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  1. The moist heat of Tanner's seizing hole sucked Jake's cock length into him, I heard Tanner take a hit of poppers....the kid learnt quick. Jake struggled to push his last inch into Tanner, I sharply pushed the boy's ass down forcing his hole to accept Jake's entire shaft. The last inch vanished and Jake and I were balls deep in the jock. "Holy fucking shit" Jake cried, he tried to start fucking but Tanner started spasming uncontrollably down his thighs, "Wait, Jake" I said, placing my hand on his thigh to make him stop. "Just breathe boy, breathe in our cocks...you're doing so well, just breathe them in, own your cunt muscles, let them expand, let them relax...yeah?" Tanner took another hit of poppers and Jake and I literally felt his hole start to relax, his once tight ring expanding around our shafts. "Bro" Jake spoke "You're doing so fucking good...just fucking take it, you're such....uh....a fucking stud" I rubbed Tanner's sweat drenched lower back, keeping a little pressure on him so he didn't go anywhere. "Dude" Jake moaned "I can feel the heat from your open hole on my thigh...." He was right, Tanner's fucked up little cunt was in heat, an inviting warmth flowed out of his stretched muscle pussy. One more hit of poppers and I felt the familiar feeling of being milked as Tanner went to work. "Oh my God!" Jake cried as bit by bit we started grinding into the receptive boy. Tanner was struggling but taking it, I had to marvel at his resolve as he began to grind back on our pulsing shafts. "Fuck Tanner" Jake moaned, biting the kids nipples as he began fucking the boy, pulling out along my shaft as I pushed it. We worked him over like two well oiled pistons. Tanner was screaming, tears running down his cheeks, huge fucking smile on his face as I grabbed his neck for better leverage. He gurgled like a little whore under my thick grasp. Jake grabbed Tanner's hips, taking up the responsibility of keeping him put. His hole made satisfying squelching sounds, I forgot how much pre cum Jake produced. In no time our cocks were slick with it, gliding against each other as Tanner's mucus covered ass walls shuddered with pleasure. The friction was perfect for me, I could fuck a hole like this without cumming for hours. Jake wasn't so mature yet...He was getting close, squirming and shoving, moaning and writhing, jerking his dick in the heat of Tanner's beautiful little butt. He was lost and, I was happy to let him go for a while. I released Tanner from my grip, he fell forward coughing as I pulsed more blood into my dick, forcing his red raw hole to open further. Keeping my cock perfectly still, feeling Jake probe like a dog under me. "Uh....g'uh...ah....uh" he was practically screaming now. As the breath flooded back into Tanner's lungs his hole vibrated violently ... A little trick I learnt, a coughing bottom, makes fucking feel fantastic. Jake brutally shoved his dick past mine, popping it into Tanner's second hole and unleashing his virile, swimmer seed into Tanner's innermost, receptive walls. He grunted, and I felt his hot cum start flooding back around my shaft...I pulled out of Tanner...happy to let the boys have their moment. Plus, I didn't want any of the fresh seed to pour out of his wide hole. Tanner's sphincter gently closed shut on Jake's cock...sealing the cum up him. I went round to the front of the chair. Tanner was moaning gently as Jake began making love to his hole...the gentility messing with his mind as I leant down to his vibrant, youthful face... "How's that cum feel boy?" Tanner looked at me, wiped a tear from his eye, smiled evily and said "I can feel it, it feels hot but...so nice...feels fucking nice" "Good boy" I said...."cuz you're going to get a lot" As he thanked me with his eyes I let him nurse my thick, ass-warm cock in his mouth as I heard my phone vibrate from over on the other couch. I smiled...a few more loads in the boy, and the party could really begin.
    5 points
  2. I was a thirty-six year old poz guy of average height and weight with short hair and beard, glasses, callused hands with grease under my thick nails from my job in a junkyard, almost seven cut inches and size 12 feet. I had been poz for half a dozen years. Being a Top I didnt get pozzed the usual way, instead it was from a dirty dentist I found in an ad in the newspaper when I had a bad toothache. I had caught the flu and felt like I had been beaten in an alley and stayed in bed for three weeks getting up just to eat and go to the bathroom. I then felt well enough to make it to the doctor who ran tests which confirmed the quack that pulled my bad tooth had contaminated me via the hole where the tooth was, likely when he sewed up the gum. I had tried to contact him but by then he had been closed down and subsequently disappeared. I was back to work a month and a half later thanks to the kindness of a boss who himself was poz. I was careful how I fucked, rubbering up when I fucked neg asses or when the guy asked me to wrap it. It was a couple of years later when I pozzed my first neg. The asshole was a chaser in his twenties who had a bright future ahead of him but looked and acted like a loser. He said he had tested neg and his last sex before we met was getting sucked off by an old troll just before getting tested. I hid my excitement as we went to the cheap hourly no-tell motel. Once there he dropped to his knees, unbuckled my belt, opened my fly, pulled at the waistband of my undershorts and fished out my dick. He kissed it and sucked it into his mouth, humming, and sucked on it until it was just about fully hard. "You sure want it, dont you?" I remarked. He kissed my dick again and we stripped. He was an average for his age, an inch or two under six feet and about ten lbs. under my 190. His shoulder length blond hair as well as the rest of him looked healthy and I wondered why someone in great physical shape wanted to throw away what could have been a fabulous life. Then again I thought of my thrill of having a fantastic feeling orgasm in him when I filled his ass with my dangerous cum. He said he had been a letterman in high school and college and had a degree that would lead to high paying jobs and asked me about my job. I admitted working in the junkyard pulling, sorting, inspecting and cataloging auto parts but he seemed to actually like me for being strong and in shape as a result of my job. I had him suck my dick to full hardness and he obeyed, then he lay on his stomach on the bed and spread his legs while I greased-up my loggerhead. Once greased I spat on his hole and mounted him. I put my dick to his hole, rubbed it an inch or two, then I lunged, letting my weight and pelvic thrust drive it home as he yelped from the pain. He wasnt a virgin but he hadnt been fucked much either so his hole was still nice and tight the way I prefer them. It would also facilitate my dick tearing him up inside to create fissures to further enable my poz sperms to pass my virus into his bloodstream. Once hilted I flexed my dick in him and fucked him. He whined at first but after my first dozen self-satisfying thrusts he was used to it and was loving it after my second dozen. I myself was loving how good my dick felt in his cunt as I fucked away. I set a steady pace just to enjoy the good feeling of fucking him and knowing my virus-laden precum was also doing its work to put my first wave of virus into his system. I then gradually increased my pace after being satisfied that I had torn up his rectum sufficiently to give my HIV easy passage into him. I fucked him with gay abandon, enjoying myself as I began breathing hard and starting to work up a sweat. My pelvis sometimes slapped his ass as I fucked him good. My sperms welled-up and the rocketed out of my dick into his ass as I repeatedly slammed it home with a series of hip-snaps that made him flinch with each one. My dick was in seventh heaven as I pumped my poz sperms up his ass. I was grinning from ear to ear as I enjoyed my best orgasm since the night I brutally broke an asshole's cherry and we laughed at his crying in the pain my prick enjoyed putting to him with each thrust in his sore hole while my buddies held him down over two decades earlier. I rested on his back enjoying my conquest of him and how he lovingly massaged my weapon with his ass muscles to milk any remaining cum out of my dick. "Man you're the best piece of ass I had in twenty years." I said. He replied that he was so turned on by getting fucked by me he had cummed without touching his dick. That was most likely his last neg load he'd ever shoot. I decided to remain on his back and maybe take a nap while I reloaded and add a second load. I rested and enjoyed how good laying on his back felt with my dick buried in his ass to keep my sperms mashed against his anal walls. I knew he wasnt too comfortable under me but all I cared about was the enjoyment I derived from fucking him, shooting off my dirty cum inside him and knowing it would change his life. I dozed off and awoke three quarters of an hour later, my dick softened but still partially in his hole. I flexed it and made slight movements to start re-hardening it and gradually brought it back to full stiffness in him, then I began piston-thrusting. I fucked to get my second load off as fast as possible since my first fuck had already prepared his rectum to take my cum and virus. I fucked him good and came in a good fifteen minutes, shooting a good feeling load up his ass. My penis pulsed with pleasure as I added my second load of poz to the first. I felt good getting my rocks off pozzing him. I thrust until I was spent and rested. He gushed on how great a stud I wad to fuck him twice. I thanked him and told him how enjoyable pozzing him felt. A few minutes later I pulled out. I checked my dick and his hole. I grinned when I saw the traces of blood mixed with my dirty cum on my dick and his hole. He didnt have a butt plug but his decently tight hole would hold most of my cum in him which would give it ample chance to infect him. I had him suck my dick clean but didnt urinate in his mouth. I did piss in the john and we got dressed. He kissed my dick and balls before I finished pulling up my undershorts. We checked out and exchanged numbers. I headed home, my sexual needs and pleasure satiated. I checked with him a month later. My dick hardened when I finally contacted him and he said he felt like shit from the flu. He said he would get checked out. A week later he called back but sounded like he was crying. He tested poz and told me what his doctor told him. I told him if he took his meds and did the other things he should he'd stay healthy. I had a feeling he likely wouldnt be as diligent as I was and would end up dying in a hospice. He was OK the first few years but he took too many "holidays" so his meds didnt work as well when he did take them. I did fuck him a few times before his health declined too much and then we didnt contact each other as much. Last I heard he was sick and in the county hospital.
    2 points
  3. SOUTH FLORIDA - Just had a sub come to my condo building and take my load in the stairwell. 27, wanted a poz load. He got one
    2 points
  4. I watched Jake abuse the boy's stiff dick like the expert, seasoned cocksucker he'd become. Tanner was completely lost in the sensation, being edged almost continuously and not being able to cum. I had to admire my handiwork as the two hot little studs made out with other, feeling each other's tight little bodies, massaging, squeezing, exploring as their tongues embraced. I took a final hit, sauntered over to the boys, put my mouth next to theirs and exhaled, watching the boys breathe in the white cloud as it dissolved around them. I joined them in a three way kiss, sucking on Tanner's tongue then moving to shove my tongue down Jake's throat. "Can I fuck him ?" Jake whimpered I patted him on the head, "Not yet...I'm gonna replace the seed you felched out of him" "Ok daddy" Jake replied, my dick stiffened. "Tanner, daddy's gonna fuck you...when he cums, clench your ass...I don't wanna see his vim leak out...I don't want to punish you" Jake commanded, in between sweetly kissing the boy. "Turn around, turn out your ass and spread your cheeks boy" I said Tanner complied instantly, straddling the chair. Jake went round the back, stood on a Stoll and shoved his cock into the jocks throat one thrust and his 8 inches vanished without so much of a cough from Tanner. I rubbed my now concrete shaft on the boys hole... "Open it boy" I said, he complied...his tight boy cherry parted ever so slightly, pulsed open. I took the opportunity to shove my index finger in at its most open. It was like hot silk up there and I had to moan. "Its going to be rough boy, I'm going to Fuck you into manhood" I fingered his prostate and I swear he nearly swallowed Jake's ball sack as well as his entire shaft. "You'll thank me later when some of my friends Fuck you into oblivion....you won't want to be tight in an hour boy, and you won't be" I ran my nail along his pleasure button and felt him spasm uncontrollably.... another anti-orgasm swept over him. I ripped my finger out and delighted as he hole stayed open just a little bit longer. "1..." I said, spitting on my hand. "2..." "Here...we...go" "3" I shoved my entire shaft up his gently open cum-lined shoot...this time he moaned hard and Jake pulled out of his throat. "Just in case" he laughed. He took a hit of poppers, and watched me as I pressed into Tanner. He was way too tight for what I had planned and he'd have to loosen up quickly, 3,4,5 inches pushed past his hole's resistance. The boys shared the amyl and, in no time I was buried to the hilt in his hot little ass. My hands gripped his hips tightly as he breathed deep and hard. No help waiting, the boy needed it hard if he was going to make it through our party. I started pulling out, I thought he was about to scream but he moaned deeply instead. "Yesssss" he sighed in a thick baritone I'd have to thank Bruno, my dealer later...whatever he'd given me, was working magic on Tanner. Even as his ass lips tugged against my invading cock, blossoming on my being shaft, he still wanted more. I shoved back in. "Whoah" Jake clapped, "Fuck that's hot" "Can..." Tanned started as I shoved in and out of his de-virgined cunt "Can...I...uh....please....uh...God...suck your cock!" He cried, head up back low, ass out. Jake looked at me with sheer glee, took a step forward, eyes still fixed on mine and planted Tanner at the root of his dick...matching my thrusts into the Adonis' throat. Bit by bit, I felt Tanner's hole stretch but, not quick enough. He'd make all our guests cum in seconds in this state....I was only lasting so long because of sheer, mental diligence. I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and pummelled the boy's pussy like it was going out of fashion, in out, feeling it tense looser and looser around me. The the fog of my discipline of not cumming, I felt Tanner move slightly, backing up towards me. Then another set of legs by mine. I slowed down, opened my eyes and saw that Jake was sitting in the chair, under Tanner...cock primed. He smiled at me over Tanner's shoulder. "Need some help?" he asked, pushing his cock head ever so slowly against the underside of my shaft. "You read my mind fucker" I said..."Here though" I pulled completely out of Tanner, rubbing my pre cum, ass juice coated shaft on Jakes, then shoved back in. Jake smiled, bit his lip and pressed his dick against Tanner's stuffed cunt. As Jake applied pressure, Tanner's head flew up "Yea!!" he cried..."Fuck me...uh...together!" You gotta love jocks, I thought. Always up for the challenge. I heard Jake grunt loudly, felt a piercing rip shudder through Tanner's body and then, Jake's cock head pop through the outer ring, lodged next to the base of my already ball-deep shaft.
    2 points
  5. Jake poured a small capful of g into some soda, and handed it to me as he pulled out the points. "Hold your nose and shot this boy" I said to Tanner, lifting his moist lips off my dick. Tanner knocked the shot back and immediately sucked his gums as the flavour registered in the back of his head. I quickly guided him back to my dick as he flushed red and started to sweat a little as the g worked into his system. Jake left the toys for a moment, got behind Tanner in the chair, hoisted the boy's ass onto his lap and stuck his tongue up the boy's freshly seeded hole. Tanner moaned around my dick as Jake gave him his first, out-and-in rim job...hitting all of the boys anal buttons. It turned me on knowing Jake and Tanner were tasting me at the same time, I felt my cock start to grow again, snaking its way down Tanner's receiving gullet. To his credit, the boy never lost suction even whilst his face was buried in my crotch. Jake was list in the jock's ass, he'd come up for air every once in a while, spread the boy's cheeks further apart before diving back in, licking, kissing, and slurping on the perfectly corrupted, cherry-ripe hole. Whole minutes passed in this perfect daisy chain, each worshipping the other. All the while Tanner moaning, experiencing the pleasure of being rimmed out. Eventually, Jake came up, smiled, and indicated that we should switch. I was only too happy, the boy was close to milking another load out of me and I was close to letting him have it. We spun the boy around and Jake planted his lips on Tanner's, passing him a mouthful of my cum, sucked out his ass. Tanner looked momentarily surprised but, his cock got rock hard... "Taste it...Taste the seed that bred you" Jake said.... "Good bro!...now swallow..." Tanner did as he was told as I gently started fingering his hairless little cunt. Jake made a "syringe" action with his hand behind Tanner's head as he deep kissed him again...time for the real party to start. I got the tourniquet and points "On the chair kid" I commanded, slapping Tanner's ass hard. Jake switched out and grabbed a ball clench from our 'bag of tricks" "Dont want any accidental spillages" he grinned. Tanner looked so fucking gorgeous in the chair, like some kind of blonde God...cut glass body heaving under taught, Sun kissed skin, rivulets of sweat creeping down the crevices of his muscle. "Boy" I said "Anyone ever told you, you are perfect?" He smirked, a little slowly from the drugs I ruffled his blonde hair, bringing my hulking frame close to his, pressing my hairy chest against his hairless frame, kissing him deeply and passionately. Tasting my cum and feeling his heat. I broke the kiss, and began to whisper in his ear. "Tanner, I'm going to fuck you again..." His pecs shivered "Jake's gonna fuck you. We're gonna break you in right, get you used to cock, craving it...by the end of the night it's all you're gonna think about...that tight little jock pussy is gonna bleed with cum..." Jake began kissing Tanner's drug sensitive thighs and he moaned. "And...you're gonna love it" I continued licking his ear. "O... ok..." He breathed I smiled "First, cuz you deserve it...I'm gonna give you a shot of something, help you relax baby boy, help you on your way to realising what you were built for...what you were bred to be" "A ..." I bit his ear "Jock boy cum dump" He moaned and I tweaked one of his pink nipples. "That a consent boy" Jake bit the boy's thighs leaving an angry love bite "Yes!" He sighed "Please" "Jake's gonna clamp your boy balls, stop you from cumming till you're a man...no one wants your neg boy jock juice...ok" Jake began screwing the device on the boy and he winced as I strapped up his arm. "Ok boy..." I said...finding a pulsing vein "Here we go" Jake finished screwing the ball clamp as I shot the boy up. There was a moment of silence, I took off the tourniquet and... "F...fuck...chggghgg". The boy went into coughing overdrive as I soothed him, rubbed his back. "Ride it pup, ride it out...we'll see you on the other side." Tanner was still coughing as Jake prepped his own slam. He winked at me as he found base and let go...Jake starting coughing as Tanner came out of his fit.... "Holy fucking hell" he whispered "Holy fucking hell" His eyes were solid black and he smiled wildly as he caught sight of my semi hanging between my legs. "Want it?" I said "Fuck yes!" He cried, licking his lips.... Jake rose up between Tanner's legs. "Daddy'll be back in a minute" he said, passing me a newly packed pipe and engulfing Tanner's growing, useless cock in his mouth. Getting him hard and horny. He'd not cum with the clamp affixed. "Very good boys" I said, sitting in the opposite chair, stroking my semi and lighting up....Jake knew slamming got me off but smoking got me hard...the little fucker.
    2 points
  6. [Moderator's Note: This story was edited so it uses the words HIV and AIDS correctly.] Note: This story is FICTION. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enjoy ************************************************************************************************************************************ "I want to give you my HIV, now." The email was from, AIDSGftr, a new guy on BBRT. He had appeared just a couple of weeks earlier, and I noticed geo locator showed him to be just 300 feet from my place. I'd never emailed him, but thought he was hot: he was obviously sick, wasted, an AIDS belly, a few Kaposi's lesions. Looking at his pics made my asshole ache for his deadly cum. His profile said he had never been on meds, was recently diagnosed with AIDS and he got off on infecting neg bottoms. I was still neg, even after taking several loads I knew were high viral load, and, of course, having taken numerous anonymous loads. This guy looked to be my chance to take an AIDS load, to get the infection I craved. I knew there was a 1 in 70 chance of infection with each fuck from a regular high viral load poz top, and I wondered if taking a load from a guy who had been diagnosed as actually having AIDS would mean certain infection. I hammered out a reply and hit send. "Yes. Where?" "The big apartment building half a block east of you. Ground floor, corner unit, will be waiting in patio. Hurry." "On the way. Five minutes." I pulled on a coat and shoes, grabbed my keys and was out the door in less than a minute, cock rigid, oozing and about to blow. Was I really, at long last, about to take an AIDS load? It was 206 steps from my door to his patio. I made it in three minutes. He was waiting in the open door to his place, naked, hard cock jutting out, sipping on a beer. I walked up to him, he turned stepped aside and motioned me in. I stood looking as he smiled at me and stroked his cock. It was beautiful, long, thick, hard, perfectly formed - the perfect weapon to fill me with death cum and infect me with AIDS. He pointed at the back of a couch and set the beer down. "Bend over, pants down. You still neg?" I nodded and obeyed, my heart about to explode, and reached back to spread my cheeks. He looked disgusting, obviously very sick, but I needed his disease bad. To my shame I whimpered as I felt his cock smear precum on my hole. I getting HIV virus in me! "You want my HIV, my disease, you want that?" "Yes, god, yes, give it to me, give me your HIV!" "Oh, yeah bitch, gonna give it to you, gonna pump a load of my death cum in your guts, right now. I've infected three men that I know off, you'll be number four. You want that? You want my HIV?" "Yes, fuck yes. Please, give it to me, infect me now. Please infect me, give your HIV!" "Okey dokey, one more infected bugchaser, coming right up." He grunted and shoved hard, I squealed as his diseased cock slammed deep into my ass and he pumped away frantically. Four pumps and he shoved in hard and grunted into my ear "Fuck, bitch, fuck! Pozzing you, bitch, cumming in your ass, bitch, knocking you up, infecting you good! You gonna be one HIV infected dick sucker!" A warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated. I convulsed with the hardest orgasm of my life. He humped into me spasmodically, gasping as he pumped his HIV-laden cum into my ass. My cock kept jerking and squirting and I wondered if I had been infected. Had he ripped me open when he shoved in without lube? I could feel my ass burning. Was I bleeding? If I was, his virus had a direct route into my bloodstream. Was this the time? Would I convert? I hoped so. We slid to the floor and lay flat, breathing hard. I wiped my ass with my hand and sniffed, then licked. Cum and ass juice, no red streaks. Was there a slight coppery taste? If I was bleeding there was no way he hadn't infected me. I bent over his crotch and swallowed his still hard cock. More cum, some ass juice. No taste of blood. He was ready very quickly. He flipped me over and spread my legs, dove in and licked and sucked my ass. I moaned as his tongue wormed up my newly pozzed hole, knowing he was about to mount me and pump another load of death deep in my guts. As he mounted me again, I groaned with pleasure, and this time he slid in with no trace of burn. My neg ass was well lubed by his poison cum. He pumped me slowly, pulling out and plunging in repeatedly, stroking deeply, not quite long enough to bump my sphincter but plenty thick enough to feel incredible. I moaned and fucked him back, eager for infection. "Fuck my neg ass, yeah, fuck, infect my neg ass, yeah, give me your HIV, infect me good. Do it, fuck me, pump me full of death cum! Give me HIV!" He slammed in hard, humping me deep and moaned "Fuck yeah, bitch, gonna poz you good you bugchasing bitch, gonna infect you good! Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, bitch, gonna fuck you full of my HIV juice!" He slammed in hard and fast and held it deep. His cock pulsed and hot semen squirted into my guts. More toxic cum, more HIV pumped deep into me. "Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my bug, bitch, giving you my HIV, bitch, you're one infected faggot now, giving you my HIV!" I lay back breathing hard, my asshole pleasantly sore, feeling his toxic semen ooze out of me. No more doubts. I wanted more. I wanted him to infect with HIV. I leaned over and swallowed his cock again, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. Two poz loads in my guts - so far. I hoped he was up for more. Would I be infected with HIV before I left? He moaned and pushed me off his cock. I lay back and smiled, feeling his cum run out of my ass. Had he already infected me, or was that wishful thinking? "Damn, that was good, you're a hot piece of ass. I never fucked a man who begged for my death cum like you. That was hot, knowing you want to get infected from that fuck." "I do, I wanted poz cum in my butt, I want HIV in me, as much as I can get." "Well, you got some. I've been full blown for a while. My doctor warned me that if I had unprotected sex with a guy, I would likely infect him. Hope you're really okay with that." I was. There was no question what I wanted. "Yes, I am. I want your bug, I want you to infect me with HIV." "That's good, I'm gonna give it to you. You up for another fuck?" "Hell, yes! Let's make sure you infect me. Plus, that big dick of yours feels incredible in my ass." "Give me a minute, I'll breed you again. Mmm, do me a favor?" "Sure." "Don't fuck anybody but me until you test poz?" "Sure thing, as long as you keep pumping my guts full of your HIV, I'm your bitch. Anytime you want my ass, you got it." He fucked me twice more that night. I finally waddled home about 4:00 AM, my asshole raw, bleeding and leaking semen. In the next two weeks he screwed me at least once a day. My ass stayed raw, my shorts spotted with blood until I came down with the flu. When I was able he gave me a ride to the clinic. I was poz. Another dicksucker successfully infected with HIV.
    1 point
  7. This is the first part in a multi part story. It is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind. Any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. My name is Frank and I’m 25 years old and gay. I’m 6’3 and weigh in now at around 190 pounds. I have blonde hair and green eyes and I can easily bench 230 pounds for five reps. I attended a Midwestern University and received my Bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and my Master’s degree in Physical Therapy. I would be as most readers would describe as a hunk or jock. During my undergrad years I also swam, both for pleasure and as a competitor. As a matter of fact I had been swimming since I was 10. It came to be a surprise when my best friend from high school and college called me one day and offered me a job as a swim coach to his junior college swim team. I had been working as a coach for the local high school and had spent many hours suppressing my hard cock that would spring up whenever a player would get too close or spend too long in the shower soaping up his equipment. I never acted on the impulses for fear of being labeled a child molester but when you have 100’s of hot young guys parading themselves past your office nearly naked a man has his breaking points. Mine typically would consist of closing my blinds and locking my office door and jerking a huge load onto my desktop then licking up the evidence. I’m sure a player or two got an erection from my breath that sometime had the hint of a cum swallower, as I would lecture them after a practice or gym class. When I was in my late teens I was a horny cocksucker in a very conservative town in the bible belt so had little opportunity to enjoy same sex relations on a regular basis. Even though Andy was my best friend and we enjoyed making out, we knew we couldn’t get caught so we never progressed beyond groping and cuddling when we could, and passionate make-out sessions when we would go camping. One fateful day I heard of a truck stop about 20 miles out on the interstate where horny truckers who would shag just about anything that walked. So naturally I made some lame excuses one morning about having to go get some new feed for the horses, jumped in my Camaro and headed out to the truck stop. I pulled up between two large rigs and got out to see if the rumors were true. Now, I was a attractive teen, skinny and lean, although full of muscle from all the workouts and sports I had done in high school. As I walked up the line of trucks, my knees began to shake a little, wondering if I had made the mistake of a lifetime, wondering if this was to be the last day of my life. Most of the truckers looked rugged and very menacing, almost as if they had just escaped from the penitentiary a couple of counties over. My thought was to turn and run. Later I learned the guys would be called 'bears' in the gay parlance. At most I would be called a cub and a virgin to boot, having little experience outside of snuggling with Andy. There was a café at the truck stop and as it was nearing noon, I went in and ordered a burger, thinking food would calm my nerves. While sitting there chowing down on my burger I notice that most of the truckers pretty much just ignored me and went on with their business. A couple of them seemed to be looking me over, but most didn't even seem to register me. I had been sitting there about 25 minutes while keeping an eye on the men’s room, thinking that was where the reported action was occurring, but honestly the men's room seemed to be just that - a men's room, certainly not a sex venue. Suddenly an older man approached my table from my blind side and asked “Boy, are you lost?" I looked up to find an attractive guy about mid 30’s looking down on me with a shit-eating grin on his face. I stammered and said something like "No, sir, I'm just having a burger on my way back north to college.” I was lying and I suspect he could sense I wasn’t there for the burger, because his next question was "Have you ever seen the inside of a big rig?" to which I managed to stammer out "No, but I've always wondered what they look like." He smiled and said "Well, finish-up and I'll give you a tour of my rig." I gulped down my food on the spot, left a $10.00 bill on the counter and and followed the man out to his truck. He opened the passenger's door and gestured for me to climb-in and take a look. Once I got in, he went around to the driver’s seat and in one smooth swing, got into the seat, asking “Pretty nice rig, you think?” I was all but speechless, but managed to say something appropriate. Then he swung around behind the seat past a curtain and invited me into his inner sanctum. I was dumbfounded, and couldn’t believe they could fit a queen size mattress in there. He then began caressing me and kissing me, murmuring "Oh my, what a pretty guy." Of course I was more than happy to go along with his directions as he took my tee shirt off of me and began rubbing my back. He leaned me back as he pulled my jeans down past my knees. I had worn my jock strap that morning and he pressed his face into my groin as he began to nibble and suckle on my rock hard cock through the material of the pouch. He sucked on my cock for a bit before removing my jeans and jock, so I lay there naked but for my socks. Again he complemented me, saying "Oh my, we have some succulent chicken today” although admittedly at the time I didn't know 'chicken' was a euphemism for a young guy. He stripped off his shirt and unbuckled his jeans, and positioned himself over me and began kissing and sucking my entire nubile body. He licked my pits and the seat from my balls he cupped my butt cheeks in his hands and began licking and sucking on my ass and pucker. His spit was making it slick and his attentions were relaxing my hole. He probed my hole with one finger, then two. I cautioned him "You're going to make me pee if you keep that up” but he just nodded, took my cock in his mouth, all the while fingering my hole. I couldn’t hold back - the soda had made it to my bladder and I pissed into his mouth and down his throat. My hard cock had gone soft while peeing in his mouth but very quickly was rock hard again and dripping precum. He pulled off my cock without losing one drop of my precious fluids saying “Remember what I’ve been doing to you. Now you are going to show me what you have learned about pleasuring a man.” With that he leaned back. I pulled myself forward towards him and planted a passionate kiss on his full lips. He tasted of piss and, being a man, somewhat musky, but musky in a comfortable way, so naturally I wanted more, so I worked my tongue up and down his muscular body, lapping at his pits. The taste and aroma were an aphrodisiac. I nibbled down to the waistband of his shorts and he lifted his hips as I slipped his jeans and boxer shorts off of him, licking the head of his sustainable cock, which was my first real taste of cock! His precum was sweet and succulent so I eagerly sucked his cock into my throat, although I gagged a bit when he pushed my head down further, but he didn't relent. I coughed up phlegm a couple times but soon found I could deep-throat him with relative ease. I did as he did and cupped his ass and raised him up to reveal his rose bud. It looked clean and smelled freshly washed with just a hint of man musk I dove in not waiting to be invited and invaded his hole with my tongue. It tasted pungent and oddly, a bit like strawberries. I started to finger his hole and discovered he was easy to penetrate, so I wiggled a finger around inside his gut - which somehow felt squishy. I pulled my finger out and licked it to put two in and tasted a hint of cum. I looked up curious and he grinned, saying "You're my second today." He told me to keep fingering his hole and he would treat me to a good drink like I had given him. I was reluctant at first and he asked "Don’t you want to learn to please a man?" I nodded yes and took his cock in my mouth while fingering his hole. It didn’t take long and he was pissing down my throat. He then got to his knees and announced it was time for my next lesson. As I lay on my back, he took my cock in his mouth and raised my ass up in the air. He then threw my legs on his shoulders and positioned himself at my hole. He pressed my sphincter with the head of his cock and slowly invaded my body with his. It hurt like hell as the head of his plump tool stretched-open my hole, inch by inch sliding into me, eventually hilting his entire eight inches deep in my gut. When he reached full depth, he paused to allow my ass to adjust to the invasion. My legs fell from his shoulders to wrap themselves around his midsection. Holding him in in this position, his cock deep in my ass was an amazing sensation. He began to move his hips and his cock began its rite of passage in and out of my bowels. I was clearly there for his pleasure, and he raised one leg onto the bench to get more leverage and slowly bent me over so I was staring at my own cock, which was dripping precum onto my face. I curled a bit more and was able to reach my cock head. This seemed to make him even more excited 'cause he started fucking me with increased passion. As I sucked on my cock and watched his cock sliding in and out of my hole, I noticed a tat on his upper thigh. It was a bio symbol like you see in medical offices and on containers containing used needles. Now, I had been so horny I hadn’t even thought about safe sex when he approached me, and now I was paying the price: he was fucking me hard and almost certainly had ripped my man cunt in the process - now he was dripping his dirty precum on my insides. He growled a muffled gasp and shot his seed into my hole. I was his for all time. He had taken my cherry, my innocence and possibly my negative status from me. He withdrew from my ass, collapsing next to me, but still he grasped my still hard cock, pumped it, and said "Let’s see how well you learned your lesson." I figured 'what was good for the goose was good for the gander' so I climbed on him doggy style and pumped my load deep into his guts, so he may well have taken my last negative load. After I blew my load and withdrew from his ass, he lit up a cigarette and offered me one as I confronted him with my suspicions. He confessed he converted a few months back and while it wasn’t his intension to poz me up, I hadn't asked about his status before we fucked, so he figured I either knew what the potential risks, or I was already poz. He also remarked that as hot as I was, I would almost certainly be stealthed sooner or later, particularly given my high sex drive, so now I could have sex with anyone and not have to worry. It was getting towards 2:00 o’clock and we went at it again. He dumped another load in my hole and I came all over his face (which, to my pleasure, he made me lick off!) When we were done and he had to hit the road, he gave me a deep passionate kiss before firing up his rig and booting me out. He even gave me a butt plug to hold the juices in and so I wouldn’t leak all over my seat on the way home. I felt fulfilled. As he pulled out the scrap of paper he gave me detailing his return trip to the area fell from my hand for the wind to pick up and carry away. Andy had gone to the same university as me and we had some of the same classes but I had never confided in him that I came down with the fuck flu a month or so after my encounter with the truck driver. We even shared a dorm room for two years, but I never got treated for HIV while at college and I always lied to him about my occasional bouts of unexplained flu or colds. I was keeping myself pretty healthy for the most part and the virus hadn’t begun to ravage my body. Andy went on to get his masters at a different school and we somewhat parted ways. We exchanged Christmas cards and would call each other on important occasions, and I was his best man at his wedding. Still it was a big surprise to find out he was the athletic director of a small community college and he wanted me to become one of his coaches. (To be continued – taking the job)
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  8. Joined a while ago but this is my first post... I'm 19yo chav lad, blonde, footballer, 6pack, fit and based in Essex/East London and love taking random loads up my smooth hole. 100% genuine. Met a guy from grindr a few times but never seen his face pics, only his cock. I've always got my hole ready to take cock so he will message me one night to meet. We always meet in a park opposite my house and I wait for his however he wants me to and wearing whatever he wants me to - usually trackies and jock or football shorts with no underwear and a hoody. I usually wait between a container and a building in the park and 9/10 times he likes me waiting stood up wearing trackies and a jock and with them pulled down below my arse cheeks so he can walk up to me and start feeling my arse to get him hard, and when I can see him walking up to me I'll spit on my hand and wipe it on my hole to get it as sloppy as poss. then as soon as his cock slips in my hole I push right back on it balls deep, if his cock ever slips out my hole then i'll get down on my knees and suck it good and bend right over again to take it until he shoots a big thick dirty load straight inside me. he pulls his jeans up and leaves me like that, then when he's gone I get on grindr asap to find another random top to take their load. If any hot tops with uncut dicks are up for this then give me a message Even better if you can travel to essex, will be worth it.
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  9. I've always said the only difference between Abercrombie & Fitch and a gay bar is a mirror ball.
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  10. Today was a no clean day... the first...
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  11. x2. There really much communication at bathhouses, and especially at things like glory holes. Most people will just move on almost immediately if too many questions start getting asked. Its best to just assume that everyone in a bathhouse is HIV+, because even if that isn't true, many may not even know their status. The bathhouse is one place where pretty much anything goes. its up to both sides to discuss status if they want prior to sex, but as I stated before, the reality is that it just doesn't happen. People looking for reassurance or only certain status' just should be at bathhouses unless they are only doing "safer" activities like oral. Even trying to use condoms in a bathhouse is a crapshoot, because many guys top or bottom don't want them.
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  12. Yep, just assume everyone is poz. That said, if someone asks, I would be honest and tell them the truth. If they don't ask, then it is their problem if they get pozzed. Same for if they ask for a condom, use one or simply move on to someone who doesn't care.
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  13. yeah completely agree with the poster above. it cannot be said enough times. if you're having bb sex at a bathhouse or glory hole, even if its for a short time, assume that you are eventually gonna get infected. period. it is being said that one in every four guys at bathhouses are poz ... i personally think its more like two out of four
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  14. Well I got it pierced last night. It feels great, it's bled a bit more than I expected and I guess I didn't realize how much I sleep on my stomach until I'd roll over and feel the little sting. I can't wait to have my first jerk, even though my piercer told me I could do it last night if I wanted I'll probably wait a day or two more. I was pierced with a 10ga but I'll wait a few months to gauge up a little. I want to thank everyone for all of the tips and advice. I can't wait until I get to put it to some use.
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  15. Matt We had a fun night with Sam and even though we each had about 6 hours sleep it wasn’t continuous, so when I dropped Sam off across town he looked exhausted. Now it was time for me to go home and catch a nap Jeremy had to work the evening shift again at A&F and I wanted to be rested up, he was coming over my apartment when he got off so I also wanted to some cleaning. I’m not really a slob or anything but I can get lazy when there’s no one coming over and it’s just for me, I let things lie where they fall, I noticed Jeremy also had some stuff that he had obviously shuffled to the side so I could visit, you know pizza boxes, dirty dishes, clothes and the sort. So when I got home I grabbed a large trash bag from under the sink and started collecting what looked like stuff from the last party, but it was just an accumulation of thrash I had been too lazy to pick up. After picking up the trash, then the dirty clothes which had gotten strewn about I put together a load or two of laundry and wheeled it over to the laundry room, I might add I had thrown on a clean pair of sweats and a muscle shirt, as I intended to do a light workout while waiting for the wash cycle. I tossed the trash bag in the dumpster on the way over and then proceeded to load the washers, damn I ended up with three full loads, I waited till I was sure they were agitating then entered the workout room, the equipment wasn’t anything like my gym had but it was adequate for today’s needs. I stepped up on the elliptical and started a cardio set. I was just finishing up on the elliptical when to hunky back boys came in, I had seen them around the complex but never really paid them much mind. They were both very buffed and mid-twenties, and you could tell they were both packing nice sized cocks, I always had a thing for large black cock, makes me drool a bit and not from the mouth, if you know what I mean. I had started doing squats and they started in on the bench press spotting each other, noticed the thinner one starting to show some growth as they both seemed to studying me, I moved over to do some barbell curls as my member was beginning to fill out as well, by the time we had each completed a couple exercises there was three hard cocks pitching tents “Hey dude how’s it going” the larger buffed guy said “Looks like you’re ready to do some heavy lifting you need a spot” The thinner, shorter one added in as they motioned for me to lie down on the weight bench, which I did. The larger one stood at the top where I took the bench press bar in my hands my head on the bench just below his crotch which I had an excellent view he was commando in his loose fitting basketball shorts. I started to lift the bar up, it was close to my maximum weight so I struggled a bit, so he squatted a little to help me lift it in doing so his cock dangled inches from my mouth “I’m Eli, and this here is Jess you game for some action?” He asked as I placed the bar back in the stirrups, lifting his shorts leg up and allowing his floppy hard cock to fall onto my lips, I opened my mouth and let the drop of precum hit my tongue as my lips encircled the bulbulous head, jess had gone to the doorway to play lookout as I slowly let Eli slide his large cock into my mouth. He was leaking a lot of precum and I soon had almost half of his 12 cut inches sliding into my throat. “Damn boy you’re a good cocksucker for a white boy” “Someone’s coming” Jess piped in as Eli pulled his cock from my mouth and I sat up on the bench, making my own hard-on less noticeable from the casual person walking by. “Want to go back to our place for a bit? We’re just on the other side of the driveway” “Sure but I need to throw my clothes in the dryer first” “Kewl, were in 36 upstairs, see you soon” I hurriedly changed my clothes from the washers to the driers and headed across the drive, took the steps two at a time and was about to knock when the door flew open and I was pulled inside by jess. “Don’t want our nosey neighbors getting any ideas” I laughed as Eli shoved his tongue in my mouth and began roughly kissing me, Jess had my sweats pulled down and was attempting to get me to lift my legs so he could remove them, Eli wrapped his arms around me and picked me up and carried me into the bedroom, well not quite a bed room but more a playroom as they had a sling, fuck bench and a St. Andrews cross set up. He set me down on the fuck bench and lifted my legs, diving into my ass with that magnificent tongue. Jess began to feed me his 12+ inches of thick cock, he too leaked gobs of precum on my tongue, I was at once in pig heaven, I was so concentrated on the waves of pleasure they were giving me that I hadn’t noticed that Eli had replaced his tongue and fingers in my hole with the head of his cock, Jess was holding a brown bottle under my nose and as I breathed in deeply my head began to glow and I was in a stupor “pssst” a cloth was held over my mouth and nose and I began to spin into a higher plain of popper bliss. As the high began to settle and my senses returned I found myself impaled on Eli’s thick cock as he was pumping in and out of what only could be my wrecked rectum. “Oh fuck yeah that big black cock feels so good inside me” “You like that white boy, you like your big black son fucking you white daddy ass?” “Oh fuck yes fuck your daddy, give daddy your hot black cream” “Not quite yet, your boys are going to take turns fucking your hot ass” With that he pulled out and Jess moved in and shoved his cock in, it was longer than but not quite as thick as Eli, who had moved around and was shoving his cock into my mouth and down my throat making me gag a little. I could taste his precum and my ass juices with a little bit of blood. He offered up some more poppers and as they hit I could feel Jess push deep into my ass past the second ring then he started pumping faster each time probing for deeper depths. Jess pushed in deep and held it there, I could feel it pulsing on my second ring blasting his cream deeper than any cum had been pumped into me. “Oh fucking hell, you got a sweet cunt daddy, filling you up with my gifts” He pumped in and out for another five minutes and then pushed in again and unloaded a second round of cream, this time long dicking my ass spreading his seed throughout my rectal walls. Then he finally pulled out my ass was a sloppy mess as Eli the pushed back into me and pounded my hole for another 15 minutes then exploded in my guts pounded some more then blasted another volley into my hole They let me up and each kissed me, I could feel cum dripping from my wrecked hole, this would be interesting to explain to Jeremy. Eli left the room as Jess licked and slurped around my sphincter, Eli came back in with a warm moist towel and my sweats, and he wiped off my ass and held the soothing cloth up to my hole then helped me back into my sweats “guess it’s time to get your clothes out of the drier, by the way hot ass, when you’re ready for more let us know, we have some friends who can help you become a brother in the brotherhood” I left their place and retrieved my clothes from the driers, pondering what Eli had said, he used words I often read on BZ and wondered, oh enough pondering, and I had work to do. I returned to my apartment and folded the clothes I had just washed and hung up my shirts, after putting them away I did the dishes and decided it was time for lunch, it was just past 1:30, Jeremy would be here around 8, I looked around the place was looking almost presentable, as my lunch was cooking in the oven I dusted then vacuumed. I transferred the food onto a plate and grabbed the envelope the lottery lady gave me along with a pen and pad of paper and headed to the bedroom, switched on the Television and settled on my bed sitting and eating my lunch, I browsed through the helpful hints on the first page of the literature, one of the thing it suggested was to get a lawyer on retainer so as to avoid if possible any legal problems and to review ant contracts I might enter into, it also suggested that a lawyer would be able to help set up wills and trust. It had a list of lawyers throughout the state organized by county and metropolitan areas. I looked through the list then grabbed my laptop and turned it on. I opened my browser and searched for rainbow pages, got the link then opened their page the searched for “lawyer” A short page of entries appeared and I cross checked the ones on the lottery list and found two which matched, I e-mailed them both asking for a consultation with both. I read on through the helpful hints and then got bored. I texted Jeremy and asked him what he might want for dinner, I was determined to work my culinary charms on my son, sounded kinky but then again we both were. I browsed through my BBRT and BZ then A4A and a couple other sites, realizing I got loaded (knocked up) but I never came myself, now the dilemma do I jerk off or just edge saving myself for my boy. I decide I’d just edge the seat of my sweats were getting damp so I reached in my drawer and pulled out a medium plug and slid it into my bottom stopping any more cum from seeping out. Went back to BZ and pulled up “where did you receive your last load and once again found my little slutty son had posted of his exploits. I edged reading his account of how we seduced Sam and then plowed his virgin ass, I was hard reading and remembering the evening’s events reflecting back on us breeding our new friend, I edged pretty close then felt my ass spasm around the plug, I gushed precum on my cock, so it was time to stop if I was to save it up for my son. I looked over at the clock and it was already 4 o’clock and I was still hot, sweaty and ripe, I decided to hit the shower, washing last nights and this morning’s sex from my body, I removed the plug and without thinking placed it to my lips, my tongue snaked out and licked the cum and ass juices from the device before I thrust it into my mouth and cleaned it off it was tangy and had small red streaks on it but it tasted sweet with a hint of acrid saltiness. I rinsed it off and set it aside while washing my hair and body with a masculine scented soap. I climbed out of the shower and scratched the cat on the head before she ran off to do what cats do. I dressed and then headed out to the store, I needed supplies to cook Jeremy’s dinner. While out I received a Text from him saying he had a ride home and would it be possible for one or two more guest at dinner, he had a surprise for me. I texted back sure, then I gathered up more supplies to prepare. I got home and did some basic prep then set the table for four, it felt weird preparing for guest I rarely did it and even rarer when there wasn’t sex involved. I watched some dumb movie to pass the time then went back to the kitchen and finished up the meal it was just before 7 and I placed everything on warm to hold it till Jeremy and his special guest appeared. At about 7:30 a quick but quiet knock on the door. I got up and answered the door, there stood Jeremy, a Norse god and a older fellow of about 40ish. It took me a moment to realize it was Tony, Jeremy’s Uncle, I still had no clue who the Norse god was but I was still in a state of shock from seeing Tony. “hey Matt, not sure if you remember him but this is my Uncle Tony and my roommate Steven” I invited them in and gestured to my sofa, I took the recliner and Jeremy sensing my shock went to the kitchen searching through the cabinets for glasses and then poured us all some drinks. We started talking while he was in the kitchen “Tony it is good to see you again” “Ah the prodigal Dad resurfaces” Oh shit is he pissed still about me dumping his sister “Um, Tony, um, I’m sorry about your sister, I had no clue she was pregnant when I left her” “Shit dude I wasn’t pissed at you for leaving my Amy preggers, I was sad I thought I’d never see you again” “What? I don’t get it” “Dude we had some good times shooting the shit and stuff, not to mention our marathon sessions of tossing the ball around, while you waited for Amy” We did have lots of fun passing time, while I seemed to always be waiting on Amy, I was no Joe Namath or anything but I did have a pretty decent passing arm too. “I don’t know how Amy ever got to work or school on time because she was always running late on everything else” I suddenly realized we had been leaving Steven out of the conversation about the time Jeremy re-entered the room, finding a large charger, he used it as a tray, he brought the drinks out to us “So Steven how did you and Jeremy hookup” As soon as it was out of my mouth I knew it was a bad choice of words “Um, actually we were paired up by the Resident hall computer and were assigned to the same dorm room” “Sorry for my bad choice of words, so you have been roommates since freshmen year then” “Yeah and he thought I was straight almost halfway through the year” Jeremy piped in, laughing “I think he finally got the hint around Halloween when he woke to find me swinging on his cock, on one of his rare nights when he didn’t bring some frat boy back to the room to service” “Shut the fuck up, I wasn’t that Slutty” “Oh yes you were” They both broke into hysterical laughter “So Tony what you been up too?” Tony explained he was Married with three sons 13, 15 and 17, the seventeen year old about to turn 18 and would be joining Jeremy at college next semester, and most likely living with him as well, wink, wink, and they lived about an hour away, he whipped out his phone and started showing pictures of his family, lots of pictures of his hot athletic sons shirtless playing around, wrestling and such a couple of his wife. “Well boys dinner is ready if you want to grab a plate I will set it out and you can dig in” With that we each loaded up a plate and took a place at the table, Jeremy sat near me and Tony and Steven took seats on the other side of the table, there was a light banter as we ate Tony shared a little more of his exploits with his Family, Steven filled us in on things Tony and I didn’t know about him, his childhood and his coming out when he was 12 to having to hit the streets when his parents threw him out and ending up in foster care and eventually getting involved in a program called guardian scholars or something which help him get into college and succeed. The hour was getting late and the beers had been flowing all through dinner and Jeremy said he had an early shift at the cafeteria in the morning, Tony asked if he could use their couch to crash on since he didn’t want to chance a DUI and he was beat, I suggested he use my guest room since I knew the day bed in there was a lot more comfortable than Steve and Jeremy’s sofa. I pulled Jeremy into my room and kissed him passionately, having played it cool, not knowing how much he had told his Uncle. He kissed me back and rubbed me through my jeans, getting me rock hard then he led me back to the guys and gave me a peck on the cheek “Night dad, See you tomorrow” as he and Steven went back to their apartment. I showed Tony the guest room and where things were in the bath and I bid him a good night. I retired to my room and undressed and climbed into my bed, reminiscing of how I had spent the last four days with Jeremy, and Sam, as my mind wandered back to the days of waiting for Amy to get ready and the fun that Tony and I would get into, of sucking his cock in the kitchen to jerking each other off, and yes tossing around a football admiring each other’s naked torsos. I was just about asleep when I felt the bed sink over on the other side, then a warm body cuddle next to mine, it was too hairy to be Jeremy and the cock was a bit thicker as it wiggled between my cheeks “Tony what are you doing?” “Making up for lost time” “What about your wife?” “What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, will it
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  16. PART SEVEN I couldn't wait for the taxi to arrive. As much I loved being with Sam, I couldn't wait to have another guy's cock inside me. "Cool, the cab's about 5 minutes away" Sam said. "You'd better get some clothes on" "Why?" I begged. "I'm fine to go like this" "Not in public you're not," Sam laughed. "Put your damn clothes on" I let out a giggle of delight as the cab's horn tooted just as I put my pants on. Sam hurriedly put some things into a backpack as I dashed out to the cab. As we went outside the sun was almost up, Sam must've been fucking me for hours! The cabbie was a fat 50 year old guy, but most importantly, he was a guy. I told him my address and then whispered in his ear, "We're having a party at my place, wanna come?" and gave his earlobe a little nibble. He looked at me with disgust. "No matter, you've probably got a small cock anyway" I replied and relaxed in the seat as we got to my place. I swung the door open and dashed inside, tearing my clothes off as I dashed to the bedroom to get it ready for our session, throwing the dirty clothes off the bed as I did. I made my way back to the kitchen and Sam had a couple of glasses of water. He handed me a glass with a smile, "Here have a drink. We've been going for a while" I downed it one gulp but it tasted so terrible! "Urgh, don't you have any. The pipes must be playing up." Sam put his glass on the table just as there was a knock at the door. "That must be him!" I clapped my hands & dashed to the door. The MC came in and I could tell he was horny. "I didn't catch your name" I purred as I rubbed his cock through his jeans. He told me his name (I think it was John) but I didn't care, I was more intrigued my the extra lump that he seemed to have in his pants. I undid the fly and belt of his jeans and pulled them & his briefs to the floor. As I knelt down in front of John I saw that he had a cock piercing! I'd heard about them but had never seen one up close. I had to take it in my mouth. Mmm, I loved the taste of the metal in my mouth as I swirled the cock head with my tongue. "Been having a good night?" John asked. "Best night of my life" I replied with a smile. "But I thought the two of you just wanted to be one on one tonight?" "Things change" Sam said as he moved over towards John. Even though my head was swimming I couldn't help but feel jealous as I looked up to see John & Sam making out. They looked so natural though, I couldn't wait to please both of them at once. As soon as I got John's cock hard enough, I needed that PA inside me. I knew that desire deep in my hole would be helped by his cock and that big PA in my ass. I turned round and presented my aching hole to him. "Please fuck me stud!" I begged. "Are you sure?" he asked as he knelt down behind me. "I'm positive" "So am I" I could hear the smile in his voice, he was that excited to fuck me. I bet he didn't know I'd even been with a man before tonight! I could feel every inch of his cock entering me, and, even better, his piercing scraping the inside of my pussy as his cock filled me. Sam pulled his cock out and started jerking off. "Don't waste it for me babe", I pleaded. "Bring that cock over here" I saw Sam's beautiful cock in front of me & started to suck his cock again. Though John's cock was nice & thick and had a PA, it wasn't as big as Sam's. It felt so beautiful having a great big cock in my mouth and a pierced one in my ass. As these guys double-teamed me, I couldn't help but think back to my college days. There were so many sorority girls that me & the other guys had in the same position, fucking their pussies and their mouths. Those frigid bitches wouldn't let anyone near their asses though, and we called them sluts! Those amateurs couldn't hold a candle to a true slut like me. I'd show them how to treat a couple of college boys properly, fuck that, I'd show them how to treat a whole fraternity properly! All that thinking about sexy college guys must've had me really working my ass muscles as I could feel John's cock tensing inside me. "You want me to cum in your sexy ass?" "Of course I do stud" "Yeah, finish him off so he's ours" Sam yelled out. I wanted to make my man happy and finish John off so it made me feel so good when his cock hardened like a rock inside me and he shot his load. There was so much inside me, it felt incredible as he came through the piercing. While his cock was a bit smaller than Sam's, he came so much more. He pulled out and stood up next to Sam. I saw a bit of blood on his dick as I cleaned his cock up, must've been not using lube once again. John whispered something into Sam's ear and they started to make out again. Whatever it was, Sam must've loved it and he came almost straight away, all over my face. As I looked up with cum in my eyes, Sam said to me with a big grin, "By the time we're finished with you, there'll be no doubt". I knew that meant that they'd make me a slut and I couldn't be happier END OF PART SEVEN
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  17. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 7 Zak sped down the interstate checking out truckers as he cruised past their cabs. A while later my phone dinged with a text message. “I’m home, babe. Had a great weekend together. Miss you already.” “Me 2.” During the week we made plans to meet in Chicago to continue my sleeve. I drove down Friday evening and arrived at Zak’s shop around 6. I opened the front door and the bell jingled as I walked in. Zak’s face lit up when he saw it was me. He rushed to greet me with a big hug and kiss. “God I missed you, babe.” “You feel so good, Zak. Happy to see you.” “Come on in. Ready to get started?” “Yeah.” “Get comfy.” With a devilish grin he said, “Take your clothes off….or your shirt, which ever you prefer. I’ll set up.” I chuckled as I pulled my shirt off and plopped into the chair. “Your arm looks awesome, babe. We may finish it today…..Hey, what’s that on your abdomen?” He continued to set up his work station. “Umm, they’re just scratch marks. I was a little itchy this afternoon.” “Are you allergic to anything I should be aware of? Feel ok?” “Nope to the allergy, and I feel fine.” “Ok, then let’s get started.” The buzz of his tattoo gun filled the room like a swarm of bees around a hive. After several hours, my arm was on fire, but my tattoo was finished. “Wow, Zeek…..check it out. It looks awesome.” Looking into the mirror, “I love it!! Beautiful job, Zak. Thank you so much.” “My pleasure, babe. Want to celebrate with a drink on me?” “Actually, I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but I’m feeling pretty exhausted. I know it sounds like, ‘not tonight honey,’ but I have a bad headache started.” “Are you sure you’re ok?” “Yeah….I’m just tired.” “Ok, well, let me do a quick clean up, and we’ll head to my place.” He gently caressed the top of my head and kissed me. At Zak’s place I no sooner laid on the bed and I was out like a light. I woke in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat. I rushed to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before vomiting my guts out. I was burning up, and nauseated. I curled up in the fetal position on the cool floor next to the toilet aching all over my body. I must have dozed off, because I woke to Zak tapping me on the shoulder. “Are you ok, because you look like you’ve been hit by a truck, babe?” I half grinned, “Oh, good, cause that’s about how I feel.” “Think you needed one more tattoo tonight.” Half out of it I mumbled, “What are you talking about?” “A biohazard tattoo, cause I think you’re converting, Zeek.” “Ah, so that’s why I feel like shit.” Then I smiled and laid my head on the floor again. “Let me help you back to bed.” “I think I need to lay here for a bit, Zak.” He disappeared and returned with two pillows and a blanket. “Then I belong here too.” Zak placed a pillow under my head and curled up next to me on the bathroom floor. He put his hand on my hip and whispered, “I hope joining the club turns you on as much as it does me.” I smirked and pulled his hand to my crotch. I rubbed his hand across my boned up cock. “Does that answer your question?” “That’s my boy.” His hard death dick brushed against me as he kissed me on the shoulder, and we eventually drifted off to sleep. In the morning Zak carried me to the bed and tucked me in. “I know the conversion can be rough, Zeek, but it’s an honor to be proud of.” “I love knowing that you’re my gifter; that your DNA is in me, your virus is taking over my body.” “We’re connected forever, babe. Feel my disease coursing through your veins as your system surrenders to S****** disease. Relax. Let it flow. Experience your conversion. It’s intense, but oh so erotic. I’ll be back in a bit. I’m running to the store to get some things for you.” Zak kissed me on the lips. “I love you, babe, and I love that I’m the one that infected you.” I spent Saturday in bed battling the symptoms of my initiation into the poz brotherhood, welcoming HIV into my life. As sick as I was the urge to fuck and celebrate my new found status was relentless. I stroked my newly poz cock to climax several times, but again I found myself horny with a raging hard on craving more demon seed. Zak appeared in the bedroom doorway naked. His monster fully aroused, drooling toxins from its mouth. Poison dripped from his PA ring onto the floor. “I can’t stop thinking about you, babe. I’m so boned that you are poz. You need a recharging.” He walked over to the bedside, his throbbing monster swaying side to side as he approached. He slipped into bed beside me. My body was aching and soaked with sweat mixed with coatings of my poz sperm across my abdomen and chest. Zak lubed his cock with spit and pressed directly into my HIV infected hole. He grasped my throbbing cock and impaled me with his death stick. I lay there like a limp rag, but so horny for more of his virus. Zak thrust his venomous weapon into my guts again and again….slow and deep. “I want to flood your system with my disease, babe. Reinfect you over and over.” I just groaned with chills flooding my body. My cock throbbed repeatedly as Zak’s monster caressed my prostate. “Oh, Fuck, babe. I won’t last long. You have me so fucking turned on.” I reached across his body and pressed against his ass with what strength I had, trying to bury his death stick deeper inside me. “Give me more of your disease, Zak. I want my hole flooded with your virus.” “Fuck, you got it, babe. Here it comes. More of S****** seed.” Zak’s cock erupted with a flood of toxins filling my cunt with more HIV infected sperm. His cock remained in me pulsing and throbbing. As his meat slipped from my gut a gush of venomous cum trickled from my wrecked hole. Zak turned me onto my back and straddled my body. “I want to be the first to take my demon seed from your infected cock,” and he sat down on my hard shaft, burying it all the way in his ass. I let out a loud groan of pleasure, and we looked into each other’s eyes. It only took a few thrusts of him riding my dick, and he quickly pushed me over the edge. My cock pulsed over and over, releasing its disease from my piss hole as I filled his ass with my poz cum. Zak’s hole tightened around my shaft, milking every drop of virus from my pole. “Fuck yes, babe. We’re now sharing demon seed full circle. We are one.” I lightly caressed his chest and smiled. A tear trickled down my cheek. This man stole my heart completely. “I love you, Zak.” He crawled off me. He kept all my poz cum in his gut as my meat slipped from his hole. He stood next to the bed, his proud infected cock dangling before my face as he tucked me in. I quickly drifted off to sleep. Later that evening I woke to Zak carrying me to the bathroom. “You’re awake. Welcome back, babe. You slept all day. I ran you a hot bath.” He set me down in the tub, then stood up, unzipped his pants and whipped out his dick. He stood above me at the edge of the tub and pissed all over me. I licked the salty taste of his urine from my lips. “You can soak in more my fluids….sharing all of me with you Zeek….my hot little pig boy.” While I laid in the hot water and piss, Zak cleaned and dressed my tattoo. “Relax and soak it in for a bit, babe. I’ll make you a little bite to eat. You need to keep your strength up.” Zak returned a little while later. He dried me off, carried me to bed and propped me up with pillows. A tray of soup and Gatorade presented in front of me. “You need to try to eat, babe. The conversion is draining.” Zak fed me some soup, and I took a few sips of the Gatorade, “I can’t eat right now, Zak. I just want to rest.” “Ok, babe.” He took the food away then returned and curled up with me naked in bed. I woke in the morning with my head resting on Zak’s chest; curled up against him with his arms wrapped around me. My hard cock throbbed, pressed firmly against his leg. He squeezed me gently in his arms and kissed my forehead. “How are you doing, babe?” “I feel horrible, but it’s weird…..at the same time I’m so turned on that I’m converting.” “I can tell. I told you it’s erotic. Your cock has been throbbing rock hard against my leg for the past hour. Your infected fluids leaking from your shaft has me horned up.” Zak folded me in half and bent my legs over his shoulders. He said, “I know you want all my poison, babe,” then buried his infected cock in my hole. I whimpered with pain as Zak plowed in deep, but I was too weak and too turned on at the same time to stop. I didn’t want to stop. This demonic desire was growing in me, and I relished in the pleasure of becoming a poz cum pig, a vessel of our diseases, swapping and sharing everything together. “You want more of my demon seed, don’t you, pig?” I simply moaned with pleasure as Zak thrust in and out of my hole. My cock lay fully erect against my abdomen. “That’s it, baby, milk my poison from my cock. Take all my diseases. More of my virus is definitely in you already.” Zak plowed into me, each time his pole stiffened and stretched my hole. He pounded at my prostate repeatedly. “Fuck, Zeek, I’m so close. Here come my toxic babies.” As his shaft unloaded, recharging my cunt with his virus he said, “Take my virus, babe. I’d love to be infecting each other with AIDS seed, letting our viruses mutate, experiencing S****** disease fully.” That pushed me over the edge. My cock immediately spit ropes of poisonous cum onto my chest and face. I opened my mouth and lapped up some of my diseased spunk. Zak reached up and smeared my poz load all over my chest and abdomen while he worked his poison into my intestines. He stroked my cock lubing it with my cum before slipping from my cunt. I stayed in bed covered in and filled with infected cum and fell back to sleep. Zak canceled most of his appointments for the week. I stayed in bed, and he cared for me. We repeatedly swapped our toxic cum with each other daily. When Zak had to piss he carried me into the bathroom and drenched me in urine. By the end of the week I stunk of a mixture of sweat, piss, and cum. I began to gain my strength again and felt a bit better. My body was adjusting to its invasion and surrendered to HIV. I finally showered on Friday, washing the stench of my erotic filth down the drain. Zak returned home from his shop late in the afternoon. “Good to see you’re starting to feel better, babe. I have a surprise for you.” More to follow……..
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  18. I thought pozzing was my biggest turn on.... I blew some clouds earlier and it reached deep down into my dirtiest parts. I WANT AN AIDS LOAD!!!! Getting poz loads is so filthy and I love it; but I want to get spun and have someone make my dick truly toxic! I want to beg and moan and pray for that AIDS load. I want them worshipping my toxic cock while it infects me, taking a strain from every load they've ever taken. Them have them beg to be bred by my now deadly dick. FUCK! I want to be tatted, and pierced, and roided, and have an AIDS daddy give me everything and more.
    1 point
  19. Cum dump party slut. 18 loads already in january. 175+ in 2014 trying to double that this year
    1 point
  20. I like it when a story is developed over several chapters. They can be very hot.
    1 point
  21. I cruised the bookstore again a few days ago and this time I was the whore. I roamed around looking for cock, but it was slow as there were only four or five guys there. I honed in on one guy who was skinny, hairy, and a bit of a redneck. Personally I prefer thicker men, but I wasn't being choosy as, the sign of a true whore, my sense of horniness won over my basic preferences. In the straight theater a guy sat down and tugged on his cock through his jeans. And just kept tugging. Even in the dark I could tell it was sizable. I sat down next to him and reached over and rubbed his cock through his jeans for him. HOLY SHIT. HIS cock WAS FUCKIN' HUGE. I unzipped his pants and fished part of the monster out of his pants, got down on my knees and started to suck. Suddenly some other guys showed-up to watch, so he stood-up, instructed me to follow him, and we went to a private room. Once in the room I fell back to my knees and fished-out what turned-out to be an eleven inch beer can thick white cock. It was and remains the biggest cock I've played with to date. I did my best to service this guy, and as I like a challenge, I was trying really hard. As I did so, he reached down and pulled the back of my shirt up and asked "Do you like to get fucked?" "Yes," I mumbled, my mouth full of dick. He responded by gesturing for me to stand-up, and, turning me around, he spat first on his cock head, then on my hole. Handing me a bottle of poppers, he ordered me to take a sniff. I inhaled as much as I could handle as he started to push in. Holy fuck, his cock felt like a telephone pole was being shoved up my ass. It hurt like hell. He virtually ordered me to keep sniffing saying "'Cause this is gonna hurt." And he was right, as as he slid in, I kept sniffing. At one point I asked him to slow down as it was really hurting and that was when it turned a little crazy. He said," shut the fuck up faggot, you wanted this cock now you are going to get it." I was starting to tear up it was so painful, I kept sniffing and sniffing and sniffing. He said, "Once I am in, I don't pull out". I was trying to push him back but he picked up the tempo. He continued to degrade me and hold my head against the wall. I was called every name in that 15 minute time span. As I accommodated his big fuckin' dick, he cursed me out, calling me a 'pussy', 'slut', 'cunt', 'faggot', and 'whore', as well as saying "Take this big fucking dick. Take this big fucking dick and keep sniffing, faggot." At this point I was bent over, my head crushed against the bench seat. He grabbed my hips and continued to pound my hole. I could hear my self whimpering, but it felt like I was listening to myself from a distance. He finally got to the point where he announced he was going to blow, and all but shouted "TAKE MY CUM BITCH! TAKE MY FUCKING CUM FAGGOT! TAKE MY CUM AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH," as his load shot into my ass. Before I could recover, he withdrew, wiped his cock on my ass, tucked himself away, opened the door and left. On his way out, and before I could pull-up my pants, so my ass was open to all passersby, he commented to the guys "Don't bother. This hole is all used up." I started to fumble and pull up my shorts but just kept fumbling. I had cum running down my leg and I was trying to close my hole but couldn't. I started to freak out a bit, finally got my shorts on and left. I sat in my driver's seat and frantically tried many times to clinch my hole shut but couldn't. I gathered my wits and drove home. Cum soaked through my shorts and smeared all over the seat. It is now three days later and I have recovered. Well, not fully but close enough . At first I thought I would never play with that guy again, but a fellow pig remarked I would start thinking about him and craving his cock, which is exactly what has happening. I can't stop thinking about how he just used and degraded me. He made me feel like a true whore. I hope I run into him again.
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  22. Love it to be fucked till my hole bleeds looking for tops that do it to me
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  23. This story is so hot - really like the last lines.
    1 point
  24. This happened to me this morning. This morning I went to the mall to do some shopping, and on the way through I stopped past a toilet beat. I walked in and all the cubicles were empty, so i went in the one closest to the door. A few minutes later two guys came in, one after the other, and entered the cubicles. I did my regular cruising thing and leaned over to check out if they were cruising. The closest one to me was wearing nice black pants and leather shoes, and the other one was wearing red sneakers. Both of them were leaning down to cruise. Score. I hopped onto the floor and slid my knees under the partition, cock hard and legs either side of me. The guy in the middle stall grabbed my cock right away and started doing the suck-jerk combo. His other hand instantly slid toward my hole, and he started gently playing with it. I knew exactly what he wanted. I pulled my cock out of his mouth, got on my back with my legs in the air, and slid my arse under the partition by pushing on the wall. Without hesitation I heard him spit on his fingers and he wiped my hole a few times to get it lubed up. He pulled me further towards him, which meant my cock was also now in his stall. He put his legs either side of mine and just pushed his 8" cock balls deep on the first thrust. Just how i like it. He unbuttoned his blue collared shirt a bit so it didn't get in the way of his cock. His hands grabbed the bottom of the partition and he pulled on them for leverage. On a quick glance i noticed a wedding ring. Probably just a horny closeted married guy, just my type. I looked past his stall to see the other guy on his hands and knees watching me get bred. The married guy grabbed my cock and started jerking it as he fucked me bare, and soon after i heart him try to muffle moans. He was breeding me. He stayed inside me for a few more seconds as i squeezed my sphincter around his cock. But i knew what he was feeling: He had blown, he was done, he didn't need my hole anymore. Married guy quickly stoop up, wiped off, and left the stall while i remained there in my somewhat exposed position. My eyes met the eyes of the guy in the third stall. "Your turn" I told him. He stood up and darted into the adjacent stall, closed the door, and quickly knelt down and fingered my cummy hole. He then stuck his cock in and started fucking me like he was already late from his lunch break. About a minute later he whispered "I'm gonna cum". I stayed silent and took this second anon load. When he slid out of me i got back on the toilet, wiped the excess cum off my arse, and headed to get my groceries. Just as i was about to head towards the registers I was walking down past where all the milk was kept. Walking toward me from the other end of the aisle were a man, his wife, and their two kids. The man was wearing a blue collared shirt, nice black pants, and leather shoes. I kept a straight face as I walked past them, him not recognizing me, and wondered if his wife knew he liked to bareback and breed anonymous guys.
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  25. Can't imagine anyone not wantin to do this. Count me in.
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  26. I don't know if it is the blood or the fact that I was just used so hard my hole is bleeding, but it is a huge turn on. Best night I had was with a guy and his wife, his 8in cock made me ooze a little pink, but her 3in dia strapon made me bleed good, and they both loved it. Best part is when her hubby tried to fuck me after and she told me she had ruined my hole and I would have to suck him cause me ass was too loose.
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  27. I love to pound a hole till it bleeds as a top
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  28. def a turn on for me, especially when the top is into and fucks harder
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  29. That's the way I like it , prefer a guy that bangs me hard , with a 8 inch cock or more. where I'm bleeding , sore for a couple days. Reminds me of my 1rst fuck as a teenager. I need a poz cock
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  30. Good to see other guys who are into this type of thing. Fucking sleazy and hot.
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  31. Just got back from spending all night at Midtown Spa Dallas. Slammed a .5 there in my room, then opened my door and got fucked by anyone who was interested. Lost track of the loads. Whole TBRU weekend was a blast.
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  32. I just got in from an all night party. I was in a sling for several hours. I am told I took 16 loads. I lost count. I know my ass is a little puffy and swollen and I am still leaking cum. I know the guy in the sling next to me was a neg hole and a virgin to bb and he was being bred and pozzed and converted. We were all high on coke and T . He took over 24 loads I know he was in the sling for a few hours more than me. I did dump a load in him too after I got out of the sling. So I gave one load and took 16. I think the little virgin neg hole is gonna turn poz..he was bleeding when I stuck my cock up his hole and fucked him.
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  33. The primary purpose of bareback sex is for the top to enjoy it and to transfer his load to inside me. My cumming is irrelevant unless it enhances his pleasure.
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  34. The following is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind and any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. Andy’s confession to me left me confused and conflicted. I had never really been in a relationship that lasted more than a few months and here was a guy who, effectively, had had a crush on me since high school, some 13 years past. I was 26 years old, had a good job, (or so I thought until this point), no real commitments and a pretty easy freewheeling lifestyle - everything I generally thought I could want, and suddenly along came Andy who announced he was in love with me, and in fact had been since our teen years together as buddies. I got home from Andy’s town and was really tempted to take the job he was offering, but it would be a big change for me as I knew Andy would want to be with me. I didn’t know if I was ready for a relationship, which I knew was part-and-parcel with acceptance of the post. Then circumstances made-up my mind for me: following Tuesday after class and coaching the team, I got home late and checked my mail. I had sensed a bit of a buzz around campus, particularly among the faculty, many of whom seemed a little on edge, but as I was particularly busy that day I didn't take the time to investigate the matter. My mail made clear what was at the root to the turmoil I had sensed among my colleagues: upon sorting my mail I spotted a letter that bore the insignia of the school board. Budgets were being cut and extracurricular activities were the first to go. While I was not being dismissed outright, and in fact was being offered a position as a history teacher and collateral duty as assistant football coach, and for this thrilling offer I had to agree to accept a 10% cut in pay. The classic more work for less money - and actually being required to teach a subject. In contrast, the position at the junior college presented me with the opportunity of a lifetime to coach legal-aged kids at a junior college, with a substantial pay increase. You might think it was a no brainer but, as much as my work on the teams frustrated me sexually, as the kids were generally sexy as hell but underage and off limits, the work was rewarding as I had the chance to see them achieve something for themselves - and to be sure, I dreaded having to break the news to them. Effectively I was conflicted over changing not only careers but locations and leaving all the good friends I had made behind. I picked up the phone and dialed Andy. He was happy to hear from me so quickly, but he listened intently to my dilemma. He chuckled and then consoled me for losing my job then congratulated me on finding one so quickly - case closed. We both laughed. The following Monday I broke the news to my principal that I declined the offer by the school board, then went to face my toughest audience, the team. They were saddened but their parents had received letters from the school board notifying them of the budget cuts and the termination of official sponsorship of the school, they were told that if they wished to continue as a team it would have to be with up front private funding and they would have to find a coach not supplied by the school. My assistant coach was willing to volunteer his time but they would have to hold fundraisers to secure the use of the school pool. I told them I was leaving for the junior college and wished them the best of luck although I would be there through the end of the semester. The rest of the semester was almost sad as I said good bye to all my coworkers and some of my past students who had become regular fuck buddies after they returned from college. I swung by the bar where I would hang out on Friday nights a bid my goodbyes there as well hugging my friends and inviting them to come visit me half way across the country. I even had a fuck or two in the alley out back and wrapped up things before heading out to Andy’s town. I packed up my house in preparation of the move. The second week after graduation I headed back to Andy’s to start looking for a place to live. Now with me putting my house on the market and getting some really nice offers I accepted quickly and was ready to be able to put it in the bank. The cost of homes in my old town were I thought average but when I arrived at Andy’s and we started going through the listings I was flabbergasted at how much I could get compared to what I had had. Now you are all wondering where I'm going with this: consider, I was selling a three bedroom house and looking to get something similar for about the same. Well, holy shit, I could get three times the house in the town where Andy lived, so long as I was willing to move a little ways out away from the college. I had accepted a good offer on my house and had 45 days to find a place, to close on a new house, and ship everything to the new house. It was a tight schedule and wouldn’t leave much time for playing around with the locals. Andy, however, being a genuine sweet heart, thought to put me in touch with a realtor who really did his job for me. Ed the realtor was a handsome man of about 29 with an athletic build, turns out he was an athlete at the junior college before getting his license to sell homes. He showed me several houses which were adequate but just didn’t feel right not too far from the college. I was in a time squeeze and he knew it, and I wanted to squeeze him and pound him with my ever present boner every time he would show me a house. One day he called over to Andy’s excited over a home that had just come on the market, he thought it would be perfect for me and wanted to pick me up later that morning to show it to me. The houses he had been showing me generally had three to four bedrooms and were modestly priced for the local area but, honestly nothing I would call 'outstanding', so I was not overly optimistic when Ed telephoned me, but I was prepared when he arrived at the appointed hour, about 10:00. He looked like he had jumped out of the shower and dressed quickly as he wasn’t as put together as he normally was, I also noticed he didn’t seem to wearing underwear like he usually did, I put it off as him eager to show me this house. We hoped into his SUV and he began to drive away from Andy’s and away from the campus, I asked how far out was this property and he said about 15 minutes from Andy’s. We drove about 15 minutes out on a quiet road then turned up a private drive to what looked like a mansion compared to the homes near the campus. He informed me it was a lot of house but it had potential for someone like me. His emphasis on someone like me seemed a bit laced with sexual tension. He explained it had been vacant for months since the previous owner died on a cruise somewhere in Europe and the relatives had been bickering on who would get it. They decided to put it up for sale for a very low price just to end the fighting. It was 6 bedrooms and 5 baths with a large living space and movie room and the deck and pool were just perfect for my needs. He lead me into the entry way and I stood in awe as he lead me through the house it just got better, then he lead me to the back yard It was Perfect more than I could have ever hoped for, I told Ed to put in my offer right then and there, he walked inside talked on the phone for a couple minutes and came out and told me There were just a few legal papers I’d have to sign and the house would be in escrow with my name on it. He then leaned over and planted a large kiss on my lips. It didn’t take long for me to have ED out of his clothes and we were fucking in the cold tub, The heater hadn’t been turned on. Ed enjoyed fucking me and making me squirm. I enjoyed knowing this could be happening in my house frequently and I could only imagine the number of college guys who would love to come over and keep me sated with hot sex. We played around for about 45 minutes and he walked out to his SUV naked and grabbed a clean outfit from the back seat. We dressed in the living room and he drove me back to Andy’s. I called Andy at the college and told him that Ed would be bringing by the papers to sign and get the process going that evening and he was happy for me. I also called the moving company and scheduled a pickup of all my stuff back at my old house. This would be my last night at Andy’s It was late morning and I had some things to do in town before preparing to leave for home. I stopped by the market and picked up three steaks for Barbequing and picked up my dry cleaning. It was the last week of June and I had little time before my old house would close escrow and school beginning. Andy always walked to and from work when the weather was nice and today was no exception so running around in his car made everything so much easier. I took a quick jaunt up to look at my new house , and to make sure I was not just dreaming, sure enough it was still there. Upon returning to Andy’s I placed the steaks in some marinade and set them in the refrigerator to soak up the juices. I packed my bags and double checked my flight reservations on the computer, everything was in order. While on the computer I decided to do some research on the previous owner, Didn’t want any ghost to spoil my dream life come true. It turned out that the previous owner had made a fortune photographing young men for fashion and I suspected other endeavors. He had been vacationing in the Mediterranean when he succumbed to a heart ailment and passed away. His family consisting of brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews fought over his estate and the possessions therein. Explained why all the furnishings were gone but they weren’t all that thorough about cleaning. Andy arrived home around 5 and went out and started the Barbeque then went in and got comfy in a pair of basketball shorts and a tee shirt. Ed arrived about 5:30 dressed in his shirt and tie and slacks. Andy said I know he was here on business but took him into the bedroom and handed him some shorts and a tee shirt so he would be comfortable for our celebratory dinner. I put the steaks on the bbq and went inside. Ed handed me a stack of papers and we sat down at the table I sent Andy out to watch the Steaks and Ed went through the paperwork with me. After about a half dozen signatures it seemed I was in escrow as Ed faxed the papers over to the proper places. I had asked for and the previous owners had agreed on a 20 day escrow and Ed said he would take care of the inspections and anything that came up while I was away packing up the old house. He said he would pick up the keys for me if I hadn’t made it back by the end of escrow. Since I had put down a very large chunk of the asking price I suspected all would go smoothly. Andy also added me a piece of paper saying that I needed to Officially accept the Job position. One more signature for the evening We sat down to eat the dinner that Andy and I had prepared and joked around and told tells of some of the coeds exploits. Andy then asked Ed if he sealed the deal with me the way he had with him. Ed got a nasty grin and said almost he told Andy that he had sank his load in me but I had yet the chance to plant my seed in him. He had been plying footsie with Andy and me under the table through most of dinner. And I had returned the favor by feeling him up his Basketball shorts. I turned to Ed and told him I was Poz and he just shrugged and said about time this town saw some dirty seed, we all laughed. As we started making out right there at the table, plates and utensils were pushed out of the way to make way for our lovemaking. Dinner had already been consumed and now Andy and Ed were attempting to consume me as we made our way from the table to the bedroom I felt both of them fondle my ass and I lead Ed down the hall by his cock. Andy had gotten behind Ed and rimmed his ass til it was dripping with his spit then guided my hard cock into his rosebud. He sat down hard and took me to the hilt in one quick movement then started rocking back and forth on my cock. Andy then Slid his cock next to mine which almost made me cum right then but I held out and we double fucked Ed for about 5 minutes before I saw on Andy’s face he was about to cum and I let myself be enveloped as well as we both shoot large loads deep in Ed. So Ed turns to Andy and asked if he was Poz as well, and Andy replied he was still negative but it wasn’t for the lack of trying we all laughed. We all slept together that nigh on Andy’s king size bed having periods of hot sex and Ed drove me to the airport the next morning. To be continued – moving, starting new job
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  35. The following is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind and any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. I had only occasionally been in touch with Andy over the past few years - a Christmas card here, a birthday card there and so on. In my first year as a grad student I became fairly ill with an opportunistic parasite which left me pretty weak and unable to go to class for a couple weeks. My professors were nice enough to let me make up the work and I worked on my thesis during the recuperation time. I also for the first time started taking meds to control beat back the HIV and give my body time to build-back my immunization system. Up until then my viral load had been high but so had my T cell count, the doctors became alarmed when my T-cell counts began to plummet. I had lead a healthy active life up until then filled with lots of sex and sports and I wanted to continue being active so I relented and started taking the medicines they prescribed for me. I never told Andy of my condition and he never really asked much, even when I had the sniffles at his wedding. I just said it was 'allergies' as I made out with him the night of his bachelor party. I always had feelings for Andy, kind of like an incestuous brother, and I suspected he had some feelings for me. Andy had arraigned for me to come up to his rural town to take a look at the junior college where he wanted me to coach. With the timing occurring at spring break I accepted his offer to travel to see him and the school It was about an hour and half plane flight. He met me at the baggage claim area. I was still in great shape, even though HIV had some damage to my physique. Andy however looks fantastic - like time had stood still for him. We both had gained a little weight but with Andy it looked more like muscle mass than going to fat. He was fit as a fiddle. It was midterm so I had a couple months to toy with the Idea of taking the job but he wanted me to come up and see the school and he hoped he would sway me to accept the offer. Andy didn’t bother getting me a hotel and let me know I would be staying with him for the week. Andy’s apartment was close to the college and, like Andy himself, the apartment was immaculate. It was clean, tidy and tastefully furnished, although somewhat sporty and very much looking like a bachelor pad. I looked at Andy and inquired about Sue. He replied that they had divorced after the baby was born and that he would tell me the details later after I got settled in. He took me to the second bedroom and pointed out a dresser and closet I could use to store my clothing. Naturally my interest was piqued and I wanted to ask Andy what had happened, but Andy was very tight-lipped about the details. Andy suggested a walk to get some food and see the campus, so I changed my shoes to something more comfortable to walk in and Andy lead the way down the street to a tree-lined neighborhood with lots of fraternity style houses and cute bungalows. As we walked I noticed quite a few hot guys in minimal attire and some nerdy ones looking very preppy. Andy explained their spring break was still a week off and so classes were still in session. As we walked closer to the campus there were even more hot guys to gawk over and some cruised back. I was pleasantly surprised. We arrived at the campus burger joint and we placed our order with a hot twink clerk. Andy and the clerk seemed to know each other. He was very flirty with both of us and Andy blushed, smiling as we sat down. Then his smile broadened into a shit-eating grin and he quietly said the clerk was a recruit for next year’s team and very available. Andy had set me up knowing my weakness for cute athletic twinks and the clerk's weakness for slightly older 'daddy types'. I told him he was terrible - tempting me with such treats. With lunch out of the way Andy then gave me a tour of the campus and introduced me to some of the professors and staff. He ever made a point to show me where the glory holes complete with complimentary condom dispensers. (I scooped up a few for later - if it came to that.) Andy also showed me several make out / hook-up spots. Andy informed me that this was a progressive college in a conservative town. He even introduced me to the campus chief of police. At one of the glory holes he had me sit on the toilet while he jerked at the urinal and sure enough a hot college guy came in and played with both of us. I asked if this wasn’t a risky venture and he replied if nobody complains then it’s never investigated. And being a progressive college very few complaints are filed for lewd activity and that much of the police force came in to get their rocks off since a little over half of the officers were either bi or gay. This completely took me off guard and the job was becoming more and more tempting. I was a High school coach and while I found most of my team players hot and all, but I would never touch them or play with them, it was just out of the question. Here not only were the players of legal age but it looked as if some were ready to take the plunge into gay sex. Andy could sense my excitement and the next stop was the athletic facilities. He toured me around the locker rooms and the coach’s offices and introduced me to several of the coaches and students who he knew. My excitement was building not to mention my level of being horny, by the time he escorted me back to his office I had a raging boner. I sat down in a chair opposite his desk and Andy locked the door and came up behind me and began caressing my neck and shoulders he bent over and kissed my neck. He then walked around and sat behind his desk “tease” was all I could say and he grinned at me and said “Frank , you are the reason I no longer am married to Sue”. “What” I was dumbfounded I stared at Andy as he explained that the time we had spent together in high school and college were some of the happiest times of his life. And that after his son was born all he could think about when having sex with his wife was when the two of us were kissing and fondling each other and when fucking Sue, he always found himself thinking about me as he blew his load. I thought 'Wait a minute, stud. Perhaps need a time out here'. Andy backed up a bit and told me how although we never did anything beyond second base he fantasied about it all the time. He then told me how Sue had caught him getting head behind this very desk and how he had come home one afternoon to find Sue muff-diving with a another woman. They were both gay and it really wasn’t much more than a marriage of convenience. Although he loved his ex-wife for giving him a son, he wasn’t interested in having sex with her anymore. Andy then approached me and stood me up and we kissed deeply he fondled my raging boner and whispered in my ear that that would have to wait till later and we kissed some more. He got me so excited it was just like in HS and in the dorm room and I shot my wad right then in my shorts and he chuckled. Andy walked me back to the apartment and ordered a pizza for dinner, apologizing that he wanted me more than food at that moment. Andy and I were sucking each other off when the pizza boy arrived, Andy answered the door in his robe just barely concealing a jockstrap. The pizza delivery guy was a young college student who suddenly didn’t have change but was willing to take his tip. We had him naked in record time and Andy ended up plowing the stud for all he was worth. I then slipped on a condom and fucked the youth as well feeling the load Andy had already shot up the boy’s ass being used as lube for my wrapped up cock. The delivery guy sucked the juice off of Andy’s cock as I dumped a load into the reservoir of the condom. I peeled off the wrapper and let the boy slur p off my juices. Andy then introduced the boy and Miguel one of the divers on the team and told him I might be coaching next semester. Miguel left and we chowed down the pizza, we made out some more and Andy lead me to his room were we cuddled and made love all night. In the morning Andy told me he wanted me more than ever and when he said wanted he meant all of me, including the part I wouldn’t give him senior year of high school. I looked at Andy and asked him if I caught his drift and he nodded yes he wanted me in him. I looked at Andy and told him I was positive and had been for the past 7 years. Andy said he already knew and that he knew about the trucker and he was deeply hurt that I wouldn’t share with him the gift I had been given so young in life. I cried and Andy wiped away the tears and fondled my raging cock then turned around and slid his hole down the length of it, pushing me deep inside of him. “Andy is this really what you want” he replied with a emphatic yes and began working my rod with his ass muscles so I began fucking my best friend slowly at first then fasted, harder and rougher as I brought my self to a crescendo of lust for my best buddy. We fucked at least twice a day for the remainder of the week before I had to fly home and return to my duties as a High School coach (To be continued –tough decisions made easy)
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