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  1. Tanner's little ring clenched the base of my ever hardening cock like a vice. It was all I could do to rock him gently back and forth, feeling his ass muscles squeeze, then release, squeeze then release...all the while feeling him shiver in the pain and pleasure of my cock expanding his boundaries. A few more gentle thrusts and his little ring slipped ever so slightly up my shaft. The friction of his unlubed hole was intense, I reached under him, the carpet was moist with his pre cum, a near constant stream of his perfect liquor. He moaned around Jake's cock, his eyes watering as Jake shoved almost half of his length down his throat. He gagged, and as his body rocked his ring slid nearly all the way up my cock, his tight little cunt lips tugging on my thick, veiny meat. He nearly slid completely off as he struggled to swallow Jake. I quickly came to my senses and grabbed his hips, keeping my thick head pulsing just past his sphincter. He moaned in pain. He tried cocking his leg, trying to manoeuvre away from my grasp as he finally began to deal with half of Jake's cock lodged in his throat. "Uh uh, boy" I said, matching his movements perfectly, keeping his redenning cunt stretched around my mushroom head... "He trying to run" Jake laughed, throwing his head back and grunting as Tanner started sucking him more easily again. "Yeah.." I replied, as Tanner's hole fluttered around my cock head. "He's tight as fuck..." I called, grunting. Jake leant forward to get a good view, pressing Tanner into his crotch. "Here" he said, reaching under Tanner, milking his dick till his hand was slick with the boy's pre-jizz. I could hear Tanner moan in pleasure as Jake high fived me with his slicked up hand. I took the hint, smearing what I could on my shaft as Jake leant back into the chair to enjoy Tanner's mouth again. My cock shone with Tanner's essence. I leant down close to his ear, breathing in his smell as he broke a gentle sweat. "Ready whore?" I whispered, "Ready to learn that you don't get to decide when I pull out? Ready to learn to take it like a man?" Jake smirked, keeping Tanner planted on his cock. "His eyes say yes" he said "The Fuck I care!" I yelled shoving my full girth and weight back into the boy. Feeling my head pop into his second hole with the force of my thrust. "Gnnnnnnnnhhhh" he cried, choking again...his back arching away from me. I thrust it back down as Jake shoved his long shaft, balls deep into the boys throat. 'A little pain now' I thought, rotating my cock into Tanner's hot ass. He'd learn who was in charge. If he learnt quick, I'd fuck him like a lover...not a master...but he had to learn...
    5 points
  2. I ate dinner out that night with some friends. We went to a modestly priced restaurant and had pleasant conversation, a good meal the returned to our respective places of abode. When I returned home I opened my laptop and checked my e-mail, then thought I’d read a story on BZ and maybe edge my meat before going to sleep. I checked out Bugchasing section and scanned over the offerings the scrolled up to the general forum and checked out the tread “Where did you get (or Give) your last load.” I almost always found good jerk-off/edging material there when I came across a newer poster “New2BB4dad” who had posted a description of his first encounter, which sounded not only hot but incredibly familiar. I checked his profile and, while it was fairly basic, not really giving up much except his BBRT nick name, but I realized it Jeremy. I had never laughed so hard before. I hadn't mentioned to him that I was on Breeding zone nor, of course, that I was a frequent contributor to the bug chasing/gift giving fiction forum. Yet here he was, a new user, (or at least a newly registered user on the site), which somewhat explained his obsession with Poz talk and such. I resolved to follow up with him, perhaps without showing my hand, just to see how twisted this cute twink could be. I pulled up my BBRT account and found a message from him thanking me for the pleasant time we had spent together and asking if I would like to meet up again in the near future. I checked back on his profile on BZ and noticed he had registered that very day so most likely when he got home from school he had hit the website. Not knowing if maybe he was stalking me but something seemed to be bugging me about Jeremy, yes after seeing the photo on his bookshelf I was suspicious and had a lot of questions about him. First and foremost was it fate that brought us together or was I the target of his research of who his dad might be? Secondly was, why he had a photo that should be in his mother’s collection of memories, not sitting on his shelf, thirdly I kept coming back to his question when we were chatting about if I was generous. What did he want from me, granted in my BBRT profile I no longer looked like I did 24 years earlier in the photo? Yes my facial feature were similar but I was no longer a twink, I was closer to a muscle bear and I now sported a goatee and sometime mustache. Just so many questions, not that I didn’t think he was hot, he was, he actually reminded me of Amy’s brother. Amy was the girl I had dated in College and used as an decoy from coming out to my parents and family, she was also the one in the picture whom I posed with, for the portrait sitting. We had broken up maybe 6 weeks after we received the prints, with me telling her “it’s not you it’s me, I’m Gay and it won’t work out”, she never called or talked to me after that conversation and I felt so guilty I don’t think I really wanted to see or talk to her. I edged till I was leaking pre-Jizz pretty heavy but soon drifted off to sleep, the following day I had a couple job interviews scheduled, so I was up early and showered and shaved, dressed in a shirt and tie and headed out. After the first interview I was hopeful that I would soon be employed again then I went into the second one, the interviewer was hot and had my bone stiffening by his body language alone not to mention his special intonation on how he phrased some of the questions, making them sound extra personal. I could tell he as sporting a hard cock beneath his slacks as well, but I played it cool and answered professionally and left with a wet spot on my slacks and a semi hard cock snaking down my leg, as well as a good feeling that I might have landed a second part time retail job. it was coming up on noon when I checked my phone to see a message from Dave D: Dude we need to talk, call me when you can M: Does this have to do with the little test I gave you to perform for me? D: are you free for lunch? M: Yeah at the mall currently want me to meet you at that little burger place near your lab? D: yeah in about 20? M: See ya there I slipped my phone back in my pocket and headed for the car, drove to the burger joint getting there just before Dave, told the host there would be two of us then was seated near the door. Dave walked in about 5 minutes later holding a large envelope, he sat down and pushed the envelope towards me D: Dude you are the last one I’d ever thought you would be needing these services but for you I pushed it through and the computer spat out these results mid-morning. M: so without opening the envelope what was the results? D: well according to computer models you are 98.8 % match so most likely the father of this boy M: oh shit what am I going to do now? D: well tell me about him how’d you find him I told him about how we meet up on BBRT and had coffee then went back to his place where I saw the photo, the one that raised suspicions in my mind and prompted me to get the test, luckily Jeremy hair was long and got caught in the head rest. We finished lunch, then Dave gave me a hug, telling me it will be ok. I never let on that that we had had sex, as kinky as Dave had been in the past I wasn’t sure if this fell in his area of comfort. I drove home with the envelope on the seat next to me, not really knowing what my next move would be. When I arrived I took the envelope inside then thought what the hell it was me who oinked him and he probably had no clue he had been fucked and seeded by the cock who made him, and return had seeded the man who gave him life. I remembered I had seen the envelope in one of my old year books so I went to my bookshelf and pulled out my HS yearbook from my senior year and there it was I pulled out a wallet sized portrait and secured it to the envelope with a paperclip. I went over to Jeremy’s and knocked on the door, no answer, I knocked again, still no answer so I left a brief note asking him to message me when he had a chance. I figured he was in class or at work so I wasn’t expecting a quick response. I headed home and pulled up BZ again and edged to the stories in the last load section then flipped over to the bug chasing stories, as I stroked my cock to almost the edge of no return I had BBRT open in the background. About a hour later I got a message on BBRT J: hey what’s up? M: was wondering if you might want to do dinner tomorrow? J: have to work till 7 tomorrow if you don’t mind a late dinner M: I can hold off need me to pick you up? Where you work? J: A&F at the mall M: I knew you had that look lol J: can you cum over tonight I was still rock hard and I was partially thinking with my dick M: sure when you going to be home? J: in about half an hour M: text me when you get home and I’ll CUM over 555-6289 J: cool getting on bus now M: see you in a little bit J: I’m wearing a sexy pair of low rise jeans and I have a wet spot on the front, I need to keep my bag in front of my crotch so people won’t notice M: guess I should throw on some clothes so I can make it to your place J: <J I stopped messaging when he suddenly stopped replying then he messaged me on my phone that he ran out of messages for the month on BBRT. 20 minutes later I got a text that he was home, I threw on a jock strap and gym shorts, along with a loose fitting tee shirt grabbed my keys and headed over, the jock just barely containing my hard meat I showed up at Jeremy’s door and barely knocked when he opened the door and pulled me inside, tossing me up against the door frame as he shut the door and passionately kissing me while caressing my chest and ass. We soon worked our way over to the couch groping and fondling the whole way. Soon we were naked on his bed as I suggested it would be more comfortable, and I wouldn’t have the photo to remind me I was having fun with my own fresh and blood. As we lay on the bed we soon had cocks in the others mouth, fingers in ass. We were getting hot and sweaty and were on the brink of shooting our cum on each other, I had edged most of the afternoon, Jeremy on the other hand had had a hard on in his jeans all through class and work, the friction of them rubbing his cock all day pretty much had built up a sizeable load in his nut sack as well. I suddenly shot my load in his face as he shot onto my neck and chest then pointed it back to my lips as I tasted my boys cum blast into my mouth. We cleaned up and laid back down and cuddled until I awoke next to my boy snuggled in my arms, I looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table and it read 3:30am and I had a choice to either try to slip out or just enjoy the feeling of my son in my arms, I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep. Waking a couple hours later to the sounds of the shower running and my boy joyfully humming to himself. I got up and joined him in the shower, he had his head under the water and jumped slightly as a came up behind him and kissed his neck. I decided to see if his profile was accurate as my semi hard cock was pressed between his cheeks and let my flow begin, he leaned back into me and whispered J: oh daddy you are so bad M: you want me to stop and get out? J: oh no He turned around and squatted in front of my stream and began letting it cover his head and face then took it in his mouth and began suckling it trying to drink down every last drop of my morning piss. As my flow stopped he continued sucking my cock and making it rock hard, he then stood up again and using some conditioner slid onto my cock, he obviously had been playing with his hole to loosen it up before I entered the enclosure since he sank all 7.5 inches into his rectum in one fell swoop, he then began fucking himself on my pulsating tool. It didn’t take me long to blast a load into his needy boycunt. He felt me pulsing into his ass and he began shooting on the shower curtain, long streams of greyish thick gooey cum running down the plastic liner. He got dressed and I retrieved my clothes from the living room slipping my spent but thickening cock back in my jock then pulling on my gym shorts and tee. He was dressed by the time I found my socks and trainers and ushered me out the front door, locking it behind him. Escorted me to my door then gave me a kiss then was on his way to his morning job. I unlocked my door and entered without letting the cat out, walked to the bedroom and crashed on the bed. My alarm clock said 6:45, I was actually tired and dozed off until my alarm went off at 9. I had already showered with Jeremy so I strode into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal and returned to the bedroom where I had turned the morning news/AM wakeup program on, mainly for background noise once again, but I was suddenly riveted when they reported in the local segment that a winning lotto ticket had been sold at my local supermarket and they were anxiously awaiting for the winner to step forward. The drawing had been two nights ago and I had almost forgotten I had purchased a ticket. I finished my breakfast and rummaged through my wardrobe for something clean to wear today I found a clean polo shirt, and pair of kaki cargo shorts. I had to go to the store anyway to pick up a few items and to get some cash back from my purchase so I could do laundry later that afternoon. I wanted to look good when I took Jeremy to dinner that night. I drove over and did my shopping getting my cash, then on my way out decided to check my ticket, I walked up to the ticket machine, I was lucky for once and there was no line either to the machine or the store customer service window. I chose the machine. I scanned my tickets bar code and the screen popped up “checking for winning ticket” buzz, buzz “WINNER, please see attendant for assistance” Oh great now I had to ring the bell at the customer service window. Ding , ding “May I help you” “Yeah your machine said I had a winner” “Ok let’s see” She took the ticket and ran it through the ticket machine where I could see the display show a ungodly long number, it then printed out a receipt and the clerk reached under the counter and walked back to the window. “Here you go your ticket, the validation and the claim form. If we can get your Name we can post your picture with the big check” About that time the manager came over with one of those big checks and a camera, he talked to the clerk for a second , wrote my name on the top line of the check (the amount had already been filled in) then had me pose for a picture which he then took my e-mail address and said he would send me a copy of the photo. I was still in shock and what had just happened was still not fully registering. I put my groceries into my car and drove home, I unloaded the groceries and went to office to money on laundry card, then went back to apartment, gathered up laundry the put it in the washers. Upon returning to apartment I picked up the claim form and began filling it out following the instructions to a tee. I got to the amount line and was baffled and looked at the validation receipt and wrote down the numbers not really paying attention I checked the box for lump sum and elected to have 40% taxes withdrawn, hoping that it would cover all that I would owe and might get a healthy Refund check on the next years taxes given my current economic condition, I then entered my bank information for direct deposit of the final amount after taxes. I read further on suggesting I contact my bank to expect a large sum being directly deposited. It also suggested contacting legal representation to handle any litigation that might occur upon news of my winnings being broadcast. I had heard stories of relatives coming out of the woodwork when big winners were announced. I switched my laundry to the dryers then proceeded to prepare the claim form for mailing following the directions getting insurance on the envelope and requesting a receipt, alternate claim instructions were to hand deliver it to the offices if the winner was close to a branch office. I decided this was a better choice since my apartment was just a few miles from the offices in my state. I made lunch hen turned on the noon news to see my picture presented on the news, I saw the picture then it was beginning to register I was rich, really rich, really stinking rich. My heart began to beat faster, I had to sit down, catch my breath. I realized that my dinner with Jeremy that night had just dramatically changed, I still had to discuss us and our relationship, I still had to get the answers I needed, but I was now in a position to be very generous.
    3 points
  3. PART SIX Looking up at Sam as he was inside me felt absolutely amazing. I'd been wanting him ever since we'd taken the E but my feelings had only intensified after he'd fingered me. My ass was desperate for cock ever since then. I loved Sam for awakening these feelings inside me and for his massive cock but for some reason I knew I'd need more. The deeper his cock went inside me, the more I needed. The initial romance was gone, I wanted to just be an ass for his cock, any cock to use. I completely lost track of time while we were fucking, but I wanted it to last as long as possible so his cock stayed inside me. Whenever I felt he was close to cumming, I'd suggest we change positions, partially so he could "cool down", but also so I could taste my ass on his cock. It had always been a massive turn-on for me watching Jessie lick my cock clean after I'd been in her pussy and I wanted to do the same thing for my man. "Babe, please let me cum inside you" Sam pleaded with me. I couldn't help but smile cheekily back at him, "I love it when my man begs." I replied. "How do you want me?" "Get on all fours" and I eagerly got myself into position. He pulled me to the edge of the bed so he could stand up and pound my hole. As he was getting behind me, he slapped my ass a couple of times. I couldn't help but moan as he did it, it felt so good. I was so excited when I felt his big, strong hands on my hips. My hole was gonna be totally used and pounded for this man's pleasure, like any good slut's should. I clamped my ass round his duck as tight as I could while he drove his cock deep inside me. "God I love your ass babe" Sam groaned "Give me your load babe" I panted, "You know I'm your bitch". I knew I was saying it to Sam, but it didn't really matter to me who was fucking me, I'd become a total whore and needed cock and cum. I felt his cock tense up and it wasn't long before I felt that warm rush inside my ass once more. Sam pulled me back onto his cock to fill me right up again, how I loved that feeling of him being balls deep inside me as I took the last of his seed! I continued to work my ass, doing my best to milk him dry in my hole. I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I'd have to wait before I had another cock inside me. I needed more. I eased myself off his cock and started licking him clean, savouring his cum. His cock had tasted a little different this session but I enjoyed it so much I didn't care. It must have been that he'd used lube this time. "How long babe?" I asked between tonguing his cock head. "It's gonna be a while" Sam replied "You've taken a lot out of me" "Ohhhhhh..." I pouted. "I need more" "Well, the MC did give me his number when he gave me the pills. I know you didn't really like...." "YES!!!" I interrupted. "I'd love a threesome with him" Sam called him and asked if he was interested. He was almost as quick to agree as I was. We asked for his address and it turned out he only lived a couple of blocks from my place! "Let's just meet him at my place and we can fuck like crazy there." I said "But are you sure?" Sam asked. "It's not too weird?" I lay on my back scooping up and swallowing Sam's (unknown to me) tina-laced cum into my mouth as it dribbled out of me. "Not at all, what's weird about it?" END OF PART SIX
    3 points
  4. Disco and techno music should be banned from amateur porn. Grunts and groans should be enough.
    2 points
  5. Two different stories I'll post them each in different posts. Valentines night I had a date with a nice guy. Divorced dad with two sons. He's handsome and seems to be a nice guy. Well we meet up at the restaurant which is between our two houses. The restaurant is in a big shopping and entertainment area. Anyway, we meet up in the parking lot and he gets in my suv. We chat and talk and then start making out, It was hot as fuck. He is a great kisser and very hot. We decided we needed to eat or something else was going to happen. We went inside the restaurant and ate dinner and afterwards we get back in my SUV and start to make out again, fondle and grope. Well we are getting hot and heavy and decide we need to fuck NOW. It was about midnight and a lot of the local businesses are closed. We pull into a Costco and locate the loading dock where trucks back down the ramp to get loaded. Well we're making out and he undoes my pants and bends me over and starts to eat my ass, while he's stroking his cock. I get down on my knees and suck his rock hard cock. He's not the biggest but makes up for it in adventure. He pulls me up and bends me over and slides his raw cock up my hole. He proceeds to fuck me for about 5 minutes (we rush because we're afraid to get caught) and he pounds my ass and loads me. I then clean his cock off and he then sucks my cock and I blow a HUGE load in his mouth. He swallows but then we kiss and I can taste myself in his mouth. Way Hot!
    2 points
  6. For me the reasons would be: Semen Exchange and Emotional Connection The Psychology of Peer Pressure and Being turned on by the knowledge of someone cumming in my ass. Sort of a submission thing
    2 points
  7. "Fuck!" Jake moaned as Tanner began milking his friend's cock - expertly, slurping and licking the round, throbbing head and coating it in his boy saliva. One more finger full of crystal shoved up the boy's cunt and he was ready for a real, deep-dickin' - primed for a deep, pozzin experience. As I worked my second-finger in his expanding cunt, he moaned deeply. "Definitely ready" The chems had taken over, eroded all his resistance and he began pushing his hot arse back on my knuckles. Pre-cum flowed from his cock with every thrust and turn of my fingers and, with each squirt of pure, crystal fluid from his negboy cock he was becoming less of a boy and more of a man. Jake was loving the attention his cock was getting, moaning like it was the best thing ever. I smiled at the perfect corruption before me as Tanner's hole quivered around the knuckles of my two, big digits, the last deposit of crystal finally vanishing into the walls of his arse. The job of chemming this perfect little jock boy was done - now the fun could finally begin. I shucked out of my clothes, letting my cock finally break free of it's cage. It pointed, like a magnet, directly at Tanner's virgin hole. My cock would break Tanner into the world of poz sex - corrupt that perfect little all-star stud into a pregnant little sex-pig. As I spat a wad of saliva on my ever growing cock, I sauntered towards my prize. "Pull your ass cheeks open bro" Jake ordered "I'll keep you balanced on my dick" Jake - what a fucking find! Tanner reached back and pulled his cheeks out for me - revealing even more of the entrance to that perfect, chemmed-up little jock-gut. "Boy, you ready to get fucked" I whispered in his ear "You ready to feel me in you...churning some cum deep in my boy's gut?" He whimpered as Jake pulled his cock out his friend's drooling mouth. "Answer him bro" he said as Tanner bit his lip "I..." he started "I want to get fucked" he blurted, sighing heavily as I vibrated my fingers in his sphincter. "Fuck.." he moaned as another string of pre-cum oozed out his cock. "Yeah, please, fuck me?" he whimpered "I need you to fuck me!" "Good boy" I said, pulling my fingers out his cunt and lining my cock up with hole. "You want me to breed you slut" I said "Yes" he replied immediately "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I rested my throbbing head up against his tiny, unlubed jock-boy hole. A firm but gentle thrust and the tip pierced him - a small way in, just the tip as I parted his velvet cunt for the first time. "Oh baby boy you are just, the fucking stud" I said, pushing a bit further, using my hands push on the small of his rippling back. He sighed deeply as he arched into my cock, piercing him totally - spreading his tight hole open and around my head, popping into him like a Key into a lock. He moaned, I felt his whole body shudder in tenseness as he dropped Jake's dick out of his throat, overcome with the sensations of my rod gliding into him. "Fuck boy" i said, as an inch disappeared up him, his hole clenching my dick whilst the soft walls massaged my sensitive tip. There was a tight corner up his cunt and my cock seemed not to be able to pass. Jake instinctively ready my expression and whipped out a fresh bottle of poppers - putting them under Tanner's nose, telling him to inhale good and deep. As the fumes hit, the kink in his ass vanished and my cock dove a good six inches into him as he gasped for air, shuddering a another fresh dose of negboy cum from his dangling penis. "Nice boy, real nice - just ease yourself into it, let daddy stretch your virgin cunt out - get it good and moist" Another contraction as he took another hit of poppers and my cock vanished up him, balls-deep in the hottest stud I'd ever fuckin' seen - his beautiful pink hole pulsing on my shaft, milking it's toxic payload with perfect rhythm. That's when Jake slowly guided Tanner's mouth back to his long cock by the stud's light blond hair, "Dont let go again" Jake commanded, pulling the boy down onto his cock in one direct movement as Tanner's anus spasmed along my shaft.
    2 points
  8. I thought pozzing was my biggest turn on.... I blew some clouds earlier and it reached deep down into my dirtiest parts. I WANT AN AIDS LOAD!!!! Getting poz loads is so filthy and I love it; but I want to get spun and have someone make my dick truly toxic! I want to beg and moan and pray for that AIDS load. I want them worshipping my toxic cock while it infects me, taking a strain from every load they've ever taken. Them have them beg to be bred by my now deadly dick. FUCK! I want to be tatted, and pierced, and roided, and have an AIDS daddy give me everything and more.
    2 points
  9. First off, bisexuals are not confused. We really are attracted to both genders, and in some cases, quite equally. IT's not like you're still in the closet when you come out as bisexual. So, while there are gay guys who are in denial who might claim to be bisexual or much worse (e.g.: marrying a woman)... you cannot conclude from that, that there's no such thing as bisexuality. This perspective seems to come from some idea that it's a switch and you can be one polarity or another. I don't understand that perspective because females and males are both sexy, and interesting, and they have different things about them and all of it is attractive. However, the idea that I'm "just confused" about my sexuality is extremely insulting and offensive. (Nobody has said that here in this thread, but people have said it to my face, often gay guys who themselves had trouble coming out and who cannot accept that this is their problem, not mine, and that projecting their own cowardice onto me is offensive.) So, if anyone is of the mind that bisexuals are just gay people in denial, please be aware that you're full of it! My first guy was a straight guy. You can tell the "real straights" from the not so real ones because straight guys are turned off by aspects that make them face the fact that they're with a guy. This guy later got married and has been only with women since. Frankly, I think there are a lot of straight guys who get drunk and fuck other guys, and then forget about it, just cause they want to try it... some of them are "confused" but some of them are just getting off, or get talked into it by gay guys.
    2 points
  10. When I got to college I was totally straight. Never even thought about having gay sex or doing anything with a guy. I wasn't a homophobe or anything, It was just that tits and pussy, not cock, turned me on. In high school I had a girl friend, and like a lot of couples, we hooked up and she took care of my needs to get laid. But going away to college ended that relationship and suddenly it was just me and my hand - again. And as everyone knows, compared to a quality blow job or fuck a hand job simply isn't as good. Of course I wasn't the only guy on campus who was horny and looking to get laid so that meant it wasn't easy finding a new girl. Then one day I was walking back from class talking to a buddy and we ended-up on the topic of being horny and not being able to get any. He looked at me, smiled and said "You know there is a solution to that." And with that introduction he went on to tell me about the coaches' locker room in the old football / weight room building, explaining "...when they built the football team a new weight room, the old one was opened up to students for use 24-7-365. But what most people don't know is that down in the basement is a locker room that used to be for the use of the coaches. It's not that big but it has lockers and a decent shower area but since it's out of the way no-one uses it." Not understanding where he was going, I replied "Uhh huh, and what does this have to do with being horny?" "Well, after 6:00 PM each day" he says "it's a place where you can go to get your rocks off if you want. It's mostly gay guys but they will suck anyone who wants to get blown and you can usually fuck one in the ass if you want. They keep it pretty dark in there so it's not like you can really see who is taking care of you and it sure beats jacking off. I'm telling you, man, one straight guy to another, a guy's mouth feels just as good as a girl's and I'm told that fucking can be even better." Pre-college I would have ignored his suggestion, but at this point I was horny enough that the idea of getting sucked sounds good enough that I don't care who does it, especially if its anonymous. My buddy went on explaining that the deal is if your interested you go down there to the locker room and strip nude - no clothes allowed in the shower - and go on in. If a guy is in the middle of the room then he's looking for someone to service him. If he's against the wall facing out then it means he's giving blow jobs. If he's against the wall with his face to the wall then he's taking it up the ass. The idea of course is that guys will give and receive but its not like they are keeping records or anything. He could tell I was interested and offered to show me around a bit that night it I wanted, so around 9:00 PM that night we met up and headed over. It was a good thing the locker room was somewhat buried in an out of the way location, 'cause as soon as we opened the door the unmistakable sounds of sex filled the air. The room was dim but there was just enough light to find a locker and get undressed which we did. Now while I was horny as hell I was also nervous about the whole gay thing so my cock was anything but hard. My buddy on the other hand was sporting a nice 7" wood and clearly ready to get going. We walked into the shower room to find one of the shower heads in a distant corner was on full, putting out hot steam which fogged the room a bit. I could just make out couple of guys fucking and a couple of others getting sucked. We watch for a minute and then, as our eyes adjusted, we can see others against the wall waiting for action. My buddy lead me over to the wall, told me to face into the shower, and to have fun. Then he disappeared into the mist. No sooner had he disappeared then a guy appeared. He smiled at me and quietly asked "Let me guess: you're straight, and this is your first time, right?" I nodded in reply, swallowed hard, and wondered what would come next. I didn't have long to wait. The guy reached over and began playing with my soft cock, murmuring that I should relax. Then he went down on his knees, and took my cock in his mouth. His performance was magic. His tongue swirled around my limp shaft and head, licking my balls. Within seconds I was hard. To make a long story short, it was an amazing blow job and in the end I pumped jet after jet of my cum down his throat. As I left the shower area I spied my buddy, balls-deep in a guy's ass, fucking him hard. But the conversion part of this story is what you really want right? So my girlfriend problem never got any better and I keep returning to the locker room. Within a few visits I decide to try fucking a guy and found out first hand how much better a guy's ass can be than a girl's pussy. I found myself noticing hot guys more and more, and wondered if I was going gay, especially since I noticed fewer and fewer girls. I guess, however, all that really mattered was that when I walked into the shower room, my cock was always rock hard. Then came 'The night'... I'd gone over as usual, hoping to fuck someone. I undressed and walked into the shower. More guys than usual were clustered in the middle, but that wasn't particularly unusual. I had seen it happen before. Seeing a guy facing the wall, and not engaged with anyone, I headed over that way, but before I took three steps I was grasped from behind by several pairs of hands and forcefully guided to the wall, pinned against it, my legs spread eagle. "What the hell!?" I exclaimed. Someone replied "Well you've been giving out loads for a while. It's time you took some." "What the fuck, man, hey, I'm not gay I don't do that." "We aren't asking you. If I was in your shoes I'd relax and enjoy it." I knew there was a crowd around me and it was clear I wasn't going anywhere. And the only sounds were heavy breathing and the rhythmic sounds of guys stroking their cocks. My cock went instantly soft and I knew I couldn't escape.."Please, man, no, please don't." "Shhhh just relax." I felt fingers probing my virgin ass, opening me up for the first time in my life. The guy fingering me took his time but he wasn't gentle and it hurt. Soft whimpers escaped me as he opened my ass.."No, please, it hurts" I begged, but the guy kept going. Then I could feel his fingers begin to work lube into my ass and I could feel my hole stretching open. He moved behind me and I could feel the tip of his raw cock against my now stretched pussy. "Okay boy I'm gonna pop your cherry. Just relax," he suggested. "No, please, don't, no... please...noo" I whimpered as he began to push his way into my ass. Man did it hurt at first. The thick mushroom head truly opening my virgin ass and drove deep inside. It felt like I was being split in two, but he just drove his shaft in deep and left it there for a moment. I could hear others encouraging him, but some of what they were saying made no sense to me. "Yeah man, fuck that neg hole. Convert that boy. Poz him good." He started working his shaft in and out slowly at first letting me adjust and then with greater force. And as my ass relaxed and he started massaging my prostrate I was shocked to find myself enjoying it...my cock getting hard. I couldn't believe it. I was straight. I wasn't gay. And yet here I was, enjoying a cock in my ass. Tears of shame ran down my face as I confronted the fact I was getting pleasure from the cock in my ass. "Yeah boy, you like this, don't you? Fucking got a big hard-on, don't you?" the guy whispered in my ear, adding "Yeah you like this. I can tell. Fucking tight ass boy. Yeah. You know you're a faggot now, don't you?" He was right: I was. I couldn't help it. As he fucked away, my whimpers of pain had become moans of pleasure. He and everyone watching knew it. "Fucking A boy I'm gonna convert that neg ass of yours. Going to give you the gift. Make you part of the brotherhood." Had I understood what he meant I would have been terrified and would have tried to fight back, but I was clueless and in any case I was still held fast. Hands were groping my cock, stroking it as the group closed in tightly. I heard guys murmur about 'pozzing his ass' and 'milking the last neg load' from my cock. I could tell we were both going to cum very soon. "Tell me you want it, boy. Tell me you want my cum inside your ass." "Yes," I whimpered, "yes, please!" I could feel him shudder as he drove deep inside my ass, his hot juices filling-up my hole. I cried out as my cock fired its own load of cum at the same time. He stood behind me working his cock in my ass.. Working his cum into me. "Yeah pussy boy. That's right. You're one of us now. Part of the brotherhood. And now it's time for another member to give you his load. You want another load, don't you?" "Yes please" I whimpered unable to help myself, "fuck me...." I took six loads that night, all of them poz. By then end my ass was sore and gaping and my boxers couldn't contain the cum leaking down my thighs. A few nights later my buddy who had introduced me to the locker room came by and explained to me what all the poz and neg talk meant. It turns out he had also been pozzed. I cried like a baby and he held me soothing me and explained that it wasn't that bad. How meds could control it - if I wanted, and how now I could get fucked by anyone anytime. And that now now I could pass the gift to others if I wanted to do so. He held me for over an hour and soon we were making out. Truly making out. And that night we made love to each other. Two converted poz gay boys. When it was over we began to make plans to share the gift. But that's a story for another time.
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  11. First post guys, I've been inspired by some really hot content on here and thought I'd stop being a spectator. Let me know what you think and if you want more. Tanner was destined to be an amazing athlete - that's what his coaches had always said, the boy had commitment, drive, energy and, above all else the raw physical stamina and speed needed to be a really great little athlete. He could pretty much get a scholarship for anywhere at the rate he was going and, two-weeks after his 18th birthday had colleges across the country begging him to attend. He was a 6ft tall, blond adonis: soft blue eyes, tan skin, gorgeous jawline with a dusting of dark blonde stubble - if athletics didn't want him, he could have made a fortune as a model: every girl who saw him wanted him and every boy was desperate to be him or, be in him. However, as far as Jake had got out of him, he'd only had two girlfriends in the past and never fucked - just some oral. So a tight little virgin too. I'm something of a sportsman myself well.... more of a hunter to be fair I'm 42 years old and probably in the best shape of my life. I'd packed on the muscle and my hairy chest expanded with even the slightest breath. I was built like a bear but with a body carved from stone after spending hours at the gym and on the field. I was a burly guy and, so I'd been told, a hot, daddy type. That suited me fine as I liked nothing more than dicking hot young twinks and jocks, letting them feel safe in my company before chemming up their innoncent cunts with G and Tina and fucking them full of my poz-babymakers. I'd played sports when I was young and there was something about the smell of a jock that got my juices going and, by far, my greatest conquest, was a local swimmer boy - Jake. A few years' ago I'd been at a swim-meat, scouring for talent when he was competing in his first adult competition: by farm the hottest boy in the entire place, fresh-faced 18 year old perfection.Tight, lean muscle, black hair, green eyes, big package - I had to have him. He ended up winning his competition and, that night, having chatted to him previously and asserted myself as a trust-worthy older jock type, invited him back to my room, smoked him out and fucked his tight, gold-medalled cunt into the chem stratosphere. Jake was a favourite bottom of mine from there on in and, right up until he left for college - we'd fucked a few of his school friends and swimming buddies into the poz brotherhood but, our dual hunts came to an end when he left: or that's what I thought. Tanner had applied to Jake's college and was thinking about joining their athletics programme. Jake had been 'buddied' up with the boy to try and convince him - Jake took that responsibility very seriously as soon as he saw Tanner's gorgeous body. I got a phone call from Jake that night, desperate for me to help him 'convince' Tanner to attend. Having heard Jake's description of the little 18 year old stud, I was intrigued and, when Jake mentioned Tanner was going to stay with him at his frat-house for the Easter weekend - couldn't turn down the invitation of pozzing another little jock boy. All of Jake's frat would be home for easter and we'd have his place to ourselves. More to come... Tanner would arrive on Friday and I would arrive on Saturday. Tanner and Jake would spend Saturday morning getting 'sports enemas' at Jake's local health centre ("you know" he'd told Tanner "it's super good for athletes") and then he'd drop Tanner off at the house where I'd be waiting before heading out on an 'errand' leaving me with the hot little, cleaned-out stud. I'd make him feel comfortable, get him used to my presence, spend the rest of the day getting in the boy's head before Jake returned with enough Tina to turn the boy from neg innocent to poz pig in three easy steps. I'd send Jake out to a dealer I knew in the area, a real 'good-guy' with a sweet supply of everything you'd need for a night of long-jock-dicking. He'd have everything I need for a four-day weekend of hole-wrecking. I'd phoned ahead - boys like Tanner don't come around so often; his initiation had to be special, dedicated and long. You don't just fuck a boy like Tanner, you have to ruin a boy like Tanner. "Mention my name to Steve" I said to Jake, "He'll have a kit ready for me - it'll have everything I need" "What about money?" Jake said I laughed, "Don't worry, Steve is going to get paid in other currency" I said, grinning. "Hahaha...sweet" Jake said and disappeared out the door leaving me in my web - waiting for my prey. Saturday came around, I'd flown cross-state rather than drive and got a taxi to the frat house from the airport. The boys were already out so, using the key Jake had sent me, I made myself comfortable, surveying the house for the perfect 'pozzing space'. Around mid-morning the door opened and the boys tumbled in, laughing like regular 'bros'. "Hey there" I shouted from the living room. "Ah, hey man!" Jake said warmly, coming into the room and giving me a bear-hug - fuck I'd missed how that tight torso felt against my own abs. "Hey, Tanner, this is Simon...Si this is Tanner...a hot new recruit" I caught Jake's eyes as he said the last words and smirked. "Hey dude" Tanner said, shaking my hand firmly. He was even better than Jake described - tall, muscular, ripped stud with short, cropped blond hair and piercing baby-blue eyes, thick calves and the roundest, most perfect little ass. The boy was gorgeous, hours in the gym, hours on the track...I couldn't wait for him to spend hours on all-fours. We all talked for a bit, laughed about the enemas (got our little friend talking about sex as quickly as we could) before Jake made his excuses and promptly left leaving me to relax and prep our gorgeous boy-toy. Tanner was awkward at first but, I soon got him talking, confiding in me - it was a gift really, I guess the age differential made boys think I was trustworthy. He told me about the girls back home and how they gave the worst head... "You ever let a boy suck you" I said nonchalantly, he visibly jumped "No!" He said, agitated I laught "jeez dude, fuck! It's just a dick and a mouth - do you honestly think it fucking matters?" He relaxed and, we went back and forth like that for a bit till I made an excuse to look at a picture hanging behind him. I stood directly in front of him, my cock visibly pulling at the fabric of my jeans, pretending to admire the painting. "Dude...you've got a monster..." Tanner said almost without thinking. "Oh, this" I said, forcing a bit more blood into my already firm dick. He looked up at me and, as he did, I saw a tiny window of opportunity. As we locked eyes, I grabbed his chin and softly kissed his beautiful lips. He pulled away for a moment, his chin still in my hand before once again joining my lips against his and kissing. For a boy without experience he wasn't a bad kisser - a bit hesitant but, that would change. I leaned in, lowering myself onto him, straddling him as he sat on the chair. "I've... I mean, I'm not..." he said, braking the kiss. "shhh" i said, pushing my tongue back into him as he moaned. "Don't worry" I whispered back, "we're just fooling around" "Yeah" he laughed, nervously, shifting his weight around on the chair so as not to let his erect cock touch me. "Listen dude, Jake isn't back for ages - let's just enjoy ourselves, yeah?" "Ok" Tanner said, as we kissed again and I slipped my hand up his polo to feel those stong, taught ab muscles. "Jesus" I thought "this boy is going to get so fucked" We made out for a long time, building his trust, elevating the boy's hormones - getting that consuming, teenage testosterone pumping through his veins. We'd moved to the floor and I'd managed to pull his pants and briefs down to expose that round little jock-butt. As we moaned into each other I began pushing the boy's boundaries - literally, maneuvering myself behind him as he squatted on all fours. "Time to show you what your anus can really do" I thought as I spat on my index finger and, finding his virgin tight boy hole, began pushing in. He started to squirm away from me but, I held his legs fast under mine and kept my finger pressing against his sphincter. A bit more saliva and my finger pushed past the tight walls of his outer ring, feeling it pulse and contract around my knuckle. The boy was going to be a tight ride, that was for sure (at least, at first anyway) and, as I massaged the lining of his cunt I couldn't help but loose myself in the silk lining of that glorious little boy-pussy, probing it with my finger like I was making love to that tight hole. It was almost too good; whole minutes passed before I realised I still had work to do - this boy wasn't nearly ready to become the cumdump he was made to be; in one move I whipped my finger out of his puckering hole. "That good baby boy?" I said, as his ass closed tight behind me. "Fuck yeah" he responded, "never knew it could feel that good" "It's going to get so much better" I whispered in his ear, resting my cockhead against his perfect butt as I bit his neck and ear. I felt him tense up as my cock rested against his hole: I loved the electricity that seemed to dance over his skin with the thrill of doing something 'forbidden', his breathing deep, shallow, masculine. "You thinking about getting fucked there boy?" He bit his lip and, I could tell he was still conflicted. "We totally don't have too" I said, teasing his hole with the tip of my finger. "Don't even worry, we can just fool around" I assured, picturing that perfect pink hole stretched about my hairy arm as I massaged some random, anonymous cum into the walls of his teenage, partied-out, boy-hole. "Yeah, maybe..Do you mind? Maybe we could just fool around a bit" he said, as I gently pushed my digit back into him. "...Besides" he moaned as I finger fucked him. "Jake will be home soon" My eyes darted to the clock on the wall above the chair... "8:45pm...15 minutes...Jake better be here then" I thought, as I worked that boy's hole over. There was going to come a point when I'd simply end up raping Tanner without some good ol'fashioned chemical lovin. I pulled my finger out of him and replaced it with my tongue: feeling him contract even more against the new experience: his clothed jock-body shivering in front of me as his outer ring quivered and expanded as my tongue probed deeper.
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  12. Hi everyone. I am wondering why a city as liberal as Edinburgh does not have ( known to me ) any bareback groups. The sauna i frequent seems to have a large percentage of guys who love it bare but with the number of men I have dopped a load into there seems still to be a stigma for suggesting raw fucking. It would be nice to have a group who are into bare fucking, know the risks and accept the possible consequences. Anyone interested in the above please fell free to comment. Thank you.
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  13. I'd just moved into town with my wife but she was away for a few days at a conference. Having been bored to death watching TV the night before I knew I didn't want to stay at home so decided to take cab into the centre of town to see what bars were open. Not being a massive club man I saw a bar that looked pretty welcoming & thought I'd stick my head in for a little while and have a couple of drinks. As I walked in I could tell pretty quickly that it was a gay bar, and while not totally my scene, I certainly didn't feel intimidated. I just thought that I'd have one or two & then get a cab home. There was a small dancefloor and stage & apart from that there didn't seem too much room, apart from a seat at the bar. I asked the guy who looked like he was alone if he minded me sitting there & pulled up the chair next to him. We got to some polite chat and I found out that he was new in town as well. Sam had just moved from interstate after the break-up of his relationship and was looking for a fresh start. Although he was in his 50s he certainly didn't look 25 years older than me. He had a bit of grey in his hair & I could tell he'd looked after himself because he was wearing a tight business shirt. He was just going to have a quiet drink or two as well before heading home. All of a sudden the DJ's booming voice came over the PA, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, IT'S COUPLES DANCE TIME!!!!" We both looked at each other with an "oh god" look on our face as it seemed everyone except us was a couple ad they moved out onto the dancefloor. "THAT MEANS YOU TWO AT THE BAR AS WELL" the DJ yelled out. "Well Adam", Sam said to me, "Doesn't look like we can sit this one out" I blushed beet red and made my way out to the dancefloor with Sam and we sheepishly danced around each other. We were dancing closely, but not really making any body contact as we both felt very awkward about it all. We'd started to get a bit more relaxed when we heard a guy next to us yell, "Come on you two, you know you're allowed to dance closer than that!", grab Sam's hand and put it on my crotch. Despite wanting to reel back in shock, the floor was so packed I was unable to and Sam's hand stayed on my cock for a few seconds before we moved it away. The music stopped and everyone applauded the DJ going on his break while we made our way back to the bar embarrassed by what had happened. "Hey Adam", Sam said, "I'm really sorry about that. I certainly don't do those things with married men!" "It's fine" I replied, a bit shocked by what had happened. "I knew it wasn't your idea. Let's grab a drink, forget about it & we'll call it a night" "NOW IT'S TIME TO CROWN OUR KING & QUEEN OF THE NIGHT!" came the MC's voice from the stage. "Well at least we know it won't be us" I smiled to Sam, and within seconds of saying it, the spotlight landed on us sitting at the bar. We waved to the cheering crowd but were quickly told that we had to go up on stage to receive our prizes. We received our drink cards & joke sashes, waved to the crowd and started to make our way back to the bar. "NO YOU TWO, YOU HAVE TO KISS!!!!!!" Looking at Sam I said, "Quick, let's do a quick peck and then we can leave" "Sure, I'm game if you are" We gave each other a little dry kiss & then started to make our way off the stage "BOOOOOOOOO!!! WE WANT MORE THAN THAT!!!" The crowd roared its approval "Not sure we can get out of this one either" Sam said to me. He pulled me close and then whispered in my ear "And think of it this way, no-one knows us here, so it doesn't really matter that much" "That's true, let's give them a little show" I replied. We moved together and I let Sam take the back of my head in my hands and pulled my face close to his. Instinctively I opened my mouth and our tongues snaked in each other's mouths, making sure the audience could see how passionately we were kissing as they cheered & wolf-whistled us. Breaking off the kiss, Sam waved to the audience and did an exaggerated bow while I stood there a little lost, shocked at how great a kisser Sam was and how much it turned me on. We both made our way off the stage with the MC as the music started up again, me still in a bit of a daze when the MC patted me on the shoulder, "Man, what a kiss! You two must have an AMAZING sex life." Still in a daze, all I could mutter was "uh......yeah...sure do" END OF PART ONE
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  14. I was in Louisiana and I had just arrived for a three month project with my job, and I was cruising the sites trying to find some playmates in my new place. I am 38, white, 5’8” 160, in good shape, clean shaven, military cut brown hair, a very eager bottom pig and usually if I’m playing I am also slamming T - love to get fisted on T; I have done other chems, but nothing is better. I have been told I am a great cocksucker, love to get fisted deep and long, love dirty Dominant talk, into water sports, bondage, spanking etc. etc. I typically play in just a leather jockstrap as the guys I play with are not at all interested in my cock and I like it that way. Naturally on the passive side, I do tend to respond to whoever I’m with by being increasingly submissive as the guy I am with is increasingly Dominant. I have a pretty suggestive and slutty online profile - good pictures of my body and face, even some of me getting fucked and fisted. For an hour, I had been looking online this being my first Saturday evening in Louisiana. I had sent messages to three or four guys when I noticed there was a message in my inbox from a guy in Lafayette, a city about an hour from me. “Hi. I’m Leon, are you looking to get fucked tonight?” This Leon was not one of the guys I had sent messages to, so I checked out his profile and the description was pretty short: “44 year old total top guy in Lafayette who can host.” There were mostly “ask me” answers in his profile, his HIV status was poz, but I figured we would jsut fist, so no big probelm there. His picture showed that he was in shape and handsome, so I replied, “Really looking to get fisted...you into that?” “Sure" was his reply. I unlocked all my pictures, giving him my cell number inviting him to give me a call or text me. Five minutes later he called, and his voice was low and smooth as he asked, “Hi, this is Leon, are you Matt?” “Yes, hi!” I said, and we began to talk. His voice sounded gentle but commanding and firm and the sound of it tuned me on. I had seen his pics and stats, so I knew he was a tall (6’5” 245) good looking black man with a shaved head and a lot of tats on his arms and body that looked hot as hell. He did not have a pic of his cock, but I was sure he had one and I wasn’t too concerned about it. I could tell by how he talked he was witty, intelligent and self-confident. We exchanges pleasantries, talked about sexual likes and dislikes and we seemed to mesh so well it I was all I could do not do sound over-eager. He said he’d like to see me dressed in my leather stuff, which was fine with me. I asked him if he partied, and he said sometimes, but that he really got into fucking tweaked up bottoms, so if I wanted to, I could. I told him that I was really looking to suck his cock and get fisted, but loved to party while I get fisted. He said he had some stuff, but I told him I would bring my own. This impressed him - he said he runs into too many mooching little bottom sluts just looking for a bump. Then he got right down to business - “Come over now so I can start working your hole, pussyboy.” I told him I loved that kind of talk and he said good, and that he’d call me ‘pussyboy’ and hoped I would live up to the name. He gave me his address and I told him it was an hour to his place, but that I’d get there as soon as I could. I ended the call, and was so sexually aroused I could not think. I had recently acquired two eight balls of very large crystals of tina which I was not too eager to use up quickly, so I fixed three pretty strong points of about a third of a gram each and left the rest of the stash safely in my room. I put on my metal cock ring, leather jockstrap, harness and chaps which left my ass exposed; I opted for wrestling shoes rather than boots and also inserted a medium butt plug for the ride. I threw on a light jacket over it all and carried the rest of my toys and stuff to the car. It was a long hour knowing what was waiting for me on the other end of the trip, but at 8:00 PM I arrived at Leon’s place. The address was in a a somewhat rundown trailer park and the natty look of the place gave off a kind of sleazy aura which I liked. The trailers were so close to each other - people were going to hear us. The thought of that got me hot. I parked my car and made the short walk to his door in my harness, jock, chaps while I covered my exposed ass with my gym bag as I knocked. Leon opened the door, gave me a once over with his eyes and with a toothy smile invited me in. We stopped inside the door and our eyes met each other as he palmed the back of my head, pulling me to him to kiss me deep and intensely. He firmly pinched my nipple and I rubbed his crotch as we kissed. I thought that since we had not discussed his cock size that it was nothing remarkable, but as we made out, I could feel one of the biggest cocks I had ever seen (including in porn) straining at the jeans he was wearing. He was stroking my exposed hole as he held me. “Nice pussy, boy. Nice.” I met his finger with my hips and continued to suck on his tongue like it was a cock. He paused after a few minutes and asked, “You need to do anything before we start, pussyboy? You bring your party stuff?” “Yes, sir, I said, “I would like use the bathroom just to make sure I’m clean and then I could slam too.” “No,” he said, “and call me Daddy. You can go ahead and clean up, but don’t slam until I tell you to, understand, boy?” Softly I said, “Yes sir, Daddy.” Leon put his finger under my chin to lift my head, looked into my eyes and said, “I am hot to fuck your slutty ass, maybe even as hot as you are to get fucked. You’ll be just fine - just do what Daddy says. Got that bitch? All I could think of was, “Oh Shit, how am I going to keep him from barebacking me?" I knew better, but his strength and confidence mesmerized me. “Yes, Daddy.” In that quietly moment I completely submitted to this magnificent stud and I found I wanted his barecock and load even more. I bowed my head a bit and looked down in submission. He kept fingering my hole, softly but firmly putting me in my place, “I do like fuckin little white pussy boys like you, show you where the line is, how a real man fucks - oh, I know what you want - I know what a white fag like you wants. You just make sure you are always taking care of my cock, you got that pussyboy?” I began to respond to his Dominance, breathing heavily, I looked into his eyes and whispered, “Yes sir.” Trembling at the idea of what lay ahead, I went to bathroom and briefly cleaned out, using Leon’s well equipped shower. I dried off, popped a little lube in my hole and walked back into the bedroom. There was Leon, clothed and lying on the bed; his eyes motioned me over. I crawled up next to him, and he fitted a black leather collar around my neck and snapped a leash to it. “Now, he said, “undress me and suck my cock until tell you to stop. I mean to breed your ass first off, so get me hard.” I was scared to death, but I couldn’t help myself. I was fixated on him as he exuded sheer masculinity and I knew I would be taking my first bareback cock in 15 years, and I knew he was poz. I unzipped and unbuttoned and peeled off all his clothing until he was naked, staring at me while he slowly stroked himself. “Where is your party stuff?” “I have it here,” I said as I pulled a prepared .3 syringe out of my bag. “Give it to me to hold and start sucking, pussyboy.” I moved between his legs and with only my mouth, engulfed little more than the head of his magnificent and incredibly thick cock. I tried to wrap by hand around the shaft lower down, but could not get my whole hand around it. Fucking amazing cock, had to be 10 inches long and impressively thick - I was getting so I couldn’t wait to have it in me. I continued sucking and slurping and Leon made approving noises. I swallowed as much as I could, and as I deep throated about three quarters of his lovely black cock, I looked up at Leon’s face in total submission. Seeing me there, kneeling between his legs with my hands gently rubbing his stomach, nipples and chest, he said, “You look like you’re praying, all down on your knees like that.” I tried so swallow more, and he ramped up the talk, “Yeah, bitch, worship that cock! That’s a real cock, white boy, you like it huh? You’re a good cocksucker, aren’t you? Fuck, you fucking faggots can’t help yourselves can you - gotta have my cock don’t you?Tell me how much you want my big black cock in your ass, you fucking pussy. Tell me pussyboy!” I lifted my head off his cock and quietly begged, “Oh Daddy, I want you to fuck me silly with your magnificent black cock! I want you to own my ass..”your pussy, you mean, he said, twisting my nipple ...yes sir, my pussy, and pump it full, breed my pussy ass." “Yeah, you’ll that, bitch. You’ll get that and more.” I resumed sucking him and soon his cock was fully hard. I paused to look at its beauty and perfection and wondered how big it really was. Seeming to know what I was thinking already, Leon said, “It’s eleven by eight, boy. enough for you?.” I nodded and smiled and continued to worship his manhood...nothing else even existed for me - this man’s cock was all that mattered. After a few minutes he touched my forehead, and said, “Climb on top of my cock and take all of it to the balls, pussyboy.” Immediately, I generously lubed his cock and straddled him, reaching behind me to put the head into my ass. Leon held a bottle of poppers under my nose,“Take two hits, boy.” I did, and since my ass was nice and lubed too, his thick cock split my butt open and began to slide in. “Yeah, fuck your self with a real man’s cock, you little faggot! Look into my eyes when you take my cock...fuck, look at your face! You really love it, don’t you, you really are a little faggot, huh - Oh fuck your pussy is hot! I love having a faggot like you riding on my big nasty nigger cock. Tell me how much you love my nigger cock.” I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just blurted out, “This is the greatest cock I’ve ever seen, and I love sucking it and and having your big black cock...” Leon tweaked my nipples roughtly - sternly correcting me, “It's nigger cock, pussyboy. Say it!” Here I was riding the biggest thickest cock I have ever seen, taking it bareback, something I never do, and about to use a word I never do, but I knew it was just like taking him bareback - it was not an option, but a simple act of total submission, and so was what I said as I looked in his eyes. “Fuck yeah, Daddy I love your hot nigger cock in my faggot white pussy. I want you to fuck me, all night with your huge fuckin’ nigger cock! A triumphant smile came over his face. “Yeah, bitch, yeah,” he said as he thrusted his massive tool into me. By this time I had all by two inches of him in me and I was slowly gyrating to get the last of his awesome pole into me, when he gave me the poppers again. Looking deep into his eyes, I took a couple big deep hits and slid down balls deep on his gigantic 11 manhood. “Good little faggot, your pussy is so fucking hot, oh, I own your ass, boy!" “Yes sir, yes, Daddy, it’s yours, all yours...” His 11 inches of hard black cock stuffed all up inside me had me in a trance. "Fuckin' Slut, you're a hot little faggot, you jsut keep making my cock happy." :Fuckin' love your nigger cock, Daddy! “Here, bitch, he said, handing me the point full of meth I gave him earlier, “do this now as you ride my cock - show me how much you want to be my faggot white slut!” I reached to take the point from him, saying, “Yes Daddy!” “Tell me how much you want to be my slut, pussyboy!” I sat there, with Leon’s huge beautiful thick black manhood completely embedded in my eager twitchy white ass; in front of me was a monster slam of meth and he was asking me to do something I had never done - take a slam of meth with a bare cock inside me - a fucking monster black - nigger - cock, a fucking mandingo fantasy cock, one that was eleven inches balls deep inside of me. This could be the hottest and most twisted way I had ever slammed - and beyond the slam lay all the intense, piggy, uninhibited sexual adventure I would ever experience. All I had to do was beg like a filthy cheap whore for his beautiful cock. As the words came out, I was surprised how easily I gave in actually. I looked deep into his eyes and ground my pussy on his stiff thick monster pole, tweaked my nipples and started to whisper, “Fuck yeah, Daddy, it's so fuckin hot to get fucked by a real man like you - I need it - I need, crave, your huge nigger cock in my pussy. You nigger cock craving faggot, boy? "Yeah, I'm your nigger cock-craving faggot!” Leon smiled “You really are a filthy white trashy whore, aren’t you?” I just smiled and quietly moaned, "Yeaaaaah Daaaady...” “Fuck yeah, that's hot bitch, I own your sorry ass, now, let me see you slam this, and keep looking into my eyes as you do it, pussyboy.” “Yes, Daddy.” With that, he handed me the point and said, “Get ready, pussyboy.” I swabbed my arm and put on the tourniquet as he picked up his cell and made a call. “Hey man. You have got to come over and help me fuck this white boy I have here. He’s sitting with my hard cock up in his pussy right now. Yeah, man, lotsa fun. A total faggot, yeah a pig, definitely...sending you a pic of what we’re doing now...ok, hang on.” Leon held the phone to my face. “Hello?” I said. “You Leon's whore tonight? “Uh-huh, his pussyboy.” “You sitting with Leon’s big cock up your ass? “Uh-huh, all of it” I said. “Say it, you bitch, say it so I know.” “I’m sitting with Leon’s big thick nigger cock all the way up my ass,” I said matter-of-factly. “Fucking slut! Give me back to Leon!” Leon took the phone back. “Yeah, we will, see you in a few,” Then he chuckled at something the other guy said and ended the call. The he pointed the phone’s camera at me. “Put this over your face, pussyboy, I am going to video you slam and ride my cock.” He handed me a black hood, and I put it on. In my mind I paused at how thoughtful he was even though he was only going to tear my ass up as much as he could...so fucking hot. I took the hood from him, it was made of a comfortable light material and just had eye and mouth holes. It went on easily, and he started the video. “You slam that shit, now” Leon ordered. I put the needle to my vein and drew back a good register, then I pushed (as Leon videoed me) and I took the needle out of my arm and handed it to Leon; he kept videoing. As I raised my arm I removed the tourniquet with a snap and on came the inevitable coughs, the rush that brought sheer abandoned sluttiness, the ringing in my ears, the rolling unfocused eyes and an endless hunger for that massive cock inside of me. The slam gave my impaled ass an intense super hot sensation, and I vigorously rode Leon’s huge cock with total abandon. All I could think of was how much a hot fucking stud Leon was! “Oooooooohhhhh, Daddy fuck yeah!” was all I could manage to say. The slam transformed my already whorish nature into Leon’s wanton single-mindedness bitch who only wanted to please and serve and submit to him. I looked as him and was fixated for a moment on the contrast his skin made with mine and with the perfection of this man, this black man - this example of true masculinity. I was exactly where I wanted to be, and I started writhing in ecstasy on his rock hard cock, the cock that was the center of my existence. “Yeah, fucking junkie faggot, ride my fucking cock!" Leon was the best I ever had at dirty talk, I was helpless in his power. and His words heated me up even more, “Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah, I’m your faggot bitch and I love your thick nigger cock in my pussy, please Daddy, fuck me like this all night!!” I rode him for a half hour, with him taunting me racially and me not caring as long as I had his cock in me. I was riding him, in ecstasy, facing him. He stopped the video and set the phone aside. My legs and feet were on the bed on either side of him. I was using my arms to raise and lower my hole, sliding the whole length of his cock as I did. I was reveling in the full feeling in my ass, the sluttiness of it all and the approving taunts Leon was serving me along with his hard cock. “Fuck yourself on that hard nigger cock you little bitch...you can’t get enough, can you? Oh fuck, your faggot hole is so hot, feels just like a little girls’ pussy, this is what you're made for - I interrupted, "Yeah, to be a pussy for a real man like you.” I got back on my knees leaned forward and we kissed with me riding him for I don’t know how long - I was oblivious to anything but his massive prick in me. Finally I felt his cock get super hard like he was about to cum. “Gonna fill that fucking hole now boy, get ready," Leon whispered in my ear. Fuck, Daddy your cock is so fucking great! Breed my pussy Daddy, oh yeah!” I hissed as he took my hips and began to increase the speed and intensity of his thrusts. “Yeah, here it comes pussyboy, gonna seed your ass, yeah...take it,” and Leon shot a huge load of his seed in my ass for nearly a minute, and then lay still, his cock still hard in my hole. I clenched my hole on his cock and looked into his eyes. He thrust up at me gently but continually. He stayed hard and kept pumping my ass some more. The massive quantity of his first load was leaking out of my ass. I started catching it, and eating it off my fingers while he continued to fuck me, his 11 inches just as hard as before he bred me. We kept going this way for at least another 30 minutes and he shot another load of his cum in my well fucked ass, and after he pulled out, all I could do is think about when Leon was going to fuck me again. After he settled, he gently lifted me off his cock, he smiled at me and told me, “I think someone is waiting for you, pussyboy.” I turned and noticed that sometime during our fuck session, a second man had entered and was sitting in a chair enjoying the show. His hard cock was in his hand and he was slowly stroking it as he watched. The new man’s skin was brown, and he looked Hispanic and about 45. He was thinner but still very good looking and muscular. He wore roomy jeans and no shirt. His bare arms and chest looked chiseled and along with his angular face, gave him a hard kind of sinister, even scary, look, like someone used to getting his own way. Our eyes met, and he smiled, the hard look went away. “Fuck, Leon, he is some freaky little white boy.” Leon spoke up, “Pussyboy, this is Pedro.” Pedro gave a little chuckle at the introduction but didn't say anything. "Hi," I quietly said to Pedro and smiled a little. “Yeah, ok, ‘pussyboy,’ get over here and suck my cock. I went eagerly over to the chair Pedro was sitting in and got between his legs, took a couple massive poppers hits from him. I held the last hit and looked up into Pedro’s eye as I exhaled it and took his whole cock down until my nose touched his stomach. Pedro groaned approvingly, “ooooh puta, you a good cocksucker. Yeah.” I still tweaking majorly and would be for some time. Pedro’s cock was nearly as thick as Leon’s, and not as long, but was still 9 inches long with a nice curve that made for great deep-throating. I kept taking Pedro’s full length hungrily down my throat, and soon Pedro pushed my head down and held it there as he shot his load. I was able to take all he gave me and stayed on his hard cock until I milked every drop from him. Pedro turned to Leon, “I want to tag this faggot’s ass now, man, OK? Get on the bed and suck your Daddy’s cock, bitch,” and as I climbed on the bed, Pedro gave me a hard slap on the ass, and I eagerly got on all fours between Leon’s legs and began to sucking his cock back to hardness. Pedro took charge for a bit, “Suck that big fuckin cock, yeah, you little faggot, get your ass up in the air more, bitch! Keep sucking Daddy’s cock, there you go...” I was enjoying the feel of Daddy’s cock hardening in my mouth, when I felt Pedro’s fingers in my hole. “Shit, bitch, how many loads have you taken so far?” “Two, sir,” I said quickly and resumed sucking Leon’s ever growing hardon and Pedro was fingering my cummy hole. “Nicely fucked ass, but you want more, right, you slut? I gave him a ‘mmmhmmm’ as I continued with Daddy. “You give him a slam, Lee?” Pedro asked. “Yeah, it was about two hours ago now I think. Time for another?” Leon asked. Let me get all the way into his ass for a while, OK. But get it ready, OK? Pedro slid his cock all the way into me and held it there for a minute or two, then he withdrew it and vigorously slapped my ass cheek before pounding it forcefully back into my hole. He repeated the sequence for a while, thrust, pull, slap, thrust, pull, slap; I kept Daddy’s cock in my mouth and squealed at the enjoyment of the pain. Eventually Pedro just pounded my ass until he put the third load into me, saying very little, but grunting as intensely and loudly as I’ve heard from anyone. Pedro pulled out and out and sat on the bed. “Clean his cock, pussyboy,” Leon said. I turned around and cleaned off Pedro’s still hard cock with my mouth, being sure to look Pedro in the eye as I swallowed the cock that had just been in my ass. Pedro smiled and muttered, “Fucking nasty slut. Hot.” After he was clean, he ordered me on all fours. “Suck your Daddy’s cock again, bitch.” You like that cock don’t you? I nodded with Leon’s cock in my mouth, and Pedro ordered, “Say it!” “I fucking love worshiping Leon’s awesome nigger cock with my faggot white mouth!” Shit, Lee, he thinks he’s in love with you! Leon said, “No pussyboy knows better. He’s just a fucking faggot, right boy? I nodded and gave a ‘mmmmhmmmm’ as I took Leon’s cock down my throat. “You like getting fisted, pussyboy?” came Pedro’s voice from behind me. I gave him another ‘mmmhmmm’ and kept at Daddy’s cock. “Get him that slam, ok Lee? Can you give it to him?” “He can do it himself and it’s hot to watch. I’ll dose him some G though.” Leon got up for a second and came right back with a glass of gatorade. Pedro kept was still hard and kept fucking me while Leon got the drink. “Here pussyboy,” Leon said, “drink this, you’ll like it.” After I emptied the glass, Pedro slowly withdrew his cock from me and said, “OK, bitch, time for you to slam again. How should we do this?” Leon ordered me, “Stay on all fours, boy." Turning to Pedro, without ordering him, but leaving no doubt he was in charge, Leon said to Pedro, "Work your hand into the faggot's pussy, and when you get in, just stay still." He'll slam himself with your hand in him.” With that Pedro began to stuff crisco into my hole handfuls at a time. His hands were, like he was, slender but strong. My hole was quivering. I could hardly wait. Pedro alternated hands as he inserted fingers, four at a time to knuckles to prime my ass for his whole hand. He pushed his left hand into my willing greasy hole and slowly he slid it all in and slapped my ass in triumph. “Fuck! pussy took that fist quick. Hungry little faggot, huh?” Slap! went Pedro’s hand on my newly fisted ass. I moaned and continued sucking Daddy's cock as Pedro’s hand slowly twisted into my bowels. FUCK! I had never been so totally turned on in my life! Their racial taunts and spankings only made it hotter by the minute. Daddy lifted my head. “Time for this, pussyboy. I know you want it, you fucking junkie, you been staring at it for 5 minutes," His look as regarded me was one of complete and utter confidence in his superiority. He held the loaded point between his thick fingers. I eagerly took it. He handed me a swab and tied my arm for me as Pedro still twisted his hand slowly into my sloppy hole. Daddy told Pedro to stay still and as Daddy held the leash attached to my collar, he stood and watched me take the dose - I put the needle to my vein, hitting it right away. I drew back, got a good influx of blood and pushed the plunger home. Leon took the used needle and I raised my hand above my head and removed the rubber band from around my bicep and I felt Daddy raise my upper body nearly upright while Pedro kept his hand in my ass. The rush was epic! I was afraid for a second or two that I couldn’t breathe, but that passed and soon all I wanted was Pedro to shove his arm into me as far as he could. I was transformed by the raw lust I had for Daddy's cock right then, and I gobbled as much of him as I could. My world was their two cocks, and my giving over to be used by these two amazing studs. Both Pedro and Leon let me get back to breathing normally. Leon put me back on all fours, he fed me several hits of poppers while I went down on his massive cock. Between the G kicking in and the extra slam, I swallowed nearly all of Leon’s cock and held it there while I stared into his eyes. Leon saw me look at him and said, “Fuck, look at those eyes! Yeah, you horny faggot, you tweaking now, aren’t ya? Look at you swallowing Daddy’s dick all the way, and big bad Pedro opening up your sloppy pussy with his arm, damn, pussyboy, you’re a sight! I increased my intensity on his cock. "Yeah, Leon groaned, "keep worshipping my cock boy, I got another load for you, just worship Daddy’s cock and take what Pedro gives you.” With Leon’s cock firmly down my throat, Pedro went to work on my hole with his hands - he was a masterful fister. Leon offered, and I deeply huffed on the poppers a few more times and as they took effect. Pedro began his skillful penetration of my ass with his forearm. My hole felt like it was a mile wide and as he progressed into me, Pedro knew just what to say. “Fuck man, you have such a fine faggot hole, you’re fucking built to take it up your ass.” “Damn, bitch, look in the mirror,” Leon said, “Pedro is almost to the elbow and you’re still gobbling my cock - you like seeing yourself like that, pussyboy?” “Fuck yeah, Daddy,” I answered, “so fucking hot, being your faggot, fucking love it! “That’s my pussyboy, now get ready to swallow my cum, bitch!” he snarled. In a couple minutes he shot another big load all over my face. Leon looked at me and said, "Let it be, boy, you look good that way." “Shit, you are a happy little whore with all my cum on your face, and Pedro stretching your little pussy out, huh boy?" I just smiled, then Leon fed me his cum from off my face, which I gladly ate. Leon sat back and watched Pedro work further into my hole, twisting and turning his arm further and further into my ass. Leon fed me poppers as Pedro gave my eager spun hole a good work out. Slowly, bit by bit, he sank his arm into me. Pedro whispered to me, “here it comes - all the way into that sloppy hole of yours! FUUUUCK, you're a good little faggot, huh, boy? Pedro turned to Leon, "Fuck! Lee, look at this,” as slowly he began to twist his forearm into me all the way to his elbow. I looked in the mirror and saw that Pedro had reached his elbow and was grinning evilly at me. The night had only just begun. This was the start of an amazing three months I spent in Louisiana, and I saw Daddy and Pedro almost exclusively during that time - including two very eventful trips to the bathhouse in the French Quarter....
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  15. I had to write about this hot night I had rather recently -- this is largely a true account, but I've added some embellishments, so putting here in the fiction section. Months ago, I had responded to a Craigslist Ad from a guy who was in my neighborhood. Schedule-wise, we weren't able to meet up, but we texted every once in awhile to see what was going on. Finally, one Friday night, our schedule coincided, so we had agreed I would walk up to his house around 10pm. I took my time getting ready making sure I was extra clean. I showed up right at 10 and this hot thin, but muscular guy answered the door. It was my CL buddy, Rich -- he was late 40s wearing white briefs and a t-shirt. He led me back to his bedroom and sitting on the bed was a super hot black guy in boxer briefs. His name was Charlie, he was 24 and just finished school recently. He was lifeguarding for the time being and his body was hot. Well, the two of them had started the party and were ready for me to catch up. Rich loaded his pipe and handed it to me. After a few hits and a hot shotgun kiss with Rich, I was stripping down. Charlie had lost his boxer shorts and was working his mouth around Rich's crotch -- I could see a big piece of meat coming to life. Rich kept encouraging me to hit the pipe, while I sat back in my own sexy underwear, rubbing my crotch, while I watched Charlie fish that thick, long cock out of Rich's briefs. I put the pipe down and made my way to my knees to help Charlie with that cock. Of course, this led to a hot little session of cock sucking, ass licking, nip sucking in all kinds of positions. We paused for a minute when Charlie said he was thirsty. Being the ultimate host, Rich passed me the pipe while he prepared liquid refreshments for all. I noticed he went to a cabinet when he came back in the room, where he re-loaded the pipe -- I just assumed this was where he kept his stash. He encouraged me to drink of which I did -- I didn't want to get dehydrated -- this was looking to be a hot night. We resumed our play and about 20 minutes in, I was certainly feeling a little flush and Rich asked if we were feeling our G. Ahh, G, nice -- this was a nice surprise as I love G play. Our play got intense and I spent a long time eating Charlie's hot hole, but I felt myself getting sleepy. I fought it, but it took control of me and I was face down on the bed semi-conscious. I just listened. I could hear Charlie working on Rich's hot cock again. I looked up once and saw Charlie teasing his hole with Rich's cock, but my head slammed right back on the bed. I could hear them hitting the pipe and then I heard Rich say, "Okay, we've got him right where we want him. Let's get this going." I couldn't move and I couldn't open my eyes. The G had me for sure. Charlie came over and maneuvered my body and I could hear Rich typing on the computer and responding to text messages. Charlie got me centered on the bed and then I heard some wrestling -- soon he had me blindfolded, slipped restraints on both my wrists and ankles and I was spread eagle on the bed. Rich came over and whispered in my ear, here's where I'm going to take control and your cock is going to feel so good. Amazingly, my cock was feeling good and hard (from it's earlier shrivled up self). Rich had my cheeks spread wide and was licking it and sucking it so deeply. Charlie pushed poppers under my nose and then I was just wave after wave of pleasure. Rich stopped suddenly and I could hear him leave the room. Charlie said the fun was just getting started and told me to drink some more. He also took a hit of the pipe and gave me a big smokey shotgun. I then heard two new voices enter the room -- they sounded hot and they were hot in my mind. Rich introduced them to Charlie and just referred to me on the bed. I could hear the pipe being passed around. I thought was writhing in pleasure on the bed riding my G high repeatedly saying, "Oh, my God, I feel fucking good." Finally, one of the new guys said I need to get on top of that boy. I could hear undressing and buckles making noises as I continued my pleasure writhing restrained to this bed, ass totally exposed. I had a new cock inserted in my mouth -- wasn't particularly hard (thanks to t), but I gobbled it up and I had what felt like a new mouth on my ass. Charlie referred to comments someone had posted on-line, so it made me think they were streaming it on icu. Soon I had two cocks at my mouth and the guy eating my hole was now teasing it with his semi-hard cock. I could feel the cock getting harder and soon he slipped right inside and right where I wanted it. This led to my ass being tag-teamed for hours and due to the t there was no immediate cumming. And, throughout that time, there were breaks for t hits and refreshed G cocktails. Eventually, I was set free and I was on my back with one of the guys (one who was hot about 30, thick pretty 8 inch cock) pounding my hole. He was so sweaty from the drugs and the scene and I loved feeling the beads of sweat hit my chest. Eventually, I could see it in his eyes and we looked intimately at each other as he shook his head, yes, leaned in to kiss me and then smack my cheek. He picked up his rhythm, threw his head back and unloaded in my hole. Rich was fucking Charlie at the time and the other new guy was stroking fiercely sitting in the desk chair just taking it all in. Rich got off Charlie and came over to clean up the cock that was just in my hole and then started eating my hole out. The desk chair buddy came over and unloaded on my hold and Rich's tongue, which made Rich lose his load all over the sheets. It was HOT. I was spent and soft. Charlie was soft and tired and the two guys started to get ready to head out. It was already 5:45am, so I figured, I'm gonna let this be my scene (for now) and head home. I graciously thanked my top boys and the host and headed home for some shut-eye until I was ready for my next scene of the weekend. More on that, but I was one happy boy feeling that load dampen my boxer briefs on the way home.
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  16. I had been horny all week not able to get out and play with any of my regular fuck buddies my hole was hungry. I was idly cruising squirt waiting to see if one of my regular fuck buds showed up, no luck. I was about to give up and log off when a chat request popped up. I didn't recognise the user name, but the pic looked intriguing, and older daddy type in reasonable shape. "Hey you looking to play?" Indeed I was, the horniness was driving at this point, "Yeah mate, you can host?". A few seconds passed before the response "Yeah, here's my address be here in half an hour" And with that I quickly put on my come fuck me out fit, a tight jock strap, tight little white footy shorts and a dark singlet. I jumped in the car and drove over, with that nervous mix of anticipation and excitement, my hole twitching at the thought of some hot cock. I arrived at a fairly average house on a quiet street, no activity nearby, I realised all of sudden how late it had gotten, had to be close to midnight. Not that i cared, there was a slight chill in the air and I could hear some music coming from inside the house as I approached the door. I knocked, and heard some activity inside. The door opened to the guy from the pics he looked even better in person, he was wearing nothing but a towel and a smile "Hey mate come on in", I slipped passed and felt him admiring my tight arse in my shorts. I was in the living room, a big screen TV was playing a bareback porno, a guy on screen was getting it good and deep. This made my cock start to stir and strain against my jock, in the middle of the room between the lounge and the tv was a massage table. As I was taking this in my host had closed the door and dropped his towel. "I thought you might like a massage to help you relax". I was admiring his cock, had to be 8 inches and was only half hard at best. "That would be awesome mate", I replied and started to shed my clothes, I didn't need much encouragement at this point, and my cock was becoming uncomfortable in my jock. As I bent over to drop my shorts, he came up behind me cupping one of my cheeks in his hand, a finger ever so slightly working towards my hole. "Very nice mate" "Thanks" I don't get too many complaints I cheekily replied, "Bet you don't, if you don't mind I'm gonna give that some special attention when you're on the table, I have a special oil that will get you nice and slippery". As I got onto the table and positioned my head on the cut out, I said "Sounds good mate, been a while so I'll be a little tight". As I positioned my self I heard him getting his equipment together, then at the massage table head opening a cup with a straw appeared, "Gotta keep your fluids up mate" I took a big sip without even asking what it was, it was water but there was something else I didn't recognise. As I finished the contents of the cup I started to feel very relaxed and warm, I'd never done anything stronger than vodka and at first thought maybe there had been some in the drink. Then I felt his hands spreading warm oil all over my back, and as promised extra attention on my arse. He was kneading and spreading my meaty cheeks and I felt extra oil dripping on my hole. I was really enjoying the attention, and my cock was harder than it had ever been, a pool of pre cum between my stomach and the table. Then I felt something I will always remember, a sharp pain in my arse "Hey whats that", "Don't worry mate, just the special oil it burns at first but soon you won't notice it". He kept working a finger in and out of my hole running it all around the rim, and he was right the burning started to subside and it was replaced with a warm feeling and then a hunger, my hole started to open up and I then I heard this low guttural moaning, I thought it was the porn movie, but no it was me I was moaning for more. I felt him press more of his "special oil" into my hole, and this time he had two maybe three fingers inside me, I couldn't really tell but the other thing that was happening was I was raising my arse up to meet the strokes of his fingers. "Oh yeah I think this cunts ready for some cock", all I would do was moan in agreement "mmmhhhhh" "You gonna take my charged load in your cunt mate?", his charged load? what was he talking about?, all I wanted was his cock inside my hole right now! He was now on top of me, rubbing his cock against the opening of my cunt, teasing my hungry hole. "Your profile says you only play safe, but you don't want that tonight do you". He was right but at this moment all I wanted was cock raw and deep in me "I don't care fucking put it in me" I managed to slur out, "I can fuck you raw?", "yeah mate, fucking breed my hole I want your load" - I'd seen enough bareback porn to know the lingo. That was all he needed to hear, in one swift movement he positioned the head of his cock at my hole and buried it balls deep inside me, normally that would have hurt like hell, but instead I felt I finally had I what I needed, a big fat cock inside me. He started to pump me and all I wanted was this cock inside me forever. It felt amazing, sliding so effortlessly in and out coating my insides in pre cum. He pulled out without warning, "Hey", He slapped my arse hard, "Don't worry mate, we just need to relocate" He helped guide me off the table into a room at the back of the house, inside it was lit by only a soft blue glow, the walls lined with mirrors, and on one wall a tv showing an angle on the sling in the middle of the room, he helped put me into it and strapped my wrists and arms in place, then he disappeared for a moment I admired the view of my open arse in the mirrors it felt so empty and I could watch it pulsing hungry for cock. After what seemed like an eternity he reentered the room holding a needle and a rubber strap, "This is gonna make you feel even better mate", in my already partially chemmed up state, from the "special oil" I wasn't able to fight back, especially strapped into the sling, as he swabbed a vein on my arm, and applied the strap I mumbled some half hearted objection "nah mate I don't do needles". "It's okay mate, this will be worth it", and then he stuck the needle in my arm, a little blood appeared and then he depressed the plunger, I felt a slight warming in my arm, then he released the strap and I felt it hit me almost immediately, a head rush and several sharp coughs, then all I wanted was cock, as much cock as I could get. "How you feel mate", "Fuck me, give me that fucking cock" He smiled positioned himself at my arse and slid inside me, it felt more awesome than before even, he started working into me hard and fast. The sling swinging me in rhythm with his thrusts getting me impaled longer and deeper. And then he started "You gonna take my charged load boy, you gonna take Daddy's toxic seed in your cunt?!" "Yes fucking breed me, give me that load, I want that fucking load". And then I felt it the warm rush of toxic cum bathing my insides, he pulled out and shoved a butt plug inside me to hold the cum, didn't want to waste any. I was still horny, and wanted more, little did I know I would get it and then some. More to come....
    1 point
  17. Double Shot on The Rocks – The wind was rattling the windows as the Arctic air forced its way through the very walls of the apartment. The whole building seemed to be shaking and trembling as the remnants of last night’s storm passed over the city. My hopes for finding a hot dick to keep me warm were dashed as everyone online seemed huddled up and content to stay inside, but then the phone rang. “Hey B,” Victor said. He called everyone ‘B’, no matter what their name was. It was hard to hear him on his worthless cell phone, but I could tell he was outside and even harder to hear when he lowered his voice and said, “I got someone for you. Can we come through? He’s got a big one.” I paused before replying. I was horny, but sometimes Victor was too much. He was mostly straight, but liked to fuck ass raw when he was high and I enjoyed taking his nice 9-inch, big black cock. Victor was also a total freak into role play, verbal, and watching me get nutted up by his street friends. The problem came when he smoked too much and then he became a mess. That Victor I did not like. “Come on B, its bitch ass cold out and we need some place to lay up a few and chill, you hear me? Come on man.” My hungry ass decided for me for me, “OK, come on. About how long?” I replied. I spent the next 10 minutes getting things set up – straight gangbang porn vid playing, a big bottle of lube and some towels discreetly set by the living room chairs, an ashtray and pack Newport 100s out as Victor smoked those too. I also moved my padded storage bench around for extra seating and a handy place to get fucked on, and set a couple of incense burning by the front door so the neighbors would not smell whatever Victor planned to smoke. The phone rang, I buzzed them into the apartment building, and anxiously waited by the front door peaking through the peep hole and watching the elevator. I saw two men get off and come my way so I opened the door and let Victor in, followed by his friend. I closed the door, locked it, and Victor was already soothing his friend like one would a nervous horse at the races, “See man, told you my man B was cool. Look at that? Damn bitch taking that dick! This’ll be good man. Told you we could hang out. Got some smokes too, and plenty to drink.” I went into the living room as Victor and his friend were shaking off the cold and staring at the gangbang flick. The white girl was being pummeled in all three holes and Victor and his friend were both staring at the scene, hunger written all over the faces. “I can hang your coats up if you like,” I offered. Victor and the other guy took off their hats, coats, gloves, and even a couple of sweat shirts and sweaters and piled them up on my arms. While I made space in the closet Victor came down the hall and whispered, “Hey B, I told him you’d help us a out a little aiight? I promise man, it’ll be worth it.” I nodded, familiar with Victor’s old trick of waiting until he got inside my place before mentioning he would want a little cash for his trouble and patted my pocket where I had already counted out some $20s. Victor went on to the bathroom and I went to the living room to ask his friend what he’d like to drink. The guy just stood staring at the TV and I could tell he had already been smoking. After a moment he replied, “Rum,” so I went to the kitchen, mixed him a rum and coke, a vodka for Victor and grabbed myself a beer, which I slammed half of before delivering their drinks, slammed the rest of my beer and grabbed another. They settled into the easy chairs as I perched on the bench like a kid outside the principals’ office not sure if I was going to be punished or rewarded as Victor rambled on about the cold, the porn, and nonsense stuff, while I scoped out his friend. Victor’s friend was a bit older than me, taller, with a beard that was fairly thick and which stuck out giving him a wild look. Up close, he was a bit dusty and had a pretty strong odor like stale piss mixed with sweat, so likely a street dude. I didn’t mind and my ass twitched in anticipation. I downed the rest of my second beer, grabbed another, and quickly finished that one too. I was feeling a buzz now and when I refilled their drinks and grabbed my fourth, Victor emptied his pockets, ready to get the show on the road. I had set out a large, navy blue dinner plate I kept just for his visits. I had learned the hard way that Victor was messy and he did not pay much mind to where he set his hot pipe or ashes. Victor’s drug of choice is crack and while he smokes weed most days, it’s when he smokes crack that he most often wants my raw ass. His friend had still barely said a word since he arrived and Victor was doing enough talking for both of them. I watched their drug dance as they set out their supplies, divided up their little baggies, handed a lighter back and forth, both frantic to get to the smoke. I kept extra lighters on hand and his friend nodded in appreciation when I handed it to him and said in a deep, raspy voice, “Thanks.” Almost like a synchronized dance routine, Victor and his friend moved in unison now as they carefully put the rock in their glass pipes, flicked their lighters, and inhaled the smoke deep while turning their pipes back and forth between their finger and thumb as a smell like burning plastic filled the apartment. Victor finished his rock first, set his pipe on the plate, unzipped his jeans, fished out his dick, and started whacking hard as he talked a mile a minute, saying how wet that white girl’s pussy being fucked on TV looked, how those guys were stretching her good, how he wanted to see the close up of them fucking her in the ass. Victor then got quiet for a minute, his eyes glazed and fixed on the TV as he continued to jack his dick, his mouth silently working, but no words came out. He then stood up, his pants fells around his ankles and he looked at me and said, “Give me a $20 and you can suck my dick for me.” I looked from Victor to his friend, and his friend just continued slowly smoking, closing his eyes as he held the smoke, seemingly oblivious to all else. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a $20, set it on the table by the plate, got on my knees, opened my bottle of poppers and sniffed deep, then slowly slid my mouth down Victor’s drooling dick as he moved his hand up his body and started tweaking his left nipple. Victor was mumbling now, “Suck that cock, suck that cock,” as he pushed his hips forward, his dick sliding in and out of my lips. I would pause now and then to hit my poppers and each hit helped relax my throat, letting me take more and more of him until his balls were resting on my chin and my throat was stuffed with his 9-inch shaft. I was ready to get fucked, so I pulled back, reached around the side of the chair and grabbed the lube, squirted some on my fingers, wet my hole, hit the poppers, shifted the padded storage bench a little, then got up on it on my hands and knees with my raw hole pointed at Victor and waited. I hung my head a little and looked back as Victor inched closer, jacking his dick now, and when I felt the heat from the head close to my ass I angled my chest down, ass up, and pushed back a little. That was all the encouragement he needed as Victor pushed against my ass ring, with only what spit may have been left on his dick from me sucking him and the lube I had fingered into my hole to pave the way. I grunted, opened the poppers, and closed my eyes to enjoy the feel of his black dick starting to open me up. It didn’t take Victor long to get into a steady fuck rhythm and when the scene changed to the girl getting her ass split, he was ready and started bang my ass hard like through me, he was fucking her. “Fuck that pussy with that crack head dick,” I said, “Shoot that cum, shoot it.” Victor liked it when I talked dirty like that, but I did hold back, not knowing what his friend was really into. “UNGH..UNGH..OHH…” Victor grunted as he bred me with his first load. I arched my back, pushed my ass back, and clenched my hole to get every drop. He didn’t stop, and slowly worked his load in, pushing it deeper. I tried to turn a bit to see what his friend was doing but Victor set his hand on my lower back and said, “No, leave it in. I’m gonna cum again, damn that feels good.” I hit the poppers and Victor set to work fucking my ass and giving me load number two and his entire body stiffened and pulsed this time as he drew that load of cum from deep in his balls. Victor pulled out, grabbed the hand towel off the floor, wiped himself off and plopped back into the chair. I turned and his friend was just staring at the movie, his pants were still zipped up, and he appeared to not have noticed at all that I just took some raw dick. Victor fished around in the pile of supplies on the plate, came up empty, anxiously dug back into every pocket, then said, “Hey B, give me another $20 – that was a double shot – I need to run out a minute – and um… give me two more so I can make sure my man here is set up too. I’ll be right be back, OK?” The last part he had directed at his friend who still didn’t really react, and so Victor took that as an affirmative, took the other $20s I gave him, went to the closet, put on just his coat and stuff and stood as I unlocked the door. He paused as I asked, “Is he OK?” Victor gave me a toothy smile and nodded like a bobble head as he said, “Yeah, yeah B, he’s good. He’ll take care of you.” I locked the door, went back to the living room and shyly walked between the TV and Victor’s friend, my naked ass feeling wet with Victor’s load. I sat in the chair, asked if he wanted another drink, he shook his head no so I downed the rest of my beer and went to the kitchen to grab another and when I came back noticed he was watching me. His eyes were focused on me now like they had been the porn. I still didn’t even know his name, and as his stare became more intense and serious looking I suddenly thought, “Great, a dude who goes crazy when he gets fucked up.” He reached into his shirt pocket, dug out a baggy and dumped a few rocks onto the plate – man was holding out on his buddy Victor. As I watched, he smiled a little, filled his pipe, adjusted his position in the chair and leaned back and just as he set the pipe to his lips said in his gravely voice, “Suck my dick.” I grabbed my poppers, took a hit, and was surprised as the guy gave me a look of disapproval. Really? The man with the crack pipe is being judgmental? The poppers’ rush hit so I dismissed it, got on my knees, and fought with his zipper, which to my frustration realized would do me no good as the clasp was broken and there was no way to unzip his pants to get to the growing bulge I was seeing before my eyes. When the guy exhaled he blew the smoke at my face and I tried to breathe it in, my dick getting hard from the nastiness of the scene. The bulge in his pants was now straining the denim as I rubbed it, and he continued to smoke, this time when he exhaled he chuckled a little as I was clearly frustrated I could not suck his dick. A few minutes later, he set the hot pipe on the plate, I sat back on my haunches and hit the poppers again as I eyed him. He grabbed the Newport 100s, tapped one out, lit it, then focused his dark eyes back on me and asked, “So you like dirty dick?” I just nodded, he smiled, “You like big dick?” I nodded harder, hit the poppers, and he smiled. “Are you a hoe?” I nodded again as he placed the cigarette between his teeth, the ashes getting ready to fall off onto his shirt, which they did as he stood up, but he paid them no mind. He unbuckled the belt on his pants, let them fall to the floor and stepped closer to me to let the shadow of dick now straining against his long johns fall over my upturned face. He looked down, more ashes fell off the tip of his cigarette as he pulled the two sets of long johns he was wearing part way down his thighs and let his monster dick pop up over the waistbands. Jesus Christ his dick was huge! Victor was just over 9 and average thickness, this guy was probably 11 and real thick with a slight curve to the left and a head that looked black and blue, not pink like most dicks, and a pile of foreskin that bunched up in rows like a set of collars, making his dick even wider. It was also freaky veiny. Some dicks have one or two big veins running down the top or sides that you notice, not his, he had dozens – big and small - all of them engorged giving his dick a somewhat inhuman or unreal look. The smell is what I noticed next, strong man musk, sweaty balls, unwashed dick, stale chem piss and I reached forward to guide this tasty treat to my mouth. “So what you got for me?” he said. I bent over and spread my cheeks, showing him my glistening, just fucked hole. Nothing. “So what you got for me?” he said again. Oh, I turned, grabbed my pants off the floor, fished out a $20 and laid it on the table beside him. His dick slapped his thigh as he turned a little to look at it, a look of disgust and dissatisfaction on his face. I took out two more $20s and set those on the table too, and he said, “I got that double shot on the rocks for you, now show me that fucking hole.” I leaned forward, bent my knees a little, hoping to give him a nice view. I then stood back up so I could hit the poppers again but he snatched them out of my hand and tossed them across the floor saying, “You don’t need those.” Fuck, I did. He then grabbed my hips with his hands and with his hard dick pressed into my ass crack hobble walked me a couple steps to the left and forward to the bench. The bench shifted a bit as I bumped into it and I tried to edge toward the end so I could get up on my hands and knees with my feet dangling over the end to give him a direct view to the TV like the way Victor had fucked me. He was having none of that and just shoved me forward so my hands slide off the far side and I landed across the bench, arms hanging off the far side, my legs off the front, and ass poking up. I tried to get my hands back up on the edge of the bench and started to push myself up, but the guy used the weight of his body to push me back down, and as he did, a stream of ash fell off the cigarette in his mouth and cascaded down onto the carpet below my head, the embers quickly dying. With his pants still on, the crack head shuffled between my splayed legs, squatted until his dick was hovering near my open hole, then in one move dropped down onto my back with his body, leveraging his feet out a little and thrusting his dick inside me. I yelled “OW OW OW - OH FUCK THAT HURTS!” and my body tensed as I squirmed and twisted, which just let him push in deeper and made him laugh as he grabbed my shoulders to ensure he had me locked in place at both ends and started grinding his dick around, opening me up more. “White hoes get fucked rough and dirty by big black dick. Only way, the only way,” he said, his gravelly voice sounding hoarser and more raspy from the smoke of the crack pipe. He continued digging around in my ass as I moaned and squirmed, the weight of his body pressing me against the bench making it harder to breathe. Now, I do like it when I find top that can really make my hole throb, and few can, so as soon as the initial shock wore off I started to talk dirty, “Please give me that crack head dick. Open me up, fuck it rougher, come on rougher. Make me a dirty hoe for you. Make that pussy ass talk, make it wet, use Victor’s cum. Go deeper – UGHHH – fuck yeah – deeper, Jesus Christ, DON’T STOP!” This time when he laughed the half smoked cigarette fell out of his mouth onto the carpet and began to leave a burn mark, but pinned as I was I could not reach it and all thoughts that I should stop and ask him to get it and put it out were overcome by being stuffed and stretched and used. He continued to fuck me like that for a couple of minutes, then he leveraged himself up on his arms on the bench, lifting his weight off me and angling his dick up and in. Several balls-deep thrusts and I was panting like a greyhound from the force of the fuck, yet my ass was opening up for him, letting his thick dick head pierce me deeper as his rolls of foreskin sent ripples of ecstasy through my guts. His arms must have gotten tired as he did not last long in that position and eased himself back and off my body and I cried out as his dick left me vacant and needing more. “Show me you want my dirty dick,” he said, so I got my knees settled underneath me as best I could and pushed my ass back, silently begging to be filled up again and I sighed as he slid inside me once again, inch after inch of thick beef. He got on his knees behind me and started jabbing my ass ring with tight, hard thrusts, in and out of my hole and then on every 3rd or 4th one he would jam it as deep as he could, piercing me against the bench with his dick, making my gut walls stretch like Silly Putty. I was a slutty, babbling mess needing to be used and fucked and was trying to figure out how to get him deeper inside me when he stopped, “Fucking carpet’s killing my knees. God damn rug burn. Get up.” I turned as he backed away from me, kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his jeans and long johns, rubbed his balls a couple times to readjust them, and picked up his crack pipe. While he set out his supplies and got the pipe ready I picked up what was left of his now extinguished cigarette, squirted a spot of lube on the small burn mark on the carpet, set the cigarette in the ashtray and was practically jumping around needing to get his dick again. I had an idea and quickly scrambled past him, got into the easy chair he had been sitting in with my knees up on the edge, my hands on the high back, and my ass poked out. He was taller than me so the height seemed right and with the chair against the wall there was plenty of leverage, and there was one more thing. “Fuck my ass while you smoke your pipe,” I said. I turned my head to look at him and his eyes narrowed a bit, he tilted his head a little considering and asked, “So you trying to be a crack hoe huh? You think you ready? You think you can handle it?” I just braced myself in response and waited, the CLICK of the lighter, the hiss of the rock as it started to melt and his ragged breath sucking in the plastic smoke told me I would get what I wanted. He exhaled, the cloud descended around me and then he stepped behind me, his still slick dick pressed near my hole. His hands were busy, so I reached around with my right and guided his thick head to my hole and breathed out to relax my ring. As soon as he felt the warmth of my skin wrap around the tip, he flicked his lighter, inhaled, held his smoke then the crack head thrust hard into my waiting ass. That was our rhythm for the next few minutes. He would pull his dick all the way out of my sloppy guts, I would line it up to my pulsing ass ring, he would flick his lighter and heat his pipe and fills his lungs with crack smoke, then when he exhaled he would thrust as hard and deep as he could, busting my ring wide, splitting me open like a walnut. Once his rock was done, he moved his hips a little burrowing deeper, then eased back out. “Wipe it off,” he said in a smoke filled whisper. I felt around on the chair for the hand towel stuffed on the side, reached back and with one hand wiped his dick dry best I could, as well as my hole, then lined him back up on target. “Show me that crack hoe pussy, show it to me,” he ordered so I leaned my face and shoulders into the chair back, reached around with both hands and pulled my cheeks apart so he could see my hole. “Stretch it open, far as you can, time to bruise that shit up,” he now demanded. I obeyed, the feeling of my throbbing ass overriding any logic my mind wanted to put forward. His rock hard dick now shook with hunger as it nestled against my dry hole and with a nudge, firm push, and another nudge he lodged the head of his dick into my ass ring and paused. I heard the flick of the lighter again, but he did not inhale as he shifted his body pressing forward even more, half leaning over me and just as I let out the breath I was holding in anticipation I felt a searing, sharp pain on my lower back just above my ass crack and tried to scream, “WHAT THE FUCK?” A new smell hit my nose, the glass pipe clanged onto the plate as he leaned his full weight into me and said, “Now you’s marked as a true crack hoe.” The fucker had branded me with the tip of his hot, glass pipe – which I would see later left me with a droopy looking mark almost like a half circle or smile. The pain was quickly gone though as he forced his dry dick into me as far as he could and began to bang fuck me without mercy. My hole stretched, pulled, twisted, and split as he picked up the pace, his high driving him into a sexual frenzy of need and want. I could feel his dick swell and started to beg for it, “FUCK MY HOLE, TEAR IT UP, GIVE ME THAT CRACK HEAD CUM, USE THAT PUSSY, FUCK ME LIKE A HOE, FUCK IT, HARDER, DEEPER MAN, DEEPER, COME ON FUCK IT!” Just then the phone rang and I quickly realized it must be Victor coming back, but I made no move to stop his friend and his friend made no move to stop what he was doing as he was determined to get his nutt. Faster and faster he fucked me, his crack high driving him on, pounding me into submission. His breathing got more ragged, his breathe raspy, the sound of spit catching in his dry throat, then someone was pounding on my front door – crack laced cum started to explode from the black dick buried deep inside me, pushing the first two loads deeper as the third was added – the pounding on my front door got louder, more insistent and Victor began to holler, “Come on B, open up. Come on B, hey B, come on B, hey B,” bang, bang, bang. The banging continued like a high school drum line as the crack head finished shooting up my ass. His fucking slowly eased, but he did not pull out. I finally spoke up, “I better get that before the neighbors call the fucking cops,” and started to push back. He placed his hands on my hips, locked me tight against his body and with his dick still hard and deep inside me stepped back as I pushed back off the chair. I was standing up now, slightly bent, and he turned me and slut-fuck walked me towards the front door, his fingernails digging deep into my hips to ensure my steps kept time with his. Well this was new. I slid the chain back and let it drop with a clang against the frame, turned the deadbolt, and opened the door just a crack in case anyone else was in the hall as I sure as hell did not want folks seeing me like this. Victor made a move to push the door open and step in, but my fucker quickly stopped that with his left hand while with his right still gripping my hip tight, turned me to the side so I was facing the big mirror over the bathroom sink. He leaned to the left and said in a voice low and edged with more than words, “Give me the shit.” Victor started to protest, “Aw come on man, let me in, that’s not right man, I….” My fucker said again, “Give me the shit. All of it. You can come back another day and settle up however you want, but I ain’t got what I came for yet or do you want me to come out there and settle my shit with you now?” Victor’s voice got softer as he mumbled in futile protest, his jacket russled, a zipper opened, more mumbling, the sounds of plastic and more. The door closed and I could still hear Victor fussing to himself as he walked towards the elevator. The crack head slid the chain into place, the deadbolt snapped, he then looked and saw our reflection in the big sink over the mirror and slut-fuck walked me forward until I could rest my hands on the bathroom counter. He dropped a pile of stuff onto the toilet – several bags of dirty rock, some metal mesh, some other stuff I was not sure what it was, then asked, “Ready to get marked again as a crack hoe? You best be because I think tonight, you’re going to get more than a double shot.”
    1 point
  18. Anonymous, or "anon for short, is a word used frequently when referring to hook-ups or sex. But while one word can mean different things to different people, true live-and-die fanatics of anonymous sex (like myself) often find the watered down definitions which can mean as little as something banbal like "we didn't know his name" to something so salacious it can't be described in open company, like the bottom wearing a blindfold. This is NOT the threshold for "anonymous" sex and it really is just barely the beginning. What do you think is defined under the broad term "anonymous sex"? I also include below a brief rant I wrote on the topic -- I think it's quite funny. ---------------------------- I’m pretty particular in terms of what “anon” means so let me explain. There is a difference between 1) someone acting as the willing bottom in gang bang with tops he knows or knows of, and 2) a hog tied faggot brought to a bathhouse to be blindfolded and used by anyone that walks by. One is just sensory deprivation which can be thrilling and exciting and the other takes sensory deprivation and adds true anonymity to the equation — beyond not controlling who’s breeding you, you don’t know anything about them, their stats, or even how you might ever get in touch with them again. They might know you, but not the other way around. The most anonymous you can get exchanges no real information. No picture, no stats (age, weight, etc), no personal information (name, phone, email, etc.), no visual or auditory information the bottom receives which could give clues. The least anonymous you can get (prior to having your boyfriend blindfold you during sex), is basically “covering” or reading the profile and selecting based on information therein, then doing something like blindfolding. If you already know all their data — it’s not really anonymous. It’s blind. Being a cumdump is about NOT having control and giving yourself up. You’re only 100% there when you see your value only in your ability to take and absorb loads from all men — not the ones you find attractive or desirable. It’s a pretty big jump for a lot of people. You go from having SOME information to NO information. Are they healthy beefy daddy with a PA that’s gonna tear you up followed by the super tweaked out slammer 25 year old with a viral load that could infect China? You don’t know — you just lay there and take it in your cunt. The way I made the leap to full cumdump was to do it via anonymous fucks. I started posting no-load-refused ads on Craigslist. If pictures were sent, I would not look at them, and I’d never ask questions. I’d move as quickly from first contact to breeding and have a whole system in place for getting guys in and out without me seeing or knowing anything. I’m now addicted to anonymous loads — and I love watching videos of the guys coming in and breeding me after the fact so I can see some of the trolls, pigs, and nasty fucks that have bred me. There’s plenty of people guys would think are hot too, but I just don’t give a shit. I get to lay there, soaking up their seed, and loving the fact that a bunch of guys I’ll never know the name of used me to dump their load. (Picture is the bottom I whored out at a bathhouse recently. Blindfolded him and bound him to the sling and made him take whatever cock I found. He didn’t want any black guys so I made sure there were a few.)
    1 point
  19. Any guys in to fun in sportswear? I find it such a turn on and would love more guys to fuck my arse in kit
    1 point
  20. Jeremey’s perspective: Oh my god it happened so fast, it was incredible, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m just so stoked after meeting the most wonderful man yesterday. His name is Matt and believe it or not, he lives just a building over from me. I guess it was a instance of being at the right place at the right time. Let me back up a little though to tell you how it came to be. I’m Jeremy and I just turned 22 last May. Now, here it is September again and I’m back at the university studying business with a minor in liberal arts. Yeah, I figured if nothing else I could get a teaching credential if I couldn’t find a job in the business world. I grew up in the bay area, the only child of a single Mom. She never discussed my father and it was a taboo subject around her. I have a cool Uncle Tony who is about five years younger than Mom. He is only 18 years older than my age, and has been a good friend and a surrogate dad over the years, especially since he is only 18 years older than me. As far back as I can remember Mom always had health problems and after beating breast cancer twice she succumbed to it a couple years ago. It still makes me sad. I keep a picture of her on my bookshelf, she was so pretty back then, I suspect the dude in the photo was her boyfriend and possibly my father. Uncle Tony is always teasing me how I wanted to have the photo off the credenza, when when I asked my mother why she kept it there she replied that it was the best photograph taken of her in her when she was in her twenties, but I figured she was still in love with the guy. Uncle Tony said the guy had broken her heart, and added he didn’t see why she kept it in such prominent view. Enough about my Mom. I guess I always knew I was different and when I was in junior high. I finally figured I was queer. Yeah, I was clearly gay, after all I found myself lusting after the other guys at school and on the school ball teams. I was a smart cookie and had the good looks to go with it, so you might say I was a hunky geek, which is one reason I got along with my Uncle as he was also handsome and clever. We loved our video games, be it console or computer, but we also loved going out and tossing the ball around. Uncle Tony pegged me as gay long before I wanted to admit my attraction to guys, but he was cool with it and even took me out to a gay 18+ club on my 18th birthday, not telling mom where he was taking me and just telling her to a ball game. It was a night where I received my first kiss from a boy. I was so turned on by the kiss that I creamed my jeans, and ended-up excusing myself and slipping into the men’s room to clean myself up. When I returned to find Tony making out with the stud who had caused my ejaculation. Sure, the stud 20 and really hot, but I started wondering about Uncle Tony. Being an athlete is why I was at University on a partial scholarship, being a gay athlete on scholarship kept me in the closet freshmen year although it didn’t take long for me to figure out my roommate in the dorms was a big old queer, after catching him snuggling and who knows what in our room one night when I returned from the Frat party we had gone too together, I recognized the frat boy as one of the alumni or senior from the frat house we had gone too. I just shed my clothes and climbed in bed, turning towards the wall and tried to go to sleep. “Think he might want to join in the fun” I heard the frat boy said “Nah he’s straight “I heard my roommate say Steve and I became close as brothers and he soon realized that I too was queer and like him seemed to get along better with older guys. I however was still a virgin in all things gay, yeah I lusted after seniors and older students and maybe even had a crush or two on this professor or that staff member but I was too shy/scared to make a move. Steve set me up on a couple of dates with guys in their 20’s a couple times but it generally ended in a hand job and maybe the occasional blowjob. By the time we both moved in together sophomore year, off campus Steve was hooking up 3-4 times a week and I was still a virgin, but he would tell me of his exploits over breakfast or dinner, always leaving me hard, he’d give me a hand job through my jeans or inside my gym shorts kissing me the whole time teaching me techniques to use on guys he had learned from his various dates, then it happened Steve Mr. Safe sex always Top man, slipped up, he had gotten invited to a party with this really hot 30 year old guy and they convinced Steve to kick back in the sling before he knew it guys were caressing his ass and fingering him, he loved being fingered, then some guy had slipped his raw cock in Steve’s ass, I’m guessing he wasn’t that big but just large enough to really gets Steve revved up and moaning, by the time he realized his safe only policy had gone down the toilet the guy had unloaded in Steve’s hole and the next guy slid in using the cum for lube. 3 hours later they helped Steve from the sling and welcomed him into the brotherhood. Steve was confused and when he questioned his date, the answer was that it was a conversion party and that at least a third of the loads he received were POZ. Steve panicked but was totally turned on by it at the same time, his hole dripping with their loads, someone slid a plug into his still gaping ass and indicated it be best to keep the loads from seeping out during the rest of the party. Steve then started fucking whoever’s holes he could side his large cock into, blasting the last vestiges of his negative loads. He came home early in the morning and crawled into bed with me drunk from sex and alcohol, it wasn’t all that unusual to wake up after one of his lengthier dates to find him cuddled up behind me, but he never tried to my knowledge to fuck me, he always said that was for someone special, because you always remember your first. I would ask him about his and he said he remembered but he rather not talk about it. About three weeks after the party I was nursing him during spring break, where he finally broke down and started talking about the party, he had already given me sketchy tidbits of how things went down but left out the juicy ones about him getting bred, now he spilled the beans and told me everything about his date removing his clothes and easing him back into the sling to the guys talking turns filling his hole with spunk, then he dropped the bomb, that he had done it bareback and several of the loads were charged, toxic loads, and that is why he now had the flu. I cried with him but we were both sporting hard-on’s his story had gotten both of us rock hard, I let him suck me off as I jerked his cock to an explosive ending. Between then (spring break) and now he continued to tell me the tales of his exploits getting us both hard and he had helped sign me up for BBRT saying if nothing I’d be able to meet some hot daddies and chat about my fantasies. During the summer we got with Uncle Tony’s help our current apartment, although I was seeing less and less of Steve as he found himself a hot sugar daddy and guess you’d call it fellow gifter I had gone to work and school Monday when I decided to post some pictures that Steve had taken of me on BBRT just to see if it increased my hits. I was worn out Tuesday morning after finishing my morning shift and my first class, I had come home for lunch before heading off to A&F at the mall to work a five hour shift that evening. On the bus ride home I had logged into BBRT to see if any hot guys were on, mainly looking at late 20’s early 30’s when I got an “OINK”, not wanting to use all my data on the bus I waited to check him out till I got home. At first I saw his age and was about to delete the message when I decide to check out the full profile, wow I was glad I did. He was 6’2” 195 short brown hair with a dusting of white at the temples, dazzling smile, average build although it looked athletic to me, his pics were hot I would have never pegged him as being 46 if I passed him on the streets. I decided to be polite and message him saying thanks for the oink, and see what he was up too. We seemed to hit it off good and distance said 0miles so he was at least somewhat close. Then he invited me to coffee, I told him I couldn’t make it tonight but maybe tomorrow morning might work and we set up a time at the coffee shop across from my apartment complex. The next morning I got up early and showered the evenings sweat and funk off of me and threw on a “A” shirt, my favorite lucky jock strap, Black basketball shorts, the kind that show off the bulge if you stand just right and a pair of shorty socks (almost wore my Sk8trs “fuck my socks off” pair but decided they weren’t good for going out in public in mixed crowd) and my favorite sneakers. Grabbing a hoody off the couch I jogged over to the coffees shop raising a slight sweat, god I hoped he liked a little boy musk on his men, I entered the shop recognizing him right off the bat, and I dawned on me I never got his name. I got a regular coffee, not wanting to seem pretentious or not thrifty, I realized he had a latte when I went to sit down. I said hi and inquired what his name was, we talked for what seemed like just minutes but soon our beverages were gone, though I don’t remember drinking mine. We had so much in common and we got along so good, finally realizing we were hogging the table he asked if he could drive me home, I asked if he wanted to come in and chat some more. He agreed and when I directed him where to park he just said he’d park in his space, just on the other side of my building, I was so stoked. We never got to chatting some more or at least not then, we were all over each other as we entered my apartment, not even had the door closed before I attacked him and began macking on his face, he or I led the other to the couch and we were soon naked in each other’s arms, damn he smelled so good, I thought I smelled a bit ripe after jogging to the coffee shop but he ate it up bathing my body with his tongue lapping at my pits to get my essence, we must have made out for at least 10 minutes grinding our engorged cocks into each other then I said it “Fuck Me Daddy” I had never been fucked but I knew, just knew this was the man I wanted to be my first. I presented my ass to him and he slowly lubed it up seeming to have problems with my tight hole. “You ever been fucked before” he asked me “no” I replied then he went into overdrive on my hole licking and fingering it making it open up to his advances it felt like I was entering heaven then Hell as he pressed his mushroom capped head into my hole, my ass was on fire but he held it there allowing me to adjust to the invasion, the pain subsided and he pushed in a little more my hole was beginning to open up for him, then wave after wave of pleasure began to engulf me my ass was pulsating around his hot cock as it worked in and out of my hole, it was the same feeling I got went I stroked my cock past blasting my whole body shuddered my ass was cumming, but my cock wasn’t, the pressure building in my nuts was intense, I wanted to cum but I wanted it to last forever then I felt his cock swell and he asked where I wanted his cum “give me your Toxic load Daddy, Give me your POZ seed” he froze then pumped harder I could feel his cock pulse at its base as blast after blast flowed up his tool and flooded my insides. After he came down off his orgasm he asked why I assumed he was Poz since we never discussed status. I told him I just assumed and he just grinned at me with this evil grin. Then he surprised me by quickly mounting me sliding my aching cock in his hole, “but I’m a bottom only” “you’re a top today, now just fuck daddy” he rode my cock and for the first time in my short sexual life I thought of myself as versatile as I blasted my load deep in this hunk of a man. Then I realized my fucking him cause another eruption from him coating us with spooge. I took his hand and led him to the bathroom where I turned on the shower and directed him to stand under the warm stream, I washed him off, and then he washed cum from me as well. I handed him a fresh towel and told him I’d have to cut our adventure short as my bus would arrive shortly. He took me in his arms and kissed me, then offered to drive me to school. I got dressed for school as he went out and gathered his clothes which were strewn all over the living room then yelled back to me he’d met me at the car. When I got out to the car he was exiting his apartment in an escaping motion like he was trying not to let something out. He opened the door and I hopped in catching my hair on the head rest “ouch” as it pulled a strand out, we drove for a short distance in silence then he started asking me about the picture of Mom on the Bookshelf, I found it weird and just answered the best I could. He dropped me off at the bus stop on campus then indicated he’d call me. I hoped he would, other than his strange questions about the photo I was getting a positive vibe from him, he was stirring feelings I just couldn’t put my finger on, could I be falling for him and he for me. It was happening all too fast, I didn’t hear from him the rest of that day so I messaged him a thanks for the good time then headed to bed as I had a early day again tomorrow, Thursdays were always busy. When came home for lunch there was a message slid in the doorframe I had an invite to dinner I was exhausted as I got off work but checked my messages and there was the invite again, He was on line at the time so we started exchanging messages and I invited him over again but I was running out of messages so he sent his phone number to text him at. I texted him when I got home, damn I was ripe from a day working both jobs and attending classes, my boy funk was strong, I had stripped down to just my low slung jeans, which with me thinking about him all day were quite moist where my cock head lay, He was at my door almost instantly as I set down my phone and opened the door I pulled him inside, he was in just a tee shirt and loose gym shorts his hard cock tenting the fabric, I damn near ripped his clothes off him as he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down off my hips, we barely made it to the couch before we were sword fighting, he lead me past the couch and into the bedroom throwing me onto Steve’s bed and planting massive kisses all over my body lapping at my skin giving me goose flesh it was just after 9 and as tired as I was he invigorated me we made out and caressed for at least an hour before drifting off to sleep. I woke about 2 and slinked out from under his grasp to take a piss I sniffed my body and pits while letting the stream flow, my ripe boy musk had been replaced by the smell of sex, of Matt’s spittle, of Matt in general I smelled him on me masking my funk. I slid back in bed next to him smelling Steve on his pillow and Matt on me I wiggled my ass next to Matt's hardening cock nestling it between my Twinkie butt cheeks and fell back to sleep content to being the little spoon.
    1 point
  21. Very well said, and I am against bestiality but people who have sex with animals are not animal lovers and don't care about them. A friend of mine had a Rottweiler and he was a sweet gentle beautiful friendly dog.
    1 point
  22. Emotional and physical connection for me. I can't get enough of the guy I'm with, and want him to have as much of me as he wants. No limits whatsoever. Even when I go to the baths, I want as many hands on me as guys want to do. Anything more than that without my permission I see as disrespectful tho.
    1 point
  23. An actual Gangbang 5 or more guys, with plenty of G and poppers. I'd totally be up for it, but good luck trying to make that a reality
    1 point
  24. What works for me is the following, however it must be said it always takes time for me to ensure you are clean. Never had an accident and have been complimented on how clean I was in the past: If you know you are going to fuck you should eat fibrous foods the day before hand. Muesli, fruit, chia seeds, yoghurts, etc. I stop eating at about 6pm the day before(usually I'll eat my last meal at approx 7 in general) This is a good habit to get into anyway in terms of healthy diet and weight management. I don't use an enema kit or douche the next day, I use a large sports bottle with warm(not too warm) water. I fill myself with as much water as my body can hold(about 1.5 litres) and hold it in for as long as possible. Then release and repeat. Be sure to wait until all the water is out before refilling, or at least it feels like all the water is out, no stomach discomfort is a good indication. It usually takes about 3-4 washes which will take me a few hrs as I like to be sure. When the water comes out clear, you are cleaned out. Then I tend to wait around for an hour(do some light exercise, walking) to make sure all the water is out. I then use a butt plug as a tester. Then I'm good to go for the entire day/night next morning with no fuss. Even lasted two days straight before. This is what works for me, can be bit of a pain and time consuming, but I've always been spotless. Some people use a diarrhea blocker like Imodium after they've cleaned out, I've tried it once or twice but wouldn't recommend it as it can block you up for a few days which can cause a whole bunch of problems. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  25. This past Saturday night I hooked up with this guy I met on another site. He's 27 years old and into older guys. We did the webcam thing and he was pumping iron and then jerking off while I put my ass to the camera and told me he was going to wreck my ass! Anyway, we agreed to meet at a bar. After two drinks we went to a nearby motel. No sooner than we got into the room and locked the door, he grabs me and throws me onto the bed. Then he takes his clothes off. And I also took mine off. He has some really nice big veiny biceps which always turn me on! And he had a nice 7 1/2" and thick cock!! We were kissng and fonding each other and then he started to finger me. And I'm stroking his cock. Then he turns me around and slides me to the edge of the bed. Then he rams his cock inside me. It took a little while for him to get every inch of his cock inside me. And it hurt really bad! But I loved it! He got a really good and fast rhythm going and I was moaning like crazy! I could see him in the mirror and see his biceps buldging and his cock going back and forth inside me. I'm saying things like, 'yes baby! You're so strong and muscular! And your cock feels so incredible inside me'! Soon he was telling me that he was going to cum! And then I said something like, 'yes baby. Cum inside me!' After I said that, he exploded! He had a really long orgasm! Longer than most guy's I've been with. After a little while we were wrestling on the floor and of course he got me in a hold that I could not move from. And then he fucked me again! He did what he wanted to me. And except for breaks to have some water, he pretty much fucked me all night long. My ass was sore for the next two days! And he wants to get together again!
    1 point
  26. In the past 12 months I have finally shaken off what I saw as my last bastion of "respectability." As a total bottom slut for 20 years and the last 13 of them as a positive cum dump you become increasingly aware of the general disdain tops have for bottom sluts. Sure, they like to fuck you, get dirty with you and use you as their cumdump - but they generally don't want you as a partner, a dinner guest or appreciate the need bottom sluts have for cock and seed. They just don't understand the sheer bliss a bottom slut gets from having a hard cock in them, and as often as they can get it. It takes a special man who wants a slut for his partner, that understands their need for cock and seed, and appreciates that they are generally going to get fucked everytime there is a stiff cock around and their dominant male ownership factor is overcome. The last mental barrier I had was men who were "partnered" or in "open relationships". I am sure many of them have fucked me in venues, at naked sex parties or in beats, but I didn't know as quite often I have been fucked senseless by men who have not even spoken to me. But if I was online prowling for cock, I would skip over ads from tops who were "committed" in "open relationships", "happily partnered" or similar. Towards the middle of last year, I was on BBRTS and this "happily partnered" top hit me up - his cock looked lovely and I was horny (as usual) so I unlocked without really checking his profile. He messages back with "nice arse luv to fuck that" and unlocked his pics as well. When I saw the "happily partnered" bit my conscience kicked in and I said something like I was not really into "married guys". He messaged back that all was cool and his partner knew everything and nothing was a secret - and I kept drooling over his cock pics and my mancunt was twitching so I lost the plot and agreed to go to his place. My first surprise came when his partner, John, opened the door. I felt awkward yet he did not disarmed by my presence. Patrick soon came into the lounge room to meet me, quick introduction and he said "let's go upstairs", taking me by the hand to lead me. I was relieved at that as I did not want the chit chat and kissy kissy talk shit, I just wanted this man to fuck me. He was everything his pictures indicated and in no time we were naked and I was chowing down on his beautiful thick 8" cut cock. Boy could this man fuck! A couple of minutes into the fuck he started to get loud and verbal - which I normally like and reciprocate yet I still felt awkward knowing his partner was sitting downstairs listening to the love of his life fuck the arse off me. Four changes of positions and 20 minutes later he was whitewashing the walls of my arse with his seed. I waited - not knowing where to from here - you get used to men heading for the shower to wash you off their cock, or just getting up an giving you a "thanks" for taking their load. To my surprise he threw my jocks at me and said "put these one and we will go downstairs and have a drink. I obliged (as I do with what most tops tell me to do). He poured me a wine opened a beer and we sat at the dining table where John joined us also with a beer and we had a bit of small talk. As I looked at John I kept thinking how lucky he was to have a wonderful top like Patrick. 20 minutes later Patrick said "ready to go again" ... of course I was, I just nodded. He walked over to where I was sitting and started rubbing his crotch in my face. The slut in me went straight into overdrive as I started gently nibbling on his fattening cock through his underwear. He was rubbing my head when he said "do you mind if John watches and takes some pics of me fucking you - he likes watching me fuck other sluts". At that point I would have said yes to anything - my hole was twitching at the thought of him giving me another pounding. I took my mouth away from his now fully fat cock long enough to nod. Again he took my arm and we went up the stairs with his hand rubbing my arse and his partner following. The pounding was better than the first one, and I got verbal with him telling him how wonderful his cock was, what a great root he was and what a great body he had. At one point he was hammering me missionary and I glanced over at John who was sitting on a chair taking pics and watching his man fuck me. I started nibbling on Patrick's neck, licking his body and started to enjoy putting on a show for his partner - knowing I was giving his man what he didn't - a total slut arse to use for his convenience. After he dropped his wad in me John looked somewhat astonished at how I dutifully got to work cleaning up his cock with my mouth, sucking the last strands of seed out of his slit and polishing his balls and kissing his cock - till he had enough and pulled away. I could tell by the look on his face that the show was over. I had done what he needed me for and he walked over and kissed his partner and said "this is one perfect slut." I somehow found it all erotic and John was busy SMS'ing me the shots he had taken of Patrick fucking me. I left with my arse on fire - I had just had to head to town to go to a backroom as I wanted more before I blew my stack and he had opened me up perfectly. Once my arse is off the chain it is totally connected to my brain and I just have to have cock in me. Since then I have targeted "partnered men" and have had some astonishing fucks. I try to be the "perfect slut" and be everything they fantasise about and won't do with their partners. In fact this afternoon I am headed for a hotel in the city where two guys visiting Sydney want me to be the "other hole" for the top - whose cock pics also look lovely. They want to vid the fucking which is fine with me - I get his husband's seed and he gets to watch how a "perfect slut" operates for his man.
    1 point
  27. Rimming and fingering do it for me! Getting my hole eaten drives me crazy, and if you're not in a rush then take time to open me up with gradually more and more fingers - that'll get me nice and open, ready to take just about anything you wanna shove up my ass ;-)
    1 point
  28. well i definitely don't want to lose sensitivity. Maybe I'll try those magnetic ones...they look pretty hot!
    1 point
  29. I turned my attention to my playkit, extracting everything I would need to complete Tanner's conversion from negboy to cumdump: pipe, Tina, points. I also took the opportunity of turning the thermostat way up - no point leaving anything to chance. I was only out of the living room for a few minutes but, on my return, Tanner had definitely 'changed'. He seemed totally calm, greeting me like I was long-lost friend and happy to see I'd grabbed more of the alco-pop which he was contently sipping on now that the taste of G had gone. I stood, shirtless, before Jake, pouring him another glass of drink and flexing my back at Tanner, bending over slightly so he got a good view of my thick, muscled daddy-butt. Jake smiled at me, licking his lips. Jake looked about ready to suck me off himself, forgetting our main goal entirely. "Not yet boy" I murmured authoritatively. I stepped back over to Tanner, filling his glass with more pink liquid and mussing his hair. This time he didn't even seem to mind the gesture and I gently pushed my luck, running my hand down the small of his neck and shoulder. His eyes fluttered shut and Jake winked at me. "Hey dude" Jake said, "you don't mind if I toke a bit of weed right?" he said, pipe and cannabis in hand? "No way man" Tanner smiled back, a little dazed, "It's totally cool dude - you got enough for all of us?" He asked, hopefully, licking his stoner-surfer lips. He suddenly turned to me: "Ah, sorry man...you don't mind do you? I mean, it's cool if you do, I just..." "Of course not boys...I was thinking the same myself" I said, removing my pipe and packing it with Tina. Tanner watched, entranced as Jake took a good, long toke of weed and blew the thick, acrid smoke into the room. As the smoke descended around Tanner and I, I met his eyes - full of innocence and naivety with more than a hint of growing darkness. "Join in bro" Jake said, as I offered Tanner my pipe "What is it?" He asked, licking his lips, and taking the pipe in his hands. "Real fucking good is what it is" Jake laughed, another stream of smoke emanating from his mouth. Tanner seemed reassured that Jake was smoking too and lifted the pipe to his lips...we watched in anticipation of his transformation. A seasoned stoner for sure, Tanner got the pipe going with hardly any effort or instruction: "Careful" I said as smoke escaped the pipe, wrap your boy-mouth about it like your sucking it and breathe" I said "good, that's it...in and out, in and out". Jake couldn't help but laugh under his breath as the final hurdle to Tanner's corruption vanished in the heat of that pipe. He nearly coughed but, managed to catch himself as I rubbed his back: he kept the smoke in him for a good while before exhaling a thick, white cloud of smoke through his mouth and nostrils like a proper whore. "whoah" he said "Again" I said, pushing the pipe back to his lips and lighting it for him. He sucked again, taking that life-changing smoke deep into his tight body, forcing out all remnants of fear or nervousness. "That's good" he said, exhaling again. "Again!" I ordered, once more forcing him to take another hit before letting him sink back into the couch in a cloud of thick smoke. I re-packed the pipe as Jake peeled off his top; all the while watched by Tanner. A bead of sweat rolled down Jake's neck and over the taught flesh of his tan pecs. I took a hit of the pipe and, as Tanner watched his friend stretch, covered his mouth with mine and blew the contents of my lungs into him.. "shotgun" he whimpered as I withdrew, whisps of smoke curling out the side of his lips. "Shotgun" I responded, taking one more hit and, this time full-on kissing Tanner. We rolled the smoke back and forth for a bit as my tongue conquered him, forced him to accept his role for the night, hot little bottom-bitch desperate for cock and cum - breaking whatever remained of his negboy will. The thermostat was doing it's job, the room was a warm, heady mix of cannabis, Tina and sexual heat. I'd laid Tanner out on the couch as I continued to kiss him - across from us, Jake stroked his growing meat through the khaki of his shorts as beads of sweat rolled down his body. Tanner was as good as mine and I needed to reinforce his role for the night - test his new-found, chemical confidence. I pulled him to my chest and peeled off his top revealing that perfect jock-body, ripples of muscle, tight, sun-kissed skin and perfect nipples. A light trail of fur leading to his warm crotch. I unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor, leaving only the white briefs he wore constraining his growing dick. Jake had read my mind and was already naked, stroking his long shaft on the seat opposite, totally relaxed and in pig-heaven. "Wanna suck some cock baby boy?" I whispered to Tanner, kissing him swiftly, forcing my tool against his abs. He moaned, breathing into our kiss "Good boy" I said. With that, I thrust him towards Jake. His jeans caused him to fall, head first in front of Jake's beautiful, 10 inch cock. He looked excitedly at his friend, at his round cock-head with a droplet of pre-cum on the tip and wasted no-time going down on him, taking his friend's cock into his boy-mouth. I finished undressing the boy as he sucked Jake, pulling off those helpful jeans and freeing the boy's nice, veiny cock from his pants, throwing them to a corner of the room - he wouldn't be needing those for a long, long time. Tanner was now, completely undressed, and Jake and I got different views of that perfect mass of atheltic muscle underneath that tan skin, pulsing with each slurp of Jake's dick, smothered in a thin layer of boy-sweat, Tanner tried to take more than few inches of Jake into his mouth but, couldn't. Taking a sip of his drink, Jake grabbed Tanner's head and pushed a good four inches of his cock down his friend's throat, pinning him to his crotch with a strong grip. "Nice" I thought: the clean-cut Jake I once knew was totally gone, replaced by a burgeoning dom-top with a lethal prize brewing in his balls. Tanner's body bucked against Jake's assault, forcing his ass into the air as he struggled to breathe - as he bucked, he pushed his hole out to me and, I couldn't resist - I dove straight in, licking his perfect boy-cunt Tanner's perfect hole, preparing another dose of T for the boys aching hole. Tanner moaned as Jake pushed more cock into his throat. His hole pulsed again and I removed my tongue, immediately ramming my T'd up finger into that boy-cunt roughly pushing past his outer ring and into that velvet chute of his. He tried to pull off my finger but Jake's grip was tightvand Tanner stayed put as I massaged the cystal into his blood stream. As the crystal melted in the warmth of his hole, I felt him relax and the familiar wave of electric heat vibrate through him as I continued to explore his bowels. "Good boy" I said, pushing down on the small of his back to give my finger more leverage. "Good fucking boy" "Just sit on my finger...that's it, good boy, really suck it in"
    1 point
  30. Authors notes: this story is purely fiction, any similarities of anyone described or any actions that take place in this story is purely coincidental.... thought pretty hot.... This is my first attempt at submitting a story so please bare that in mind as you read this. If you have any constructive criticism im all ears. But ill ignore anything thats just hate. Anywhoo here we go...... Buppy lay on his bed and sighed as he browsed stories on Breeding Zone, his cock was rock hard even though he had already cum twice wile reading a particularly hot story. He loved to imagine himself being stealthed by a hot and dominant poz guy. He was both ashamed and aroused by his interested in such things, but he just couldn’t help himself. He was getting ready to turn his computer off and go to bed feeling pent up and horny with his asshole hungry for a nice big poz cock, when he noticed he had a message. He clicked on the notification, and his heart beat out of control when he read the message; Subject: Curiouser huh? Why not got all the way? I was looking around trying to find a hole to spill my seed into when I came across your profile. I read that your interested in being converted, but your afraid. Well if your ever interested in converting drop me a line. Buppy read the message several times and clicked on the senders profile. His user name was PozzingSLC. His profile picture showed a nice big vainy uncut cock, with a biohazard tattoo just above his neatly trimmed pubes. Reading over the profile buppy found that the guy lived close by, and was just the kind of dom he wanted ot bend over for. It didnt surprise Buppy to see was poz. Buppy read over the doms page several times and stroked his cock imagining that big cock fucking him raw. He felt guilt after he shot his small load into his palm and licked it up. The thought of being pozzed was almost overwhelming, but he was scared to death of the thought of going through with it. Once he was done jacking his cock for the third and final time he turned off his computer and tried to forget about bug chasing. He didnt return to Breeding Zone for several weeks, he told himself he was going to forget all about bug chasing. He went about his normal routine of waking up, getting ready, going ot work, coming home, and go to bed just to start the routine all over. It had been months since he had been fucked last so he was feeling really pent up by now. He NEEDED cock. After looking through his normal searches for porn and stories, he just couldnt get satisfied. His mind taken over by the need ot get off he instinctively went back to breeding zone, and started searching for a good story. As he was browsing he found a story posted by PozzingSLC, he clicked on it and read through it. The story had been about him finding a slut on craigslist, and how he had stealthed the slut. Buppy stroked his cock fast and hard at this story, edging himself over and over. He eventually went ot his closet and opened his his toy box. He pulled out a bottle of cumlube and his favorite butt plug, a toothbrush, and a nice sized dildo. He laid down a sheet he used when he had such fun, as to not stain the carpet in case anything came out that shouldn’t. He pulled up PozzingSLC's profile picture and imagined it as he bent over and started prepping his asshole. He smeared lube on his asshole and moaned as he started to finger himself. He scratched his insides a bit before he took out the toothbrush and pushed it inside of himself. He moved it in and out as he swirled it around scratching up his insides as if getting ready to take a big toxic load. When the scratching was almost ot much he pulled the brush out and tossed it to the side as he took the dildo and roughly started shoving it inside of himself imagining that it was a nice and juicy toxic cock. The entire time his own cock was leaking precum and twitching from all the excitement, but he ignored it as he fucked himself. After a wile of abusing his asshole with the dildo he pulled it out and squirted a large amount of the cumlube into his slightly gaping hole and shoving the butplug in to trap it in. In his mind he imagined that the lube was a toxic load and he was trapping it in to insure he was pozzed. As he sat down he felt the butplug shift in his sore and throbbing asshole. He was light headed with feelings of lust as he oppened his messages. Again he read the message from PozzingSLC. His judgment was clouded by his lusty stupper, he clicked reply and started typing. I need your toxic load inside of me, NOW!!! He clicked on send before he could regret his decision. He ground his ass against the floor making the buttplug stir up his insides. He tried ot ignore his cock and lose himself in the fantasy of being impregnated by a charged load. When he opened his eyes he saw that PozzingSLC had already replied. Buppy shook as he opened up the reply and saw it was a short message; Then get that hairy ass over here now. 123 Fake St Buppy groaned as he plugged the address into his phone, got dressed (but leaving the buttplug inside of him,) and started heading out to meet the man who would change his life......... Authors notes continued: I have plans on continuing this story, but I wanted ot post this teaser to see how people like it. Again please leave me any constructive criticism so I can improve this and any future stories I may write. Thank you for reading.
    1 point
  31. I had pierced nipples about ten years ago and found them to be a real pain. Took a long time to heal. They looked hot but was too much trouble. My pa is much better and more fun. It healed quickly. A lot more fun to play with.
    1 point
  32. Very interesting. Just as we are opening Cuba up. It's another reason to test every three months if you are sexually active. I just completed my annual physical and tested neg again. The other three tests I do each year are OraQuick.
    1 point
  33. I was spacing in and out, enjoying the sensation of the new bigger plug in my hole, the chems flowing through my body had me all worked up. Mikey came back into the room, this time with a third guy. I recognised this one from a previous one night stand, Dave, but he'd been the bottom that time. Dave was maybe 25 if he was a day and clearly worked out, a buff gym tight body, big smooth chest, thick arms. He had a big smile on his face as he admired my position in the sling and the butt plug filling my fuck hole. "Outstanding...you want some more cock whore?" "Yeah, mate, I need more cock, fucking fill my hole" "I plan on it" He dropped his shorts to reveal a nice thick 7inch cut cock, it was really thick and growing to attention. Mikey came up behind me and this time he positioned a bottle of poppers at my nose, holding one nostril closed "breathe deep baby". I did as I was told, deep breaths from one nostril, then the other. A few seconds later the rush hit me, as it did Dave started to remove the butt plug, it sprung out of my hole with a rush of cum. "Oh fuck you been busy with this one already Mikey!". Dave threw the butt plug to one side and positioned his cock at my opening, he slowly began to slid it inside me. Too slow, I wanted him to pound me, fuck the hell out of me. "Faster Dave, fucking give me that dick". "Not so fast baby, your going to enjoy this". He kept his slow deliberate pace, filling my hole with his cock in a slow deep thrust. Then once he was balls deep he held it there, leant down and kissed me deeply grinding deeper still inside me. Then he leant back and started to slowly and rhythmically thrust into me, the pace was just this side of too slow for me I wanted more, almost as if his thick cock wasn't enough for me any more. "I dunno Mikey, I don't think cock is doing it for this boy any more", Dave said as he kept sliding in and out. "I know Dave, I think you might need to fist punch that cunt" In my haze the only part of that sentence I could process was fist, they were going to fist me, but I was way too tight for that. My hole had always been tight it's what guys loved about fucking me, I could milk their dicks with my arse. As I was trying to process this, Mikey placed the poppers at my nose again, I started breathing the fumes enjoying the sensation mixed with the slam. Dave pulled out of my hole, and kneeled behind me then I felt his fingers exploring my opening. First three, then four, he started working them in and out of me, my hole opening and closing more slowly each time, then he added the fingers from his other hand, stretching and probing. As this was going on I was still breathing the poppers, and moaning like a bitch in heat. The feel of his hands working my hole open, stretching it were amazing. I was having the greatest ride of my life. "I think he's ready now" Dave pulled both hands from my hole, then I felt his knuckles pushing inside me, "Oh Fuck" I moaned "It's okay baby your so open and ready, take another hit on the poppers and I'll slide right in" The poppers were back and I breathed deep and held it, as I did Dave pushed is fist inside me, "OH MY GOD FUCK YES", he held it for a moment, allowing me to adjust to the intrusion, there were so many sensations all at once I took another hit of the poppers, and then he started to work it deeper inside, before pulling back out again. "Oh Fuck YEAH!!!, fucking fist punch my cunt!" I was begging for his fist back inside me, it wasn't cock but it was somehow better, I had no idea what was going on but here I was strapped into a sling one dude feeding me poppers the other fist fucking my hole as I moaned and begged for it over and over. "Fuck Me Fuck Me Fuck Me Fuck Me Fuck Me". As Dave continued to work his fist in and out of my hole I started to space out.... ...I don't know what happened, I think I passed out from a combination of the poppers and the slam, I woke up and I was lying on a bed in a room I didn't recognise. As i started to stir, I realised my hole was empty, I slid my hand down to explore it, every touch from my finger like a bolt of electricity shooting through me, it was empty and need to be filled. I was softly moaning fingering myself when a door opened and light from the hall spilled in as five guys entered the room and gathered around the edges of the bed, naked and stroking there cocks, Mikey was amongst them and they were all looking at me like I was about to be the main meal, "Fill my fucking hole", I lied back and spread my legs and arse cheeks wide..... More to come.
    1 point
  34. PART FIVE I jolted a bit when Sam's fingers first went inside me. "Oh, sorry mate" said Sam and pulled me a bit closer towards his lap. I felt his fingers move deeper inside me and I felt pain in my ass, "It's because we didn't use too much lube babe, I'll use proper stuff next time round". As I reached back to steady myself I couldn't help but stroke his cock more. I needed it again. "Did you enjoy that babe?" He asked as I squirmed on his fingers. Although I'd initially found it painful, I was really starting to enjoy having his fingers inside me & was starting to wish I had more in there. "I loved it, was I OK?" I asked as I stroked his face. He was so masculine and sexy. "You were incredible babe, in all honesty one of the best guys I've ever been with. I've never felt so much passion with a guy, especially on my first time with him" "You're too sweet" I replied before kissing him deeply again. "I can't wait to have you inside me again, and I LOVE when you call me babe" My ass started feeling so empty even though I had two fingers inside me. I thought I'd felt horny before when the E had really taken hold but somehow I was even worse now. Even though I'd been stroking Sam's cock while we were kissing, he wouldn't be ready as he'd only cum about 10 minutes before. Taking matters into my own hands I managed to fit another of Sam's fingers inside me as I smiled cheekily at him. "How long til you're ready to go again my man? I need your cock & cum inside me again" Sam gave me a smile, I was that far gone I didn't realise that it held an ulterior motive. "You've become quite the slut now haven't you?" "Maybe I have" I giggled spacily. "We're gonna have a hell of a time while your wife is away" "Oh God, fuck her, for the next few days I'm your wife" I replied "Mmmm I like the sound of that" and I jumped off his hand and went back to sucking his cock. My ass hadn't been completely clean when we fucked (I obviously wasn't expecting it that night) but I didn't care what condition it was in or how dirty Sam's cock was. My ass was on fire & the only thing that could put it out was my sexy man's dick. "Take your shirt off, I wanna see that sexy chest of yours" I demanded between deep breaths as I sucked him as deep as I could. "I still haven't seen all of my man yet" As Sam pulled his shirt off, he wiped his fingers on his shirt. I could see a little blood on them but it didn't register, I just assumed it was from him taking my cherry. What did register was that he had tatts on his upper arm, they looked familiar, some form of tribal design. looking up at him with this incredible aching in my ass & desire through my whole body, I knew that I'd made the right choice in sleeping with this sexy older man. I could sense that he was just about hard enough to fuck me soo I worked his cock with one hand and my mouth. My ass was desperate to have something inside me so I started fingerfucking myself with my free hand. I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I could only fit three of my fingers inside, I needed so much more. "I'm just about ready babe, let's go to my bedroom where the lube is." He lifted me to my feet and pointed me towards the bedroom. "You go first, I wanna watch you walk there." I walked to the bedroom swaying my ass seductively as I'd seen my wife do so sexily before as I looked over my shoulder. "You're such a great little slut babe". Him saying that made me feel so good inside, like I'd never felt. I couldn't wait to pleasure him again. He reached into his bedside table, pulled out a jar & started lathering his cock with the contents and rubbing my needy hole. "You don't have a bottle of lube?" "Nah, it broke open one time so I put the contents into this jar" "Sexy, funny & clever. No wonder I love you so much" I whispered huskily. Even though I was professing my love for Sam, all I was fixated on was his cock and how much I needed him inside my ass. I was a complete whore & it didn't worry me one bit. As I lay on my back Sam pulled me to the edge of the bed and I squealed in delight. He spread my legs and I'd never felt so vulnerable but also never wanted something so much in my life. I tried my hardest to concentrate but all I could do was gaze dreamily up at Sam with my legs wrapped round him. He pressed the bulging head of his cock inside me and I was so happy. "Mmmm, your cock feels different this time around" I moaned as I stroked his muscly arms. "I've got lube on my cock this time babe, I didn't last time remember?" he said with a gleam in his eye. "Oh yeah, I never knew that dicks could feel differently inside you" "You'll learn plenty over the next few days," Sam replied as he pushed his cock balls deep inside me. "It'll definitely change your life" I gasped as I took him all the way inside and bit my lip as he pressed himself totally down on me. "I can't wait", I whispered in his ear END OF PART FIVE
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  35. I don't think it's something you can learn (unless I don't know about it). It just happens. It happened to me a few times when the top just hit the right places and his cock pounded my prostate over and over. I start leaking precum and then shoot a load without touching my cock while he was fucking me. It is a great feeling. I always hope it happens but often it doesn't. Usually when it happens I can continue getting fucked and want more and more and shoot another load (even three once). That's not always the case as I asked/explained in another thread (Question to bottoms: Can you continue once you have cum?)
    1 point
  36. PART FOUR I was enjoying being in Sam's arms and us kissing so much that it didn't even register that the lights had been turned on. "CLOSING TIME GUYS!!" came the announcement and I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that our time at the bar had come to an end. As I looked into Sam's eyes I asked, "Is it OK if we go back to yours tonight?" "What about your wife?" "I told you, she's away for a few days at a conference." "I was more referring to the fact that you have a wife" I rubbed his rock hard cock through his pants & whispered in his ear, "What wife?" He took my hand and we went outside and hailed a cab. Even though I was still high, being away from the security of the bar made me a little more cautious while we were in the cab. Whenever I saw the driver's eyes look away from the rear view mirror I stroked Sam's cock with a cheeky smile on my face, making sure he was staying hard the whole trip home. I couldn't help but feel proud that I was such a good cocktease on my very first time with a guy. Even though it was only about a 10 minute ride, it was torture for both of us. I wanted Sam's cock so badly, and he wanted me on his cock so badly! Even though I should've been nervous, I was beside myself with excitement when we finally got to his place. He fished in his pocket for his keys, while I couldn't help but do a little fishing myself and put my hand in his other pocket! He opened the door and I couldn't control myself, my tongue deep in his mouth and unzipping his pants to get a proper grip on his cock. Between kisses he managed to get out, "Are you sure you don't want a drink of water or anything?" "There's only one thing I want right now" I replied and pulled both his pants & briefs down in one motion. I could see a couch out of the corner of my eye and pushed him towards it, him stumbling with his pants round his ankles and shoes & socks still on. He sat down and leant forward to take them off, but I pushed him back wanting a proper look at the hard cock I'd been anticipating. It was like something I'd seen in the (many, many) porn movies I'd watched in my time. It would have been 9 or 10 inches uncut and even though I should have been intimidated I was so excited to suck my first ever cock, and that I'd have so much to work with. All I could say as I looked at it was "Wow". "That's usually what most guys say when they see it" Sam replied with a smile. I smiled too looking at the head, glistening with precum, knowing that I'd turned on my first guy so much. I started licking all round the head, lapping up & savouring the taste of both his cock and the precum leaking from it. Knowing how much I loved eye contact from Jessie when receiving a blowjob I looked deep into Sam's eyes as I started to really suck his cock, working my hand up and down his shaft. It was only then that I realised he was more or less still fully clothed, but with his pants around his ankles. It didn't worry me though as I was too busy enjoying every inch of my first ever cock, courtesy of this sexy older man. As I sucked him, Sam reached into a drawer next to the couch, pulled out a little glass bottle and started to unscrew the lid. He took a deep sniff out of the bottle in each nostril & I felt his cock get even harder (as if that was even possible!) "What are those?" I asked. "They're called poppers. A lot of guys use them to make the highs even higher" he replied between moans. I snatched them off him and inhaled them deeply. Immediately I was flying and there was only thing I could think of, wanting Sam deep inside me. I pulled my clothes off as quickly as I could until I was stark naked in front of Sam. "My god Adam, you're amazing" Sam said as he looked up at me. "I want you to fuck me Sam" I sighed as I straddled him. I coated my hand in spit and ran it up & down his cock, lubing it up as much as I could because I knew it would be a bit of work to get him inside me. "Take another hit of the poppers" Adam told me, "They'll loosen up your hole & make it a lot easier". I took a massive hit and aimed his cock at my virgin hole. My eyes widened as I felt the head of his cock inside me and moaned in a mixture of pain & pleasure. "Just gently ease your way down" Sam told me and I started to work his cock inside me, holding it as I tried to control things. Before I knew it he was halfway inside me and I already felt so full! "You're doing great baby" Sam said, looking into my eyes. I knew then that it was my job that night to do everything I could please this beautiful man. I took one more hit and sat down on his cock, feeling his balls rubbing against mine. "Ooooh yes" I moaned in delight and kissed Sam deeply. "You like being inside me, my sexy man?" "You're so tight and beautiful" he replied as I rocked on his cock. "The only thing is, you've got me so horny, I don't think I'll last very long. That's alright my man, we've got all the time in the world" and I started to ride him, taking another hit before handing them to him. He took a massive hit & seemingly within seconds screamed "OH MY GOD, I'M GONNA CUM!!!!!" Knowing what I liked when I was about to cum, I held his face in my hands and kissed him like I'd never kissed anyone before. It should've been strange to me that I was so willing to take on the female role in this situation but I just wanted to make my man happy. The moment I felt the first spurt of cum paint the inside of my ass I was so happy that this sexy guy wanted to plant his seed inside me. I rocked gently on him, milking his hard cock before it flopped out of me. I let out a little groan of disappointment "Turn around and let me look at you" Sam said. I eagerly turned round & bent over to present my ass to him as he adjusted his pants, pushing them all the way down, hands in his pockets. "Ooops, little bit of cum seeping out." He said and quickly pushed a couple of fingers inside me to get it back in while I giggled. I felt a sharp pain but just figured it was due to my ass getting fucked for the first time... END OF PART FOUR
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  37. PART THREE I knew that Sam's comment should've made me feel uncomfortable but it didn't. Maybe it was the alcohol or just getting used to the environment itself but I was starting to feel a lot more relaxed and before I knew it, it was midnight. As we were sitting at the bar, the MC came up to us, "Hey guys, sorry about before. I want to make it up to you". We both looked a bit puzzled at him as he continued. "See, first prize isn't usually just the drink cards & a couple of sashes. I usually give the happy couple a little bit extra if you know what I mean. Here, have a great night on me." and slipped something into Sam's pocket. Sam fished into his pocket and pulled out a little plastic bag with a couple of tablets inside. Even though I'd never tried it before, I knew straight away that they were E's. "Wow," I blurted out quickly. "They don't do things by halves here do they?" "I know. Have you ever done ecstasy before?" Sam asked me "Never, what about you?" "Yeah, a handful of times." "At your age?" "Hey man, I'm in my 50s. I'm not 80!! Did you want to give it a try? I totally understand if you don't want to" "I'd never been to a gay bar before tonight either! And hey, you've protected me pretty well from harm so far so of course I trust you. Down the hatch I say" I closed my eyes and downed the rest of my drink along with the pill. There was no question I felt a little nervous having taken ecstasy for the first time but Sam was doing a great job in relaxing me. Our conversation continued to flow freely and I was starting to see Sam in a new light, thinking that I wouldn't mind catching up with again another time. Before I knew it I started feeling incredibly at ease with everything and I knew the molly was starting to take hold. Previously, if guys were giving my ass a playful pat when they came up to the bar I shifted nervously on the stool. Now, I was returning the favour and even flirting with them. I could tell it was having a similar effect on Sam as we were sitting closer together, hands "accidentally" brushing against each other's body as the barman came up to us, "Sorry guys. Bar's closing in fifteen minutes" Despite the rush, I couldn't help but feel disappointed as I knew I had about 3-4 hours of the high left but the bar was soon to close. I knew I wanted to make the most of it so I grabbed Sam by the hand, "Come on, let's dance!" Our actions on the dancefloor this time were the polar opposite from a few hours previously. We were dancing so much closer, Sam had his hands on my hips on more than a few occasions and even stroked my ass. Feeling so much bolder, I turned around and even brushed my ass against his cock once or twice. Although a few guys also brushed my ass a couple of times I only had eyes for one man. "LAST DANCE GUYS!!!!" and the unmistakeable strains of "I've Had The Time Of My Life" started up. "Oh no" moaned Sam. "Nuh uh," I replied with a smile. "There's no way you're sitting this one out" and began to grind my hips against his as I threw my arms around his neck. I looked deep into Sam's eyes, he mine and I was totally lost. I had no wife, he wasn't 25 years older than me, there wasn't a massive number of people on the dancefloor and his hardening cock pressed against me felt so natural. "Thankyou for such a wonderful night" I said with a smile, brought my face up to his and kissed him with more passion than I'd kissed anyone for a long time. No-one would have ever known given how deeply we were kissing that not only were we perfect strangers hours before but that I was a happily married straight man. I'd never felt so alive, kissing this sexy older man out on the dancefloor. There was no need to play coy now as he put both his hands on my ass and cupped my cheeks. I smiled at him only briefly because I needed his tongue back in my mouth immediately. I'd no idea where the rest of the night would lead, all I knew was that I'd never felt this way before. END OF PART THREE
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  38. Rented a motel last night near the seedy side of southeast Houston intending to take some hot nutt. Boy did I ever!! Posted this ad on Craigslist: FAGGOT SLUT FOR ANON BREEDING Wht bareback cumdump with big ass looking to get loaded up. Prefer Blk & Latino but open. Love anon encounters and if you have a buddy even better. Door will be ajar for you to come in, unload and bounce. >>>ABSOLUTELY NO CONDOMS!!<<< Must send a pic of your dick to be considered. Text/email only Within about 30 mins I got my first hit by text. Guy was about 30 mins away, but still wanted to come. Same thing with a guy who contracted me by email. Both wanted to come unload. Next came a hit on my kik app. And another. Kik #1: Black top, nearby looking to unload. Gave him the address and waited. about 10 mins later, I had the door open. He comes in, slid inside and started pumping away. Emptied his balls and left. 5 mins after he left, email guy shows up. Walks in and starts fucking. Literally 3 mins later, kik #2 knocks on the door. I let him in. He was into joining in and I started sucking on his fast black cock. Another 3 mins and another knock at the door. Text dude. He's into joining in as well. Turns out email guy is totally turned on by the scene and starts directing traffic on my ass. I am in pig heaven! All three have great cocks and pretty soon they each take their turns unloading deep in my slut ass. Couldn't have planned it better if I tried!
    1 point
  39. PART TWO Fortunately the music started up straight away so Sam and myself made our way back to our seats. As we sat down Sam said to me "Man, that Jessie of yours is a lucky girl, you're a fantastic kisser", blushing I replied that he wasn't too bad himself. Our plan for one last drink went out the window though after winning the drink cards as I wanted to remove all evidence of me being there and whenever someone came to the bar they wanted to buy us a drink in celebration (and who says no to a free drink?) The drinks eventually took their toll though and I made my way to the bathroom for a piss. As I stepped inside I moved to the trough which had room for 3 guys side by side. I was pissing with my eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of breaking the seal for the night when I heard a familiar voice beside me, "Mmmmm, and a nice dick as well" and then gave my cock a couple of long strokes. I turned in shock to see the MC from earlier in the night. He was standing next to me jerking his cock and not even pretending to piss and I could tell that he'd be rock hard before too long. A voice on the other side of me said "Sorry mate, but he's all mine and I don't like to share." Turning round I was incredibly thankful to see Sam's smiling face. He batted the MC's hand away & took hold of my dick, expertly stroking me. Thinking it would be best if I played along I agreed, "Maybe some other time but tonight's it's just the two of us" and I slipped my hand inside Sam's pants and started to fondle his cock, turning towards him for another passionate kiss. I was thankful the MC couldn't see my face as I was so shocked by the size of Sam's cock. Even semi-hard it was longer & thicker than I could imagine! "Let me know if you change your mind then" the MC said as he left while I did my best to get my hand out of Sam's pants, zipped myself up & returned to the bar. Sam returned shortly after and apologise immediately. "Sorry I had to do that again mate but I figured it was the easiest way out for you and I'd already grabbed you once tonight. What's one more between friends!" We both laughed, "Hey I'm sorry if I went too far in there myself" I said, "It was probably the alcohol talking but I thought it was better if I played along" "No problems at all man, especially seeing I got to kiss you again. And Jessie's even luckier from the looks of that dick of yours" I choked on my dick, "Jessie's lucky!?! Mine's nothing compared to yours. God you could cause some real damage with that thing!" "It's been known to" Sam replied with a smile END OF PART TWO
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  40. @topblkmale--there is no difference--all 8" cocks feel good to the bottom. The difference will be in the chemistry between Top and bottom, and how each uses his fucking talents to provide maximum pleasure to his partner.
    1 point
  41. I'm still fresh on this site so still reading through the posts etc. I agree with Wood above, being half black myself I can comment from experience. Most of my friends are black & in discussions they've talked about getting turned off when white guys make reference to their 'chocolate' skin during sex (or before). As I'm half white I'm not as dark as most of my friends & don't usually get the same reference, but a few times its happened & I immediately lost my hard on & ended the hook up. Not saying there aren't some black guys out there that may enjoy it, but from personal experience most find it offensive & uncomfortable.
    1 point
  42. My Summer Job (Part I) It was shortly after high school graduation when I was cruising on line, I think I was on Manhunt, when they contacted me. They were a little older than my 18 years. I was told the older one was John and the younger one was Steve. John was 25, 5’ 10” with a muscular build at 160 pounds, with a shaved body, short cropped, brown hair with brown eyes. Steven was 22, 5’ 8” with a lean runner’s build at 135 pounds, with a naturally smoothed body, short blond hair and blue eyes. I told them my name was Hunter. They liked my looks with me being 6’ even, 170 pounds, a slightly hairy chest, blond hair and green eyes. They asked me; “What are you doing for work this summer.” I let them know; “I have not been able to find a job yet.” “Have you ever considered modeling?” “Not really. Why do you ask?” “We are looking for a few guys to model clothes for us. You can make $500 to $5000 a day working for us. We are doing the shoot here in Fort Lauderdale and will fly you down if you are interested.” This sounded too good to be true. But it was worth checking out. I thought about for a few minutes and since my parents were in Europe for a month I agreed to the offer, “Sure, why not. I’m not making any money sitting on my ass here.” “Right on bro! We will have the ticket sent to your e-mail. We’ll need you here in a couple of days.” I packed a bag and printed my ticket up and had a buddy drop me off at the airport. The flight seemed to pass quickly since I had my I-pod on and slept most of the way. I got off the plane and made my way to the baggage area where I was to meet John and Steve. They were there as promised and we shook hands. They led me out to their car and we were off to their place. They owned a condo on the beach and had rooms for the models to stay with them. This way they could shoot any time they needed too. I asked them; “How many other models are staying there right now?” “Just Silas, we start the shoot in the morning so get some rest.” We drove back you their place and I was shown where to throw my stuff. We sat down and had a beer. That’s when I met Silas. He was 6’2” tall with a lean, swimmer’s build, 6-pack abs, he as shirtless since he just came in from the pool, dirty blond hair and the nicest green eyes I had ever seen. We chilled and drank our beers and headed to bed. The next morning I was woken up and asked to get cleaned up and showered. I was instructed to shave all my body hair including my crotch since I’d be modeling bathing suits and underwear. I got in the shower and found a razor and shaving cream waiting for me. I shaved and showered and threw on my board shorts. I was given the clothes I’d be modeling and (since Silas was changing right there) I dropped my board shorts, put on my swim wear and we started the shoot. It was really cool and I was having a lot of fun. I changed clothes 6 times and before I knew it the shoot was done. John said; “You did a good job for us Hunter. That was an easy way to make $500.” “You bet. This is easy money bro!” “Go relax the rest of the day. Make sure you don’t get too much sun. We don’t want you looking like a lobster tomorrow.” I threw on my board shorts and joined Silas out by the pool, but when I got out there I noticed Silas was in the pool lying on a floating lounge chair naked. I figured, ‘what the fuck’ and dropped my board shorts and jumped in and joined him. I swam up to him and leaned on the floating lounge. “Hey stud, how’s it hanging?” “It want be hanging for long if you stay around sexy.” As Silas spoke to me his cock began to thicken. He was definitely a shower and a grower as his cock looked to become a good thick 10”. I licked my lips as I stared at his cock. He put his hand behind my head and pushed me over to his thick meat. I licked the side up to the head where I found a good amount of precum leaking from the tip. I soon found myself sucking on the tip of his cock as he moaned in approval. “He looked down at me and said, “Let’s move this inside.” I didn’t really care which room we went to, so I followed him into the pool house which turned out to be a play room with a sling and toys. We began to kiss as he wrapped his arms around me. He then pushed me to the floor where I resumed sucking his cock. He was still hard as steel and I was barely able to get half of his cock in my mouth. Silas put his hands on my head and soon I found his cock at the entrance to my throat. I never had any idea I could swallow his big cock but he helped me work it in and soon I was deep throating him like a pro. He pulled me to my feet and then lifted me up allowing me to warp my lean legs around his waist. He then put me in the sling. I wasn’t sure where to put my legs until he grabbed a couple ankle restraints and fixed my feet at a comfortable position. Silas then said, “We might as well use these on your wrists too.” As he lifted up a couple more and with little resistance on my part, he had my wrists restrained as well. He began to lick and finger my hole, getting me all opened up and ready for his cock. As he fingered me I began feel a burning in my ass. “That burns a little, what are you doing to me?” I ask Silas. “Just giving you a booty bump bro, relax you’ll love it.” I began to panic a little since I didn’t know what a booty bump was. I felt my cock get rock hard to the point it hurt as he began to finger in deep past my prostate. I leaned my head back and watch Silas work my hole in the mirror on the ceiling. I watched as he would pull his fingers out, dip them in a little baggie and then back into my ass where I would feel a slight burn again. As I watched Silas I began to feel my hole twitch the more he fingered me. Then he came up to me and asked, “How are you feeling bro?” I could tell my heart was beating faster and it felt as if the temperature had jumped in the room. I looked up at him and let him know that, “I’m feeling good Silas.” “I’m glad to hear you’re liking the booty bump I gave you. I’m guessing that was your first ever booty bump?” “Yes it was, what did you put up my ass?” “Just a little meth bro. It’s kind of like poppers but a lot stronger.” By this point my hole was screaming for attention. I needed something inside me. As Silas stood next to me and played with my dick I was ready to explode if I didn’t get fucked soon. “Are you gona fuck me or what?” “Is that what you want?” “FUCK YES! FUCK ME BRO, PLEASE!” Silas moved back between my legs, spit on my hole and shoved the entire length of his cock inside me balls deep. Normally I would have screamed but it felt so damn good I only moaned and thanked him. At the time it didn’t occur to me that he was fucking me without a condom and with the way I was feeling I don’t think I cared one way or the other. He just kept slowly, long dicking me, keeping his eyes locked on mine. I think he was liking what he saw in me. I am not sure how long we were fucking when he began to pick up a little speed. His breathing began to change and I knew what was about to happen. I was finally coming to my senses and asked him “Bro, please pull out and cum on my abs.” “You should’ve asked that a while ago. This will be my third load I’m shooting.” He then grunted and groaned as I felt his cock expand and spasm deep inside me. I swore I could feel something warm splash my insides. He looked into my eyes, leaned in and kissed me deep and passionately to the point I forgot about his cumming inside me. He then whispered to me, “John and Steve were right with selecting you for this part.” “What part?” John answered as he came through the pool house door, “The part the kid who gets knocked up for money. Remember I told you that you could make up to $5000 a day, this is worth $5000 easily.”
    1 point
  43. I layed in the sling strapped in unable to move even if I wanted to, in the monitor I could see the butt plug filling my hole. I was in a fog of after sex glow, my cock was rock hard pre cum coating my stomach. My hole felt full, but the butt plug was no substitute for the real thing. I heard voices from the other room, and then in walked my new friend, and another older guy. He was in his late 40's good shape with a smooth chest, and swinging between his legs was the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. It had to be 8 inches soft. He came over to the sling and stood between my legs, the other guy stood behind my head and reached out and tweaked my nipples, an electric surge running through them to my cock at just the touch, my arse clamping on the butt plug, I let out another long involunatry moan, "Jesus mate, he is a horny one" the guy between my legs started working the big fat butt plug in and out of my sloppy cunt. "Yeah you gonna fuck my hole?" the sensation of the butt plug popping in and out of my hole was amazing but no substitute for cock. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and he shoved it in, I licked clean the mix of cum and my arse juice, not to mention the "special oil", while I was doing this I hadn't noticed my arm being strapped and another slam being administered, I felt it though, the sting, the warmth, then the rush as I coughed I felt the dude between my legs slide his cock all the way inside me. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking fill my cunt" I had no idea where these words were coming from, but I'd never been this horny before and all I wanted was to get slammed by his big fat cock all night long. As he started to really pound into me old mate behind me started pulling back on the sling, so each thrust would be met by my whole body slamming down onto the cock inside me, "Fuck yeah Mikey this is one hungry hole, you want my babies in your cunt don't you boy?", "Fuck Yeah, fuck my hole, fucking fill me up". He didn't need much more encouragement, and with one final deep thrust I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum unloading inside me, he must have saved up his load for a week or more, cause when he pulled out a river of cum rushed out of my hole, which was now too open to hold it in. Mikey moved from his position behind me, and as the big dicked stud moved out of the way, he knelt at my arse and started licking the cum from my hole, "oh god yeah, eat my hole" His warm tongue probing my worked over hole felt so good and I was still flying from the second the slam, I wished my hands were free so I could stroke my cock. As Mikey finished eating me out a new larger butt plug was worked inside me. They both then left the room, leaving me strapped in the sling, buzzing on chems, and ready for my next cock.
    1 point
  44. My one I doubt would ever be fulfilled as to arrange it or go looking for it would mean giving consent. But I would want to be really raped. Just walking along minding my own business when a guy or group of guys tackle me and give me the roughest, brutal, cruel fucking I've ever experienced.
    1 point
  45. I love to pound a hole till it bleeds as a top
    1 point
  46. Sounds good thanks. Great website. let me know if you ever in Chicago, maybe we could meat
    1 point
  47. Was in Amsterdam yesterday at Drakes in a booth with glory holes, I took 2 loads through the glory hole from different guys, the first guy had a seriously big fat dick must have been at least 9.5inches & really thick, when he noticed i wanted it raw he did not pull out but pushed in deeper & harder rewarding my sweet hole with a thick gob of cum. The second guy was a leather daddy, He knew what he wanted & wasted no time dumping load number 2 deep in my guts when he could clearly feel the first load in there. Yummy love getting fucked like this through glory holes.
    1 point
  48. hay im 38 and a bugchaser that really has to get aids and hiv deep inside of my ass and not having a lot of lucking getting impregnated by hiv poz guys so just wanted to tell you and wish you could inpregnate me
    1 point
  49. This past weekend was pride weekend here in Vancouver, i took my last load from an anon top in the darkroom of a local bathhouse, 9th load of the day.
    1 point
  50. another great story mi dude....
    1 point
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