" into my hole, and this time he had two maybe three fingers inside me, I couldn't really tell but the other thing that was happening was I was raising my arse up to meet the strokes of his fingers. "Oh yeah I think this cunts ready for some cock", all I would do was moan in agreement "mmmhhhhh" "You gonna take my charged load in your cunt mate?", his charged load? what was he talking about?, all I wanted was his cock inside my hole right now! He was now on top of me, rubbing his cock against the opening of my cunt, teasing my hungry hole. "Your profile says you only play safe, but you don't want that tonight do you". He was right but at this moment all I wanted was cock raw and deep in me "I don't care fucking put it in me" I managed to slur out, "I can fuck you raw?", "yeah mate, fucking breed my hole I want your load" - I'd seen enough bareback porn to know the lingo. That was all he needed to hear, in one swift movement he positioned the head of his cock at my hole and buried it balls deep inside me, normally that would have hurt like hell, but instead I felt I finally had I what I needed, a big fat cock inside me. He started to pump me and all I wanted was this cock inside me forever. It felt amazing, sliding so effortlessly in and out coating my insides in pre cum. He pulled out without warning, "Hey", He slapped my arse hard, "Don't worry mate, we just need to relocate" He helped guide me off the table into a room at the back of the house, inside it was lit by only a soft blue glow, the walls lined with mirrors, and on one wall a tv showing an angle on the sling in the middle of the room, he helped put me into it and strapped my wrists and arms in place, then he disappeared for a moment I admired the view of my open arse in the mirrors it felt so empty and I could watch it pulsing hungry for cock. After what seemed like an eternity he reentered the room holding a needle and a rubber strap, "This is gonna make you feel even better mate", in my already partially chemmed up state, from the "special oil" I wasn't able to fight back, especially strapped into the sling, as he swabbed a vein on my arm, and applied the strap I mumbled some half hearted objection "nah mate I don't do needles". "It's okay mate, this will be worth it", and then he stuck the needle in my arm, a little blood appeared and then he depressed the plunger, I felt a slight warming in my arm, then he released the strap and I felt it hit me almost immediately, a head rush and several sharp coughs, then all I wanted was cock, as much cock as I could get. "How you feel mate", "Fuck me, give me that fucking cock" He smiled positioned himself at my arse and slid inside me, it felt more awesome than before even, he started working into me hard and fast. The sling swinging me in rhythm with his thrusts getting me impaled longer and deeper. And then he started "You gonna take my charged load boy, you gonna take Daddy's toxic seed in your cunt?!" "Yes fucking breed me, give me that load, I want that fucking load". And then I felt it the warm rush of toxic cum bathing my insides, he pulled out and shoved a butt plug inside me to hold the cum, didn't want to waste any. I was still horny, and wanted more, little did I know I would get it and then some. More to come....
    1 point
  13. "I want to POZ you Bart. I want to fuck you and shoot my toxic load deep in your guts.You're so cute, everybody wants a piece of your ass. And they only get it when you are willing to give yourself to everyone. You NEED to be pozzed. You know you do. Look at how tense you are. You should enjoy cock not fear it. You should embrace cum not reject it. What you need is a nice unhealthy dose of infected cum in your tight little asshole. Oh my see, that little prick of yours. See how it twitches when you hear I want to breed you. You like hearing that don't you? Yeah I know you do you little slut. You're silent but I know deep down you want to be a big piggy slut. An uninhibited whore who needs cock like his worthless life depends on it. I can give you that. Just let me push my throbbing dick in your cunt and I can give you all the sexual freedom you so desperately want. Look at my cock. Come on, look at it. See how nice it looks. Not scary at all. Not looking diseased or anything. It just looks like any other cock, however it only spews a deathly cocktail of jizz and bugs. You need those bugs. You'd be the perfect host. They'd nest between your buttcheecks and control who can come in and not. And they will gladly let anyone enter. C'mon touch it. Feel my pozprick. Yeah that's it. Feels good doesn't it. Now grab my balls. Feel how heavy they are. They are filled with toxic jizz. I haven't cum in a few days so when I shoot tonight it will be a copious amount of poison. I want to knock you up with my aids babies. Yeah you'd like that won't you slutboi. Now on your knees and start sucking the venom out of my hose. Good boy. Yeah work that mouth of yours on my cock. You sure like that don't you. Bet you're momma is proud now. Sucking a sick stranger's dick. Fuck you are so made for servicing cock. I must admit I'm surprised how eager you are sucking a POZ man's prick. You see those other men looking at you? They like you on your knees with a dick in your mouth. They all know you're getting gifted tonight. And after I'm done they can ravish your little hole as much as they want. Can you already taste my poison? I'm leaking like a faucet already. Here let me show you. Look at it. See those drops of cum? Let me show you. Oops was that in your eye? Did I poke your eye with my infected dick? I'm sorry... Don't get up. Please just stay there on your knees, I want to rub my whole dick over your face, cover that pretty little mug of yours with my dicksnot. This is so hot, look at you. Covered in sticky cum. Your face is full of HIV now, how you like that? Get up and turn around. It's time I stabbed that shitter of yours. What do you mean you're not sure? That's the problem right there you see, you need someone to decide for you. So I tell you, you HAVE to turn around and get a nice creamy load up your gut. So turn around and show me that nice butt of yours. Oh what a beautiful pucker you have there. It's looks so small and tight. I'll just use a nice glob of spit for lube. There. This is it Bart, you are about to get fucked by a POZ man. Ughhh, just one big push. Relax, relax, let me shove it all the way in. Hold still boy, it's just a little over 7 inch. There there it's all in. Now relax, get used to that prick. No no no, don't push it out. I'm just going to shove it back in you know. Dammit it slipped out. Just stand against the wall. Push your ass a bit back. Where is that hole of yours ah yes found it. One two three, FUCK. Yeah man, stabbing your ass again. I know it hurts, but it's much easier than going slow. Just get used to it. Shhh shhh. No no, don't touch your cock, hands against the wall. I don't want you to cum yet. Just hold still and enjoy my prick. I'm going to fuck you know Bart. Nice and easy. Yes, good boy. See how well that goes. Back and forth, back and forth. Doesn't that feel nice? This is what you've been missing all that time. Unhealthy raw sex. Sex like it's meant to be. I'm going to pick up the pace now. You can take it don't you, yeah you can. You like getting fucked don't you. Yeah you do. I'm so proud of you Bart, you are getting barebacked. Taking poz dick in that little hole of yours. Ohhh, ooh I'm cumming. I'm going to fill you up with my toxic spooge. Uhhhh. Yeah, uhhhh. There take it, ughhh, fuckkkk. That were some nice spurts. Fuck I needed to unload that. Did you cum? You didn't? Good. I'll just stay in that roughed up little ass of yours. Let your bowels absorb my poison. Oh man, that was intense. Did you like it Bart? Did you like getting bred? Bet you did. Let me massage the cum in your ass. Yeah. Pfff. I don't think I'm getting limp Bart. Holy shit my cock just stays hard in that previous NEG ass of you. I'm just going to plow you again is that ok? Sure you can jerk off now if you want to. Yeah jerk that little cock until it spews the last squirt of NEG cum you have left. You've been a good boy. Just let me enjoy that asshole of you a little bit more. Yeah sliding in and out of your sloppy hole. Feels good doesn't it? Cum is the best lube, you'll see the next time you come here. You're ready to squirt Bart? Yeah cum boy, shoot your load. Look at that, you really shot a nice big load. You must have been hot and horny. Look at it Bart, look at your jizz dripping from that wall. Healthy fertile jizz wasted on a wall. Your last chance at spawning offspring. You're one of us now Bart. Free to get fucked by whoever wants to fuck you. No need to thank me. Let me just slide out of your ass. Whoops, made a bit of a mess down there, might have torn something in my enthusiasm. Don't worry, THAT will heal up. My gift won't. Bye now."
    1 point
  14. I had been talking to a guy online for about two months before this point. Let's call him Tom. Tom had a profile on BBRT NKP and here on breeding zone. I had been wanting to experiment with chemsex for about 6 months before I left for the states, I had been watching some videos to see what the deal was. I believe it was this site that introduced me to the concept, before hand I had no idea about meth use in the gay community(or a subsection of the gay community) but I had it in my head that if I was to try it, it should be in America(where I could get away with it). Plus it seemed to be more available over in the states. What I was looking for was tough, a top who was willing to introduce someone to Tina for the first time who also was hiv negative. This may not seem like much. But first of all nobody seemed to even respond to me on NKP(maybe they were too high) I was beginning to this it was an online ghost town, or that perhaps my account was broken. After searching for some time, I found two profiles that matched the requirements, a neg Top, who can administer. I messaged both guys. One replied "Any pics?" I sent him some pics of me, including a face pic. "Hmmm any more pics?" He wasn't sure. A little disappointing. The next guy I message replies "I would love to meet". However plans changed and we didn't get to meet for quite some time(scheduling conflicts). This was a good thing in some respect. We managed to talk a little more and I felt comfortable this was an honest and open guy, he was in his 40's and seemed mature, extremely attractive, and sexually right up my street. He asked for porn vids that I found hot so he had an idea of what I was into. He liked these very much. We eventually arranged to meet a little over one week before I was set to leave. He was situated up the top of Manhattan and told me to meet him around 9pm. I took the train up, then hopped a cab to his place. A nice apartment complex. I don't remember feeling nervous. Strange really, I felt more nervous walking into a gay bar, or sucking off my first New Yorker, but this, what would be the most extreme thing I was about to partake in, and I felt eerily calm. I also remember thinking very calmly "I could die here" just before I pressed the buzzer. He unlocks the door from his room upstairs, I'm not told what room number or floor he is on, but the second I step in I get a text. "Be right down, have to get something from the basement" I wait in the foyer. Probably a good time to mention my previous experience with drugs. Tried ecstasy a handful of times, first two times were great, the rest sucked. Cocaine 3 times previously, got absolutely nothing from it(became quiet and fidgety) and weed on a handful of occasions. In no way was I a drug user, never partied and played, with the exception of weed with two guys in NYC. So why I was actually doing this I have no idea. But I'm hoping it's good. Tom comes down to meet me, and we both head to the laundry room where he empties the machine. He seems rushed, I spend my time examining him as he does his laundry. His head is shaved(bald), he has a grey goatee, very handsome masculine look, dressed in a tank top and sweatpants, he's in good shape. He really is a perfect match. Perfect Daddy. I wonder if he's high already, but I think he isn't How will he be with me, what will I do when I'm high? "Positive thoughts" I keep telling myself in my head. Positive thoughts. We enter his apartment, it's nice, big, he leads me to the bedroom. A large bed is covered with rubber sheets, to the left of the bed on the floor is a large duffel bag, filled with all kinds of sex toys. To the right is a computer and desk, on the desk lay some syringes. Now my heart starts to race a little. "Do you want to have a look through the toys?" "Sure". He shows me his collection, rubber cock and ball rings, rubber anal inserts, large buttplugs(one shaped like a sperm), sounds kit(makes me wince), rope, cuffs, things that I couldn't even identify. "That's an impressive collection" I say, wide-eyed. "Yeah. So I'm thinking we get you in a harness" He instructs me to take my clothes off. Then he puts the harness on me and tightens it. I feel infinitely sexier. I've never worn a harness before or since, but it felt great. He began to explain the benefits of said harness. "So when I'm fucking you I can just grab it like this, and pull you towards me" he says as he demonstrate by grabbing the shoulder straps and pulling me towards him, this makes me horny. "Hmm, a rubber jockstrap." He then takes a jockstrap from his bag, again, I've never worn one before this. It fits well and covers up that dick of mine. I'm slowly being transformed into his toy, there is only one thing left. He talks me through the whole experience, what it will feel like, how he preps the meth by pouring hot water until the crystals have fully dissolved, etc etc. He then shows me about 4 or 5 videos of slamming, and explains what the person might be feeling. "Ok so are you ready?" "Have you ever done this with someone for the first time?" "No, never introduced anyone" I sit on the cold rubber bed, he props two pillows behind my back. "Hmm, hang on." He goes to the bag, and takes out two of those, I actually don't know what they are called. Like small leather hoods that go over your hands. and leather cuffs. He loosely ties me to the bed. ​"It'll be interesting to have you tied up for your first slam" My heart starts to pound faster, the nerves are coming in hard and fast. Should I look at the needle going in? Maybe not. Everything will be fine. He holds the needle up to the bedside lamp. "They're full dissolved, see? Let's see how hard it is to find a vein." He runs his finger over the inside of my elbow, a vein comes up immediately. He then puts on the tourniquet and waits a few seconds. Wipes my arm with a pad and sticks the needle into my vein. He pulls back I look, see red inside the needle, then look away. "Ok. Now tell me if you feel any burning or stinging in your arm." I look again, he slowly pushes the plunger until the meth is inside me. He then snaps off the tourniquet and looks at me. I feel nothing. He gives me a look as if to ask how I feel. "Nothing?" I say, smiling nervously. He looks in disbelief. "Nothing?" "Nope" "Are you sure?" "Yeah I don't feel anything" "Hmm, that's crazy. Maybe I didn't give you enough" He turns around to look at the syringes on his desk. I let out a nervous laugh. "Maybe if I moved around a little" I say as I bend my arm up and down(as much as it will go with the restraint) Then I feel a sudden tingle in my legs, reminiscent of the first time I tried E(which I was the last to come up on then too), then BAM! This indescribable rush goes through me, my breathing becomes heavy and I blow out a long shaky "woah" I look at Tom, he seems excited. "OK....nowitsworking" I say in a short burst. I start to feel myself and wish these restraints vanished. I start to feel as if I could make them disappear if I really wanted to. Tom sees me squirming in ecstasy on the bed. "Now I know it's working." He then turns around and straps up his arm and gets ready to slam himself. I writhe around feeling everything with my body, everything tingles in such an amazing way. This is too good for words. I'm loving this, nothing has happened yet and I'm loving it already, I think of a thousand scenarios of what will happen throughout the night in the space of a second or two. My mind is well and truly fucked! It's very hard to focus on anything, everything has a shudder effect. I hear Tom exhaling heavily I look over and he's whipping of the strap from around his arm. "Fuck" "Fuck" I say almost at the same time. He seems very controlled, I don't know how he does it. "Do you have sensitive nipples?" "Not really" I answer. "You will". He then straps two sucking cups to my nipples and pumps them until they stick. "Thank you so much for this" I gush, I feel forever in his debt. I become overtly grateful and complimentary, he smiles knowing it's the drugs doing their work. He also becomes very talkative, he asks me about the first time I had sex. He raps my legs around his waist and I start to grind against him as I describe my first time. "Tonight will be a night of firsts" He tells me in that calm and hushed voice. For some reason we both feel the need to half whisper to each other. "Ok let's get these off" He removes my restraints as I thank him again for being so generous to have me over and get me high. He thanks me for coming. "God if we met earlier? I'd send you home stupid". After some talking, he takes my head and buries it into his armpit. I lap away at it as he moans. He takes the suction cups from my nipples and twists them as I start to suck on his. I still don't feel sensation in my nipples, however the rush from the meth was too much to notice if I did. This was perhaps the most sexually confident I had ever felt, I had to constantly remind myself, this is actually happening. I move down to work his cock. He tells me to suck it hard, so I do,gripping with my like and sucking down on his soft veiny dick to the balls, he grabs both balls and pushes them against my mouth "open" I try to accommodate for both cock and balls but it proves too hard, even though his cock is only semi erect, his balls are far too big. I settle for one ball and a dick in the back of my throat, my mouth is stuffed. He likes the feeling as I gag and retch. Eyes water, stomach knots, body squirms. Next I take both his balls in my mouth which is another mouth-filling task, his dick lays on my face with his wet helmet resting on my right eye. I feel like a good little slut. He tells me to smell his dick, which smells of precum. After sucking his dick some more it becomes hard enough to fuck with. He puts a rubber cock ring and ball separator on himself and tells me lie back. I put my legs in the air and present my hole for fucking. "No." he says. "Put your feet here" he motions to his chest. I place both feet on his chest and he slides his cock into my ass. At first my hole rejects him, pushing him out when he gets into a rhythm. It's the Tina, it has made my ass tighten up. However, I have an idea. I get up and take out a bottle of poppers out of my bag and lay back on the bed. "Maybe if you choke me" I suggest. He places his open palm against my neck, just under my Adam's apple, then moves up and down to find the strongest pulse. I take a huff of my poppers and raise one hand in the air(this is a safety technique I use at first with some guys, when the hand drops, I'm out and they should let go. Any longer and it could become quite dangerous). He presses down, not too hard, but enough to make my feet tingle. Everything goes tunnel vision. I'm back in Ireland doing something menial or talking to a friend or something. All of a sudden a man's face appears from nowhere, then a room behind him, where am I? Confusion. I feel a heavy tingling and something moving in and out of my hole. It has a similar feeling to pins-and-needles. Then I remember where I really am, in an apartment in New York, high on meth, being fucked unconscious by a complete stranger who could have killed me with little effort. The rush of realization is incredible. My breathing becomes heavy "Wow! Oh my God" He leads in to make out with me, his dick is now in my ass without me pushing it out. "Did you have a little dream, baby?" "Yeah, how long was I out" "Only about 5 seconds, don't worry." He fucks me harder and although his cock isn't rock hard it feels incredible. I could feel the rubber of the cock ring against my hole. I wanted everything he had inside me. "I think I can get my balls in you" he lets out in a grunt as he thrusts back and forth. "Yeah?" I ask with some scepticism, the drugs have taken away any pain the fucking may have caused, but it in no way made my ass wider, in fact it had a tightening effect on my hole. This problem was solved with a little force, or a nice choke-out. "Yeah, I think so. Hang on." He rolls me back so my ass is in the air, he then stands over me and squats down. I feel him pushing against my hole and decide to push out, hoping it will let him in. This works and he pushes his balls inside me. He pulls them out "Oh fuck" he lets out in pleasure. He pushes just his balls into my hole a few more times, dipping them in and out until it becomes easy. He then pushes his sloppy cock into my widened hole, followed by both balls. Everything is inside me. It has to be the best feeling I've ever had during sex, it's incredibly hard to describe that pleasure, knowing you're connected to another man by both his cock and balls, they fit tightly into your hole. You are being completely used as a place for him to rest his dick and balls. The feeling of his pelvis pushing against your ass, knowing there is nothing further that can go in, he is as deep in you as he can possibly go. Amazing! I feel with my hands to ensure everything is in. I rub his taint while he grinds against me. He stops moving, but I continue to grind in a circular motion, churning my insides with his balls and dick. "Hold still" he tells me, he looks focussed and stares into the distance. "You feel that?" "Nope" "I'm pissing inside you" "Oh fuck!" I concentrate on the feeling, a tingling in my lower back, I'm being used as this guy's urinal. "Ugh, it's hard to piss in this position". He only pees a little in me before slowly pulling his balls and cock out of my piss-filled whole, he keeps me propped up with one hand. "Don't move boy. Fuck yeah" he spits in my gaping hole. Then reaches into his bag of toys for a large butt-plug. He spits on it, and pushes it against my ass lips, it's not going in as easy as it should. He calmly instructs me to breath in and out, eventually the rubber plug slides right in, filling my ass completely. After about 30 minutes of playing, I go to the toilet to take out the plug and push out the piss. I feel very wobbly on my feet but very happy also. I notice that when the plug comes out there is no more piss up my ass. I feel around to check. Either my ass has absorbed the little piss there was, or it's gone a lot deeper than I can reach. The next few hours become a blur. I get slammed again which is so much stronger than the first, I cough and it hits me like a euphoria freight train. This turns Tom on greatly. We make out more, fuck, suck toys and attempted fisting. He could slide four fingers but not past the knuckle. I found it extremely hard to concentrate on what was going on, everything spun and shuttered, I felt fantastic, almost a state of frenzy. When Tom is on top of me he sweats so much it dribbles down onto my face and chest, almost like a tap. Our sweat has a distinct smell, a chemical smell because of the meth. He takes me to the shower to cool off. I check the time and hours have gone by. It's about 10.00am the next day. "My boyfriend will be home soon" What? Oh no, "is this going to get awkward?" I think. I say nothing. "It's ok though, we could always go to the bathhouse" First time for everything. I let him know I'm up for this adventure and he tells me to get dressed and meet him at the nearby subway, while he cleans up and gets dressed. I walk to the nearest subway, it's a hot day out and people are up walking to work. I'm very aware of my movements, not to act like a tweaker. He eventually meets me and we head towards the bathhouse. It's not long until we are there. I'm becoming paranoid that people will know I'm high. Tom seems fine. We get our locker key and head to our room. After stripping, I head to the locker with our clothes. To large black men check me out in my jockstrap(given to me by Tom) the place seems pretty empty, which doesn't surprise me given the time. I put away my stuff and head back to our booth/room. I'm tingling all over and moving faster than usual. I get in and Tom lunges at me, jamming his tongue down my throat and shoving his fingers up my hole. I turn to liquid in his arms, the feeling is very hot. He has a small bag of toys with him. He takes out a large metal buttplug. It's very wide, "Guess where this is going" he says as he slaps it against the palm of his hand. "No way" "Get on all fours" I climb onto the bed on all fours. He squirts some lube onto the top of the plug, then pushes against my ass. I feel there is know way this will fit. I try to push out to open my ass up. "Breath, relax." He instructs. It's hard to do so, even though there is no pain at this point(from the drugs) I'm still nervous of damaging my ass. I breath in and out. Then take a big hit of poppers and repeat. I feel it enter my hole, it begins to hurt. "Damn, is this nearly in" I think to myself, then my ass retracts. "It's in" he tells me, before leaning in to gently kiss my ass cheek and tell me "good boy". He slaps the base of the plug and every time he does is sends an extremely pleasurable shiver up through my insides. He lays me back on the bed and spreads his ass cheeks. "Stick out your tongue" I do, then he sits down hard on my mouth. I work my tongue slowly up and down he asshole, trying hard to push my tongue deep. He lets out a series of moans and groans to indicate he loves the sensation. He then grabs the back of my head and really pushes me into his hole. He wants me to go deeper and I can feel his hole pushing out against as my tongue slides deeper. My tongue is stretched out to the point of pain, but knowing the pleasure it gives him causes me to endure it. This goes on for a few minutes(with a few air breaks) before he lifts his hot ass from my face. He hands me down a rubber butt plug. "I want you to put this up my ass" "Can you pass me the lube?" "No just use spit" He opens my mouth and slides the plug all the way down to the end, I gag, he pushes further, fucking my throat with the plug. This gets him off. He sits on the end of the plug and forces it down my throat with his ass. I'm now being smothered and choked. I cough up some spit. and he takes the plug out and turns it around, facing his hole. I take it off of him and push. It takes some force and I worry about hurting him, but he seems to be fine. It eventually goes up his hole. I smack the end of it as he done with my and he groans in ecstasy. We make out for a while with plugs up our asses, I then go to give him a blowjob. After some time sucking his semi-flaccid cock I feel it's time to take the plug out. I leave our room to walk to the toilets. I get a few propositions on the way, but ignore them in a chemmed out haze. I enter one of the cubicles and try to push out the plug. This is more difficult and painful than getting it in. I finally manage to pull the metal plug from my insides and the thing is hot. Really hot. Hard to hold. I have to run it under a cold tap before I can carry it back to the room. By the time I get back he has jerked his cock hard. And places me on all fours before fucking me for quite some time. "Shit I've got to go to work soon" I wonder how he can even think of working, as my mind is so confused and fried from the meth, I could barely see straight. I guess this guy is well used to this kind of activity. This worries me slightly. Maybe all isnt as it seems with him. He edges himself with my ass a number of times but is too uptight to cum. "Wanna meet me later on, say 7pm?" "Ok". We both head to the showers. As we wash up he tells me "I think I have to piss" "Can I drink it" "Sure, get down there." I get down on my knees and open up. He shoots hard, like a fire-hose down my throat. It tastes extremely strong but I swallow every drop. As we walk back to our room to get dressed it hits me hard. It had totally slipped my mind that his piss was filled with strong chems, and it sent me flying high. "You feel it?" He asks me in a hushed tone. It really tickles him that I'm high as a kite in public. We get dressed and leave the bathhouse. I get home(somehow) and try to get some sleep. This is impossible. I am shaking like a leaf and sweating buckets. I go to the bathroom to have a cold shower. I look in the mirror. My face frightens me, it looks so different to what I usually see. There is a deadness in my eyes. I try not to focus on it, and shower and change. By the time this is done it's almost time to head out the door again. I get to Tom's apartment again, his eyes are red. He looks like he's just shot up. "Hey baby, come in" I come in and undress. "Ready for another slam?"
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  15. On January 1st I was invited to what the host boasted as the hottest sex party ever, but there were some rules: 1. Guys and girls had been invited, and the invitees included singles, married couples, bi-sexuals, gays; 2. All fucking is bareback. No condoms allowed, and if asked, one needed to be honest about one's status; 3. Bottoms were to expect numerous guys to cum inside of them, and if one was a woman, she should expect a number of men to cum inside her - so everyone needed to be prepared; 4.All ages and races welcome. Check attitude at the door. I arrived at the party about 1:00 P.M. It was held in a town house in Virginia Beach. There was a nice reception room were I was instructed to strip naked. In the next room was a bar and refreshment area. The action was upstairs in the five bedrooms, each of which contained nothing but a mattress on the floor. I went into a room that contained almost exclusively men. I sucked a middle age dick then lay on my stomach, as there were far more tops than bottoms. In a few minutes an Indian guy climbed on top. He pounded me until he came. He was followed by a Latin guy who looked 16 but since identification had been checked at the front door, I knew he was legal. He said he was there with his girl friend who was being fucked in another room. He came a huge load deep in my ass. Within about two hours I had taken six loads in my ass. Then I took a break and went downstairs.. I was drinking a beer when a hot mid thirties couple approached me. They said I should join them in the mixed room. I went with they and in the room was well over 20 couples and a few singles. A female started sucking my dick. Then a guy went behind me and slipped his dick in my well-lubed hole. In a few minutes he moaned as he came. This all the time my dick was in the woman's mouth. The best encounter was when a young Latina approached me, saying her boyfriend had fucked her earlier, and now she wanted me to fuck her. She started by blowing me. I almost came. She stopped, lay down and spread her legs. I slipped in her and she must have a lot of cum in her already as it was sloppy. I had just started to fuck her when the Latino who had fucked me earlier appeared. It turned-out he was the Latina's boyfriend. He climbed on top of me and fucked me again. As I shot my load in her cunt he came again in my ass. I stayed until 2:00 A.M. In the 13 hours I was there twelve guys fucked me and came inside my ass. I had also sucked a large number of dicks, and had fucked two women and cum in each woman's pussy. Needless to say the $50.00 entrance fee was well worth it. Oh yeah, the Latin couple took my cell number. Let's see what happens
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  16. So would anyone else here be much more interested in Brent returning to porn if he'd just get fucked bare? He's toned up and looks hot, but it seems such a waste and also looks like he isn't really enjoying himself nearly as much as when he was younger and being loaded. And I think it would also be great since he's made such a big deal about doing "safe" porn...would be great for him to just be a slut and get what he really wants.
    1 point
  17. Recently I started talking w/ an old fuckbud again. By old I mean we haven't played since I got into a serious relationship. Well Sunday I was horny and decided to hit up my bud. BF was away for most of the day so figured I might as well get my hole filled! FB came over and it was like nothing had changed really! He walked in as I was on all 4's in my jockstrap w/ a nicely lubed hole. Started to go to town on my tight hole. Right as he was getting close to coming I heard the door open and the bf coming home early. I was midly concerned seeings how we have an open relationship but just like to keep eachother informed...and well, this was a bit more spontaneous. He came into the bedroom, saw what was happening and just proceeded to watch and wait for it all to finish. I tried to pull his dick out to suck it but he wasn't having any of it and I started to get worried. The FB finally blows his load up my ass and immediately the boyfriend tells the fuckbud to get on all 4's and lube up his ass! A little perplexed, he went with it and my bf proceeds to pound the living fuck out of his ass. Both were moaning so loud and I was lucky enough to get to watch it all! Finally, I start begging for my bf's cock b/c I want some of the pounding too and he simply says "you already got yours so now you have to watch!" He proceeds to breed the fuckbud and then pull his cock out and looks at me and says "there now you can clean it off" which I was happy to do! He then kicks the fuckbud out and doesn't allow me to change or anything until later that evening (after he gave me another fucking of course).
    1 point
  18. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" he chided as I got up, pulled on some sweats and strode to the door. Tanner furiously stuffed his throbbing cock back into his pants, pulled his shirt back down and sat back on the couch, trying to look like nothing was happening - pretending to watch T.V "Don't worry man" I said, throwing my head back to shoot him a big grin, "You're already fucking mine" I whispered so he didn't hear. Jake was outside; a large overnight bag thrown over his shoulder and a huge grin on his face. "Come in bro" I said, motioning to the big room behind us with my cock as it tented in the jockey fabric of my sweats. "Nice" Jake said, meeting me in a deep, passionate kiss out of Tanner's line of sight. Jake was such a hottie - I felt up his tight, swimmers torso under the fabric of his polo. "We gonna get this party started?" I asked as we broke our kiss. Jake nodded at the heavy bag over his shoulder and flashed me an evil grin. "Good boy...let's go get this jock tweaked" I whispered in his ear, shutting the door behind him. I felt Jake exhale - raditating a deep desire to initiate his hot little friend into the party-fold. Jake walked straight into the kitchen with his stuff, calling out to Tanner as I returned to the jock's side, still shirtless and tenting: "Hey man" Jake called, "Got the booze - bringin the noise man, what you boys been upto?" Dace was still visibly flushed with sex and still trying to conceal his erection.. I shot him a wink as I joined him on the couch - trying to tease him into a kiss but, getting nothing. Tanner tried to wriggle some distance between us as he answered: "Chillin' man. We've just been, chillin" Jake smiled to himself in the kitchen as he loaded a cap of my potent G into one of the sweet, sugary drinks he'd bought at the market: one capful is usually all it takes to get a jock-boy good and hungry for some raw dick, pushing those boundaries far enough to make them receptive to even darker suggestion. However, no matter how hard you try, there's always a gross after-taste to the stuff I get. It's good but, boy does it taste like crap. Luckily, sugar goes a long way to making it better - not to mention the fact that those cheap, alco-pop flavoured drinks are gross to begin with. Jake popped a bottle of amyl into his pocket and sauntered into the living room as I got up to replace him in the kitchen - I wanted to collect a few 'props' of my own from my play-bag but, also see if Jake could take the next step in his education and chem up his perfect friend alone. Tanner was still in a state of agitation, nearly being outed as a bottom-boy fag had really got to him - he grabbed the drink Jake offered him, downing the tumbler full of chem-pop in one, long hit. He slammed the glass on the little table next to him and scrunched up his face like he'd taken a hit of strong whisky: "dude, what the fuck was that?" He blurted as the taste hit him. Jake looked down at the pinkish liquid in his glass, trying to conceal a giant smirk: "Raspberry-Nado" he said, remembering the label. Tanner squirmed, shaking his tongue in the air. "I know, I know" Jake said sipping on the 'same' drink - "It's fucking gross dude but, it gets you totally fucking blitzed...Honestly, I've already had one on the way over - it gets better the second time, promise" Jake said, handing Tanner his own drink and shouting to me in the kitchen to 'bring more booze'. I smiled to myself - Jake really was a hot little find, a real dom-top, chemslut in training. He was a natural and I couldn't help but be so proud for having brought that out of him so young and perfect. He'd corrupt so many fucking boys - he had all the hallmarks of becoming a man no boy could resist.
    1 point
  19. Part 1 It was the 70's and, at the age of 18, I'd just left school. Most of my friends went off to University but I decided to stay home and get a job. I didn't really know what I wanted to do, so I took a job stacking shelves in a local convenience store whilst I thought about my future. The store was in a little parade of shops. At one end of the row of stores, set back from the street and down a narrow alley was a public toilet. Most of these places have gone now, but back then there was practically one on every corner and I soon found out many of them were gay meeting places. Anyway, I was innocent of this when I started work. I knew I was gay, but I had been too scared to tell any of my friends and I did't really know where to go to meet people. One evening, as it was getting dark, I finished work and started to head for home. As I went past the alley, I saw a young man come out of the entrance, glance furtively around and head off down the street. I was intrigued, and something made me stop and decide to walk up the path to the entrance to the old brick building. Inside everything was white tiles, old and cracked. There was a wall inside the door screening the urinals, and as I went round it, I saw two men standing there close together, wanking each other's cocks. We saw each other at the same time and they hastily broke apart and turned away. I was shocked and excited, and didn't know what to do, so I went and stood at a urinal, glancing furtively down at their erections. One of them grunted in annoyance, zipped up and left. The other looked at me and smiled. He was dark haired, short and stocky wearing a green bomber jacket and tracksuit bottoms. "I..I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't meant to...you know..interrupt anything." "That's alright," he said in a soft, high pitched voice."We'd barely got started." He glanced down at my cock which had involuntarily stiffened. "Mmmm, " he said. "This will do nicely." I gasped as his hand encircled my cock, gently rubbing it into full erection. "Very nice," he remarked as he dropped to his knees, and began to suck my cock. It felt incredible, so warm and wet. He pushed me back against the wall and dragged my jeans and pants down so he could fondle my balls and reach round to squeeze my arse. I was in heaven. I never knew it could be like this and I groaned with pleasure. He stopped sucking and chuckled. "Something tells me you haven't done this before, have you?" I shook my head and he got to his feet, saying "Well now, there's a treat. And I've got something for you." He turned away from me, bent over and pushed his tracksuit trousers down exposing his big pale bottom with the deep cleft shining with grease. He pulled the cheeks apart, and I saw his puffy, slack arse hole gaping before me. "Slide it in, honey," he whispered, adding "Don't be shy." Before I knew what I was doing, I shuffled forward and felt his fingers guiding me into position. My cock went into him with an incredible hot, greasy, sliding feeling and then I was all the way in with his cold buttocks pressed against my belly. "Oh!" I gasped, my hips moving automatically and my cock feeling a man's arse hole gripping it for the first time. "I can't... "I gasped, "I'm going to...cum!" He ground his bottom against me " Go for it, darling" he said, adding " Give me all your lovely spunk!" At that I felt my body lose control. I pressed into him and released my sperm in huge, overwhelming spasms of pleasure. "OOO..." He laughed as he remarked "I can feel it shooting!" I finally finished, gasping for air, and watched my softening cock slide out of him, followed by a gush of sperm which dribbled over his balls. He stood up, turned and hugged me, his body shivering. "That was lovely. You are going to be very popular around here, you know....."
    1 point
  20. Authors notes: this story is purely fiction, any similarities of anyone described or any actions that take place in this story is purely coincidental.... thought pretty hot.... This is my first attempt at submitting a story so please bare that in mind as you read this. If you have any constructive criticism im all ears. But ill ignore anything thats just hate. Anywhoo here we go...... Buppy lay on his bed and sighed as he browsed stories on Breeding Zone, his cock was rock hard even though he had already cum twice wile reading a particularly hot story. He loved to imagine himself being stealthed by a hot and dominant poz guy. He was both ashamed and aroused by his interested in such things, but he just couldn’t help himself. He was getting ready to turn his computer off and go to bed feeling pent up and horny with his asshole hungry for a nice big poz cock, when he noticed he had a message. He clicked on the notification, and his heart beat out of control when he read the message; Subject: Curiouser huh? Why not got all the way? I was looking around trying to find a hole to spill my seed into when I came across your profile. I read that your interested in being converted, but your afraid. Well if your ever interested in converting drop me a line. Buppy read the message several times and clicked on the senders profile. His user name was PozzingSLC. His profile picture showed a nice big vainy uncut cock, with a biohazard tattoo just above his neatly trimmed pubes. Reading over the profile buppy found that the guy lived close by, and was just the kind of dom he wanted ot bend over for. It didnt surprise Buppy to see was poz. Buppy read over the doms page several times and stroked his cock imagining that big cock fucking him raw. He felt guilt after he shot his small load into his palm and licked it up. The thought of being pozzed was almost overwhelming, but he was scared to death of the thought of going through with it. Once he was done jacking his cock for the third and final time he turned off his computer and tried to forget about bug chasing. He didnt return to Breeding Zone for several weeks, he told himself he was going to forget all about bug chasing. He went about his normal routine of waking up, getting ready, going ot work, coming home, and go to bed just to start the routine all over. It had been months since he had been fucked last so he was feeling really pent up by now. He NEEDED cock. After looking through his normal searches for porn and stories, he just couldnt get satisfied. His mind taken over by the need ot get off he instinctively went back to breeding zone, and started searching for a good story. As he was browsing he found a story posted by PozzingSLC, he clicked on it and read through it. The story had been about him finding a slut on craigslist, and how he had stealthed the slut. Buppy stroked his cock fast and hard at this story, edging himself over and over. He eventually went ot his closet and opened his his toy box. He pulled out a bottle of cumlube and his favorite butt plug, a toothbrush, and a nice sized dildo. He laid down a sheet he used when he had such fun, as to not stain the carpet in case anything came out that shouldn’t. He pulled up PozzingSLC's profile picture and imagined it as he bent over and started prepping his asshole. He smeared lube on his asshole and moaned as he started to finger himself. He scratched his insides a bit before he took out the toothbrush and pushed it inside of himself. He moved it in and out as he swirled it around scratching up his insides as if getting ready to take a big toxic load. When the scratching was almost ot much he pulled the brush out and tossed it to the side as he took the dildo and roughly started shoving it inside of himself imagining that it was a nice and juicy toxic cock. The entire time his own cock was leaking precum and twitching from all the excitement, but he ignored it as he fucked himself. After a wile of abusing his asshole with the dildo he pulled it out and squirted a large amount of the cumlube into his slightly gaping hole and shoving the butplug in to trap it in. In his mind he imagined that the lube was a toxic load and he was trapping it in to insure he was pozzed. As he sat down he felt the butplug shift in his sore and throbbing asshole. He was light headed with feelings of lust as he oppened his messages. Again he read the message from PozzingSLC. His judgment was clouded by his lusty stupper, he clicked reply and started typing. I need your toxic load inside of me, NOW!!! He clicked on send before he could regret his decision. He ground his ass against the floor making the buttplug stir up his insides. He tried ot ignore his cock and lose himself in the fantasy of being impregnated by a charged load. When he opened his eyes he saw that PozzingSLC had already replied. Buppy shook as he opened up the reply and saw it was a short message; Then get that hairy ass over here now. 123 Fake St Buppy groaned as he plugged the address into his phone, got dressed (but leaving the buttplug inside of him,) and started heading out to meet the man who would change his life......... Authors notes continued: I have plans on continuing this story, but I wanted ot post this teaser to see how people like it. Again please leave me any constructive criticism so I can improve this and any future stories I may write. Thank you for reading.
    1 point
  21. I had pierced nipples about ten years ago and found them to be a real pain. Took a long time to heal. They looked hot but was too much trouble. My pa is much better and more fun. It healed quickly. A lot more fun to play with.
    1 point
  22. Well if you haven't already figured out, yes, Hawk's is your best bet to get your ass filled to the brim with loads. The dark room there is good for anonymous breeding, but they now also have glory holes in back, which is my particualr favorite - I love to get fucked through the glory hole. If a Top there wants to glove up, he'll do so, but I've taken many a bareback slime injection up my ass at Hawk's. The Vault has the potential to be a great sleaze palace. It has something that I've never seen in a sex club which are glory holes with porn videos playing in them. They just need to get on the map. I've been to the Vault but at hours that were way too early; I'm planning on hiting it up after midnight some Saturday, lubing my ass and backing up to one of the holes. Happy load hunting!
    1 point
  23. Totally agree with you that when see a mans face and tongue buried deep in a mans hole nothing sexier, as much as i love these videos, hot hardcore rimming is amazing, but not many i see like this. I just wish was a long video of rimming deep. ps if guys have hot rimming videos like this please set up page and inform me of hehe. xx
    1 point
  24. If you don't respect your boyfriend enough to let him decide for himself if he wants to become poz and / or be a slut, there is really no point in being in a relationship with him. In real life it really is as simple as that. A relationship is about trust, communication, common interests. If slutty sex is all that matters to you, you really don't need a boyfriend for that. Or you should find one that shares the same priorities. Do the honest thing: Just end the relationship. In the long run, you will BOTH be happier for it.
    1 point
  25. rimming ....fingering lots of lube.... lots more lube.... sliding in slowly... more lube.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. My bud lonestarboi called me up and said a ginger massage client of his wanted to be mounted while being massaged, and since lonestar and I hadn't seen each other in a while, lonestar wanted me to come over. When I got there, the client was on the table face down. As I was getting undressed, lonestar came out of the can and began to massage the client. I rubbed my cock down with Gun Oil and began to fuck. As I was, another one of lonestar's buds comes in and strips. He unleashes a magnificent, thick, long, uncut cock and shoves it in the client's mouth. As the client sucks, it grows to what I find out is a genuine 11 inches. Watching this cock makes me horny, and I ask if he wants to be bred. Bigcock tells me to breed his cunt. I immediately shoot my load, and pull out. As I do so, a glob of my load slips onto the table. Bigcock smears it all over his cock and tells the client, "I'm gonna use his cum as lube" and shoves it in. I go to clean up, and as soon as I finish, big cock walks in the bathroom to clean up. I go to get dressed as the masseur is fucking his client. I ask if he can feel our loads in there, and he says, "Fuck yeah" as he adds his to the collection. He turns the client over, and as I'm leaving, realize it's someone I've known for at least 20 years.
    1 point
  28. A married buddy hit me up the other day letting me know he was hosting a gang bang of one of his married buds the next night....so last night I get to my bud's house and as promised the bottom is downstairs in a blindfold already working over a hot cock....I strip right away and make the bottom take my cock in his mouth....in the course of the next few minutes 2 other guys show up plus the host (5 tops total) after some cock sucking the fucking begins....now my buddy had advertised this as a "safe only" party and so was operating under that assumption. But as soon as the fucking began the condoms were no where to be seen and the bottom was taking raw cock after raw cock up his ass. When I wasn't fucking the bottom I was fucking the host (who I have fucked raw in the past). After about an hour and a half the bottom was ready to take some seed. I first pumped my load in his hole and the other four tops soon followed. Supposed to do a threeway with the bottom and my buddy tonight.
    1 point
  29. Hawks is the best choice...
    1 point
  30. PART FOUR I was enjoying being in Sam's arms and us kissing so much that it didn't even register that the lights had been turned on. "CLOSING TIME GUYS!!" came the announcement and I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that our time at the bar had come to an end. As I looked into Sam's eyes I asked, "Is it OK if we go back to yours tonight?" "What about your wife?" "I told you, she's away for a few days at a conference." "I was more referring to the fact that you have a wife" I rubbed his rock hard cock through his pants & whispered in his ear, "What wife?" He took my hand and we went outside and hailed a cab. Even though I was still high, being away from the security of the bar made me a little more cautious while we were in the cab. Whenever I saw the driver's eyes look away from the rear view mirror I stroked Sam's cock with a cheeky smile on my face, making sure he was staying hard the whole trip home. I couldn't help but feel proud that I was such a good cocktease on my very first time with a guy. Even though it was only about a 10 minute ride, it was torture for both of us. I wanted Sam's cock so badly, and he wanted me on his cock so badly! Even though I should've been nervous, I was beside myself with excitement when we finally got to his place. He fished in his pocket for his keys, while I couldn't help but do a little fishing myself and put my hand in his other pocket! He opened the door and I couldn't control myself, my tongue deep in his mouth and unzipping his pants to get a proper grip on his cock. Between kisses he managed to get out, "Are you sure you don't want a drink of water or anything?" "There's only one thing I want right now" I replied and pulled both his pants & briefs down in one motion. I could see a couch out of the corner of my eye and pushed him towards it, him stumbling with his pants round his ankles and shoes & socks still on. He sat down and leant forward to take them off, but I pushed him back wanting a proper look at the hard cock I'd been anticipating. It was like something I'd seen in the (many, many) porn movies I'd watched in my time. It would have been 9 or 10 inches uncut and even though I should have been intimidated I was so excited to suck my first ever cock, and that I'd have so much to work with. All I could say as I looked at it was "Wow". "That's usually what most guys say when they see it" Sam replied with a smile. I smiled too looking at the head, glistening with precum, knowing that I'd turned on my first guy so much. I started licking all round the head, lapping up & savouring the taste of both his cock and the precum leaking from it. Knowing how much I loved eye contact from Jessie when receiving a blowjob I looked deep into Sam's eyes as I started to really suck his cock, working my hand up and down his shaft. It was only then that I realised he was more or less still fully clothed, but with his pants around his ankles. It didn't worry me though as I was too busy enjoying every inch of my first ever cock, courtesy of this sexy older man. As I sucked him, Sam reached into a drawer next to the couch, pulled out a little glass bottle and started to unscrew the lid. He took a deep sniff out of the bottle in each nostril & I felt his cock get even harder (as if that was even possible!) "What are those?" I asked. "They're called poppers. A lot of guys use them to make the highs even higher" he replied between moans. I snatched them off him and inhaled them deeply. Immediately I was flying and there was only thing I could think of, wanting Sam deep inside me. I pulled my clothes off as quickly as I could until I was stark naked in front of Sam. "My god Adam, you're amazing" Sam said as he looked up at me. "I want you to fuck me Sam" I sighed as I straddled him. I coated my hand in spit and ran it up & down his cock, lubing it up as much as I could because I knew it would be a bit of work to get him inside me. "Take another hit of the poppers" Adam told me, "They'll loosen up your hole & make it a lot easier". I took a massive hit and aimed his cock at my virgin hole. My eyes widened as I felt the head of his cock inside me and moaned in a mixture of pain & pleasure. "Just gently ease your way down" Sam told me and I started to work his cock inside me, holding it as I tried to control things. Before I knew it he was halfway inside me and I already felt so full! "You're doing great baby" Sam said, looking into my eyes. I knew then that it was my job that night to do everything I could please this beautiful man. I took one more hit and sat down on his cock, feeling his balls rubbing against mine. "Ooooh yes" I moaned in delight and kissed Sam deeply. "You like being inside me, my sexy man?" "You're so tight and beautiful" he replied as I rocked on his cock. "The only thing is, you've got me so horny, I don't think I'll last very long. That's alright my man, we've got all the time in the world" and I started to ride him, taking another hit before handing them to him. He took a massive hit & seemingly within seconds screamed "OH MY GOD, I'M GONNA CUM!!!!!" Knowing what I liked when I was about to cum, I held his face in my hands and kissed him like I'd never kissed anyone before. It should've been strange to me that I was so willing to take on the female role in this situation but I just wanted to make my man happy. The moment I felt the first spurt of cum paint the inside of my ass I was so happy that this sexy guy wanted to plant his seed inside me. I rocked gently on him, milking his hard cock before it flopped out of me. I let out a little groan of disappointment "Turn around and let me look at you" Sam said. I eagerly turned round & bent over to present my ass to him as he adjusted his pants, pushing them all the way down, hands in his pockets. "Ooops, little bit of cum seeping out." He said and quickly pushed a couple of fingers inside me to get it back in while I giggled. I felt a sharp pain but just figured it was due to my ass getting fucked for the first time... END OF PART FOUR
    1 point
  31. I'll be in Edinburgh the week of 02/02. Bottom here, mid-to late 40's, not in shape. Have hooked up once in Edinburgh (oral) but always seems to be an army of bottoms and only a few tops. Would love to be proved wrong on that btw. :-)
    1 point
  32. I took 5 poz loads in a 24 hour time period at a hotel.
    1 point
  33. Part 3 I felt someone get behind me, hands on my hips to steady me into position. For the first time, I felt a man's cock pushing into my arse hole. I gasped in pain as my hole was forced open, and then the head burst into me and the shaft slid into me with a delicious, slippery rush. More poppers were thrust under my nose, and I sagged in surrender to the plunging cock fucking me. I managed to look back over my shoulder to see a fat, sweaty guy thrusting his belly against my naked bottom, a snarl of pleasure on his ugly face. "Fuck the little bitch!" Someone whispered. I felt his thrusts become more urgent, his cock stiffening and then, with a loud grunt he pulled me into him, flopping and jerking against me as he filled me with cum. After a few moments, he slid his cock out of me and I felt wetness around my hole. The stocky guy stroked my hair and rubbed my back. "Good lad," he said. "Let them breed you.." I felt his hands on my buttocks, pulling the cheeks apart and another man got into position, mounting me like a pig as I bent forward against the urinal. A long, thin cock slid up me and began to move slowly, sexily in my hole. I looked back to see the thin guy with the sunken cheeks and realised what was happening. I panicked and tried to get up, but strong hands held me bent over and the poppers were held to my nose despite me shaking my head, and I felt my body start to melt. "Too late now, you little bitch." Whispered the stocky guy in my ear. "Time to join the club." I felt the cock in me swell and throb as it squirted it's dirty seed and knew I was being bred. Tears splashed into the white bowl of the urinal, but when he'd finished I just stayed there, no longer needing to be held down, and spread my own cheeks to receive the next diseased cock...
    1 point
  34. Part 2 I scurried home, my mind a whirl of emotion. In my room, I stripped down and looked at myself in the mirror, staring at my cock which had been inside a man's arse for the first time. The next day, I couldn't concentrate at work. I felt something had changed and I was at a crossroads - did I move up and on into some kind of career, or did I descend into depravity? Later, after the store closed, I went out into the dusk. The light was on in the toilet and before I knew it, I had walked up the path and gone inside. There were several men there standing at the urinals, including the stocky guy in the green bomber jacket. He grinned when he saw me, and elbowed his neighbour. They turned and stared at me, and I felt my heart flip as I sensed they had been waiting for me! They were an ugly bunch, four or five middle aged men, some thin and wasted looking, the others overweight and unattractive. All of them had their flies open, and hard-ons pointed in my direction. They drew me in and I felt hands on my body and arse as eager cocks were shoved into my fingers. The stocky guy got to his knees, undid my belt and dragged my trousers and pants down. I felt a moments panic and uncertainty, then his mouth closed around my shaft and I groaned in pleasure. Someone tried to kiss me, the mouth wet and rubbery and smelling of stale tobacco. At first I was repelled, but then his tongue squirmed into my mouth and I felt desire and a dirty, guilty pleasure. The guy in the green bomber stopped sucking me, stood up and bent forward, his pale buttocks bared and inviting. A thin guy with mousy hair and sunken cheeks dropped his trousers and a long, thin erection sprang up from his pot-belly. He guided it between the up raised buttocks, and the stocky man groaned as it slid into him. I watched the sagging bottom of the thin man swaying backwards and forwards and my throat went dry with excitement. Someone started to push a brown bottle under my nose. It smelt strong and made my head swim. "What's that...?" I gasped, feeling my body melting and my nervousness disappear. "Poppers, mate." Growled the man. "Makes you sexy, don't it?" Someone pushed me forward and I took a thick cock, slimey with precum into my mouth. It tasted so good, and the fingers feeling my arsehole felt so sexy. Someone laughed and the bottle was pushed under my nose. "That's a good boy! Let yourself go." From the corner of my eye, I saw the thin man shaking and gasping as he came in the stocky guy, and when he pulled out some sperm dripped onto the tiled floor. I was weak and dizzy and sexy all at the same time and I knew I was putting myself in danger, losing control amongst these man, but I was also discovering how submissive I was and when they bent me over I could only rest my hands on the tiles in surrender. The stocky guy in the green bomber jacket came and stroked my head and whispered. "Good, I thought you'd come back. Relax and enjoy yourself, enjoy your new life." I saw him reach behind his body and finger his arsehole until his hand was dripping with cum. Suddenly he smeared it into my hole and slid a finger inside me. "The best kind of lube." He said."Okay boys - who's first?
    1 point
  35. Holy fucking shit! That story made me shoot my load in record time! Fucking hot!!
    1 point
  36. He spent 18hours in my hotel room taking loads. He's nice guy. damn hot ass. Filmed him getting loaded. guess it was my day with Ian Jay movie
    1 point
  37. Chapter 2 "Hello?" Paul answered curtly, annoyed that someone was calling his private line less than 6 hours into a 3-day weekend, also happening to be the exact moment he chose to start jerking off. "Hi, I mean hello, sir, um, is this Paul, excuse me, is this Mr. Bishop?" The nervous teen voice at the other end of the call confirmed Paul's suspicion that one of the students was finally using the number they'd be given to invite him to some stupid high school bash or ask for an autograph. "Who's asking?" Paul responded, trying to sound less upset than he was. "This is Daniel Jacobs, sir. I am extremely sorry to call you this late," the boy sounded mortified, which melted Paul's anger a little, especially since the 'late' call was coming at only 9 pm. "but I am fu- um, in trouble Mr. Bishop. I was at the gym this afternoon and my locker was broken into, and my backpack with my laptop was stolen, and it had all of my finished footage from my project on it. Plus, I had just come straight from the editing lab at school, so all my back up disks and equipment were in it too. My teammates are freaking out, and I, well, I don't know what to do..." Paul felt awful when he heard the quiver in the boy's voice that made it sound like he might break into tears. Thinking back, his voice made it seem that he may have ben crying before the call too, which immediately made Paul ashamed for the rude way he'd answered the call. "ok, Daniel, right?" Paul asked in his softest, most calming voice. "Yes sir." Daniel sniffed. "First, calm down and take a deep breath. can you do that for me?" Paul waited until he heard the boy do as he asked. "Good, now don't panic, remember that I have copies of everything you've finished as of mid-week this week, so all you've lost is the stuff you hadn't edited yet... you did turn in your assigned deadline work this week, didn't you?" Paul remembered that a few of the groups had been lazy about turning in stuff on time since Mr. Carson had left town, and he wondered if this boy was playing him somehow, creating a fake robbery to get an extension on the final deadline, when he or his teammates hadn't been doing the work required. "Yeah, we did Mr. Bishop, you even screened some for the class the next day cause you liked our opening sequence so much, remember?" Daniel pointed out. Paul remembered the film now, and was positive the boy was on the level, since the film was one of the best in the school, and showed an immense amount of work by the team members. All he wondered was why he couldn't remember a boy named Daniel on the team, since he had taken some extra time for them that week. "That was your film? Of course I remember it, you've all done an amazing job putting it together, I'm embarrassed to say I can't recall you being on the team Daniel." Paul admitted, hoping the boy wouldn't be more hurt than he already was. "Oh sorry sir, that's my bad, the guys call me Dingo, so does Mr. Carson." Daniel, aka Dingo, said, and suddenly it dawned on Paul who the boy on the phone was. Paul had noticed Dingo from day one and often imagined it was his ass taking Paul's raw monster cock when he was jerking off. Dingo was taller than every other student participating in the project, standing almost 6' 10" tall, but was blessed not to have awkward bone structure or off-putting facial features as a lot of giant guys do. His perfectly formed bubble butt was always wrapped in baggy bball shorts, creating many opportunities for Paul to enjoy the view of it. The sight was enhanced with strong lanky muscles, smooth pale white skin, light blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and a smile to die for. He was captain of the basketball team, nicknamed due to his miraculous vertical jump shot, and had turned down multiple full ride offers from some serious ball schools in order to pursue his dream of attending USC film school to become a director. Dingo was one of the shunning stars in the magnet program and Paul knew he had to do whatever he could to make sure the boy got his wish. "does that ring a bell Mr. Bishop?" "No one can forget you man, sorry if I was short when you answered, you caught me during.... something. Anyway, don't panic because I keep all the stuff you turn in and can easily get a copy to you this weekend Daniel, sorry, Dingo." Paul's cock was still fished out and began to harden again, imagining how grateful Daniel would be, not to mention his team, which consisted of two other young hot guys, and two somewhat attractive girls. "I like when you call me Daniel sir, it seems more professional, like it will on my films." Daniel's voice was calmer now, and his tone suggested he was relieved. "Man you stopped me from having a heart attack, or being murdered by my group. I just wish I had sent a copy to my cloud when I finished it tonight, so we didn't have to re-film the last scene and edit it all over again." "it's lucky you're ahead of schedule, I can get a copy of what I have tomorrow, and you'll have a week to finish up." Paul was stroking softly to Daniel's male team members' butts and faces floating in his mind. "I couldn't possibly put you out any more sir. I feel terrible asking you as it is, but I’d feel much worse knowing you cancelled your weekend plans to save my butt,” Daniel protested making Paul smile, and stroke harder when he mentioned his butt. “I appreciate the consideration, but based on the rest of your work, I am guessing you will use every possible second to get the ending exactly right. Besides, the only plans you’d be interrupting would be reading some screenplays my agent is sending me, since my girlfriend cancelled her visit this weekend.” Paul lied to reinforce the lie he’d fed the students on the first day about how his girlfriend would be flying out to see him on the weekends, which meant he wouldn’t have time to come to their parties or meet them for work sessions. This allowed him to gracefully decline invitations and subtly concrete the idea that he was straight as an arrow. “Are you sure you’re not just being nice? Because I could really use the extra time, since we’re all going nuts trying to find replacement equipment and schedule the actors and everything.” Daniel was giving in, and Paul was starting to precum. “I’m happy to help out anyway possible. In fact, I’ll bring over my camera and computer for you to use over the three day weekend. Then, on Tuesday, you’ll be able to finish using the school’s editing lab.” Paul said while trying to cover the growing excitement in his voice. “You gotta be the nicest movie star in the whole world Mr. Bishop,” Daniel gushed. “My crew will be on their knees tomorrow when you arrive.” That image almost made Paul explode. “What?” “We’ll get on our knees and kiss your feet or build you a shrine or something. We’ll do anything you want to make up for this, Mr. Bishop, anything!” Daniel promised. The idea of the teen boys on their knees offering anything Paul wanted was too much and made Paul cum, covering his sculpted chest, even hitting him on the chin and lips. Paul had to let the phone drop to the couch cushion at this side and bite his lip so the boy didn’t hear him groan as he came. When the orgasm subsided, Paul whipped the phone to his ear. “…there Mr. Bishop? Hello?” “I’m here Daniel, sorry, just dropped the phone for a moment. Why don’t you text me when and where you’ll be filming tomorrow and I’ll stop by with everything I have, okay?” Paul said, disguising his heavy breathing as best he could. “I will sir, Thank you so much, and have a good night.” Daniel hung up, and Paul let himself breathe normally again. After he’d cleaned up the cum running over his firm pecs and pooling between his abs, he opened his briefcase and pulled out the materials the students had turned in that week, and popped in the dvd of Daniel’s group. Watching it now, after his conversation cause him to notice much more about the boy’s bodies and performances. The film was about a family who invite a foreign exchange student into their home, never suspecting the boy is manipulating them with lies and misunderstandings, causing their secrets and insecurities to come out. He begins by getting each member of the family to confide in him, and then exposing their secrets to the others so they are all angry and untrusting of everyone but their foreign guest. He then works to corrupts the brother and sister, which the mother questions until he ‘accidentally’ leaves out his diary, explaining his deep commitment to his religion and his promise to save himself till marriage. With the father, he shows interest in his job and all the activities he loves, which the kids can’t stand, finding out the dad was once a compulsive gambler. With the parents thoroughly fooled, he bullies their teen son to sneak out to parties and clubs, making sure the parents discover and blame the son and not him. He even tries to take the blame, but they believe he is only trying to cover for the boy, which makes them even more confident that he is perfect. Meanwhile he seduces their daughter and convinces her to make love. Paul had stopped watching at this point before, since it was one of two dozen films he needed to watch, but continued now and couldn’t believe what he witnessed. In the next few scenes, the boy manages to get the mother to act on her desire for their next door neighbor, sets up the father to take up gambling again, and gets the daughter to invite over a friend for a threesome. The final scene they had edited features the son fighting with the student for getting him in trouble, but forgiving him when the foreign boy tells him he is sorry and cries over possibly losing the only friend he has in the world. When the son goes to comfort him, they end up kissing, which got Paul had as a rock once more, since the boys in the film were the two friends of Daniel’s. Before the action got good, the screen went dark, causing Paul to dive for his bag again, digging through it for a copy of the script they submitted. Skimming until he got to the shot of the boys kissing, he read on to the next scene, in which the foreign exchange student is being dropped at the airport. As he hugs each of them goodbye, he turns back and hands the Father a film he’s made of his trip. When they get home the family watches in horror as the film goes from innocent shots of scenery and touristy places, to hidden camera views of each family member engaging in salacious acts. The daughter in the threesome, the father losing $12,000 at seedy bar, the mother beginning to undress with the neighbor before the lights go out, and the son drinking, smoking pot and finally sleeping with the student. A voice over comes in, with the foreign boy explaining his film’s purpose: to show the seedy side of middle-class America, calling it “Waking from the American Dream.” When the film-within-the-film ends, it reveals a college professor watching it in his office, while the foreign boy sits across from him, interviewing for entry to a film school. The professor puts the foreign boy on the wait list, obviously upsetting him for a second, before he composes himself, thanks the professor and leaves. The professor is then seen packing up and leaving for the night, driving home and going inside, where this filming switches to a shot from outside his window. Once he kisses his wife, the professor sneaks into a desk drawer and takes a swig from a bottle. The voice over begins again “Subject hides a drinking habit from wife and faculty, corroding their relationship and impairing his ability to do his job. Our goul? To expose his deceit, dissolve his marriage, disqualify his tenure, and ensure his replacement with someone who recognizes and admits brilliant applicants. Watch his destruction in ‘Waking the American Dream, part two.’ Paul loved the rest of the script and couldn’t wait to see Daniel and his friends complete the last few scenes. He made up his mind as he drove to their film site the next morning that he’d stick around for a while and watch them get to it. When he arrived, he was happy to see they were all set up to film the scene with the family watching the film. Daniel ran out of the house with his two male teammates, who played the foreign exchange student and the son, to help carry in the equipment Paul brought, even though it all fit in one box. “Thanks again, Mr. Bishop, you’re saving our lives. By the way, these are my co-producers and two of the actors in the movie, Steve and Justin.” Paul shook their hands and let them carry in the box containing the camera, tripod and laptop. “Nice to meet you guys, and call me Paul, it feels like I’m someone’s dad when you call me Mr. Bishop.” The boys all laughed, a little more than was necessary, obviously excited to be getting some private attention from someone they thought of as famous. Justin and Steve went inside and started to set up, while Daniel and I followed and went over their schedule for the day. “We just have the one scene to film here at Steve’s house which should only take an hour or so, then we’re headed to Justin’s dad’s work which we set up last night to look like the airport in one of the hallways. Then we’ll shoot in his office, which we tried to make look like a professor’s office, before we head to my parents’ mountain house to shoot the final scene and do some reshoots around the Jacuzzi to look like a party, since we lost all the stuff we shot at the real party two weeks ago. If absolutely necessary we can finish up any reshoots or ADR on Sunday and have all day Monday to edit so we can just do the opening and closing credits on the machines at school.” Daniel was totally focused as he explained the plan, almost eliciting a chuckle from Paul if he didn’t think it would have made Daniel crazy wondering what he was doing wrong. In truth, Daniel’s attitude and vision reminded Paul of some of the directors he’d worked with back in LA. The humorous part was comparing the memories of those short, balding, hairy men, to this muscular Nordic demigod. Inside, Paul met the two girls on the team, who played the daughter and her friend, as well as being in charge of the sound and lighting. There were also two boys from the basketball team who volunteered to help by holding the boom, and operating the camera, and the actors who played the father and mother, who turned out to be Steve’s actual dad, and his Aunt who taught acting at the university an hour away. It was too bad that she didn’t have the class of the students from school, as she spent every second they weren’t filming trying to convince Paul to take a look at her reel or come speak with her class. Finally, as much as he enjoyed watching Daniel film, Paul couldn’t take any more of the woman’s incessant jabbering, and snuck out in the middle of a scene. From his rented car, Paul texted Daniel how great it looked, and to call if he needed any more help, before heading back to his rented house and spending a couple hours looking at the films from start to finish. Once he’d managed to get that done, he started feeling bored and, unable to read the screenplays from his agent, since they were on the laptop he’d left with the crew, he wandered the house looking for something to do. Finally he ended up doing laundry and drinking a cape cod made from some smooth vodka he’d been sent as a thank you from a car company for whom he’d recorded some voice over tracks for their commercials. He was about to make a second when his phone rang. “Mr. Bishop? It’s Dingo, sir.” Daniel said, sounding almost as panicked as he had the night before. “I told you to call me Paul, Daniel. What’s the problem?” Paul said, anticipating something terrible had befallen his laptop or camera. “It’s our schedule Paul, one of the actors had to run out of town for the holiday and didn’t call to tell us until about 10 minutes ago.” Daniel’s speech was getting faster as he went on. “We have sent out texts and calls to all the guys who could play him, even called a few women thinking we could make him a girl, but everyone who we can find has already been in the movie as somebody.” “Which part is it?” Paul said, wondering who they could possibly need to film that could be either sex. “A professor who interviews Bashir, our main character,” Daniel explained, “in a pivotal scene which shows the audience the point of Bashir’s behavior. He also has a few more shots in the” “I read the script,” Paul cut him off. “The Professor is crucial to your plot, can’t one of your parents play him?” “You read it? Really? What did you think?” Daniel suddenly switched gears, totally awed that Paul had taken the time to read the script. “Yes, really, and it was very well put together, but stay focused Daniel, what about a parent?” Paul smiled as he said this, enjoying the boy’s idolatry of him, but trying to stay on task. “Right, parents, no. All of our parents have been in it as teachers and neighbors and waiters and stuff and they all have little lines. We tried calling Mr. Carson, but he told us he won’t be back from visiting his Mom till Monday night or Tuesday. The guy who was playing it was a friend of my Aunt’s from her Improv troupe, but he only did it cause we were gonna pay him $100 for the afternoon of filming.” “$100 for a student film? This guy was ripping you off!” Paul got angry about the sleazy improve guy, but also over reacted a little since he had hoped Dick would be back before then so they could spend a day screwing. “Tell you what, gimme 30 minutes and I’ll provide a person to fill the role, ok?” “Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Bish-, I mean Paul,” Daniel answered sounding like a kid hearing he gets to go to Disney world. “Just tell whoever it is to bring a suit coat and button up shirt if he can and we’ll provide everything he needs.” “Will do,” Paul smirked, forming a plan. “No guarantees on his acting abilities though.” “No problem, any one will do,” Daniel responded, obviously splitting his focus between the call and the film crew so they’d be ready. “We can edit his scene to no lines if we have to. See you soon.” Paul pulled into the parking lot of the office 25 minutes later. He walked in, carrying a garment bag over one shoulder, running the lines in his head after memorizing them on the fly. He got off the elevator at the 9th floor as the text directed him to, and saw the high schoolers bustling around an open office door just down the hall. “Where do you want me?” Paul startled them with his question. “Anywhere you want to watch, Paul,” Daniel said, crossing to shake his hand again. “Where is the guy?” “You’re looking at him,” Paul responded, watching as each of their faces turned from shocked to ecstatic. “No shit?!?!” Justin shouted out, pushing past Daniel to Paul. “Justin!” One of the girls screamed. “Don’t say shit in front of Paul Bishop!” Paul laughed and told him not to worry about it, asking where he should get changed. Daniel directed him down the hall, giving his teammates a dirty look before showing Paul a private washroom where he could change and put on makeup. “Sorry, they’ve been super stressed since we found out all the work we have to re-do.” Daniel continued talking, sitting on an arm chair in the bathroom, showing no plans to give Paul any privacy while he got ready. “It is a huge relief knowing you’ll be doing the final scene for us Paul. If the others had known I bet they’d have stuck around to help.” “I noticed it was down to the five of you on the team, what happened to the volunteers basketball guys and Steve’s dad and Aunt?” Paul asked nonchalantly, while stripping off his shirt and shoes. “They were tired of waiting around,” Daniel turned his eyes down to avoid glaring at Paul, but occasionally snuck peeks at Paul’s tight physique. “so we figured we could finish things here and at the Professor’s house, since the scenes only feature two people, and I sent them home,” “Smart move,” Paul paused to talk just as he’d finished sliding the shirt over his bare shoulders, before unbuckling and pushing down his jeans, leaving him in white designer briefs. “You want to tell me how we will be shooting the scene?” “What? Oh yeah, sure.” The high school boy’s eye were no longer discreet as they worked over Paul’s buff legs, full package and up his cut abs. He reviewed the shooting plan, including which angles would be shot and with what lenses and angles, while Paul finally pulled on some slacks, buttoned and tucked in his light green oxford, and pulled on his grey silk suit coat. At that point, Daniel got one of the girls to come in and do Paul’s makeup(which turned into Paul giving her a lesson in proper application), while Justin ran the lines. Two hours and a dozen takes later, they’d shot the scene from 5 angles, some close up, some two-fers, and even some impressive shots from above and out the window. Overall, they all felt they’d learned a lot from Paul’s expertise, and Paul was impressed with their creativity and willingness to learn. They completed with some random footage of Paul locking up the office and going to his car (which was actually a very nice Jag owned by one of the girl’s grandfathers). From there they drove the jag onto a trailer attached to the back of Steve’s Father’s truck, which had a tripod secured in the bed to film the car’s drive to the ’professor’s house.’ Paul was amazed they had thought of something so elaborate, and was really wowed when they explained that they’d simultaneously be filming from a cell cam in a following car for the creepy footage. They drove about 45 minutes to the house, getting plenty of footage, while Paul “drove” the jag with Daniel hidden in the backseat, communicating by cell with the other two vehicles. He felt bad that the 6’10” guy had to spend the 25 minutes bent in half, but didn’t mind once he adjusted the rear view to see Daniel’s ass. At the house, they pulled the Jag off the trailer, did two shots of Paul pulling it into the drive. The final shots were all done with the cell cam, to reinforce the idea they were shot by “Bashir,” and involved nothing more than one long continuous shot of Paul walking in the house, kissing one of the girls (who wore a wig), waiting for her to leave the room, pulling out a bottle, taking a swig, pouring some into a can of coke, and sitting on the couch and drinking. Paul liked this kind of filming since it let him sit and drink over and over, especially when he found out the bottle was a real bottle of Johnny Walker Black. When they finished, and the girls ran out the door to make it back to town to meet some friends, Paul was feeling the liquor enough to make him give each one a huge hug before they left. Daniel asked Paul to watch the footage they’d shot, while he, Steve and Justin went out and took apart the set up in the truck before it got too dark. Everything he saw impressed him, some of it so much, that he pointed out specific shots to the boys when they got back in. When he finished discussing it with them, he realized it had been almost 80 minutes since they’d shot the final scene. Paul, slowly sobering, knew the boys still needed to film some of the party scenes, so he decided to get out of their hair, until he realized his street clothes, cell phone, and wallet were locked in his car, 45 away at the office building. As they set up for the party, he pointed out his situation and asked to borrow a phone to call a cab. “Oh crap Paul,” Daniel said, stepping in to apologize. “I totally forgot you didn’t drive here. Give me one second to tell the guys where to set up, and I’ll drive you back myself.” “Don’t stop working to do that,” Paul stopped him. “You guys are so close to being done, just finish the filming and I’ll catch a cab.” “A cab would take at least half an hour to get here,” Steve interjected, setting up some lights on the deck by the Jacuzzi. “and it will cost a fortune to drive you back to the office.” “Yeah, plus Rick is on his way with the party supplies,” Justin added, tossing empty solo cups into the Jacuzzi and around the deck. “He’d be happy to drive you back into town.” “Rick?” Paul asked, turning to Daniel, worried about having a strange guy acting as his chauffer, leading any number of outcomes, from benign annoying celebrity worship to crazy stalker kidnapping. “Steve’s brother who’s in town from college for the long weekend,” Daniel explained while setting up the tripod. “He has some stuff he is dropping off here for us, and agreed to stay here tonight and tomorrow night so we can stay and work without our parents around to interrupt. If you’d rather not catch a ride from some guy you’ve never met, you can take my truck and Rick can drive me down tomorrow to pick it up.” “I think I’ll wait to meet Rick,” Paul said, leaning in to Daniel. “But I might take you up on that if he’s nuts.” They laughed and Paul shed his jacked and went to the powder room to wash off his makeup. When he re-emerged, the guys were filming a party scene which looked pathetic since only Steve and Justin were in the shot. Paul stepped in, insisting Daniel join them, and then using lots of trick angles and close ups to make it look like more people. After a few short bits, Paul sniffed a cup that one of the guys had been drinking from, and recognized the smell of the Johnny Walker. “You guys really drinking?” Paul asked, stopping the boys in their tracks. They all began stuttering a response when Paul laughed. “It’s cool guys, just be careful and don’t ever tell anyone I was here when you did, okay?” The guys agreed, and they filmed a few more takes of “bashir” forcing “the son” to take shots or encouraging him to smoke some weed. They paused when the doorbell rang and Daniel went inside to show Rick to the back deck. “…traffic getting’ up her was murder Dingo,” Rick sauntered out in front of Daniel. “Took me a fuckin’ hour and 15 to get here bro. You guys start the party without me?” He laughed and turned to meet Paul’s gaze, which made his eyes grow HUGE. “Holy shit, you’re…you’re…fuck! You’re that dude from that show man!” Rick grabbed Paul’s hand and pulled him in for a bro hug, not letting go. “Fuckin’ a, these shitheads told me they had a famous teacher but you’re for real!” “Thanks man,” Paul said as he pushed Rick off, as nicely as he could. “Steve says you’re his brother Rick, right?” “Yeah man, shit!” Rick continued freakin out a little, before turning to his brother and the other two guys. “You didn’t tell me you invited Hollywood elite, or I’d have brought more shit!.” “His name is Paul Bishop, Rick,” Daniel said, trying to get Rick to calm down. “He’s been helping us finish this one thing then he’s gonna head back to town in my truck.” “Aw seriously Dingo?” Rick looked crestfallen. “You gotta stay for some a drink and smoke, Mr. Bishop.” He pulled his backpack off and brought out a pipe already loaded with weed. The boys all looked horrified, which made Paul laugh since he had no intention of stopping their fun on a holiday weekend. “I’m so sorry Paul,” Daniel quickly pushed past Rick while Steve stepped up to take the pipe and stuff it back in Rick’s bag. “No big deal guys,” Paul smiled. “In fact I would be down to smoke some before I go.” “See he’s cool,” Rick said, pulling the pipe back out and lighting it up. He took a huge hit and coughed as it came out. In a show of good faith, with one eye on the camera to be sure it was off, Paul took the pipe from him and took a hit himself, controlling it so no coughing occurred. “Gangsta!” Rick proclaimed, slapping Paul’s hand and bumping his fist while Paul passed the pipe to the others. “Lets get in the fuckin cuzzi and finish this bowl.” With that, he ditched his coat, and cap revealing a closely trimmed head of honey colored hair, around his handsome very defined bone structure. Off came the shirt, showing his ripped, though skinny chest, covered in a well groomed layer of hair, and a tattoo across his right arm of some cheesy barb wire design. Suddenly he tore down his board shorts, leaving him in some grey cotton boxer briefs, which Paul purposefully didn’t check out while Rick hopped in the water. “We still have to film some more drinking and smoking shots,” Daniel objected, when Justin and Steven began to follow suit. “Let’s film it in the Jacuzzi,” Justin shot back, stripping off his button down short sleeved shirt and undershirt to reveal a trim but undefined chest with a dusting of dark black hair leading from his belly button to his waistband. His skin was somewhere between olive and brown, leaving Paul to guess that he was of Mediterranean descent. His black slacks came down revealing dark green boxers and hairy legs. “It makes more sense that way when there are less people in the shot.” “Plus it’s fucking hot out here,” Steve argued as his polo came up over his head full of curls the same color as his brother’s. His chest was slightly thicker than rick’s but he was also defined and covered in hair, but it was less groomed and more wild, with some curl across his upper chest. His khakis hit the deck, providing a clear view of his white boxer-briefs. “You want to join us, Paul?” Daniel’s eyes turned to look at Paul, and Paul tried to gauge whether they were asking for permission to do it or permission to stop it. Unable to decide, Paul began unbuttoning his shirt and toeing off his black loafers. Daniel sighed and pulled off his ball cap, before peeling away his polo, then his white wifebeater. Paul pretended to be looking at the buttons on his shirt while check out Daniel’s tall, slim, smooth buff body. Most guys that tall are so skinny it looks painful, but Daniel obviously worked like made to have thick arms and pecs. They were still developing, but Daniel was not ashamed of them. Paul decided to be brave, and shucked his slacks, showing off his perfectly fitted white briefs, before stepping into the hot tub. All eyes fell on Daniel who loosened the belt on his jeans, sliding them down his slim but manly hairless legs. He was wearing some basketball shorts, with a slight waistband of some sort of undies peeking out above them, but he got in wearing both, to Paul’s disappointment. They passed the pipe and drank beer and whiskey while Rick admired and commented on how ripped and toned Paul was, which led to Paul describing his workout routine to them. After the second bowl was finished and they’d filmed plenty of shots of each of them drinking and smoking, Paul hopped out to put the camera far enough away to keep it from getting wet. “Damn Paul, what do you do to get your ass like that bro,” Rick said, digging through his bag for something. “Cause that shit is as round as any bitch I’ve ever seen.” The guys all laughed, and Paul hopped back in, ignoring the question. Without provocation or permission, Justin reached over and ran his hand down Paul’s abs, telling them all they had to try it. Paul was surprised when Daniel was next, letting his hand go from the nipple down to the waist of the white briefs. “That’s television abs, but feel the real deal,” Daniel flexed his stomach, and Paul and the others all took their turn. Somehow they ended up each feeling everyone else from tit to treasure trail, before Rick finally focused, reached back in his bag and pulled out a funny looking pipe and a baggie Paul figured must have been coke. “Who’s down to kick this shit up a notch,” Rick said, smiling and shaking the baggie. “You game tv star? Or too chicken shit?” “Not chicken shit, but not into coke bro,” Paul responded, “but I won’t judge if anyone else wants to.” “It’s not coke, tv.” Rick pointed to the pipe, “this is crystal. But whatever, more for me and my bros. Who wants to get spun with me?” The guys all looked at him silently. “Make up your minds,” Rick stood and stepped out of the tub, revealing the outline of a semi hard lump snaking down his right thigh to a thick head in his wet, darker undies. “but I’m loading this over on the deck lounges if anyone is up for it.” As he walked over, Paul turned to the boys expecting them to stay put. He was unprepared for Daniel to shout “wait up,” and go to follow. The other two rose to join, and Paul gave in. He was grateful for all the booze and pot, because his dick would have been hard as a rock otherwise. As it turns out, he had nothing to hide, since Justin’s boxer’s tented impressively and Steve’s white boxer briefs became see through, showing his almost fully hard 7 inch cut duck tucked across his right thigh. Daniel’s short effectively obscured anything going on his groin, but Paul figured he was probably in a similar predicament as his two hs buds. When they sat around an unlit firepit, Daniel flipped the switch, turning it on, and then pulled the extension cord on the lights they’d used to light the filming, leaving them with only some inside lights bleeding through the glass doors and the fire light. Steve sat next to Rick on the porch swing, with Justin on a lounge chair next to them, so Paul took a seat next to Daniel on the other lounge he’d turned sideways so they could both face the fire. Daniel seemed even bigger when they were almost naked and sitting in low light, making Paul feel as though he couldn’t speak without leaning all the way into the center over the pit for the others to hear and see him. Rick had poured a good size pile of little crystals into the clear glass in his hand, and lit it before inhaling, waiting for the rocks to melt. When he finally had them smoking, he inhaled long and deep, and told Steve to open his mouth, kissing his brother and shotgunning the smoke into his lungs. “Jesus,” Justin said shouting but at half the volume. “Nice tongue action, fags.” “Fuck you lesbo,” Steve said, punching Justin’s bicep. His voice also low, as if dimming the lights lowered the volume as well. “It saves smoke, haven’t you ever shot gunned before?” Justin shook his head, so Steve lit the pipe and motioned for Justin to do the same thing he’d done. Their shotgun had much less contact, proving Rick and Steve had more experience doing it and didn’t mind sharing a little spit if it meant a bigger hit. Justin took a hit, which Steve had to light for him, and coughed before he could turn to either Steve or Daniel with a shotgun, blowing out stiff clouds of white smoke. He handed Daniel the pipe, and Daniel hit it like a pro, no need to have Rick or Steve show him how. He didn’t offer to shotgun Justin or Paul, instead blowing a steady white stream straight across the fire to Steve’s place on the swing. He handed Paul the pipe, who handed it to Rick without taking a hit. “Come on Paul,” Daniel said, breaking the smoke silence. “Let us get you high. It’s the least we can do after all the ways you saved our asses today.” “Thanks but you gotta remember how many people watch me like a hawk,” Paul put up his hands as Rick tried to pass it back to him. “If you guys try this shit, you only have to hide it from your parents. If I try it, I have to hide it from the world.” “No one here is gonna tell anyone,” Daniel said, grabing the pipe from Rick and taking the lighter to the round end. “We could all lose our futures at college, not to mention go to jail, if we did. Just do it tonight.” Before Paul could refuse again, Daniel put the stem to Paul’s lips and told him to inhale. As if he was a dog, he did it without thought, inhaling until his lungs were so full he thought he’d burst, when Daniel moved the pipe away and told him to exhale, placing his full pink lips just a hair from Paul’s. Paul shot gunned into Daniel’s mouth, desperate to follow the smoke with his tongue, but holding back instead to pull back and watch as Daniel repeated the exhale with a load as big as the one he’d taken first hand. “Fucking epic man,” Rick added, taking a huge hit and then turning and shot-gunning it into Paul’s mouth, but making full contact with their lips. After that they kept the circle going, sometimes shot-gunning, sometimes not. Paul lost track of how many hits he took, and began aching for the pipe to be back in his mouth. They decided to return to the hot tub after Rick loaded the pipe for the third time. When they stood to walk over, Daniel, Steve and Justin started a tweaker conversation about the film, but Rick grabbed Paul and held him back to keep smoking. They took some hits and Paul asked Rick what got him into Crystal. “Tina is the preferred name,” Rick said, lighting another rock in the bowl. “I started about a year ago after I joined this frat at school. Some of the guys sold it on the side to make some dough, so I tried it out. That’s how I ended up fucking around with dudes too.” Paul coughed. “*coughcough* you *cough*…you’re gay?” “Nah bro,” Rick said taking another hit. “I just fuck around with guys sometimes when I get spun. Gay dudes get the best shit. Steve knows I suck dick sometimes or cornhole the occasional fag to get some good shit. I had to ride this huge ass cock last week to get my hands on this stuff, but my bro doesn’t know I’ve done that, ok man?” Paul Nodded, and took another big hit, shot gunning with Rick, and letting Rick kiss him a little after. “He also don’t know I let his drama teacher, Mr. Carson, use my holes sometimes. That dude fucks like it’s his job, and gets the best shit I’ve ever smoked.” Rick was openly stroking his cock through his wet boxer-briefs when he wasn’t smoking, and Paul could feel his own hard cock expanding inside his white briefs. He couldn’t tell if he was hardening from watching the 20-yr-old next to him or because his regular fuck buddy was a perverted tweaking top who traded drugs for straight ass. “Damn Rick, aren’t you freaked someone will find out?” Paul said pulling back from a shotgun that had gone from smoke to making out. “Sometimes, so I always make sure the dudes I play with have as much to lose or more than I do. Plus I’ve gotten used to taking big cocks when I party, and I am not sure I wanna give it up. Speaking of which, once the jailbait goes inside to edit their film, I’d trade my left nut to have your big ass dick in my hole in the Jacuzzi.” Paul jumped a little as Rick began stroking his cock through his white briefs. It took no time at all for Paul to double check they couldn’t be seen from the hot tub, before he returned the favor, reaching into the grey boxer brief pouch to stroke Rick’s 7 cut inches. Rick moaned softly, reaching his other hand around and under the waistband to grope Paul’s cheeks, with the rare swipe of a finger in between to tease his hole. Paul grunted each time the finger made contact, and Rick smiled, working Paul’s briefs down below his stiff, dripping hard 8 inches, and under his bubble butt. Paul returned the favor and moved both hands around to finger Rick in earnest. Rick let Paul slide his finger all the way in, but took the hint to only tease the outer ring when he tried to reciprocate and Paul’s cheeks squeezed shut. So on they went before Paul went for another hit and Rick pulled his hands away and reached to the bag of tina on the swing. “You wanna get really high and fuck like nothing you’ve ever tried,” Rick whispered, opening the baggie and fishing out two larger crystals. “Just slide this up your ass and wait for it to melt. It’s called a booty bump.” Paul watched with anticipation as Rick returned his finger to Paul’s rear, this time pushing the shard of tina past the sphincter and deep inside on the first shove. Paul whimpered, but willed himself to stay put. Rick handed him a shard of equal size and Paul repeated the action, only getting a moan of pleasure from Rick. Once they were sure the crystals were in place they went back to stroking one another and smoking the bowls. After about five more minutes, Paul forgot to stroke the dick and instead began rubbing Rick’s chest and ass between hits. This led to the two of them sinking back onto the swing and feeling each other all over and making out. They started to get in position for Rick to lay back and get fucked, when they heard a splash of people getting out of the water, and hurried to get their underwear back on all the way before Steve rounded the corner. “Stop boring Paul with stories of your glory days in the high school musicals,” Steve told his brother. “and come share the goods with the group.” Rick and Paul got up to head back, and Paul was pleasantly surprised to find his cock had gone soft, as had Rick’s. He remarked on it and Rick told him Tina sometimes did that, but not to worry, it would get hard later when it needed to. They went back to the Jacuzzi and hopped in, Rick loading a new bowl and passing it around. He also provided a bottle of ghb that each of them took a small amount of. For a while they just sat in the hot tub and chatted about the film before somebody questioned why Daniel didn’t just play the professor, since he hadn’t acted in the film at all. “You know Dingo can’t be on screen man,” Steve said after a big hit. “We don’t have a wide-angle lens.” This got laughter from Justin and Rick, and a confused look from Paul. “You know why he’s called Dingo, right tv star?” Rick said, shot gunning with Paul, before Paul shook his head yes. “Not the bullshit basketball reason, but the real reason?” “It’s cause he’s got a Dingo in his shorts and that thing will drag you in and devour you whole if you get it angry!” Steve interrupted, and He, Justin and Rick all erupted in even louder laughs, which Paul couldn’t help but join in on. Daniel was even chuckling. “You gotta see it Paul,” Justin said, “go on and whip it out for Paul, Dingo.” “Nah man, no one wants to see that shit,” Daniel scoffed and splashed Justin. “I do,” Rick volunteered. “I’ve been hearing about this shit for years and you never prove it. I bet he’s got an apple dick, you know, big dick, no stem.” This got a laugh from all of us, which didn’t last long. “Oh yeah bitch?” Daniel stood up and pulled down his shorts revealing a pair of Joe boxer bikini briefs with a bulge running half way down his extra long thigh. “Meet the dingo!’ With that, he pulled the side of the bikini’s away and out sprung a good nine inch uncut pink cock, that even soft was as thick as a can of soup. The entire group went quiet, while Daniel smiled, lifted it up, smacked Rick across the cheek and lips, tucked it back in and sat down. The laughter that followed made each of the almost hyperventilate, and when they’d calmed down, it was decided they’d better go inside. Rick stopped Paul again, and they each took another, bigger slug off the bottle of g before following the teens. Once they were out of the pool, Daniel tossed towels to each of them and directed Steve, Rick and Justin to use the downstairs showers while he showed Paul to the master bath and used the other upstairs shower himself. Paul was incredibly frustrated that he wasn’t going to get to use Rick’s hole yet, but he consoled himself by stripping nude and climbing into the hot steam shower, sitting down on the stone bench, and jerking himself to hardness, while working a finger in his tight ass. Frustratingly, he found his dick didn’t want to get all the way hard, his head was spinning from the ghb and his butt was hungry for more than just his finger. Hoping out of the shower, Paul toweled off and swerved into the attached Master bedroom, going through drawers and closets before discovering a black dildo about 8 inches long and pretty wide. He ran back to the bathroom, poured oil over it and moved onto the bed. Stroking his stiffening cock, he lowered his hole over the wide dick but couldn’t get his hole to open enough to take it. He cursed slightly, imagining Dick Carson named below him and tried again, still with no luck. He added more oil, and tried a third time, just as Daniel burst in with a pair of shorts for Paul to wear. The shock caused Paul to lose his balance and fall, impaling himself on the first four inches of cock, causing him to scream. Daniel began to apologize, but instead of leaving, he turned around, locked the bedroom door and walked over to wear Paul had fallen back on the bed and was groaning. “I prayed for your ass Mr. Bishop.” Daniel said before grabbing Paul’s legs and folding them back over his torso till his knees hit the bedspread next to his ears. “AAAAhhhh, dammit Daniel, that hurt, what are you doing?” Paul whimpered, trying to move away but with no leverage to go anywhere. “I’m gonna help get this thing out, so don’t move sir.” Daniel put his body over Paul’s holding his legs back, freeing his hands to take the oil from next to them on the bed, and reach down to start pulling out the big black dildo. Paul started to scream again so Daniel covered his mouth with his own, forcing his lips to meet and meld with Paul’s. “There now it’s almost…OUT!” The head popped out and for a moment Paul floated between consciousness and passing out. When his senses returned he looked down to the space between his legs and Daniel’s impossibly long torso to view the same monstrous cock he’d seen in the hot tub, now four inches longer, red as the devil and pulsing with each heart beat. “Oh God,” Paul cried, sure that he would die if Daniel fucked him with that beast. “You can’t do this to me Daniel. You’ll kill me. Please I’m not gay and I’ve never been fucked.” “Mr. Bishop, right now I don’t care.” Daniel moved his crotch forward until the dick head smeared the oil against the hole. “I’ve never been inside anyone before. Not a mouth, not a pussy, nothing. So tonight you’re taking all of me, and I’m sorry. Try to relax, they say it makes it easier.” The next thing Paul felt was the thick cock of a high school boy as the head worked past his sphincter and inched up and up until it reached the second barrier. With a grunt and a thrust, Daniel pushed past that one too, causing Paul to pass out. That relaxed his hole just a little more allowing Daniel to continue until almost all of daniel’s cock was inside Paul’s butt. Just as he felt his big balls and light layer of blonde pubes rub against Paul’s ass, someone knocked on the door. “Hey Paul, you in there man?” Rick called from the hallway. “He’s still in the bathroom Rick,” Daniel called out. “We’re just discussing the film. How about going down to the family room and turning on some music or something till we are ready to join you dudes?” “Sounds good man,” Rick said, heading to the stairs. Daniel looked down to see Paul coming to below him, making his anal cavity start to twitch and tighten. Paul opened his eyes just as the loud music began to float up to them on the bed. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Bishop.” Daniel repeated one last time before slowly removing his cock all the way except for the head and then pushing it back in. At first it was as if Paul was being pulled apart and pushed into a tiny ball at the same time, pain overloading his nerves until he could no longer struggle. Once he gave in, he began experiencing something like the start of an orgasm, but not just in his cock, but everywhere in his groin and ass. Two minutes and some faster thrusts and the orgasm was building. Two more minutes and Paul was throwing his head back as ass-gasm after ass-gasm racked his toned, perfect form. It took less than ten minutes before Daniel lost all control, made half a dozen powerful fucks and realized what was happening. “Sorry Mr. Bishop, but I can’t hold it, I gotta shoot. I gotta shoot. I’m…I’M…FUCK!” The cum rocketed so hard out of Daniel’s dick that, combined with the pulsing of his shaft against Paul’s prostate, and the teen abs rubbing his dick, Paul had a real orgasm and sprayed them both, all over. It seemed to take hours and be done in seconds at the same time, but neither pulled apart when it was finished. They kissed and Daniel released Paul’s hands, which let Paul feeling the body above his. He was still spinning from the tina and G, but managed one coherent word. “More.” Paul whispered before grasping Daniel’s butt cheeks and pulling his hips against him. Daniel obliged, taking 15 minutes the second time, and enjoying the extra lube his first load offered him. Paul was overwhelmed and passed out when Daniel had orgasm number two. So Daniel pulled a blanket over Paul’s well-used, chiseled body, shining from pools of cum in the dim light from the bathroom. Daniel got off the bed, put on his shorts and went downstairs to join his pals. When Paul awoke in the dark room, he felt the tongue pressing against his hole, and happily discovered it had retightened. He wanted to reach for Daniel and pull him back up to fuck him some more, but something had his hands pinned. He moved against the restraints, realizing they were hands. “Shit, he’s waking up,” Rick whispered from behind his head. “If you wanna lose that cherry bro, you better put it in now.” Paul panicked as Steven popped into the beam of light provided by the bathroom, and winced as he felt the boy ram in all seven thick cut inches at once. His hole may have had some lube from Daniel’s cum, and was stretched by it as well, but it was still new to this experience and fought and grasped the dick at each opportunity. He felt something burning along the dick, and realized it burned the same way when he’d had a booty bump before on the deck. Steven didn’t use any of the gentle thrusts Daniel had used, instead he was full throttle from the start. It only took five minutes before he added his load to Paul’s ass, but it felt like an eternity to Paul who was now much more aware and knew that his mouth was stuffed full of something to keep him quiet. Steven sweat and huffed and he pulled away, replaced by Justin almost before Paul could take a breath. Just had a shorter dick, around 6 inches, also cut, but it was as thick as Daniel’s. He power fucked Paul just as Steven did, but he’d go all the way in and out each time, making Paul scream into his gag everytime the thick brown head of his dick slammed back into the asshole. Luckily Justin was the fastest yet, breeding Paul after three minutes. When he finished, he slapped Paul and laughed. Paul had very little fight left, which worked out well for Rick. Rick had his brother come hold Paul’s hands while he used his 7 and a half inch cut cock to make love to Paul’s hole. Paul began to enjoy the fuck so much that his cock got hard again. “Get your mouth on his dick little bro,” Rick ordered, grabbing his brother’s curls and forcing his head down to Paul’s cock. “Ew, no way Ricky,” Steve fought and pulled as much as he could while his brother held him by his hair. “that shit if for faggots.” “You want me to show Mom and Dad the pictures of you getting sucked by that boy from your film class? Then you suck his dick and swallow his cum.” Rick’s blackmail did the trick, and Paul’s cock grew in the boy’s mouth. Some thrusts from behind and a little tongue and Paul began shooting down the boy’s throat. Rick followed right behind him, pumping load four into Paul before collapsing on his brother’s head and making his bro lick his cock clean. They argued about something as they left the room, Justin snickering and following after our into the dim hallway. A sound came from the opposite corner and Paul focused enough to lift his head. He could just make out a form in a chair, holding something with a blinking red light. As the form stood up, Paul could see it had to be Daniel based on the height and frame. As Daniel stepped into the light from the bathroom, the thing in his hand was revealed as a camera. “Sorry to do this, but it is my insurance that you won’t tell anyone what we did once you leave.” Daniel explained as he set the camera on the dresser by the bed. “I didn’t mean to force myself on you like that, but I to have that ass, you understand?” “You can’t keep that tape, you have to destroy it,” Paul sat up, and felt woozy still. They must have given him more ghb as well as the booty bumps. “I can’t Paul. It’s my insurance.” Daniel lit the pipe and put it to Paul’s lips. As upset as he was, he was desperate for the high like before, so he took a giant hit, and didn’t fight Daniel as he kissed him and sucked down the smoke too. “Not just insurance that you won’t tell, but insurance that I will get to do it again.” Paul heard the last part too late, as Daniel pushed him back, turned him onto his stomach and pinned his hands before inserting his cock once more. Paul screamed and screwed his eyes shut for the first few thrusts, opening them to find Rick holding the pipe for him to smoke. As Daniel took his time and raped Paul in every position he could, Rick kept Paul busy with either the pipe or his dick in Paul’s mouth. When the sun started to peek in through the curtains, Daniel had shot twice more inside his ass, and Rick had cum once in his mouth and once all over his face, all on camera. Paul tried to think of a way out of this without ruining his career or destroying his reputation, but kept coming up empty handed and asking for more tina. Coming soon Chapter 3: Dick Carson returns, The films are screened, Paul goes back to Hollywood
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  38. I leave it up to my top to decide as he is the one in control but if I had a preference it would usually be hard and fast and pounded deep into my hole. It's nice to be made love to and enjoy him slowly seeding my ass but it's much hotter to be man handled, pounded and bred like a slut.
    1 point
  39. I am a total bottom have a 0g PA working up to a 00g maybe bigger. Makes my cock pretty useless.
    1 point
  40. Another part of the story. NOT MINE. Enjoy. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 3) “OK boys, Tyler has your work assignments for the night. Remember, cash up front and we know how much you will be getting for each of your John’s.” The boys left the room leaving Kyle on his knees in front of Rickey. “We need to get you ready for the party tomorrow night. Your ass will bring a nice price with you being fresh meat.” Tyler came up stairs after giving the working boys their assignments for the night. They then took Kyle into one of the bedroom that they used as their party room. This room was well equipped with a couple slings and a fuck bench. Along one wall were a number of dildos of various shapes and sizes and an assortment of butt plugs. The opposite wall had ropes, chains and other restraints some of which Kyle had never seen before. There were a couple of flat panel TV’s hanging in two of the corner’s of the room playing bareback porn. They put Kyle in the sling and placed his wrists and ankles in restraints. He had a perfect view of the TV’s from where he lay. Rickey told him, “You’ll spend the rest of the night here watching porn. The hunger to be fucked will grow in side you all night until you beg to be fucked. Then you will be left here long after that point to think about your purpose here and how you will serve us.” Kyle was given a small slam. Kyle felt a hunger and a need to be fucked at any end. All he knew was that he needed cock in side him as he watches the porn on the screen. He noticed that the guys getting fucked in the porn looked familiar. Then he recognized them as Jim, Bob and David. Every hour either Rickey or Tyler came into the room and gave Kyle some G laced water to drink and a small slam to keep the hunger of being fucked within him. After almost 6 hours of mini-slams and G Kyle was begging to be fucked. When the roommates came in to give Kyle his next “dose” they knew he was almost theirs. They ignored him as he drank down the water and took his slam without protest. After the roommates left the teen Rickey commented, “It won’t be long until he is hooked on meth.” Tyler added, “Yeah, and raw cock and cum.” The roommate continued to give Kyle the same doses over the entire night and as daylight began to fill the apartment they entered the room to find a docile boy ready to submit. Kyle pleaded, “Please, I need to be fucked. I can’t take it any more. I need cock in me. I need to suck cock.” Rickey asked, “Kyle are you ready to go to work for us?” Kyle didn’t even hesitate, “Yes sir, I will work for you as long as I get fucked right now.” Tyler said, “Very well then.” Rickey pulled a very large dildo off the wall, “If you can take this down to the base we will let you out of the sling to rest up for tonight’s festivities.” The dildo was a horse cock dildo, 13” long and 8” around. “Please give it to me.” Rickey and Tyler began to apply generous amounts of Crisco to the dildo and Kyle’s ass. Tyler commented on how loose Kyle’s hole felt and that this might not be much of a challenge. The tip slipped in easily, but then they had some resistance as the dildo began to slide in side Kyle’s hole. Rickey and Tyler were experienced enough to manage this resistance and put a bottle of poppers beneath Kyle’s nose telling him to breath in deep. As the poppers took effect the resistance faded and before they knew it, half of it was in side the teen. Now they had the internal ring to negotiate. Again they gave Kyle the poppers as the dildo was turned and wiggled past the internal ring. It took some doing but it finally “popped” through and after a good 45 minutes of work the dildo was down to the base. The roommates fucked the teen with this dildo for a good 10 minutes insuring that his in sides were opening up. Rickey praised his new working boy, “Very good Kyle. Now you’re ready for a fist.” In his drugged up hazed he was a little perplexed. He thought to himself, ‘A fist? Why the hell would anyone want a fist put into their ass?’ Before he knew what was happening the dildo was quickly pulled from his hole. He felt so empty, still having a need to be filled. Tyler began to finger Kyle’s loose and sloppy hole. And before Kyle knew what was going on, he had Tyler’s fist inside his rectum. He felt full again, but he had no clue as to how full he’d get as Tyler began to work his fist deeper in side his hole. Kyle had no view to see what was going on until he realized that the activities were on the TV screen above them. He watched with disbelief as Tyler’s forearm sunk into him down to the elbow. Rickey let Kyle know, “We’ve always needed a special boy for some of our special clients. I think you will work out well.” Kyle leaned his head back and enjoyed the fisting he was getting. Then Tyler pulled his fist from Kyle’s hole and his restraints were untied from the chains. They took Kyle to an open space on the floor and attached his ankles and wrists together. His ankles were attached to the floor and his wrists were attached to a rope suspended from a beam over head. His arms were stretched up over his head. What Kyle didn’t know was that as Tyler fisted him he also administered a generous booty bump that would make his ass even more hungry for cock. Rickey then asked, “How badly do you want to be fucked?” “Please, I need to be fucked.” “What will you do to get cock in you boy?” “I’ll do any thing you want me to do, please fuck me!” “Gag him Ty.” Tyler placed a ball gag in Kyle’s mouth as Rickey pulled a paddle off the wall. He then began to smack Kyle in the ass over and over again as he hung there. “Remember boy, you said you would do anything, and this is what we need a boy who we can pimp out to out leather clientele.” Kyle took a good smacking for nearly 15 minutes. He wasn’t able to stand up as he was hanging by his wrists. After a few more minute of smacking his ass, they knew Kyle had had enough. They lowered him down and moved him over to the fuck bench where they each fucked another load into his well stretched ass. Tyler said, “Let’s go boy, we need to get you cleaned up and let you rest up before tonight’s events” as they led Kyle to the shower up stairs. It wasn’t a regular tub style shower. It looked more like the kind you’d find in a looker room with a couple shower heads along one wall. Rickey told Kyle to get on his knees and open his mouth. He then placed his soft dick in Kyle’s mouth. Kyle thought he was going to suck Rickey’s cock when Rickey told him, “Don’t think about sucking my cock. I am going to give you something to drink.” Rickey then began to piss into Kyle’s open mouth, “Do the best you can to swallow as much of my piss. It is an honor to get to drink a guy’s piss.” Kyle did his best, although some spilled out of his mouth, he drank most of it down. Then Tyler stepped up and placed his soft cock in Kyle’s mouth and gave him his piss. Kyle did better with Tyler’s piss then he did with Rickey’s. “Hey Rick, he’s a fast learner.” “He sure is. Now let’s get him cleaned up and fed so he can rest up for tonight.” They then had Kyle shower off and helped him with a shower shot to douche out his stretched out hole. They then gave escorted him down stairs and fed him. Kyle was still horny, but as least he as fed and cleaned up. They all sat down in the living room to watch some TV. As the T and G in Kyle system wore off he fell asleep and slept all afternoon. When he woke it was starting to get dark out. The working boy’s were back and they nudged Kyle to get up and ready for the guests. The 4 hustlers headed up stairs. They all stripped down and went into the play room where Rickey and Tyler were waiting. Each one was given a couple pills, one was am ecstasy and there were a couple Cialis to keep the boys rock hard and horny for the guests. Then each boy was given his slam to start the night off. Jim, Bob and David wondered off to different parts of the room to wait. After Kyle got his slam he was helped into the sling and given some extra Cialis. The roommates told the boys that Kyle was to be in the sling all night. Anyone one wanting to seed his ass had to pay extra since he was new to the crew. As the night went on Kyle took loads from all the gusts. He was fucked by old, fat trolls, young hotties, big dick black guys, harry Latinos. All in all he took at least a load from every customer there. It’s know known how many of the guys there were poz or neg all he knew was that he was getting what he wanted, cock and cum in his ass. In his drugged up haze Kyle knew he found his place as a male prostitute.
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  41. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 2) Kyle was taking his second load of poz cum of the afternoon and he was loving it. He knew from that point on he was gay. Over the next few hours he would take more loads from the 2 studs who had shown him how wonderful gay sax could be. All his life he would jerk off trying to think of a hot chick from school or a sexy super model. But now he knew his true self, his real sexual desires were being satisfied. Tyler was fucking Kyle when he said to Rickey, “This bitch is gona bring in some good cash.” “Hell yea Ty, once we get him built up a bit he’ll be a good addition to our coral.” “Look’s like he needs another slam.” “Yea, you’re right Ty. I’ll go get him one, I think he’ll be ready for the ‘DP’ after that.” “Right, I’ll flip on my back,” Tyler picked Kyle up and flipped over on his back without pulling out of their fuck toy. “That’s it, just rock back and forth a little while Rickey get’s you a little something to keep you feeling good.” Rickey returned and promptly gave Kyle another slam, this one stronger then the first. Kyle couldn’t sit up any more and laid down on Tyler’s chest immediately after the removal of the tourniquet as the drugs moved through his body. “OH FUCK!” escaped Kyle’s mouth as he lay on Tyler’s chest. Rickey didn’t waste any time and crawled up behind the drugged teen and slid his cock in along side his buddy’s as a louder “OH FUCK!” came from the drugged up boy. Kyle never knew his as could stretch that far, but as he accommodated the 2 cocks within him he felt an immense pleasure deep in side. Rickey and Tyler set about fucking into Kyle with such animalistic vigor the 2 studs knew that the teen would not escape their grasps as their new commodity. Kyle could only moan as he took the hard fucking of 2 cocks at the same time. Tyler and Rickey had an ability to sustain themselves when they double fucked a willing cunt and Kyle was no exception. Kyle took the simultaneous pounding for well over an hour before they shot their loads. Rickey was first (and in his position it was easier for him) to pound away at Kyle’s well stretched ass. There were a couple times he pulled out to the tip and rammed back in their new boy. He looked into Tyler’s eyes as he shot his load. Once Tyler felt his buddy’s cock spasm his thrusting picked up and he shot his load. The 3 sweaty body’s lay upon the bed as they each collected their breath. Tyler’s cock slipped out first followed by Rickey puling out. They pushed Kyle on his back and took a good size dildo to the boy’s hole, making sure to work their poz jism deeper into the drugged up boy. They were satisfied that their DNA was working its way within Kyle’s blood stream when they saw a red tinge on the end of the dildo. The dildo was removed and a large butt plug replaced it within the teen’s gapping hole. Rickey leaned in close to Kyle and told him, “You’ve been a good boy so far, but now it’s time to learn to suck cock and swallow cum. The rest of our ‘crew’ will be here soon and you will suck each one of them off.” Tyler added, “I’m sure they will love the opportunity to cum down your throat.” A naked Kyle was helped down to the living room as Rickey and Tyler pulled their cargo shorts and shorts back on. They made Kyle drink Gatorade (laced with G), as he watched bareback porn on the 60” plasma as they made sure he did not stroke his semi-hard cock. They could tell that the Viagra he took was not working as well as he was slowly getting Tina dick. Tyler commented, “Another good slam and he’ll be as limp as a wet noodle” as he went to administer a third slam to the drugged up fuck toy. “There ya go boy, you feeling good?” Kyle was in heaven. He had never done drugs before, not even a beer, and now he had been given 3 slams of crystal meth. All he could doo was nod yes as he was in a drugged up haze. His semi hard erection had become a shriveled up 2” boy clit, but he was horny as fuck. Kyle begged, “Please fuck me, I need to be fucked, please.” He was left, not allow to touch himself as he waited. Soon a couple young guys came through the door. They looked to be no older then Kyle, 18, if that. There was Jim, Bob and David. They almost had the same build as Kyle except for the fact that these three were a bit more muscular. The three were told “Kyle here is your new ‘brother’ and he wants to learn how to give a proper blow job. You will each get your reward once he has swallowed each and ever load you can give him. And remember, you can’t fuck him. We’ll be watching.” Jim was the first boy that they brought into the stables. He was a former high school wrestle and used to be straight when they drugged and thought him the joys of gay sex. After his indoctrination Jim broke up with his pregnant girlfriend and went to work for the roommates. There were a couple of boys after Jim, but one ran off with a ‘John’ and the other got killed. Then Bob was easily recruited into the stables. His father kicked him out after discovering he was gay and a drug user. He easily fit in with working as one of their male whores. The last one was David, he was a lonely gay boy in Chicago and found acceptance from the group. He was resistant at first to working for them, but after converting and testing poz he knew he had no place to go. Rickey and Tyler promised to take care of him. The 2 roommates did take care of their boys. They gave them a place to live, clothes, food, gym memberships and most important thing of all, AIDS medication. The three escorted Kyle up to one of the other bedrooms. The only furniture in this room was a couple mattresses on the floor and a dimly lit lamp in the corner. There was also a night vision camera in one of the corners so that the roommates could watch the three teach Kyle to suck cock. Jim said, “If you listen to us and do as we tell you, you will have no problem sucking any size cock into your throat, and with Bob’s length you might even get his cum to bypass your mouth and go directly down your throat.” Jim was first, by seniority, and dropped his shorts. He pulled Kyle’s head into his crotch. “Just lick it for now, lick from my balls to the tip of my cock.” Kyle began to work his tongue all over Jim’s cock and balls. And with the T and G in him he was really getting into this. It didn’t take long for Jim to get hard. Then Jim told his cock sucker, “Open your mouth and suck it in, and remember to watch your teeth. No ‘John’ likes his dick scraped by a boys teeth when he’s getting sucked.” Kyle did just as he was told, and he was sucking his first cock. “Oh yea, that’s it. Work my pole with that mouth of yours.” Jim hadn’t been allowed to cum on almost a week and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He grabbed Kyle's head to make sure that he wouldn’t pull off, looked down at Kyle and told him, “Make sure you show the camera the cum in your mouth before you swallow ever drop.” Jim then began to pant as Kyle felt his cock thicken in his mouth, then “OH YEAH!” Jim shouted out as he fired a weeks worth of cum into Kyle’s mouth. Jim made sure that Kyle showed his open mouth to the camera so that their pimps could see the fresh cum in his mouth before he swallowed it down. Kyle didn’t have much time to catch his breath as David pulled Kyle between his legs. David grabbed his cock sucker’s head and forced the length of his tool to the back of his throat. With Jim at his side, Kyle was coached on how to breathe, work his tongue and his mouth on a cock to give the best blow job known. David just sat back as his balls boiled to overflow and soon Kyle was eating his second load of cum. Kyle finished to look up at Bob stroking a massive 9” cock, bigger then what the roommates had. Kyle was trying to figure out how he’d get that in his mouth when Jim encouraged him, “Just remember what I told you about breathing through your nose and to relax.” Kyle crawled on his knees over to Bob and began by licking his balls. Bob kept stroking as Kyle worked his tongue up the shaft to the tip as Bob moved his hand to the back of Kyle’s head. Rickey and Tyler watched on the group on the plasma knowing that this was going to be a brutal face fuck. Kyle was not prepared for Bob’s cock. He thrusted his massive 9” deep into Kyle’s throat. Since their working boys aren’t allowed to fuck, this is Bob’s way of working out his frustrations. Kyle’s eyes welled up with tears as his throat took a rough fucking similar to that his ass took earlier. With Jim’s instructions and encouragement and his own determination, Kyle was able to accommodate the cock in his throat. Bob was one to take a long time no matter when he shot last. He was a brutal top that was turned into a whore bottom. When he got this rare chance to use his dick, he made the most of it. Kyle quickly learned to relax his throat as Bob rammed his shaft in and out of his mouth. Kyle did his best to put up with the face fucking and just as his jaw began to get sore he felt the cock in his throat began to swell then spasms as Bob was delivering his load directly into his gut. Bob pulled back a bit to give Kyle the last few spurts before smacking him across the face with his still hard cock. “I fucking wish I could breed this bitch! I’m still fucking hard.” Just as Bob finished talking the bedroom door opened up and in walked Rickey and Tyler. Rickey asked, “Nice job boys, you think this bitch will be ready to work the party tomorrow night?” “I’m sure with some personal tutoring I can have him ready Boss”, Bob was quick to say. But he knew he had no chance of fucking the new kid. The boys were there to be fucked and to suck the various guys who paid their way into the party. “OK boys, Tyler has your work assignments for the night. Remember, cash up front and we know how much you will be getting for each of your John’s.” The boys left the room leaving Kyle on his knees in front of Rickey.
    1 point
  42. Last Thurs at CODE and the Eagle NYC. Was in the bathroom sucking dick and one guy asked if he could fuck my hole - so i dropped my pants, huffed my poppers and took his cock (no lube, just spit). He pounded my hole and i heard him ask if he could shoot inside, i responded my grabbing his hips and pulling him further in my ass. That did the trick! After he pulled out another guy stepped up and started fucking me, i huffed my poppers and took it like a champ. While he was fucking me they came in and broke up the fun, he started POUNDING my hole, shot his load zipped up and left. Needless to say i was the last to stumble out of the mens room.
    1 point
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